Syntax of the vlookup function in Excel. Basic information about index and search pos. We use several VLOOKUPS in one formula

VLOOKUP is an Excel function that allows you to search a specific column using data in another column. VLOOKUP function in Excel it is also used to transfer data from one table to another. There are three conditions:

  1. Tables must be located in one Excel workbook.
  2. You can only search among static data (not formulas).
  3. The search term must be in the first column of the data used.

VLOOKUP formula in Excel

VLOOKUP syntax in Russified Excel it looks like:

VLOOKUP (search criterion; data range; column number with result; search condition)

The arguments required to search for the final result are indicated in parentheses.

Search criteria

Cell address Excel sheet, which specifies the data to search in the table.

Data range

All addresses among which the search is carried out. The first column should be the one in which the search criterion is located.

Column number for total value

The column number from which the value will be taken if a match is found.

Search condition

A Boolean value (true/1 or false/0) that specifies whether to look for an approximate match (1) or an exact match (0).

VLOOKUP in Excel: function examples

The principle of operation of the function is simple. The first argument contains the search criteria. As soon as a match is found in the table (second argument), information is taken from the desired column (third argument) of the found row and inserted into the cell with the formula.
Simple application of VPR– search for values ​​in an Excel table. It has meaning in large volumes of data.

Let's find the number of products actually released by the name of the month.
The result will be displayed to the right of the table. In the cell with address H3 we will enter the desired value. In the example, the name of the month will be indicated here.
In cell H4 we enter the function itself. This can be done manually, or you can use a wizard. To call, place the pointer on cell H4 and click the Fx icon next to the formula bar.

A wizard window will open Excel functions. You need to find a VLOOKUP in it. Select “Full Alphabetical List” from the drop-down list and start typing VLOOKUP. Highlight the found function and click OK.

A VLOOKUP window will appear for Excel tables.

To specify the first argument (criteria), place the cursor in the first row and click on cell H3. Her address will appear in the line. To select a range, place the cursor in the second line and start selecting with the mouse. The window will be minimized to a line. This is done so that the window does not interfere with your ability to see the entire range and does not interfere with your actions.

Once you have finished selecting and release left button mouse, the window will return to its normal state, and the address of the range will appear in the second line. It is calculated from the top left cell to the bottom right cell. Their addresses are separated by the operator “:” - all addresses between the first and last are taken.

Move the cursor to the third line and read from which column the data will be taken if a match is found. In our example it is 3.

Leave the last line blank. By default the value will be 1, let's see what value our function will output. Click OK.

The result is discouraging. "N/A" means invalid data for the function. We haven't specified a value in cell H3 and the function is looking for a blank value.

Enter the name of the month and the value will change.

Only it does not correspond to reality, because the actual actual number of products produced in January is 2000.
This is the effect of the Search Condition argument. Let's change it to 0. To do this, place the pointer on the cell with the formula and press Fx again. In the window that opens, enter “0” in last line.

Click "OK". As you can see, the result has changed.

To check the second condition from the beginning of our article (the function does not search among formulas), let’s change the conditions for the function. Let's increase the range and try to derive a value from a column with calculated values. Enter the values ​​as in the screenshot.

Click OK. As you can see, the search result turned out to be 0, although the value in the table is 85%.

VLOOKUP in Excel “understands” only fixed values.

Comparing data from two Excel tables

VLOOKUP in Excel can be used to compare data from two tables. For example, let’s say we have two sheets with data on product output from two workshops. We can match actual release for both. Let us remind you that to switch between sheets, use their shortcuts at the bottom of the window.

On two sheets we have identical tables with different data.

As you can see, their release plan is the same, but the actual one is different. Switch and compare line by line even for small volumes the data is very inconvenient. On the third sheet, create a table with three columns.

In cell B2 we enter the VLOOKUP function. As the first argument, we will indicate the cell with the month on the current sheet, and select the range from the “Workshop1” sheet. To prevent the range from shifting when copying, press F4 after selecting the range. This will make the link absolute.

Extend the formula to cover the entire column.

Enter the formula in the same way in the next column, only select the range on the “Workshop2” sheet.

After copying, you will receive a summary report from two sheets.

Substituting data from one Excel table to another

This action is performed in the same way. For our example, you don’t need to create separate table, but simply enter the function into a column of any of the tables. Let's show it using the first example. Place the pointer in the last column.

And in cell G3 place the VLOOKUP function. We again take the range from the adjacent sheet.

As a result, the column of the second table will be copied to the first.

That's all the information about the invisible, but useful function VLOOKUP in Excel for dummies. We hope it will help you in solving problems.

Have a great day!

Many people know and use it often. But at the same time, it has two significant drawbacks, for example, how to make “Left VLOOKUP”. I only use VLOOKUP myself if I need to do something quickly. In files for “regular” use, I make the INDEX and SEARCH constructs. How is it better?

  1. When adding a column to a data table, you do not need to change the column number in the formula itself (as in a VLOOKUP). The column will move automatically
  2. You can do a VLOOKUP the other way around, i.e. make a choice from the table from right to left. In a VLOOKUP, the first column should always be searchable.

How to do all this, read below :)

I will use an example from. In order to better understand the application of this design in comparison with VLOOKUP:

How easy is it to fill out if you see the formula for the first time?

First, decide where the initial table is and where to receive data! Step by step what to fill out.

  1. Insert the formula into the desired area of ​​the table
  2. In place of $G:$G, put those cells in which the value should be found and, accordingly, should appear as a result. We are looking for a last name, so look for the column with last names in the initial table.
  3. Replace $J:$J with depending on which values ​​should be returned to the cell. We need Last Names depending on the vehicle - insert those vehicles next to which the values ​​should appear.
  4. Instead of $H:$H, fill in the column with in which you need to find the corresponding value. Those. We are looking for Last Name by Vehicle, which means we insert a column with Vehicle in the original table.

If you are wondering what the $ signs are for in the formula, read

INDEX and SEARCH. What are these functions?

INDEX and MATCH are very strong features, which in combination with others give excellent results.

INDEX(array; row_number; column_number)

Returns the value at the intersection of a specified row and a column in a specified range. Those. it initially works with two-dimensional arrays.

By selecting the data array J1:K4 and setting the row and column numbers to two, we obtained the corresponding value.

Looking at the original formula


We will see that instead of the second argument (line number) we have the formula MATCH. What is she doing here?

MATCH is a search by value. Function searches set value in a row or column and returns its ordinal number (from the beginning of the range). Those. in the second argument of the INDEX function we find the vehicle number we need, we get its number, for example 2.

And already in the one-dimensional array $G:$G we find a cell with row number = 2. This will work for each cell in column J.

So it seems like it’s not a very complicated design, but as I wrote above, it’s very effective. Because you don’t have to constantly change the number of the desired value, as in VLOOKUP, and you can search both to the right and to the left :)

Write comments if you have any questions.

As always!

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We all know how useful it is. Probably half of all actions in Excel are performed using it. However this function has a number of limitations. For example, a VLOOKUP looks only at the leftmost column in a table or looks for only one condition. But what if we need to return a value that matches two conditions. In this case, we will have to resort to some tricks. We will talk about these tricks in today's article.

So, we will look at four options for creating a substitution function with two conditions:

  1. Using the SUMPRODUCT function

Well, we’ll start with the simplest thing.

Using an additional column

In most cases complex problems become easier and more manageable when broken down into small pieces. The same applies when building formulas in Excel.

Let's look at a classic example. We have a table with sales by month and city. And we need to determine the sales value corresponding to two conditions: month - February and city - Samara.

Using the VLOOKUP function in classic look will not help us, since it will be able to return a value that matches only one condition. An additional column will help us get out of this situation, in which we will combine the values ​​of the Month and City columns. To do this, write the formula =B2&C2 in cell A2 and extend this formula to cell A13. Now we can use the values ​​of column A to return the required value. We write the formula in cell G3:


This formula combines the two conditions of cells G1 and G2 into one row and looks at it in column A. After necessary condition was found, the formula returns the value from the fourth column of table A1:D13, i.e. column Sales.

Using the SELECT function to create a new lookup table

If for some reason using an additional column is not an option for us, we can use .

Using the SELECT function involves creating new table to view where the column values Month And City already merged. Our formula will look like this:


The main point of this formula is the CHOICE((1;2);B2:B13&C2:C13;D2:D13) part, which does two things:

  1. Combines column values Month And City in one array: JanMoscow, FebMoscow...
  2. Combines two arrays into a two-column table.

The result of this function will be a table that looks like this:

Now the formula has become more clear.

IMPORTANT: Since we used an array formula, when you finish entering the formula, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to let the program know our intentions. After pressing this key combination, the program will automatically install curly braces at the beginning and end of the formula.

Using the INDEX and MATCH functions

The third method, which we will consider, also involves the use of an array formula and uses the INDEX and SEARCH functions.

The formula will look like this.


Let's look at what each part of this formula does.

First, consider the function MATCH(1;(B2:B13=G1)*(C2:C13=G2);0). IN in this case sequentially compares the value of cell G1 with each value of cells in the range B2:B13 and returns TRUE if the values ​​match and FALSE if they do not. The same comparison is made with the value of cell G2 and the range C2:C13. Next we compare both of these arrays consisting of TRUE and FALSE. The combination TRUE * TRUE gives us the result 1 (TRUE). Let's look at the picture below, which will help explain the principle of operation more clearly.

Now we can tell where the string that satisfies both conditions is located. The MATCH function finds the position of 1 in the result array and returns 6 because the 1 occurs in the sixth row. Next, the INDEX function returns the value of the sixth row of the range D2:D13.


One of the most powerful Excel formulas. I even have a separate article dedicated to this formula. Our fourth way to use multiple conditions is to write a formula with the SUMPRODUCT function. And it will look like this:


The principle of operation of this formula is similar to the principle of operation of the previous approach. Created virtual table, which compares the values ​​of cells G1 and G2 with the ranges B2:B13 and C2:C13, respectively. Next, both of these arrays are compared and an array of ones and zeros is obtained, where one is assigned to the row in which both conditions match. Next, this virtual array is multiplied by the range D2:D13. Since our virtual array will only have one 1 in the sixth row, the formula will return the result 189.

This function will not work if there are text values.

To understand how it works this formula, I recommend reading the article about the SUMPROIZ function.


So which method should you use? Although they all work reliably, I prefer the first method. In his daily work, I prefer to work with files that are easy to understand and changeable. Both of these requirements meet the conditions of the first approach.

For a better understanding of the formulas, you can look at them in today's article.

Working with a summary table involves pulling values ​​from other tables into it. If there are a lot of tables, manual transfer will take great amount time, and if the data is constantly updated, then this will be a Sisyphean task. Fortunately, there is a VLOOKUP function that offers the ability to automatically fetch data. let's consider specific examples operation of this function.

The name of the VLOOKUP function stands for “vertical viewing function”. In English its name is VLOOKUP. This function looks for data in the left column of the range being examined and then returns the resulting value in the specified cell. Simply put, VLOOKUP allows you to rearrange values ​​from a cell in one table to another table. Let's find out how to use the VLOOKUP function in Excel.

Example of using VLOOKUP

Let's take a look at how the VLOOKUP function works using a specific example.

We have two tables. The first of them is a purchasing table in which the names of food products are placed. The next column after the name contains the quantity of the product that needs to be purchased. Next comes the price. And in the last column - the total cost of purchasing a specific product, which is calculated using the formula already entered into the cell for multiplying quantity by price. But we will just have to raise the price using the VLOOKUP function from the adjacent table, which is a price list.

As you can see, the price of potatoes has been added to the table from the price list. In order not to go through such a complicated procedure with other product names, we simply stand in the lower right corner of the filled cell so that a cross appears. We draw this cross to the very bottom of the table.

Thus, we pulled all the necessary data from one table to another using the VLOOKUP function.

As you can see, the VLOOKUP function is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Understanding its use is not very difficult, but mastering this tool will save you a lot of time when working with tables.

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How to find a value in another table or VLOOKUP strength

In fact, in this article I want to talk about the possibilities not only VLOOKUP functions, but I also want to touch on SEARCH, as a function very related to VPR. Each of these functions has both its pros and cons. In a nutshell, VLOOKUP searches for a certain value we specify among the many values ​​located in one column. Perhaps most often the need for VLOOKUP arises when you need to compare data, find data in another table, add data from one table to another, based on some criterion, etc.
To understand the principle a little better VPR work better to start with something practical example. There is a table like this:

and from the first table must be substituted into the second date for each surname. For three records this is not a problem and doing it manually is all obvious. But in real life, these are tables with thousands of records, and searching with data substitution manually can take more than one hour. Plus a couple more fly in the ointment: not only are the names located completely in in different order In both tables, the number of records in the tables is different, and the tables are located on different sheets/books. I believe I have convinced you that manual substitution is not an option at all. But VLOOKUP will be indispensable here. In this case, practically nothing will need to be done - just write in the first cell of column C of the second table (where you need to substitute dates from the first table) this formula:
=VLOOKUP($A2 ;Sheet1!$A$2:$C$4 ;3,0)
You can write a formula either directly into a cell, or using the function manager, selecting in the category Links and Arrays VPR and separately indicating the necessary criteria. Now we copy( Ctrl+C) cell with the formula, select all the cells in column C to the end of the data and insert ( Ctrl+V).

First, the basic principle of operation: VLOOKUP looks in the first column of the Table argument for the value specified by the argument Search_value . When the desired value is found, the function returns the value opposite the found value, but from the column specified by the argument Column_number . We'll deal with time-lapse viewing a little later. A VLOOKUP can only return one value - the first one that matches the criterion. If the value you are looking for is not found (not in the table), then the result of the function will be #N/A . There is no need to be afraid of this - it is even useful. You will know exactly which records are missing and thus can compare two tables with each other. Sometimes it turns out that you see: there is data in both tables, but the VLOOKUP produces #N/A. This means that the data in your tables is not identical. Some of them have extra inconspicuous spaces (usually before or after the value), or Cyrillic characters are mixed with Latin characters. Also #N/A will be if the criteria are numbers and in the desired table they are written as text (usually on the left top corner such a cell a green triangle appears), and in the final result - as numbers. Or vice versa.

Description VLOOKUP arguments
$A2 - argument Search_value(let's call it Criterion to be short). This is what we are looking for. Those. for the first record of the second table it will be Petrov S.A. Here you can specify either the text of the criterion directly (in this case it should be in quotes - =VLOOKUP("Petrov S.A" ;Sheet1!$A$2:$C$4;3;0) or a link to a cell with this text (as in the function example). There is a small nuance: you can also use wildcard characters: "*" and "?". This is very convenient if you need to find values ​​only for part of a string. For example, you may not enter “Petrov S.A” in full, but enter only the last name and the asterisk - “Petrov*”. Then any entry that begins with “Petrov” will be displayed. If you need to find a record in which the surname “Petrov” appears anywhere on the line, then you can specify it like this: “*Petrov*”. If you want to find the surname Petrov and it doesn’t matter what initials the first name and patronymic will have (if the full name is written as Ivanov I.I.), then this look is just right: “Ivanov?.?.” . Often it is necessary to indicate its value for each line (in column A Surnames and you need to find them all). In this case, references to the cells of column A are always indicated. For example, in cell A1 it is written: Ivanov. It is also known that Ivanov is in another table, but after the last name both the first and middle names (or something else) can be written down. But we only need to find the string that starts with the last name. Then you need to write it as follows: A1 &"*" . This entry will be equivalent to "Ivanov*". A1 is written Ivanov, the ampersand(&) is used to combine two text values ​​into one string. An asterisk is in quotation marks (as text inside a formula should be). Thus we get:
A1&"*" =>
"Ivanov"&"*" =>
Very convenient if there are a lot of values ​​to search for.
If you need to determine whether there is a word somewhere in a line, then put asterisks on both sides: "*"& A1 &"*"

Sheet1!$A$2:$C$4 - argument Table. Specifies the range of cells. Only the range must contain data from the first data cell to the very last. This does not have to be the range shown in the example. If there are 100 rows, then Sheet1!$A$2:$C$100. It is important to remember three things: first, this Table must always start with the column in which we are looking Criterion . And nothing else. Otherwise, nothing will be found or the result will not be what you expect. Second: argument Table must be "fixed" . What does it mean. Do you see the dollar signs? This is consolidation (more precisely, it is called absolute reference per range). How it's done. Highlight link text (only one range - one criterion) and press F4 until you see that dollars appear before both the column name and the row number. If this is not done, then when copying the formula, the Table argument will “move out” and the result will again be incorrect. And lastly, the table must contain columns from the first (in which we are searching) to the last (from which we need to return values). In the example Sheet1!$A$2:$C$4- this means it will not be possible to return the value from column D(4), because the table has only three columns.

3 - Column_number. Here we simply indicate the column number in the argument Table, the values ​​from which we need to substitute as the result. In the example, this is the Acceptance Date - i.e. column number 3. If we needed a department, then we would indicate 2, and if we just needed to compare whether there are names from one table in another, then we could specify 1. Important: argument Column_number must not exceed the number of columns in the argument Table . Otherwise the formula will result in an error #LINK!. For example, if the range $B$2:$C$4 is specified and you need to return data from column C, then it is correct to specify 2. Because argument Table($B$2:$C$4) contains only two columns - B and C. If you try to specify the number of column 3 (as it appears on the sheet), you will get an error #LINK!, because there is simply no third column in the specified range.

Practical advice: if the Table argument has too many columns and you need to return the result from the last column, then it is not at all necessary to calculate their number. You can specify it like this: =VLOOKUP($A2 ;Sheet1! $A$2:$C$4 ;COLUMN NUM(Sheet1! $A$2:$C$4);0) . By the way, in this case Sheet1! can also be removed as unnecessary: ​​=VLOOKUP($A2 ;Sheet1! $A$2:$C$4 ;COLUMN NUM($A$2:$C$4);0) .

0 - Time-lapse_view- a very interesting argument. Can be either TRUE or FALSE. The question immediately arises: why is there 0 in my formula? It's very simple - Excel in formulas can treat 0 as FALSE and 1 as TRUE. If you specify in the VLOOKUP this parameter equal to 0 or FALSE, then an exact match will be searched given Criterion. This has nothing to do with wildcards ("*" and "?"). If you use 1 or TRUE (or do not specify the last argument at all, since by default it is TRUE), then... It’s a very long story. In short - VLOOKUP will look for the most similar value that matches Criterion . Sometimes very useful. However, if you use this parameter, then it is necessary that the list in the Table argument be sorted in ascending order. Please note that sorting is only necessary if the Interval_lookup argument is TRUE or 1. If it is 0 or FALSE, sorting is not needed.

Many people probably noticed that in the picture I have the departments for full names mixed up. This is not a recording error. The example attached to the article shows how you can substitute both them and dates with one formula, without manually changing the argument Column_number. It seemed to me that such an example could be quite useful.

How to avoid the #N/A (#N/A) error in VLOOKUP?
More common problem- many people do not want to see #N/A as a result if no match is found. This is easy to get around:
=IF(END(VLOOKUP($A2,Sheet1! $A$2:$C$4,3,0));"";VLOOKUP($A2,Sheet1! $A$2:$C$4,3,0)))
Now if VLOOKUP does not find a match, the cell will be empty.
And to users Excel versions 2007 and higher you can use IFERROR:
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A2,Sheet1! $A$2:$C$4,3,0);"")

The Promised MATCH

This function looks for the value specified by the parameter Search_value in argument View_array. And the result of the function is the position number of the found value in View_array. It is the position number, not the value itself. In principle, I will not describe it in the same detail, because the main points are exactly the same. If we wanted to apply it to the table above, it would be like this:
=MATCH($A2,Sheet1! $A$2:$A$4,0)
$A2 - Search_value. Here everything is exactly the same as with VPR. Wildcard characters are also allowed and in exactly the same design.

Sheet1! $A$2:$A$4 - The array to be viewed. The main difference from VLOOKUP is that you can specify an array with only one column. This should be the column we are going to search in Search_value . If you try to specify more than one column, the function will return an error.

match_type(0) - the same as in VPR Time-lapse_view . With the same features. It differs only in the ability to search for the smallest from the desired or the largest. But I will not dwell on this in this article.

We've sorted out the basics. But we need to return not the position number, but the value itself. So MATCH in pure form doesn't suit us. At least one, by itself. But if it is used together with the INDEX function, then this is what we need and even more.
=INDEX(Sheet1! $A$2:$C$4 ;MATCH($A2 ;Sheet1! $A$2:$A$4 ;0);2)
This formula will return the same result as VLOOKUP.

INDEX Function Arguments
Sheet1! $A$2:$C$4 - Array. As this argument we specify the range from which we want to get the values. There can be one column or several. If there is only one column, then the last function argument does not need to be specified. By the way, this argument may not coincide at all with the one we specify in the Lookup_array argument of the MATCH function.

Next come Row_Number and Column_Number. It is as Row_Number that we substitute MATCH, which returns us the position number in the array. This is what everything is built on. INDEX returns the value from the Array that is in the specified row(RowNumber) of the Array and the specified column(ColumnNumber) if there is more than one column. It is important to know that in this combination, the number of rows in the Array argument of the INDEX function and the number of rows in the Lookup_array argument of the MATCH function must match. And start from the same line. This is in ordinary cases, unless you are pursuing other goals.
As with VLOOKUP, INDEX returns #N/A if the desired value is not found. And you can get around such errors in the same way:
For all versions of Excel (including 2003 and earlier):
=IF(END(MATCH($A2,Sheet1! $A$2:$A$4,0));"";INDEX(Sheet1! $A$2:$C$4;MATCH($A2,Sheet1! $A$2: $A$4 ;0);2))
For versions 2007 and higher:
=IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet1! $A$2:$C$4,MATCH($A2,Sheet1!$A$2:$A$4,0),2);"")

Working with criteria longer than 255 characters
INDEX-SEARCH also has one more advantage over VLOOKUP. The point is that VLOOKUP cannot look up values the line length of which contains more than 255 characters. This happens rarely, but it does happen. You can, of course, cheat the VLOOKUP and cut down the criterion:
but this is an array formula. And besides, such a formula will not always return desired result. If the first 255 characters are identical to the first 255 characters in the table, and then the characters are different, the formula will no longer see this. And the formula returns exclusively text values, which is not very convenient in cases where numbers should be returned.

Therefore, it is better to use this tricky formula:
=INDEX(Sheet1!$A$2:$C$4,SUMPRODUCT(MATCH(TRUE,Sheet1!$A$2:$A$4 =$A2,0));2)
Here I used the same ranges in the formulas for readability, but in the example for downloading they differ from those indicated here.
The formula itself is built on the ability of the SUMPRODUCT function to transform into massive calculations of some functions within it. In this case, MATCH looks for the row position where the criterion is equal to the value in the row. Wildcard characters can no longer be used here.

In the example attached to the article you will find examples of the use of all the described cases and an example of why INDEX and MATCH are sometimes preferable to VLOOKUP.

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