Installing Radmin on your home or office computer. Remote control of computers using Radmin R admin

Radmin is a convenient program for remote PC administration. Allows you to work from anywhere in the world on several computers simultaneously. With its ability, you can send files, use voice or text message mode with the user of a remote PC. Now logging into a personal computer remotely is not a problem, because you can turn off the PC, the Internet, and transfer the desired file.

The improved version of Radmin includes, in addition to file sharing, text and voice chat, the Telnet service, supports 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows (8/7/Vista/XP/2003/2008/2012). The program provides ultra-fast operating speed and minimal processor load. Users' personal data is reliably protected.

How Radmin works

Radmin consists of 2 parts:

Initially, Radmin Server is installed on a remote PC, a password and access capabilities are specified, and a launch is created as a server. Afterwards, you should restart the computer to display the screen or window of the remote PC on your computer. All mouse movements are visible on the remote computer. Thanks to this, remote access to the computer is provided.

The program provides the ability to reduce the quality of transmitted images, which makes it convenient to use Radmin with a minimum connection speed. If you know the IP address, the owner of a specific PC can easily install it in the system.

Pros and cons of using Radmin

Disadvantages of Radmin

Step-by-step installation of Radmin

Connect computers using the TCP/IP protocol via the Internet, modem or local network. Radmin Server is installed on a remote personal computer. Select access rights and security mode. 2 modes will be offered: Radmin and Windows NT.

The last mode is intended for corporate networks. After this, you should add a user to security mode to manage the server module. After completing the procedure, select the rights:

— Complete
— Management
— View
- Telnet
— File transfer
- Redirection
— Text chat
- Voice chat
— Sending a text message
— Shutdown

Radmin Viewer is installed on the local computer. Run the rview34ru.exe file and follow the detailed instructions on the screen. Specify the IP address for using the server module. When prompted, select the folder to install the program. Check access to the remote PC using the built-in scanner. Repeat the username and password entered on the Radmin Server.

The program is ready to use.

So: Remote computer administration program.
Fast! Professionally! Reliable!

Download the program: Radmin 3.5 » Server + Viewer from the official website:

Removing Radmin

Select Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel.
Start uninstallation via menu Start/Programs/Radmin Viewer/uninstall or Start/Programs/Radmin Server/uninstall

In some cases, there are problems with uninstalling the R Admin program, then find the file in the specified path or copy \system32\drivers\rminiv3.sys.\ to the command line, and delete it manually. Restart your PC.

Before installation

Radmin 3 consists of two modules:

The server module (Radmin Server) must be installed on remote computer (for example, on an office PC), which you want to access.

The client module (Radmin Viewer) must be installed on local computer (for example, on a home PC or laptop), which you want to use to access the remote computer.

Both computers must be connected to each other via TCP/IP protocol on a local network, via a modem or via the Internet.

Installing and configuring Radmin Server 3

Step 1:

To install Radmin Server download and run the file rserv34ru.exe on the computer, to which you are going to connect remotely. Follow the instructions on the screen. During installation, the necessary files will be copied to the default system directory (C:\WINDOWS\system32\rserver30\). Previous versions of Radmin Server 3 installed on your computer will be automatically replaced by the new version (with all settings retained).

Step 2:

Configure access rights to Radmin Server. Follow the instructions below.

Select "Access rights..." from the menu.

Select a security mode. The Radmin security system is most convenient when connected via the Internet and has more flexible access rights settings. Windows NT security is primarily used in internal corporate networks.

You need to add the user to the security system. If no user has been created, access to the Radmin Server is impossible under any circumstances.

Add a new user to the system. It is advisable to enter the username and password in Latin characters. The minimum password length is 6 characters.

Now you can set access rights for the created user. If no option is checked, access to the Radmin Server is impossible.

To provide an additional level of security, you can change the general settings of Radmin Server. If you use Radmin only for a technical specialist to connect to you and solve your problems remotely (when you are at the computer), you can configure confirmation of incoming connections (reject or allow connections manually and by timer). In addition, you can change the default port through which a technician or administrator connects to you. If you have changed the default port, write it down or tell your administrator that this port number will be needed to configure Radmin Viewer.

Step 3:

Write down the IP address of your computer; to do this, hover your mouse over the Radmin Server icon.

You can also see your external IP address. If you do not have a dedicated external IP address, contact your network administrator to configure the router.

Step 4:

Now you can connect to Radmin Server using the free Radmin Viewer program (see installation and configuration instructions below).

You can use the full-featured version of Radmin Server for free for 30 days. After the 30-day period, you will not be able to connect to Radmin Server until the license key is entered. To continue working with the program, do not forget to purchase and activate recently installed copies of Radmin Server 3.

Installing and configuring Radmin Viewer 3

Step 1:

To install Radmin Viewer download and run the file rview34ru.exe on the computer, from which You are about to connect remotely. Follow the instructions on the screen. During installation, the necessary files will be copied to the default directory (C:\Program Files\Radmin Viewer 3\). Previous versions of Radmin Viewer 3 installed on your computer will be automatically replaced by the new version (with all settings retained). The installation process for Radmin Viewer 3 is similar to the installation process for Radmin Server 3.

Step 2:

Launch Radmin Viewer and create a new connection.

Specify the IP address of the computer on which Radmin Server is installed and configured and to which you are going to connect. Please also provide a friendly name for the connection.

If necessary, you can change the default connection settings to save network traffic or to increase the speed of work with a slow Internet connection (for example, via GPRS).

Step 3:

Check the accessibility of the remote computer by scanning with the built-in scanner. If the connection icon is checked after scanning, Radmin Server is installed on the remote computer and is ready for connection.

Enter the username and password previously specified in the Radmin Server settings on the remote computer.

Now you can enjoy fast and secure remote control of your computer!

There are many examples where managing a remote computer becomes a very useful, and often even necessary, function. For example, an acquaintance who is poorly versed in technology calls you and asks you to solve his problem with the system. You can put on a warm jacket and boots and go, like Chip and Dale, to the rescue or give a long, monotonous lecture with a step-by-step description of all keyboard and mouse operations. At the same time, a remote computer control program can save time and effort. Another example. In your family, each member has their own computer. My wife needs to download a hairstyle guide, and my son has a Quake distribution on his hard drive. And what, for this you need to run around the rooms, distract your beloved from the series, and also violate the privacy of your son, who invited a girl home for the first time in his life? No, it is not at all necessary to commit such atrocities; it is enough to turn on the computers remotely and copy all the information from there. Similar situations can arise in offices where control over workstations is required. In order to install some specialized program, you do not need to run through production workshops and accounting department corridors; you just need to connect to the machine via the network. In a similar way, you can keep an eye on your employees, preventing them from getting too involved in games and blowing each other’s heads off with sniper rifles.

Radmin is designed for remote administration of Windows systems (including Vista). The archive, downloaded from the official project page, consists of two distributions, installed separately. One module is designed to organize a server, and the second is a tool for connecting to those machines where the previous component is installed.

The first stage of deploying a software product on a network is installing the server part on the machines to which you plan to connect remotely. When the module starts for the first time, a dialog box opens with a list of available actions and settings.

The application launch mode can be automatic or manual. In the second case, you can start the application through the standard Start menu. Automatic startup allows you to connect to a remote computer even if no user is logged on.

The server settings are made in the form of a tree-like menu, navigation through which switches between sets of options. You can change the working port, request confirmation for connections, and filter IP addresses. The latter function allows you to restrict access to the workstation, allowing connections only for those machines whose addresses are specified in the settings. In addition to IP addresses, you can immediately enter their ranges. The server settings also contain options that allow you to configure individual network tools of the software product.

Access rights management allows you to ensure high security of remote connections. Radmin uses challenge and confirmation authentication. This method has an analogue on Windows systems with the NT kernel, but uses a longer secret key. Other similar features include support for Windows security, NTLM/Kerberos, and Active Directory. The program checks user access rights, as well as IP filtering tables.

Access rights can be configured based on your own data, as well as using Windows system accounts. In the second case, you can manage both individual accounts and entire groups.

Radmin's own rights management system does not allow creating groups. You enter a list of users and distribute rights among them. They include nine points. The tenth menu item allows you to quickly enable or disable all rights at once.

The Radmin Server application icon is permanently located in the Windows system tray. Double-clicking with the left mouse button on it opens a service window indicating the port used and a list of network connections. One feature of Radmin is worth noting here. With this program you can connect to several remote workstations at once. The opposite situation is also possible - several remote connections can be made to each computer.

The second component of the software product is called Radmin Viewer. With its help, connections are made to remote computers.

An address book is used to store addresses deleted by a computer. It has a tree structure. Folders are in no way tied to the physical location of workstations or to the network structure.

To identify a workstation, you must enter its IP address or domain name. Connection through the intermediate Radmin server is allowed, which is somewhat analogous to a proxy.

The program supports flexible control of the quality of the transmitted image from a remote machine in order to ensure optimal connection speed. Color depth can vary from 1 to 24 bits. In the first case, the image contains 2 colors, in the second – 16.7 million shades. You can also specify the screen view of the remote computer. It can be displayed on the entire desktop, as well as inside a separate window. It is possible to transmit the picture in real scale, as well as to reduce or enlarge it. Finally, you can specify the maximum number of screen updates per second. By default, this parameter has a value of 100.

When you hover the mouse pointer over the screen of a remote computer, the mouse pointer can change shape in accordance with the settings of the machine to which the connection is made. You can also save the shape and size of the cursor, as well as display two mouse pointers on the screen at the same time.

In the connection settings, you can also enter personal data for text and voice chat. You enter the username and description. In addition, for voice communication, the maximum channel bandwidth is indicated in order to ensure the highest quality sound.

Connecting to a remote workstation is done by double-clicking on the corresponding icon in the Radmin Viewer address book. You are immediately asked for a name and password. Your account information must be entered on the remote machine's server, otherwise the connection will not be possible. Depending on the rights specified within the account, you will be able to perform certain actions with the remote computer.

The interaction mode is selected using the buttons on the Radmin Viewer toolbar. By default, the remote computer's mouse and keyboard control mode is used.

All operations are carried out without any visible delays. When switching to real scale and full screen mode, you can inadvertently even forget that you are working through the network, it is so clearly felt that you are just working on a local machine. There is no delay in pressing keys. You can freely type text on a remote machine. The program was tested inside a standard 100Mbit/s network.

When switching to full-screen mode, a small floating panel with the main operating modes of Radmin Viewer remains on the desktop. With its help, you can always return to windowed mode or completely terminate the current connection.

The monitoring mode for a remote workstation is practically no different in appearance from the previous connection method. You also see the computer desktop, but you cannot perform any actions on the computer, only observation.

You can connect to a remote machine using the command line. This type of connection is called telnet. This mode is acceptable on slow channels, for example, when using a dial-up connection. Only text information is transferred between computers, and it does not generate a lot of traffic.

File exchange between workstations is implemented as a separate mode. For this, a special file manager is used, which, however, has a traditional structure consisting of two panels.

Each panel can be presented in the form of icons, list and table. Document thumbnails are not created. This is logical, because in such a case it would be necessary to transmit large amounts of information over the network, which is not rational. Keyboard control is reminiscent of the good old Norton Commander. For example, F5 is responsible for copying files and folders. Drag & drop mechanism supported.

You can connect to a remote computer to have a conversation with its user. Text and voice chat is allowed. The program allows multiple remote connections, so if several users are connected to the remote machine, they will all be present in the list of chat users.

By default, you are named User. It can be changed in the Radmin Viewer settings. However, you can always change the name during the conversation.

When a conversation starts, a General channel is created. New users connecting to the same server are automatically assigned to this channel. You can create additional channels and send invitations to other users. Each channel has operators who have the right to deny access to the chat or kick out careless interlocutors. You can send private messages to each specific user.

There are two states for each user. One of them means presence at the computer, and the other means absence. If you leave the machine for some time, the program can automatically change the status.

In addition to text chat, you can communicate with other users by voice using a headset that includes headphones and a microphone.

The program works on the principle of a walkie-talkie. While you are talking, the other person's speech cannot be heard. As soon as you finish the phrase, you switch back to listening mode. Voice chat does not deny sending text messages. You can combine voice and text communication. Everything said by you and your interlocutors can be recorded in a file.

Another, very primitive mode of interaction with a remote machine is to send text messages to it. This is not a chat, since the text dialog box is not interactive, it does not have tools for organizing a conversation, or even a simple reply button.

And finally, the last feature of Radmin Viewer is to shut down remote workstations. In a similar way, for example, a laboratory assistant at an institute can finish a class, and a system administrator can finish his working day.

Radmin has a very high speed of operation, which allows you to work comfortably on remote machines, forgetting that the image is transmitted over the network. The ability to create multiple connections allows you to organize multi-user conversations by text and voice. A powerful user authorization system ensures high system security.

System requirements

Radmin Server 3.5 supports: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2008R2/2008/2003/2000 (32-bit, 64-bit)

Radmin Viewer 3.5 supports: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2008/2003/2000/NT4.0/98/ME/95 (32-bit, 64-bit)

Radmin 3.5 Fully supports Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit, including user account management and fast user switching. Radmin Server 3.5 supports the operating systems Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/ 2012/2008/2003/2000 (32-bit) and Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/ 2012/2008/2003 (64-bit). Radmin Viewer 3.5 supports operating systems Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2012/2008/2003/2000/ME/98/95/NT4.0 (32-bit) and Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2012/2008 /2003 (64-bit).

Radmin structure

Program Radmin consists of two modules – server and client. The server part is installed on the computer to which you need to gain remote access, the client part - on the computer from which remote administration will be carried out.

Only Radmin Server is licensed. Radmin Viewer is a free program that can be installed on any computer from which remote access is required.

The number of connections to one copy of the Radmin Server program in any mode (Management, Viewing, Chat, Telnet and Connect via) is limited to 5 simultaneous connections. This number can be increased by purchasing a license for additional connections.

Radmin prices



price, rub.

Standard license

for 1 computer

1,250 rub. for a license

Pack of 50 licenses

for 50 computers

38,000 rub. per package

760 rub. for PC

Pack of 100 licenses

for 100 computers

63,500 rub. per package

635 rub. for PC

Pack of 150 licenses

for 150 computers

90,000 rub. per package

600 rub. for PC

Enterprise license

from 200 licenses

from 550 rub. and below

for a license

Famatech provides free Radmin licenses for people with disabilities.

Radmin features

  • Remote control of a computer on a local network and via the Internet;
  • Remote desktop viewing;
  • File transfer;
  • Text and voice chat with remote users, etc.

Basic functions of Radmin

  • Distant work;
  • Providing remote technical support to users and clients;
  • Implementation of remote system administration, etc.

Installing Radmin software

1. Install Radmin Server 3.5 to the first computer that will act as a server:

Run file rserv35ru.exe

In the installation wizard dialog box, click Further

Set a radio button in the item I accept the terms of the license agreement > Install

Once installation is complete, uncheck the checkbox Configure user access rights forRadmin Server and press Ready

During installation, the necessary files will be copied to the default system directory ( C:\WINDOWS\system32\rserver30).

2. Install Radmin Viewer 3.5 to a second computer that will act as a client

  • Run file rview35ru.exe
  • Follow the instructions on the screen.

Configuring and administering the Radmin remote administration tool

1. Open the settings window Radmin Server in one of the following ways:

Depending on the operating system Windows open Applications > Radmin Server 3 and choose Radmin Server Settings.

If icon Radmin Server displayed in the system tray: right-click the icon and select the menu item Radmin Server Settings.

Open a command prompt as administrator, go to the directory with the program ( C:\WINDOWS\system32\rserver30) and run the file rserver3.exe with command line switch /setup

2. Select Startup mode...

The application launch mode can be automatic or manual. In the second case, you can start the application by clicking on its icon, either through the command line, or in another way. Automatic launch allows you to launch the program automatically when Windows boots, and connect to a remote computer even if no user is logged in.

  • Press the button Launch mode;
  • Choose Automatically;
  • Press the button OK to save your selection.

Adding new Radmin users and assigning access rights to them

1. Press the button Access rights;

2. In the window Security mode choose Radmin and press the button Access rights;

3. In the window Radmin security system press the button Add;

4. In the window Adding a new user create several users with different passwords and rights.

Setting up IP filtering

  1. Open SettingsRadmin Server;
  2. Press the button Settings;
  3. Open section IP filter;
  4. Check the checkbox Enable IP filtering

If IP filtering is enabled and no IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses are specified, or the address from which the connection to Radmin Server is made is not included in the allowed ranges, then connection to the computer will become impossible.

  1. Press the button Add;
  2. In the window Adding an IP addresses enter the client's IP address;
  3. Press the button OK.

Changing the port

  1. Open Radmin Server Settings;
  2. Press the button Settings;
  3. Open section General settings;
  4. Uncheck the checkbox Default;

You can change the Radmin Server port from the default port (4899) to any other unused port in the range from 1 to 65535. At the same time, make sure that the same port number is specified in the Radmin Viewer settings on the local computer as in the Radmin Server settings on the remote computer computer.

  1. Specify the required port;
  2. Press the button OK.

Using a log in a file

Radmin supports two logging methods:

  1. Windows Event Log. Information is saved in the system event log and is available through a standard application Viewing Event Logs.
  2. Radmin event log. The information is recorded in HTML format. Events are saved in C:\WINDOWS\system32\rserver30\Radm_log.htm

  1. Open Radmin Server Settings;
  2. Press the button Settings;
  3. Open section General settings;
  4. Check box Use Radmin event log;
  5. In the input area under the checkbox, specify the path and file name (if not specified);
  6. Press the button OK.

Connecting to a remote computer

1. Launch Radmin Viewer on your local computer;

2. Click on the icon Connection to address on the toolbar (you can also select from the main menu Connection > Connect to);

3. Enter the IP address of the remote computer;

4. Change the port in accordance with the Radmin Server security settings used;

5. Specify the desired connection mode ;

6. Change color quality and screen appearance in settings Remote computer screen;

In modes Control And View The image from the remote computer screen may look like this:

  • Normal (the remote computer screen appears in a window at a 1:1 scale. The window size can be changed)
  • With scaling (the remote computer screen appears in the window, but the image scale will correspond to the window size. The window size can be changed).
  • Full screen (in this mode, the image from the screen of the remote computer will occupy the entire screen of the local computer. If the screen resolution of the remote computer is higher than the screen resolution of the local computer, moving the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen allows you to move in the appropriate direction).
  • Full screen with scaling (in this mode, the screen of the remote computer will be displayed entirely on the entire screen of the local computer).

7. Press the button OK;

8. Enter the username and password, in accordance with the security settings used Radmin Server;

9. Press the button OK.

The remote computer's screen appears in a window on the local computer's screen.

Remote installation over a network

Utility Radmin Deployment Tool provides installation of Radmin Server remotely using an MSI file, pre-prepared in accordance with the required settings. Utility Radmin Deployment Tool consists of two modules:

  • Radmin Deployment Tool allows you to remotely install, uninstall and update Radmin Server.
  • Radmin MSI Configurator allows you to change Radmin Server settings at the stage of preparing the MSI file for installation on remote computers.

System requirements for the Radmin Deployment Tool program for the local computer:

  • 1000 MHz processor
  • 512 MB memory (1024 MB recommended)
  • 150 MB of free hard disk space
  • Domain administrator rights or local administrator rights

System requirements for the Radmin Deployment Tool for remote computers:

  • Operating system Microsoft Windows 8/Server 2012/7/Server 2008 R2/Vista/Server 2008/XP/Server 2003/2000
  • The Remote Registry service must be running (by default in OS MS Windows 8 this service is disabled, in OS MS Windows 7 it is started)
  • Ability to log in with Administrator rights

More detailed information about system requirements can be found in the program help. Radmin Deployment Tool In chapter Help.

1. Download the network installation package

2. Install the program Radmin Deployment Tool(rdpltool12.msi)

3. Launch Radmin Deployment tool

4. In the main menu, select Language > Russian

5. Check if remote computers are running

6. Make sure that in the computer tree of the program Radmin Deployment tool remote machines are available (Fig. 7)

7. If remote computers are not displayed, scan the network Entire Network >Network Scan

8. If there is a red lock icon next to the icon of the remote computer, check whether the Remote Registry service is running and whether the login and password of the Administrator of the remote computer are specified correctly.

9. Run the utility Radmin MSI Configurator

10. In the dialog box Specify a Radmin Server MSI….. specify the path to the file rserv35ru.msi

11. In the next dialog box, click the button Settings

12. Specify the necessary settings for the program Radmin Server, which will be installed on the remote computer >Next

13. In the next dialog box, click the button Security, in the window Radmin Server Security Mode(access mode) select Radmin security and press the button Premissions(access rights)

14. In the window Radmin Security(Radmin security system) press the button Add User(add user)

15. Create multiple users with different passwords and rights

17. Launch Radmin Deployment Tool

18. Right-click the remote computer and select Install the application, or use the key combination Ctrl + I

19. Specify the path to the previously configured file

20. For remote installation it is necessary in a pop-up window Alternative accounts enter Username And Password account belonging to the group Administrators remote computer.

21. Check whether the application is installed on the remote computer (directly on the remote computer or through the log Radmin Deployment tool local computer).

Found a typo? Highlight and press Ctrl + Enter

Write down the IP address of your computer. Select your connection type for further configuration:

A: You are connecting to a computer inside the local network or the remote computer has an external IP (see more details)

B: You connect to a computer on another local network and have access to the router settings (see more details)

To configure port forwarding on your router, please follow the instructions below:

Briefly about setting up port forwarding:

  1. Open a browser window and enter the IP address of your router in the address bar. The default address is
  2. In the window that appears, enter your username and password to access the settings of your router. Usually this is: login admin, no password.
  3. In your router's settings window, select Advanced (Configuration), and then Virtual Server (Port Redirection).
  4. In the Virtual Server settings, please select the following:
    use Virtual Server(Port Redirection) - yes (Enabled)
    Protocol type: Both
    Private port: 4899
    Public port: 4899
    Local IP Address: here enter the IP address of the machine on which Radmin Server is installed.
  5. To connect to Radmin, you will need to enter the external IP address of the server computer, you can view it.

C: You are connected to a computer on another local network, you do not have access to the router (see more details)

1. Please download Radmin VPN from here: Radmin VPN.

2. Install Radmin VPN on your local computer.

Launch Radmin VPN and create a network by clicking on the "Create network" button.

Specify the desired network name and set a password.

Click the "Create" button.

The new network will appear in the main Radmin VPN window.

3. Download and install Radmin VPN on the remote computer.

4. Launch the program and click the "Join network" button.

Enter the network name and password in the window that opens.

Click the "Join" button.

The previously created network and its participants will be displayed in the Radmin VPN working window.

The connection between the computers has been established.

Controlling a remote computer via the Internet.

1. Download and install Radmin Server on a remote computer.

2. In the Radmin Server settings, create a user and set access rights.

3.Download and install Radmin Viewer on your local computer.

4.Connect the local and remote computers using the Radmin VPN IP address.

5.Select: "Radmin-->Management" from the context menu of the remote computer.

6.Enter the username and password specified in the Radmin Server settings.

and join an existing Network, enter your name and password to connect to the created network. Then, if you hover your mouse over the Radmin Server icon, you will see two or more IP addresses. You have finished installing the virtual network.