Quickly switch between windows in Windows 7. All the ways to switch between tabs using the keyboard

If in Microsoft Windows learn to work without a mouse, using the keyboard for daily tasks, you can significantly improve your productivity. In addition, there are situations when the mouse suddenly stops functioning and you have to work on the computer without it. The sections below contain many useful combinations keys used for Windows management using the keyboard.


Some of them keyboard shortcuts do not work in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 or act differently.

Open the Start menu.

To open the Start menu or start menu, you need to press Windows key on the keyboard or press the key combination Ctrl + Escl.

From the Start menu, you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move up, down, right, or left within the Start menu. Once you find the program you need, click Enter key.

Since Windows 8 doesn't have a Start menu, pressing the Windows key or Ctrl+Esc will open start screen Windows, or will open the desktop.

How to open a program on the desktop.

If the program you want to run has a desktop shortcut, you can get to the desktop by pressing the Tab ↹ key on your keyboard. Pressing the Tab ↹ button will move between the taskbar and desktop shortcuts. You can determine which area you are currently in by appearance icons and labels. The one selected in currently will be highlighted.
In some cases, you may have to press Tab ↹ several times before getting to the desktop icons. Once one of the desktop icons is highlighted, you can navigate through the shortcuts using the cursor keys.
When you find a shortcut for the program you want to launch, press the Enter key to open that program.

How to Close a window, maximize it to full screen, minimize it to a window or move it.

How to close windows.

Press the key combination Ctrl and F4 to close the currently open program or window.
You can also click Alt combination+ space, thereby causing system menu program, then use the down arrow to select the Close menu item and press Enter.

How to minimize a window.

To minimize a window, press Windows and the down arrow (sometimes twice).

How to expand a window to full screen.

To maximize a window, press the Windows key and the Up arrow.

How to move a window without using the mouse.

Before moving a window, make sure it is not maximized to fill the entire screen. To make the window moveable, press Alt + Spacebar, select the Restore menu item, and press Enter. Then press Alt + Spacebar again and select Move, and the cursor will change (it will appear as four arrows in different directions). After which you can move the window using the cursor keys.

How to switch between tabs using the keyboard or Close tabs.

How to close tabs.

In most programs that support tabs (eg browsers), pressing Ctrl + F4 closes the active tab.
How to switch between tabs using the keyboard
To move from left to right between tabs in the current window, press Ctrl + Tab ↹.
To move from right to left, press Ctrl + Shift + Tab ↹ .

How to navigate between open windows and applications.

To move between any open source software on your computer, press and hold the ALT key, then press the Tab ↹ key. A window will appear in which each of the open programs on your computer will be visible. By pressing Tab ↹ while holding down the Alt key, you will navigate through thumbnails of open programs. When you reach the program you want to switch to, release both keys to make it your active window.

Navigation between areas and buttons on a window.

To move your cursor between area objects in a window (such as a dialog box), you will often use Tab ↹ , space bar, arrow keys, and the Enter key. Most programs use Tab ↹ for this, but if that doesn't work, try using the cursor keys. If you need to press a button such as OK or Cancel, press the spacebar or the Enter key.

Managing and moving around a text document.

Below are various methods management text document without the help of a mouse. Not only does this help users who don't have access to a mouse, it can also save you a lot of time when working with text documents.

  • Cursor keys — Using the cursor keys on your keyboard, you can move text up, down, right, or left.
    Ctrl and Cursor Keys – Pressing Ctrl keys along with the right or left arrows will move the cursor one word to the left or right with one click. This is much faster than using just the arrow keys. Holding Ctrl and clicking the up and down arrows will move one paragraph in the document.
  • End and Home Keys - Pressing the End key will move the cursor to the end current line, and pressing Home keys will take you to the beginning.
  • Shift key - The Shift key allows you to select text. For example, pressing the Shift key and the right or left cursor keys will select text to the left or right of the current cursor position. If, while holding Shift key, press the cursor keys “down” or “up”, then you will highlight one line of text at a time down or up, respectively.
  • You can also use Shift in combination with the combinations above. For example, pressing and holding Shift , Ctrl and using the arrows will highlight one word per press. Pressing Shift + End will select text from the current cursor position to the end of the line or document.

Scrolling the window.

Scrolling the window down or up is achieved in the following ways: Move Up and Down using the cursor keys, PageUp and PageDown to move one page up or down.

Right-clicking a symbol or other Windows element.

In some situations, it may be necessary to right-click on an image, text, or other Windows element. To do this without a mouse, select the character or move the cursor to the text you need to right-click on, then press and hold Shift and F10.

Since Windows is multitasking system, then you can open several windows at once, switching from one window to another if necessary. Among all the open windows, one is active - this is the window that is currently being worked with, and the rest - inactive or passive .

Signs of an active window:

    The title bar of the active window is brighter than the title bars of other windows.

    The button of the active window in the Taskbar appears pressed, while the buttons of other windows appear pressed.

    The active window is placed on top of other windows.

    For operating system all open windows are considered tasks, regardless of whether an application window or a folder is open.

Switching to another task means making the corresponding window active.

    Ways to switch between windows:

    click on the window button in the taskbar;

    use the Alt+Tab key combination - press the Alt key and, without releasing it, press the Tab key. A panel will appear with icons for all open windows. When will it be allocated desired icon, release both keys.

    Alt+Esc - switches between non-minimized windows.

b) Creating folders and files in the windows environment In order to create new file or a folder in any other folder on the disk of your computer, you need to do the following sequence of actions: go to the folder in which you want to create a new folder or file. This could also be the root partition of your disk; right-click on any icon-free point in the folder you opened in the main Explorer working window; in the menu that appears, select New and specify the type of file object you want to create. By default, Windows offers to create the following types of file objects: Folder - a new folder; Shortcut - new shortcut; Briefcase - briefcase; Drawing (Bitmap Image) - graphic file; Text Document - a text document in Pain Text format; Sound WAV (Wave Sound) - sound file; Compressed ZIP folder is a folder compressed using the WinZIP archiver built into Windows XP. If you have additional applications and software packages installed on your system, for example Microsoft Office or any graphic editors, this menu may also contain other items, such as vector drawing, Word document or Microsoft Excel sheet. After the new object is created, you will need to enter its name using the keyboard. The name can be specified in either Latin or Cyrillic font.

V) File name extension(English filename extension, often simply called file extension or extension) - a sequence of characters added to the file name and intended to identify the type (format) of the file. This is one of the common ways in which a user or computer software can determine the type of data stored in a file. The extension is usually separated from the main part of the file name by a period. In the CP/M and MS-DOS operating systems, the length of the extension was limited to three characters; in modern operating systems this limitation is not present. Sometimes several extensions may be used, following each other, for example, ".tar.gz". In the FAT16 file system, the file name and extension were separate entities, and the period separating them was not actually part of the full file name and served only to visually separate the file name from the extension. On the FAT32 and NTFS file systems, the dot became a common legal character in a file name, so restrictions on the number of dots in a file name and their locations on these systems were removed (with some exceptions, for example, all end dots in file names are simply discarded). Therefore, the standard search pattern *.* no longer has practical meaning; it is enough to specify *, since the dot character now falls under the concept of any character.

22. a) Clipboard(English clipboard) - intermediate data storage provided by software and intended for transfer or copying between applications or parts of the same application. An application can use its own clipboard, accessible only within it, or a shared one provided by the operating system or other environment through a specific interface. Some environments' clipboard allows you to paste copied data in different formats depending on the receiving application, interface element, and other circumstances. For example, text copied from a word processor can be pasted with markup into applications that support it, and as plain text into others. You can paste an object from the clipboard as many times as you like. As a rule, when information is copied to a buffer, its previous contents are lost. But, for example, Microsoft Office contains several buffers, so it can store several pieces of information simultaneously. Some desktop environments include a logging program latest values buffers and extracting those already overwritten. !!!Hot keys for using the clipboard

A list of some so-called hot keys that will make working with your computer a little more convenient and faster. The list, of course, is incomplete, but includes the main keys and keyboard shortcuts that a novice user needs to know. In addition, it is very useful to get used to controlling the computer using the keyboard (in case if the mouse fails, For example).

    Del(or Delete) – used to delete files.

    Win(button with a window image Windows in the bottom row of keys on your keyboard) – brings up the Start menu.

    Ctrl+Esc– also brings up the Start menu.

    Alt left + Shift- this is a keyboard shortcut usually in Windows switches input language.

    F1– challenge Windows Help.

    F10– activates the menu bar of the open program.

    Enter– equivalent to clicking on the highlighted button.

    Esc- equivalent to clicking a button Cancel.

    Pause– if you press this button on the keyboard while the computer is booting, you can view information about it: its processor frequency, size hard drive, capacity random access memory etc. After viewing this information, to continue booting your computer, press Esc.

    Prt Scr(Print Screen) – by pressing this key, you can take a snapshot of your computer monitor screen. Then just open some graphics editor, for example, Paint, and paste the image from the clipboard there (to paste, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V, or simply click Edit > Paste in the program menu. Then save the drawing to JPEG format or JIF. For Windows Vista Prt Scr: If instead press the key combination Alt+ Print Screen

    , then Windows Vista will not copy the entire screen to the clipboard, but only the current window that is displayed on the screen. Shift

    – if you keep this key pressed, then when you insert a CD, the autorun procedure (AutoRun or CD player) is canceled. PageUp

    - scrolls up the page of an open document or browser. PageDown

    Ctrl+Esc- scrolls down the page of an open document or browser. Keyboard shortcuts: - opens the menu.

    START Alt+Tab

    - switching between open programs. Alt+Tab+Shift

    - switching between open programs in the opposite direction. Alt+F4

    - closes the current window. Shift+Del - deleting an object without moving it to.

    BASKET Ctrl+O

    - opens the “Open Document” window in any program. Ctrl+W

    Ctrl+A- by clicking you can select the entire document in any program.

    Ctrl+S- saves the document in any program.

    Ctrl+C- click to copy the selected part of the document or file to Clipboard.

    Ctrl+V- click to insert part of a document or file from Clipboards.

    Win+Pause/Break- opening the control panel window System-properties.

    Win+R- opening the “Run Program” window (same as START → RUN).

    Win+D- minimizes all currently open windows.

    Win+F- opens the window SEARCH.

    Win+Tab- switches between buttons on Taskbars.

Standard hotkeys for working with the clipboard, used in graphical user interfaces on PC-compatible PCs (for PC101 keyboard with QWERTY layout): Copy selected objects to the clipboard: Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Ins. Cut selected objects to the clipboard (for moving): Ctrl + X or ⇧ Shift + Del. Paste from clipboard: Ctrl + V or ⇧ Shift + Ins. Although these are the most common combinations, some applications may use other key combinations. For example, in the X Window System, in addition to the above-described clipboard, a “selection” buffer is available, to copy into which you just need to select the desired part of the text, and to paste, just press the middle mouse button or simultaneously the left and right button(imitation of the middle button).

b). Context menu(English) context menu) in a graphical user interface, a menu typically opened by pressing the second button of a pointing input device. This menu displays the commands provided by the object (context) that was under the pointer at the time it was called, and general commands. Whether an object has a context menu and its contents depends on working environment and a specific program.

d). Windows system main menu ( Start Menu - Microsoft menu Windows, launched by clicking the Start button on the taskbar or pressing the Windows logo key on the keyboard. It is the central starting point for launching programs, as well as opening recent documents and accessing system properties. First appeared in Windows 95. Starting with Windows XP, there are two options: "Classic" - similar to the one found in Windows Me/2000/98/95, and "Standard" - the default in Windows XP, Windows Vista, in which You can launch frequently used programs. In Windows 7, there is only a standard version of the Start menu design, but no classic one. Start menu Windows XP: Displaying the user name and avatar Accessing the browser and E-mail client Accessing frequently used programs Opening special folders Shutting down the computer

23. TEXT EDITOR WORD General overview The Word text editor is designed for composing any documents: business and personal. Word is launched either through Start -Programs - Microsoft Word, or double click by the program shortcut (if there is one on the desktop). Opens automatically upon startup new document with the name Document1 (DOC1.DOC). This name remains until you change it when saving to disk. Title bar Program menu bar Title bar Toolbar Document toolbar Standard formatting Ruler Scroll bar Status bar Figure 1 Microsoft Word program window There is a vertical cursor on the screen in the work area. Recall that the TEXT CURSOR is a vertical stroke that indicates where text will be entered next. You can move the text cursor INSIDE THE TEXT using the mouse (to do this, click the mouse button in the place where you want to place the cursor) or using the cursor keys and the following key combinations: +  - move one word to the right; +  - move one word to the left; +  - move one paragraph up; 2. +  - move down a paragraph; + Go to page up; + Go to page down; + - go to the beginning of the text; + - jump to the end of the text At least some of these keys are worth remembering. If you decide never to use them, then you will act like someone who bought a car and decided to always walk. You can determine where the text cursor is located by the STATUS LINE: current previous current characters page pages / total line to the left of the cursor pages distance from the top edge of the sheet  Figure 2 Status line This is what the status line looks like when the mouse pointer is in the work area. If you point to a toolbar button or select a menu item, a tooltip for the button or command will appear in the status bar. Please note that when using the scroll bar, the text cursor DOES NOT CHANGE its position, only the boundaries of the visible area of ​​the document change! Entering and editing text Before typing text, it is advisable to make some settings, such as: page parameters, boundaries of the text area. 1. Setting page margins: menu command File o Page Settings, Margins tab. 2. Setting the visibility of the border of the text area Tools to Options..., tab View and Borders of the text area (check the box). The creation of a document begins with entering information, and only then it is properly formatted and printed. The punctuation mark is placed immediately after the word (without a space). A space is placed after a punctuation mark. Formatting toolbars and Horizontal coordinate ruler Buttons Formatting bars Left alignment Centered alignment Right alignment Width alignment Numbered list (more details can be found in the Format - List menu item) Bulleted list(for more details, use the Format - List menu item) Reduce paragraph indentation on the left Increase the paragraph indent on the left Formatting a paragraph with 1. Select a paragraph using a border and 2. Call the Format dialog box - Border and Shading Fill 3. In the Type field of the Border tab, set Border, select the line type, width and color 4. In the Fill field of the Fill tab select a color in the Pattern field, pattern type 5. Click OK Setting paragraph indents using the Horizontal coordinate ruler Indentation on the left, regardless of the first line Indentation on the right Indentation on the left Indentation of the first line Figure 3 Horizontal ruler Formatting headings and subheadings When arranging headings and subheadings, you must observe the following rules: 8. 1. Headings are written in capital letters 2. Word hyphenation in headings is not allowed 3. A large heading is divided into several lines according to its meaning 4. In

MICROSOFT WORD is a word processing application. It can be used to create letters, reports, invoices, brochures, novels and other text documents. A text document is any information represented by computer keyboard symbols. Documents created in WORD can contain both text and graphics, and other objects, such as sound and video clips. WORD makes it easy to format characters and paragraphs. Built-in spelling and grammar checkers check the document not only after it is completed, but also during the creation process. Existing tools for working with objects allow you to create attractive documents for printing, displaying on the screen and posting on the INTERNET. Finally, HTML support provides a good tool for beginning WEB page designers. Loading WOPD. Standard: Start Microsoft programs WORD Via the Microsoft OFFICE panel Via the program shortcut. Through discovery WORD document. Screen view. Window WORD programs contains standard window controls: Title; Menu bar; Toolbars – Standard and Formatting; Scroll bars; Status bar. The menu bar of the WORD program consists of the following sections: File – work with document files. Edit – edit the document. View – customize the program window and document view. Inserting – inserting pictures, diagrams, mathematical formulas, non-standard symbols and other objects into a document. Format – document formatting (setting font, paragraph, style, etc.). Service – service functions (spell checking, WORD settings). Table – working with tables. Window – work with document windows. ? – reference Information about WORD. Typically, we see two toolbars on the screen: Standard and Formatting. They contain buttons for quick access to menu commands. When you hover your mouse over any button, a tooltip appears and a brief description of that command appears in the status bar. Let's look at some of the commands of the first three menu items, while simultaneously studying the corresponding buttons. File menu. Create. When you select this menu item, a dialog box opens in which we can select a template for the document being created: General, Letters and Faxes, Notes, Other Documents, WEB Pages. The Create button on the toolbar quickly creates a regular document. Open. When selecting this menu item, a dialog box opens in which we can find required document to read, correct or print it. This menu item corresponds to the Open button on the toolbar. Close. This command closes an open document. It corresponds to the y button on the right top corner document windows. Save. This command is designed to save an open this moment document. The first time we select this command or click the save button, a dialog box appears in which we can specify the name of the file in which the document will be saved and, if necessary, the folder. When you select this command again, the document will be saved in the same file. Save as... If you need to make a copy of a document or save it in another location (for example, on a floppy disk), then this command is used. In the dialog box you need to specify a different name or path. Page settings. This command sets the page parameters for placing a document on it. The dialog box consists of 4 tabs: Margins, Paper Size, Paper Source and Layout. Let's look at the first two. On the Margins tab, you can set the margins from the edges of the paper to the beginning of the text. The distance is indicated in cm. On the Paper Size tab, we can select a standard size or specify it in cm (if the printer allows it) and the orientation of the text on the sheet - Portrait or Landscape. Preview. This command shows how the document will look when printed. To her

Hotkeys in Word: 1. Selecting text by words – Shift+Ctrl+cursor. Selects text not by characters, but by words, which speeds up the selection of the phrase as a whole. 2. Select a line to the end – Shift+End. Selects text from the position where the cursor is positioned to the end of the line. 3. Select a line to the beginning – Shift+Home. Selects text starting from the position where the cursor is positioned until the beginning of the line. 4. Select all text to the end – Shift+Ctrl+End. Selects text starting from the position where the cursor is located until the end of the entire text. 5. Selecting all the text before the beginning – Shift+Ctrl+Home. Selects text starting from the position where the cursor is located until the end of the entire text. 6. Make the selected text bold – Ctrl+B. 7. Selecting text in italics – Ctrl+I. 8. Underlining text – Ctrl+U. 9. Cut – Ctrl+Del. 10. Copy – Ctrl+C. 11. Paste – Ctrl+V. 12. Move to the next line without a paragraph – Shift+Enter. 13. Move to the next line from a new page – Ctrl+Enter. 14. Changing the case of the selected text (lowercase, uppercase, first capital) – Shift+F3.

Windows 10 offers an improved window snapping experience, first introduced in Windows 7. You can place windows on top of each other, side by side, and in the corners of the screen. A 2x2 grid is used for this.

The hotkeys that control binding are as follows:

  • Win + left arrow - snaps the current window to the left side of the screen;
  • Win + Right Arrow – Snaps the current window to right side screen;
  • Win + up arrow – snaps the current window to the top of the screen;
  • Win + down arrow – snaps the current window to the bottom of the screen.

You can combine these hotkeys sequentially. For example, if you press Win + down arrow, the window will stick to the bottom of the screen, if you press the down arrow again without releasing Win, the window will be minimized.

If, after Win + down arrow, you press the right/left arrow, the window will occupy the lower quarter of the screen (right or left, respectively). Similarly, the window is placed in the upper quarter.

Frankly speaking, it is more convenient to use a mouse to secure windows. Simply drag the window to the desired side of the screen to dock it. If you want to fit a window into a quarter of the screen, drag it to the appropriate corner:

Metro Modern apps can only occupy the right or left side screen, it is not yet possible to arrange them differently. Some of them have interfaces that adapt well to window size, such as PC Settings below.

Virtual desktops

The Task view component allows you to manage Windows 10 desktops, which first appeared with the release new version operating system. About use virtual tables We have already covered Windows 10 in this article. This is an analogue of Mission Control from OS X. For the convenience of working with virtual workers Microsoft desks provides the following hotkeys:

  • Win + Ctrl + D – create a new desktop and switch to it;
  • Win + Ctrl + F4 – close the current desktop;
  • Win + Ctrl + left/right arrow – switch between adjacent desktops.

Switch between windows

Win+ Tab - opens an interface for switching between running applications on a separate desktop. Press it once and it will open; you don’t have to hold the keys down. To see the open windows of another desktop, switch to it at the bottom of the screen.

Alt + Tab is a well-known keyboard shortcut, and it works exactly as you're used to. The difference from Win + Tab is that switching occurs between all open applications, regardless of what desktop they are running on.

Command line hotkeys

Many years later, Microsoft heard the pleas of users and added hotkeys to the command line application. Please note that these may be disabled on your Windows 10 and will need to be enabled to use keyboard shortcuts. This is done very simply, we...

Basic combinations:

  • Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert - insert text at the cursor position;
  • Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert - copy the selected text to the clipboard;
  • Ctrl + A - select all text in the current line if the line contains text. If the line is empty, all text in command line;

Moving the cursor while highlighting text:

  • Shift + left/right/up/down arrow - moves the cursor with text selection one character in the appropriate direction;
  • Ctrl + Shift + left/right arrow - moves the cursor with text selection one word in the appropriate direction;
  • Shift + Home/End - moves the cursor with text selection to the beginning or end of the current line;
  • Shift + Page Up/Page Down - move the cursor while highlighting text up or down the screen;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Home/End - moves the cursor to the beginning or end of the text and selects all the text between the cursor and the beginning/end of the text;

Working with the command line window:

  • Ctrl + up/down arrow - move one line up or down in the command line;
  • Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down - move one page up or down in the command line;
  • Ctrl + M – turns on “selection mode”, which helps in selecting text;
  • Ctrl + F - opens a dialog box for searching in the command line;
  • Alt + F4 - closes the command line window.

That's all for today, see you again!

When you have a dozen windows open, switching between them can be inconvenient. However, you can always make work a little more comfortable.

Key switching

In operating rooms Windows systems exists special combination keys that allow you to quickly switch between windows. This combination is Alt+Tab. However, it works a little unusually compared to other hotcases. Pressing this combination once will move you between the last two active windows, and holding Alt key and by pressing and releasing the tab key, you can sequentially select any of the open windows. To go to the window, simply release the Alt key.

If there are too many windows open and you accidentally missed the one you need by pressing Tab while holding Alt, then simply add the Shift key to the combination - in this case, the selection of the active window among the open ones will be done in the opposite direction.

Another way to switch between windows from the keyboard is to use the combination Win + Tab. In some Windows versions These keys opened a three-dimensional window selection interface, and in Windows 10 they open the so-called “Task View” (there may also be a button for it on the Taskbar). This view shows all open windows, from which you can simply select the desired one using the mouse.

You can also add additional virtual desktops through Task View and transfer open windows between these desktops. In some cases, this significantly simplifies the work - some of the tasks are located on one Desktop, and some of the tasks are located on another. The number of virtual desktops can reach up to hundreds.

Convenient window location

Often, when working, it would be nice to have several windows in front of your eyes at once. In this case, the question arises of their convenient location relative to each other. And the option of covering one window with another definitely will not work here. Windows allows you to quickly arrange windows into equal parts of the screen by splitting work area into two parts or four.

Simply use your cursor to grab the application window by its title bar and drag it either to the edge of the screen or to one of the corners. By moving the cursor to the edge of the monitor, the window will automatically occupy either half of the space (when brought to the edge) or a quarter of it (when brought to the corner). For convenience, you are immediately prompted to select the next active window, which will automatically take the dimensions to be located next to it. You can switch between such windows simply by moving the mouse cursor, and often there is simply no need for switching itself - it is enough that the information we need is already before our eyes.

Switch between office documents

If you are actively working with office documents V Microsoft applications Office, then you may like the developers' solution to quickly switch between windows. Working with text editor Word, spreadsheets Excel and PowerPoint presentations, pay attention to the “View” tab, where there is a button called “Go to another window”. By clicking on it, a list will open open files V application of the same name. Just click on the name of the one you want to make it active.

In principle, the same can be done on regular Panel tasks by clicking on the application icon. But some may be distracted unnecessary animation in Windows, especially if there are really a lot of open windows. Therefore, a “dry” list with names open documents may be more convenient.

When working on a laptop, the user often launches several programs at once. In this case, one of the programs is active, and the rest are running in background. To quickly switch between running programs and select the one you want, there are several ways. The first way is to click on the window of the required program. This method is applicable when the windows of all programs are clearly visible on the screen and you can click on the desired window. Please note that the window active program is always in the foreground and the title bar is highlighted more rich color. If the windows of currently inactive programs are minimized or completely covered by the window of the active program, then to switch between programs you just need to click on the icon of the desired program located on the taskbar of the Windows operating system.

✓ Open the main menu and click on Computer in the right column of the main menu. The Computer folder window will appear on the screen.

✓ Open the main menu and launch another application, for example, a standard graphic paint editor. An icon for this application will appear on the taskbar.

✓ When moving the windows of these applications with the mouse, position these windows so that the window of the inactive program is partially visible from under the window of the active program.

✓ Click on the inactive application window. The selected program will become active, and the window of this application will be located on top of all other windows.

✓ On the taskbar, click on the inactive application icon. The inactive application will become active again and its window will once again appear on top of the inactive application's window.

But these are not all the ways to switch between running programs. If your circuit works Windows Aero, then you are provided additional features switching between programs. To complete the experiment, we will launch one more application - Shopping Cart ( Recycle Bin).

✓ Double-click on the Recycle Bin shortcut located on your desktop. The Recycle Bin window will appear on the screen.

Now we have three applications running - Computer, Recycle Bin and graphics editor Paint. The Computer and Recycle Bin applications are essentially just two open folders, which use the same program for their display - Explorer. Since we have two copies of the same program open, a layered Explorer icon will appear on the taskbar. The number of visible icon layers corresponds to the number of running copies this application. Now, as noted earlier, to select the desired window, you should place the mouse pointer on this multi-layer icon and select from the thumbnails that appear the required copy programs.

If two are running different programs, an icon for each running application will appear on the taskbar. If multiple copies of the same program are running, a single layered icon will be shown for the running copies of that application.

✓ Place your mouse pointer on the layered Explorer icon located on the taskbar. Thumbnails of running copies of the application will appear on the screen.

✓ Click on the thumbnail of any of the running applications. For example, in the Computer miniature. The selected application will become active, and the window of this program will appear on top of all other windows.

✓ Click on the icon Paint programs located on the taskbar. The selected application will become active, and you will see the window of this application on top of all other windows.
Now let's shut down each application. Since the graphic editor Paint is in our given time active, let's close this application first.

✓ Click on the button (X - close) in the upper right corner of the application window. The program will end and the application window will disappear from the laptop screen.

✓ Place your mouse pointer on the Explorer icon located on the taskbar. Thumbnails of running copies of the application will appear on the screen.

✓ Place the mouse pointer on the thumbnail of any of the applications. For example, Computer. The selected thumbnail will become active and an X - Close button will appear in the upper right corner of the thumbnail.

✓Close the Recycle Bin application window in the same way.

✓ Click the X - Close button. The Computer application window will close.