How to set the current date and time. Setting the correct time and date on Android

Today we will deal with the problem: why the date and time settings may get lost when loading the operating system. Don’t worry, nothing bad happened to your computer and the issue can be resolved on your own.

Time Zones

The first reason could be an incorrectly selected time zone. Therefore, when you load the operating system, the time is synchronized with the server and, accordingly, is set incorrectly.

To view which time zone is selected for you, you need to right-click on the clock located in the tray and select the item from the context menu "Setting the date and time".

In the next window, look at the set time zone. If it is selected incorrectly, click on the button "Change time zone..." and set the desired value. Then click on the “Apply” and “OK” button.

Change to another time

The second reason is the automatic transition to summer/winter time. As is known, this transition has been canceled in Russia since 2014. That is why the clock on your computer can either lag or rush by 1 hour.

To solve this problem, you simply need to update the installed operating system. If, for known reasons, you cannot do this, then we will consider other methods.

To do this, right-click on the clock in the tray again and select from the context menu "Setting the date and time". In the next window go to the tab "Time on the Internet". Here we click on the button "Change settings". Now you need to uncheck the box “Synchronize with Internet time server” and click "OK". Then click “Apply” and “OK”. Then simply set the correct time.

You can also try changing the time zone. For example, you had UTC+03.00 set, change it to UTC+02.00.

The battery on the motherboard is dead

The third reason why the time and date on the computer are lost, it could be a dead battery on the motherboard. Moreover, they get lost every time you turn off the power to the system unit.

The thing is that when the computer is disconnected from the mains power, the system time and BIOS settings are not lost only due to the power received from the battery. Therefore, when it sits down, when loading the operating system, a window may appear where you, and then the time and date are incorrect.

In this case, you need to disconnect the system unit from the network, turn it with the back cover towards you, and unscrew the screws that secure the side covers. Then remove the side cover and locate the small battery on the motherboard. It is shaped like a tablet, provides a voltage of 3 volts and is usually called CR2016, CR2025, CR2032. Carefully take it out, it is secured there with a latch, and buy the same one in the store - they are not expensive. Then install the battery and put the parts of the system unit back together.

Now turn on the computer and immediately. This can be done by pressing F2 or Del when loading the operating system. We set the correct date and time there. Then we exit the BIOS and wait for the system to finish loading. Then simply set the correct date and time on your computer.


The fourth reason can be called computer viruses. At the same time, they are embedded in system files and because of this, date and time settings can be lost.

Check your computer with an antivirus program. Moreover, it is better to do this not only with the one installed on the computer, but also with a couple of others. If something is wrong, remove any viruses found. If you are still in doubt, check non-system drives for viruses, format the system drive on your computer. You can read more about this in a separate article.

I hope that one of the methods discussed above will help you. And when loading the operating system, you will no longer be bothered by incorrect date and time settings on your computer.

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Sometimes the timing is off. This happens due to errors in the system, resetting settings or installing updates. Therefore, in Windows 10, there are several ways to change the current time.

Setting the correct time

There are three methods built into the system. You don't need any additional software to use them. But if they don’t suit you or for some reason refuse to work, you can use a free third-party application.

There are two options for setting the time: manual and automatic. Using the first one, you will have the right to choose the appropriate numbers yourself. Using the second one, you will get the current time via the Internet. For the most accurate result, it is recommended to use the second method.

Using parameters

Settings is a built-in program that allows you to manage operating system settings in an interface familiar to the user. You can open it by searching using the system search bar or using the combination Win + I.

In the settings, you can select the time zone and set the format for displaying the date and time (which information is displayed first and in what order). In addition, you can enable the display of additional Chinese lunar calendars.

Using the control panel

Control Panel is another program that deals with changing operating system settings. You can find it using the system search bar.

  1. Once in the control panel, go to the “Clock, language and region” block. If you don't see it on the main page, use the built-in search bar located in the upper right corner of the window.
    Open the section “Clock, time and region”
  2. Select the "Date and Time" line.
    Open the “Date and Time” block
  3. The time settings management window will open. Click on the “Change” button to proceed to setting the correct time. Here you can select the appropriate time zone. In the “Internet Time” tab, time synchronization via the Internet is activated. Set the time or enable synchronization with the Internet

Using the Quick Access Toolbar (Taskbar)

The time is always displayed in the lower right corner. By right-clicking on a block with time, you will expand the context menu. Select the item “Setting the date and time”. The parameters described in the “Using parameters” section will open - you can make all the necessary settings there.

Select the line “Date and time settings” from the menu

Using the command line

The command line allows you to manage all system settings, including time. You can find it using the system search bar or the menu called up by the Win + X combination.

In the window that opens, just execute the command time XX:YY, where XX is hours and YY is minutes. For example, to set the time “half past seven in the evening”, you need to enter time 18:30.

Execute the request time XX:YY

Using a third party program

Many programs have been developed that allow you to work with time. For example, you can use the free Atomic Clock Sync application. You can download its free version, which weighs less than a megabyte, from the official website - In Atomic Clock Sync you can find out the exact time

Video: Setting the time in Windows 10

There are several ways to edit the set time. You can do this through settings, control panel, command line, or a third-party program. It is recommended to enable synchronization with the Internet so as not to have to constantly restore the correct time.

To set the date and time in Windows XP, a special utility is used. To call it, open the control panel and click on the date and time icon. An additional window will be displayed on the screen, consisting of three tabs: date and time - this is the first tab on which you can set the date and time. In order to change the date, you must select a month. Open the drop-down list and click on one of its items. Next, set the year and click on one of the days of the month. The time can be changed as follows. Set the rates to any position in the time entry line. And after that, click on the arrows to the right of the line to either increase or decrease the value.


On this tab you can set the time zone. Open the drop-down list by left-clicking on the arrow images on the right side of the list. Next, select one of the values ​​in the list and left-click on it. At the bottom of the tab there is an icon that specifies the mode of automatic transition to summer and winter time.

Internet time

If the computer is a member of a domain, its clock is probably automatically synchronized with a network time server. If the computer is not part of a domain, the computer's clock can be synchronized with an Internet time server. In order to synchronize, select a server; to do this, open the drop-down list by left-clicking on the arrow images on the right side of the list. Next, select one of the values ​​in the list and left-click on it. Next, click the update now button and the synchronization will take place. If synchronization is enabled, the computer clock is synchronized with an Internet time server once a week.

Good day everyone and good mood! Dmitry Kostin is with you again and today we will have a very simple lesson. In general, to be honest, I didn’t want to cover it, because I thought that everyone already knew very well. But I was wrong. It turns out that not everyone knows how to change the date on a computer and, to be honest, this really surprised me. Well, okay, you don’t know how to use Windows 7 or 8, but in all operating systems this procedure is absolutely the same.

There was just a case at work that the date and time got lost for one employee every time she turned it on (January 1, 2000). Well, this is a standard problem. Usually this is due to the fact that the battery in the motherboard is dead. Well, without thinking twice, I replaced it and said: “Just set the date and time to today’s and there will be no more problems.” After that I heard the answer: “Oh, how to do this?” Well, in general, this fact surprised me. And as it turned out, this is far from an isolated case. In general, it's time to stop with the lyrics. Go!

Setting a specific date, month and year

So, in the lower left corner we see our current date and time. So? So. Right-click on this place and select “Set date and time”.

The same effect can be achieved by clicking in the same lower right corner with the left mouse button. In this case, you will see a calendar where you can see any date, as well as the clock. But if you still want to change this date, then you need to click on “Change date and time settings”.

In any case, you get to exactly the place we need, i.e. in the "Date and Time" window. By the way, you can get to the same menu through the control panel by selecting the appropriate element. Well, this is just me, for the sake of general development.

Well, you probably already guessed what to do now. Click on the “Change date and time” button. Please note that you can change this whole thing if you are under an administrator account or know the password for it, otherwise you will not be allowed in any further. The small shield on the button tells us this.

Well, after you have entered the setup itself, we do everything that is required. If you want to change only the number, then you need to select it on the calendar on this calendar. If you need a different month, then you need to left-click on the month itself (for example December, as shown in the screenshot). Then the calendar will switch to months rather than days mode, and you can use the arrows to switch between years (the arrows work in the first example).

Well, if you click on the year, you will switch to year selection mode. In general, everything is basically the same type, so you won’t get confused.

Well, to select a specific year, month and day, just click on the appropriate values. For example, if you are on December 8, 2015, and you need to set January 18, 2020, then click first on December to be taken to the months mode, and then click on 2015 to be taken to the year selection mode. Well, now choose 2020, and you will be thrown back months again. Select January and you will be transferred to numbers. Select the 18th number and click OK. All. The date has been set.

Well, setting the time couldn’t be easier. You probably already guessed it yourself. In the same window, simply left-click where the current hour is displayed and simply change to the one you need. Do the same with minutes. Well, you don’t have to touch the seconds, although if accuracy to the second is so important to you. Well, then click OK as usual and voila!

This is how you can easily change the date and time on any computer with Windows installed. The thing seems simple, but very important. After all, even some programs will not install on your computer if your time is set incorrectly. I remember one time I lost track of this whole thing. Well, I set the time to normal, but entered the date (I thought, what difference does it make, I already know the date). Then I decided to install some very necessary program, but it came out with an error. I was looking for a way out of this situation, since I really needed the program, and in the end it turned out that the program does not start if the date on the computer is set before 2010. Yes, at that time I was wearing January 2000. But as soon as I changed the date, everything worked immediately.

The opposite also happens. The program is good, but it no longer makes new versions, and the old one works until 2013. We have to go back to the past).

Well, that’s actually all I wanted to say about the date and time. But I would like to strongly recommend you one excellent video course, thanks to which you will learn to work productively at the computer and optimize your entire work process. Simply amazing course.

Well, I say goodbye to myself for today! I wish you success in mastering the computer and everything that comes with it. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates, then you definitely won't miss anything interesting. Thank you for reading my article. Good luck to you! See you! Bye bye.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

The computer includes an “electronic clock” that allows you to measure time. They run even when the computer is turned off. Power in this case comes from the battery located on the motherboard.

The system clock is taken into account when recording file creation dates and other data that depends on the current time. Therefore, it is very important that the time indicated by the computer clock is correct. Due to the fact that the system clock operates according to a very old standard, dating back to the 80s of the 20th century, its accuracy leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the clock readings have to be adjusted periodically. Correction of date and time values ​​is usually done manually.

Setting the system date and time

  1. Call the command Start - Control Panel - Date and Time. The Properties: Date and Time dialog box opens.
  2. Open the Date and Time tab,
  3. In the Date panel, select the year, month, and day.
  4. In the Time panel, use the three-section counter to set the current time accurate to the second. Each counter field (out of three) is specified separately.

If a computer is connected to the Internet, it can communicate with other computers scattered around the globe. In order for information about the dates and times of information exchange to be correct, you must correctly indicate the time zone in which the computer is localized. This can be done using the drop-down list on the Time Zone tab. The world map on this tab is for illustrative purposes only. Configure date and time settings.

You can also change the date and time through the BIOS in the main menu; this menu can be found next to the boot menu.

On the same tab you can enable a special automatic transition mode. Twice a year he will independently change the clock to summer and winter time. This is convenient if Windows XP is the only operating system on your computer. Otherwise, it is better not to rely on automation and change the clock manually.

During Windows installation, the installation wizard gives you the opportunity to change the date and time before the installation is complete. If you want the date to be correct from the very beginning of using your computer, we recommend using this function.

If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can automate system clock adjustments. To transmit exact time values, a protocol is used that takes into account inevitable delays in data transmission. To make adjustments regularly, select the checkbox on the Internet Time tab. Synchronize with an Internet time server. The server used for synchronization is selected in the Server drop-down list. You can also manually specify the address of a different time server.

Typically, the readings are updated weekly. If there is no Internet connection at the right time, clock adjustment is postponed until the next connection. If for some reason the system clock is lost, synchronization can be performed immediately by clicking on the “Update Now” button.