What happens if you remove the film from your phone? Selecting a protective film. Why is replacement required?

The main function of the protective glass in a smartphone is to absorb the impact. This ensures protection for the touchscreen from damage. Protective glass often becomes unusable after an impact. It becomes covered with cracks, chips and other damage. This reduces the level of protection significantly. The view of the display deteriorates, and the smartphone itself loses its attractiveness. To replace the coating with a new one, let's look at the features, how to remove protective glass from the phone.

Precautionary measures

Before removing the protective glass from your phone, you need to consider enough important point. Due to the fact that the touch screen has a perfectly smooth surface, the glass adheres to it very firmly. Often it is held in place not by glue, but by electrostatic forces. This way, two flat surfaces are in contact, and you won’t be able to remove the glass by simply prying it with your fingernail. If you use the first tool you come across, for example a knife, there is a risk of damaging the case and display of your smartphone.

It is not enough to use one silicone suction cup. If you stick it tightly to damaged glass, then a vacuum will not form under it, and when force is applied, it will come off. If the grip is good, the suction cup will not come off, but another problem will appear. The sensor is secured in the housing using glue or double-sided adhesive tape. Their tensile strength is lower than that of protective glass and touchscreen. If you overdo it, you can completely tear off the screen module, damaging its cables. It is necessary to act consistently and deliberately.

Removing glass from a phone

Before you remove the cracked protective glass of your phone, you need to prepare and arm yourself with a special tool kit.

We will need:

  • Lint-free cloth.
  • Medical gloves are optional.
  • Silicone suction cup is optional.
  • Windshield cleaner (preferably containing alcohol), vodka, alcohol or alcohol perfume (cologne, perfume) - to choose from.
  • A thin plastic stick, spatula or pick.

Often, protective glass is equipped with the necessary devices.

Let's look at how to remove old film phone:

  • Before removing the protective glass from your phone, you need to wash your hands with soap and dry them. Otherwise put on latex gloves. This is required to prevent streaks and fingerprints from appearing on the surface of the screen.
  • To replace the protective glass on your phone, you need to find the most intact corner where there are no chips or other damage (or they are present, but in the smallest quantity). There you need to attach yourself with a suction cup, while simultaneously pressing it against the screen.
  • Use a mediator to pry up the corner where the suction cup is glued. This is necessary so that the edge of the glass peels off. At the same time, you need to slightly pull the suction cup towards you. Here it is important not to overdo it, so as not to tear off the screen until a gap forms between the glass and it. If you don’t have a suction cup at hand, then it will be enough to smoothly insert the pick deeper into the gap formed.
  • As the broken protective glass peels off, you need to deepen the card/spatula/pick. If the screen is large, then you need to work with two tools at once. They should be promoted in different directions.
  • The final touch to the replacement protective film The phone will pull the suction cup towards itself until the glass comes off completely. You can take the edge with your fingers and do the same.

Gluing new glass

To ensure a high-quality replacement of the protective glass on your phone, all procedures should be done in a clean, dust-free room.

  • When you have already figured out how to remove the protective glass from the phone and completed this action, let's start gluing the new one. Clean the screen with alcohol-containing liquid.
  • From the new protective glass, remove the film from the side that is attached directly to the phone. The glass should be kept as close to the surface of the gadget as possible. Align it carefully and make sure all the holes line up. After this, the glass completely lowers onto the screen.
  • If bubbles appear, they are easily displaced after running a dry cloth over the glass. Last step– removal of the second film. Your phone is now protected.

Removing and sticking the protective glass is very simple. For execution this process no need to contact service centers, everything is quickly done with your own hands.

Typically, the protective film is removed immediately after installation of the product. This is especially true in the case of plastic windows. And, first of all, we will talk about how to remove protective film from polyvinyl chloride windows, and then we will talk about how you can remove tinting film from car glass and about removing protective film from phones.

How to remove film from a window

The problem arises when the builders, after commissioning the house, either got lazy or simply forgot to remove the film from plastic windows. Here we will be required special means and patience. The fact is that it will not be possible to simply remove the film, since after exposure of the protective coating to solar ultraviolet radiation, even for several weeks, it can only be removed mechanically. Those who have regular adhesive tape as a protective film on their frames are lucky - it can be easily peeled off and the remaining residue can be removed using nail polish remover. If you have a different type of protective film, here’s what you can do. First, wet the film with a special solvent, but not too caustic so that it is not harmful to the plastic from which the frames are made. For example, White Spirit is suitable, and some experts even recommend using regular vodka or alcohol for these purposes. Well - an excellent use for strong alcoholic drinks. Be prepared to soak the film more than once before you can start scraping it off. Try to make at least small “gaps” in the film so that the solvent begins to interact with the glue. You can use a thin spatula for scraping. By the way, under no circumstances use cosmofen to remove the film, as it can slightly melt the plastic profile.

How to remove film from glass

We are, of course, talking about the tint film on the car window. IN Lately this question arises quite often due to the fact that traffic police are actively fighting against drivers who tint the windows of their cars. To remove film from a car - or rather, from a car window, you need to do this. First you need to warm up the glass with a regular hairdryer. The main thing is not to bring the hair dryer close to the tint itself, as the hair dryer may begin to act up or stop working altogether. Optimal distance- 8-10 centimeters, no closer. For removed glasses, a suitable option is to use hot water in which you need to immerse them. After the glass has warmed up, we begin to remove the film. It is advisable to remove the film quickly and, if possible, together with the glue, because as soon as the glass cools down, it will be almost impossible to remove the film and you will have to heat the glass again. After removing the tint film, you need to wipe the glass with white spirit or acetone to remove any remaining adhesive. It is best to remove the glass before removing the tint, since caustic substances can get on other elements of the door. Final stage consists of wiping the glass with a special liquid for cleaning mirrors and glass. If it was not possible to clean the car window from the tint film in this way (which is unlikely), you can buy a special liquid at the auto store that needs to be applied only to removed glass. After the tint has softened, wash the glass with warm water, adding some detergent to the water, and then wipe dry.

How to remove film from phone

Of all the cases with protective films, this is the simplest. Usually removing the film from the screen portable devices communication is not difficult. If the film is stuck tightly enough, you can try to pick it a little from some edge. If it starts to peel off, it will be easy to remove, but if not, don’t risk it, especially if you have a device with touch screen. It is very easy to damage it, and the film normal operation, By by and large, does not interfere. Moreover, after some time it will still begin to peel off. And under no circumstances use any liquids to remove it - you can damage the screen so much that it simply stops showing anything, so it’s better to just wait until the film starts to come off on its own - then it will be very easy to remove.

No, of course, the need for a film on your phone is not so stunning that you can’t do without it. This is a computer without a mouse that is “good for nothing.” Of course, there are such computer gourmets who can operate with just a keyboard, but still this is too much, as Cat Matroskin used to say. Phone protection film It’s more akin to a laptop mouse - it’s kind of optional, but on the other hand, you constantly choose the time to buy it.

Note that the film for the phone does not only protective function of the screen surface, it is also attractive from an aesthetic point of view. In general, such a film, as the well-known saying goes, comes to our minds as a guest, but remains there as such an intrusive host that until you decide to stick it, you won’t calm down. If you put together everything that you have to do when deciding how to stick a protective film on your phone or smartphone, then you can define everything in one word - carefully.


Before you get down to business and decide how to properly apply the protective film, you need to find out what its types are. From the right choice depends ease of use of the phone.

So, films come in different types of surface:

  • glossy;
  • and matte.

The first ones are completely transparent, they do not affect the flow of light, but when it hits them sun rays give glare. In addition, settling dust particles are noticeable on them (it’s like on the black surface of a piano, which can be wiped even every hour, and the dust will still be visible), and what is especially unpleasant are greasy fingerprints. Doesn't like this kind of film or perfume.

Matte is the direct opposite of glossy. It doesn't stay on them greasy stains, they do not give glare, they are stronger. But the image passes through them with a slight blur, it is thicker than glossy. Although in fairness it must be said that increasing the thickness does not affect ease of use.

One type of glossy film is mirror film. These are more for those who are constantly concerned about the “secrecy” of their information on the screen. The fact is that light passes through the “mirror” only perpendicularly (well, plus or minus) - someone standing on the side will not see anything on the screen.

According to its protective characteristics, the film can be:

  • ultraviolet - protects from exposure to direct sunlight, the screen does not lose its properties so quickly appearance from burnout;
  • antibacterial - contains antiseptics that prevent the collection of microbes on the surface;
  • antistatic - dust “doesn’t like” to collect on these.

Based on the use of film, it can be divided into:

  • for universal ones - these will have to be adjusted to fit phone screen ;
  • specialized - produced by the phone manufacturer itself and exactly match the size of its screen.

Films are also differentiated by frequency of use:

  • disposable - these stick only once, you remove it, it’s already reuse no good;
  • reusable - these have a magnetic fastening method, but they can be removed and installed again more than once (within reasonable limits, of course).


To complete the work we will need the following equipment:

By the way, those who have nowhere to put their money can buy such a specialized set, like “ crazy hands» - for masters of sticking films on phones.


We present the entire order of the sticker step by step. The gluing itself is preceded by important preparatory operations.

  1. To begin with, we prepare the entire scope of work, put the work table in order - dust is out of the question, wash our hands thoroughly, lay out everything that may be useful.
  2. Clearing the display- needless to say, it must be in seemingly perfect condition, otherwise all the stains will disappear under the film. Do not use alcohol solutions for cleaning; they leave streaks and affect the quality of the screen itself.
  3. We cut the film to the size of the screen - here it’s better to measure seven, but cut only one and, for sure, very carefully. For the convenience of the sticker, let it be 2 millimeters in width and height smaller size screen under protection (1 millimeter on each side).
  4. Checking the cleanliness of the film.
  5. Remove the lower one protective layer(it is always indicated by the number “1”).
  6. Very carefully, preferably starting from one of the corners, apply the film to the screen.
  7. First we align it to the smaller side.
  8. Then we stretch it smoothly over the larger one.
  9. Using a spatula, level the surface, removing all bubbles. At this moment, under no circumstances press hard so as not to move it. Here it must be said right away that it is quite difficult to remove the air bubbles formed under the film. There is, as a rule, only one alternative in this situation - to prevent the formation of these bubbles in principle, which means carefully preparing the surfaces and applying the film very slowly and carefully, or tolerating them until the next gluing (although this may happen literally after 10 minutes). In any case, take your time and don't panic. As practice shows, only large bubbles can be removed with a spatula, while small ones “scatter” by themselves.
  10. Remove the top protective layer of film (number “2”).
  11. The work is completed.

Protective film is used by manufacturers of various products for transportation to the end consumer. It helps protect products from all kinds of damage during the transportation of goods. Depending on the type of product, appropriate film removal methods are used.


  • The protective film is installed on double-glazed windows. This helps protect glass and plastic from various damages during transportation and installation.

    If the film has recently been installed on the product and has not yet undergone transformation, you can remove it by pulling on either edge. If difficulties arise, you can pick up any edge of the adhesive surface with something sharp - a small knife, blade or thin spatula.

  • To remove the film from plastic, you will have to use special chemical solvents. Wet the surface on which the protective layer is applied with an alcohol-containing solvent. You can use White Spirit liquid. It is also permissible to lubricate the surface with alcohol or vodka. Wait a while for the solvent to begin to chemically interact with the adhesive base. Then use a thin spatula to scrape off the film from the surface. If all the glue cannot be removed, try the procedure again.
  • To remove the tint film from the glass, you will need a hair dryer. Bring the device to the surface and start heating evenly at a distance of 8-10 cm from the glass. Once heated, you can begin the peeling procedure by pulling one of the corners of the cover. You can also lower the glass to heat it up hot water, after which the film will be removed just as easily. If the glass cools down before you begin to remove the protective layer, you will need to repeat the heating again, since it is quite difficult to remove the tint from a cold surface.
  • If you are removing the protective film from your phone screen, simply pry up one of its corners with your fingernail. Gently lift the cover and then pull in the desired direction. If you cannot remove the film, do not try to use any chemicals - they can damage the fragile screen of the device. Try prying the film off from any other angle or continue using the device until the protective layer begins to peel off, as it does not interfere normal functioning device and is able to protect the display from scratches and other damage.