How to open the iPhone cover correctly and quickly? How to open the phone and remove the back cover from Xiaomi

The modern electronic device Iphone-4, developed by specialists from the Californian brand Apple, is a fairly well-thought-out device. Along with the software and technical complexity of the implemented solutions, the ingenious assembly determines the practical inaccessibility of the gadget components located in the inside of the case. The question of how to remove the cover from an iPhone 4 is a kind of mystery for some users, since the process of dismantling the back of the panel involves the use of a special tool and requires knowledge of the design features of the case.

Threat to "presentability"

Due to the intensive use of a mobile phone, its appearance loses its “authority”. Most often, the rear panel suffers. Abrasion and mechanical damage tend to aggravate visual perception, as a result of which a completely logical question arises about how to remove the cover from the iPhone 4. Precisely in order to replace it and return its former beauty to the much-loved tempter of user hearts and connoisseurs of the “Apple” brand.

From simple to complex

Before you begin the actual disassembly, you need to have some tools. In particular, you will need an Apple screwdriver in the shape of a star and a new copy of the case, or rather the back of it. That’s probably all that will help you understand in practice how to remove the cover from an iPhone 4 and install a new one. It is worth mentioning that the body of the device is made of high-strength glass, which cannot guarantee 100% protection against careless actions. At the same time, the glass has fixing structural elements, which at the time of installation must be positioned along the guides, because if one of the locks is damaged, the appearance of gaps on the body is inevitable. So be careful.

How to remove the cover

  • iPhone 4 is equipped with two fixing bolts with a star profile, which are located at the bottom end of the mobile device. They need to be unscrewed.
  • Then slide the cover and pry it up.
  • Install a new panel.

Agree, replacing the back cover of an iPhone 4 is a fairly simple process when dismantling is carried out using a special tool, otherwise a situation is inevitable when the user removes the bolt profile slots and further disassembly steps become difficult to implement. It is advisable to purchase this screwdriver, and you can buy it in a special store that sells equipment and components for mobile phones. Ordering online is also quite feasible.


Now your knowledge of how to remove the cover from an iPhone 4 frees you from a sometimes obligatory visit to a service center in order to replace the back panel. At the same time, you can change the color palette of the back side of the case whenever you please. It should be noted that the easiest way to disassemble and install smartphones is the new generation iPhone. The simplicity and ideal layout of the components makes it possible to quickly resolve various issues related to operational issues.

And so on.). Unlock the screen, and then press and hold the power button for a long time. A menu will appear. Select the item “Turn off” or similar (depending on the firmware version). Do not confuse it with the “Reboot” item. A new menu will appear. In it, select “Yes”, “Turn off” or similar. Wait until the device turns off completely.

Turn the phone with the screen facing you, the USB connector down, and the headphone jack and power button facing up. On the left side wall you will find a lever. Pull it towards the top wall, where the headphone jack and power button are located. The back cover and you can remove it.

The battery is non-removable, so you won’t find it under the cover. Therefore, make sure that the power button is not accidentally pressed when the cover is removed, since it is not advisable to change SIM cards and memory cards. But in the compartment there will be two slots for SIM cards, as well as one slot for Micro SD. The HTC One version, designed for one SIM card and without a cover, does not allow for the installation of a memory card.

When installing SIM cards, choose correctly which one to install in which slot. One of them (the top one) allows you to use 3G, but the second one does not. The one you are going to use to access the Internet must have an unlimited connection, and it must be located in your home region. The Micro SD memory card can be up to 64 gigabytes.

After installing the SIM cards and memory card, replace the cover. Turn on by long pressing the power button. Wait for the Android operating system to load. Reconnect peripheral devices if necessary. Continue using your phone.

Modern mobile phones are becoming more and more functional. Every year, companies release several dozen new models that are difficult to understand. HTC offers Russian buyers just over 20 smartphone models.

Mobile phones from HTC can be selected according to several parameters: cost, number of SIM cards, depending on the installed operating system, screen diagonal, color, and so on.

The first parameter is cost. The minimum price at which you can purchase a device from HTC fluctuates around 4 thousand rubles. For this amount you can buy a good phone with the Android operating system, 3.5 inches diagonal, a fairly powerful processor, 8 hours of active work without recharging, a good picture and great sound in headphones. For example, Desire 200 would be such a good budget model.

HTC Windows Phone

The next budget model, radically different from the previous one, will cost the buyer 7 thousand rubles. This is the price of HTC Windows Phone 8S, whose operating system is Windows Phone. This model is suitable for fashionable girls and active teenagers, since the phone has a bright bottom or back panel: red, blue, white or yellow. This phone has a diagonal of 4 inches, a height of 12 cm and a thickness of only 1 cm. It has a slot for a memory card and a good camera.

HTC Desire line

Several HTC Desire series phones have two SIM card slots. This type of phone is often chosen by people who do not want to carry several devices with them. The cost of such a device from HTC ranges from 7 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on the model. However, their main advantage is the ability to use two phone numbers. Such models are HTC Desire V, HTC Desire 601. They run on the Android operating system and have all the advantages of other phones in the line: good sound, picture, high-capacity battery and strict design.

HTC flagship

The company's flagship phone at the moment is the HTC One. It runs on the Android operating system, has a 4-core processor with a frequency of 2.3 GHz, which allows you to run several applications at once, play games, watch high-resolution videos without various gadget freezes. There is a large screen with a diagonal of 5 inches, a memory capacity of more than 10 GB. This phone costs much more than many of the company’s models, but it is truly more powerful, ready to work for a long time, the manufacturer claims that you can talk on it without recharging for up to 20 hours.

The smartphone has an original design, its thickness is less than a centimeter, and its height is about 15 cm. This phone is chosen by successful people, for whom their device is not just a phone, but a treasure trove of information: photographs, important notes, music, documents and applications.

iPhone 5s users, after several years of active use of the device, sometimes try to disassemble it. At the same time, it is not enough to figure out how to remove the cover from the iPhone; you need to be able to navigate the “stuffing” of the device. How to disassemble the iPhone 5S - one of the most popular versions of mobile gadgets from Apple - see the step-by-step instructions below.

If you are wondering how to disassemble an iPhone 5 and change the case, you need to prepare special tools. Every home probably has its own set of miniature screwdrivers, but they won’t fit. Replacing the case on iPhone 5, 6 and other versions of Apple gadgets requires the use of special tools that can be easily found in online stores. That's what they're called - iPhone disassembly kits.

Replacing the case on an iPhone 5S will require the use of the following 4 tools:

  • Pentalob - five-blade screwdriver.
  • Phillips screwdriver.
  • Vacuum suction cup (without a suction cup, replacing the case on the iPhone 5C is unlikely to be possible).
  • Plastic spatula (or something similar).

How to disassemble iPhone 5 and how to open the iPhone cover

In iPhone 5, housing replacement is possible not only in a service center. You can easily use iPhone 5 at home, as well as other, more advanced models - 6, 7.

iPhone 5C model disassembly, steps:

  1. The first step is to unscrew the screw at the bottom of the gadget’s body. Devices version 5 and above use so-called pentabolt bolts to prevent the user from disassembling the phone themselves. Earlier models used Phillips screws.

So, you need to unscrew the two screws at the bottom of the phone panel. If you don’t have a special screwdriver, you can use a flat tool, sharpening it on the sides. But keep in mind that if you do not use tools specifically designed for disassembling the iPhone, the bolts may be misaligned. Therefore, before disassembling the device, stock up on additional Phillips head bolts.

  1. Take a vacuum suction cup and lift the screen, carefully helping yourself with a spatula. What is a spatula used for? To avoid damaging the screen. So, for this purpose you could use a screwdriver, in which case the chances of damaging the display would be increased.
  2. Carefully lift the screen from the Home button side.
  3. Again use a Phillips screwdriver and remove the two bolts that secure the screen. Using a spatula, divide the body into 2 parts.
  4. Unscrew the Home button. And then remove it from the device.
  5. At the top of the smartphones there is a camera, speaker and proximity sensor. But before doing this, you need to carefully remove the mounting plate.
  6. Then you need to finish disassembling the front panel by removing the metal protection.
  7. Now you can start disassembling the iPhone case. And the first thing you need to do is remove the battery so as not to expose yourself to the danger of electric shock. To do this, you need to disconnect the cable from the board. This is done using the same shovel.

Keep in mind that the battery is glued and requires some effort to remove it from the phone. However, securing the battery with glue is not strong, and even with light force the battery will come out of the case.

  1. Get the camera. This is quite easy to do, since, unlike the previous smartphone model from Apple, the camera is not attached to the body in any way.
  2. Remove the motherboard. To do this, you need to unscrew the screws and contacts under the rear panel. Here you can see that the board is attached quite firmly. But after unscrewing the bolts, it is easily removed from the device.
  3. Remove the protective film from the processor and take it out.
  4. Remove the Wi-Fi antenna, headphone jack, and speaker from the device. All parts are attached to the body with a fairly large amount of glue. To remove them, you need to carefully remove the adhesive mass.
  5. Remove the remaining parts - Wi-Fi antenna, similar GPS device, vibration motor for calling.
  6. That's it, the procedure called iPhone 5 disassembly, and the answer to the question of how to open the back cover, is completed. By remembering these simple instructions, any user will be able to understand how to replace the case on the iPhone 5s. You can assemble the iPhone 5S case by following these same instructions in reverse order. When you turn on the gadget after assembly, you will need to unlock the device by entering a password.

This is what a completely disassembled iPhone 5S looks like:

As you can see, disassembling the iPhone 5 with your own hands is not a very difficult task, and can be done by anyone who has at least a little knowledge of technology. Replacing the case on the iPhone 5, when necessary after it is damaged, which often happens after 2-3 years of use, can also be done by the owner of the gadget himself. But if you are afraid of damaging some parts of the iPhone case or its internal elements, it is better not to risk removing the back panel and opening the “filling”. Let the iPhone 5, 6 or other version of the gadget be replaced by a service center specialist.

Replacing the case on iPhone 5: errors

If replacing the case on iPhone 5 and later models - 6, 7, etc. is carried out not by a specialist, but by the user himself, various types of errors may occur that can disrupt the functionality of the gadget. To avoid them, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules before disassembling the device.

In a situation where the replacement of the iPhone 5C case will be done by the device owner himself, the following must be taken into account:

1 If the owner has firmly decided to change any part of his gadget, he must be sure that he has the necessary knowledge and skills, and also carefully study the instructions for disassembling the iPhone. This rule must be followed regardless of which version of the gadget will be disassembled - the fifth iPhone, 6, 6S or others - older or newer versions. If you have the slightest doubt, it is better to use the services of a professional technician. 2 All work must be carried out carefully and slowly. The parts inside the iPhone are very fragile, and any careless movement can cause them to break.

3 It must be remembered that if you disassemble the device yourself, the warranty for repairs is irretrievably lost. Those. in the future, if any breakdown of the gadget occurs, you will have to pay 100% for repairs. 4 It is imperative to purchase a special set of tools, and not use improvised ones found on the farm. This can cause irreparable damage to the device.

A distinctive feature of the iPhone is that it is impossible to disassemble the phone yourself. Even during the presentation of the first Apple gadget, manufacturers assured that opening the back cover of a smartphone at home is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. In addition, disassembling the device yourself leads to loss of warranty, so if any problems arise, the service center may refuse to service the phone. However, if you decide to open the iPhone yourself, you should follow certain instructions presented below.

Features of smartphone maintenance

To prepare your iPhone for installing a SIM card, you must first open the cover of the smartphone. This process is much more complicated than with any other smartphones. As they say, as perfect as iPhone phones are on the outside, they are also inconvenient to maintain on the inside.

In reality, opening the cover of a smartphone yourself is not as difficult as it seems. But the fact that disassembling the device requires a certain preparation and a set of tools already says a lot.

Disassembling the smartphone

Before opening the cover of your iPhone, you need to prepare a special place for work. This is due to the fact that the inside of the smartphone is quite fragile and delicate. There should be no wet or damp places nearby, since dirt, moisture or dust should not get into the iPhone switch. It is best to place thick white cardboard, such as Whatman paper, on the table, which will allow you not to lose the smallest details.

To open the cover at the bottom of the iPhone smartphone, you need to unscrew two screws that are located on the sides of the Lightning connector.

After this, you should smoothly move the back panel up until you hear a characteristic click.

If you need to install a SIM card in your iPhone, you need to insert it into a special slot. It is worth noting that only cropped SIM cards can be installed in iPhone smartphones, so purchase such a SIM card in advance or visit a point where the card trimming procedure is carried out.

If you need to remove the battery, it is recommended to do this using a small plastic spatula so as not to damage the device.

After the SIM card has been installed or other measures have been taken, you can replace the panel and put the cover back. The process, naturally, takes place in reverse order, with the screws being tightened at the last stage. After this, you can continue to use your smartphone.

Each smartphone disassembly procedure must be carried out very carefully, without unnecessary effort, otherwise the sensitive internal elements of the device can be damaged.

As you can see, removing the cover from the smartphone is not as easy as on models from other manufacturers. But everyone can do this. It’s worth repeating that when working with an iPhone you need to be as careful as possible and never make too much effort.


Before unscrewing the back panel, turn on silent mode using the switch on the left side of the device. After that, turn off the iPhone by holding down the power key located in the upper right part of the device.

The screws that allow you to remove the back cover are located on the bottom of the device. To unscrew them, use a special screwdriver designed for disassembling mobile phones.

Disassembling the panel. After you remove the battery from phone, you will have access to the screws that secure the panel. They should be unscrewed in order (given their size, the tip of a kitchen knife is ideal for screwdrivers). After unscrewing one screw, mark its location on the previously drawn diagram and place it in the appropriate place in the drawing. Unscrew all the screws in the same way, after which you can remove the panel itself.

In addition to the screw fastening of the panel, it is also secured by plastic couplings of the product itself. In order to remove the old panel, rid it of the old couplings (carefully inspect the body to understand how the panel is attached to it).

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