Connecting the cash register to 1c instructions. Online cash registers and trading operations in 1C. How to work with cash register systems in a manual point of sale

The new edition of Law 54-FZ has changed the requirements for the use of cash register equipment in organizations. The new requirements of Law 54-FZ are described in detail.

The 1C company promptly makes changes to 1C programs that support changes in legislation.

The new releases of 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 implement support for the requirements of the new edition of Law 54-FZ and the connection of online cash registers.

To use the new generation of CCP you must:

    Purchase/upgrade cash registers. Popular models of online cash registers can be viewed at the link.

    Conclude an agreement with the Fiscal Data Operator (FDO). You can conclude an agreement with OFD using the 1C-OFD service. .

    Set up the joint operation of the 1C: Accounting program and the online cash register used.

Brief instructions for connecting an online cash register to 1C:


    KKM cash desk;

    Shift start date and time;

    Status – “Open”.

When closing a shift, the shift completion time is filled in, the status changes to “Closed”, and the details of the Fiscal data page are filled in.

The composition of the details depends on the version of the fiscal document formats supported by the fiscal drive and the cash register. Basic details are displayed on the form; all available fiscal data can be viewed by following the link to the data file.

Sending an electronic receipt to the buyer

In accordance with the new edition of 54-FZ, the seller is obliged to provide an electronic receipt at the buyer’s request. The program user can fulfill this requirement by configuring the mail agent and telecom operator settings in the Organizer section settings.

With the transmission settings set, customer electronic receipts will be placed in a message queue for sending. The administrator can set up a schedule for transmitting checks standing in the queue (Sales - 54-FZ) immediately after the check is punched or set up automatic distribution according to a schedule.

When registering a sale in RMK, the cashier has the opportunity to enter the buyer’s phone number or e-mail before paying. The administrator can control the status of the queue of electronic receipts ( Administration - Sales - Law No. 54-FZ).

The administrator can open unsent messages and read the error message. Once you have resolved any errors, you can select unsent messages and resend them using the Send command, or delete them if they cannot be sent. The queue status is updated using the Refresh button. Using the link Configure sending electronic checks, you can go to the form for setting up a routine task for sending checks.

We offer programs to users"1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0practical advice on organizing work with cash register equipment (CCT) with the transfer of fiscal data to the Federal Tax Service (online cash registers) in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003.

The main purpose of “1C: Accounting 8” edition 3.0 is the automation of accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting. At the same time, the program supports integration with existing government information systems and work with online cash registers (with cash register equipment that ensures online transmission of fiscal data to the tax authorities).

Let's look at how to organize work in a program with an enterprise cash register in the new conditions.

How to get started with an online cash register

Selecting a cash register

Many more users still have to go through the stage of selecting a cash register.

When developing online cash register models, manufacturers create special software components (device drivers). To support work in new conditions, 1C carefully tests the joint operation of its programs and equipment connected using such drivers. If everything works correctly, then the manufacturer of the CCP model is issued a certificate “Compatible! Software system 1C:Enterprise".

A complete list of certified cash register models with data transmission, as well as other commercial equipment, is published on the 1C website. The list is constantly updated as new models of cash register equipment are certified.

A list of equipment models connected using certified drivers is also published on the 1C website. The operation of application solutions with these hardware models is guaranteed by the driver manufacturer.

Connecting a cash register

Connection of the CCP is carried out in the form Connecting and setting up equipment, which is accessed from the section Administration - Connected equipment.

The user needs to select the type of equipment: CCP with data transmission and create a new directory element Connected equipment. When creating a new instance of a connected cash register, you should specify the hardware driver by selecting it from the list of supported devices (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Connecting online cash register

According to Law No. 54-FZ, the position and surname of the cashier must be printed on the check. The program will take this data from the card of the individual indicated as the current user of the program. Before you start working with the cash register, you need to check whether the necessary information is filled in for those users who will generate checks.

Registering a cash register with the Federal Tax Service

In accordance with Federal Law No. 54-FZ dated May 22, 2003, the key element of cash register is the fiscal drive - a hardware-software encryption (cryptographic) tool.

It is this device, along with long-term data storage, that ensures encryption and transmission of protected fiscal data to the fiscal data operator (FDO).

The fiscal drive must be replaced upon expiration or upon exhaustion of its memory resource. A newly acquired cash register with a new fiscal drive is subject to mandatory registration with the Federal Tax Service.

Registration with the Federal Tax Service can be divided into the following stages:

  • filing an application for registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • registration on cash register from the program “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0);
  • completion of registration with the Federal Tax Service.

It is recommended to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service electronically through the personal account of a legal entity or the personal account of an individual entrepreneur (IP) on the Federal Tax Service website. If you do not yet have a connection to your personal account, you can get one by contacting your tax office. To fill out an application in your personal account, you must prepare information about the cash register and its owner. After the tax office accepts this application, it will assign a registration number to the cash register.

Registration for CCP is performed directly from the program. To do this, in the cash register card (in the form of a directory element Connected equipment) you need to select a command Operation with fiscal storage - Registration.

In the fiscal drive registration form (Fig. 2), you must indicate the registration number of the cash register, which was received from the Federal Tax Service. It is also necessary to indicate the details of the organization, the taxation system (it is permissible to set several flags when combining modes), as well as the details of the OFD. Signs in a group Setting up cash register depend on the specifics of the use of cash registers and must be determined and agreed upon together with the CRF.

Rice. 2. Registration of a fiscal drive

After pressing the button Continue operation the data will be transferred to the cash register and stored in the cash register registration card (group CCP registration parameters). A report will be printed on the cash register. To complete registration in your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website, you need to provide data from this report: document number, fiscal attribute and the exact date and time of the transaction.

Upon expiration or when its memory resource is exhausted, the used fiscal drive must be closed (menu Operations with fiscal storage - Close), and then register a new fiscal drive (menu Operations with the fiscal drive - Changing registration parameters). In the form that opens, indicate the reason for changing the parameters - Changing the fiscal drive. Using the command Changing Registration Settings You can also reflect a change in user details, a change in CCP or OFD.

Opening shift

Work with fiscal equipment is divided into cash register shifts. Before starting work, it is necessary to open a shift, and upon completion, close a shift. A shift is opened in the section . The list of cash register shifts is in the section Bank and cash desk - Cash shifts.

At the moment of opening in the form Cashier shift the organization is indicated; The cash register to which the device is connected; shift start date and time. In field Status value is automatically set Open. After the shift is closed, the status will change to Closed.

How to generate a check in “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0)

Depending on the type and specifics of the enterprise’s trading activities, receipt printing is possible from the following program documents:

  • Retail sales (checks);
  • Cash receipt;
  • Payment card transactions.

Document Check (chapter ) is used in the case of automation of small retail to reflect each sale to a retail (impersonal) buyer. After pressing the button Accept payment the form opens Payment, where you can specify the buyer's email address and/or phone number. The receipt is printed after pressing the button Accept payment from the form Payment. Sending an electronic check is carried out using OFD.

The receipt automatically reflects the nomenclature composition specified on the tab Goods and services document. For organizations that combine OSNO or simplified tax system with special regimes (UTII, patent), sales related to only one taxation system can be reflected in one document.

Payment agent operations (for example, accepting payments in favor of a cellular operator) can be reflected on the tab Agency services. In the tabular section, you need to indicate the contracting party in whose interests the payment is being raised, and the agreement with him. The contract must look like With a principal (principal) for sale. In the contract card in the group Payment agent flag must be set The organization acts as a paying agent and fill in the relevant information. This information will be indicated on the check.

Sales of gift certificates (both our own and certificates from third-party issuers) are reflected on the tab Selling certificates. In this case, the name of the certificate will be indicated on the receipt.

Document Cash receipt (chapter Bank and cash desk - Cash desk) with the type of operation Receipt from buyer is intended to reflect cash settlements with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. This procedure is also used for sales made to individuals who need to be personally included in the directory of counterparties (for example, when the moment of sale of goods (work, services) does not coincide with the moment of payment).

So that in a check generated from a document Cash receipt, the nomenclature of goods (works, services) was reflected, the user must first issue an invoice and indicate it in the field An invoice for payment. If an invoice for payment is not specified, then the receipt, instead of the names of goods, will reflect that payment has been accepted from the buyer (his name is indicated) according to the basis document. The foundation document is indicated in the group Details of the printed form document Cash receipt.

By button Print check a check is generated and a preview form becomes available, where you can make adjustments if necessary. By button Continue- the check is printed.

Document Payment card transaction (chapter Bank and cash desk - Cash desk) with the type of operation Payment from the buyer is intended to reflect settlements by electronic means of payment (acquiring transaction) with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

The same procedure can be applied for settlements with individuals, which must be taken into account separately. The procedure for printing a check in the program for this document is similar to the procedure for printing a check from a document Cash receipt.

In case of a refund to the buyer, a refund receipt can be printed from the documents Cash withdrawal And Payment card transaction with the type of operation Return to buyer. These documents must be generated on the basis of documents Cash receipt or Return of goods from the buyer- only then will the item items be filled in on the checks.

Document Correction cash receipt (chapter Bank and cash desk) is available in 1C:Accounting 8 starting with version 3.0.45. This document is intended to correct a punched check in an open cash register shift and transfer this information to the fiscal data operator.

How to properly close a cash register shift

You can close a shift in various ways. From forms:

  • management of the fiscal registrar (section Bank and cash desk - Fiscal device management);
  • cash register shift;
  • list of checks (section Sales - Retail sales (checks)).

If the program takes into account retail sales, then it is preferable to close the shift from the check list form. Upon completion of the cash register shift, you must execute the command Close shift, after which the program will offer a choice of organization and equipment for which the operation must be performed. As a result, a Z-report will be printed on the selected equipment, and documents will also be generated Retail sales report And Cash receipt according to the receipts reflected on the specified equipment (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Closing the shift

How to work with cash register systems in a manual point of sale

Online cash registers provide the widest possible possibilities for settlements with customers (in wholesale and retail trade, when providing services, etc.) and work directly under the control of the program. However, the use of such a cash register requires an automated cashier workstation.

Autonomous cash registers (KKM Offline) are designed to work in non-automated retail outlets.

Opportunities for working with Cash Register Offline are limited to retail trade. Integration of “1C:Accounting 8” with such autonomous cash registers is carried out manually through file exchange.

Small organizations and individual entrepreneurs selling retail in non-automated retail outlets (including traveling and off-site trading) and providing services can use the 1C:Kassa software and hardware complex, which is a ready-made cash solution that supports the requirements of Law No. 54 -FZ.

The 1C:Kassa complex includes:

  • autonomous cash register "Shtrikh-MPAY-F" for the seller's workplace with a fiscal storage device;
  • cloud application for entrepreneurs “1C:Kassa”, which is designed for working with items, maintaining simple inventory records, adjusting balances, analyzing store performance and performing other daily tasks. You can work with this application wherever there is Internet, many kilometers from the retail outlet.

Starting from version, 1C:Accounting 8 supports synchronization with the cloud application 1C:Kassa. To set up the exchange, you should specify a list of retail outlets whose cash registers will exchange data with the program (section Administration - Data Synchronization).

When the exchange is configured, information about product range and prices is transferred from 1C:Accounting 8 to the cloud application, and a retail sales report and information on returns is loaded into the program from 1C:Kassa. Using the 1C: Accounting 8 version 3.0 program and setting up exchange with different retail outlets, an outsourced accountant can effectively serve several organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

What to do if difficulties arise in working with CCP

To simplify the connection of cash registers to fiscal data operators and interaction with them, the 1C-OFD service is designed. Users of the 1C-OFD service are provided with the following services:

  • consultations on connecting cash register devices to the CRF data transmission and reception system and working with CRFs;
  • assistance in identifying problems that impede the regular work of transferring data from the cash register (fiscal storage device) to the OFD;
  • assistance in registering cash registers in the taxpayer’s personal account with the Federal Tax Service;
  • assistance in obtaining and setting up a qualified electronic signature (CES) for signing an application for registering a cash register in the taxpayer’s personal account on the website, as well as an application for joining the OFD offer.

The obligation to gradually transition to the use of online cash registers with the transfer of information about each sale to the Federal Tax Service is established by the new edition of Federal Law No. 54-FZ dated May 22, 2003. Information about all calculations must be transmitted to the tax inspectorates through an intermediary - the fiscal data operator (FDO). According to the new rules, CCPs must be registered from February 1, 2017. In this article, 1C experts, using the example of the 1C: Retail 8 program version 2.2.5, will demonstrate how 1C solutions support the new legislation on cash registers.

You can find out which programs will implement integration with online cash registers in the “Cash and Cash Register” section of “Monitoring Legislative Changes.”

Law No. 54-FZ: how to work in a new way

In accordance with the new edition of Federal Law No. 54-FZ dated May 22, 2003 (amended by Federal Law No. 290-FZ dated July 3, 2016), all organizations and individual entrepreneurs conducting settlements with the buyer using cash or payment cards are required to switch to the use of cash register equipment with data transfer to the Federal Tax Service through the fiscal data operator (FDO).

Stages of transition to online cash register

until 09/01/2016– The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation has prepared a list of licensed fiscal data operators (OFD)

until 02/01/2017– it is not necessary to use online cash register

from 01.02.1017– it will be impossible to register an old-style cash register, but it is still allowed to work on already registered ones

from 01.07.2017– you can only use modernized cash registers or online cash registers

until 07/01/2018- entrepreneurs using PSN or UTII can work without CCP

from 01.07.2018- absolutely all companies and individual entrepreneurs required by law to use cash register equipment are required to switch to online cash register systems

To support the new work order you must:

  • modernize or update your CCP fleet;
  • register new cash registers with the Federal Tax Service, including modernized ones;
  • select a fiscal data operator (FDO) and connect new cash desks.

List of CCP models with data transfer that can be connected to 1C programs posted on the website. As new cash registers are certified, new models will be included in this list.

To connect cash registers to the fiscal data operator, you can use service 1C-OFD .

Follow the news feed on Law No. 54-FZ on the initial page of the program (Fig. 1).

You will find all the necessary information about supporting legislative changes in 1C programs and connecting to the OFD by following the group links on this page Changes to 54-FZ.

Connection of CTT with data transmission

To connect a cash register with data transmission, you must perform the following preliminary steps:

  • install the device driver;
  • configure Internet access for the device.

Internet access settings are made using the driver.

Connecting the device to the program is done in the directory Connected equipment (Administration - Connected equipment)– see fig. 2.

The user needs to select the type of equipment CCP with data transmission and create a new directory element.

Next, you need to select the organization on whose behalf the goods will be sold on this fiscal registrar, and the device driver. In field Serial number enter the serial number indicated on the device body. Then you need to press the button Tune and make the necessary driver settings - port, network settings and other settings specific to this model. After this you need to click Device test.

When the device is successfully connected, a message will appear on the screen. The user can close the form using a button Save and close.


You can find out more about the new legislation on cash registers, which taxpayers should switch to online cash registers and within what time frame, in the reference book"Cash register equipment" in the "Legal Support" section.

Registration of a fiscal drive

After connecting the cash register to the program, you need to register the fiscal drive. This operation is also performed when replacing a fiscal drive after its expiration date or exhaustion of the memory resource: the used fiscal drive is closed, then the physical device is replaced and a new fiscal drive is registered (Fig. 3).

To carry out the operation, you must select the item Registration from the menu Operations with fiscal storage. This will open a form where you need to fill out a field. KKT registration number number received when registering the cash register with the Federal Tax Service, check that the organization details are filled out correctly, indicate the address of the cash register installation (Fig. 4)

The user can select one or more taxation systems if this device plans to issue checks to register payments for goods and services related to activities with different forms of taxation (Fig. 4). Moreover, if sales are processed at the cashier’s workplace (CW), the program controls the composition of the check: one check can include goods, the balances of which are written off from warehouses with the same taxation system. Goods are written off in accordance with the settings for the distribution of sales by warehouses and services by organizations.

CCP settings include a number of indicators for conducting activities. The user also needs to indicate the name and TIN of the fiscal data operator.

Registration data of the cash register is available for viewing in the card of the instance of the connected equipment.

Operation Changing Registration Settings required when re-registering a fiscal drive. Depending on the selected reason for re-registration, the user has access to those cash register details that he can change.

The registered device can be selected in the card KKM cash registers.

Draw your attention to: distribution of revenue by sections of the fiscal registrar (FR) for the type of equipment CCP with data transmission not supported. In settings Cass KKM for equipment type CCP with data transmission in field Revenue distribution by FR sections a preset element of the settings directory is substituted, which cannot be changed. Work with fiscal registrars is maintained at the same level.

Cashier shifts

When opening a cash register shift by the team Open shift a document is created in the main menu of the RMK or on the form of the list of cash register receipts Cash shift (Sales - Retail sales), in which the Basic data of the current cash register shift is recorded: Organization, Cash register cash register to which the device is connected, Date and time of the start of the shift, status - Open. When closing a shift, the shift completion time is filled in, the status changes to Closed, and the details of the Fiscal data page are filled in.

The composition of the details depends on the version of the Fiscal Document Formats supported by the fiscal drive and the cash register. Basic details are displayed on the form; all available fiscal data can be viewed by following the link to the data file.

Registration of sales and return of goods

In general, the actions of cashiers when processing sales and returns of goods during the shift did not change compared to the previous work procedure.

When issuing checks, the commodity composition of the check is controlled:

  • all item items of one check must be written off from warehouses for which the same taxation system is applied;
  • services provided by the seller are covered by a separate check under each agency agreement.

The return of goods after the end of the shift can now be processed not through the main cash register of the enterprise, but directly at the checkout, punching a return receipt. When issuing return receipts on cash registers with data transfer, control of the date of sale of goods is disabled.

Providing an electronic receipt to the buyer

In accordance with the new edition of Law No. 54-FZ on the use of cash register equipment, the seller must provide an electronic receipt at the buyer’s request. The program user can fulfill this requirement using the program functions. To do this, you need to configure the mail agent and telecom operator for sending SMS messages.

With the e-receipt transmission settings configured, customer e-receipts will be placed in a message queue for sending. The administrator can set the settings for sending messages from the queue (Sales - 54-FZ) - immediately after a check has been punched or set up automatic distribution according to a schedule.

When registering a sale in RMK, the cashier now has the opportunity to enter the buyer’s phone number or e-mail before paying for the purchase. Several ways to determine buyer contact information are supported:

  • data can be entered manually;
  • read with a scanner the bar codes of a business card application developed by order of the Federal Tax Service for the buyer;
  • telephone and e-mail can be determined using the buyer's discount card if this data is saved in the information database.

The search for a buyer's discount card in the RMK interface, when viewing the list is prohibited, is carried out not only by code, but also by phone number, e-mail and last name of the buyer. In this case, after selecting a card, an SMS confirmation code for this operation is sent to the owner’s number. The ability to select a card during a search without SMS confirmation is regulated by the additional user right Allow selection of a card by e-mail without confirmation during a search or Allow selection of a card by phone number without SMS confirmation during a search. If the right is established, the system will not require confirmation with the code sent by the program to the buyer.

In the RMK payment form there are buttons for entering the subscriber number or email address of the buyer. If the number was previously recorded in the information base and is determined using a discount card, the cashier is given the opportunity to delete data from the information base at the request of the buyer using the reverse key on the data entry/display form. After the check has been punched, an electronic copy of the check will be placed in a queue for data transmission.

The administrator has the ability to control the status of the queue of electronic receipts (Administration - Sales - Law No. 54-FZ). The transition to the queue is carried out using the link Open queue of electronic checks(Fig. 7).

The administrator can open unsent messages and read the error message. Once the error has been resolved, you can select unsent messages and resend them using the command Send list command panel or delete if sending is not possible. The queue status of an open form is updated using the button Update. Link Set up sending electronic checks You can go to the form for setting up a routine task for sending checks.

Correction check

The new version of Law No. 54-FZ provides for a correction check, which can be issued if it is necessary to correct sales data submitted to the Federal Tax Service. A correction check can be issued upon instructions from a tax inspector. To issue a correction check, the program provides a document Correction check (Finance - Cash correction checks).

The correction check does not change the state of the registers. As clarifications from the Federal Tax Service and methods for using this document become available, changes may be made to the program.

From the editor.

After the fiscal registrar is successfully connected to the PC, configured to work correctly with it and connected to the Internet, it must be connected to the software, the task of which is to control the equipment during mutual settlements between the buyer and the seller. This could be: “1C-Retail”, “1C Trade Management”, “Kontur.Market”, “IIKO”, “R-keeper” or other software.

Next, the selected program must be configured so that it sees the fiscal registrar, and the latter receives commands to print various reports (checks). To set up such a program you will need the help of a specialist.

It is important to note that the end user may encounter serious difficulties if, for example, there is a cloud solution (renting a 1C program, in which the user does not have administrative rights to configure the software, install programs, etc.).

Which cash registers can be connected to 1-C according to the new law No. 54-FZ?

A list of CCP models with data transmission that can be connected to 1C programs can be viewed. New models will be included in this list as new cash registers are certified.

Connection of CTT with data transmission

To connect a cash register, you need to install the device driver and configure Internet access for it (using the driver).

Connecting the device to the program is done in the directory Connected equipment (Administration - Connected equipment)– see fig. 2.

Rice. 2 - Connected equipment

You must select the type of equipment CCP with data transmission and create a new directory element. Then select the organization on whose behalf the goods will be sold on the fiscal registrar, and the device driver. In field Serial number Enter the serial number indicated on the device body. Next you need to click the button Tune and perform driver settings - port, network and other settings specific to this model. After this you need to click Device test.

If the connection is successful, a message will appear on the screen. The user can close the form using a button Save and close.


More information about the new legislation on cash registers and which taxpayers and within what time frame should switch to online cash registers can be found in the “Cash register equipment” directory in the “Legal support” section.

Registration of a fiscal drive

After connecting the cash register to the program, you need to register the fiscal drive. This operation is also carried out when replacing a fiscal drive after its expiration date or exhaustion of the memory resource: the used fiscal drive is closed, then the physical device is replaced and a new one is registered (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 - Operations with FN

You must select an item Registration from the menu Operations with fiscal storage, fill in the field in the form that opens KKT registration number number received when registering the cash register with the Federal Tax Service, check that your details are filled out correctly, and indicate the address of the cash register installation (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 - Registration of FN

You can select one or more taxation systems if you plan to issue checks using this device to register payments for goods and services related to activities with different forms of taxation (Fig. 4). If sales are processed at the cashier's workstation (WWK), the program controls the composition of the check: one check can include goods, the balances of which are written off from warehouses with the same taxation system. Write-off of goods is carried out in accordance with the settings for the distribution of sales by warehouses and services by organizations.

CCP settings include a number of indicators for conducting activities. You also need to indicate the name and TIN of the fiscal data operator.

Registration data of the cash register is available for viewing in the instance card of the connected equipment.

Operation Changing Registration Settings required when re-registering a fiscal drive. Depending on the chosen reason for re-registration, you can change those details of the cash register system that he can change.

The registered device can be selected in the card KKM cash registers.

Note! Distribution of revenue by sections of the fiscal registrar (FR) for the type of equipment CCP with data transmission not supported. In settings Cass KKM for equipment type CCP with data transmission in field Revenue distribution by FR sections a preset element of the settings directory is substituted, which does not change. Work with fiscal registrars is maintained at the same level.

Cashier shifts

When opening a cash register shift by the team Open shift a document is created in the main menu of the RMK or on the form of the list of cash register receipts Cash shift (Sales - Retail sales), in which the basic data of the current cash register shift is recorded: Organization, Cash register cash register to which the device is connected, Date and time of the start of the shift, status - Open. When closing a shift, the shift completion time is filled in, the status changes to Closed, and the details of the Fiscal data page are filled in.

Rice. 5- Cash shift Basic data (Markov)

The composition of the details depends on the version of the Fiscal Document Formats supported by the cash register. Basic details are displayed on the form; all available fiscal data can be viewed by following the link to the data file.

Registration of sales and return of goods

The actions of cashiers when registering the sale and return of goods during a shift, in general, have not changed compared to the previous work procedure.

When issuing checks, the commodity composition of the check is controlled:

  • all item items of one check must be written off from warehouses for which the same taxation system is applied;
  • services provided by the seller are covered by a separate check under each agency agreement.

The return of goods after the end of the shift can be processed not through the main cash register of the enterprise, but directly at the checkout, punching a return receipt. When issuing return receipts on cash registers with data transfer, control of the date of sale of goods is disabled.

Providing an electronic receipt to the buyer

In accordance with the new edition of Law No. 54-FZ on the use of cash register systems, the seller must provide an electronic receipt at the buyer’s request. The program user can fulfill this requirement using the appropriate program functions. To do this, you need to configure the mail agent and telecom operator for sending SMS messages.

When the electronic receipt transmission settings are configured, customer electronic receipts will be placed in a message queue for sending. The administrator can set the settings for sending messages from the queue (Sales - 54-FZ) - immediately after a check has been punched or set up automatic distribution on a schedule.

When registering a sale in RMK, the cashier now has the opportunity to enter the buyer’s phone number or e-mail before paying for the purchase. Several ways to determine buyer contact information are supported:

  • manual data entry;
  • reading with a barcode scanner the business card of an application developed by order of the Federal Tax Service for the buyer;
  • determination of telephone and e-mail using the buyer's discount card (if this data is saved in the information database).

The search for a buyer's discount card in the RMK interface, when viewing the list is prohibited, is carried out not only by code, but also by phone number, e-mail and last name of the buyer. After selecting a card, an SMS confirmation code for this operation is sent to the owner’s number. The ability to select a card during a search without SMS confirmation is regulated by the additional user right Allow selection of a card by e-mail without confirmation during a search or Allow selection of a card by phone number without SMS confirmation during a search. If the right is established, the system will not require confirmation with the code sent by the program to the buyer.

In the RMK payment form there are buttons for entering the subscriber number or email address of the buyer. If the number was previously recorded in the information base and is determined using a discount card, the cashier is given the opportunity to delete data from the information base at the request of the buyer using the reverse key on the data entry/display form. After the check has been punched, an electronic copy of the check will be placed in a queue for data transfer.

The administrator has the ability to control the status of the queue of electronic receipts (Administration - Sales - Law No. 54-FZ). The transition to the queue is carried out using the link Open queue of electronic checks(Fig. 7).

The administrator can open unsent messages and read the error message. Once the error has been resolved, you can select unsent messages and resend them using the command Send list command panel or delete if sending is not possible. The queue status of an open form is updated using the button Update. Link Set up sending electronic checks You can go to the form for setting up a routine task for sending checks.

The new version of Law No. 54-FZ provides for a correction check, which can be issued if it is necessary to correct sales data submitted to the Federal Tax Service. Such a check can be issued on the instructions of a tax inspector. To complete this, the program provides a document Correction check (Finance - Cash correction checks).

Rice. 8 - Correction check

The correction check does not change the state of the registers. As clarifications from the Federal Tax Service and methods for using this document become available, changes may be made to the program.

In accordance with the updated version of Federal Law 54 Federal Law (Federal Law dated July 3, 2017 No. 290 Federal Law), from July 1, 2017, individual enterprises and organizations are required to stop using EKLZ cash register equipment and switch to a new generation cash register system - online cash register system.

What are online cash registers

An online cash register is cash register equipment consisting of an input device, a fiscal recorder and a built-in storage device, instead of an EKLZ unit.

The main feature of the equipment is that all expenses in the form of cash or payment cards must be transferred through the fiscal data operator (FDO) directly to the tax service. The receipt must also contain information about the name of the product or service, price, VAT, etc.

How does the online cash register work?

The main advantage of the new generation of cash registers is not just the generation and printing of a paper check, but also the creation of electronic fiscal documents. At the same time, all actions performed by the cashier are stored on a specially designated fiscal storage device and transferred to the tax authority through the OFD. The client can easily receive the usual paper check, as well as an electronic copy of it on his mobile phone or email. All necessary processes are automated as much as possible and physically, neither for the cashier nor for the buyer, the algorithm of actions at the time of payment does not change.

Previous generations of cash registers printed paper receipts and duplicated them onto a special control tape, which was stored along with cash register reports on the work shift. The tax service did not have the opportunity to have information about the work of a particular store until they came to the site with an inspection. Therefore, compliance with cash discipline consisted of the mandatory generation of a receipt for each sale, timely delivery of it to the client and correct closing of the shift. Of course, with the arrival of online cash registers on the market, the rules of operation will change significantly. And there will be no need to store control tapes.

Online cash registers compatible with 1C

The interaction of various software (hereinafter referred to as software) plays a significant role. All online cash registers must have direct access to a personal computer operating at the enterprise.

The problem of compatibility of various platforms with online cash registers was solved by writing our own software for such equipment.

For example, let's look at 1C. An online cash register that runs on 1C:Kassa software. Thanks to the development of special software, we can safely say that the product is completely synchronized. Such equipment has full access to the fiscal data operator and various modules, which greatly simplifies the work.

Full synchronization of the cash register with 1C is carried out. Unfortunately, glitches may occur with earlier versions.

Connecting KKT to 1C

Step-by-step instructions for connecting an online cash register in 1C: Trade Management

Step 1. First you need to in the section Reference data and administration choose - Administration – Equipment and check the box Use connected equipment.

It is worth noting that the ability to connect an online cash register in 1C: Trade Management has been implemented starting from version

Step 3. First, let's connect CCP with data transmission:

Select the equipment type from the drop-down list CCP with data transmission and create a new instance of connected equipment Create button.

In the device card you indicate Organization, on whose behalf the sale of goods will be carried out, and Hardware Driver.

In field Serial number you need to enter the serial number (indicated on the device body)

Step 5. In the window Registration of a fiscal drive must be filled in:

  • registration number of the cash register with the Federal Tax Service;
  • CCP installation address;
  • fiscal data operator identification number;
  • name of the fiscal data operator.

Step 6. Be careful when filling out Organization details.

Registration data for the online cash register can be viewed via the hyperlink CCP registration parameters in the form of the equipment you connect.


CCP with 1C data transmission

To successfully connect a cash register with data transfer, you must first install the device driver and configure Internet access.

Step 1. To connect the device to the program, go to Connecting and setting up commercial equipment bookmark Cash register with data transmission.

Step 2. Next, create a directory component Retail store equipment, specifying service processing with equipment type CCP with data transmission and equipment model, and also indicate the data in the column Name.

Step 3. Then we indicate the cash register of the organization where the goods will be sold on this fiscal device.

Step 4. Then press the button Options and enter the necessary settings - port, model and other settings. After filling out all forms, click Device test.

Step 5. After the device has been successfully connected, you can close the form using the button Save and close.

Online cash register support

The “Active IT” company provides full support to its clients during the transition to a new generation of cash register machines for private entrepreneurs and organizations.

Users are provided with:

  • Supply/modernization of cash register machines
  • Setup and integration with 1C
  • Registration of an electronic signature
  • Registration in 1C-OFD

If you have any questions or difficulties,
write them in the comments or request a call.