Help. "Thank you for your purchase". Increasing the average bill

Most often, not too much attention is paid to the design of the “Delivery” page. Usually, this is a short text about the terms and conditions of delivery. In fact, the buyer's decision when placing an order largely depends on the information provided on this page.

When designing a page, you first need to add the following information:

Regions and delivery methods

First of all, the visitor should see to which regions delivery is carried out. Provide information about the main region in more detail, and for additional ones create a separate page with an overview of all possible ways (transport companies, pick-up points, Russian Post, etc.). If the online store operates throughout Russia, then you can add auto-detection of the region to the site and display information depending on this, as well as a calculator for calculating the cost.

Cost and terms

For most buyers, the timing is very important indicator. It is necessary to indicate on the page when the goods are shipped from the warehouse and how long delivery takes. If it is possible the next day, then this is a rather positive factor. You should not mislead customers by indicating shorter terms than they actually are - this will only negatively affect the reputation of the online store and increase the number of order refusals.

Delivery terms

Is it possible to check or try on the product before purchasing, is it allowed to open the order before payment, will the courier be able to advise on the functions of the product? All this information is often of interest to buyers and needs to be presented in as much detail as possible on the page.

You can also add information about liability for refusal of an order upon delivery. Often, buyers place orders expecting to look at the product and, if it doesn’t suit them, refuse it. In this case, the buyer pays the shipping cost.

Warehouse address

It is necessary so that buyers know where to turn in the event of an emergency. warranty case and to which address to return. If it is not possible to indicate it (the online store operates without a warehouse), then you can indicate the legal or mailing address companies.

Order tracking after dispatch

Here you can specify how the buyer can track the order, how he will receive the track number and where he can check it.
Despite the seemingly a large number of information, it must be presented as concisely and structured as possible so that the buyer does not have to study the delivery page for a long time.

The profitability of any online store primarily depends on how comfortable the conditions are created on the site. Any buyer wants to find what they are looking for as quickly as possible and at the same time spend a minimum of effort. Statistically, most customers don't like the checkout process. That is why, if you want to increase the number of sales, you need to simplify the ordering system on your website.

In online stores, in order to buy a product, the client must fill out order form, which is installed on the site using special scripts, modules or plugins. When creating an order form, adhere to the following rules.

1. Simplicity is the key to effectiveness.

As practice shows, if a buyer encounters any problem when placing an order, he most often leaves the resource for fear of encountering this problem again. If your order form has a few simple steps and is easy to fill out, you are guaranteed consistent sales. It is worth noting that the main thing is not to overdo it with simplicity; always take into account the specifics of your project. The order form on the website should collect a minimum necessary information to complete the order.

2. Use clear examples.

A person always needs clear example, especially when filling out the order form. Try to create a web form that even a complete beginner can fill out.

3. In total, show the progress of the order to your client.

The client should always see how many stages he has completed and how many still remain to be completed. is of particular importance from a psychological point of view. The classic ordering process takes place in 3-4 stages. The first stage is when the user creates an order list. The second stage - the buyer enters his contact information. The third stage is information verification. The fourth stage is the transaction.

4. Dispel all doubts of clients.

In our country, the law on the protection of personal data has recently come into force, but many users do not know about it. IN html form When ordering, be sure to include a non-disclosure notice personal information. This will significantly increase the trust of your customers.

5. No! registrations.

Almost all buyers have a negative attitude towards any registration, due to the fact that this process can take a long time (in their opinion). Therefore, even if you register on your website without confirming your profile, delete it or make the ordering process available to unregistered users. It is worth noting that in some cases registration, on the contrary, is necessary. For example, when you intend to create a quality customer base. In this case, register on the site via social media. It's very simple.

All of the above rules and tips undoubtedly increase the efficiency of the order form on the site, but you should always remember that a lot depends on the specifics of the topic. Only by trial and error can you really increase website conversion.

” aroused interest from readers, so I decided to continue this series of articles. And today we'll dive into ways to simplify the checkout process in your online store. By applying the solutions in this article, you can easily optimize your checkout page or pages.

Of course, each online store is unique in its own way and there is no optimal option for all cases. Therefore, I will try to give general recommendations that I have verified, and you can decide for yourself what is suitable for you and what is not.

  1. Why all this?
  2. Types of ordering;
  3. Optimization of ordering;
  4. We request data from the buyer;
  5. 2 working implementation options;
  6. Analytics;
  7. Conclusion and a small gift!

Why all this?

Before we begin, let's answer the question of why we should optimize the ordering process in an online store:

  1. Make the process simple for the visitor;
  2. Having started placing an order, do not allow the visitor to interrupt it;
  3. And, most importantly, about this process.

No matter how good your website is, all future customers go through the checkout process. And that is why it is so important that this process is simple, fast and does not cause negative emotions in the visitor. If you follow certain rules, the result will not be long in coming.

Types of checkout

There are three basic types of ordering, each of which has its own pros and cons.

1. In a few steps

The most common option, which is built into most . Functionally simple and trivial: on the cart page there is a “Place an order” button, when clicked, the buyer begins placing an order in several steps. There is a step for each type of information requested from the buyer.

Each step collects certain information from the buyer;
The buyer is asked to provide information in portions and is not intimidated by the large number of fields on one page;
Best suited for those online stores that request a lot of information from the buyer;
Still, several steps and reluctance to fill out dozens of fields.

2. One step

The second most popular option is extremely rare in the default CMS, although it can be easily added using modules. When clicking the “Place an order” button in the cart, the buyer is asked to fill out all the data on one page instead of several.

All data is collected on one page;
The optimal solution for most online stores;
Asking for too much information on one page can turn off a buyer. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the number of fields (discussed below).

3. On the cart page

The option that occurs least often. There is no separate page for the ordering process; everything happens directly on the cart page.

All data is collected on one page with ;
Works best with minimum set margins on the page (see screenshot above)
Likewise, asking for too much data on one page can turn off a buyer. Likewise, it is necessary to optimize and reduce the number of fields to fill out.

When considering an online store in its classical sense, it makes sense to take into account only three main options. I suggest moving on to choosing the most optimal one.

Which of the three options should you choose?

I’ll say right away that I haven’t seen any clear rules and regulations in terms of choosing a method for placing an order. Therefore, I only start from own experience. From my point of view, the most best option: separate page placing an order in one step. This option is easily optimized and can be easily scaled for almost any project.

Online store ordering optimization

In this chapter I will show you the simplest and most elegant solutions(I implement the rest, more functional solutions only in my own way). Just remember to implement them, and not just read them and put them off “for tomorrow.”

We don't need much! We reduce the burden on the buyer

I propose to start optimization not by rearranging elements or adding functionality, but, on the contrary, with reducing the amount of requested data. You should not ask the buyer to enter all the data at all: first name, last name, patronymic, telephone, email, country, region, city, street, house, building, apartment, zip code and much more. This will scare him away, so I suggest simplifying the task.

Let's think about what information on the site needs to be collected, and what is not necessary?

Data type

The need for a request on the site

Last name and first name Necessary.
Surname Not necessary , you can check by phone. Required for sending postal items.
Email Necessary to send order data and add to subscribers.
Telephone Necessary to contact the buyer.
Index Not necessary , the operator can check independently at the address.
City Preferably. To understand the buyer's time zone.
Address Necessary. In one field. If available, automatically enter the pickup address in this field when selecting it.
A country Not necessary. Required only when working for several countries.
Comments on the order Necessary .

Thus necessary request the following data:

  1. Last name and first name.
    Example: “ Andrey Rodionov
  2. Email.
    Example: "
  3. Telephone:
    Example: “ +7-123-456-78-90
  4. Address for or postal delivery:
    Example: “St. Petersburg, Nevsky pr, building 1, apt. 1" Suggest filling in one field, you should not make a separate field for the street, separate for the house and separate for the apartment.
  5. Comments on the order.

There are a total of five fields to fill out. By requesting this data, you can easily:

  • Contact the buyer;
  • Add it to your subscriber database;
  • Send an order.

Agree that everything has become much simpler, although the information requested is exactly the same. Since you in any case confirm the order by phone, you can find out all the information you need verbally.

Now that we have optimized the collection of buyer data, let's look at several options for placing an order based on the recommendations above.

Option #1. Simple and tasteful.

This option is suitable for those who want little blood Optimize ordering on this page. The most important, accept the recommendation to reduce the fields for collecting information from the buyer and display delivery and payment options.

As a result, you should get something like this:

Agree that this form order is simple and unpretentious, but at the same time effectively ready to fulfill its task? If necessary, add their cost next to it.

Now I propose to consider the second option, which can accommodate much more functionality and convenience for the buyer.

Option #2. Stylish and functional.

If in the first option we collected all the information in one place, then in the second option we will try to separate the data collection and make it more visual.

Step 1. Let's start by collecting buyer data. Let’s take into account the experience of the first option and won’t ask for much

Step 2. Select a delivery method.

If you have at least 2 delivery methods, dividing the options into tabs works very well so that the buyer can immediately concentrate on the option he needs.

This is how you can offer to choose courier delivery:

The attentive reader will notice that the address is requested twice, but this is deliberately done for clarity. In the final version this is not the case.

Here's how to pick it up:

Delivery by Russian Post:

Agree that all this information displayed without tabs would not be so easy to read. And everything looks clean and tidy.

Step 3. Select a payment method.

Here, too, we will try to make everything as simple and clear as possible.

Now let's see how everything will look assembled.

Looks cozy, doesn't it?

Important clarification: This order form was not just formed out of the blue, but based on our own research into the usability of forms and work with many online stores. And it is precisely this form that is now being implemented in the one I am developing. children's internet shop. As soon as it is ready, I will gladly share the link with you.

The final implementation is, of course, yours, but you can easily take the option I proposed as a basis. And to understand how well your checkout is working, you should resort to analytics.

Analytics of the order submission form

Two indispensable tools will help us with this:

  1. Google Analytics. Visualization of sequences.
  2. Yandex.Metrica. Webvisor + Form Analytics.

Google Analytics

In this system we will use “Sequence Visualization”. Such tracking will be most effective for online stores with ordering in several steps. It will look something like this (click on the image to enlarge):

The image above shows several checkout steps from the cart to the “Thank you for your purchase” page. Why do you think there are so many failures at the penultimate step?

What will these statistics tell you:

  1. Understanding at what step the buyer leaves;
  2. Understanding where the buyer goes after placing an order.

How to set up such a tool is described.


Many people have heard about Webvisor, but not everyone has heard about Form Analytics. In order for these statistics to be tracked, you must have WebVisor enabled and the corresponding Yandex.Metrica code embedded on the site. Take a look at an example of a report on one step of placing an order (click to enlarge):

What will these statistics tell you:

Based on this data, you can easily understand which direction you should think in terms of further optimization of the checkout page.


Today's article has revealed for you one of the most simple ways increasing the conversion rate of your checkout page. Let's consider yours further options actions:

  1. Idlers. Do nothing and enjoy your current conversion rates;
  2. For beginners. Conduct an analysis of the weak places where the order is placed and prepare a list of changes;
  3. Experienced. Conduct analytics, prepare technical specifications for changes, give the task to the programmer;
  4. For professionals. Conduct analytics, prepare technical specifications for changes, give the task to the programmer, track implementation and conduct analytics on the updated page.

And yes, I am ready to audit their ordering process for free for the first two people who want it. To do this, just give a link to your online store in the comments and wait for a test order

09.26.2013 Mini audits

Any audit should be based primarily on data from analytics systems and customer behavior statistics. Due to the fact that I do not have this data, the scope of work is greatly narrowed.

Wool day.

Let me start with the fact that the speed of the site is extremely confusing. I checked from several computers, the behavior is equally slow everywhere.

Do you think there are too many ordering options for one small area?

Not sure what I'm suggesting optimal solution for your situation, but my feeling is that in the screenshot below everything looks a little cleaner:

Let's say I want to make an order without registering and click on the appropriate button. We make adjustments:

  1. Rename “Mailbox” to E-Mail
  2. Combine “Name, Patronymic” and “Last Name” into one and call “Name”
  3. If you really want to ask for your date of birth, then leave only the day and month. Not everyone likes to report their year of birth.
  4. Why do you need 2 newsletters? What is the motivation to subscribe to 2 newsletters?

Next step.

  1. It would be nice to combine this step with the previous one so that the buyer does not have negative thoughts when seeing empty fields
  2. It is advisable to remove the index or at least make it optional
  3. According to the “Delivery” page, you deliver throughout Russia. So why offer the country again?
  4. What will filling the region give you? You can find it out yourself.
  5. The “Save” button leads to the fact that it is finally possible to select the payment type. Is it possible to refuse such a non-trivial method?
  6. If I have already expressed a desire to register without registering, why do you again offer “Log in to your account”?

Delivery methods.

  1. It is not immediately clear that pickup is free. Write “Free” or “0 RUR.”

Payment Methods.

  1. Is it possible to make them checkboxes? In the current version, clicking on a button does not lead to a transition to next step, and additional information on the type of payment. If you use checkboxes, you won’t need to add another ordering step.

Terms of use.

  1. This is the real “conversion killer” in the vast majority of cases. Verdict: remove.

The section continues on SEOnews “How to create an online store”. Over the next six months we will tell you why you need (or don’t need?) an online store, how much money you should be prepared to spend on its creation, how to design the main sections of the site, how and where to promote it. And this is far from full list questions that our experts are preparing to answer.

Today we find out what you can and absolutely cannot do with the delivery page.

Subject correct design delivery pages are always up to date. Algorithms search engines updated every month, and key pages websites (and among them “Delivery”) are becoming increasingly equipped with new features and functionality. You can implement a hundred life hacks in the fight for a place in the TOP 10 search results, but if the site is opaque, uninteresting or incomplete information about delivery, they are unlikely to make a purchase on it anyway. Today, it is no longer important to have a delivery page on the site, but whether it will win the trust of visitors.

Imagine that you have developed an informative and colorful layout of the main page, made linking, properly structured and filled in the assortment, designed an interactive catalog with well-designed product cards...

And at the purchase stage it turns out that the buyer will only find out about delivery when he calls the call center at mobile number. Or, for example, a typical page is a canvas of text with six thousand characters.

Will you leave such a site or stay?

“Do you have delivery in your store?”

Fellow marketers at the Baymard Institute conducted a global study of one hundred largest online stores, which also included content analysis of descriptions additional services. It turned out that the design of the delivery page greatly influences conversion and behavioral factors.

Taking into account my own experience and the opinions of foreign colleagues, I have prepared a list of the most necessary things for the delivery page so that the user can easily reach the payment stage.

1. Transparent shipping costs

Surveys show that more than 20% of visitors abandon their cart due to lack of delivery information and more than 70% - if they are not satisfied with the cost of additional services that they learn about at the checkout stage (for example, additional payment at the stage of order payment).

Nowadays, webmasters already understand that the delivery price must be indicated in advance. But sometimes they are limited to the final figure, for example, 450 rubles with additional conditions under an asterisk, or offer complex cost calculators. All this is more likely to confuse the user than to help him understand.

Important explain details clearly, rather than just specifying the price and passing the rest on to the call center employees.

“Delivery is 450 rubles within the Moscow Ring Road, but if you order now, and if in an hour, then the cost will be 600, and if you are outside the Moscow Ring Road, then 1200. Well, you still need to bring it to certain time with an ascent to the 7th floor and beyond the Moscow Ring Road? Then you need to read about special rates in pdf file. Yes, you download it - and on the fourth page there is a table with tariffs...” (From a conversation with an online store call center operator household appliances and electronics).

Avoid monolithic texts not only in the catalog and product cards, but also on the delivery page. What's better not to do:

And so too:

Disadvantages of the design from the last example:

  • Countries by zone (European 7, 8, UK without Scotland, UK tomorrow, UK the day after tomorrow), and not a tariff for an individual country or even a city - all in one;
  • Too much text (only 30% of the information on the page fit on the screenshot!);
  • There is no data on the formation of the cost (why exactly 40 pounds, is this the final price) and exact date(7-14 days - quite a wide range).

If the store sends goods to different regions, it is necessary to develop adequate functionality for clients on the site. For example, on the Lamoda website this is implemented like this: you select a city, then a delivery method (courier, pickup, mail), select a time (today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow), look at the conditions and amount of the order. If it is above 2,000 rubles, there is a nice bonus: delivery is free; if not, there is still a choice of two options.

Among other things, this advantage is directly stated in the site header: “Next day delivery in 60 cities of Russia.”

It is important not just to indicate the price, it is important to indicate it correctly. Infographics, simple calculators(for sites with several regions), fields with drop-down lists and auto-detection of geolocation to help you!

2. “Free delivery”, “Express delivery” - highlight!

This is what inspires trust and motivates to look further at the catalog, makes the store competitive in the market, and hooks the user from the first seconds. Don’t forget to highlight the words FREE and URGENT. Example: (“Free shipping on orders over $25 – EVERY DAY!”).

Another good example implementation of the delivery page - on the website

  • you can choose a convenient delivery time interval;
  • there is information on prices depending on time and distance from the Moscow Ring Road;
  • the advantages of round-the-clock delivery are highlighted in a separate block;
  • There is free delivery for orders over RUB 1,500;
  • There is information about pickup.

3. Addresses of pickup points: the main thing is not to forget anything

Many users prefer not to understand additional information and look for one single checkbox “Pickup” on the delivery page. Indicate pickup points in offline stores, warehouse addresses if you can pick up large items directly from there, partner stores, and so on. In addition to the address, it is important to indicate the day when the order will be at the selected point, since in some of them the order arrives within several days after the purchase is made.

An example of a successful implementation for small network operating in one city: on the delivery page there is detailed description, how to get to pickup points, opening hours, cost and day when the order will be there.

If there are more than 10 branches, it is better to leave only the map on the delivery page (see point 4) or at least add a search by city/metro (but in no case text with vertical stripe scroll!). This will allow you to get detailed information about him.

4. Map for clarity

This point follows from the previous one; it can be addressed to all chain stores with big amount pick-up points. The map shows users searching for a specific city or metro that your store is located exactly where they need it.

5. Payment methods (briefly)

On the delivery page you must refer to payment methods. You can list these methods here if there are few of them, or provide a link to a separate section if there are many payment options or the delivery page is overloaded. The golden mean is to place icons of popular services.

6. Simple shipping calculator

Let's say you're optimizing a shipping page for a large store. You already have a map of branches (there are more than ten of them), you have specified the conditions for express and free delivery, and posted addresses - however, delivery also depends on the weight, volume and other parameters of the goods. In this case, you cannot do without a detailed cost calculation, which can be included in the calculator. Again, an example from the Lamoda website, where the user can:

  • select the country and city of departure, delivery cities;
  • select weight;
  • select volume;
  • assign the declared value of the parcel (this is insurance against damage or loss).

7. Don't forget to make sure the page exists

For example, at the time of writing, the Euroset website was displaying a 404 error when trying to open the “Delivery and Payment” page. But now the problem is solved.

Lifehacks related to delivery

1. Increase the average check

Once you click on the "Add to Cart" button on, a interactive form. It clearly shows that delivery will cost you £5 anyway - so why not buy up to 24 items with delivery for just £5?

In cases where it is completely impossible to do otherwise, you can add delivery as a separate item to the block of related products. And if you do not deliver all products from the catalog for free, add an icon free shipping just some of them:

2. Buyers like to have multiple options to choose from.

Surely you know the “rule of three prices”: according to it, out of three available options people are more likely to choose the expensive or average one rather than the cheapest one. In the case of delivery, the same rule applies. Offer the client several options: the most inconvenient option (delivery in a week), not very convenient for the client, but a convenient option for the company with average price(for example, non-fixed time on a weekday after 2 days) and the most expensive, but convenient for the client option (after 18.00 tomorrow). By offering your customer a choice, you show your interest in him as a potential buyer. This is also why in Lately Many sites implement similar features that keep the user engaged.

Here's a solution that Amazon offers, but it's available to many mid-sized sites as well. First, shoppers on Amazon's US site can enter Amazon Prime Community - a special privileged club - and receive goods for free the very next day after ordering. Secondly, they are given the opportunity to choose a convenient ratio of speed, price and delivery time.

3. Report delivery wherever appropriate!

If possible, inform users about delivery on all pages of the site: in cards, catalog, “company benefits”, and so on.

Not all users get from search to home page store or on the product card, where there is information about delivery. And not everyone will look for a link about delivery in the footer or header of the site. We need to retain users for whom it is important to see something free from the first seconds. Exit - unobtrusively embed a few lines about the advantages of your store on the main page, in the catalog, in the product card, in information about the company and, of course, on the delivery page itself, as the store selling household appliances did:

  • Home page:

  • Delivery page:

  • Catalog page:

  • Product card page:


Don't spare money on a designer who will design your delivery page layout. Looking at it, visitors often judge the quality of service in your company and make the final decision to purchase.

Keep the promises made when describing the conditions and rates. Remember that customer loyalty, which e-commerce entrepreneurs strive so hard for, is strongly influenced by the quality of the company’s business processes. Guarantee of quality products, polite and experienced staff, precision courier service- you can’t do without it in the same way as you can’t do without quality page with delivery terms.

The website is only the first stop on the user’s journey to trust relationships with your brand. The real interaction begins after the phrase “Your order has been successfully completed.”