Activate the health program on your iPhone. How does Apple Health work? Monitoring your health using your iPhone. Best Third-Party Pedometer Apps for iPhone

Apple has been continually revising its health app since it first debuted in 2014. Now it collects more data, works with big amount data sources and even plays perfectly with Apple Watch. It's even a place to store your medical records and tests and how to use Apple Health.

The Apple Health app is your health hub. All your health and fitness data comes together in one place, from your phone, your watch, your fitness trackers, your sleep trackers and your fitness apps.

The idea is to collect all this information and offer you a quick snapshot of what you've done, so you don't have to open a bunch different applications. You don't even need to wear it to use it, as it will receive data from your iPhone's motion sensors and GPS.

From here, you'll be able to see how many miles you've walked, floors you've climbed, steps you've counted, and calories you've burned. HealthKit, an Apple API, allows third party applications health apps like Garmin Connect, Nike+ Run Club, MyFitnessPal, Strava, and more, feed all sorts of metrics into Apple Health.

This could be nutrition information, activity information, body temperature, blood pressure, glucose and much, much more. Although it is now much easier to use, it can also be a complex beast.

So, we've put together a guide to help you get the most out of the Apple Health app for iPhone and Watch.

The main dashboard for Apple Health is called Health Data and breaks down your health into four key areas: activity, mindfulness, nutrition and sleep. The benefit here is that it allows you to dive straight into the area of ​​interest. Clicking on each category will take you to a new screen that breaks down your most recently recorded data.

For example, if you track food, you'll get a breakdown of your diet; you'll be able to see how much calcium, carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, iron and more you've eaten. You can then select a specific category, such as calcium, and see how much you ate that day, month and year.

Apple also uses the App Store to constantly recommend new apps that can help you with this type of data analysis. The calcium page, for example, will have recommendations for apps that track calcium well. The Sleep page will display apps to help you track your sleep. Keep an eye on them.

If you're not entirely sure what a certain category means, there's a little explanation below of what the metric means and why it's important. For example, in the Activity section of the app, under the floors in the Climbing category, Apple will give you the measurements that make up a raised floor (a flight of stairs about 10 feet or 3 meters high).

Each category also has a short video explaining what it means and why you should care. These are short videos that you probably won't watch more than once, but they are well produced and do a good job of trying to keep you interested.

Finally, under the four main groups landing page you'll have secondary data including your body measurements, vital signs, health records, reproductive health, vitality, and something called "Results" - we'll get to those later.

While Apple Health can work offline for iPhone owners This method relies on people keeping their iPhones at hand at every step. If you leave it on the table when you approach the restroom, it won't count the steps you've taken, the distance you've traveled, or the flights you've taken. And if you didn't track it, did you really do it?

However, having an Apple Watch does save you a step. All of your data just snaps right into Apple Health (besides the Activity app, which you can use to close those rings). You can check all the data directly from your time zone by going to the Sources menu at the bottom of the Health app.

Once in the Sources section of the app, scroll down - under apps, we'll get to those in a bit - and check the devices that load Health information. Click on your Apple Watch and you'll get a breakdown of all the health information your smartwatch provides. You'll be able to see your VO2 Max taken from your Apple Watch, active energy, resting energy, rack hours, your heartbeat, heart rate and heart rate. Oh, if you take the Apple Watch's breathing reminders, they'll appear in the Mindfulness section of the app.

These metrics increasingly flicker out of the app's Health Data section, but the Sources page is good look on exactly what your Apple Watch brings to Apple Health.

Just keep in mind that if you want the device third party manufacturers submitted data to Apple Health, you need to enable it in apps related devices. A prompt will usually appear during device setup. And so we return to the main topic of how to use Apple Health.

If you've been using apps like Runtastic or Lifesum for years, you don't need to stop. Health can extract this data and automatically integrate it into the overall health picture (including historical data). However, just like devices, you need to make sure they can see each other by allowing Apple Health access to the apps you choose.

The process varies for each app, but they usually prompt you directly while you're setting them up. If you've forgotten or haven't even thought about using Apple Health, the switch should be buried in the app's settings menu.

On separate page The app's Health section also has a small Data menu at the bottom. If you click on this, you will be thrown to a screen that breaks down the data you have received from this application. Here you will be able to delete any data that is considered erroneous.

As mentioned earlier, there are many applications that use the HealthKit API. You know how to make them talk, you know you can use them, but how the hell are you supposed to find the right applications for use?

The best way, the easiest way, is to select one of the four categories in the health data and scroll down. You'll see a list of recommended apps for each category. For nutrition, recommendations include LifeSum, Yummly, Lose It! and more.

How to Use Apple Health: Edit Your Data

Health Data is designed to give you a quick overview of all the information that matters most to you, without having to dive deep into the app. But what if it is missing some piece of data? What if you accidentally lost your Bluetooth connection or you forgot to add that chicken wing to your meal?

In fact, you can add (and remove) data from Health. Now this stuff is pretty good because the idea behind Health is that it absorbs information on its own and automatically presents it to you in a simple way, but it's still possible. All you have to do is navigate to that data point.

For example, if you want to add resting energy, you'll need to click on "Activity," then click on "Resting Energy," then click on the "+" sign in the top right corner. You can then add your kcals along with the time and date. It's the same for nutrition, mindfulness, or sleep. You simply navigate to a specific indicator and click the + button. By the way, each of the highlighted data point screens has an “Add to Favorites” toggle.

Click on it and it will expand to the top of the category page it is associated with. So if you usually track nutrition information but want to keep an eye on your protein, it's at the top for even easier access.

The Apple Watch doesn't include sleep tracking, but it doesn't have enough battery life for two days yet. Until then you'll have to search alternative ways Apple usage Health for sleep tracking.

The easiest way is your iPhone, and it's actually built in. The Clock Clock app has a Sleep Night feature. You set your bedtime, and then your phone will send you a notification when it's time to sleep. You'll also set wake up and your phone will wake you up.

If you pick up your phone, it will log in as your waking time. It's... very simple, but alternatively, you can wear an Apple Health compatible fitness tracker like the Huawei Band 2 Pro to get good sleep metrics on Apple Health. If you want to get a little more detailed information, there are also devices such as Beddit 3 and Sleepscore Max sleep trackers.

There are also many good apps for iPhones that can track your sleep, including Sleep Cycle, which relies on placing your iPhone under your pillow at night, or Sleep Cycle Alarm, which listens to your snoring to analyze your sleep. All this data flows directly into Health and into the Today and Health Data tabs.

It's worth nothing that there are several apps for the Watch, including Sleep++, but we'd recommend going for a more equipped sleep tracker if you can.

Setting up a medical ID card

Medical ID allows first responders to quickly obtain important information about you directly from your phone. It's one of the four main options in the Health app, and when you add your blood type, allergies, conditions, etc., the top of the screen will toggle to make it easy to access when your phone is locked.

Enabling this may be useful for emergencies, so this good idea at least consider it. To view the medical ID, they will have to try to unlock their iPhone. They then need to click on "Emergency" and then "Medical ID".

You can also add emergency contacts who will automatically receive a message when you use Emergency SOS. They will also receive your location so they know where you are. You can activate Emergency SOS on Apple Watch by pressing and holding side button. A countdown will open and emergency services will be contacted.

On an iPhone, you hold down the side button and one volume button - the siren will sound and the countdown will begin.

At the bottom of the medical ID page there is an option to register as an organ donor with Donate Life America. Your information will go straight to Donate Life, not Apple. That's something to think about.

Track everything we eat with mobile applications, can be a real pain, and manually adding things like sodium intake in Apple Health's Nutrition section is even less appealing.

However, if you use an app like Weight Watchers to record your food or UP Coffee to measure your caffeine intake, those apps can also send data back to Apple Health if they're added as sources.

The added foods will sync nutritional information such as protein, fat, carbohydrates and sodium, as well as lesser known categories such as potassium, magnesium, all important vitamins and...copper. As mentioned earlier, what's really helpful is that for each piece of nutritional information you actually get an explanation of each nutrient, what's important and suggest where available. compatible apps Apple Health, which may track this information.

Apple Health and your doctor

If you use it regularly, the Apple Health app can provide users with big set quantitative health data that will hopefully lead to more education, identifying trends, best choice and lifestyle changes that may lead to longer and healthy life, or at least that's the idea.

But it will also be good news for our doctors as this technology begins to provide information they can use and a way to store the information they give us. Remember the “Results” section on home page The “health data” we mentioned earlier? Here you can find the results of tests you have done with your doctor, such as blood alcohol content, blood glucose levels, forced vital capacity, and inhaler use.

There's also health records (currently in beta), which is Apple's latest initiative to make it as easy as possible for you to take control of your health.

If your insurer or hospital subscribes to Health Records, you'll be able to see all of your health records right here. This way, all of your procedures, immunizations, lab results, medications, and more will live here. If you need to see a new doctor for some treatment, you don't have to wait for your old doctor to give you your medical records—you now own them.
You will also be able to store medical records in the app yourself if your medical expert shares them with you. You just need to name what they give you clinical documentation files.

Keep your data backed up

You need to make sure that from time to time you receive backup copy your health data - just in case. To do this, click on your profile icon that appears in the top right corner and then click on “Export Health Data.” This may take a few minutes, but it will give you a file that you can save if something terrible happens and you lose all your precious recorded data.

Along with Apple Health, there is also ResearchKit, which allows Apple users Health to provide its accumulated data for the purposes of medical research. ResearchKit researchers say it allows them to quickly and easily connect people to their studies, avoid geographic restrictions and find people with rare diseases.

IN App Store There are already apps that allow you to participate in research that could help fight Parkinson's disease, diabetes, asthma and even breast cancer. Just search ResearchKit in the App Store to find them.

Some apps are simply set up to obtain consent for tests in which researchers will send you kits to complete at home. Some you will have complete problems, For example, quick press two buttons, while others will simply try to collect your data from Health.

Apple was initially adamant that all data remain anonymous, but has since changed its position and is now listed as a secondary researcher in several applications. The researchers called for greater access to HealthKit data, mainly so they can better understand how people's health is affected by disease.

You can also sign up for the Apple Heart Study, a study in collaboration with Stanford University attempting to use the Apple Watch to detect atrial fibrillation.

Apple didn't say anything about it, but the iPhone's built-in pedometer needs calibration.

For this we need any free sports program. I recommend Runtastic or Runkeeper.

Articles tagged "CHIP" include short recipes for activation little-known functions in operating rooms iOS systems, OS X and Apple gadgets. If you already knew about this– we are proud to present you with a virtual “advanced user” medal. Let's give other readers the opportunity to receive such an award;)

Why did the problem suddenly surface?: while walking around the city with a friend, he boasted to me that he had already walked today 27,000 steps (or 20 km). I looked at my iPhone and was surprised because my result was 18,000 steps (or 11 km).

We were together all day and there was no way he could have gotten away like that unless he got up early in the morning and started running secretly, which was not observed.

I asked him if the iPhone data matches the readings from activity trackers or sports programs? – to which the friend replied that he had never used any trackers.

This is how the theory about the need to calibrate the iPhone arose.

Installed on it Runtastic phone, I went to the iPhone settings at Privacy → Location Services → scroll down to System Services→ turn on Motion metering calibration(sufficient, but not necessary condition– you need to launch the software).

Next, launch the sports software and select the Walking workout. A GPS icon should appear in the top right corner. We walk at a measured pace for at least two kilometers. After which the iPhone’s built-in pedometer will become more accurate, and the Health app will display real activity indicators. To improve accuracy, it is advisable to go the same way back faster.

After calibration, the data of the two iPhones becomes equal plus or minus the error.

Apple Watch owners do not need to install anything additional, because the watch already has the required workout and is called Walk.

website Apple didn't say anything about it, but the iPhone's built-in pedometer needs calibration. For this we need any free sports program. I recommend Runtastic or Runkeeper. Who doesn't need to read further: owners of any sports trackers. Articles marked “CHIP” include short recipes for activating little-known functions in iOS, OS X and Apple gadgets....

IN modern world active image life is the basis good mood and good health. There are many sports accessories, gadgets and devices for tracking kilometers traveled, sleep time, calculating calories burned, and more. Modern personal equipment(phones, laptops) are equipped various applications, allowing online monitoring required parameter, compare with previously obtained data, analyze the achieved result.

“Health” is an invention of Apple that appeared in the updated mobile operating system. This app comes pre-installed in iOS 8 to organize data from all your workout and health apps into one device. This platform is designed to count calories, track fitness activity, monitor vitamin intake when replenishing vitamin deficiencies, track sleep, blood glucose levels, blood pressure, heart rate and other indicators.

Interface of the Health application on iPhone

The development of the innovation is aimed at detailed monitoring of the user’s well-being and interpretation of the meaning of all collected data from devices and applications connected to the smartphone. For example, the iPhone 5S, 6 and 6Plus have an integrated motion processor; Health can perform the task of a pedometer without requiring a connection external device Fitbit. Also, iPhones 6 and 6Plus have a built-in barometer to control the number of takeoffs (changes in position relative to sea level). In order for statistics to be displayed on the Control Panel, you need to set the settings in the “Health Data” tab.

The “Health” application is a personal medical record that contains information about its owner: date of birth, blood type, height, weight, presence of chronic diseases and allergic reactions, medications used, data imported from other iPhone programs, created on the basis of HealthKit, Contact Information proxies(in case of emergency), etc. "Health" is an aggregator detailed information about the user’s activity and well-being in one place.

The Health mobile service can be used for several purposes:

  • to aggregate data and study the results obtained. Suitable for active people who use various fitness applications. This will allow you to create a complete picture of the effectiveness of training, analyze your health status, and improve results by modernizing and revising the established physical activity schedule.
  • to activate your medical ID. This is an opportunity to quickly identify the patient’s medical history in case of an emergency. In the “Medical Card” tab, you need to click on the “Create Card” icon, fill out the form, and study the accompanying text. Emergency medical workers will be able to view the personal data of the victim from the screen iPhone lock. To do this, you need to enable the “Show on lock screen” option in the corresponding Medical ID settings tab.

Medical ID interface

There are two methods to add information to the Health app: manually and automatically.

Automatic data synchronization is much more convenient, but sometimes it’s worth entering information and metrics yourself, setting desired point data.

List of programs compatible with the Health application

  • calorie counter Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker;
  • FitStar Personal Trainer training plan;
  • MotionX 24/7 sleep monitoring;
  • Human activity tracking;
  • step-by-step workouts for women Zova.

Algorithm for pairing the application with other fitness services

  1. In the program interface, check the “Sources” tab.
  2. Go to the desired source, enable read/write permission. This parameter allows two-way communication between programs: Read allows you to transfer data from “Health”, and “Write” allows you to receive information.
  3. Go to the “Health Data” tab, find the permission type (either read or write). Check the “Show on Control Panel” checkbox. All data collected by the paired app will be displayed in the Control Panel.

ANDinstalling the program on your phone

  • On the desktop, click the icon official application"AppStore". The “Selection” item contains the most popular programs. If in this list There is no “Health”, you should use the “Search” section by name.
  • Select a program and visit its description page. A download link will appear at the top right. Click on it, confirm your installation intentions, wait for the complete download.
  • You can also install the application using a PC through the iTunes service. To do this, please register in advance. account on the official site
  • Visit the “Store” section, select the appropriate category, select a program from the list. After activating the “Buy” button, the application will be downloaded to your computer.
  • Using a cable you need to establish a connection between your phone and PC. After synchronizing the data, the application will be installed.

Setting up the application

  1. In the list of programs, find the “Health” icon and click on it.
  2. When you first start, you should immediately create your personal medical page in the “Medical Card” tab, where you indicate reliable information about blood type, allergic reactions, etc.
  3. Next, you need to visit the “Meddata” tab, where you can post information about nutrition, sleep patterns, weight, height, etc.
  4. The "Everything" section contains additional information: bad habits, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, etc. The program interface consists of colored widget tabs displaying graphs of sleep, activity, etc.

User's personal account

To quickly obtain data without delving into the program itself, you can create Personal Area user to which to add the required categories. The number of displayed tabs is limited by the developers due to large number all kinds of widgets that simply won’t fit on one display.


If there is a need to delete the application "Health", you can use three simple methods uninstallation:

  1. Through iTunes program . This method requires pre-installation iTunes applications And iPhone connections to the computer. After starting the program, select in the sidebar required device(iPhone), the “Programs” tab will appear at the top of the dialog box that opens. If side panel iTunes is not displayed, you need to press the key combination Ctrl+S.

iTunes Sidebar

From the list of all applications, select “Health”, touching the mouse cursor to this icon will display a cross. To completely remove the application, just click on this cross, confirm the action by clicking the “Apply” button in the lower right corner of the window

  1. From desktop. This is the simplest and quick way deleting applications. You need to touch the “Health” program icon and hold it for several seconds (2-3) until the icon begins to tremble. After this, the application logo will appear on the left top corner cross. By clicking it, a system warning about deletion appears on the screen. Confirm your actions by clicking the “Delete” button.
  2. Through the "Settings" tab. This method is only applicable for devices with version operating system above iOS 4. Open the “Settings” tab -> “General” -> “Statistics” -> “Show all programs”. Select “Health” from the list of applications, and in the window that appears, click on the “Uninstall a program” button.


If you have chosen an active lifestyle and installed the above-mentioned application on your phone, you are on the right path to beauty and inner harmony. It will be easy to create a plan for effective training and daily exercise, and personal medical data will facilitate the process of examination by doctors and help create a detailed picture of your well-being.

Like all programs, the Health app has a few issues. On at this stage application development, users cannot export data to other sources, cannot save information in spreadsheets. But inventors are so useful program They will definitely improve it, add the necessary tools - it’s a matter of time. Perhaps in the near future, Apple will allow users to block an application with touch ID and provide detailed recommendations for new developments.

Launch the Health app and you will see the Control Panel screen. If you're using an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, your phone's built-in step sensor will automatically show you information about your physical activity. This sensor tracks the number of steps you have taken, the distance you have walked, and the number of steps you have climbed. You can see data for this activity for the last day, week or year.

If you have an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, then you can use this application as quick remedy viewing data on the number of steps and you do not need a separate pedometer or any kind of fitness tracker. And unless you have any additional device or app, then that's all you can see in the Health app. Again, provided you have a phone latest model with this sensor.

Although the dashboard automatically shows only step count data, in reality you can choose to show any type of data here.

Medical ID

The Medical ID tab allows you to create a medical ID. This is information that can be shown on your smartphone's lock screen without entering a password. This feature is unlikely to be very useful to users from Russia, especially since they don’t really know about it in the USA either.

The idea is that you can add information about yourself that might be useful when emergency- information about diseases and allergies, blood type, organ donor status, contacts in case of an emergency, etc. This important data can be accessed right from the screen of your locked phone if it is needed by medical professionals or first responders. This is something like a digital version of the medical identification bracelet that many of you have seen in American films about hospitals. True, this thing will be useful if someone thinks to look at your phone in an emergency. And also click on the “Call Help” button on the lock screen, and then click on the Medical ID item. Perhaps this will work in the future, but for now it doesn't. It's better to wear a hospital bracelet with similar information. Somehow more reliable.

Health Data

The Health Data tab provides access to big list different types of data about your health. This is a real list of all types of data that HealthKit can track. Apple. This service allows various third-party devices and health apps to provide and access data to the Health app if they have the appropriate access rights. The Health app is supposed to be the central hub where all your health data is stored.

If you use an app or device that integrates with HealthKit, it may automatically add your data to Various types(categories) of information that are installed in the Health application. Similar to how the iPhone constantly stores updated data on the number of steps received from its own pedometer sensor. For example, "smart" apple watch The Watch can receive fitness data that integrates with HealthKit.

But, of course, you can manually add data to this database yourself. For example, if you weigh yourself daily, click Health Data > Body Measurements > Weight, then select Add Data Point and enter the required data. And so, add the latest measurements every day and after a while you will be able to track how this indicator of your health is changing. You can even slide the Show on Dashboard switch to the "ON" position and this data will be shown on the main screen of the application.

Obviously this is not the most convenient function And going forward, Apple expects you to purchase a Bluetooth-enabled wireless scale that will automatically send your weight to HealthKit every time you weigh yourself. But, if you prefer to measure everything manually - weight, blood pressure, sleep duration, caffeine consumption, etc., then, as they say, the flag is in your hands. You are only limited by the types of data that Apple includes in the app.

For each type of data, you can also click on the "Share Data" item and you will see all the applications that automatically transfer data to the Health application, as well as applications that have the right to see such data.


The Sources tab in the "Default" state looks a little, let's say, lonely. This page will only be populated when applications that are installed from the AppStore request permission to update your health information.

For example, if you have a fitness tracker that tracks your sleep time or a scale that transmits your weight data to your smartphone via Bluetooth. The corresponding app on your smartphone will ask for permission to integrate with HealthKit. It will then upload the data to the Health app and you will have access to all your data in one place. This data can then be used by other apps, allowing you to gain greater insight into your health over the course of weeks, months or years.

Note that apps where you enter data manually can also integrate with HealthKit, with all the implications described above.

This application is not very similar to regular ones Apple products, characterized by functionality brought to a “shine”. When you try to use it, Health will not give you a very positive feeling, especially considering the noise it made in the past Apple year, telling the media about the merits of their “epoch-making” product. Mainly because it was created somewhat “in advance” and there is no required set tools - software and hardware. Of course, the opportunity is already available to you manual entry it contains all your health data, but the original purpose of the product involves the use of devices and applications that do this automatically, constantly and unnoticed by you. We believe that in the near future this situation will change.

Application. How to use Fitbit with Apple Health

If you have a Fitbit tracker, you can sync its data with Health app and control them there. Although this will have to be done indirectly and this is due to the unclear position of the manufacturer. You may remember some of Fitbit's controversial statements on this topic.

However, there is a new $1.99 Sync Solver For Fitbit app on the App Store that will help sync data collected from Fitbit trackers with Apple app Health. Sync Solver For Fitbit can transmit information about the number of steps and sleep, calories consumed and burned, distance traveled, weight, body mass index and other indicators.

Everything is simple here. First, sync your Fitbit app with the tracker of the same name so that the data is transferred to the system. Then launch Sync Solver, which will prompt you to import data from the Fitbit app to Apple Health. In this case, you will need to confirm privileges for both reading and writing data in Sync Solver.

Note that imported data will appear in Health with the Sync Solver logo rather than Fitbit, but this will not in any way affect the accuracy of the data or its disappearance.

Electronic devices are increasingly becoming part of our daily life, becoming full-fledged assistants in many matters. This trend extends to monitoring the physical parameters of the user’s body. With the help of technology, it is possible to track your own condition, count your heart rate and determine your sleep phases. Apple smartphones are no exception. The devices are equipped with new software for processing data on the activity of the user’s body. Let's take a closer look at how to use the Health app on iPhone.

In addition to calculating the distance traveled by the user, a number of other functions are available:

How does a pedometer work on iPhone?

A feature of all iPhones, from the 5th model to the latest X, is a built-in electronic-mechanical pedometer. The function based on the amplitude of vibrations of the smartphone transforms impulses into the number of steps taken, in other words, it counts steps.

If you don't see your step count in the Today tab, tracking may not be enabled.

It's easy to enable by following the step-by-step instructions:

  • On the main screen, select the “Settings” icon (gray gear), then look for the “Privacy” item, then click on the “Movement and Fitness” link.
  • Opposite the Fitness Tracking function, activate the switch so that it lights up green. In the same way, move the slider opposite the “Health” application.

After this, the iPhone will begin collecting statistics on its owner’s activities: the number of steps, floors traveled, and counting the total distance.

There are also third party programs with similar functionality. It is recommended to install them from the App Store repository.


The “Health” direction is the summation and demonstration of activity indicators of the phone owner.

When a sedentary lifestyle becomes habitual, it is difficult to maintain a healthy level of activity for the body. Apple devices help with this, as well as special program. Athletes benefit from having additional devices: smart watch or fitness bracelet. In this way, it is easy to collect data on physical activity levels and avoid physiological problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle.