The most useful features and capabilities of the Apple Watch. The clock is not fast. Operating system on iPhone - OS X

In the 50s, a new era began in underwater shipbuilding - the use of nuclear energy to propel submarines. According to their properties, nuclear energy sources are the most suitable for submarines, since, without the need for atmospheric air or oxygen reserves, they allow one to obtain energy for an almost unlimited time and in the required quantity.

In addition to solving the problem of long-term movement underwater at high speed, the use of a nuclear source removed restrictions on the supply of energy to such relatively high-capacity consumers as life support devices and systems (air conditioners, electrolyzers, etc.), navigation, hydroacoustics and control weapons. The prospect of using submarines in Arctic regions under ice has opened up. With the introduction of nuclear energy, the duration of continuous navigation of boats in a submerged position began to be limited, as many years of experience have shown, mainly by the psychophysical capabilities of the crews.

At the same time, from the very beginning of the introduction of nuclear power plants (NPPs), new complex problems that arise have become clear: the need to ensure reliable radiation protection of personnel, increased requirements for the professional training of personnel servicing NPPs, the need for a more developed than for diesel-electric submarines, infrastructure (basing, repair, delivery and reloading of nuclear fuel, removal of spent nuclear fuel, etc.). Later, as experience was gained, other negative aspects emerged: the increased noise of nuclear submarines (NPS), the severity of the consequences of accidents of nuclear power plants and boats with such installations, the difficulty of decommissioning and disposing of used nuclear submarines.

The first proposals from nuclear scientists and military sailors to use nuclear energy to propel boats in both the USA and the USSR began to arrive in the late 1940s. The deployment of practical work began with the creation of submarine designs with nuclear power plants and the construction of ground stands and prototypes of these installations.

The world's first nuclear submarine was built in the USA - Nautilus - and entered service in September 1954. In January 1959, after completion of tests, the first domestic nuclear submarine of Project 627 was put into operation by the USSR Navy. The main characteristics of these nuclear submarines are given in table. 1.

With the commissioning of the first nuclear submarines, almost without interruption, a gradual increase in the pace of their construction began. In parallel, there was a practical development of the use of atomic energy during the operation of nuclear submarines, and a search for the optimal design of nuclear power plants and the submarines themselves.

Table 1

*Equal to the sum of the surface displacement and the mass of water in completely filled main ballast tanks.
**For American nuclear submarines (hereinafter) the test depth, which is close in meaning to the maximum.

Rice. 6. The first domestic serial nuclear submarine (project 627 A)

circuit of a nuclear reactor. Along with water, which has a high degree of purification, which was used in the reactors of the first nuclear submarines, an attempt was made to use for this purpose a metal or an alloy of metals with a relatively low melting point (sodium, etc.). The designers saw the advantage of such a coolant, first of all, in the ability to reduce the pressure in the primary circuit, increase the temperature of the coolant and, in general, gain a gain in the dimensions of the reactor, which is extremely important in the conditions of its use on submarines.

Rice. 7. The first American nuclear submarine “Nautilus”

This idea was implemented on the second American nuclear submarine after Nautilus, Seawolf, built in 1957. It used an S2G ​​reactor with a liquid metal (sodium) coolant. However, in practice, the advantages of the liquid metal coolant turned out to be not as significant as expected, but in terms of reliability and

Rice. 8. The first domestic nuclear submarine “Leninsky Komsomol” (project 627)

Due to the complexity of operation, this type of reactor was significantly inferior to a water-cooled reactor (with pressurized water in the primary circuit).

Already in 1960, due to a number of problems that emerged during operation, the liquid-metal coolant reactor on the Seawolf nuclear submarine was replaced by the S2WA pressurized water reactor, which was an improved modification of the NautiIus nuclear submarine reactor.

In 1963, the USSR introduced the Project 645 nuclear submarine into the fleet, also equipped with a reactor with a liquid metal coolant, which used an alloy of lead and bismuth. In the first years after construction, this nuclear submarine was successfully operated. However, it did not show any decisive advantages over nuclear submarines with pressurized water reactors being built in parallel. However, the operation of a liquid-metal cooled reactor, especially its basic maintenance, caused certain difficulties. Serial construction of this type of nuclear submarine was not carried out; it remained a single copy and was part of the fleet until 1968.

Along with the introduction of nuclear power plants and equipment directly related to them on submarines, their other elements also changed. The first American nuclear submarine, although larger in size than the diesel submarine, differed little from them in appearance: it had a stem bow and a developed superstructure with an extended flat deck. The hull shape of the first domestic nuclear submarine already had a number of characteristic differences from the diesel submarine. In particular, its nasal extremity was given contours that were well streamlined in the underwater position, having a semi-elliptical outline in plan and cross sections close to circular. The fencing of retractable devices (periscopes, RDP devices, antennas, etc.), as well as the hatch and bridge shafts, were made in the form of a streamlined body like a limousine, hence the name “limousine” shape, which later became traditional for the fencing of many types of domestic nuclear submarines.

To make maximum use of all the opportunities to improve the tactical and technical characteristics caused by the use of nuclear power plants, research was launched to optimize the hull shape, architecture and design, controllability when moving underwater at high speeds, automation of control in these modes, navigation support and habitability in conditions of long-term underwater diving without surfacing.

A number of issues were resolved using specially built experimental and experimental non-nuclear and nuclear submarines. In particular, in solving the problems of controllability and propulsion of nuclear submarines, an important role was played by the experimental submarine “Albacore”, built in the USA in 1953, which had a hull shape close to optimal in terms of minimizing water resistance when moving in a submerged position (the ratio of length to width was about 7.4). Below are the characteristics of the Albacore diesel submarine:

Dimensions, m:
length................................................. ........................................62.2
width................................................. ........................................8.4
Displacement, t:
surface........................................................ ....................................1500
underwater........................................................ ....................................1850
Power plant:
power of diesel generators, l. s........................................1700
electric motor power *, l. s........................about 15000
number of propeller shafts................................................... .......................1
Full submerged speed, knots................................................... ..33
Test immersion depth, m...................................................185
Crew, people................................................... ...........................................52

*With silver zinc battery.

This submarine was refitted several times and was used for a long time to test propellers (including coaxial counter-rotating ones), controls when moving at high speeds, new types of propellers and solving other problems.

The introduction of nuclear power plants on submarines coincided with the development of a number of fundamentally new types of weapons: cruise missiles (CR) for firing along the coast and for hitting sea targets, later - ballistic missiles (BR), long-range radar detection of air targets.

Advances in the creation of land- and sea-based ballistic missiles have led to a revision of the role and place of both land and sea weapons systems, which is reflected in the development of the type of nuclear submarines. In particular, missile launchers intended for shooting along the shore gradually lost their importance. As a result, the United States limited itself to building only one nuclear submarine, the Halibut, and two diesel submarines, Grayback and Growler, with the Regulus cruise missile, and the nuclear submarines with the cruise missile built in the USSR to hit coastal targets were subsequently converted into nuclear submarines with only torpedo launchers. weapons.

A single copy of the Triton radar patrol nuclear submarine built in the United States during these years, designed for long-range detection of air targets using especially powerful radar stations, remains in one copy. This submarine is also notable for the fact that, of all the American nuclear submarines, it was the only one that had two reactors (all other US nuclear submarines are single-reactor).

The world's first launch of a ballistic missile from a submarine was carried out in the USSR in September 1955. The R-11 FM missile was launched from a converted submarine from the surface position. From the same submarine, five years later, the first launch of a ballistic missile in the USSR from an underwater position was carried out.

Since the late 50s, the process of introducing ballistic missiles on submarines began. First, a small-missile nuclear submarine was created (the dimensions of the first domestic liquid-fueled naval ballistic missiles did not allow the immediate creation of a multi-missile nuclear submarine). The first domestic nuclear submarine with three ballistic missiles launching from the surface was put into operation in 1960 (by this time several domestic submarines with ballistic missiles had been built).

In the United States, based on the successes achieved in the field of naval ballistic missiles, they immediately went to create a multi-missile nuclear submarine with support for launching missiles from an underwater position. This was facilitated by the Polaris program for creating solid fuel ballistic missiles, successfully implemented in those years. Moreover, to shorten the construction period of the first missile carrier, the hull of a serial nuclear submarine, which was under construction at that time, was used

Rice. 9. George Washington-class nuclear-powered missile submarine

with torpedo armament of the “Skipjack” type. This missile carrier, named "George Washington", entered service in December 1959. The first domestic multi-missile nuclear submarine (Project 667A) with 16 ballistic missiles launched from a submerged position entered service in 1967. In the UK, the first nuclear-powered missile carrier, created in a wide range using American experience, it was commissioned in 1968, in France - in 1974. The characteristics of the first nuclear submarines with ballistic missiles are given in Table. 2

In the years following the creation of the first submarines, there was a continuous improvement of this new type of naval weapons: an increase in the flight range of naval ballistic missiles to intercontinental, an increase in the rate of fire of missiles up to salvo, the adoption of ballistic missiles with multiple warheads (MIRVs) containing consisting of several warheads, each of which can be aimed at its own target, increasing the ammunition load of missiles on some types of missile carriers to 20-24.

table 2

The fusion of nuclear energy and intercontinental-range ballistic missiles gave submarines, in addition to their initial advantage (stealth), a fundamentally new quality - the ability to hit targets deep in enemy territory. This has turned nuclear submarines into the most important component of strategic weapons, occupying perhaps the main place in the strategic triad due to its mobility and high survivability.

At the end of the 60s, the USSR created nuclear submarines of a fundamentally new type - multi-missile submarines - carriers of missile launchers with underwater launch. The appearance and subsequent development of these nuclear submarines, which had no analogues in foreign navies, was a real counterweight to the most powerful surface combatants - attack aircraft carriers, including those with nuclear power plants.

Rice. 10. Nuclear submarine missile carrier (project 667A)

At the turn of the 60s, in addition to rocketization, another important direction in the development of nuclear submarines arose - increasing their secrecy from detection, primarily by other submarines, and improving the means of illuminating the underwater environment to outstrip the enemy in detection.

Due to the characteristics of the environment in which submarines operate, the determining factors in the problem of stealth and detection are the noise reduction of submarines and the range of the hydroacoustic equipment installed on them. It was the improvement of these qualities that most strongly influenced the formation of the technical appearance that modern nuclear submarines acquired.

In the interests of solving problems arising in these areas, many countries have launched research and development programs of unprecedented scope, including the development of new low-noise mechanisms and propulsors, testing of serial nuclear submarines under special programs, re-equipment of built nuclear submarines with the introduction of new technical solutions on them and finally, the creation of nuclear submarines with power plants of a fundamentally new type. The latter includes, in particular, the American nuclear submarine Tillibee, commissioned in 1960. This nuclear submarine was distinguished by a set of measures aimed at reducing noise and increasing the efficiency of sonar weapons. Instead of the main steam turbine with a gearbox, used as an engine on nuclear submarines being serially built at that time, the Tullibee was implemented with a full electric propulsion scheme - a special propeller electric motor and turbogenerators of appropriate power were installed. In addition, for the first time, a hydroacoustic complex with a spherical bow antenna of increased size was used for a nuclear submarine, and in connection with this, a new arrangement of torpedo tubes was used: closer to the middle of the submarine’s length and at an angle of 10-12° to its center plane.

When designing the Tillibee, it was planned that it would become the lead in a series of new type of nuclear submarines, specifically designed for anti-submarine operations. However, these intentions were not realized, although many of the technical means and solutions used and tested on it (hydroacoustic complex, layout of torpedo tubes, etc.) were immediately extended to the Thresher-class serial nuclear submarines being built in the 60s.

Following the Tillibee, two more experimental nuclear submarines were built to test new technical solutions to increase acoustic stealth: in 1967, the Jack nuclear submarine with a gearless (direct-acting) turbine installation and coaxial propellers in the opposite direction of rotation (like those used on torpedoes) and in 1969, the Narwhal nuclear submarine, equipped with a new type of nuclear reactor with an increased level of natural circulation of the primary coolant. This reactor was expected to have a reduced level of noise emissions due to a reduction in the power of the primary circuit circulation pumps. The first of these solutions was not developed, but as for the new type of reactor, the results obtained were used in the development of reactors for serial nuclear submarines in subsequent years of construction.

In the 70s, American specialists again returned to the idea of ​​​​using full electric propulsion on nuclear submarines. In 1974, the construction of the nuclear submarine Glenard P. Lipscomb with a turboelectric power plant consisting of turbogenerators and electric motors was completed. However, this nuclear submarine was not accepted for mass production. The characteristics of the nuclear submarines "Tillibee" and "Glenard P. Lipscomb" are given in table. 3.

The refusal to “replicate” nuclear submarines with full electric propulsion suggests that the gain in noise reduction, even if it occurred on nuclear submarines of this type, did not compensate for the deterioration of other characteristics associated with the introduction of electric propulsion, primarily due to the impossibility of creating electric motors of the required power and acceptable dimensions and, as a consequence, a decrease in the speed of full underwater progress compared to nuclear submarines with turbo-drive units that were close in time when they were created.

Table 3

In any case, testing of the Glenard P. Lipscomb nuclear submarine was still ongoing, and the assembly of the Los Angeles nuclear submarine with a conventional steam turbine unit had already begun on the slipway - the lead nuclear submarine in one of the largest series of boats in the history of American shipbuilding. The design of this nuclear submarine was created as an alternative to the Glenard Lipscomb and turned out to be more successful, as a result of which it was accepted for serial construction.

The world practice of submarine shipbuilding so far knows only one exception, when the full electric propulsion scheme was implemented not on one prototype, but on several serial nuclear submarines. These are six French nuclear submarines of the Rubis and Amethyste type, commissioned in 1983-1993.

The problem of acoustic secrecy of nuclear submarines did not simultaneously become dominant in all countries. Another important area for improving nuclear submarines in the 60s was considered to be achieving the highest possible underwater speed. Since the possibilities of reducing water resistance to movement by optimizing the shape of the hull had been largely exhausted by this time, and other fundamentally new solutions to this problem did not give real practical results, to increase the underwater speed of nuclear submarines there was only one way left - increasing their power supply (measured by the ratio power used to move the installation to displacement). At first, this problem was solved directly, i.e. through the creation and use of nuclear power plants of significantly increased power. Later, already in the 70s, designers took the path of simultaneously, but not so significantly, increasing the power of nuclear power plants and reducing the displacement of nuclear submarines, in particular by sharply increasing the level of control automation and reducing the crew size in this regard.

The practical implementation of these directions led to the creation in the USSR of several nuclear submarines with a speed of over 40 knots, i.e., significantly higher than that of the bulk of nuclear submarines being simultaneously built both in the USSR and in the West. The record for full submerged speed - almost 45 knots - was achieved in 1969 during testing of the domestic nuclear submarine with the Project 661 cruise missile.

Another characteristic feature of the development of nuclear submarines is a more or less monotonous increase in immersion depth over time. Over the years since the commissioning of the first nuclear submarines, the immersion depth, as can be seen from the data below for serial nuclear submarines of the last years of construction, has more than doubled. Of the combat nuclear submarines, the domestic experimental nuclear submarine Komsomolets, built in the mid-80s, had the greatest diving depth (about 1000 m). As you know, the nuclear submarine was destroyed by fire in April 1989, but the experience gained during its design, construction and operation is invaluable.

By the mid-70s, subclasses of nuclear submarines gradually emerged and stabilized for some time, differing in the purpose and composition of the main strike weapons:
- multi-purpose submarines with torpedo weapons, anti-submarine missiles, and later cruise missiles fired from torpedo tubes and special launchers, designed for anti-submarine operations, destruction of surface targets, as well as for solving other traditional submarine tasks (mine laying, reconnaissance, etc. );
- strategic missile submarines armed with ballistic missiles to destroy targets on enemy territory;
- submarines carrying cruise missiles, designed mainly to destroy surface ships and transports.

Abbreviated designation for submarines of these subclasses: nuclear submarines, SSBNs, SSGNs (respectively English abbreviations: SSN, SSBN, SSGN).

The above classification, like any other, is conditional. For example, with the installation of silos for launching cruise missiles on multi-purpose nuclear submarines, the differences between nuclear submarines and specialized SSGNs are largely erased, and the use of cruise missiles with nuclear submarines, intended for firing at coastal targets and carrying nuclear warheads, transfers such submarines to the category of strategic ones. The navies of different countries, as a rule, use their own classification of ships, including nuclear submarines.

The construction of combat submarines is carried out, as a rule, in series of several (sometimes several dozen) submarines each based on one basic design, to which, as experience in the construction and operation of submarines accumulates, relatively insignificant changes are made. For example in table. 4 shows data on the serial construction of nuclear submarines in the USA. The series, as is usually customary, are named accordingly to the head

Table 4

*Built in three sub-series. A larger series of nuclear submarines of 77 units was implemented only during the construction of domestic missile carriers, which, although different in TTX, are based on the same project 667A.
** Construction of the series is not completed.
Submarines, time intervals are indicated by the timing of the laying of the lead submarine and the commissioning of the last in the series of submarines.

The level of development of ALL reached by the mid-90s is characterized by those given in table. 5 data for three American nuclear submarines in recent years of construction.

Table 5

* Improved modification, the lead nuclear submarine of the third subseries.
** According to other sources - 2x30000 hp.

In relation to nuclear submarines (sometimes also to nuclear submarines), the rather conventional but widespread concept of “generation” is used. The signs by which nuclear submarines are classified as belonging to a particular generation are: proximity in time of creation, commonality of technical solutions incorporated in the projects, the same type of power plants and other equipment for general ship purposes, the same hull material, etc. One generation can be classified as nuclear submarines for various purposes and even several successive series. The transition from one series of submarines to another, and even more so the transition from generation to generation, is preceded by comprehensive research in order to justify the choice of optimal combinations of the main tactical and technical characteristics of new nuclear submarines.

Rice. 11. The newest Russian multi-purpose nuclear submarine of the Bars type (project 971)

The relevance of this kind of research has especially increased with the advent of the possibility (thanks to the development of technology) of creating nuclear submarines that differ significantly in speed, immersion depth, stealth indicators, displacement, armament composition, etc. The implementation of these studies sometimes continues for several years and includes the development and military-economic assessment for a wide range of alternative nuclear submarine options - from an improved modification of a serially built nuclear submarine to a variant that is a synthesis of fundamentally new technical solutions in the field of architecture, energy, weapons, hull materials, etc.

As a rule, these studies are not limited only to the design of nuclear submarine variants, but also include entire programs of research and development work in hydrodynamics, strength, hydroacoustics and other areas, and in some cases, discussed above, also the creation of special experimental nuclear submarines.

In countries that build nuclear submarines most intensively, three or four generations of these ships have been created. For example, in the United States, among multi-purpose nuclear submarines, generation 1 usually includes nuclear submarines of the “Skate” and “Skipjack” types, generation 2 - “Thresher” and “Sturgeon”, generation 3 - “LosAngeles”. The Seawolf nuclear submarine is considered as a representative of a new, fourth generation of US Navy nuclear submarines. Among the missile carriers, the first generation includes the boats “George Washington” and “Ethan Allen”, the second - “Lafayette” and “Benjamin Franklin”, the third - “Ohio”.

Rice. 12. Modern Russian nuclear submarine missile carrier "Akula" type (project 941)

In total, by the end of the 90s, about 500 nuclear submarines were built in the world (including those disabled due to obsolescence and lost). The number of nuclear submarines by year in the navies and navies of different countries is given in table. 6.

Table 6

Note. Above the line is a nuclear submarine, below the line is an SSBN.

According to the forecast, the total number of nuclear submarines that will be in service in 2000 will be (excluding nuclear submarines of the Russian Navy) about 130, of which about 30 are SSBNs.

The stealthiness of nuclear submarines and almost complete independence from weather conditions makes them an effective means for conducting various kinds of special reconnaissance and sabotage operations. Typically, submarines are used for these purposes after completing their service for their intended purpose. For example, the previously mentioned US Navy nuclear submarine Halibut, which was built as a carrier of Regulus cruise missiles, was converted in the mid-60s to search (using special devices it carried) for objects lying on the ground, including sunken submarines . Later, to replace it for similar operations, the torpedo nuclear submarine of the US Navy "Parche" (Sturgeon type) was converted into the hull of which a section about 30 m long was cut into and a special underwater vehicle was received on the deck. The nuclear submarine became notorious for participating in a spy operation in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the 80s. By installing a special device on the underwater cable, she, according to data published in the United States, ensured that communications between the Soviet naval base in Kamchatka and the mainland were eavesdropped.

Rice. 13. The newest American nuclear submarine “Seawolf”

Several US Navy Lafayete-class missile carriers, after being withdrawn from the strategic forces, were converted into amphibious submarines for the covert delivery of several dozen marines. For this purpose, durable containers with the necessary equipment are installed on deck. This ensures an extension of the life of nuclear submarines, which for various reasons are no longer used for their original purpose.

Over the forty-odd years of the nuclear submarine’s existence, as a result of accidents (fires, explosions, depressurization of sea water lines, etc.), two nuclear submarines of the US Navy and four nuclear submarines of the USSR Navy sank, of which one sank twice in places with relatively shallow depths and was raised both times means of the emergency rescue service. The remaining sunken nuclear submarines have serious damage or are almost completely destroyed and lie at depths of one and a half kilometers or more.

There was one case of combat use of a nuclear submarine against a surface ship: the nuclear submarine Conqueror of the British Navy during the conflict over the Falkland Islands in May 1982 attacked and sank the Argentine-owned cruiser G.Belgrano with torpedoes. Since 1991, American Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines have launched Tomahawk cruise missile attacks on targets in Iraq several times. In 1999, attacks with these missiles on the territory of Yugoslavia were carried out from the English nuclear submarine Splendid.

(1) This shape, characteristic of diesel-electric submarines, ensured satisfactory performance while on the surface.

(2) Previously, if a submarine had a strong deckhouse protruding beyond the hull, it was called a deckhouse fencing.

(3) It should be noted that at different times the US Navy intended to create submarines with cruise missiles, but each time preference was given to multi-purpose submarines.

(4) Previously, nuclear submarines used a set of sonar systems for various purposes.

(5) For construction, the design of serial nuclear submarines of the “Thresher” type was used and the nuclear submarine was officially considered the seventh ship of the series.

(6) Two electric motors with an estimated power of 11,000 hp were used. With. each placed one after the other.

Table of contents

New Apple Watch Series 3 with cellular connectivity. The good news is that watchOS 4, Apple's smartwatch operating system, is one of the most comprehensive on the market. This results in a steep learning curve, but there is a lot of room for customization. And things will only get better when WatchOS 5 is unveiled, likely at WWDC 2018 in June. We've compiled 20 essential Apple Watch tips and tricks to make your smartwatch even more personal, including improvements made in watchOS 4 and subsequent updates. From adding music to trimming unwanted notifications and even taking screenshots.

Apple Watch Tips and Tricks: Organize and use your Apple App Dock.

Apple has gathered a large number of users who enjoy using watchOS 3, and now you can view all your open apps by pressing the side button. You should make full use of this dock, stacking it with your most popular apps. For what? Because these are the apps that your watch will prioritize when updating information and background.
You can customize the dock in the companion view app. It can be set to use the most recent apps you've used, a bit like multitasking on an iPhone. Or you can turn it into a proper dock with your favorite apps.
If you choose the latter, you can easily configure which apps you want there and they will appear in the list. If you want to set up a dock on your watch, you can do so by tapping the side button, then 3D touching the app and tapping " Keep in Dock».

No. 2. Track your sleep.

Apple doesn't offer its own built-in sleep tracking, which means it can't quite match Fitbit, Garmin, and others that offer full safety control right out of the box. But luckily, there are many apps that can bring the Watch feature. We've rounded up the best sleep tracking apps for Apple Watch so you don't have to search the App Store for them.

No. 3. See time discreetly.

If you want to check the time without lifting your wrist, you can slowly flip the Digital Crown up and it will gradually light up the screen so you can see inside rather than completely lighting up the watch screen. Sorry original Apple Watch Series 1 owners, this one won't work for you.

No. 4. Control music playback.

If you updated to watchOS 4.3, you can control music playback on your Apple HomePod and iPhone right from your Watch. Of course, iPhone users could briefly do this after first launching watchOS 4, although it was quickly removed after music streaming was added to the smartwatch via watchOS 4.1.
However, many users with control and HomePod launch can now select tunes, change the volume, and skip everything with their hands.

No. 5. Changing the sound volume in AirPods.

If you want to change the volume on AirPods without taking out your iPhone, you have to ask Siri. Hidden to say the least, but if you have an Apple Watch, you're in luck.
When you play music on a Watch running watchOS 4 or later, whether it's your iPhone or Watch, you can glance at the watch to see what the " Now Playing" All you have to do is rotate the Digital Crown to raise and lower the volume.

No. 6. Take a screenshot.

All Apple watches can take screenshots when you hold down the Digital Crown and the action button underneath it at the same time. The images are then saved to your camera frame on your iPhone. However, this value is not set by default. To enable screenshots, go to the Watch companion app, then go to the " Are common" There you can enable or disable the inclusion of screenshots.

One of the things Apple is really pushing with the Apple Watch is bands. There are new bracelets released every couple of months, with new colors to suit the season and your wardrobe. That's why we recommend taking a look at what's out there and taking advantage of the customization options. And if you don't want to pour cash into Apple's bank, there are always third-party options. However, be warned that they may not correspond.

No. 8. Unlock your watch from your iPhone.

If you didn't do this during the initial setup process, you can still unlock your Apple Watch and iPhone at the same time without taking away your passcode (if you set up one of them). To do this, go to the Watch companion app, where you can enable or disable the " Unlock from iPhone».

No. 9. Turn on elevated heart rate notifications.

Apple is taking heart health more seriously, and one of the new features - as well as heart rate - is a notification when your heart rate is higher than it should be.
You can enable it in the heart rate section of the companion app. When you enable it, you will be asked to choose a threshold between 100bpm and 150bpm. Your Apple Watch will only alert you when you pass the threshold and appear to be inactive for about 10 minutes. Additionally, it will look for signs that your elevated heart rate is a more long-term problem, rather than a temporary upheaval caused by something terrible - like a horror movie.

No. 10. Connect your workouts.

Are you an athlete? The Apple Watch has let you down so far, but things have gotten better, and in watchOS 4 you can now combine workouts, meaning less time rubbing those sweaty fingers around the screen. If you want to move from one workout type to another, instead of stopping the current one, swipe right and tap the + button to add a new one.

No. 11. Unlock your Mac using your watch.

If you're fully equipped with all your Apple devices, you can also use your Apple Watch to skip the password on your Mac to gain access if you have a 2013 or newer iMac running macOS Sierra 10.12 or later. If you want to combine the two, the first thing you need to do is make sure they're both signed into the same iCloud account. The next step is to switch to your Mac (make sure it's running macOS Sierra or later) and select " System Settings", then select " Security and privacy" and go to the tab " Are common" Here you will be able to install Apple Watch to unlock your Mac. Make sure two-factor authentication is enabled on your Mac as well (from the chapter to System Preferences > iCloud > Account Information > Security).

No. 12. Joint event - notification by call.

Apple's answer to Fitbit, Garmin and the rest of the fitness tracker fraternity is the activity platform. This is where all your daily movements are recorded. In its latest iteration, you can now share activity with other Apple Watch users. To do this, you need to add friends, which you need to do by going to the dedicated Activity app on your iPhone. Then you can select "Sharing" and click the " + » in the corner to add contacts.
Back on Apple Watch, go to the app Activity" and swipe your finger across the screen to the right to see your friends' activity data. You can also comment on the workouts to motivate them or joke about their results. Either way, this is your call.

No. 13. Enable automatic pause when traffic stops.

Like on the Samsung Gear S3, Apple also allows you to stop tracking when you take an interruption or stop at a traffic light. You can now turn on auto-start in pause mode simply by heading to the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, heading to My Watch, and then selecting Workout. Here you will be able to switch to “Start Auto Pause”.

No. 14. Checking data usage.

If you have the Apple Watch 3 series with LTE, you can monitor your data usage. You never know, something will tip you off about your monthly plan. Alternatively, it's simple to see how little data the Apple Watch actually uses.
You'll need to head to the companion app, looking at the cellular menu option to see the information. However, once you do this, you will know how much data you have used in the current period and which applications are using this data.

The Apple Watch has decent space for apps, emails, and music. If you want to see how much storage you need, go to the Apple Watch companion app, go to the " Are common" and then select " Usage" Here you can get a breakdown of how many apps are taking up space on your watch.

No. 16. Change the action on the watch.

This tip came from a complaint about a golf app developer who constantly needed to re-open the app while playing.
In the Apple Watch settings menu, turn on wrist lock. Below you will find several options in the " Screen show"Show latest application". You can choose to show the latest app while gaming, within two minutes of last use, within one hour of last use, or always. Now when you lift your wrist, you will see the last app you used.
You can also do this from the Apple Watch app on your iPhone. Just go to General, and then Wake Screen, you will have the same options to choose from.

If you find yourself constantly squinting at your watch wrist to read notifications on your Apple Watch, you can change the text size to make it easier for you to see. Just go to " Settings»> « Brightness and text size", then adjust the text size to whatever suits your needs.

Starting with Series 2, Apple Watch is waterproof and includes a blowout mode to get rid of water lurking after you go for a swim. If you want to manually use this feature, swipe up from the Home screen to view the Apple Watch Control Center. Find the water drop icon and click on it.
You will then be asked to turn the digital crown over to remove the water. It's actually a good idea to press the droplet button before you get into the shower or pool (but don't worry if you forget) since it also locks the screen, preventing the screen from confusing the water droplets with your own touches.

Apple Watch Tips and Tricks #19. Ping iPhone will help you find your phone.

It's a good thing you have your Apple Watch because it can help you find your phone in a pinch. Swipe up to open Control Center, look for the " Ping iPhone" and click to reunite with your iPhone. If you press and hold the " Ping iPhone", your iPhone's LED flash will blink, giving you a visual view of the phone in case the speaker is too muted.

Apple Watch Tips and Tricks #20. Use images as wallpaper on the default viewing screen.

By default, Apple Watch selects images from the " Favorites" on your iPhone - something we hadn't thought of using before. So go ahead and tag some images in iOS using the heart button at the bottom.
When you use face to view a photo album, it will randomly select photos from the folder. You can touch the display to view images. Alternatively, with watchOS 4 you can now turn those photos into kaleidoscope tripps.
On your iPhone you should now see an option " Create Watch Face» in the action menu on any photo. This will allow you to stick the image onto your watch either as is or in a kaleidoscope shape.

Today I want to tell and answer the question: - Why do you need an Apple Watch at all? Some say that this is all a “show-off”, others firmly believe that this is a very useful device. All conclusions were drawn from my personal experience with this cool device.

I’ve been using this miracle smartwatch for about a week, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t need it at all. Despite the fact that I am an avid fan of Apple products, this is a miracle, but in practice it is not a miracle at all. It may seem strange to many why such an expensive and stylish thing turns out to be completely unnecessary. Now I will try to highlight in detail all the shortcomings of the Apple Watch that I noticed in such a short time.

We will discuss the following points:

1. Disadvantages and disadvantages of Apple Watch.
2. Apple Watch without iPhone.
3. Differences and capabilities of Apple Watch from regular watches.
4. Conclusions.

1. The main disadvantages and disadvantages of the Apple Watch.

1. After purchasing and launching the watch for the first time without an iPhone, you will not even be able to fully use it as a watch. You need to go through the activation process only by synchronizing the pair - the watch with the iPhone.

2. Apple Watch, for its full operation and to perform all functions, must be constantly located next to your phone. And the phone must be connected to the mobile Internet or via Wi-Fi.

3. The Apple Watch communicates with the phone via bluetooth, which drains the watch faster and the phone itself, which already copes well with reducing the charge rate. Constant connection via bluetooth kills the batteries of both devices.

4. When you receive a call on your watch, the sound is sent to the speaker, which makes it possible for everyone around you to hear your conversation with the subscriber! In principle, a conversation cannot be secret! You can, of course, buy Bluetooth headphones. Then, to talk, we put the phone in our pocket, put on the watch and bluetooth headphones. I think this is a very complicated kit that really won’t make your life any easier. And why does this kit even need another intermediate component - the Apple Watch? Bluetooth headphones can work directly with your phone!

5. The watch's touch screen display gets very scratchy when touched with your fingers and needs to be wiped constantly.

6. The watch must be used very carefully; it is resistant to water and scratches.

7. There is no way to type on such a small display. If you receive a message on your phone, you will see a notification on your watch, but you will be able to respond to it only from the suggested template options or using your voice, which is converted into words. What if it’s noisy where you are and your watch can’t make out all your words? We will take out the phone (then why do we need a watch?) or try 100 times to tell the watch the required response to a message.

8. Our beloved Viber, unlike a regular message, sends notifications to the watch, but you cannot respond to it through the watch; you need to take out your phone.

9 . Charging the watch, if you use all the functions of the watch, will last less than a day; for business people, maybe even half a day. A good watch that lasts less than a day? What if you're on a hike? Carry external batteries () with you and charge them. If you put the watch in economy mode (turning off all functions except displaying the clock face), then it will show the current time for up to 72 hours. What nonsense? A watch that only lasts three days on battery!!!

10. Enable camera mode via watch on iPhone. Explain why!? The watch is on my wrist, I take out the phone with one hand, point it at what I want to take a picture of, I see it all on the watch display and can click take a picture. Under what conditions might this be useful? And how to press a button if you are holding the phone in your hands?

11 . Lots of photos on the small display on the watch, a very necessary feature on the watch. Only 75 megabytes are allocated for photos on the watch. Agree that this is very little! In such a small volume, you won’t believe it, you can save as many as 15 pictures!

12. Shazam on the clock. The Apple Watch still uses the Internet through the phone, and if there is no Internet or phone, then the program completely loses its meaning on the watch. Again, the clock acts as an extra link in the chain of this procedure.

13. Payment for services and goods using the Apple Pay payment system works without an iPhone. Your card data is stored in the watch and transmitted via an NFC chip. For example, you went for a run and wanted to buy water by placing your watch on the terminal. I just can’t understand how I still lived without this function? But the most important thing is that this opportunity is available only in the USA and Canada! This feature is not available to residents of the rest of the world, and it is not clear when it will become available. I am generally silent about the CIS countries (third world).

14. The watch does not want to work with iPad, iPod and Mac computers and phones from other manufacturers. Apple Watch is exclusively compatible with iPhone.

15. Apple Watch is not a standalone device. There is no point in buying a watch if you don't have an iPhone.

16. If you don't take your iPhone out for a run, you'll limit your ability to use the watch's available features. Without a phone with a GPS module, the watch will not be able to determine the location and measure the distance traveled.

17. Apple Watch has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities, but they can only connect to an iPhone or headset.

18. The charger is large and it is individual only for this watch.

2. What can an Apple Watch do without an iPhone?

1 . Show time. Without an iPhone, you can't check the time is correct!

2 . Setting an alarm, timer, stopwatch, events, etc.

3. View photos and listen to music (up to 250 songs - 2GB of memory) on your watch using wireless headphones.

4. Operation of the activity program. Track your activity, heartbeat, lost calories, pulse measurement. They show how many steps you have walked, but they cannot show the footage of the distance. All data will be stored on the watch and, when synchronized with the phone, will be recorded on the phone itself.

5. Apple Pay and Passbook. All data information will be added after synchronization.

6. No internet connection, GPS or Siri. You will not be able to launch “Mail”, “Weather”, “Maps” and other applications that use the Internet.

7. They have the Apple Remote application, which makes it possible to control the Apple TV set-top box.

3. Differences and capabilities of Apple Watch from regular watches.

1. They have a beautiful and attractive design.

2. Allows you to monitor your health.

3. They determine the weather.

4. Location determination.

5. Ability to change watch faces.

6. Checking time accuracy via the Internet.

7. They have built-in memory for viewing photos and listening to music.

8. Works in tandem with iPhone.

9. Controls the Apple TV set-top box.

10 . It is possible to monitor the stock price on the stock exchange.

11. Ability to install applications.

12. Touchscreen.

4. Conclusions.

I think that the Apple Watch is needed in order to take out the iPhone less often.

The main difference between the Apple Watch and the Iphone is that the Iphone cannot be worn on the wrist, and it has much more memory and capabilities! In addition, an Apple Watch without an iPhone turns into nothingness, comparable to cheap Chinese devices that perform the same functions.

First of all, Apple Watch is a device for monitoring human health and activity. I think whoever likes to wear a watch would not refuse one. But the majority, including me, do not see the point in buying a beautiful watch in the region of $400-700. A watch that needs to be charged every day, constantly wiped from fingerprints, afraid of scratching and getting caught in heavy rain or falling into water. To use all the functionality, carry your phone at all times.

In a word, Apple has done nothing extraordinary for such a lot of money. Finally, I will say that a watch should be a watch and work for a long time without recharging.

Video. Why do you need an Apple Watch? Disadvantages and Advantages. Is it worth buying?

Those who have just purchased their first Apple smart watch and those who have been using them for a long time may find it useful to read our review of the features and features that smart watches from the famous manufacturer provide.

The Apple watchOS 4 operating system is one of the most widespread on the market today. That is why we decided to talk about ways to configure the gadget and some usage scenarios.

So, friends, if you have questions about interacting with your favorite Apple Watch, read on!

Setting up and using the App Dock

Starting with watchOS 3, pressing the side button allows you to view open apps. It makes sense to customize the Dock to your liking and add it to your favorites, because using this application is very convenient.

On the panel The Dock displays up to 10 applications, as well as recently used programs and played songs. To switch between apps, open the Dock by tapping the side button (pressing the button again will hide the dock), then swipe right or left and tap an app's icon to launch it. If you need to add any of the recently used programs to the panel, open the Dock, go to the “Recent” section (at the very end of the list) and after a few seconds the “Keep in Dock” option will appear, allowing you to pin the selected application to the Dock panel. To remove an app, switch to it by swiping, then swipe up and tap Delete. To change the order of applications in the Dock, you need to go to the desired application and, without lifting your finger from the screen, move its icon to the right or left.

Track sleep

Unfortunately, the Apple Watch does not have a built-in sleep quality monitoring mode. In this, the gadget of the Cupertino company loses to its competitors from and. Luckily, there are many apps that can provide sleep monitoring functionality to your watch. We've rounded up the best sleep tracking apps for Apple Watch so you don't have to search the App Store for them.

One such application is AutoSleep . The special feature of the app is that you can measure your sleep duration without even wearing a watch! Of course, it is impossible to determine the quality of sleep in this way, but you can determine the total time. Well, if you put on your Apple Watch before going to bed, AutoSleep determines the duration and quality of sleep, monitors your heart rate, records the level of anxiety, etc. The collected data is displayed in the Activities style of the standard Health application.

The second application worth paying attention to is Sleep Tracker. It has two distinctive features over AutoSleep. Firstly, it is cheaper. Well, secondly, it’s much easier to understand it. The application allows you to determine the duration of the REM and deep sleep phases, calculate the time spent falling asleep, etc. Another feature is a “smart” alarm clock that goes off only when you are in the REM phase of sleep. Now, I think, fans of fitness trackers, who were deprived of such a convenient feature several years ago, will be very interested.

Change AirPods volume

To change the volume of your Airpods wireless headphones without taking out your iPhone, just ask Siri. However, this is not always convenient. And if you have an Apple Watch, then you are in luck!

When playing music, you can see what track is currently playing on the smartwatch screen. To adjust the volume level, just rotate the “crown” of the watch. In some situations this is very convenient, and even more convenient than Siri.

Take a screenshot

Any Apple Watch can take a screenshot. To do this, you need to simultaneously press the “crown” and the action button below it. After which the photo will be saved in your iPhone gallery. However, this feature is not available by default. It needs to be activated. To do this you need to go to the Watch program on Iphone, select the section " My Watch”, tap on “Basic” and then on “Turn on screenshots”.

Replaceable bracelets

Not only smart watches themselves, but also various interchangeable straps have become incredibly popular. Any user can choose the appropriate option for themselves. For any situation. And for sports, and for work and for travel... For everything.

A few words about each:

Very practical and comfortable. Made from high quality hypoallergenic silicone. They are distinguished by a wide range of colors.

High quality materials and handmade work allow us to obtain high quality straps. Exclusive manufacturing technology guarantees a long service life. Over time, each Bullstrap becomes unique.

Unlocking watches from iPhone

Even if you did not configure this very convenient feature during the initial setup of your smartwatch, you have the opportunity to do so at any time. And you won't have to enter the code anymore. The function is configured in the companion application on the iPhone. You need to enable or disable the Unlock from iPhone feature. However, you must remember that for the function to work, the Apple Watch must be located next to the iPhone.

Heart Rate Notification

Apple is paying more and more attention to monitoring vital processes. One of the features that the gadget provides is notification of exceeding the average heart rate. You can activate this notification in the companion application, in the heart rate section.

When activating the function, you will be asked to select a range from 100 to 150 beats per minute. The gadget will warn you if the set threshold value is exceeded. At the same time, smart watches can distinguish sudden short-term pulse surges (for example, when watching a horror movie). Accordingly, smart watches detect only long-term excesses of selected values, which may be a signal for the need to consult a doctor for further diagnosis.

Combining workouts

If you're a triathlon fan, then starting with watchOS 4 you have the ability to combine triathlon workouts into one. This feature will seriously save your time and eliminate the need to once again swipe with sweaty or wet fingers on the small watch screen.

To change the type of workout, you no longer have to stop one and start another. During an active workout, just swipe to the right and press “+” to add a new workout. Later, upon completion, the merger will occur automatically.

Unlock Mac with Watch

If you have a set of Apple equipment, including a Mac, then this opportunity will be very convenient for you. You can use Apple Watch instead of a password on your Mac to gain access to your computer. This feature is available for computers older than 2013 that have macOS Sierra 10.12 or later installed.

Naturally, the account must be the same.

To set up access on a Mac, you need to go to System Preferences, then select Security & Privacy and go to the General tab. Here you need to install your Apple Watch to unlock your Mac.

Also make sure you have two-factor authentication enabled on your Mac ( Apple > System Preferences > iCloud > Account).

Share activity rings

Activity app designed to collect fitness data from AppleWatch in the latest update has the ability to share its results with other Apple Watch users. To do this, you first need to add friends with whom you plan to share your achievements. To do this, you need to go to the Activity app on your iPhone. Then select "Sharing" and click the "+" icon in the corner to add contacts.

"Auto pause" while running

Like the Samsung Gear S3, Apple also lets you pause your running tracking. This function is very convenient if you had to stop for some reason (for example, at a traffic light while waiting for a permit signal). To activate this feature, go to the Apple Watch app on the iPhone, then to the “My Watch” section, and then select the “Workout” section. Here you can configure the start of "automatic pause".

Checking used memory space

In general, the Apple Watch has enough free space to store various programs. If you want to control this process, then in the Apple Watch companion app, go to the “General” section and then select “Use”. Here you can get information about how much space installed applications take up.

Changing text size

If you want to change the size of the text displayed on the smartwatch screen, you can do this by going to “Settings”> “Brightness and text size”. Next, you just need to configure it as you wish.

Removing water after swimming

Starting with the Apple Watch Series 2, the gadget not only has a high level of water protection, which allows you to swim without taking off your watch, but also has a unique system for removing residual water after water procedures. To manually use this feature, swipe up from the main Home screen to get to the Apple Watch Control Center. Then you need to select the drop icon. Then follow the instructions.

In fact, you can activate this function before going to the pool. Indeed, in addition to removing moisture, the function locks the screen, eliminating false alarms while swimming.

Search iPhone

If you forgot where you put your iPhone, Apple Watch will make it easy to find it. You just need to activate the Ping function to search. It's easy to do. Swipe up to get to the Control Center. Next, find the "Ping" function and click on it. At this time, a sound alarm is activated on the iPhone, which will allow you to quickly find the smartphone. If you press and hold the Ping button, a light alarm will be added to the iPhone’s sound alarm (the built-in flash of the smartphone is activated), which will simplify the search.

Reply from your wrist

The Apple Watch still doesn't have a keyboard (is it really necessary?), but even without one, the user has the ability to respond to incoming messages and emails. Firstly, you can use ready-made response templates. Secondly, you can dictate a message using Siri. This is, of course, a non-trivial task, but Siri becomes smarter every time and understands speech better. By the way, we noticed that the task is simplified if you use connected Bluetooth headphones.

Restarting the system

Although Apple claims that restarting the system is a last resort, sometimes it is necessary. So, if all other options have been tried and have no effect, then to reboot, press and hold the “crown” together with the side button for 10 seconds. Just like on the iPhone, the Apple logo will appear and the watch should reboot.

"Cover" to turn off the sound

Very often, users set sound notifications and alarms. And there are also often situations where sound signals are inappropriate. If you haven’t taken care of putting your gadget into silent mode in advance, there is a way to quickly turn off the clock sound. Simply cover the watch with your palm.

In order to activate this function, you must On your iPhone, open the Apple Watch app, go to the “My Watch” tab, and click “Sounds, Haptics.” Next, you need to select Cover to mute.

Use theater mode

Have you ever sat in a dark movie theater, randomly waved your hand to find a better position, and then the screen on your Apple Watch turned on? So we will make you happy - the Cupertino people have provided for this too.

The "theater" mode prevents accidental activation of the display, so that nothing distracts you from watching a movie or performance.

The mode is activated in watches starting with watchOS 3.2. Raise your wrist or tap the screen to activate the Apple Watch screen, or press the Digital Crown. Launch Control Center by swiping up on the screen. Then you need to swipe up on the screen again until you see an icon in the form of two theater masks. Then click on the indicated icon. A description of the function appears. To activate it, you need to press it again.

Apple GymKit

Apple GymKit is an entire software platform for fitness, presented by Apple at WWDC 2017. The point of the platform is to erase the boundaries between sports equipment for gyms and fitness centers and Apple Watch.

It works as follows. Before you start your workout, you connect your Apple Watch to the cardio machine via NFC and Bluetooth, and the watch begins to receive the most relevant and necessary data, such as speed and elevation angle, in real time. We hope there is no need to tell you that this is better than just looking at the screen of the simulator? Nobody canceled the recording of training data.

Unfortunately, we do not yet know when exercise machines combined with GymKit will appear in Russian fitness centers. In Europe and the USA, such updates began only in December 2017...

And the idea is good...

Turn your watch into a bedside alarm clock

When you leave the watch on charge, just tilt it on its side and this will activate a special mode that will turn your watch into an excellent bedside alarm clock. We really like it.

Deleting notifications

If you have too many notifications and it's starting to stress you out, then you can easily clear your notification history on Apple Watch. To do this, you need to get to the Notification Center by swiping from top to bottom. Press down firmly on the screen (just be careful not to overdo it). Select "X" to clear all notifications.

Transfer a call to iPhone

If a call comes to your smart watch, but you want to continue communicating using your smartphone, you just need to accept the call on your watch and then swipe down to send it to your phone. Simple and fast.

Return to the last app you used

Switching between smartwatch apps is easy. To go to the latest application, you just need to double-click on the “crown”.

Activating the “Backup Power” mode

In case your smartwatch is running out of charge prematurely, there is an easy way to make it last longer. To do this, you can activate the “Backup power” function. Press and hold the power button on your smartwatch. Enabling this mode will disable all functions of the gadget except the clock. Anything is better than a completely discharged watch on your wrist...

Turn off notifications

By default, Apple Watch broadcasts any notifications from your iPhone. However, to save yourself from a large number of notifications and keep only the ones you need, you can manually configure the list of applications that will be allowed to send notifications to your smart watch. To customize the list, o Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone. Then, go to the "My Watch" tab and select "Notifications". Next, select an application. If you want your app's notification settings to mirror those on your iPhone, tap Repeat iPhone. If you want to use different notification settings for Apple Watch only, tap Customize.

Add music to Apple Watch

With the release of the latest version of the smartwatch, Series 3, users have access to a music streaming service directly from the smartwatch, thanks to cellular communications. And despite the fact that streaming services are constantly growing in popularity, the ability to download familiar MP3 tracks is still the most common way to listen to music using Apple Watch. Especially if you connect Apple Airpods directly to your watch.

To view and manage, go to the “Music” section on the iPhone. Next “My music”, “Playlists” " and select the item " Create » to create a new playlist. After that, we add all the music that we want to download to the Apple Watch to the new playlist and give the playlist a name. Click the "Finish" button.

Now you need to synchronize the data with the clock. Launch the Watch app on your iPhone, go to the “My Watch” section, select “Music” and then “Synchronized Playlist”. Here we select the playlist that we created. After synchronization is complete, you can use it.

Due to the rather slow loading, in fact, music from iPhone to Apple Watch can only be downloaded when the smart watch is actively charging. Also note that by default, the maximum size of a playlist downloaded to a smart watch is limited to 1GB.

Want to increase your storage size? OK, go to the Watch app, select “Music”, then “Storage Limit” and select: 100 MB, 500 MB, 2 GB. Here you can set a storage limit by the number of songs (15, 50, 125 or 250 songs). Enjoy.

Left-handed setting

The crown, being quite massive, often interferes with those who prefer to wear a smart watch on their left hand. However, Apple confirms that everything is easily customizable here too. So, in order to configure your smartwatch for use on your left hand, you can “flip” the watch in the settings. In the iPhone app, go to general settings and select “Clock Orientation.” Next you just need to decide on the right hand...

Organize apps on your watch

This feature is available in watchOS 4. Don't like how apps are located by default? Set it up in a way that is convenient only for you. Is it more convenient for applications to be displayed in a list? No problem. In Clock, simply tap the app selection screen to select the option you want. "Grid", for example.

Remove unnecessary watch faces

Although the Mickey Mouse watch face is certainly cute and popular, in our opinion, it is not very convenient or functional. Time is hard to see.

To remove unused watch faces from your iPhone, in the Apple Watch app, go to the “My Watch” tab and select the edit option in the watch faces section. Here, opposite the unnecessary dial, click on the red icon and confirm the action.

You can do this with a watch. Press and hold the Digital Crown to open the watch face, then hold your finger on the screen for additional options to appear. Select the unnecessary watch face and swipe it up. Then we confirm the action. Ready!

Removing standard Apple applications

Setting up Apple Pay Cash

A new feature available to the Apple company's smartwatches starting with watchOS 4.2 is the ability to make contactless payments, namely Apple Pay Cash. Essentially, it's a prepaid debit card that will allow you to pay for purchases and transfer money to friends. Setting up Apple Pay Cash is easy. If you have a debit card linked to your Apple Pay account, all you need to do is go to your phone's settings, select "Wallet & Apple Pay" and then "Apple Pay Cash." You just need to agree to the terms and that's it.

However, there is one small problem - Apple Pay Cash is not yet active in Russia. however, we are really looking forward to the fact that in the near future, the company will activate this certainly very convenient payment method.

In recent years, the world-famous company Apple has updated not only its line of mobile devices, but also a series of smart devices, releasing the Apple Watch 3 series smart watches. The third generation cannot boast of a complete and radical improvement, but it has acquired several auxiliary features and options in comparison with the 1st and 2nd versions. This article will provide a detailed review of the Apple Watch Series 3.


The Apple Watch Series 3 has taken several steps forward in comparison with previous solutions. This is where their innovation lies.

  1. The screen remained at the same level.
  2. In comparison with the first model, the second and third received protection from water. The first line only offered the option of splash protection.
  3. Removable straps for Apple Watch 3 remain the same and are available in the same materials - silicone, metal, nylon, leather. Therefore, it will not be difficult for the user to change the strap according to his own preferences.
  4. The processor instead of S1P in the first model and S2 in the second is S3 (with two cores).
  5. The difference lies in the fact that expanded communication capabilities are offered; along with Wi-Fi, GPS and BLUETOOTH, you can optionally use LTE.
  6. As before, there is no camera, but the speaker and microphone remain working, and the device is still compatible with devices running iOS 8.3 and newer devices.
  7. The battery capacity has also increased. In the first series it was 205 mAh, in the second - 273, and in the new product - 279.
  8. In terms of dimensions, in comparison with the previous model, everything remained in place (38.6 * 33.3 * 11.4 / 42.5 * 36.4 * 11.4), however, the first model was somewhat different.
  9. What else is different about the new watch? Of course, in bulk. In the new gadget this figure is 42/53 units, while in the previous model it was 25/30, and in the first generation – 25/28.

Based on these differences, the functions of the Apple Watch Series 3 remain the same, especially when compared with the second series. The main difference is the potential availability of a cellular version. However, such variations have not yet officially gone on sale in the Russian Federation.

Release date: March 2018.

The “Spartan” kit that comes in the box with it will tell you how to use the device. Here's what it includes:

  • instructions for the correct operation of the device, with the help of which the correct settings become available to the user;
  • charger;
  • Category 1A plug;
  • silicone strap with an additional clasp (with a different length);
  • related documents.


The design capabilities of the Apple Watch Series 3 are also pleasing. In terms of aesthetic parameters, the new product has maximum similarity with its predecessor, Series 2. It is represented by the same aluminum case in a rectangular shape. There are rounded corners and smooth edges.

On the right side there are 2 buttons. One of them is equipped with an oblong shape, while the other is made in the shape of a circle. It is also a wheel that can be scrolled in order to solve a certain range of tasks. There is also a protective glass to increase the safety of the device.

The comparison shows that the screen size remained at the same level (42 mm and 38 mm diagonally). On the back you can find a heart rate sensor, as well as buttons that release the strap. There is a round ceramic zone around it. On the left are the holes for the microphone and speaker. In terms of thickness, everything remained at the same level as in the second series. At the same time, the company continues to expand its selection of straps.

Screen and controls

Is the Apple Watch Series 3 worth buying? Definitely yes, especially if you look at the display of this device. In essence, it remains the same: it is an OLED screen equipped with a brightness of 1000 units, and a special olephobic coating makes it possible to read the image from the screen even in bright sunshine. The glass material itself practically does not get dirty.

The black color of the display makes the transition from the dark part of the screen to the rounded edges of the case almost imperceptible. The resolution is 272*340 pixels, as well as 312*390 pixels, respectively, for the 38 mm and 42 mm models. All this makes the device convenient to use.

As for control, the user can interact comfortably with the proposed device. In just a few hours, you can remember the necessary actions, as well as the watch settings “for yourself”, choosing the best applications for the Apple Watch Series 3. There are three options for controlling the device in question.

  1. Digital crown. By scrolling, you can read notifications, zoom in and out of individual icons.
  2. Push-button option. If you press the key once, the recent programs manager option will open; if you do this two short times, contactless payment will occur; one long press will turn off the new product or allow you to make an emergency call.
  3. Screen control. Horizontal elements lead to switching dials, the upper ones lead to opening a list of notifications, and the lower ones lead to the functioning of the “control center”. Why are they needed? For example, to turn on the flashlight, lock the device, view the battery charge, turn off the sound mode, etc.

Based on the above reasons, you can decide whether to buy this smart device for everyday or regular use.


When considering the main characteristics of the Apple Watch Series 3, you should pay attention to the main functionality and capabilities of the device.

  1. Activity. This option allows you to install extensions, configure programs, and create a Dock. Statistics and dynamics of user activity are available in the application.
  2. Dials. The programs are presented in 20 varieties, but the most interesting of them are the following: “SIRI” - information on traffic jams and current weather, “Photo” - helps you choose a suitable screensaver, “Kaleidoscope” - selects a user-friendly watch face, “Activity” » to set up calorie counting and determine the number of hours in motion.
  3. Workout. These are the common features of this unit. They allow him to adapt to a certain type of exercise and read information from sensors.
  4. Activity rings. The above capabilities are not all that these devices can do. This category includes “Calories”, “Exercise”, “Watches”. As part of this option, there is an option called “Smart Alarm Clock”, which gives users the opportunity to wake up comfortably and on time.
  5. Heart rate tracking. The device automatically measures indicators such as heart rate, pressure, activity level and compares them with the norm.
  6. Without a smartphone. Due to the fact that the device is highly compatible with a smartphone, it is usually used in conjunction with it. However, it is possible to use it separately. In this case, the owner can receive notifications, listen to music, respond to messages, and receive calls.

Many potential buyers are wondering whether this watch is waterproof or not? It turns out that you can take a shower and swim in the pool with them. It is recommended to remove the device from your hand if you plan to dive to a depth of more than 50 m. It is also necessary to rinse the device with water after it has come into contact with foam or salt.


An indisputable advantage is the manufacturer’s offer of a huge number of straps made of steel, leather, and nylon. There are literally dozens of them. The most common styles are a sports bracelet (consisting of nylon, equipped with Velcro for a secure fit), as well as an affordable silicone product. For extravagant people, variations in leather and metal are offered.

Autonomous operation

The manufacturer itself reports the ability of the device to operate without auxiliary recharging for 18 hours. In active use mode, the battery can only last 3 hours. How to charge the watch? It's best to do this at night.

How to Restart Apple Watch 3

Many users are concerned about the question of how to reboot the Apple Watch 3. There are several ways, but we will look at the most common one. It represents a sequence of actions.

  1. Press the “Digital Crown” key, and also click on “Power” at the same time.
  2. Hold for 10 seconds.
  3. Wait until the logo symbol appears on the display.