Cursive learning on the keyboard. Get rid of bad habits. Quick typing technique using the ten-finger touch method


All computer users (both active and not so active) use a keyboard. Typing is a traditional procedure when working with a computer. You can type text with two fingers, looking every now and then at the keyboard, but you can learn the touch typing method. Let's talk about this.

Every person is able to master this skill if they spend at least 1 hour on it every day for 2-3 weeks. Of course, typing will be slow at first, you will have to think before all the keystrokes. But over time, speed and accuracy will increase.

Touch typing. Advantages

Touch typing skills are important for those who work on a PC all the time. But the main advantages of this method are:

The key positive side of the touch printing method is the time savings. For people who constantly work on a PC and type a lot of characters, such a skill is truly invaluable. Moreover, such a technique will have a beneficial effect on the amount of work and earnings of rewriters and copywriters;

If you know how to quickly type text, then it is entered rhythmically, which significantly reduces the level of fatigue. In addition, you will enjoy the coordinated work of your hands;
This is an excellent addition to your skills in your resume, which will speed up your job search;
Another advantage is that you can logically express your thoughts and keep up with them. Sometimes being distracted for just a second can throw you off;

The touch typing method is truly effective because you spend less time working and your eyes get tired less quickly.

Your eyes get tired quickly if you constantly move your gaze from the keys to the monitor. Thus, touch typing helps preserve vision.

Rules for touch typing

If you want to learn how to touch-type, then remember the rules:

while typing text, do not look at the keys;
Each finger needs to press its own buttons.

These points cannot be violated. Even if one of the buttons seems “difficult”, you should not peek. So you only remember the wrong order, which is stored in the brain, and it’s not easy to relearn. You may make mistakes, but mistakes can be easily corrected. Over time, accuracy only increases.

Typing Rules

The location of the fingers during touch typing is the same for all languages. We will tell you about the rules of typing in Russian.

So, on all types of keyboards the buttons are arranged in 6 lines. The top one acts as an auxiliary one; it is not used for touch typing, so don’t think about it. Bottom line with "Ctrl", "Alt" and spacebar buttons. After it comes the first, second and third row. They are the key ones.

The fourth line contains numbers that are rarely used. Typically, the numeric keypad on the right is used to type numbers. This is because you have to reach far, which slows down your typing. And there are a lot of mistakes. Mastering the second row is important, but it is not necessary to concentrate on it.

The main thing is the position of the hands on the keys - the row for support “FYVA” (left little finger, ring, middle and index), as well as “OLJ” (right index, middle, ring and little finger). At first, your fingers need to be placed on the correct keys, but over time they will no longer rest on them, but will be located a few millimeters above them. This happens automatically as your skills increase. There is no need to specifically speed this up. To control the position of the hands, there are bumps on the keys with the letters “A” and “O”.

When learning, it is important to follow the key rules and finger placement on the buttons.

The keys are learned in this order:

Initially, the “own” buttons are taught by the left index finger, then the right;
Then presses are practiced with the left middle finger, then with the right;
then the location of the buttons is remembered with the left ring finger, then with the right;
The last one to remember is the “own” buttons of the left and right little finger.

Take a different route, try to start working with text, but it is better to study letters for specific fingers.

So, the printing order is:

With your thumbs, press the space bar one at a time. So, when the last button or sign is pressed with your left hand, then press the space bar with the same hand. In the “resting state,” the fingers hang in the air above the space;
the buttons are pressed with the nearest finger, moving one finger, then returning it to the original one. This is how capital letters are entered, and the little finger of the unused hand holds the “Shift” button;
You shouldn’t set a goal to remember where the letters are. The main thing is to remember which finger makes the movements.

Hitting technique and rhythm

All simulators that teach touch typing begin training with stroke and rhythm techniques. And it becomes clear to beginners that touching the buttons is done with the pads, but not everyone knows that not just one finger is involved, but the entire hand.

The key rule of touch typing is that you need to make light and clear strokes, all the time returning your fingers to the starting position. You need to press the space bar with the edge of your thumb.

Rhythm when learning is also important. It means that pressing is done at regular intervals. , you are more likely to achieve automaticity. And even when you think that the key combinations can be typed faster, continue to keep the rhythm. To develop rhythm and typing speed, you will need the help of a metronome.

Auxiliary keys

It's important to master the auxiliary keys first. These include Tab, Backspace, Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Spacebar.

The Backspace button is used to eliminate characters to the left of the cursor. It is located in a line with numbers; it is always pressed with the right little finger. The Enter button is also pressed with the same finger. Very rarely with the ring finger.

Typing techniques require adherence to rhythm and techniques for striking the keyboard. This way you will be able to type more quickly without having to peek.

The Tab button must be pressed with the right little finger. And Shift is used to type capital letters. It’s on both sides, and you use it like this:

if you need to type a letter with your right hand, then hold down Shift with your left;
if a character from the left-handed part of the keyboard is required, then Shift is held down with the right.

The Ctrl button is used to change the language. It is also on both sides. They also press it with their little fingers. The Alt button is almost never used for this method.

The spacebar is considered the most used button. Press with the edge of the thumb of one hand.

How to learn touch typing

If you are interested in how to learn touch typing yourself, then we will tell you about popular methods. The first of them is to take any story and type it. You will remember which finger to press where. And over time, you will reach the point of automaticity, since your fingers will press the required keys themselves. The method is not easy, but real.

There are other ways. One of them is a popular book from Yu.V. Kholkin, which talks about the 10-finger printing method. You can learn from it faster, especially since it’s easy to find on the Internet.

Another option is a program called Keyboard Solo. It's free, but you'll have to pay to get the full version. Download the simulator and start training. This program is recognized as the best for teaching touch typing. Here training is conducted in different languages. In general, both methods are similar.

Useful programs

To learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, useful programs and services have been created:

Stamina. You can get the service from the official website. This is a free trainer for learning typing, which helps you quickly learn a method that uses 10 fingers;
the previously mentioned “Keyboard Solo.” This is a simulator, whose author is the famous teacher from Moscow State University V.V. Shakhidzhanyan. The official website says that such a simulator will quickly and easily teach touch typing;
VerseQ is considered another popular service for learning touch typing. The developers assure that after just 60 minutes of lessons a person begins to type without looking, and in 8-15 hours they will learn to type text at the level of those who have completed touch typing courses.

For those who want to independently study the intricacies of touch typing, there are many free services and programs.

There are other, not very popular methods. These include: Rapid Typing, Bombina, Funny Fingers, jQwer, Baby Type. By the way, the latter is considered one of the first assistants in learning typing without spying in the form of a game.

In addition, to learn the method of typing with all 10 fingers, online services have been invented:

popular "Klavogonki". This is an interesting game that also acts as a trainer for learning to type. There are many analogues, but this one is considered the most popular;
“All 10” is another free online trainer.

It is also worth noting Time Speed, VerseQ online (this is an online version of the popular simulator mentioned above).

There are many useful assistants, but those listed here will suffice for learning.

24 January 2014, 14:31

How to quickly learn to type on a keyboard?

Hello, friends! In our modern world, there is probably not a single person who does not know what a computer and keyboard are. Moreover, everyone knows what a keyboard is for and how to type on it. Many people type information for work, students, schoolchildren for study, some simply correspond on social networks while sitting at the computer in their free time, and even more so, a blogger needs to be good at typing on a keyboard.

True, few people type quickly on a keyboard, but many would like to master these skills. After reading this article, the answer to the question of how to quickly learn to type on a keyboard will no longer be relevant for you, since here you will learn how to quickly learn to type on a keyboard for free and on your own.

First, let's talk about several advantages of fast typing on the keyboard.

Firstly, by learning to quickly print huge texts and articles, a person saves time, which we need in the present time. After mastering the skills of fast typing on the keyboard, you will learn to enter texts more calmly and rhythmically, which will significantly reduce psychological and physical stress. That is, you will get more pleasure from the typing process, and if this is your job as a copywriter or rewriter, then from the work in general.

Secondly, workers who have good computer skills and, especially, fast typing on a keyboard are now very valuable.

Thirdly, when you work at a computer, we often move our eyes from the screen to the keyboard, so our eyes get tired. Once you learn how to quickly type on a keyboard, your eyes will be healthier.

How to quickly learn to type on the keyboard?

First you need to sit down at the computer correctly. Look at the picture, your posture should be straight, your legs should be parallel to the floor, your eyes should look down at the monitor.

This rule is golden and should not be broken. Also, in the process of learning to touch type, it is strictly forbidden to look at the keyboard, but to make work easier, you can use a virtual keyboard.

Also, you need to remember how the keys are located on a regular keyboard. There is an exercise for this: look at the top row of keys for 10-15 seconds, remember and transfer them to paper. Thus, you need to remember the entire key row, also by transferring them to paper and repeating this several times each row.

Secondly, each finger of each hand has its own keys and you only need to press them. Next, I will tell you which finger should press which key. You need to learn correctly from the very beginning, as it will be difficult to relearn.

As promised, I’m writing how the fingers should be positioned on the keyboard. Let's start with the little finger, it is responsible for the letter "F", the ring finger for the letter "Y", the middle finger is assigned to the letter "O" and the index finger is placed on "a". Happened FYVA. Place the four fingers of the right hand over the letters OLJ(deciphered Very Easy to Achieve What You Want), the index finger is on the “O” key and the rest of the fingers in order. The space bar is pressed with the edge of the thumb of both hands, that is, when the last letter is on the left hand, the space bar is pressed with the thumb of the right hand, well, if the last letter is pressed with the right hand, then the space bar is pressed with the thumb of the left hand.

Of course, it is impossible to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard in this way, so you need to use special simulators.

I myself became interested in touch typing on the keyboard about 4 years ago. And I came across a simulator that could be used to train in demo mode. I really liked it because it is not intrusive, the design is calm and friendly. There are jokes there that will cheer you up if something doesn’t work out. After reading them, you do the exercises again with new strength and mood. The program is called SOLO. It was developed by a psychologist and journalist, teacher at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Vladimir Vladimirovich Shakhidzhanyan and has been tested on thousands of students around the world. The course “SOLO on the keyboard 9.0” is designed for daily training over several weeks of lessons. If all requirements are met during the learning process, the author guarantees the acquisition of the skill of the ten-finger touch typing method on a computer keyboard, as well as the opportunity to increase typing speed and gain the right psychological attitude during classes

Here are two more simulators for touch typing. Try them all and choose the one that suits you best.

Stamina - the first version of this simulator was released in 2000. But as time has shown, the simulator is still relevant. Stamina is also available online, so you can try it right now. Download on this site

VerseQ is a fairly well-known exercise machine that is suitable for everyone: from a beginner to a professional master. He will be a good teacher for beginners, he will help those who continue to improve the speed and quality of typing, and for professionals to maintain their form.

On the Internet you will also find online services that help you increase the printing speed that you have. On the website you can compete in typing speed with novice users like you. The service is very interesting, I liked it.

Based on the above, a couple of tips on how to learn to type quickly on the keyboard:

1. As mentioned above, fingers must be held exactly above the letters assigned to them.

2. Never look at the keyboard.

3. Sit correctly, straight.

4. Take your time, rush is typical for beginners. But I want to say that in the beginning, rushing will not help you; first of all, you need to type correctly and competently, and then pick up speed.

5. To work on training simulators, choose a time when you are not distracted by anyone or anything and your state of mind is relaxed and balanced.

6. And if the workout begins to irritate you, then it’s time to rest or even complete it until you’re completely rested.

8. And finally, when you have mastered touch typing skills on the keyboard one hundred percent, do not forget to improve your knowledge. Train on the machines from time to time.

9. There are ergonomic keyboards, where the panel is divided into two parts, for more comfortable typing and working on the keyboard. It is very convenient for those who have already mastered touch typing on the keyboard.

In this article I tried to cover the topic quite fully, which I think happened. And it turned out to be useful for everyone. If you liked the article, like it so that your friends, after reading it, will also learn how to quickly type on the keyboard and subscribe to new articles. There will be more interesting topics, I promise!

Mira Iskakova was with you.

What should a copywriter be able to do first? That's right, quickly type and touch-type text. If you don’t learn this, then achieving noticeable success in your work is simply unrealistic. You can obtain this skill through special training or typing courses, as well as purchase textbooks or CDs with information. However, we offer to learn how to type on your own quickly and completely free of charge.

How to learn to type quickly - choose your method

There are different ways to type on a keyboard; if you choose and use a convenient and suitable method, you can significantly increase your typing speed. The two-finger method is most often used; although it is the simplest, it is not the fastest. Also, 8 fingers are used for printing: all except the thumb. This method is more convenient because the hands move over the keyboard much less than in the previous method, and naturally the typing speed increases. The most popular ten-finger method. It is the most effective, although complex.

How to learn to type quickly - the ten-finger method

It may seem to many that it is unrealistic to use it in practice, but having mastered this method, you will be able to type with all the fingers of your hands, and most importantly, without even looking at the keyboard. The essence of the method is simple - each finger is responsible for its own specific keys. Having mastered this typing technique, you will have the skill of rhythmically entering text. You will enjoy your work because you will be less tired. The main thing is that there will be less strain on the eyes, because fatigue appears precisely from frequently looking from the keyboard to the monitor.

The first step in learning how to type quickly is to remember where your fingers should lie on the keyboard. In addition to the “home” keys, each finger is also assigned buttons below and above the original one. It’s hard to remember everything, but if you have the desire and constant practice, you will learn it.

How to learn to type quickly - assistant programs

There are many programs to improve touch typing. However, not all will give you the desired results. You shouldn’t grab the first link that comes your way, go through lengthy registrations, or wait for account confirmation. It often happens that the time it takes to use these programs or web services will be wasted. The chosen program will not justify itself, and you will not get what you expected. We will recommend you three proven programs designed for training speed typing.

All 10

A high-quality new program that will help you get rid of the habit of typing with two or three fingers. First you need to pass a test on your typing speed, then you will receive assignments. By completing them, your skills will grow and progress. You can select the keyboard option in the options - English and Russian layout.

Fast Typing School

Not only is this program useful, it is also interesting. Here everything happens in games that will distract you from boring training. Remember school dictations? It’s the same here, the voice will dictate the text, and you will need to type it as quickly as possible.


An unpretentious and simple program that can be downloaded for free. It contains exercises that you need to complete to get good results. There are a hundred such exercises, and if you complete them all, you will be considered a master of speed dialing. Only you can decide whether to stop training here or continue and move on to more complex programs.

  • If you know a typing method, although not the most effective one, it is better to improve it rather than try to learn a new one, because due to the memory of your hands it will be very difficult to relearn.
  • In the first stages of training, decide on the level of speed you have. Special programs will help you with this; there are a huge number of them on the Internet.
  • You should not take up training after stress or in a tired state, there will be no effect.
  • Use free programs; the main thing during training is not to look at the keyboard. If you have previously worked on a keyboard, you will find it difficult to break this habit. Alternatively, tape the buttons and practice.
  • You should not spend more than one hour a day on training; it is advisable to divide it into a couple of parts. This way you can avoid overwork.
  • There is no need to rush; when typing texts, quality is more important, and then speed.
  • Correctly optimize your workplace - the position of the computer, chair and table should not cause you any inconvenience.

Now you can learn to type quickly or improve your skills. Be prepared for the fact that for good results you will need time and constant training. The methods and programs we proposed have helped many people learn to type quickly, and we hope they will help you too.

How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard?- this question is asked by users who often work with computers. Many people want to know how “hackers” in movies tap out texts at high speed without looking at the keyboard. This whole process is called touch printing. To learn how to quickly type on a keyboard, you don’t have to take special courses; touch typing can be mastered absolutely free.

Methods for teaching fast touch typing on a computer keyboard:

  • Download a free keyboard simulator teaching ten-finger touch typing;
  • Download a self-instruction book with exercises and rules for ten-finger typing;
  • Practice with a keyboard trainer online;
  • Type texts on the keyboard using touch typing, communicating on social networks, ICQ, remembering the rules of touch typing on the keyboard.
You can download any keyboard trainer or touch typing tutorial for free on our website. The article review of 7 keyboard trainers will help you choose a keyboard trainer. You can select a program for teaching children the ten-finger typing method in the section keyboard simulators for children.

Those who want to learn how to type quickly usually want to know how long it takes to master fast touch typing.

- It all depends on how much time you will devote to learning, which keyboard trainer you choose.
If you practice all day, you can achieve success in a week. If after work you devote 1-2 hours a day to studying, then at least two weeks, or even more. The main thing is to study systematically and not give up.

Having mastered ten-finger touch typing, you will get several advantages at once:

  • Time saving;
  • Save your eyesight;
  • Fatigue when working with a computer will decrease;
  • You won’t forget what you wanted to type;
  • Bold point to your own resume: the blind ten-finger method increases productivity when working on a computer.

Basic rules of the blind ten-finger method:

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without a computer. If not at work, then at home a person has to view data on the Internet and use the keyboard. It would seem that the need for touch typing can arise only among people whose work involves typing information. But that's not true. Even with two fingers you can learn to quickly type text. In this case, the person will constantly change the position of his eyes: from the monitor to the keyboard. Lack of concentration affects the quality of vision. That's why any PC user should know how to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard.

How to quickly learn to type on the keyboard

QWERTY- the most popular English keyboard layout today. Its name comes from the leftmost letters of the layout. It was invented by Christopher Sholes 150 years ago in the USA. When working on typewriters, when the letters were arranged in alphabetical order, the hammers hit each other and often broke. Sholes separated the “popular” letters and this solved the problem. But the speed of work has decreased.

When forming the Russian keyboard, a different principle was used. The most commonly used letters were placed in the middle, under the strongest fingers, and “rare” ones under the weakest. But there is still a “blunder”. The comma is located on the same button as the period. This is problematic. How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard? It is enough to adhere to simple typing rules and keyboard culture. Let's look at them in more detail.

Correct hand position

    The hands should be perpendicular to the body, and the wrists should be bent at an angle of 105 degrees. While typing, your wrists remain motionless, only your fingers move. Each hand is responsible for its own part of the keyboard. You should not “press out” the keys. Try to hit the middle of the key for a long time. This will prevent typos from appearing and wasting time correcting them.

Use all fingers whenever possible

To reduce eye strain, just follow these rules:

    When typing, your fingers should be in the third row from the bottom. Moreover, the index fingers are above the letters O and A. The developers even specially provided them with small protrusions. This allows you to navigate without looking at the keyboard. The hands don't move. The eyes look only at the monitor. Look at the arrangement of letters on the keyboard and try to remember them. Use all your fingers as you work. To learn to type even faster, you should use the methods you’ve learned not only during training, but also at work. At first, the speed will be significantly reduced. But the more practice, the faster the results will come. The less you look at the keyboard, the more confidence you will have in the quality of your work.

Remembering key combinations

When working with text, there is often a need to copy and paste material from one place to another. Or quickly move from the beginning of the text to the end. For such purposes, speed dial keys are provided. Let us immediately note that the same combinations work equally both in documents and when surfing the Internet. The table below shows the most popular combinations:

Keys Operation
Ctrl+A Select all text on a page
Ctrl + C / Insert Copy
Ctrl + X / Shift + Delete Cut
Ctrl + V / Shift + Insert Insert
Ctrl+Z Cancel (back)
Ctrl+Y Cancel (forward)
Ctrl+W Close the current window tab
Ctrl+N Create a new element (document /open in new window)
Ctrl+R Update
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+F Find
Ctrl + ← /Ctrl + → Navigation by words not only in text, but also in the browser
Shift + ← / Shift + →
Shift + / Shift + ↓
Selecting letters in text
Ctrl + Shift + ←
Ctrl + Shift + →
Highlight a word
(Ctrl) Home / (Ctrl) End Move to the beginning/end of text/line
Page Up/Down Go up/down
Ctrl+Tab ↹ Switching between bookmarks/windows of the same program
Ctrl+Shift+Tab ↹ Go to previous tab
Ctrl+T Open new tab
Ctrl+Shift+T Open a tab you just closed
Ctrl + Backspace Go to next page
Backspace Return to back page

Learning these combinations will make it possible to increase the speed of your PC.

To concentrate on the process of collecting information, you should create comfortable and healthy conditions.

    Do not cross your legs one on top of the other. This leads to curvature of the spine and veins, as a consequence. To rapid fatigue, loss of concentration. Legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, feet should be placed on the floor or on a stand. Either held straight or leaned back in a chair. Eyes look at the monitor at an angle of 90 degrees. The distance to the screen should be at least arm length. The work area should be well lit.

These simple rules are known to everyone since school. After many years of sitting incorrectly at a PC, it is difficult to get used to them. But without them, it will be more difficult to quickly learn to type.

Online keyboard trainers

The touch typing method involves the use of all fingers. Once mastered, the typing speed reaches 1000 characters per minute. To do this, you need to train on online keyboard simulators. Let's look at the most popular paid and free programs.

SOLO on keyboard

The SOLO online keyboard simulator consists of 100 tasks. During the work, the student types texts of varying complexity. As part of the course, you can study Russian, German, English keyboards and learn how to work with three fingers on a digital layout.

The course is built on psychological support for students, which provides motivation to complete the training. The techniques used (for example, reporting a typo or a sharp comment), auto-training and texts on distant topics are subject to comments, but it is thanks to this technique that you can learn to quickly type on the keyboard. The program is distributed through a paid subscription.


The online keyboard simulator Stamina is distributed free of charge.

Features and features of the program:

    For full-fledged work, it requires registration on the site; Contains a large number of methodological instructions; The ability to learn Russian, English layouts and digital block; The program is built in 4 modes: lesson (training), a set of phrases, a file (your own text), and adaptive mode. You can switch between them in any order; There is an error tracking scheme; It is possible to add users as friends; 500-600 people undergo training per day.


The VerseQ online keyboard simulator is built on the method of processing “weak points”.

While the project is at the testing stage:

    It can be used for free; For full operation, it requires registration on the site; Training is carried out only on the Russian keyboard; There are error statistics.


The Bombina online keyboard simulator is suitable for both adults and children. A set of lessons in Russian and English are accompanied by pleasant music. The demo version is distributed free of charge. Gameplay, the ability to select the difficulty level, a quality scale showing how ready the user is for the next stage. The user can learn Arabic, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Russian and Spanish layouts.


In the iQwer online keyboard simulator, work is carried out in three modes: typing syllables, words, sentences. The statistics display the average typing speed, errors and record scores. The user can change the theme from light to dark, turn the backlight on or off.

Funny fingers

The online keyboard simulator “Funny Fingers” is designed specifically for children. Colorful interface, pleasant sound, difficulty levels designed to quickly master the keyboard. There is an opportunity to hone your technique using the text of a fairy tale or poem in Russian or English.


Multilingual children's online keyboard simulator “BabyType 2000” is designed as a game in 4 languages: Russian, English, German and French. Running away from monsters, the main character overcomes obstacles in the form of numbers and letters. In addition to the colorful design, there is also a convenient control system and built-in statistics.


You can learn how to quickly type on the keyboard in the “Klavagonki” simulator, which is also designed as a game. The user can choose the difficulty level himself. Texts for training are taken from downloaded books:
    Access to the site is provided free of charge. Registration on the site is required for full operation. Training is carried out in the form of a game where players compete in typing speed. Or they create a game with their own rules. For the points you earn, you can buy cars or increase your rating. There is a rating for all players. You can add friends.
For 80 rubles per month in a premium account you can:
    Analyze combinations of letters that the user types more slowly than others. Load books for typing. Receive bonuses in the game.

Blind typing method on a computer

Touch typing is a method of entering text in which a person does not look at the keyboard. Focusing on the text increases concentration and attentiveness. All fingers are involved in the process. Today, when computer technology has become firmly established in everyday life, the complexity of the task depends on the speed of typing. When typing correctly, the number of mistakes made is reduced and the time spent on work is reduced. The principle of all simulators is based on memorizing the location of the keys. In the form of games and hints, the user gets used to typing text with all fingers. At first this process takes a very long time. But with an increase in the number of completed tasks, the speed increases. That's why it's so important to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard.