How to set up email. Everything interesting and useful for a novice computer user

You can set up your mailbox immediately after, but the urgent need for this appears after some time. The reason for this is active correspondence, registration in different services, news coming to your email. Therefore, there is a need to sort out all the letters and put them in order; all this can be done using the settings tools.

The settings menu is located in the “MORE” tab of the main mail menu.

Settings panel

Some time has passed since you created your first mailbox on, but you can’t find anything in the mailbox? All letters arriving in the mail end up in the “Inbox” folder and over time the number of letters becomes so large that the received letter, set aside for reading at leisure, cannot be found.

Creating folders

In order for there to be in the box full order everything needs to be incoming letters were laid out according to different folders according to our classification, for example by topic or author. Create new folders in the settings in the “Folders” section. To do this, go to this section and click “Add folder”.

"Folders" section

In the window that appears, you need to enter the name of the folder and the location where we want to save this folder. For example, we want to create a folder called "Registration" and save it to upper level, then we do it as shown in the figure. Having created everything required folders, we can move the corresponding letters there.
Creating a new “Registration” folder

Setting up moving emails to folders

In your mailbox, you can configure automatic movement of letters to specific folders, to do this you need to click on in the settings "Filters and correspondence". The window that opens " New filter" This window specifies the conditions for automatically moving letters. We put ticks in places where this is required. After correct settings mail filter, letters will not be saved in a general heap in the “Inbox” folder, but specially created for this purpose. That's it, now all letters from friends will arrive in special folders where they will be easy to find.

Setting up a filter for moving letters to folders

Box decoration

Coming New Year and I want the page of the box to look appropriately, elegantly. You can change the design of the box by clicking on the “Themes” button. Themes can be changed to suit any occasion. For example, when the New Year approaches, the system offers different variants registration

Mailbox themes

Do you want your friends to immediately know that the letter came from me? To do this, Mail.Ru offers to upload your photo and come up with a template for your signature. In this case, it may be necessary to reduce the volume that the photograph takes up using special programs and services.

Uploading your photo to your email and setting up a signature for emails

Working with letters

Another important setup section is the “ Working with letters" This section allows you to make your email work more efficient. For example, here you can configure automatic cleaning baskets when leaving the mail, change the number of letters shown on one page etc.

Setting up the display of letters in the mailbox

Over the years, the epistolary method of communication has evolved from paper to electronic. There are 200 on the Internet postal services, with the help of which users communicate and send data via email. Each online mailer has its own structure and individual interface, but along with this, programs have been developed that work with mail without a browser. The question arises of how to correctly create an external email address. An example of setting up - Outlook will help answer it.

Local mail client

Online developers computer programs offer users a choice of software that performs the role electronic client. Each local mailer has an individual interface and useful features. But is it worth loading your computer with programs if they are available for browser use? Yes! Proof of this are Microsoft Outlook 2013 and Outlook Espress clients. Outlook itself usually does not take much time from users.

A person usually has two or three email addresses that he regularly uses, but these accounts are registered on separate online services. Of course, you are allowed to operate with one mailer by setting up personal mailboxes on it. But in this case, the external service does not guarantee that the letter from someone else domain name will go correctly.

The Outlook interface was created for users regardless of the level of computer skills, so setting up an online resource is considered on it. Example external service will become the online mailer

What you need to set up - Outlook

Before you start working directly, it is worth checking:

  1. An account registered on the website.
  2. Installed Outlook.

If the MS Office package was previously present, the mailer will be found among the list of standard software. Outlook 2013 or Outlook Express can be downloaded as separate component

in Outlook 2013

3. Select the connection protocol.

4. Specify user parameters and server information.

It is worth considering that for IMAP server incoming mail -; for POP3 -

Instructions for Express -

1. In the “Service” tab, go to “Accounts”.

2. “Add” button, then “Mail”:

3. Data for outgoing and incoming servers is indicated:

5. When setting up an account Outlook entries- is completed, you need to open the “Properties” of this account.

6. In the “Advanced” tab, enter the ports for receiving and sending letters.

7. Allow downloading of folders from the specified servers.

8. The account is configured.

What nuances should you pay attention to?

When setting up - Outlook, problems may arise that can be easily resolved. The main thing is to follow some rules:

1. Account is indicated full name with the inclusion of the “dog” icon and domain ([email protected]).

2. The username in the “From:” line of the mail recipient may be different; it is not necessarily the sender’s first and last name.

3. Carefully check the input of the incoming/outgoing server ports.

4. To ensure that information received by the local email client is copied to an external resource, uncheck the “Delete copy from server...” checkbox.

By installing the local Outlook mailer and completing the - Outlook settings, the user will be able to receive and send messages, and a number of additional functions will appear.

1. It will become easier to manage your external mailer account.

2. Message filtering is set by individual sender; on the subject of the letter; a single word or subject of a letter.

3. Message archiving and further processing is much faster.

4. The contents of the folders are organized according to preferences.

6. A local mailer will help you organize and plan your workday thanks to the calendar. This feature allows the user to create a schedule and set reminders.

7. The Outlook address book can be synchronized with mobile operating systems, transferring contacts to or from the phone. Besides, in address book business cards are created for each participant indicating information about location, company, phone number and other things.

8. The Outlook messaging system allows sending and receiving

This is a completely updated email client. has changed externally and internally: messages that are similar in topic are now automatically grouped together in “Conversations”, search markers help you find them faster the right message, and the favorites bar provides fast access to the most important folders.

The new is so good that I, who had been using the web versions of Gmail for almost seven years, completely switched to Apple's desktop application. The speed of the program, the responsiveness of the interface and deep integration with operating system make you happy every day.

In this post I would like to tell you how to set up to work with popular email services. The reason for writing the post was questions from readers on Twitter and VKontakte. I hope the article will be useful.

The developers of included information about setting up several of the world's most popular email services. There are no Russian mailers there, but if you use Gmail or Yahoo, consider yourself lucky.

When you're in Safari browser login for the first time Gmail page, a window will appear with short message: Would you like to use, iCal calendar and iChat IM client to work with your Google account? All you have to do is enter your login and password information.

The ease of setup was simply amazing. There is no need to specify servers for receiving/sending messages, ports, etc. Just login and password.

If Gmail is configured to work using the IMAP protocol, then in you will have the entire hierarchy of labels/folders recreated. The mailer will begin downloading letters, and this procedure may take a lot of time. After booting, you will most likely notice fan noise. This is Spotlight starting to index new content. After a couple of hours, the computer will return to normal.

If you want to receive mail using your email clients, enable POP3 or IMAP protocols.

To do this, go to the Settings of your Yandex mailbox, open the “Mail programs” section. Select the protocol you want to use by checking the box next to it. Save the result by clicking on the “Save Changes” button.

Read more about the operation of the POP3 and IMAP protocols below.

Configuration via IMAP protocol

Using the IMAP protocol, the mail program will not just download new letters, but will synchronize the information on your computer with the data on the server, displaying the entire structure of your mailbox at once - all folders, both standard and manually configured by you.

For settings mail client via IMAP protocol, provide the following information:

  • In chapter Incoming mail (IMAP) you need to specify the address of the mail server, set SSL protection and port 993. If your program for some reason does not support SSL connection protection, you can specify port 143 and connect without SSL
  • In chapter

When setting up email programs as a login and password to access mail server you need to indicate your Yandex username and password. You must specify your full mailbox address as your login.

IMAP protocol support will be enabled automatically the first time you log in to your email program.

Configuration via POP3 protocol

When using the POP3 protocol, all your letters (from the folders that you specify in Mailbox Settings) will be downloaded by the mail program to your computer into the “Inbox” folder, after which they can be sorted into folders, if necessary, using filters configured in the mail service itself. program.

Keep in mind that many email programs, by default, delete messages from the server when downloading. In this case, all messages in your mailbox will be moved to the “Deleted Items” folder, from where they will be deleted after a week. To save letters in the mailbox, you can set in the settings mail program the option to save copies of letters on the server when downloading, if your program allows this. It is impossible for us to make this adjustment.

When setting up an email program using the POP3 protocol, you must specify the following information:

  • In chapter Incoming mail (POP3) you need to specify the address of the mail server, set SSL protection and port 995. If your program for some reason does not support SSL connection protection, you can specify port 110 and connect without SSL
  • In chapter Outgoing mail (SMTP) you must specify the server address, and connect via a secure SSL connection via port 465. In case you cannot use secure connection, you can connect to the SMTP server on ports 25 or 587

When setting up mail programs, you need to specify your Yandex username and password as the login and password to access the mail server. In case you are setting up access to a view box [email protected], the login is the first part of the address - login. If you use Yandex.Mail for domains, you need to specify the full mailbox address as your login.

Hello, friends! I am sure that many of us have forgotten the last time we wrote letters in envelopes with stamps... Yes, progress does not stand still! Why not use it? Today, to send a letter, you just need to use a computer or phone. Smart setup Mail ru mail on these devices is simply necessary. How to do it correctly? Today this problem will be solved and there will even be a small bonus.

Actually, about the bonus. Do you know at least one sensible training program that can really help you learn how to work online? In fact, they can be quite difficult to find in the endless pile of different offers. A rather serious project caught my eye. I won’t reveal the details now, but if you’re interested, you can look here. And we continue.

Today there is great amount projects on which you can create mail. is one of the popular ones. As soon as you are on home page, you can start creating a new email.

The registration sequence is quite simple:

  1. Write down your first name, last name, login and other data in the specified lines.
  2. Come up with a password, which is better to write down so you don’t forget.

Congratulations, registration is completed!

Using email programs

There are a variety of email programs that allow you to do more comfortable to use email box. Outlook is a fairly easy-to-use program and has a significant number of advantages.

What is so great about the email program? Using Outlook using special protocols, it becomes possible to download and save letters to your computer, which can be very useful if you soon disconnect from the Internet.

The Outlook interface is quite simple; you just need to configure all the functions in the “services” menu.

While creating account Enter the mailbox address and your name. Yes, please note that the name you select will automatically appear at the bottom of every email you send.

To configure you need:

  1. Your email address.
  2. In the “incoming mail server” section you need to write -, and in the “outgoing mail server” column - For the first, port 993, for the second - 465. Encryption must be classified as SSL.
  3. Write down the email name in full.
  4. Actually, the password for the mailbox, previously recorded earlier.

Having completed these, enough simple steps, you can start using new features.

Mailbox on mobile

It is possible to use mail even when you are far from the computer. To do this, you may need to configure several settings on your phone.

Here are the basic steps to set up mail for android using the IMAP protocol:

  1. Open mail application and write down your email address and password there. Don't be alarmed if you've already had another one email box on this device. You can select the “add account” option.
  2. Next, select “IMAP” from the proposed protocols.
  3. We enter for incoming correspondence and for outgoing correspondence.
  4. When choosing a security type, pay attention to SSL/TLS
  5. Next, look at the “port” item. In the field we enter 993 for incoming letters and 465 for outgoing letters.

Ready. Don't forget that your phone must be connected to the Internet to use the new features.

For the happy iPhone owners There is a small recommendation - archive your emails before synchronizing. Otherwise, the “old” correspondence will be at the very beginning, and if there are several hundred incoming messages, you will need time to view new messages.

That's all, dear friends, use your email, both on your computer and on your phone. Subscribe to blog news and learn more interesting things about the world of electronics, as well as about profitable work on the global network.