Yandex Toloka - how and how much you can earn, user reviews, tricks, personal experience. Training and execution. With data comparison

What is Yandex.Toloka?

Yandex.Toloka is a service from the Yandex company that provides real opportunity earn money for any representative of the Russian-speaking Internet community. The work consists, in short, of carrying out simple tasks on checking and evaluating content.

If we talk in simple language, Toloka is designed to allow people to be tasked with performing certain tasks related to content analysis that a machine (program, artificial intelligence).

For example, a search engine is not always able to correctly understand what a person wanted to find for a specific search query and may produce a completely different search result than the user expected.

The machine can also make mistakes in assessing the category of content that Internet resources contain. Including content that falls under the “18+” category.

Artificial intelligence is simply physically unable to cope with some tasks.

Let's look at an example. There is such useful thing, like Yandex.Maps. Information in Yandex.Maps is constantly kept up to date. But the question is: who helps keep this information up to date? Human! A living person who goes to a specified area and checks the presence of a particular organization at the address specified in the task of the Yandex.Toloka service.

Support without human intervention information base Yandex.Maps would simply be impossible, so Toloka always has tasks on this topic, and users always have another opportunity to top up their wallet.

In general, if additional 50 – 100 dollars per month, then I suggest you read this article to the end!

How to register on the Yandex.Toloka website?

In Toloka you can register only one account for the entire time you use the site.

To register on the Yandex.Toloka page, click the “Join” button.

Enter your E-mail from Yandex mail. If you do not yet have a Yandex account, register one.

How much can you earn in Yandex.Toloka?

There are many areas of work in Yandex.Toloka. Behind work time a day, a user can earn either one cent or ten bucks. Success in work depends on several factors: how many tasks are available for a particular user, with what level of efficiency the employee works, and, of course, how much time a respected service worker is willing to spend on working in the service.

In order for this article to be as useful as possible for you, dear readers, I myself started working in Toloka. It was necessary to find out: how much money could he earn? New user of this service.

As a result, after working for two weeks, devoting about 2 – 4 hours a day, I managed earn 35 dollars with more.

Basically, for 2 - 3 hours of work you can earn 2 - 4 dollars. The amount of earnings largely depends on the speed of work, the complexity of the task and the payment for its completion. For example, there is a task in which earnings largely depend on typing speed. On such a mission, some people who high speed Typing people manage to earn 1.50 - 2 dollars per hour. When I manage to earn no more than 1 dollar on the same task for the same time.

Based on the results given above, we can draw the following conclusion: a couple of hours useful action over the course of a month in Yandex.Toloka, forty or even eighty dollars of income will fall into the pocket of an honest worker.

Also in Toloka there is a task “Updating data on organizations”.

The essence of this assignment– you need to come to the address specified in the task, check the relevance of information about the organization and do necessary photos this organization. So to speak, a “pedestrian” task.

Payment for completing one such task ranges from 0.20 cents to several dollars. Also, customers of this task give bonuses to performers for active and high-quality completion of the task.

There are people who make very good money from this task.

Some users completing this task shared their achievements by posting screenshots of the results of their earnings on the Yandex.Toloka forum. The amounts in these screenshots reached 400 hundred dollars in two to three weeks. Therefore, it is not surprising that some of them chose this task as their main job.

Based on the above, I think that for those who have a couple of free hours a day this type earning money can be considered as a part-time job. For those who have a lot of free time, you can do this service main place of work.

How to receive earned money in Yandex.Toloka?

Funds earned in Yandex.Toloka can be withdrawn to:

  • PrivatBank card (Ukraine)
  • PayPal
  • Yandex money
  • Skrill
  • Mobile phone account (only for Russian numbers), served by operators: Beeline, Megafon, MTS and Tele2.

I strongly advise against withdrawing money to Skrill; there is a high commission when transferring from Skrill to other payment systems.

Payments in Toloka can be ordered at any time.

If you order a payment once a week or less, the minimum amount for withdrawal will be only 2 cents.

If you order a payment more often than once a week (every day or several times a day), then the minimum amount for withdrawal will be - 1 dollar.

The payment is processed from the moment the application is submitted until the funds are received in the account specified by the user (for example, an account in the YandexMoney system). According to the rules of the system, this stage can take up to 30 days. But in fact, money usually arrives in your wallet instantly or within 24 hours.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that in the case of Yandex.Money, the account you specified for withdrawing money must be identified in advance. If this is not done, the withdrawal operation will be cancelled. payment system and the ordered payment is returned to the balance of the toloker.

How to identify an account in Yandex.Money?

In order to identify your account, you must log in to the Yandex.Money system. Next, you should move to the “Identification” section at:

Click “Get status”. Choose the most convenient identification method for you.

Read more about account identification.

The first time I applied for a payment of $26.53.

Literally the same day my income, which amounted to 1765.54 kopecks. ($26.53) was successfully converted into domestic currency and credited to my account in the Yandex.Money system. As for subsequent payments, they came much faster, and recent payments generally surprised me with their instantaneousness.

How to make money in Yandex.Toloka?

You should know that there are two payment options in Yandex.Toloka. The first option is automatic payment, i.e. money for a completed task is credited to your account instantly upon completion of the task. The second option is the so-called deferred payment. In this case, funds for the completed task will be credited to the contractor’s account only after the customer has verified the work.

Paid tasks are indicated on the balance sheet with green numbers (this money can already be withdrawn). Tasks that are still being reviewed are displayed in numbers on the balance sheet gray. These funds will be credited as soon as the customer checks and approves the quality of the completed task.

The number of tasks being checked can be viewed in the “My Profile” ⇒ “History” section.

In order to figure out which task is paid instantly and which one is paid deferred, you just need to look at the details of the task. In tasks with deferred acceptance, a review period is indicated. If the verification time is not specified, then payment is made instantly.

Basically, tasks with deferred payment are checked from 3 to 14 days. By the way, this does not mean that the task will be under review for the entire specified period. There is a possibility that the customer will review the assignment before the specified deadline. Also in tasks with deferred acceptance, the percentage of tasks that the customer paid for is shown. Also in the task details you can see the instructions for completing the task and the time allotted for its completion.

For convenience and quick search You can filter tasks by category:

“With training”

“Delayed acceptance”


For those performers who wish to complete tasks from their mobile devices provided special application Yandex.Toloka, which is easy, simple, and most importantly free, can be downloaded on Google Play.

Now let's look at this important point when working with the service, like the rating and user skills. If the performer performs a large number of tasks with excellent quality work, then his rating and skills grow.

The “My Profile” section of the service displays data on the user’s rating and skills. The user's own success on the project is reflected by the absolute rating. As for the relative rating, it is made so that you can compare your personal achievements with the achievements of other users. Actually, the absolute rating shows how much better you work compared to other performers.

Skills appear after the tasks are checked by the customer. Moreover, for each individual task a separate skill is assigned. IN in this case 100 points is best result, and 0 points is worse than ever.

One very important thing to remember is that a high skill score on a task can be a prerequisite for new tasks from the customer. That is, if the customer sees that the performer performs one of his tasks well, then over time he begins to give this user more and more tasks. Thus, a conscientious contractor will always have a job in the service. Moreover, if the performer successfully copes with the customer’s tasks, then the customer begins to give this performer tasks with a large reward.

In the same time low quality work on the part of the performer leads to the closure of access for the performer to a specific task.

Getting started with the service is easy. Go to the “Tasks” section, select a task from the list and click “Start task”. By the way, you should always review the instructions for the task before getting started. Even if this is not the first time you have done it, you should at least take a quick look to see if there are any changes or additions to the instructions. This will protect the performer from unpleasant “surprises”. If the task accepted for work has automatic payment, then your balance will change towards positive after you complete the first task.

To begin with, you should work only on those tasks that are simpler. As you gain experience working in the service, you can move on to more complex tasks.

Here is an example of tasks that are very simple to complete.

“Is there porn in the picture?”

Payment for this type of task ranges from 2 to 5 cents. The amount of payment depends on the level of skill; the higher it is, the higher the payment. The skill increases with high-quality completion of tasks. I manage to do such tasks literally one per minute. Accordingly, after an hour of my work with short breaks, my account is replenished by one dollar. You simply cannot find an easier job for this money! Here you just need to choose one of the answer options that are located under the picture. How to do this correctly is described in detail and clearly in the instructions for this task.

It is worth remembering that each task can only be performed by the user certain time, i.e. Time to work in all service tasks is limited. In order to complete this or that task on time, you should always look at the timer. It can be seen at the top of the page.

“Is there porn in the screenshot?”

Almost the same as the previous task. The only difference is that in the first case we worked with pictures, and in the second case we worked with the classification of screenshots. This task may be a little more difficult, but if you get used to it, the work will go quickly and easily. For one such completed task they pay four to six cents.

“Marking unplayable videos”

This task contains several videos. The employee needs to check each video for working condition, i.e. Separate videos that are playing from those that are not. Depending on the results of checking the video data, the user clicks on one of the options presented under the video and, upon completion of work on the task, receives one cent to his account. In forty (maximum seventy) seconds it is quite possible to complete one task of this type.

"Speed ​​Limit"

The work lasts forty seconds maximum, the task does not tire you, and sometimes even entertains you. The task contains photos that should contain a speed limit sign. Depending on what number is indicated on the sign, we select the appropriate option from the answers provided and upon completion of work on the task, our account in the service increases by one cent. By the way, it happens that some of the pictures presented do not have a speed limit sign. In this case, select the appropriate one from the options below. It's simple!

“Recording phrases on a voice recorder”

Only those performers who work in the service from a mobile phone can begin the task. As you already understood from the title, in the task you need to record your speech, pronouncing the phrases the customer needs. You can actually earn one cent, indicated in the price of the task, in just half a minute (maximum forty seconds).

This task refers to tasks with deferred payment; checking the quality of execution by the customer may take a maximum of 10 days. By own experience I will say that all the tasks completed by me and sent for review were accepted and paid for. Moreover, there were a lot of them. In general, this task is worth completing.

“Annotating audio recordings”

The task requires you to listen to an audio recording and type what you heard on the recording. What you should not write down and exactly how to write it down is described in great detail in the instructions. To work on this task, you must literally memorize the instructions provided, and then tasks of this type will be constantly given to you. It is worth paying attention to each point of the instructions separately, including the fact that punctuation marks are not included in the annotation. It may be unusual for a beginner to write without periods, commas and dashes at first. But in order to regularly receive the specified task, you will still need to get used to doing it as stated in the instructions.

The fee per task is 0.08 cents. The task is completed in approximately 5 - 8 minutes, there are craftsmen who manage to complete this task in 2 - 3 minutes.

“Updating data about organizations”

If you live in a big city, constantly move around it and you have the opportunity to take photographs, then this task is for you. The purpose of the task is to photograph the buildings of organizations at the addresses specified in the task.

For example, the task gives the name of the store “Plumber” and the address Bolshoy Prospekt, 21. The task executor is sent to to the right address and if the organization specified in the conditions exists, then a photograph of several important objects for the customer is taken. Objects important to the customer include: address, entrance, work schedule and sign.

The price of such tasks varies from a few cents to several dollars. There is also bonus program(reward system).

There are, in my opinion, enough examples given.

In the Yandex.Toloka service there are actually just a lot of tasks. You can verify this by looking at the service forum. There is the entire list of customers and a list of the tasks that these customers propose to perform. By the way, it is worth visiting the forum in order to improve the quality of work on a specific task, because instructions are not always comprehensive and are required Additional Information. A forum topic that corresponds to the task will greatly help you complete any task efficiently. Questions that arise during the work can also be asked in the appropriate forum topic. Questions can be answered both by the customer himself and ordinary users with experience in service in general and experience working specifically on this task.

If you would like to discover additional method earning money, you can register with the Yandex.Toloka service without delay and earn your first cents right now.

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Today distant work on the Internet has become quite in a relevant way receiving additional income for a lot of people. Behind last years sphere information technologies presented humanity with a large number of convenient and useful Internet services, many of which are already actively used in Everyday life. Television, landline telephone communications and many other familiar elements of human life are gradually being pushed into the background, as they are replaced by more advanced and advanced services streaming, voice Internet communication services and other projects global network. Along with the appearance this kind of services, specialized web projects for making money have also gained great popularity.

Today, making money on the Internet is no longer so large quantity doubts, as was the case at the beginning of the development of this area. Today, the global network is literally saturated with a variety of services and projects that allow you to earn money without leaving home computer. With all this, such Internet platforms allow you to earn quite good money in comparison with the amount of time spent on doing the work. Of course, the amount of remuneration on such services often depends on the site administration, so choose a reliable profitable platform for remote work stands with great attention.

Most often the choice of users falls on following methods making money on the Internet:

  • monetization of websites and social networks;
  • media channel monetization;
  • participation in economic investment games;
  • performing paid tasks;
  • writing unique texts.

From the point of view of maximum profitability, these areas of Internet work have proven themselves to be best side. Among the diversity presented, the area of ​​earning money from completing tasks deserves special attention. In 2016, this direction again became very popular for a number of specific reasons. The most influential change in this area has been the emergence of a radically different type of work task associated with a specific professional activity administrator site. Such a breakthrough in the field of earning money on tasks was provided by the domestic company Yandex, known to many Internet users for the largest search engine in RuNet. A new project in which the largest organization Russian-language network presented its views, received the name Yandex.Toloka.

Features of making money on the Internet on Yandex.Toloka

Yandex made its first test version of the project available to the public in mid-2016. In those days, the active beta test stage of the organization’s project began, during which many aspects of the system’s operation changed. The new project of the Yandex company provides the opportunity to earn additional income by performing specific tasks, the type of which was previously difficult to find on the vastness of the global network. Key Factor The work of the Yandex.Toloka Internet project is to improve the performance of the organization’s search engine, due to which the tasks presented here are of such a specific type. Take part in improvement search engine Absolutely all Internet users can, regardless of age, gender, knowledge and experience. Of course, it will not be possible for all participants in the new platform to achieve equally high rates of profitability, but even without that the platform offers fairly reasonable prices for work performed.

"Toloka" what is it? The idea for the name came from the Minsk office of Yandex. “Talaka” (and this is exactly how this word sounds in Belarusian) means - collective help, working together. Which goes very well with crowdsourcing.

To date new project from Yandex can rightfully be called one of best options earning money on tasks. This is true, because this Internet platform has many well-tuned mechanisms that together provide convenient and high-quality functionality for working on the global network. Among the many positive factors of the discussed earnings platform, five can be identified: key reasons, based on which, we can conclude that Yandex.Toloka is most optimally suited for all users to make money on the Internet by completing tasks. These reasons include the following system factors:

  • a wide variety of new types of tasks;
  • adequate cost of completing tasks;
  • the presence of a kind of career ladder for performers;
  • good functionality for withdrawing funds;
  • regular promotions and competitions from the project administration.

The presented features of the project are its strongest points. Unfortunately, in most modern web platforms for making money you can find such full list positive qualities it is often extremely difficult. But let’s not dwell on just one listing - let’s look at all the features Yandex.Toloka Let’s take a closer look and try to understand why the project has earned such great popularity among the Internet community.

Variety of available tasks on Yandex

Perhaps an important factor due to which the new project from Yandex received such high popularity ratings is A New Look by type of tasks. Surely many active users Runet people are accustomed to seeing completely different types of tasks in profitable web projects - writing reviews or comments, navigating through website pages, arranging social indicators and much more. Yandex.Toloka offers its performers a completely different type of work, based on work technology search engines. Does this mean that you will need this kind of knowledge to work on the site? Not at all - the administration of the web project has developed a special short course introductory training, which within a couple of minutes clearly tells the participant about the most important and necessary aspects of working in the system.

IN current version project participants have access to a wide variety of tasks related to analytics, sorting and searching data. The list of tasks available on the site is regularly updated with new options, but they are all grouped into four main areas:

  1. searching and editing content using mobile technology;
  2. searching for specified information on the Internet;
  3. sorting specified information;
  4. comparison of given information alternatives.

The types of tasks of this Internet project differ from each other not only in complexity and volume of work, but also in cost, which will be discussed further.

Amount of payment for tasks

Finding a profitable web project on the Internet that can consistently pay the amount earned is sometimes not so easy. Fortunately, all this does not concern the object of our discussion. New platform Earnings from Yandex, of course, are not distinguished by incredibly high remuneration rates, but the user’s entire accumulated capital is paid out stably without delay. This project cannot be called particularly profitable, but it is not “cheap” in relation to other competitors. Currently, prices for the types of submitted tasks are at the following level:

1. The tasks of the first group are considered the most difficult and require a lot of time to complete. Payment for such work within the framework of the Yandex.Toloka project is $0.5-$1.

2. Tasks of the second group are less complex, but still require more time than tasks of groups 3 and 4. The average payment for tasks of this type is approximately $0.03-$0.06.

3. The tasks of the third and fourth groups are the simplest; in addition, they do not require a lot of time to complete. The average size payment similar works is approximately $0.02-$0.04 per task.

Based on the above statistical information we can conclude that all users can make money on the site of the new web platform - those who prefer long-term and highly paid work or quick-fix and low-paid work. But besides standard information about the prices of work, all interested users of the site should know about the operating principles of the current career development system.

Career development in the project

Enough important aspect The work of the new Internet platform is its career promotion system, presented in the form of a rating mechanism. Rating system this project ensures that all platform participants are organized by their skill level. Speaking in simple words, users with a lower rating have significantly less opportunity to earn money by completing tasks, while users with high values ratings, the possibilities are much greater. The higher the rating of a system participant, the large quantity he receives daily tasks. How can you improve your position in the project and earn more? Everything is quite simple, the rating system here is represented by three fundamental indicators that affect the number of tasks received. These indicators include:

  1. skill – displays the performer’s level of proficiency in relation to specific type tasks;
  2. absolute indicator – displays the sum of ratings of all the performer’s skills;
  3. relative indicator – displays an assessment of the quality of the performed work by the contractor in relation to the total mass of platform participants.

Thus, the management of a web project resorts to the help of rating indicators when selecting the mass of performers to perform certain tasks. With their help, you can easily weed out performers with low level rating and provide the most complex tasks the most experienced users.

Possibilities for withdrawing earnings from the project

The most common significant drawback of many Internet services, no matter what methods of earning money they use, is the limited withdrawal of cash savings. Majority modern systems earnings provide a highly targeted withdrawal system, focused on working with payment service WebMoney. Yandex.Toloka offers its users a wider range of alternatives, among which you can see:

  • withdrawal to Yandex.Money account;
  • withdrawal to PayPal account;
  • withdrawal to Skrill account;
  • transfer to PrivatBank card.

Thus, even in the list available systems and there is no WebMoney familiar to many, new service from the organization Yandex provides significantly greater convenience for receiving your earnings.

Promotions and competitions of the project

Earning money in the usual way on tasks is, of course, good, but a much more attractive option is to choose sites whose administrators value the work of their performers and hold regular events to stimulate work activity. The Yandex.Toloka platform is the most a clear example such platforms - holding various competitions and promotions for performers has become an integral element of the project’s work here. Thus, the management of the web service regularly announces new events aimed at performing specific types of work. Based on the results of the event, the most active performers are selected, who receive as a reward additional amount earnings.

Results and conclusions of earnings in Yandex.Toloka

Making consistent money online today is not as difficult as it was a few years ago. Modern web platforms for remote work provide all the necessary functionality to ensure the efficiency of the work process. One of the most successful such web platforms is Yandex.Toloka, which has gained great user popularity in less than a year of operation. The administration of the site of the new Internet platform allows all interested users to join their system, regardless of age, education, knowledge and many other factors inherent in the majority modern projects networks.

From the text of this article we learned that:

  1. earning money on tasks in a new project from Yandex is interesting and unlike anything else;
  2. The amount of payment and the variety of types of tasks on the site allows you to choose an individual earnings strategy for all participants;
  3. the presence of a career advancement system provides the opportunity to earn significantly a large amount money through a responsible approach to work;
  4. Ample opportunities for withdrawing earnings are provided by several good alternatives to receive your cash savings;
  5. a system of regular events allows you to receive Additional income most active participants platforms.

Search engines are constantly trying to improve their algorithms, but bots can't always determine the relevance of content.

Sometimes you need to involve people so that they determine whether suitable material is returned to users for various requests. The Toloka service from Yandex was created especially for this purpose.

Toloka in Russian, easy earnings

This service appeared a long time ago, but due to the lack of tasks, few people used it. Now there is a lot of work and it is different. It's easy to do, so the rewards aren't big.

To talk in detail about working with Yandex.Toloka, We have prepared step-by-step instructions:

This is how Russian cleanup helps to raise money on the Internet. For now, the system is available only to residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey and Kazakhstan.

In the future, the system will definitely expand and become available in other countries. According to experienced users, it’s quite possible to collect 5-10 dollars here in a day.

Tasks are not always available in Yandex.Toloka, so try to refresh the page more often so as not to miss out on profitable offers.

It has already been said above that tasks related to mobile devices bring more money. To perform them, install a special application on your smartphones.

There shouldn’t be any difficulties when carrying out orders from mobile devices, since they are also simple:

It cannot yet be said that Toloka is capable of becoming the main source of profit, but it is certain that you can actually make money with it.

Just remember that you need to try to complete the instructions, otherwise your rating will be low and the tasks will stop coming. You can check it in your profile.

Yandex Toloka analogues

Unfortunately, there are too few orders in the system and you have to wait a long time for them. Don't waste time, use other systems with simple tasks.

Quite a lot of them have been created, and they are called click sponsors. There you may be asked not only to compare search results, pictures, videos, or express an opinion about some companies.

There are thousands of tasks on mailers, you can complete them around the clock, they will never end. This is also easy to do, after regular registration, go to the section with tasks and select the appropriate job:

Through such systems, various sites are advertised and all kinds of promotions are ordered. Waiting for you in every order detailed description, and also indicates what needs to be sent for verification. After studying the requirements, click on the button to start:

This example requires simple registration, and the report must contain the login that is specified when creating the profile. Even a beginner can handle such an order, and when you click on green button, a form immediately appears where the report is indicated (in our case, this is the login):

You click “Send report” and within a few hours the funds are added to your balance. Everything is extremely simple, and money is also withdrawn to different payment systems. If you are interested in a part-time job, use these projects:

  1. Wmmail is a reliable and oldest mailbox, where they have recently added output to Yandex.Money, Payeer and a phone number.

Today I would like to tell you about the new Yandex.Toloka service. This is not just another toy from Yandex like Yandex.Maps or Yandex.Disk, but a completely necessary and important thing for the work of webmasters and simply website owners, on which simple people They can also make money. How? I will try to tell you about this in as much detail as possible, and I will also show you how to register, set the task and use the task as an example.

What is Yandex.Toloka and how it works

Yandex itself writes about its Toloka service that it is a tool that makes it possible to solve fairly simple problems and helps in making money while also making the Internet better. The principle of the service itself is built as follows:

  1. The customer places a task on the Yandex.Toloka service that a person can complete quickly and without special effort unlike a car.
  2. The performer accepts the task and begins to complete it. For which he subsequently receives a reward in the form of money.

The work of the performer is primarily related to the analysis and evaluation of content posted on the Internet on a particular site. The tasks themselves come in four different types:

  1. Two pages are taken for the same query, and an analysis begins to see which one most matches the search query - this is called “Pairwise comparison”.
  2. Evaluating the compliance of a website page or image with a search query - Tolok calls this “Evaluation of pages and images.”
  3. Checking the reality of the existence of a particular company displayed in Yandex.Directory. This check is carried out by personally visiting the company’s office, checking its phones, etc., and is called trivially and simply “Field assignments.”
  4. Searching for the address of the official website for certain companies for better formation search results– this is called “Searching for information on the Internet.”

Registration in Yandex.Toloka

Let's start with the fact that to register you need a Yandex account, then everything is very simple:

  1. We indicate the First and Last Name;
  2. Select gender and date of birth;
  3. We indicate citizenship and education;
  4. We choose which languages ​​we speak;
  5. We indicate the place of registration and proceed to the second step;
  6. We accept Terms of use and confirm it with the code received via SMS.

Registration is now complete and we go to the tasks page.

Tasks in Yandex.Toloka

To complete the tasks, Yandex.Toloka offers to complete training and enter answer options for test tasks, 40 minutes are allotted to complete. The tasks are quite complex and it is not always clear what answer should be given. But the System gives hints after the first passage and, in general, the whole principle of operation becomes clear.

The system will give you about 20 options for companies and requests for which you will need to make an assessment. If the answer is incorrect, it will be indicated why and what is wrong and a comment. At the end of the training, I scored 63 points, I don’t know whether it’s a lot or a little, but in fact the test was passed and I received admission to the main tasks.

The system contains statistics of the tasks you have completed, which displays:

  1. Completed tasks;
  2. Rejected assignments;
  3. Test tasks;
  4. How much money has been credited to you;
  5. List of tasks you have completed.

Withdrawing money from the system is organized through: Yandex.Money, PayPal, Skrill and PrivatBank. In my opinion, more than enough, I personally linked my account to Yandex.Wallet and am generally satisfied.

I also want to note that there are tasks available only with mobile phones, tasks have different prices from 0.03 USD to 0.7 USD (the maximum I have seen so far). According to my estimates, per day, taking into account the fact that it took me less than 5 minutes to complete 2 test tasks, you can earn approximately 4.8 USD (this is for 8 hours of work). In general, the figure, of course, is not impressive given the fact that I earn much more per day, putting in less effort, but for schoolchildren it’s quite suitable as an additional source of income.

Independent generation of applications in Yandex.Toloka

Unfortunately, I initially registered as a contractor and now it is not possible to change my data to a customer in the system. But I noticed this thing - the system only has tasks from various Yandex divisions and no one else. And this tells me only one thing: this moment Only Yandex employees can generate applications. Maybe this will be fixed in the future, maybe not. Time will show.

About the Yandex.Toloka project itself, I can only say that this is another search engine tool for tracking and screening out high-quality sites. Undoubtedly, this will help make the search results even better and more relevant to the queries entered by users, which will also attract additional audiences to use Yandex search. Well, I would also like to say that this decision It will also save a lot of money for the largest search engine in the Russian Federation due to the work that people will do as freelancers.

Good luck completing your tasks and earning more! You will find my other articles on my personal page.

Toloka is unique way making money online. Firstly, this is a Yandex project - at least some kind of guarantee that you will not be scammed with your payment. Secondly, payment is made in dollars - and even if one task costs 1-5 CENTS - this is much more than sites for making money on clicks and captcha. who pay 1-5 KOPEEKS for a completed task. The difference in payment is obvious.

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I registered on Toloka a little over a month ago.

I decided to immediately scout out the situation and surf the forum. It’s very convenient that there is a forum - there any participant can ask the administration a question.

The first few days I updated the page hourly, but the picture was the same... As I understand it, this is a common situation for beginners:

Then the first tasks came in - most often I came across “Identification of data for adults in pictures / Identification of screenshots of documents with adult content,” that is, you need to sort porn content from regular ones. I was awarded a skill for this task.

Skill is the ability to perform this type tasks. Skills are rated on a scale from 0 to 100 points. Skill ratings can be viewed on your personal profile page. I initially had skill 75 for the assignment from Ya.Shchit “Identification of data for adults in pictures / Identification of screenshots of documents with adult content,” but after I carelessly completed the tasks several times without carefully reading the conditions for completion, the skill dropped to 20 points. I was very upset - after all, it was this task that brought me greatest number cents.

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Without hesitation, I registered another account. I decided to start all over again, and this time do everything well, but spoil my skills. Toloka does not block accounts with one IP. Moreover, he is loyal to this.

In general, now I have two pages, from one I withdraw money to Yandex money, from the other to PayPal.

In just over a month, the first profile made about $20.

Here are the tasks I completed:

My skills today:

On the new profile, where my skills are high, and in which I diligently complete tasks, it’s about $15, but that account is a couple of weeks younger.

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One of the disadvantages of Toloka is the long withdrawal of funds, it takes about two weeks. As soon as I made the first dollar, I immediately withdrew it to check the integrity of the payments. The dollar arrived a few days later. but subsequent payments were stuck for a long time, for at least two weeks. But for me these coins are not a matter of life and death; I am not bothered by the fact that they do not come quickly.

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So, if you want to earn at least one dollar a day on Toloka, you need to:

  • don’t screw up so that your skill doesn’t drop and you continue to receive assignments.
  • ideal if you spend your day at the computer, and you can update the Toloka page every half hour - so as not to miss new tasks.
  • carefully read the conditions for completing tasks - again for the sake of skill.
  • do not expect quick payments of your earned coins.
  • have the patience to perform repetitive and low-intelligence tasks.
  • create a PayPal wallet or an identified wallet.

Here's a simple way to make money online. It’s possible to earn a dollar a day if you constantly monitor the arrival of new tasks. Oh yes, important nuance- in order to work at Toloka, you must be at least 18 years old.

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I hope my review was helpful!!! Thanks for stopping by!!!