The most useful services on the Internet. How to make a free online service bring money Using Internet services online

Here I give an overview of some Internet services and a little theory on their creation. More specific information is yet to come.

Lyrical digression.

The lion's share of authors of articles about making money on the Internet talk about how to create an information product and then distribute it online. It would be a stretch to call this a business. The quality of these same “information goods” leaves much to be desired, and the methods of distribution are more like “selling something absolutely useless to everyone.”

Often, the authors offer an affiliate system for distributing these “super-useful” products. Many newcomers who dream of working on the Internet fall for colorful “temptations” that promise to easily receive fabulous incomes by paying only once for the goods. True, after making an entry fee into the affiliate system, they understand that it was a veiled financial pyramid and only its organizers themselves will be able to make money in it. After this, many are disappointed in the possibilities of making money on the Internet and they have a strong impression that there are only scammers on the Internet and it is impossible to earn money honestly on the Internet.

I in no way want to say that all affiliate programs are a dishonest way to make money. On the contrary, it is a fairly effective way to distribute goods online. BUT! I condemn people who produce low-quality information products, trying to sell them for exorbitant amounts of money. And today this is a big problem for the network.

Why am I writing about this? In the last few months, I have become especially intensely interested in e-commerce and looking for articles on this topic. To my surprise, more than ninety percent of these articles were about “information goods.” And what was especially striking, mainly, were the translations of “bourgeois” authors, or the articles of our Internet space figures, altered in their own way. I don’t think it’s worth saying that the American experience needs to be applied quite carefully everywhere, including the Internet. After all, no one has yet canceled the fundamental difference between our mentalities. What works “there” does not work here. But that's not what this is about.

I was struck by the “narrowness” of the topics of these articles. After all, online business is as diverse and multifaceted as offline business. This situation needs to be corrected, so in today’s episode I will talk about the field of e-services – i.e. about Internet services.


No one will argue that the “trick of the day” of offline business is services. In addition to the fact that this is an extremely profitable business, it has now spread to almost all areas of activity. The Internet is no exception here and provides unique opportunities to occupy very promising and profitable niches.

The bulk of services on the Internet are represented by services – paid and free. Since in my newsletter we are talking about business, we will only consider paid services here. On the other hand, most free services eventually “dream” of becoming paid, but at the stage of creation and testing they can be used without payment. And this is quite normal practice.

Types of services.

It is perhaps not possible at the moment to give a clear classification of all e-services. This market is just emerging, and every day dozens and hundreds of completely different sites appearing that provide certain services.

Below I will give examples of online services that are quite indicative for those who are thinking about operating in this area. I chose the examples absolutely arbitrarily, and you can continue this list yourself.

These services are widespread on the Internet thanks to their affiliate programs and do not need any special introduction. The bulk of their services are free, but additional features (moving the profile to the top of the ratings, voice greeting, ...) are activated only after payment.

This strategy has proven its effectiveness and now dating services are extremely popular.

The system for organizing the affiliate program is also interesting: the partner gets at his disposal a fully customizable website with an already populated database of participants. All work on database moderation is undertaken by the service organizer. The partner receives part of the profit from ordering paid services on his website.

An example of such a site on my project “Crimean Portal”:

System for buying and selling links. You can find many of these on the Internet, but now I want to look at the SAPE project. This is a young but intensively developing project.

This service provides the opportunity to buy and sell links from all pages of websites automatically. It allows you to quickly select and buy the necessary links for the optimizer, and also quickly sell these links to the site owner.

For their services, service owners receive 10% of the payment amount. The service has an affiliate program to attract referrals, which made it possible to spread information about it very quickly.

Internet site address:

Another service for optimizers, this time quite old - 1PS. This service allows you to automatically register a site in 2500+ directories, which greatly facilitates the work of link managers. The system created by the project programmers can be quickly supplemented with new catalogs. At the time of writing, 351,300 sites were registered through 1PS. At the same time, many sites were re-registered through the service, so this figure can be safely multiplied by 2.

And since this service receives money for each site registered in it, it is easy to understand that this is a fairly successful project.

Website address:

Here I want to look at the WebMoney payment system. The system does not need any introduction, because it is used by millions of people around the world.

After registering, the user receives a wallet account in the system for free. Further, when the owner of the wallet sends a payment, 0.8% is transferred from the payment amount to the system. This is the main part of WebMoney's income.

WebMoney is another example of a successful e-service. Payment volumes in just one day amount to $10+ million, and the daily number of registrations is 4000+.

Service address:

Perhaps this overview list of Internet services is enough to understand that you can earn very decent money on the Internet in the field of e-services. Moreover, this list can be continued for a long time.

Creating a service.

Like any type of business, creating a service must begin with the formation of an idea, which must then develop into a clearly formulated action plan. The further success of the project will depend on the quality and prospects of the idea.

There shouldn’t be any problems with ideas either: these can be training or consulting services, all kinds of service and information portals,... I’m ready to discuss your thoughts and ideas at the E-Businessmen Club ( viewforum.php?f=17) I think there is no need to say that you should be well versed in your chosen field of activity and working in it should be enjoyable. Otherwise, the chances of project success drop sharply.

As for the technical implementation of the project, there are options. You can write the project yourself. But this is only if you have knowledge and skills in programming. Otherwise, you can hire a programmer or use ready-made solutions, if they exist. Naturally, what the programmer writes will be much more flexible and closer to your requirements, so I recommend leaning toward this option.

That's all for today. This issue turned out to be a review, but I am ready to discuss this topic in more depth and specialized. Write a letter with your questions. I am ready to discuss any questions and proposals related to Internet business.

I also remind you that there is a section on the forum that I called “E-Commerce Club”. After completing a simple registration, you can become a member of this club and receive information and advice from like-minded people. I invite everyone!

Hello, friends! In the article we will look at the training video course “Cybersant-User”, the use of Internet services, which will tell you how to work with programs, as well as with Internet Services.

Using Internet services on the network

The Internet is advancing in our lives by leaps and bounds, intensively invading our lives. More and more people every year and month become participants in this process (this was written about in a recent article). It is not surprising that hundreds of Internet services are appearing.

It’s as if our life flows smoothly onto the monitor screens. Today, millions of people communicate on social networks, search for information, communicate on Skype, and distance learning is becoming increasingly popular. All this is the use of Internet services.

And it’s very effective! In our country (and not only in ours), the situation with the availability of available jobs is not very good. And again, Internet services come to the rescue, the use of Internet services, where people find remote work via the Internet. Some people make money from their own information products, others from affiliate programs. Today there are a great many options for making money on the Internet, there is no point in listing them.

The use of Internet services also makes it possible to work remotely via the Internet, where you can work remotely at home for a decent salary (this is written in the article). The home computer has become an integral part of many people's families. Photos and videos are taken and stored on the computer. On it we read books, study foreign languages ​​and do many other useful things. As you can see, you simply cannot do without many Internet services.

In many of my articles, I have already mentioned that to perform the above and other works, you need knowledge, you can read the articles and. We need ideas about our friend the computer, we need knowledge to work with certain programs, to complete assigned tasks. Sometimes you surprise yourself when you use a good program for only 5 percent.

Today, the use of Internet services is provided by a great variety of books, educational video lessons on various topics, and there are very good and high-quality educational video lessons and books. Many Internet services in education also provide good help. But a novice user does not always know what kind of lessons and educational video tutorials he needs.

It’s great when the necessary information is collected as much as possible in one source. Today, there are educational video lessons that allow you to gain knowledge absolutely free of charge on how to work with many programs. Moreover, they will be useful not only for beginners, but also for people with experience.

This often happens - you find a good program, but it’s difficult to work with it. You need to spend time figuring out how to work with certain programs. So, I will try to briefly describe the content of the training video course “Cybersant – User”.

By the way, there are no analogues of such training video lessons in RuNet yet. The course is intended for those people who have recently mastered a computer and want to learn how to use it effectively, and want to figure out how to work with programs. It will also be useful for people with experience; there is a lot of new and interesting information. Cybersant-User training video lessons consist of 17 topics.

The duration of the training video lessons is more than five hours. The topics are presented separately, so you can study each topic separately. Cybersant-User shows how to work with many office programs and Internet services.

The video training course begins with a review of the Onenote program. This program is part of the office suite - Microsoft Office 2010. Working in this program is associated with working in an electronic notebook.

In the book you can create notes, store your notes, and record your ideas. Make plans for work, both at home and at work. The program allows you to insert an image, print text, create formulas (from the field of exact sciences), and allows you to work with tables.

You can insert screenshots and send recordings by email. Finding out how the program works will also be useful for students and people involved in scientific activities - Cybersant User will undoubtedly help.

As already mentioned, the program allows you to work with formulas of any complexity; it is a kind of calculation designer, including elements of higher mathematics. The program is also useful for people who write their own books; here you can make notes on the text and draw.

Microsoft Office Publisher is the next interesting program. It makes it easier to work with documents when preparing them for printing. There is also an answer here, how to work in this program?

Working with the program. Many people have worked with earlier versions of this program. It allows you to prepare materials for presentations. This program is very different from the 2003 version of the program, and is a bit similar to the 2007 version of Microsoft Office.

The program allows you to create texts, pictures, diagrams and graphs in a future presentation. Allows you to insert video fragments, and do it in the program. The program prepares the created information for recording and writes it to a CD. The course shows step by step how to work with this program, Cybersant User also answers this question.

Excel 2010 - this program is designed for creating tables. Compared to previous versions, it is “sophisticated”. The program's capabilities are very large. It will be useful for both ordinary users and accountants and engineers.

Many have worked with this program in earlier versions and know it. The new version features a ribbon interface and a number of additional functions. The training video tutorial explains in detail how to work with the program and how to configure it.

Outlook is also an office program and allows you to optimize your work with email. This program is more convenient than earlier versions. A new interface has also been used here. The program allows you to classify letters (very large possibilities) and check them for spam. The program contains an electronic calendar that can be used as a personal planner. How to work with Outlook is also shown in detail in “Cybersant - User”.

Word - almost everyone knows this program. It is very similar to the 2007 version of the program, but there are changes. The interface is intuitive. There is a spell check function with advice on correcting errors. I will not repeat myself, in Cybersant User all the work is presented step by step, there is nothing complicated there.

YouTube. This is now one of the most popular Internet services. You can store your video files on this service. It shows what videos can be added to the service and how this is done technically.

Cybersant User shows what settings need to be made and how to do it. You can not only store the video on the Internet service, you can allow it to be downloaded by other users, and links to the video can be posted on your own website. The training video lessons also present other features of this service.

Picasa (google). This Internet service allows you to organize, store and process your photos. An online photo album is being created. This program has a built-in viewer, it is a pleasure to work with it. You can also georeference the photo.

On this Internet service you can store up to 1 GB of photos for free - that’s quite a lot. The program allows you to post links (upon requests) on the Internet, you can comment on photos on the Internet. It is possible to manage Copyright for your photos; all this is shown in detail in Cybersant - User.

Photos can be cropped and straightened (if the horizon is blocked), perform auto-correction of contrast and do retouching. The red-eye effect is eliminated. There are a lot of functions, a good program.

Yandex people. This Internet service allows you to create websites and share files. You can upload files up to 5 GB each to this Internet service, and you can upload an unlimited number of files. Files are stored for up to three months (unless downloaded). It is easy to extend the shelf life; this can be done many times.

Yandex video. This Internet service stands out among its classmates; it allows you to upload videos to it, practically without limiting the video size. The only limitation is that one file must be no more than 1.5 GB in any video format.

Yandex map. This is Yandex maps. You can work with maps from anywhere in the world. There is an opportunity to see panoramas of many cities. Google has the same Internet service (wrote in the previous one). You can get directions in any city, look at satellite maps, all this is shown in detail in the Cybersant User course.

Yandex market. An interesting service that allows you to find many products at the best price (I also wrote about this in the previous one). The service will help you choose the product you need, compare price ranges, etc. The service has a mini forum where you can see reviews from other customers about the purchased products.

Yandex bookmarks. This is the Yandex bookmarking service. It allows you to save previously created bookmarks when reinstalling the system or browser.

Printwhatyoulike. This service allows you to print any page from the site. With this service, banners and advertisements are removed, leaving only text. You can set the text parameters yourself.

Ozon travel. This service allows you to find out the public transport schedule. Find out the price and book tickets for planes, trains and buses, electric trains. Book and order hotels.

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Website building from A to Z
All rights reserved

Copy this code into a new text file and save it on your computer. Name the saved file index.html . Then open this file in any browser and look at the result.

Please note that by default any web server tries to serve the browser a page called index.html. Therefore, in 99% of cases, the source code of the site’s main page is saved in a file under this name and this is considered good form.

You can download the full version of this simple HTML site as (10.8Mb). After unpacking the archive, run html/index.html.

Key stages of website creation

Creating a website yourself from scratch consists of three main stages:

  • Creating a website layout. It is at this stage that a clear visual representation of what the created Internet resource will look like appears. Most often, Adobe Photoshop or other raster editors are used.
  • Website layout. At this stage, they begin to layout the site from a .psd layout, mobile adaptation and testing for correct display in various browsers.
  • Implementation of PHP. At this stage, the site turns from static to dynamic.

Let's look at all these stages in more detail.

Creating a website layout

Most often the layout ( in this case, this word should be understood as visual design) of the site is created in programs that are commonly called graphic editors. The most popular are Adobe Photoshop and CorelDRAW. We recommend using Photoshop, as it is a little easier to learn and at the same time has a wealth of capabilities. In addition, this is what all web designers use.

Create a new document in Adobe Photoshop. Give it a name - MySite.

Select a resolution of 1000 by 1000 pixels. It guarantees correct display for any user; the vertical size can be increased in the future.

Select a resolution of 72 pixels per inch and RGB color. We make sure to make these settings, since they are responsible for the correct display of the web page.

Then set the background color of F7F7C5 in hexadecimal format or select it using the color picker.

After that, select the menu item “ View » – “Guides” and activate the display of rulers and guides.

In the menu item " View » - «Link to » You need to make sure that snapping to guides and document borders is enabled.

Using the " Text", enter the text name of the future site, the slogan under it, as well as the contact phone number at the top right of the layout.

To the left of the logo and to the right of the contact phone number, we draw guides that will allow us to designate frames along the width of the site.

Then using the " Forms » create a rectangle with rounded edges (radius – 8 points) and use it to designate the place for the image, which will be located in the site header.

Now it's time to insert an image into the site header.

Using the " Text ", and the Georgia font, which is included in the standard set of the Windows operating system, we create a navigation menu and the title of the main page of the site.

Then, using the " Text " and font " Arial", add the text of the main page. In this case, it is best to use block text for subsequent work with it.

For the title in the text we use black font. For the navigation menu – white.

By moving the right border of the main text block, we insert an image into the page text ( to the right of the text).

Using the " Forms » - « Direct », draw the final line under the text of the page.

Using the " Text " (Arial font) place the copyright in the footer of the page (under the line ).

We cut the image fragments necessary for website layout using the “ Cutting » (we highlighted the main image in the header and the image in the text of the page).

As a result of the work done, we created a full-fledged website layout. In case you want to make your own changes to the page layout, the PSD file can also be found in .

In order to save and use the results of the work done in the form of images for subsequent website layout, go to the menu “ File » and select the item « Save for Web» . Then we adjust the quality of the output images and save them.

As a result of this, we will get many graphic fragments for our future template. In the folder where the template itself was saved, a folder with images will appear ( images). Select the ones you need and rename them.

The page layout has been created, the necessary fragments have been received, you can proceed to layout.

At the same time, it is worth noting that to get started as quickly as possible, you can use ready-made templates rather than creating them yourself. In the "" section you can find and create your own website based on HTML and CSS.

Website layout

First of all, you need to create a new text file and save it as index.html.

The first line of this file should look like this:

It tells the browser exactly how to process the page content. The following is a set of tags:

"Head" of the document"Body" of the document

Pair of tags … indicates that it contains HTML code.

Inside … tags are located that are not displayed in the user's browser window. As a rule, they begin with the word meta, and are called meta tags, but the tag appears as the title of the browser window and is analyzed by search engines.

It's also important to understand that there are multiple ways to organize content. The most popular of them is organization using blocks (

) and in the form of tables ( …

As for the display format of elements, it can be set either directly, using appropriate tags, or using CSS style sheets. In this case, it is the second method that is most preferable, since it allows you to reapply component styles. The style sheet is set either inside the tag , or in a separate file ( most often this file is named style.css), a link to which is also located inside .

In our case, the structure of the site elements looks like this:

The fundamental documents that describe all the components of a particular language used to create websites are specifications.

You can study in more detail all the basic HTML tags, their purpose, and the use of style sheets (CSS) by using the books presented in the “” section; in addition, useful tips on organizing content, layout, and CSS are provided in.

Creating a website using PHP

In the HTML page created in the previous example, everything is predefined and will not change when accessed by users. Such pages are usually called static; the tools provided by the hypertext language HTML are quite sufficient to create them.

If the information provided to site users changes depending on any factors or requests, the web page is said to contain dynamic content ( is dynamic).

To create such pages you need to use languages web programming. Among them, the most widely used are PHP, Python and Ruby on Rails for Unix systems, while Windows is characterized by the development of dynamic content using .NET tools.

This all concerns the server side, and for programming on the client side, JavaScript is most often used.

In the one we prepared there is a php folder in which the index.php file is saved. It is this that allows us to implement three pages of our test site using PHP.

PHP is a popular web programming language designed for creating dynamic web pages. The main difference between a dynamic web page and a static one is that it is generated on the server, and the finished result is transferred to the user’s browser.

In this article, we will not delve into the jungle of PHP programming and, for clarity, we will limit ourselves to simple inserts of code fragments.

The essence of these actions is that we place the header and footer of the site in separate files: header.php and footer.php, respectively. And then on pages with text content we insert them into the site layout using PHP. You can do this using the code below:


Try running the php/index.php file in your browser. Did not work out? Of course not. After all, the browser does not know what to do with the commands that make up the PHP file (aka PHP script).

In order for any PHP script to execute successfully, it must be processed by the language interpreter. Such an interpreter is necessarily present on all web servers and allows you to process PHP code. But how can we see what has changed as a result of our work?

To debug web applications and implement a full-fledged web server on computers running the Windows operating system, a free package was created Denwer (for your convenience, it is present in the prepared by us). It includes the Apache web server, interpreters for web programming languages ​​such as PHP and Perl, a MySQL database, and e-mail tools.

Installing the Denwer application package does not require any serious effort. We run the installation file and fulfill all its requirements. Select a virtual drive letter for quick access to the web server and create shortcuts. That's all! Denwer is ready to go!

The web server we just installed is launched by clicking on the Start Denwer shortcut ( your name may be different). After starting the web server, copy it to the folder home/, located on the virtual disk that appears in the system (usually Z), the contents of the php folder from which we are working with, except for the index.html file.

After this, type in the address bar of your browser. Is this a familiar picture? Now follow the links located at the top of the page. Works? Great!

Create a website from scratch or using a website builder?

The key difference between creating from scratch (whether using CMS systems or source code) from a website builder is that creating a site from scratch implies the ability to not only create a site that meets your exact needs, but also manage all the features that you yourself and laid it down.

In turn, creating an Internet resource using one or another website builder will not require you to have special technical skills. Any of the above designers allows you to create a full-fledged website in just a few hours. However, you need to be extremely careful when choosing a designer. The choice is yours!

In the table below, we have tried to summarize the key advantages and disadvantages of a website from scratch VS website builder:

Comparative characteristics Websites created using the constructor Websites created independently from scratch
Easy to create Just Difficult
Creation speed Very fast For a long time
Ability to edit source code No Eat
Possibility of promotion in search engines Possible nuances Absolute freedom
Flexibility in customizing design and functionality Limited Not limited
Possibility to transfer to another hosting More often than not Eat

What is the most preferable method of creating a website?

In fact, there is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on your goals and objectives. Maybe you want to explore the most popular CMS systems? Or maybe learn how to independently generate the source code of the website you are creating? Nothing is impossible!

But if you want to create a modern and really high-quality website in an extremely short time, we recommend using it!

Useful programs for beginner webmasters

We will list several useful programs that will greatly facilitate and speed up the process of creating a website yourself:

Notepad++- a text editor that allows you to create and edit the source code of the website being created. An excellent replacement for the Notepad program included in the Windows operating system.

Adobe Dreamweaver- a powerful and multifunctional program for creating websites. Among other things, it includes the ability to preview the resource being created.

NetBeans– an application development environment that allows you to effectively work with markup and Web programming languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.

Publishing the created website on the Internet

Let's say you have already created your first website, but what do you need to do so that any user of the World Wide Web can access it?

What is a “domain” and why is it needed?

A domain is the name of a website. In addition, the term “domain” often refers to the address of your website on the Internet.

A great example of a domain would be the name of the site you are currently on - site .

As you can see from the above example, the domain name of the site consists of two parts:

  • directly the name of the site - in our case it is internet-technologies;
  • selected domain zone. In our case, the domain zone “ .ru" The domain zone is indicated in the website address after its name.

It is also worth noting that there are different levels of domains. It’s very easy to understand this - just look at the number of parts of the site address separated by a dot. For example:

  • website – second level domain;
  • is a third-level domain (aka subdomain).

Domain zones may be different. Most often, the choice of domain zone depends on the country or purpose of each specific site.

The most commonly used domain zones are:

  • .ru is the most popular domain zone within the Russian-language segment of the World Wide Web;
  • .biz - often the domain zone is used for business-related websites;
  • .com - this domain zone is most often used for commercial and corporate websites;
  • .info - informational sites are quite often located in this domain zone;
  • .net is another popular domain zone suitable for Internet-related projects;
  • .рф - official domain zone of the Russian Federation

If the majority of the target audience is in Russia, we recommend registering a domain in the “.ru” zone.

How to choose a domain

When choosing a domain for your own website, we recommend following the following principles:

  • originality and ease of memorization;
  • maximum length – 12 characters;
  • ease of typing in Latin;
  • absence of a dash sign in the domain name (preferably, but not required).
  • The domain’s history is clean and there are no sanctions on it from search engines. This can be checked using the “whois history” service.

Where can I buy a domain?

We recommend using the services of a reliable and time-tested domain name registrar - WebNames . That's what we use.

Among other things, the website of this registrar allows you to select a name (domain) for your website directly online. This is quite easy to do.

To do this, simply enter the desired domain name in the appropriate field and click the “Search domain” button.

What is "hosting"

In order for the website you created to become available to all users of the World Wide Web, in addition to the domain, your Internet resource will also need hosting.
The term “hosting” refers to the service of placing your website on the Internet. A large number of companies, commonly called “hosters,” provide such services.

You must clearly understand that all sites that are available on the World Wide Web are located somewhere. More specifically, they (their files) are located on the hard drives of servers ( powerful computers), at the disposal of hosting companies.

Since almost any website consists of different types of files ( databases, texts, pictures, videos), access to them from different computers is carried out by processing a request addressed to the site, which is located on the server of the hosting company.

Hosting costs can vary greatly depending on how large and trafficked the site you create. The good news is that most websites don't require really expensive hosting.

How to choose hosting

When choosing hosting for the website you are creating, we recommend being guided by the following criteria:

  • Stable work. The hosting you choose should work stably 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Otherwise, you will suffer reputational losses in the eyes of visitors, and also lose trust from search engines. In this regard, it is worth paying special attention to such a parameter as hosting uptime. Uptime is the time during which the site operates normally and visitors can open it in their browser without any problems. It should be as close to 100% as possible. Site response time, on the other hand, demonstrates how quickly your site responds to a request from a user's browser. The faster the response time, the better.
  • Simplicity and convenience of the user interface. When entering your personal account, the entire control panel should not only be accessible, but also intuitive. In particular, you should see your current balance, as well as have quick access to all the main hosting functions.
  • Professional Russian-speaking support service. Fast, qualified technical support speaking your native language is very important in the event of various malfunctions in the operation of the site and the need to quickly resolve them.
  • Cost of services . This aspect is important both for novice webmasters who have a limited budget at their disposal, and for owners of large-scale Internet projects that require the use of really expensive hosting.

For our part, we can recommend you such reliable and time-tested hosting providers as Beget (for beginners and advanced webmasters), and FastVPS (for those who need high-performance hosting).

Placing the finished website on the server

Let's say you've already created a website, bought a domain and hosting. What to do next?

Now you need to place all the files of our site on the server of your chosen hosting provider. There are several ways to do this. Let's talk about them.

  1. This is downloading the content of your website via the HTTP protocol using the hosting control panel.
  2. Via FTP using a so-called FTP client.

It is the second method that is the fastest. For this task, we recommend one of the best free FTP clients - FileZilla.

After establishing a connection with the FTP server of your chosen hosting provider ( Usually, after paying for hosting, the provider transfers the IP address, login and login password) the available disk space is displayed as a logical device ( just like regular computer hard drives) on one of the two panels of the program you are using. After this, all that remains is to start the copying process and wait for it to finish.

Answers to common questions

Where should a future webmaster (website creator) start learning?

  • basics HTML;
  • basics CSS;
  • basics PHP.
As for further training and development, to create one-page websites it will be useful to master such a program as Abobe Muse. If you want to create multifunctional websites to order, be sure to take the time to master CMS Wordpress, because it is now the most popular and widespread.

How to find and select specialists to create a website

Do you need a website, but don't want to create it yourself? Then you will need to find really good and competent specialists. Let's figure out how to do this. There are several criteria that you should rely on when choosing specialists to create a website. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • Availability of a portfolio of successfully completed projects. If the artist or team of artists you choose does not have a portfolio, this raises questions.
  • website builders, as they are great for beginners and at the same time provide truly extensive capabilities.

    Is it possible to create a full-fledged website absolutely free?

    No you can not. Even if you develop everything yourself (from scratch or on CMS), you will still need to buy hosting and a domain. It doesn't cost a lot of money, but it still costs money. If you take website builders, you can use them to create and test a website for free, but you cannot attach your own domain name to the created resource for free. The option with free subdomains, which is often used by website builders, or free hosting should not be considered as full-fledged. Therefore, investments, albeit minimal, will be required. But don’t be upset – it usually costs the same as a couple of cups of coffee a month.

    Is it possible to make money by creating websites?

    Of course you can! If you become a qualified specialist and create websites for other people, you will definitely be able to make money from it. As for the potential level of income received, it will depend on several factors. Among them it is worth highlighting the following:

    • your accumulated work experience;
    • solvency of your clients;
    • ability to negotiate with potential clients and sell them your services;
    • the niche in which you will work;
    • type of site being created.
    Yes, yes, different types of sites (their creation) cost differently. If we talk about average prices on the market, at the moment they are as follows:
    • creation of a business card website - from 100$ ;
    • creation of a corporate website - from 500$ ;
    • creation of an online store – from 1000$ ;
    • creation of a news website - from 700$ ;
    • creation of an informational SEO website - from 300$ ;
    • creation of an Internet portal - from 3000$ ;
    • creation of a one-page website - from 400$ ;
    • blog creation - from 50$ ;
    • creation of a forum - from 300$ .
    In addition, do not forget that you can successfully monetize your own website. We devoted two interesting articles to this issue. The first talks about how, and the second is dedicated to how. Be sure to check them out!

    Create your website for free!

    Instead of a conclusion

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The problem of monetizing web projects is still relevant, despite the fact that Internet business has existed for a long time and successfully. Together with users of the Quora service, we will try to answer the question of how to make money on a free online service.

Despite the fact that models for monetizing web projects seem to have been tested and proven effective, the problem of making money in the Internet business is relevant and acute. Especially when it comes to content projects and online services.

Even a large audience does not guarantee success for a web service, as recently demonstrated by The Old Reader service, which could not withstand the influx of users and announced its closure.

Users of the Quora service have identified several of the most typical ways to make money from free web services. Many of these models have been successfully tested by the largest companies from which you should learn how to make money.

"Freemium" model

The Freemium model is usually called a classic for most web services. This model is the most tested and has demonstrated its effectiveness more often than others. Freemium involves offering customers a free product (such as a program or game) with limited functionality or capabilities.

For a fee, the user receives the “missing” functionality. Most SaaS products use this model.

Limited trial period

This model does not work for all products, but it has also proven to be effective. Initially, the product is offered free of charge, so to speak, “to try” for a limited period of time. After the expiration of the established period, in order to continue working with the product or service, the user must switch to a paid payment model.

For example, 37 Signals offers a free 30-day trial for most of its products.

Companies that want to make money from advertising need to know as much as possible about their customers and deliver relevant and targeted advertising to them. This is how Facebook and Google make money.

Sponsorship model

In the event that the service indirectly helps the authorities and/or large companies, it is quite possible to use a sponsorship model; in other words, you can try to contact an interested organization for support. This scheme finances one of the largest startups operating in the MOOC education market - the project, sponsored by the Gates Foundation and Google.

Wikipedia model

The essence of this model is to collect donations from users. Many WordPress plugins, open source programs and applications, and Wikipedia use this model.

Model Gillette

Printers and razors from the famous company are sold at reduced prices, since the main and long-term profit will be provided by replaceable cartridges or blades. A printer or machine will be useless if its owner does not spend money on another highly profitable additional product from the manufacturer.

On the Internet, for example, you can create a cloud service that will allow you to create and edit documents for free, but in order to copy the finished file to your local computer, you will need to pay or subscribe.

Open source model

This model consists of providing a free product with the expectation of receiving money from its support, configuration, customization and installation. Most open source software works on this model.

Fees for exceeding free limits

This model is similar to the Freemium model. Users are provided with a full-fledged product for free, in which the volume (scale) of its use is limited - for example, data storage space (as in Dropbox), or the number of downloads. To use the product to the extent of his needs, the client has to pay.

Zynga model

Making a profit from the sale of virtual products or opening new levels within a free game.

Model "Credit card"

In this model, the product is made free for one party (consumers), and through network effects, revenue comes from the other party (sellers). A similar model is already used by Facebook, Yelp and other online services.

Additional sales/cross-sells (Up-sell/Cross-sell)

Offering a free product in order to promote a premium product in the same segment. For example, a financial website might offer a free stock quote information service, but offer analytical reports and financial planning tools for a fee.

Brand creation

The free service can be used to create a brand, image, information field, which will then allow you to sell premium products (related or not directly to the free product).

Affiliate (partner) marketing

Sell ​​to Google By building a large user base, you can ensure that it can attract a major buyer such as Microsoft or Google. They, in turn, could use it to sell their premium products/services. Many companies such as Freebase and Powerset have found their niche in this area.

Make a free service a contribution to the success of your next business

If you haven't been able to get any of your previous free products to make money, use them to build your personal brand and increase your popularity in hopes of securing funding for your next startup.

If a business cannot be called purely altruistic, it means that there is something in it that can be sold for money. As the saying goes: “If you don't pay, you are not a customer, but you are a product.”