How to transfer money between phones of different mobile operators? cellular

Today, a mobile phone account is no longer just a balance that is intended to pay for call minutes and SMS messages - it is already something more, representing a kind of currency with which you can pay for various services or goods. Megafon also provides the opportunity for you to transfer money from phone to phone in order to top up the account of another subscriber. This service is called "Mobile transfer" and is provided to all Megafon subscribers without exception. Now we will tell you in detail about how to use mobile transfer, as well as the cost and rules for using this service.

Transfer money from Megafon

*133*SUM*XXXXXXXXXX#. Where XXXXXXXXXX is the phone number to which you are transferring money. (The telephone number is indicated in 11-digit format, starting with “eight”).

Mobile transfer service Megafon

The service is designed to enable a subscriber to transfer money from one personal account to another or, simply put, from one phone number to another. This service can come in handy at a time when one of your friends or relatives suddenly runs out of money on their phone and you decide to help them. Or you changed your SIM card and there was a positive balance left on your old phone number, which you would like to transfer to the new number. In both cases, the Megafon “Mobile Transfer” service will be indispensable for you.

If the phone number to which the funds are transferred belongs to Megafon not in your home region, then the money will be transferred using the Mobile payments function, which allows you to pay for various services from your cell phone balance. In this case, you will need to confirm the payment via SMS message. If, on the contrary, you want to transfer money from another operator, for example from MTS, to Megafon, then this is also easy to do. You can also easily transfer money from Tele2 to Megafon. One-time transfer amount cannot exceed 15,000 rubles. We remind you that in order not to worry that the money in your account may run out at the most inopportune moment, you can use the “Autopayment” service from Megafon from a bank card.

This service allows you to transfer money not only from Megafon to Megafon, but also to numbers of other Russian operators, such as TELE2, MTS, Beeline. If you transfer money from your Megafon number to the numbers of other operators, a commission will be debited from your Megafon account based on the transfer amount, depending on the telecom operator to which you are transferring money.

Cost of the “Mobile transfer” service

If you decide to transfer money from a Megafon phone to another phone of the same operator in your region, then, regardless of the amount, you will be charged commission of 6%. When transferring funds from Megafon to another operator, you will be charged commission 8.5% of the transfer amount(depending on the telecom operator).

Prices for this service are indicated for Moscow and the Moscow region and may differ from yours! Find out full information about the cost of the service on the official Megafon website.

How to transfer money from one number to another in Megafon

If you need to transfer money from your Megafon account to another phone, then use the command *133*SUM*XXXXXXXXXX#. Where “SUM” is the transfer amount in rubles, and XXXXXXXXXX is the phone number to which you want to make this transfer. (The telephone number is indicated in 11-digit format, starting with “eight”). After you have sent the above command, you will receive one of the following SMS messages:

  • When transferring to Megafon operator in home region you will receive a message that the transfer has been completed.
  • You may also receive messages like “Request accepted. Wait for confirmation via SMS” - this means that the transfer is being carried out to another operator or to another region. After this message you will need to wait and receive the next SMS.
  • With a request to confirm the transfer of money to another subscriber. Follow the instructions in this message and send the code confirmation of the operation. If you do not send the code, the operation will not be performed.

You can also send money using the payment form on the MegaFon website. It also provides SMS confirmation.

In the screenshot we confirm the sending of money to MTS. In the same way, you can send money from MegaFon to Beeline.

How to connect "Mobile transfer" Megafon

This service is connected to all subscribers of the operator by default and does not require any additional actions or costs from you. At the moment there are no commands for managing the service.

How to disable Mobile Transfer on Megafon

If you do not want to use the mobile translation service and decide to disable it, please note that there are no control commands - you cannot disable the service. You can obtain additional information on this issue by calling the helpline. Similar rules apply to transfers between other mobile operators: you can transfer money from a Beeline phone to Megafon or from any other operator.

Hello, friends! If you don’t know how to transfer money from phone to phone, then this article is for you! This method is relevant if you want to top up the balance of your friend or loved one. In the article we will also look at transferring from a phone to a Sberbank card.

Many mobile operators offer a variety of services for the convenience of their subscribers: they provide loans with zero balances, transfers and non-cash replenishment of accounts.

Making a transfer is not that difficult, it all depends on the operator whose services you use.
To transfer money to another number, you can use special commands, the official website and messages.
You can send without a phone number, without a number, and without commission. To do this, you need to go to the company’s website and log in.

After this, you should go to the “payment and finance” section and click the “transfer” button. It is also worth indicating the amount that should be transferred.


Sending money from Megafon to Megafon is not difficult. This can be done in a few minutes. If a relative or friend is also connected to this operator, then you can solve the problem in the following ways.

The best way: combination *133*300*89ХХХХХХХХХ#, where 300 is the credit amount, the sender sets it independently.
Wait for processing and confirm the payment, following the prompts from the SMS.

Let's consider all the methods:

  1. Application of individual commands - from a mobile phone, dial *133*170*phone#. Instead of the number 170, enter the amount that needs to be sent. Then you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code, which is sent in response.
  2. You can make a transfer via SMS. To do this, a message with the phone number and amount is sent to 3116.
  3. You can send through your personal account. In this case, you need to go to the “Services and Options” section, and from the additional services menu you should select “transfer to another”. Provide all required information.

It is worth considering that the one-time payment must be no more than 500 rubles.

How to transfer money to MTS

To send money to a number, you can use special messages, requests and easy payment.

There is an easy way. To do this, indicate *112*required number*amount#. After this you will receive a message with a confirmation code.

A request for the required amount can be sent via messages. To do this, indicate in the address the contact of the person you want to transfer funds to, and in the text - the transfer number 170.

Instead of numbers 170 the desired amount is indicated. After this, you need to follow the instructions in the message. On the website of the mobile operator you can use the service "Easy payment"

The easiest way: USSD command *111*7#. Select the "direct transfer" menu item and follow the prompts. Confirm the command and wait for the money to be credited to your account.

In it, mark the tab "Financial services and payments". Select the mobile phone number from the list.

Then the subscriber number is indicated. In this case, you can even transfer your phone to another operator.
In your personal account, money can be transferred from a card or even to a card. If the card is Sberbank, then shipping can take up to 5 days.

A message will be sent from 900 about payment manipulations.

Please remember that such shipments are subject to special fees and restrictions.

For example, sending to an MTS number will cost 10 rubles. If the shipment is made for another operator, then in addition to 10 rubles you will have to pay 4% of the payment amount.

The company offers its subscribers the following service: Mobile portal. It is suitable for making quick cashless transfers.

To go there you do not need an Internet connection. You can type the command *115# and call.
In this case, you can choose several options where the money is transferred. Dial 1 and call button.

After this, you should click – pay for another number, and then enter the subscriber’s data, as well as the amount of the required sending.

Select the personal account tab, which will allow you to make a payment from your cell phone balance. After some time, an SMS will be sent to send a response message with confirmation.

Top up to another Tele2 phone

There are several ways to send money to a Tele2 subscriber.

Here they are:

  1. Using a special command. To do this, dial *145*, then the phone number and *amount#.
  2. Using the Mobile Commerce option. To use it, go to the operator’s website. To make a transfer, select Payment for goods and services, and then mobile communications.

How to top up your Beeline account

Now let's find out if it's possible.

The company's subscribers can do this in three ways:

  1. Via SMS. Send a message to 7878 with the required number and the required amount. To confirm the operation, follow the instructions in the incoming message.
  2. USSD commands are distinguished by their efficiency. At the same time, you should not wait for response messages. To make a transfer you need to dial *145*, number and *recipient amount#. The call is pressed. After this, you will receive a notification with a transaction confirmation code. To end a call you need to dial *145*code#.
  3. You can also use the Beeline Money Internet service. On the site you need to select Finance and payment, then money transfers and all services. Find the Transfer to another subscriber's account option. Then select the operator and Transfer from site. After this, you need to fill in the recipient’s contact, yours and the amount to be sent. Then confirm your actions with an SMS password.

Sending money Motive

Motive is a cellular operator in Yekaterinburg and the region.

Translation can be done in the following ways:

  1. Via SMS. Create a message with the text of the recipient's number and the required amount separated by a space. Send it to 1080. After this, you will receive a response SMS notification.
  2. Use USSD command. Dial *104*108*recipient number*amount# and call. A confirmation will come in a couple of seconds. Please indicate contacts without 8 or +7.

Why money may not be transferred

Now let’s find out in what situations money is not transferred.

The reasons may be as follows:

  • the amount is not specified, which should be no less than a ruble and no more than 300;
  • there will be little money left in the account after sending;
  • per day you can transfer no more than 1,500 rubles to other phones;
  • it is important to take into account the commission, which can eat up the necessary balance;
  • the application may have been sent to the wrong number. In this case, cash can be returned on the operator’s official website. To do this you need to leave a request.

If a transfer is made to the wrong recipient, you can contact the operator’s office and write an explanation as to why this happened.

If everything is done quickly, the money will be returned within 24 hours.

If you know simple transfer methods, then, if necessary, you can always help your loved ones out of trouble.

How to transfer money from a phone to a card and is it possible?

Transfer via SMS in Megafon to a Sberbank card (and not only) is carried out according to the scheme;

  • The card number, its expiration date, and the transfer amount are entered into the SMS text;
  • the message is sent to number 3116.

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Transferring money from one phone to another is a great way to top up the balance of a friend or relative, repay a debt, or pay for a service. Mobile operators today do everything for the convenience of customers: small loans with a zero balance, fast non-cash top-ups and, of course, transferring money from one phone to another. Let's take a closer look at exactly what options for non-cash shipments are supported by mobile operators.

MTS offers its customers several convenient ways to transfer funds from their phone balance to the phone of another subscriber of any federal cellular operator.

You can transfer money:

  • via SMS;
  • via Mobile portal *115#;
  • using the “Easy Payment” service on the MTS website.


To transfer funds to another subscriber's account via SMS, find it in your contacts list or enter it manually.

#translation 250

where 250 is the amount in rubles that will be debited from your balance in favor of the recipient. After this request is sent, you will receive a notification from number 6996 with instructions to complete the payment. Follow these instructions, and after successfully sending money, you will receive a report on the completed operation.

There are commissions and restrictions for this type of money transfer:

  • commission for transfer to MTS: 10 rubles;
  • commission when sending to another operator: 4% + 10 rubles;
  • minimum one-time payment: 10 rubles;
  • maximum one-time payment: RUB 5,000;
  • daily limit: 30,000 rubles;
  • monthly limit: 40,000 rub.;
  • daily limit on the number of transfers: 10.

Mobile portal

MTS offers its subscribers the Mobile Portal service for making fast non-cash transfers via cell phone. It does not require an Internet connection to work with it. To access the Mobile Portal, dial the short command *115# and press the Call button. This will take you to the main menu of the service, where you will be offered several options where you can transfer money. Select “Mobile phone” by pressing “1” and the “Call” button. At the next stage, select the recipient's mobile operator in the same way - by pressing on the phone's keyboard the number corresponding to its serial number in the menu and making a call. Next, we are asked to choose whether we need to pay for our own or another number; select “Pay for another number”, after which the inscription “Phone number” will appear on the screen. Here we enter the phone number in ten digit format, without the prefixes “8” and “+7”, after which - the transfer amount. Next, between “Personal Account” and “Bank Card” we select the first one - this will allow us to make a payment from the cell phone balance. After completing all these steps, you will receive an SMS from number 6996, inviting you to send a reply message with any text to complete the operation.

Service "Easy payment" on the MTS website

Of course, you can also make a phone-to-phone transaction using the Internet. The online service “Easy Payment” from MTS will help us with this. To access the capabilities of the service, go to the website. Here in the main menu, select “Financial services and payments”, sub-item “To mobile phone”. Here we select the mobile operator whose client the payment will be made.

Please note that you can only transfer money to federal subscriber numbers.

After selecting an operator, we are asked to enter the phone number to which the payment will be received and the payment amount. Check the “From MTS mobile phone account” checkbox and click “Next”. At the final stage, we confirm the operation using the received SMS password.

When transferring through “Easy Payment” there is a 10.4% commission for payments to numbers of other cellular providers.

There is no commission when transferring to MTS.

Beeline subscribers have several ways to send funds from phone to phone:

  • via SMS;
  • USSD command;
  • using the Beeline Money Internet service.


To make an SMS transaction, send a message in the following format to number 7878:

9005554433 250

where 9005554433 is the recipient’s number, 250 is the receipt amount. Confirm the operation by following the instructions in the response SMS you received.

USSD Commands

USSD commands (sets of numbers between the characters * and #) are convenient because of their efficiency - you do not need to wait for response messages, because most actions (besides those directly related to security) are performed in real time on the phone screen.

So, the USSD command that Beeline uses to solve this problem looks like this:


where 9005554433 and 250 are the recipient’s number and the amount itself, respectively. After entering the code, click "Call". In response to this request, you will receive a notification containing a transaction confirmation code. Complete the transaction by typing the USSD command:


then make a call.

Internet service "Money Beeline"

Transactions via the Internet are made on the Beeline website using the Beeline Money service. In the main menu of the site, select “Finance and Payment” and under the heading “Money Transfers” click “All Services”. Here, in the “Money Transfers” section, we are interested in the “Transfer to another subscriber’s account” option. Select the operator of the recipient of funds and click “Transfer from site”. On the next page you need to enter data: recipient number, your number and transaction amount. After this, all that remains is to confirm the action with an SMS password.

Commissions apply to all three methods of transferring money from Beeline:

  • when transferring to a Beeline subscriber: 3% + 10 rubles;
  • to a subscriber of another provider: 4.95%.

MegaFon clients have 3 convenient ways to transfer funds from number to number:

  • using the Mobile Transfer service (USSD command);
  • via SMS;
  • via the Internet on the operator’s website.

"Mobile transfer"

To use the Mobile Transfer service, dial the following command on your phone:


and press the call button. 250 and 9005554433 - payment amount and recipient number, respectively.

Despite all the convenience of this method, it has a number of limitations:

  • commission 5-15 rub. (depending on the region) to MegaFon phones;
  • commission 2-6% (depending on the region) on phones of other operators;
  • limit on one-time payment: 500 rubles;
  • monthly limit: 5000 rub. within one branch and 15,000 to another branch/other operator;
  • number of operations per day: no more than 5;
  • the transaction is not possible if the balance is less than 30 rubles.


To send via SMS, send a message like:

9005554433 250

to number 3116. In the text of the message 9005554433 and 250 are the recipient’s number and the size of the item, respectively.

Limits and commissions for this method:

  • commission: 8.5%;
  • one-time payment limit - 5000 rubles;
  • daily limit - 15,000 rubles;
  • monthly limit - 40,000 rubles.

Through the Internet

The third method is transfer via the Internet, by filling out a special web form on the MegaFon website. On the operator’s website, go to the “Services and Options” - “Additional Services” section. Here are all the available ways to make a transaction using MegaFon. Find the "Transfer to another phone" option and click "More details." Here we fill out the form: enter the transaction amount, phone numbers of the sender and recipient, and then click “Transfer”. The limits and commissions when transferring through the MegaFon website are the same as when sending funds via SMS.

Tele2 subscribers can use two convenient ways to make transactions from phone to phone:

  • using the USSD command as part of the Mobile Transfer service;
  • on the Tele2 website as part of the Mobile Commerce service.

Using the USSD command

The USSD command for transferring money from a Tele2 balance is as follows:


where 9005554433 and 250 are the recipient number and transaction size. The commission for this type of service is 5 rubles. when sent to a Tele2 client and 5% + 5 rubles. if it is a subscriber of another operator.

On the Tele2 website

To make an online transaction, go to the Tele2 payment website. Here we are interested in the section “Payment for goods and services” - “Mobile communications”. By going here, we will see a list of mobile operators whose clients can transfer money using this method. We select the operator we need and fill out the web form: sender and recipient numbers, as well as the transaction amount and click “Pay”.

As in the case of USSD sending, the commission on Tele2 is 5 rubles, on other operators - 5% + 5 rubles.

The Ural operator Motiv offers its customers two convenient ways to send funds, both of which are made via cell phone:

  • USSD command;
  • message


Transfer is possible only to another subscriber of the Motiv provider.

To make a USSD send, enter a command like:


where 9005554433 and 250 are the recipient number and the size of the item.


To take advantage of SMS capabilities, you need to send a message in the following format to number 1080:

9005554433 250

In both cases, you should receive a notification that the operation was successful.

Commissions and limits:

  • commission: 0%;
  • minimum payment: 10 rubles;
  • maximum payment: 100 rubles;
  • daily limit: 200 rub.

The Rostelecom operator provides its customers with the ability to quickly send funds. The transaction is possible not only for another Rostelecom subscriber, but also for clients of federal operators.

You can make a shipment in the following ways:

  • USSD request;
  • SMS request;
  • through the provider's website.


A request to send money to another subscriber looks like this:


where 9005554433 and 256 are the recipient number and transaction size, respectively. After this, you will receive a message with a confirmation code. This code must be used in the following USSD request to complete the operation:


After this, you will receive an SMS notification about the successfully completed operation.


To send money via SMS, send a message like this to number 145:


This command transfers 250 rubles. to the number 9005554433. After sending the message, wait for an SMS with a confirmation code.

Send it in the following SMS:


After your second message is delivered, the operation will be confirmed and the transaction completed.

To send money via the Internet, you need to have an account on the official Rostelecom website. Departures are made in the appropriate section of your personal account.

How to transfer money from phone to phone without commission?

From the information presented in the article, we can conclude that most cellular providers do not provide interest-free transfers from client to client.

This is only possible with the regional operator Motive when sending funds to another subscriber of this provider.

When using the Sberbank payment system, questions arise regarding its operation. For example, how to transfer your money from a Sberbank card to another subscriber’s phone? This need arises when a friend or family needs to top up their phone balance. They can't do this because they don't have terminals or other top-up methods nearby.

A Sberbank card will come to the rescue. Thanks to an open bank account, it is easy to send money to any mobile operator number. There are several ways to do this. If you have a bank card with you, you can use an ATM.

Transfer money via ATM

Using an ATM to transfer money to another person’s phone from a Sberbank card is quite simple.

Translation Tips:

  • the transfer is carried out through the Sberbank ATM terminal.
  • The card is inserted into the receiver and the PIN code is entered.
  • In the main menu, select the item - payment for mobile communications.
  • mobile operator selection menu (Megafon, Beeline, MTS, TELE 2, etc.). If you are not sure, ask the owner of the number which operator services it.
  • The subscriber number and the amount to be sent are indicated.
  • click - pay.

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