How to get the average size from the sum of 29. How to calculate a percentage of an amount - example

With the development of technology, few people continue to count in their heads or with a column on a piece of paper; it takes a lot of time, and you can doubt the correctness of the answer and start double-checking again and again. Although independent calculation It trains your brain very well, but just don’t do this training when you urgently need to calculate something. For the convenience of people who, by the nature of their profession, constantly calculate percentages, it was created special interest calculator . We are faced with the need to calculate a part of a number in Everyday life and at work. For example, to find out overpayment on loan, find out the amount of profit, food markup. You often see value added tax on your supermarket receipt, which is a certain percentage of the amount. Of course, you don’t have to count how much it is, everything is already included in the price, but, for example, in the USA, in supermarkets they don’t write the price on the price tags taking into account the percentage of added value; the buyer himself must calculate how much he will have to pay for product.


- calculator;
- paper.


  • To avoid randomly poking the calculator buttons, formulate the task on a piece of paper , calculate the proportion, this will help you learn how to work with this device, practice, remember the algorithm of actions and understand their meaning.
  • Look at the calculator, get familiar with the buttons, check that it works correctly, calculate an example for which you know the answer, for example, multiply ten by ten, add two to two. You need to understand what happens after pressing a particular button before learning to calculate percentages on a calculator.
  • To explain we need some example. Let's assume that we need find 5% of the number 611. Enter the number on the calculator from which you will calculate the percentage. Dial the number 611 . Then presses the multiplication button " X" (or " * ") and enter the number of percents, for us this is a number 5 . After this, press the button “ % " Do not press the " = " After you click on " % ", a number will light up on the screen, which will be the answer to your question. In our case the number will appear 30,55 . This value is equal to 5% of 611. If you then click on “ = ", you will get the answer by example 611*5%, i.e. 611*30.55=18666.05.
  • It’s not difficult to understand how this magic of calculation happened if you remember basic mathematics , after all 5% - This 0,05 (this is obtained by dividing the number of percent by one hundred, that is, in in this case 5/ 100=0,05 ). This simple mental combination will help you calculate percentages where there is no " button % " So you could just click 611*0,05 , after that on " = "and get the final result you need 30,55 .
  • Using the calculator you can quickly calculate the amount of percent of different numbers, the sum of the cost of goods taking into account markups. To do this you must resort to the buttons " MS», « M.R.», « MS», « M+», « M-».
  • Let's also look at a few examples of how to calculate percentages on a calculator if you need to add some part to a certain amount. Let's take a number 388 , we must add to it 35% . We sequentially perform the actions on the calculator: enter the number 388 , click " + » enter the number of percentages 35 , after that press “ % " and the "=" button, you get the value 388 including 35%, i.e. 388+35%=523,8 .
  • If there is a need to find out, for example, product price without store markup . We know the cost 55 , and the store marks it up 40% . Enter 55 on the calculator, press the division button " / ", then enter the number 1.4 and click " = ", we get the cost without extra charge, that is 55/1.4=39,28 . If you need to find 30% , then divide by 1.3, 55% — 1.55 , etc.

The question of how to calculate a percentage of an amount falls into the category of a few useful things that are included in school curriculum mathematics. Unfortunately, in adolescence not everyone understood the practical importance of this topic, which is confirmed by statistics search engines(today, a lot of users want to get an answer to the question under consideration on the Internet).

Submitted article – great helper, both for adults and for schoolchildren, with which you can easily calculate percentages, regardless of the specific situation that requires these calculations. With it you can check the correctness of the calculation of bank interest, trade margins or profit margins on a commercial project, without outside help and tips from the World Wide Web. This information is relevant for almost any reader, regardless of his age, gender, social status and level of education. One category of people, with the help of the article, will learn to count percentages, and the second will restore in their memory the knowledge acquired in mathematics lessons.

How to calculate a percentage of an amount - an algorithm for calculating percentages in your head or using a calculator

Many readers are primarily interested in how to calculate the percentage of an amount on a calculator. Let's consider the procedure that will help you complete the task with or without the help of a “smart” machine:

- we have a certain number X, from which we need to calculate the percentage Y;

— X is 100%, which means to find out 1%, you need to divide X by 100;

— we multiply the result by Y and get the answer to the question posed.

To help readers remember better this algorithm, let's look at an example with specific numbers. Task: you need to find out how much the borrower will pay for a loan, the amount of which is 250 thousand rubles, and the annual rate is 25%. Solution: 250,000/100*25= 62,500 rubles.

If you can count well in your head, then this procedure can be done without using a calculator; in other situations, use a “smart” machine.

Let's look at another way to calculate interest using the above example. To do this, let's make a proportion: 250000 - 100%, and Y - 25%. Then Y =250,000*25/100=62500 rubles. Using another method, we came to the same result as in the first case, but from this example we can conclude: if you need to find a percentage of an amount, multiply the amount by the specified percentage and one hundredth: 250,000*25*0. 01=62500 rubles. Please note again: you can do this in your head, but if you have problems with this procedure, use a calculator.

In addition, modern calculators allow you to solve the problem in question even without the above algorithms. To do this, you need to enter the number from which the percentage is calculated, then the “%” sign, the number of percents and the “=” sign. In our example, the order of the set of numbers and symbols is next view: "250000", "%", "25", "=".

Internet and special programs

IN modern conditions, people are increasingly less likely to count in their heads or on paper (many readers most likely don’t even remember how to multiply or divide numbers using a pencil and paper), preferring to use computer technology, special programs or sites that have calculators that correspond to the theme of the web resource. For example, when we're talking about O bank loans, You will be asked to use a currency calculator, and when exchanging currencies, a program that will convert one currency into any other within a few seconds. Of course, advances in science that save you from having to think about how to calculate the percentage of an amount, look for appropriate formulas, etc. – this is very good, but sometimes it seems that such progress is main reason the gradual degradation of humanity makes us lazy and unable to develop analytical thinking. Although this is a problem of other sciences not related to main topic submitted article.

In world wide web Today you can find calculators that work with any data, including interest on loans, taxes, customs and excise duties, trade margins, etc.

If you often need to calculate percentages of an amount, use the standard one for these purposes. office program– Excel. You enter the formula once, save the file in your working folder, and then you will use it as needed.

Let's see how this is done:

    let's go to Excel ;

    in cell A1 we write: “Amount”, in A2 – “Percentage”, and in A3 – “Result” (so that you can see where to enter the initial data);

    in cell B3 we write the formula: “=B1*B2/100”;

    the task is completed, to check, enter into cells B1 and B2 the values ​​​​from the very first example at the beginning of the article: 250000 and 25, in B3 the result 62500 will be displayed.

There are other formulas for solving the problem under consideration, but this option Simple enough to understand and even schoolchildren can use it.

If your a store, but you haven’t had time to buy what you need yet software(or you don’t plan to do this), and you need to constantly recalculate retail prices for the entire product range, you can use your own program in Excel. Initial data - name of the product, supplier prices and a fixed markup on all products of 20%. The task is to find out the selling prices and the amount of markup.

In column A, enter the names of the goods, in B, opposite each name - supplier prices, in C - the formula: “=B 1*20/100” (the amount of the 20% markup for each item), in column D you will receive selling prices , which are calculated as the sum of supplier prices and a 20% markup: “=B1+C1”. Everything is done quickly, any changes can be corrected, and in addition to all the data listed, you will always see how much money each product item brings you. In addition, the information obtained can be used for further calculations, for example, to find out daily profit or gross income, to check revenue, etc.

The main problems that arise during interest calculations

Considering the question of how to calculate a percentage of an amount, and analyzing the above examples, we can say that it does not present any particular difficulties for any person who knew mathematics at school, at least with a solid “C”. But many business entities, when calculating value added tax (excise duty), were faced with an incomprehensible situation. For example, if the cost of a product is 220 rubles, and the VAT rate is 10%, then using the formula we are already familiar with for calculating the percentage of the amount, we will get a VAT value of 22 rubles. (220*10/100), but this is not correct. A fairly common mistake occurs due to the fact that in such examples VAT is already included in the price of the goods! That is, 220 rubles is the price of the product without VAT plus the amount of tax.

In order to calculate it, you need to find out how much 1% is in this case. In the example presented, 220 rubles is 100% of the cost of the product plus 10% VAT, which means 1% is 220/110 = 2 rubles, and VAT = 2*10 = 20 rubles. We check: the price of the product without VAT: 2*100=200 rubles, VAT – 20 rubles, total cost – 200+20=220 rubles, which corresponds to initial conditions tasks. Sometimes, in similar situations, even people who know well how to calculate a percentage of an amount and understand where all these numbers come from make mistakes.

A similar algorithm for calculating VAT is used if the tax rate is 18%. Then the total cost of the product (already including value added tax) must be divided by 118 (100% and 18%), and the resulting value (1%) multiplied by 18. This is how you get the tax amount.

An algorithm for calculating the amount of interest when it is already included in the total value is needed not only in the case of VAT, it is used if.

Even those who do not work with accounting calculations are often faced with calculating various percentages. For example, this is necessary to calculate the amount of tax deducted according to the laws of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The main issue that concerns most citizens of the country is the calculation of income tax. How to calculate 13 from the amount received as a result of the sale of real estate or wages - this is what the vast majority are faced with.

How to calculate income tax on salary

Salary income tax is one of the main direct taxes. It is withheld into the federal budget from remunerations received by employees of various government organizations and private companies. As a rule, the personal income tax rate is 13%, which is deducted from employee salaries.

It is important that before you calculate 13 of the amount, you need to take into account the tax deduction. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, this indicator is a benefit that is provided to certain categories of employees. Its value can be 500, 1400 or 3000 rubles.

For example, a woman’s monthly income is 15,000 rubles. She is the mother of a minor child, that is, she supports 1 dependent person. According to the law, this category of Russian citizens can claim a tax deduction in the amount of 1,400 rubles. In this case, payroll tax will be calculated as follows: 15,000 – 1,400 = 13,600 rubles. Let's allocate 13% and get 1,768 rubles, which will be transferred to the federal budget.

How to count 13 from the sum

For those who find it difficult to calculate the amount of income tax deduction, there are special online calculators. They not only calculate the percentage of set value, but also allocate a percentage of the amount and a percentage of the difference. Thus, taking advantage of the opportunities global network, the user can quickly make the necessary calculations and fill out declarations, check the legality of payments, etc.

There is another simple way to calculate 13 from the amount. For this you need total amount, from which you need to select a percentage, divide by 100, and multiply the result by 13. That is, if you calculate income tax on a salary of 20 thousand rubles, you get 20,000/100 x 13 = 2,600 rubles. This result will be 13%.

Another manual method– multiply the total amount by the number of percents in hundredths. That is, instead of dividing and multiplying, you only need to perform one action: multiply by 0.13. If we take the previous example for calculations, we will get a similar result: 20,000 x 0.13 = 2,600 rubles.