How to open VK without a number. How to register in contact without a phone number. Methods for registering in VK, without a regular mobile phone

Several years ago, the social network VKontakte introduced new rules and now, in order to create your own VKontakte page, you must undergo confirmation via SMS. In this article I will tell you how you can bypass this and create a page on VK without a phone number.

How to register in VK without a phone number for free:

In order to create a VK account for ourselves, we will use a service that provides temporary phone numbers. There are quite a lot of such services. I'll look at a free service - I must say right away that VK often does not accept numbers from free services - if you want to register a page 100%, you will have to use the paid method, which is described at the bottom of the article.

1) Follow the link to the website
2) In the upper right corner, click "Sing Up Free".
3) Fill out all the fields for registration as shown in the picture below (you can enter any data, the main thing is a real mailbox):

4) Then you will be asked to enter the country code - enter any one you know (or look in Google):

5) After this you will be given your phone number:

Use this number when creating a VKontakte account. An SMS with an activation code will be sent to your account on the service.

How to register in VK without a phone number for a fee:

And now, the paid method. In principle, it is not much different from the previous one - you will also need to get a phone number on a special service, only this time it will cost 15 rubles, which of course is not that much, but still. But this method is 100% working, because... the service creates numbers specifically for registering VKontakte accounts - so there definitely won’t be any problems.

So, let's get started:
1) First of all, follow the link - and register.
2) Once in your account, you will immediately see the services available for receiving SMS, including VKontakte:

3) As you can see, getting a number to register VK costs 15 rubles - accordingly, you first need to top up your balance. To do this, in the upper right corner of your account, click “Balance” and select top up. Then top up your balance by 15 rubles in any way convenient for you.

4) After you top up your balance, click on “15r” opposite the VKontakte sign and you will be given a number for VK registration.

5) Use this number to register VK. The code that came in the SMS for activation will be shown in the account on the right under the number.

This is how easy it is to create a VKontakte page without a phone number.

If you still have any questions, ask in the comments.

This question worries many users, especially those who make sense to communicate through several profiles. Shouldn't everyone have their own number? In general, it is worth considering one fact: a mobile number is a kind of confirmation that you are not a robot or a scammer. In addition, he will help you regain access to your profile if necessary. Nevertheless, users are still interested in how to create a VKontakte page without a phone number. Let's try to figure out if this is possible. And if the answer is yes, then what actions need to be taken?

Authorization via Facebook

Not everyone will like the first scenario. And, strictly speaking, few people consider it relevant. After all, in order to answer the question of how to create a VKontakte page without a phone number, you just need to go through a special authorization through Facebook. If you have a profile on this social network, you do not have to activate your mobile phone to create a profile.

Go to the main page of VKontakte, and then look at the right side of the window. There should be "Registration" and "Facebook Authorization" buttons. Click on the second line. During this process, your profile from Facebook will be copied to a new social network and will then be created. You will be prompted to make changes and simply enjoy all the network features. A good option for creating a VKontakte page without a phone number. But this is not quite what many expect. Let's explore other loopholes regarding this topic.


There is a completely non-standard solution to the problem. If you are thinking about how to create a VKontakte page without a phone number and programs, you will have to go through a short registration on a specialized website. It's called Pinger and it exists to generate phone numbers. In other words, you will register a profile on a social network using a fictitious number. Not the best option, but it has its place.

You will have to find a site called Pinger and register on it. You just need to enter your email, country of residence, your first and last name, and come up with a nickname. After that, confirm your actions and wait. You will soon receive a special activation letter to the specified address. After this, you will be able to think about how to create a VKontakte page without a phone number via email. After some time, another letter will arrive. It will indicate the generated invented mobile phone. We will need it to create a new account on the social network.

After Pinger

So now we have all the registration data. You can register a VKontakte profile. In fact, this is now easier to do. True, there are some nuances. But more about them a little later.

Click on "Registration" on the main page of the social network. Now you will see a window in which you need to enter your data, as well as your phone number. We come up with a first and last name (it’s better to write real information), and then open the letter from Pinger, which you received after activating your profile on the site. Enter the combination sent from Pinger in the "Phone number" field. That's all the problems are solved. Now all you have to do is just use your new account. We know how to create a VKontakte page without a phone number that actually belongs to the user.

All you have to do is fill out your form, add an avatar - and everything is ready to use. True, there is a significant disadvantage in this approach. For example, you will not be able to restore access to your profile if necessary via your phone. Therefore, many people prefer to get new SIM cards for their pages on social networks. In addition, if your data is stolen, the VKontakte administration is unlikely to return it to you if you have an unreal number. After all, a village created in this way may be considered illegal. So be prepared for such turns of events.


Many users ask how to create a VKontakte page without a phone number. In this case, you cannot do without programs if you do not want to use Pinger. Not everyone is ready to trust such services.

What needs to be done? Previously, it was enough to enter your email to confirm. And now they demand a mobile phone. This is not convenient for everyone. Especially if you need 2, 3, etc. pages. In this case, you need to download and install a specialized application for registering on VKontakte. Their names are varied. And, according to the creators, they perform the same functions. The main thing is to pay a fee for the account from 50 to 150 rubles. And you can register profiles on social networks as many times as you like.

After paying for the use of the program, you will have to enter your personal data in the appropriate fields, as well as write your e-mail. However, in most cases, these actions lead to loss of access to email. Thus, registration applications are nothing more than a way to scam users. You will be left without money, and without email, and without a VKontakte account. Moreover, you are very likely to infect your computer with viruses.


As you can see, there are not many options for creating a VKontakte page. In general, if you don’t really want to risk your data, you can try registering using Pinger. In other cases, either authorization via Facebook or the usual process of creating a new profile with a separate phone number will do. Try to avoid apps that promise you these kinds of features. After all, often these, as already mentioned, are nothing more than the most common viruses.

  • 1. Advantages of registering by phone number
  • 2. Is it even possible to register without a phone?
  • 3. Basic methods
  • 4. Using a fake number
  • 5. Registration via virtual number
  • 6. Registration via Facebook
  • 7. Summary

VKontakte can rightfully be called the most popular social network in Russia. The number of profiles is increasing every day, which is why the administration requires entering a mobile number to reduce the number of fakes. But it also happens when a page is urgently needed, but there is no free SIM card. Let's look at all possible and valid ways to register a VK without using your own number.

Advantages of registering by phone number

To find out how to register in Contact without a phone number, you need to consider the nuances of creating a profile. Not every user understands why it is necessary to use their mobile phone when registering. Meanwhile, this function was introduced by the developers for a reason. Linking your phone number is very important. And that's why:

Accordingly, confirmation via a mobile number is desirable, if not necessary. But not everyone has the opportunity to quickly enter the code from the message, or there are no available numbers at all. So how can you register on VKontakte correctly without using a mobile phone?

Is it even possible to register without a phone?

It is impossible to answer this question accurately. Registration without using a mobile number is basically unrealistic. If you do not enter it, most standard functions will be deactivated. For example, it will be impossible to send messages, join groups, or add other users as friends. And without these actions, using a social network is essentially useless and makes no sense.

But if the user only wants to listen to music or watch videos, they don’t have to confirm the phone number. All you need to do is register via email. Soon this “loophole” will be closed to avoid the creation of thousands of fakes. And even in the absence of mobile confirmation, the creators of VKontakte cannot guarantee the user’s safety. True, spamming on his behalf is unlikely to be possible due to restrictions on messages.

Basic methods

There are currently three methods in total. Each of them is complex and has its own nuances. Some will require financial investments (to purchase a virtual number) or additional SIM cards or a landline (home) phone. Let's consider the most current options for registering VK without using a mobile phone.

Using a fake number

Logical and simple registration method. For this we will need a so-called “fake” number - that is, we use a friend or relative’s SIM card, or purchase a new one. To register, simply enter a fake number in the confirmation field and confirm it. To do this, you will need to enter the code from the message sent to the SIM card.

If you have a landline phone, you can try another solution. You must enter your home phone number in the registration field. Don't forget to enter the area code: the total number must consist of eleven digits. Then select the "get code" button. After this, a robot will call you and dictate the activation code. This way you can register an unlimited number of VKontakte pages using just one landline number. Just keep in mind: it will be impossible to restore access to such a profile. Simply because your home phone cannot receive SMS, and it is impossible to receive a code via a robocall during recovery.

The only disadvantage of this method is the impossibility (difficulty) of restoring it if the password is hacked or lost. That is why it is not recommended to use “fake” numbers when registering the main page. But you can create a couple of “left” pages using this method quite simply and quickly.

Registration via virtual number

The method is similar to the first, but it is more convenient and effective. To register on VKontakte through a virtual number, you will need to use one of their sales services. For example, such as Its analogues are resources like Bizo, Room5, Kendo Ul, Kontiki and many others.

Consider the option with Pringer. This site allows you to receive SMS messages with activation codes to several “virtual” numbers. To get your online phone number, you will need to complete a quick registration. You can also log in through popular services, for example, Twitter or Google Plus.

After filling out all the fields, select the number that suits you and confirm your choice. Now you just need to copy the number combination and paste it when registering on a social network. Wait for the activation code to arrive. This completes the profile confirmation, and you can start using it.

Separately, we note that the number is issued by you for permanent use and can be entered when registering other profiles, as well as using it to restore access to your VKontakte page. You will need to click the “Forgot your password” button and receive a message with an activation code to your virtual number.

Registration via Facebook

To try to register via Facebook, you will need to change your IP to a foreign one. The simplest solution is to use an anonymizer. For example, such as "Chameleon". After going to the registration page through the anonymizer, a registration button via Facebook will appear below. To register the latter, you only need an email number.

The disadvantage of this method is similar to the option with a “fake” number - restoring the page if lost or hacked will be problematic.


You can register on VKontakte even without having an accessible mobile phone at hand. Of course, you can always try to do this through Facebook or a virtual number. To create numerous fakes, a home phone is useful. But do not forget that for spam and violation of the VKontakte Community rules, you will be banned, to the point that registration for your number will be unavailable.

In general, don't be afraid to enter your real number when registering. After all, the process of creating a profile is completely free and does not require any financial investment. Also, your phone number will never fall into the hands of criminals if you remain vigilant and accurate. Changing your profile password will not be as difficult for attackers as changing your phone number.

Moreover, using a real phone number significantly increases the level of security. For example, two-factor authentication will protect against hackers. And in general, restoring a “stolen” profile will be much easier. Especially if you weren’t the one who changed the password. This precaution will protect against identity theft and mailings on your behalf.

Registration on VKontakte without a mobile phone number has been impossible for the past 6 years. This formality was introduced in 2012 in order to protect users from deliberate hacking of the page. By the way, most of the workaround methods described on most sites are no longer relevant and are echoes of once effective methods that have become useless over time.

Here we will provide detailed information on how to circumvent this ban. The whole technique is as follows:

  • use a phone number registered to another account;
  • use a virtual number designed to be identified on the social network VKontakte.

Before considering effective methods, let's mention those methods that are no longer relevant and are often offered on popular resources.

Useless methods for registering on VKontakte without a phone number for 2018

The list consists of three more inactive registration methods.

  1. Registration using only email. Since 2012, email addresses are optional protection.
  2. Previously, it was possible to register accounts for landline phone numbers. Advanced users acquired an unlimited number of additional accounts.
  3. Now even authorization via Facebook requires mobile phone verification.

Many users have repeatedly expressed their dissatisfaction with the initiative to transfer registration to a mobile number. Instead of looking for negativity in everything, let's look at the reasons for using a mobile phone to create an account.

What are the advantages of registering through a mobile number?

Let's start with the fact that at the stage of its development, the social network on VKontakte experienced an increase in fake pages. They, in turn, sent spam, which found its place under photographs, in personal messages or numerous groups. Due to the large influx of users, the system could not cope with the load and began to work much more slowly. They decided to deal with the problem using drastic methods and introduced the registration of one account for one mobile phone number.

Another reason for this decision was the comprehensive hacking of user pages, because restoring access via email was several times more difficult than receiving an SMS with a code on an existing phone.

Here are the main advantages of this solution:

  1. Users now have a step-by-step authorization system, where when logging into their account they must enter a verification code sent to their phone.
  2. If your account starts sending spam, it will be frozen immediately. It is possible to restore access using only an SMS notification.
  3. You can change your account password only through your cell phone. This way, attackers won't be able to hold onto your account for too long.

In fact, the number of tangible benefits is much wider, so it is better not to neglect the protection of your data and use the auxiliary extension.

Ways to register in VK without a phone number

Use a registered SIM

Few people know, but if no one has used your profile for a long time, your mobile phone number can easily be used to create a second page. So, create a second page for the same phone number to which the first account is registered. Then immediately go to the first page and go through verification on your old cell phone. Following the instructions, you link your cell phone to the old page, which automatically unlinks it from the second account. As a result we have:

  • old account without restrictions in functions;
  • a new account with restrictions due to constant captcha entry;
  • just one SIM card.

The problem with this method is that the first profile must be inactive. If you constantly log in to it, it receives messages, or the owner bothered to connect a two-step login, then even at the registration stage an information window will appear where a message about the already used SIM will be typed.

We use a virtual number

This kind of thing is encountered quite rarely, so many users have no idea that it is not necessary to buy a regular SIM, when it is replaced by special services where data processing takes place on the equipment of the company that provided access to communications. The operator or some intermediary is responsible for this. Generally speaking, this is an excellent replacement for standard telephony, which is not without its drawbacks.

In practice, everything looks slightly different. The first thing you need to do is register on a special service and log into your personal account. Then a selection or formation of a ready-made combination of numbers occurs, which will subsequently be assigned exclusively to you. You can use this type of service exclusively on a computer, but even this does not deprive you of convenient access to calls and SMS. Regarding payment, the services are often inexpensive, and sometimes even free.

So, let's get to the point. A virtual SIM card is an excellent alternative to its physical counterpart and almost the most effective way to register a new account in VKontakte without a phone number, even if this is not entirely true.

There are thousands of sites with similar services. All of them are presented for different countries and have a number of distinctive features. The greatest difficulty seems to be that not all sites are listed by the social network system for subsequent registration. A striking example of this is the once popular Pinger service. Over time, the situation has changed and now registration on this resource will not bring the desired result, because even if VK accepts the number, an SMS with a confirmation code will never be sent to it.

The same fate affected the service, which until 2018 remained the only resource providing full access to all functions of the site. He is now blacklisted on the site. Alternatively, the above sites can still be used to register an account on Facebook, and with its help, create a new account on VK.

Of course, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time on lengthy manipulations when many people turn to one of the services to purchase a number. and are considered the most popular. There are a fair number of similar offers on the Internet, so choose the option that appeals to you the most. This method is not free and will require a penny outlay from 1 to 15 rubles.

Creating an additional account through such services assumes that you will use them for the purpose of earning money, promoting groups or getting likes. When creating an account for communication, it is better to do without such quirks and register a new account on your SIM card. This will allow you to maintain access to the page and make it much easier to use.

Bottom line

As you can see, registering a profile requires having a free phone number. Of course, it would be best to use an existing SIM card, but when you need to create a fake or something similar, special resources come to the rescue.

Sometimes there is a need for a second, fake VKontakte page to check someone, get acquainted, speak out, and for other purposes. At one time, having asked myself this question, I tried dozens of methods, but only one of them really worked. The time to complete this scam is about 5 minutes. And now more details.

Pros: the method works, the page is confirmed (no need to enter captcha);
Minuses: If a page without a number is blocked, it is practically impossible to restore it, operations with confirmation of the number are not available (change of url address, change of first and last name);

To create a page we will need:
1. Level hands and a working computer with the Internet, Google Chrome browser
2. Android phone
3. Android application Next Plus
4. Extension for Google Chrome called Zen Mate

Note! Before starting this procedure, create a txt or word file on your desktop where you will save the data.

STEP 1. Create a mailbox
First, we need the mailbox that we use to verify our Facebook account. It is much easier to create it on the mail ru website
. Fill out the details and register. This will take no more than a minute. I created an email [email protected] with password QwErTy228.

Note! To avoid confirming your number, click “I don’t have a mobile phone,” then enter any backup email and proceed to the next step.

STEP 2. Registration on Facebook
Now let's create a Facebook profile. We need it to authorize VKontakte. Attention! The first and last name will be imported from Facebook and it will no longer be possible to change them on VKontakte without a number. Therefore, choose your fake data and go ahead. I created a profile of the same Vasily Traktor, with a box [email protected] and password QwErTy228.

STEP 3. Confirm your Facebook account via E-mail
Having skipped all the steps, we find ourselves in the Facebook news feed and at the top we will have a notification that we need to go to our newly created mailbox and confirm the page. Click on the “go to mailbox” button and in the sent letter click the “Confirm registration” button.

STEP 4. Confirm your Facebook page with your phone number
Now we need the Next Plus Android application, which can be downloaded from this link. In this application we will receive a toll-free number that will allow us to receive a message and confirm our Facebook account. First, go to the settings section, tab Pash notifications (clickable).

In this section, click “Add a phone number”, then click on the link “Enter your phone number here”. In the window that opens, select the country USA from the drop-down list and pick up the phone with the Next Plus program installed.

STEP 5. Confirm the number through the Next Plus application
After installing the application from the play market, launch it.

Step 6. Enable the Zen Mate extension
After installing the Zen Mate extension (clickable), launch it by clicking on the gray shield icon on the extensions panel or the green one if it is already activated. In the window that appears below, click off to activate the application and select any of the foreign countries (it doesn’t matter which one). This will allow us to change our IP to a foreign one, which will add a VKontakte login button from Facebook.

STEP 7. Register on VKontakte
The time has come for which we have gathered. Go to the site