iTunes is not installed: key reasons and solutions to the problem. How to connect iTunes with Windows. Solving installation problems

iTunes is a special application for downloading multimedia files and a convenient audio player that plays and streams radio. This is special software required to interact with the iPhone and other Apple products. However, when installing it (starting from version 12.6.0) on 32-bit Windows 7, all sorts of problems may arise. One of them is a window with the message: “Windows 7 SP1 is required to install iTunes...”.

Reason for error

The application was developed by Apple and is primarily prepared to work with Mac OS, not Windows. Corporate feuds or the difficulty of adaptation - this does not matter to the average user. It is much more important to integrate the program for the normal functioning of the device and abandon unstable versions. Conclusion: the error appears due to developers porting software from one OS bit level to another.

The main reason is that you are trying to install iTunes version 12.6.0, starting with which Apple completely moves away from the 32-bit version. If you have this version, then you should definitely upgrade to x64. By the way, version 12.1.3 was the last one that can be run on Windows XP and Vista versions.

Here is a clear and simple video on updating your seven to the 64-bit version.

If the problem persists

If everything in your bitness matches, but the error still pops up, then we try the following. It is difficult to guarantee that the problem will eventually be resolved, but there are several methods you can try.


So, if you already had iTunes on your computer, then you need to uninstall the program completely. After that, go to “Control Panel” -> “Programs and Features” and from there uninstall all applications from Apple. Next, use the search in Explorer by typing the word “Apple.” From the list, we are interested in the folder stored in the “AppData” directory, clear all the contents there and restart the computer. Let's try to install again. If this does not help, then try the second method.

An error occurs when trying to uninstall Apple Software Update

In this case, go to “Control Panel” -> “Programs and Features”. Find the application, right-click, select restore. After that, reboot and try deleting again.

Installing Individual Components

The installation file contains everything necessary for a successful reinstallation. What do I need to do?

  1. Right-click on the iTunes installation file and open it using the archiver.
  2. We extract from the archive all files with the extension .msi.
  3. We install them (not from the archive!). Important! AppleSoftwareUpdate And iTunes64 We don’t install it at this stage.
  4. Only after the installation is complete do we try to install AppleSoftwareUpdate.
  5. After this, run the iTunes.msi file taken from the archive.
“Trick” iTunes through the registry

Our reader gave excellent advice on how to bypass such a block by editing the SP version parameters in the Windows registry. You need to do the following:

  1. Open the “Run” option and enter the regedit command there.
  2. The registry will open - go to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Windows\.
  3. In the list, look for the CSDVersion parameter and double-click on it.
  4. After that, we enter the value 100 there, so the REG_DWORD pointer should become 0x00000100 - this will indicate to iTunes that the system has SP1. The number system must be hexadecimal.
  5. After that, just restart the PC and try.


I repeat once again - starting from version 12.6.0 iTunes is now a 64-bit application on the corresponding versions of Windows 7/8. Apply a simple update and safely download the program to your PC. As you can see, all the methods are quite simple and will not take much time. Go for it!

iTunes is an indispensable thing when working with devices running the iOS operating system. This application is also a player for various types of multimedia content, capable of playing audio and video.

This program can be downloaded from the company’s website, and installation is very simple. However, there are times when some users do not have iTunes on their computer at all. Why does this happen and what can be done about it?

To get started, simply restart your computer. This will solve the problem when you launch iTunes and it doesn’t open, but it doesn’t give an error either. If nothing has changed, try reinstalling the program.

The most popular problems, why iTunes won’t open on your computer, and ways to solve them:

  • No network connection: This program cannot work without access to the World Wide Web. Check if the Internet is working.
  • If your computer is very old, then most likely it does not meet the minimum requirements of the program. If so, then that's exactly the point.
  • It may be time for you to update your operating system. Sometimes iTunes starts to conflict with outdated versions of the OS.
  • Try to wait a little. Software failures in the internal service of the program are not excluded; they happen quite often.
  • Problems and their solutions

    Sometimes iTunes won't launch because it can't read all the information on your device. There is only one solution to this problem - formatting the files on the device. Before the procedure, save all your documents on another device or on the cloud (OneDrive, iClouds or another). After that, try connecting your device to your computer. These steps should help you.

    Try checking your operating system for malware. Often, viruses simply block viruses that require an Internet connection. You can try to reset the parameters of the device you want to connect - sometimes users themselves, without knowing it, prohibit their device from “trusting” the computer, which is why iTunes will not start.

    Try opening this application as an administrator. Right-click on the icon and select “Run as administrator”. Some versions of operating systems may block the automatic launch of programs installed from the Internet.

    Try getting rid of the Temp folder completely. To do this, use the following instructions:

    • Go to “My Computer”;
    • Open “Local Disk C”;
    • On it, find the “Documents and Settings” folder;
    • There, find a folder with the name of your account;
    • Find the iTunes folder and download it;
    • Find “Local Settings” in the folder. On some devices it is visible immediately, on others you need to follow the following instructions: “service”, in it “properties and folders”, and in it “view”. There, check the box next to “Show hidden files and folders”;
    • In the folder, select the Temp file and delete it. If the system tells you that this cannot be done, close all programs and try again;
    • Restart your computer and try opening iTunes again. In most cases, iTunes starts working.

    If the steps already described do not help you, then move on to the most radical method, after which iTunes is guaranteed to work. Open “This PC”, then “Local Disk C”, in it - the “Windows” folder. In it, find the “System32” folder, where you need to open the “QuickTime” folder. You must delete all content in this folder. Restart your computer and iTunes should work.

    Of course, it happens that a conflict in the iTunes program arose during the download. Sometimes this happens due to a conflict between plugins and codecs. Try uninstalling QuickTime, downloading a new program file, and installing iTunes again. If nothing helps you, write to Apple technical service, they will definitely find the right solution to your problem.

    The only disadvantages of this method are that you need to at least understand English and wait a few days until they answer you. We hope that it didn’t come to this and that our recommendations helped you.

    Recently, there are more and more users who prefer devices from Apple. To work with them you need to have a special program – iTunes. With its help, you can transfer files from one device to another, listen to music, etc. However, many people have problems installing iTunes on their computer. After reading the article, you will understand what to do if iTunes does not install on Windows 7 and 10. It is worth noting that this process is not particularly different in other operating systems.

    Troubleshooting iTunes installation problems.

    ADVICE. To avoid unpleasant situations, download the program only from the official iTunes website. You should make sure that you are on the right resource, after which you can safely download the latest version of the application.

    In order for the program to work correctly and “without jambs”, it needs to be granted full administrator rights. First, check if you are using an account with administrator rights. If not, then go to another account that has these rights. You can also try clicking on the iTunes shortcut and selecting “Run as administrator” from the menu that opens.

    Blocking the installer by antivirus software

    Some antiviruses block some processes that are completely safe. In this case, it is recommended to stop the security program for a short period of time, after which you can try installing iTunes again.

    System failure

    Sometimes the operating system malfunctions, causing an error to appear when installing iTunes. In this case, you should only restart your computer.

    Remaining files from the previous version

    If you downloaded iTunes before, the remaining files may prevent you from installing it again. In order for the program to begin installing, you must delete all residual files and folders. To do this, it is recommended to use the Revo Uninstaller utility, which can be downloaded from the link.

    After you have successfully downloaded this application, you should find and delete the following files:

    • iTunes;
    • QuickTime;
    • Bonjour;
    • Apple Software Update;
    • Apple Mobile Device Support;
    • Apple Application Support.

    Windows Installer problem

    In this case, a corresponding message appears on the screen. If this is exactly the reason why iTunes is not installed on your computer, then follow the further instructions. To get started, press the Win+R key combination. In the window that opens, enter the command services.msc.

    In the new window, find the “Startup Type” item, where you should set the “Manual” item. Don't forget to save your changes.

    The system incorrectly detected the Windows version

    Sometimes there are cases when the Apple website incorrectly detects your OS and prompts you to install the wrong version of the program. Users with Windows 10 encounter this especially often. In this case, you need to go to the official website and manually select the desired version.

    Viral activity

    The presence of a virus on your device may prevent the program from installing successfully. Scan your system using your antivirus. If problems are found, fix them and restart your PC.

    There are uninstalled updates

    Check to see if there are updates available for your OS. This will help not only fix our problem, but also make working on the computer safer.

    Incorrect date and time set

    A very stupid and common mistake is to enter the wrong date and time on your device. Go to settings and configure them properly.

    If none of these tips help you, we recommend that you contact Apple Support.

    After reading the article, you learned what to do if iTunes “doesn’t want” to be installed on your computer. We hope that after reading you do not have any questions. But if you have them, then feel free to ask them in the comments. Answers to them will be given as soon as possible. We will also be grateful if you like and share this article with your friends.

    The iTunes media player easily interacts with any modern operating systems - even the long-outdated and officially unsupported Microsoft “XP” is still capable of opening Apple software and transferring music, movies and other information to smartphones, tablets and iOS players.

    Things are going well with iTunes on more modern operating systems - especially on the “eight” and “ten”. But the famous “Seven”, which is still a real “standard”, is difficult for the media player to digest, and often with errors. Why? What problems appear most often and how to avoid problems and failures are in the instructions below!

    Possible causes and solutions

    Lack of access rights, failure of connected libraries, temporary or permanent disabling of necessary services, serious virus activity - the official Apple website lists an incredible number of possible problems that arise when directly installing iTunes. The list is updated almost monthly, but basically it’s worth understanding the following reasons if iTunes does not install on Windows 7:

    Access level

    In addition, you should start installing the program as “Administrator” (that is, not by double-clicking, but using the right mouse button and the drop-down menu). All you have to do next is agree to the pop-up notification and proceed with the installation.

    Viruses, spyware, Trojans and other pests

    It is not necessary to keep an antivirus on the system all the time (especially if the PC can hardly cope with tasks even without a constant background load), but it is necessary to check the system disks and RAM at least occasionally. An “ideal” one-time search is easily performed by the following tools - , and - each listed assistant is available for free and, in general, offers both similar functionality and the same procedure.

    Namely, all the necessary files are downloaded and unpacked. Then the graphical interface is called up and a direct check of each individual section of the system begins - the procedure usually takes 5-10 minutes, and then ends with a direct summing up, creating a restore point and rebooting.

    As a result, unnecessary and performance-threatening viruses have been removed, and you can begin interacting with iTunes again.

    Antivirus problems

    Sometimes Windows “defenders” see “dangerous” software in harmless files downloaded from official sources, and therefore block running distributions (including iTunes). The best way to deal with the problem is to temporarily disable all antivirus security protocols (any kind - Avast!, Kaspersky). Sometimes you need to go even further and disable even the Firewall built into Windows. You can definitely trust the official Apple website!

    System problems

    The described subsection should be immediately divided into several parts.

    First of all, it’s worth understanding the libraries to be connected to your computer, software components, and additional graphic tools. And then - exactly according to the list. It’s worth downloading right away and quickly going through the installation process. By the way, it is advisable to download both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions - for unknown reasons, but this is how Windows immediately returns to “normal”.

    Any version will do (if necessary, you can purchase paid, additional features) - the main thing is to check the OS for missing drivers. In general, the procedure takes 5-7 minutes, and you don’t even have to press a button - everything will happen in semi-automatic mode, you just need to agree to create a “Restore Point” and download the necessary files (if traffic is limited, it’s worth thinking about!).

    And last but not least important touch. Checks the file system for incompatibility between components, installed drivers and services. The check is carried out as follows: first, call the command line using the CTRL + R key combination, then enter the phrase “sfc /scannow” in the text field that appears.

    The check takes no more than ten seconds. After the operation is completed, a mandatory reboot is required.

    Incorrect removal of previous version of iTunes

    Before a “clean” installation of Apple’s media player, it is important to understand the remaining files on the system, additional iTunes-related programs, running services and registry entries. Again, it is quite difficult to manually solve such an extensive collection of problems (especially without the necessary preparation), and therefore it is better to use a special tool -.

    In this case, the removal will occur automatically (including cleaning all system directories from residual files, unnecessary components, and applications like Bonjour and Apple Software Update), and only at two points will users have to intervene. Firstly, at the stage of selecting the tools that need to be removed. It’s better to immediately use the search and, having found “Apple,” immediately mark all the products available on the system and proceed with uninstallation. Secondly, it is important to agree to the creation of a “Restore Point”.

    Windows Installer package error

    There are different types of problems with the installer, but it is the Windows Installer service that stops all attempts to use the Apple media player in the bud. The problem is solved literally in no time - the main thing is to correctly repeat the described algorithm of actions.

    The first step is to use the CTRL + R key combination, enter the command “services.msc” in the field that appears and open the list of available “Services”. Scroll the list almost to the very end and find the Windows Installer item.

    Or immediately open “Properties” and click “Stop” and then “Run”, or call up the drop-down menu and click on “Restart”. In addition, the service needs to be updated using the offered tools.

    Easy Fix utility from Microsoft

    If the methods listed above do not help and do not solve the problems and errors that arise, then the last thing you should do is turn to Windows directly for help.

    And there are two options here - first, check the OS version and download the necessary updates (Start, All Programs - go to Windows Update Center and automatically download missing components, various “cures” for emerging vulnerabilities), and then download Easy Fix from.

    The proposed utility solves a bunch of failures and problems - automatically downloads missing documents, repairs the “registry”, edits shortcuts, and restores the correct path of already installed software. The procedure is intuitive and takes minimal time, and the results are usually truly impressive.

    All the main methods of combating the “Seven” are listed above. Other problems are solved depending on specific cases (sometimes, for example, a banal reboot helps, but sometimes it’s much easier to switch to “top ten” or roll back to an older version of the system from a restore point).

    It is impossible to imagine an iPhone or iPad user who could do without iTunes. This Apple media player is an indispensable program for watching movies or listening to music.

    If you have an Apple mobile device, but a personal computer with a Windows operating system, then you may need to install iTunes on your PC to synchronize the two devices. The media player freely supports Microsoft's OS, but sometimes problems arise during installation. If iTunes does not install on Windows 7, then our guide will help you fix the problem. It is also suitable for Windows 10.

    Why iTines won't install?

    There may be several reasons why iTunes does not install on Windows 10 or 7. Among the most common ones:

    • insufficient level of rights;
    • installer errors;
    • service problems;
    • files of the previous version of the program;
    • failure to start services.

    Let's look at each case separately, why it happens and what solutions exist.

    Insufficient level of rights

    First of all, it’s worth saying that you need to install iTunes as an administrator; to do this, you must log in under an account with the appropriate rights. Sometimes the system crashes and you cannot run the installation under administrator rights.

    Therefore, their presence should be checked and, if necessary, restored. The ntpasswd utility will help with this. Afterwards, log in as “Administrator” and perform the following actions:

    1. Open “Control Panel”, and then go to “Account Settings”.
    2. Go to “Manage another account”.
    3. Select your account and click on “Change account type”.
    4. Select the “Administrator” access type and confirm the changes.

    Installer error

    If you see the following error when trying to install iTunes, then know that there are problems with the Windows Installer.

    Starting the service manually may help. To do this, follow these steps:

    The problem can also be solved by updating Windows Installer, which can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

    Service problems

    The following error, in which iTunes is not installed on the computer, indicates a failure in the Windows component installer. This service can also be simply disabled.

    First, let's make sure it works.The service management window will help with this - we do exactly the same actions as in the method described above. Set the launch to “Manual”. After that, click on the “Run” button. If an error message appears during startup, the component must be reinstalled.

    You can use the troubleshooter to resolve the issue. Go to the official Microsoft website and look for Microsoft FixIT there. Or simply follow the link.After downloading, we launch the utility and wait until it does its job.

    Files from the previous version of the program

    Sometimes errors are caused by old files left over from the previous version of the program. This is indicated by the following error:

    Or this:

    If you encounter one of them, then a utility called Windows Installer Clean Up can help out. We launch and, upon achieving the result, delete the applications AppleApplicationSupport, AppleMobileDeviceSupport, AppleSoftwareUpdate, Bonjour, QuickTime. This can be done through the “Control Panel” and the “Add or Remove Programs” menu.

    To consolidate the effect, you can use the system's safe mode and delete all folders named iTunes from the system.After all the manipulations, we try to install the program again.

    Failed to start services

    Right before the end of the installation, you may see an error like this:

    She talks about the failure of the iTunes services themselves, without which the program can only be used as a player without all other functions.Most often, the reason is that the installation is not running as an administrator. Disabling Windows' built-in UAC protection system may also help.