Login to my email. Working with email. Paid or free email

If all anyone wants is a joyful orgasm under the covers,
then, in principle, it doesn’t matter to him at all who, where and when to cum.
But if you need something more,
then you will have to work yourself to make it that “something big”!
"The American" by Leslie Waller.

If you are looking for an example successful project that started without a strategy to “capture” the market and at least a bad business plan, you don’t need to go far: Mail.ru, today - large communication portal Runet, with a monthly audience of more than 50 million unique users, once started as a fascinating experiment by St. Petersburg programmers. Employees of the DataArt company at the end of the 20th century (in 1998, to be precise) created a fundamentally new “engine” for the mail service. After launching the service in test mode, the creators quickly became convinced of the growing popularity of the Mail.ru mailer. What can stimulate better interest thousands of Russian users, multiplied by the understanding that new service capable of bringing not only self-respect, but also substantial money?

In the same year, 1998, the entire St. Petersburg branch of DataArt was transformed into an independent company Port.ru (Port.ru). And this newcomer already had goals, strategies, and large-scale plans for the future. And the company decided to start with an Internet portal matrix type, which combines many thematic sections and diverse services. Of course, the “star of the project” remained [email protected], and along the way, Port.ru employees opened such resources as Music.Ru, Rabota.Ru, Talk.Ru (they definitely realized the benefits quickly). In 1999, the original Internet publication Internet.ru (Internet.Ru) was released and it took Port.ru specialists another year to develop and release the commercial project Torg.ru (Torg.Ru), which is currently operating under the name Tovary@ Mail.Ru.

An intense two-year work yielded stunning results: more than a million users greeted the new millennium as adherents of Mail.ru projects. The history of the company started successfully.

What happened next? Birthday of the Mail.Ru portal.

In this part of the story about the creation of Mail.Ru, it is necessary to make a small digression and talk about the NetBridge company. Appearing on the actively developing RuNet market, it specialized in creating projects based on well-known Western models. The success of this approach can be judged by the first NetBridge project - Molotok.Ru (Molotok.Ru), which is still actively working today.

Further more. NetBridge, inspired by the success of Molotok, is implementing several more commercial projects, simultaneously acquiring the LBE banner network, the Runet List.Ru, and the Top.List.Ru rating. But NetBridge did not survive as an independent company for long. In 2001, it merged with Port.ru. Such a merger allowed Port.ru to take a leading position among Russian Internet holdings in terms of audience coverage and market share.

In 2001, Port.ru management decided to rebrand. Port.ru was replaced by the truly popular Mail.ru. This is how a portal appeared, well known to every Runet user.

Growth, development and the war against viruses.

With amo creation of Mail.Ru would be an insignificant fact if the portal had not grown over the subsequent years. Several important decisions led to its popularization, the peak of which was adopted in 2003. But already in 2002, an experienced observer could have noticed the prerequisites for the upcoming changes - it was at this time that the company’s management decided to increase the number by postal service, adding @inbox, @bk, @list to @mail.

In 2003, users were asked to evaluate a number of significant improvements and innovations. One of them was the ability to search for information in . Its own Mail.ru was created on the basis of Google WebSearch, a little later it was improved, and with its help it was possible to search, and in 2004 it was integrated with List.Mail.ru. But this was not the real breakthrough.

In 2003, Mail.ru decided to win back part of the audience from the most popular messenger of that day, ICQ, and developed the instant messenger Mail.ru Agent (Mail.Ru Agent). The rapidly developing “talker” functionality has made Agent one of the most popular messengers in Russia. Today Mail.ru Agent allows you not only to exchange online and offline messages, but also to send free SMS, make video calls, create conferences, simultaneously work with unlimited quantity accounts. In addition, it supports ICQ protocol, and what else, one might ask, does a modern Russian user need?

Also in 2004, another popular decision was made - removing the limit on the size of a mailbox. It must be said that users perceived this no less joyfully than the fact that the Agent appeared. By that time, almost every Russian with access to the Internet acquired his own e-mail (often more than one), to which a lot of information was “merged.”

It’s just the way it is: every email service has its share of SPAM, viruses and other spoilers of the joyful life of the average Russian user. Almost immediately after its creation, Mail.Ru began to actively fight these phenomena, without neglecting help powerful of the world fight against virtual infection. The company has collaborated and is cooperating with specialists from Dialog Science (that is, developers (Dr.Web)), Kaspersky Lab, Ashmanov and Partners (antispam). Collaboration bears fruit, RuNet users do not have to worry about the security of their email. Hooray.

From 1 to 20 in 4 years.

In 2004 it is gaining momentum. The company's developers actively took up the task of improving the search engine; the morphology of the Russian language and history were added to it. search queries, and in 2005 a search bar for IE appeared.

Would you like to know how these decisions impacted your audience reach? Dry statistics: in 2004, Mail.Ru had 20 million unique active users, against one million in 2000. Growth and success are obvious.

Even before the registration of the anniversary (20 millionth) mailbox, the design of Mail.ru was revised. According to the developers, the page has become brighter, more attractive and easier to read. At least the users appreciated it. By the way, in the same 2004, the company decided to help those who like “free” access and opened [email protected] ( [email protected]) - service list of Wi-Fi access points (Wi-Fi).

Services and games.

In subsequent years, the Mail.ru company opened a lot additional services. In order not to bore you with details, here are some dry numbers:

  • October 29, 2004 - the [email protected] project was launched.

  • Beginning of 2005 - opening of the [email protected] project and [email protected](multiplayer online game "World of Wizards"). The game turned out to be so popular that six months later another one was launched: Bugs.

  • 2005 - new services were added: Encyclopedias, and the [email protected] system was also launched.

  • November 2005 - our own appeared ([email protected]).

  • End of 2005 - [email protected] appears, thanks to which you can find out the schedule of upcoming entertainment and cultural events. By the way, Wi-Fi access points are also listed there. By spring, the project blossomed: regional “posters” appeared.

  • The spring of 2006 was marked by concern for people who prefer to access the Internet from mobile phones. Appears search service via WAP resources.

  • May 2006 - [email protected] appears.

  • In the summer, Mail.Ru services added a new section: education.

  • September 2006 - opening of [email protected].

As a result of such vigorous activity, by the beginning of 2007, the Mail.Ru project was valued at $1 billion, which beat all conceivable and unimaginable prices for Runet assets.

Social debut - “My World”.

Are you surprised that history of Mail.ru does not reflect the discovery of one of the most widely well-known services: ? This event was so significant (both for the company and for Runet) that it is impossible to allocate only one line to it in the article.

The social network “My World” appeared in 2007, which was generous with new services. Providing maximum opportunities for communication and exchange, social network attracted the attention of almost all users and caused a wide public response. The main mission of “My World” is to allow users to always stay in touch and instantly find out news about each other.

The development of other social networks has somewhat reduced the popularity of “My World”. But in 2009, he regained his leadership position by opening a microblogging service, in which over 3.5 million messages are published daily. Around the same time, the company’s management made an unexpected decision to pay 100% of the money earned to the authors of applications working within the framework of “My World”. This caused a certain stir among developers, and also allowed Mail.Ru users to enjoy a lot of games.

Acquisition of AOE.

The acquisition of AOE is considered an important milestone in the creation of Mail.Ru. Thanks to a profitable deal, the company has become the largest player in the online communications and entertainment market in Russia and the CIS.

By the way: a year later (in 2010), the company received 100% control over Astrum Nival and a few months later was recognized as the best game creator according to KRI 2010, receiving 4 awards at once.

Recent history of the company.

In the same 2010, Mail.Ru gained recognition as a well-known trademark, entered the Baltic market and opened a representative office in Germany. In the summer, [email protected] will be established own API, and soon the company introduced a new unique markup standard emails(OMF).

Since today, Mail.Ru delivers more than 150 million letters daily. The company continues to grow and introduce new services and applications. Nowadays Mail.Ru is one of the most successful enterprises on the Runet.

It is quite difficult to meet in our country a person who uses virtual network Internet and no email. Thanks to it, you can send and receive letters, and more. For example, it is impossible to register on any site if you do not have your own e-mail address. Many services offer becoming an email owner today. One of them is Mail.ru. It has been working for a long time and has generally proven itself on the positive side.

Mail to Mail ru registration and login

  1. Go to the Mail.ru page;
  2. Click on the button mail registration mail ru;
  3. Fill in all fields.
It is recommended to indicate the number mobile phone. If the password is lost, it will not be difficult to recover it using the number. When it comes to your email name, try to keep it simple and memorable. As soon as registration is completed, the newly minted owner can fully use his e-mail.
  • Sending and entering my inbox. Moreover, letters not only contain text content, but also media files;
  • Data storage of 25 GB. This is the storage cloud type;
  • Link to number mobile device. If something happens, access to mail can be restored in a couple of minutes;
  • Possibility of using many related projects that have been registered on this email. Among them are Mail Dating, Odnoklassniki and others. They will be mentioned below.
What services will become available after the user uses his email.

Mail.ru mail login (my page)

  • Agent. Convenient application to login and operational exchange messages. IN currently it can be used for a video call, as well as for sending sms messages. Eat mobile version this application;
  • My world. Popular dating on a social network with an ever-growing audience. You can post your own photos on your online page and also spend time playing various games;
  • Acquaintance. Finding a soul mate or just finding friends has become much easier. This application designed for users of all ages and with a variety of hobbies;
  • Games. Currently there are more than 20 thousand of them. The number of games continues to constantly grow. They do not require huge amounts of computer power and can be run even on an office device;
  • News. By coming here you can learn a lot of new things. News is divided into categories, which makes it easier to find the desired article;
  • Answers. It is possible that there is a question that haunts you. In this service you can get an answer to it.

To summarize the above, it must be said that owning mail on Mail.ru is modern, convenient and practical.

It is impossible to imagine the modern world without communication on the Internet, despite the fact that just a few years ago it did not exist, and for transmitting information to long distances regular mail was used. But with the gradual advent of modern technologies and their improvement, anyone can send a letter, and it will be delivered anywhere on the planet in a matter of seconds. We are talking about email. In this case, there is no need to write the message by hand, then put it in an envelope, attach a stamp, and carry it to Postal office, wait until it is delivered to the recipient, and then wait the same amount of time for a response. Despite the fact that many still do not know what email is ( we're talking about mainly about the older generation), a huge number of people around the world are already actively using this service.


So, email makes it possible to send the same letters, only in a modern format. Thanks to the Internet, anyone can send not only text, but also videos and images. Thanks to modern technologies sending a letter is possible by any person who has his own Mailbox in the Internet. So what is email? What is this email sending system? You can get answers to these and many other questions from this article.

What is e-mail?

On this moment Thanks to the Internet, all its users have the opportunity to create an email on one of the free servers. Registration on these sites takes place within two minutes. But it is worth noting that there is always a very high percentage that your account will be hacked, and all personal correspondence may end up with bad people who will use it for their own purposes. Email is becoming very convenient for various companies who, due to their work needs, are forced to send a large number of letters with information. If they didn't have email addresses, they would have to work with a huge amount paper daily. But self-respecting companies don’t start with free servers email. Their mailboxes are registered on their own intranet domains. Thus, it allows you to speed up the process of any company.

History of email creation

In fact, no one planned to specifically create an email, it happened as a matter of course in a company that had reached the point of development when it became a necessity, and the situation was as follows. One US programmer named Ray Thompson was busy developing short emails. Despite the fact that this program had a narrow ability to send such messages, its main difference was that each of this group of contacts had its own specific mailbox name. Thus, 1965 can rightfully be considered the day of the emergence of Internet mail. The answer to the question of what email is is as follows. Email is a type of communication medium that can be used for various purposes through the transmission of text messages, graphic pictures or video files.

What is an email address?

E-mail has exactly the same rights as regular mail and must also have its own address. This is necessary to ensure that the letter reaches exactly the addressee to whom it was sent. When opening his mailbox, the user goes through special form, where you enter certain data and receive your unique email. Registration basically involves entering your first name, last name, login and password. Moreover, the login comes before a special separating sign (@), this is the defining name for your mail, while next comes the name of the server on which your mailbox is located.

How to find out your email? In order to find out your email address, you can initially save it as a note on a piece of paper during registration, or you can find it directly on home page your mailbox. It is often displayed in top panel server pages.


Mail (email) has a special separating character @ (“dog”). It was invented by the same programmer. This was done in order to separate the name of the recipient's mailbox and its location in a particular domain. Thus, Ray Thompson was able to teach the program to automatically distinguish such details. By the way, selecting the required symbol on the keyboard did not take much time, since then the @ sign already had some popularity among programmers. Within a few years, this had acquired phenomenal proportions.

How to create a mailbox?

Creating a mailbox on almost all free servers does not have any significant differences and occurs the same way. You need to go to the website of one of them and find registration form. Next, you will most likely find several fields, some of which are required and marked with the “*” symbol. After you have entered all your data, the fun begins - you need to come up with a name for your mailbox, sometimes this takes quite a lot of time. This is due to the fact that the most popular email account names are often taken, so you have to get creative and try to come up with a unique name. To do this, usually enter personal number Your mobile phone is usually free. Addresses with the names of their companies are also created, but there are problems with them, since sometimes it is problematic to correctly convey the name of the mailbox, for example, over the phone. As for numerical names, there are no such problems. Let's proceed as follows. In order to fully understand what it is, let’s choose the following address - [email protected]. In fact, such an address and domain do not exist, but it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times!

When setting a password for your email, you should under no circumstances rely solely on your memory; it is best to immediately write it down on paper. It is also worth taking care of its complexity. Never make a password that consists of your date of birth or name. Such things are very easy to hack; it is better if there are letters and numbers in it. Thus, you can be sure of the safety of your correspondence. Now you can register your email, “my page” will show all incoming and outgoing emails.

Working with email

E-mail is ubiquitous and very popular, it is especially relevant not only in personal correspondence with a friend who is far away, but also in daily work almost all companies and corporations around the world. This is common among several workers who create general project, and among managers for a set of reports for some branches or departments. This saves a lot of time, is convenient and practical. Having received required file and after working on it, a person has the opportunity to immediately send it back. At the same time, you will never lose your email address, and there is no need to remember it, since it is saved along with the sent letter.

The email user also has the opportunity to receive various newsletters regarding products or offers that interest him. There are mailing lists on the Internet on absolutely any topic that can satisfy the user. But there are cases when you did not subscribe to the mailing list, but tons of letters persistently arrive in your inbox that are completely uninteresting to you. This one is enough current problem for any owner of an electronic mailbox is called spam.


Receiving such letters on your mailing address, you become one of several million people who see them in their inbox at the same time as you. They often talk about a product or a charitable organization that urgently raises money to help someone. It is worth noting that as soon as you make a transfer to the scammers’ account, you will never see your money again, but you will help not the starving children of Africa, but the criminals who, among other things, can gain access to your credit card.

Also, quite often you receive letters with viruses, in which you are asked to download some file that can not only break your computer, but also provide all your information to third parties.

Spam most often has a bright title, for example, “Congratulations! You have won! Mark it as spam and immediately send it to the appropriate section.


Above, answers were given to the questions of what email is, how to create a mailbox, and how to work with it in the future. The benefits of this modern look the connections are undeniable. Just a few years ago, it took a lot of effort and time to send or receive a letter, and the further the distance, the longer you had to wait. The Internet has helped erase state borders and kilometers of distance, allowing people from all over the world to communicate and exchange information.

IN modern world Every person needs to know what an e-mail is and have their own. When meeting new people, during business negotiations, or simply meeting with an old friend, you may be asked to leave your e-mail. In addition, on the network itself, many sites require you to provide an e-mail when registering. What to do when he is not there?

What is an e-mail address

So, e-mail is an email address from the English "electronic mail". If a person on the network has his own e-mail address (looks like a set of characters, for example), he can give it to other people just like his own home address for regular letters. But to log in to your email you need unique password, which only you will have, like the keys to an apartment. Acquaintances and friends know the address, but only you have the keys (password). That is, no one except you will be able to see your correspondence with friends on the Internet unless you give your password to anyone. By e-mail you can send each other not only text messages, but also pictures, photographs, music, tables and other files of any format.

Let's see what an e-mail address consists of. Take for example the same The first part of the address is unique name user (login) that you create yourself, in in this case ivanov. In this name you can use not only letters of the Latin alphabet, but also numbers, dots, dashes, hyphens and some other symbols. The username is always followed by the @ ("dog") sign. And then comes the domain name, for us it is yandex.ru. Let's dwell on the latter in more detail... You choose which free email service you would like to have a mailbox on: yandex.ru, rambler.ru, mail.ru, yahoo.com, hotmail.com and others.

What is e-mail and how to create it

  1. First of all, select the service on which you want to create your email (yandex.ru, rambler.ru, mail.ru, and so on). Visit this site. Find the word "mail". For users who already have an e-mail here, a form is provided for entering a login and password. And for you next - “get a mailbox” or something similar. Click here.
  2. Now you need to fill in some information about you. You must enter your real first and last name, but this does not mean that everyone will see them. Your login, which you have to come up with, will be visible to everyone. It is allowed to use only letters of the English alphabet and start the login with lowercase letter. Common words or names are probably already taken, so invent something new, combine letters, numbers and symbols. Many services themselves will tell you which login is not yet taken.
  3. When the data is specified, click on the “Next” or “Continue” button.
  4. You may be asked to fill out registration form. Fields marked with an asterisk are required, the rest are optional.
  5. As a rule, when registration e-mail you are asked to select addresses Security Question and enter the answer to it. This is necessary to recover your password if you forget or lose it. Also enter the code from the image in the field provided. This code will confirm to the system that you a real man, not a car.
  6. If you agree to the terms of use agreement free service, check the box and click “Continue” or “Finish”.

The next time you want to check your email, you will need to log into the site where you created your email (for example, yandex.ru, rambler.ru, mail.ru, and so on). Then enter your login in the mail fields (in our case ivanov), and below the password.

In this lesson I will tell you how to log into your email on Mail.ru, Yandex or Google. And what should I do if my mail does not open?

What is email

Email or e-mail is personal email box. Through it, letters are received and sent over the Internet. This can be either plain text or files from a computer: documents, photographs, videos.

Each box has its own unique address. This address is assigned to only one user - it cannot belong to several people at once.

The address consists of English characters without spaces and consists of three parts:

1) Login - a unique set of English letters/numbers.

2) @ - separator between login and mail site. This sign is called a dog. To type it on the keyboard, you need to English layout pinch Shift key and number 2

3) Mail site address- Internet address where the box is located.

Example of an email address

Every mailbox on the Internet is located on some mail site. For example, on the Yandex or Mail.ru website. And it turns out that in order to access your mailbox, you must first open the mail site.

The most common email sites are mail.ru, yandex.ru and gmail.com.

There are other, slightly less popular sites: rambler.ru, tut.by, ukr.net, i.ua. This doesn't mean they are worse, just that fewer people use them.

You can find out which site the box belongs to by its address. The mail site is written immediately after the @ sign.

★ If mail.ru, list.ru, inbox.ru or bk.ru is written after the @ icon, then this means that the mailbox is located on the mail.ru website

★ If there is gmail.com after the dog, then the mailbox is located on the gmail.com website

★ If yandex.ru, yandex.by, yandex.ua, yandex.kz, yandex.com, ya.ru, then on the website yandex.ru

How to log in to mail

How to log into mail on Mail.ru. Instructions for those who have @mail.ru, @list.ru, @inbox.ru or @bk.ru in their mailbox address

1 . Open the mail.ru website in a new tab

2. In the upper left square, in the “Mailbox name” field, type your email login - the inscription that appears before the @ sign.

For example, if the box is called [email protected], you need to type ivan.ivanov35

3. If the name of your mailbox does not end with mail.ru, then in the adjacent field, select your ending from the list.

4 . In the “Password” field, type the password for your mailbox. It will be typed in dots - that’s how it should be. Then click on the “Login” button.

If everything is entered correctly, the mail will open. She looks like this:

The next time you visit the Mail.ru website, instead of the data entry window there will be another window:

This means your mailbox is already open. There is no need to enter a username and password - just click on the “Mail” inscription.

In the event that you do not want it to open itself every time, inside the drawer, in the right top corner, click on “exit”. And the next time you enter the box, remove the bird from the “Remember” item.

How to log into mail on Yandex. For those whose email address is @yandex.ru, @yandex.by, @yandex.ua, @yandex.kz, @yandex.com or @ya.ru

1 . In a new tab, open the website yandex.ru

2. On the right top rectangle, in the “Login” field, type the name of your mailbox. In the field just below, enter the password for the mailbox and click on the “Login” button.

If you entered everything correctly, the mail will open. She looks like this:

The next time you log into Yandex, there will be a different window in the upper right corner of the site. In it you just need to click on the inscription “Mail” and the mailbox will open without entering your login and password.

If you are like this automatic login not satisfied, then inside the box, in the upper right corner, click on your login. Then select "Exit" from the list. Next time when you log in to your email. email, don’t forget to check the “Someone else’s computer” checkbox. Then the login and password will not be remembered.

Login to Google mail (Gmail). Instructions for those whose mailbox ends at @gmail.com

Often, immediately after this, your box opens on its own. But if this does not happen, a login window will appear.

Sometimes it opens instead home page Gmail. In this case, click on “Login” in the upper right corner.

Google prompts you to enter a phone number or email address. The phone will do only if you previously attached it to the box. And so you need to enter your login in this field.

If the data was entered correctly, the mail will open.

Why isn't my mail opening?

There are three reasons why a person cannot get into his box:

  • Incorrect login
  • Wrong password
  • The mailbox has been deleted or blocked

I will now tell you about each case. And I’ll also tell you what to do. The advice is banal to the point of disgrace, but that’s the only thing Right way open your email.

Incorrect login. Each mailbox has a login. It is his unique identificator on the mail site. Using it, the site can identify you and open your mailbox, and not someone else’s.

The login always consists of English letters and/or numbers. May contain a period as well as a hyphen. And from this login the name of the box is formed.

To enter your mailbox, you need to correctly type the login from it. You can't make a mistake with a single letter, number or symbol!

For example, my login is ivan.petrov-35. And if I instead typed ivan.petrov35, then my email will not open - an error will be displayed.

In addition, on some email sites, it is important not to make a mistake not only in the login, but also in the ending - the part that comes after the @ sign.

This applies to everyone’s favorite site Mail.ru. There the ending of the mailbox can be either the standard mail.ru or another: bk.ru, list.ru or inbox.ru.

For example, I have a mailbox on Maila [email protected]. So, except correct spelling login, you still need to choose the correct ending. Otherwise, I won’t be able to get into my mailbox - the site will give an error.

Wrong password. The password is the key to the box. A set of letters and/or numbers that open the box. If you make a mistake in even one character, the password will not work. The site will throw an error.

If the password contains letters, they are typed only in English.

Additionally, the password is case sensitive. This means that if it contains capital letter, and you typed it small (lowercase), then such a password will not work.

The mailbox has been deleted or blocked. It happens that you can’t get into the mailbox because it has been removed from the mail site. That is, it was simply erased along with all the letters.

This usually happens when the box has not been used for a long time. For example, if the mailbox was on the Mail.ru website and you haven’t visited it for six months, according to mail.ru rules it can be deleted.

What to do if mail does not open

1 . Open Notepad, type the password for the mailbox there, copy it and paste it onto the site.

To do this, go to “Start”, type Notepad in the search bar and open the program.

A window for printing text will open. This is where we type the password.

Select it and copy it. To do this, place the cursor at the end of the password and press left button mouse and circle it. Then click inside right click mouse and select “Copy”.

This simple procedure will help you avoid making mistakes when entering your password. After all, on the site it is typed in dots, so it is difficult to notice the error.

2. Try it different variants login

As I already said, a login is a unique identifier of a mailbox on a mail site. If you enter just one wrong letter, the system will not be able to identify the box, and therefore will not be able to open it.

Often people not only make mistakes in writing their login, but rather they are being described. For example, a person has a box called [email protected]. And he prints the login yan.ivanov. This is mistake. Even if the password is entered correctly, the mailbox will not open.

By the way, the login, unlike the password, is not case sensitive. That is, you can type it in letters of any size. Big, small, big and small - whatever, it doesn't matter.

3. Use the password recovery feature.

Mail sites allow you to restore access to your mailbox. The system will ask several questions about your email and if you answer correctly, it will ask you to indicate New Password. Immediately after this, the box will open. From now on it will be accessible using a new password.

In Mail.ru, to restore access, click on the inscription “Forgot your password?”.

In Yandex, click on the question mark at the end of the password field.

In Gmail.com, click "Forgot your email address?"

If you remember your address, then enter it and click “Next”. In the next window, click on “Forgot your password?”.

On a note

  • There are no spaces in the login or password
  • Both login and password are typed only in English letters
  • The password is sensitive to letter size. If instead capital letters If you type small, this password will not work.

If you can't remember your login

It happens that you remember the password, but forgot the mailbox address. But the address, that is, the login on the mail site, is the main thing. Without it, it will not be possible to restore access to the mailbox.

You can try to find out your login using a browser - the program through which you access the Internet. To do this, simply click on the field to enter the name of the box twice with the left mouse button. If you're lucky, a list will appear where, among other things, your login can be written.

Another way to find out the name forgotten box, this is to contact the person to whom you sent letters from it. If he still has at least one letter from you, ask him to say what is written there in the address line. To do this, you need to open the letter and look at the line under the header of the letter (at the top of it).

If the site says that the mailbox does not exist

It happens that when you try to recover a password, the mail site writes that the mailbox does not exist or there is no such account.

There are two reasons why this happens:

  1. You made a mistake when printing your login.
  2. The box has been deleted.

The first reason is clear. The mailbox address is printed incorrectly and there really is no such login in the system. You just need to enter it correctly.

But if you are sure that the login is correct, but the site still shows that such mail does not exist, then the mailbox has been deleted. You can delete the mailbox yourself in your mail settings. Or it may happen automatically.

On some email sites this happens if the mailbox is not used for a long time. For example, if you haven’t accessed your email on mail.ru for more than six months, it may be deleted.

The box is deleted along with all its contents. You can return it, but without letters. To do this, you need to re-register your mail with the same login.

Answers on questions

Can someone other than me access my mailbox?

Any person who has a password for it can access your mailbox. Therefore, it is important to keep it in a safe place and not show it to anyone.

Is it possible to change the address of my mailbox?

No, you cannot change the mailbox address, that is, its login on the mail site. You can only register a new one.

Is it possible to change the password for the mailbox?

You can change your password at any time. This is done in the mailbox settings.

Mail.ru: click on your mailbox address in the upper right corner and select “Password and Security”.

Yandex: Click on the gear icon in the top right and select “Security”.

Google (Gmail): Click on your icon in the upper right corner, select “My Account”. Will open new inset, where you need to go to “Security and Login” and select “Password”.

How to log into your mailbox if another mail is open on your computer?

First you need to log out of someone else’s mailbox, and then enter your username and password.

In Mail.ru, you need to click on the door icon. Or you can do this through the “exit” sign in the upper right corner of the site.

In Yandex, click on your avatar (icon on the right) and select “Log Out”.

In Gmail, click on the avatar (icon) in the upper right corner of the site and select “Sign Out.”

I didn't find an answer to my question.

You can try to find the answer yourself through the mail site help (support service):

Or you can ask your question in the comments to this article. The form for submitting a comment is located just below the page.