Create an email address. Correct spelling of email address. Now about the bonus from Yandex - cloud storage

Every Internet user needs to know how to set up email. You could say that this process is comparable to setting up a newly purchased computer because it is only a one-time process.

Using the program Windows Mail, you can set up Internet mail and use it constantly.

Start setting up

Before you start working with the program, you must have certain information in front of you that will be required during installation. For example, it is important to know the name of the Internet mail address and its password, you also need to select the type of server for Internet mail and, finally, know the server addresses for outgoing and incoming services that are used by the company provided to you mailbox.

The first point is quite simple, since most users know the login and password of their Internet mail. What can you say about the types of servers?

Types and addresses of servers

To set up email on your computer, you need to know which servers Windows Mail can support. There are three in total:

  1. SMTP - used for outgoing services, thanks to it you can send messages over the Internet. It is compatible with other servers.
  2. IMAP - allows you to work with messages that arrive by email without downloading them to your computer first. Immediately on the server, you can not only view messages, but also organize and delete them.
  3. POP3- this type server is provided for incoming mail, it is usually used for a personal account, not a business one. All sent messages are stored on the server until the recipient views them, and only then they are moved to the computer.

We figured out the type, but it is also important to know the address of each of the servers. Whatever service provider you use, server addresses often follow a similar format. To find out, you can contact the provider of the services provided to you for information, or simply write the name of the provider. If you use mailboxes from yandex, gmail or mail, then information about the server address can be posted on the website in the help section.

Setting up Mail

When all necessary information ready, ready to configure Windows program Mail.

To set up your account mail, click “Start” and in all programs select “ Windows Mail" In it you will see a menu called “Service”, in which you need to select “Accounts” and click on the “Add” button. By selecting the section " Account Email", click on the "Next" button and follow the further instructions.

In this article we will tell you how to create an email on your phone using both built-in applications and downloaded from various sources.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Label mail client Gmail is a standard application for any Android device. First you need to go into the program and enter your personal data in the appropriate fields, click the “Next” button.

  1. After which the system will prompt you to select an email address.
  1. Then you need to come up with a password, which must contain at least 8 characters.

Advice! A good password is one that contains numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet in different cases. Since this is the most difficult password to crack.

  1. In the next step, enter your mobile number phone in international format.
    You can skip this step, but it is not recommended, since in case of loss of access to your account, the phone number is the simplest, fastest and reliable way restore it.

  1. Then you must accept the terms of use and privacy policy for using the application by clicking the “I Accept” button.

  1. After this, the user will see on the screen his data and all the services that are available to him to log in through this email address.

  1. By clicking the “Next” button, wait for the verification to complete.

  1. After the check is completed, the system will prompt the user to subscribe to news from Google by clicking the “Next” button.

After registration, the user is automatically redirected to home page your box.

Setting up a mailbox through the Mail application

To create mail on another server on devices with operating system Android has a special standard application"Mail".

You can download other programs from the market, the configuration of which follows the same principle as the standard one.

If the mailbox already exists and you need to install it on a phone with Android OS, then you need to follow the following instructions.

  1. Sign in to the Mail app

  1. First you need to enter your email address and click the “Manual setup” button
  2. In the second stage, the system will prompt you to select an account type. He chooses depending on the domain on which the box is registered.
    In the case of working with, you need to select “Personal (IMaP)” when there are no accounts in the system or Personal (POPZ) for those smartphones on which accounts were previously created.

  1. Then enter your password

  1. After this, you need to configure the mail server and enter or replace the following data for “Personal (IMaP)”
  • IMAP server-;
  • Type of protection- SSL/TLS;
  • Port - 993


  • POP3 server-;
  • Type of protection- SSL/TLS;
  • Port - 995

There are two ways to work with email: online and offline. When you choose the online method, all your messages are stored on the server, and you can access them using the mailbox web interface. If you are using an email client, e.g. Outlook Express, then your letters are downloaded to your computer and you can access them even without the Internet.

You will need

  • - a computer connected to the Internet;
  • - email client.


  • Register a new mailbox to set up your email. To do this, go to the website of any free postal system eg Select the “Create an account” link, then fill out registration form: login, password, first and last name, Secret Question(used in case you forget your password).
  • Click "Create an account." Next you will be transferred to your mailbox. To set up mail, go to “Settings”, then “POP Forwarding”, select the “Setup Instructions” option. Next, you need to select the email client that is installed on your computer and follow the instructions provided.
  • Run Outlook program Express to set up email on your computer. Go to the “Tools” menu, select the “Accounts” command, click the “Add” button, then select the “Mail” option. Enter the name that will appear in your emails in the “Short Name” field, click “Next”. In the next window, enter your full email address ([email protected]) in the “Email Address” form field.
  • Enter the following address - in the "Incoming message server" option, and the outgoing mail server address - in the "Outgoing message server" field, click "Next" to continue setting up the email box. Enter your username, including the part of the account name, then fill out the field called “Password” and click “Next.”
  • Click on the “Finish” button, select the “Account” field, highlight the line there, click on the “Properties” button, go to the “Advanced” tab, check the box next to “Connect via secure connection" Next, go to the “Servers” tab, check the box next to the “User Authentication” option.
  • Click OK. The mail setup on your computer is complete. Similar instructions for other email clients can be found at
  • An electronic mailbox today is almost required attribute modern city dweller. This is very handy tool both business life and leisure. You can send or receive documents, photographs, audio and video clips of small sizes by email. Without it you will not be able to register in in social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook or other website, or get services on state portals or services. Registering an email usually does not raise any special issues, but nevertheless, there are still users for whom this is a difficulty. As a rule, these are pensioners and elderly people. Especially for them, I will tell you in detail how to create an email on, Yandex Rambler or Google.

    So, the e-mail registration procedure itself consists of the following steps:

    1. enter personal data

    This means entering your last name and first name. Age and gender. Also, I would strongly recommend indicating your contact number mobile phone. This will allow you to quickly restore access if attackers somehow steal your credentials.

    2. come up with an email name

    The full email address consists of two parts:
    Everything up to the dog sign is the name of the box that you come up with. Everything after is the name of the mail service on which your email is registered.

    The mailbox name must be unique within one mail service (read server). If the name you came up with is already taken, the system will offer you other available options.

    3. create a password

    Many users do not pay due attention to this point. But in vain. It is a simple password that causes email hacking in 90% of cases. The email password must be random dialing characters are no shorter than 8 (or preferably 10) characters and consist of numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet. In this case, it is better to use both lowercase and capital letters. By the way, never store your email password in text files on the desktop.
    After the mailbox registration is completed, the browser will automatically redirect you to it. Now you can safely use the created email for personal or business correspondence.

    4. confirm your details

    A dozen years ago, in order to create an email, you just had to fill out the required fields with your first and last name. And not necessarily your own, but also invented ones. Now everything is gradually changing towards mandatory personalization. Today, in most cases, confirmation is already required using an SMS code that will be sent to the phone number you specified. On the other hand, it is a convenient tool for restoring access to email if you accidentally forgot your password or it was hacked. If you are a law-abiding citizen, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

    Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make a mail on example of three the most popular postal services in Russia.

    Google Mail Registration

    Let's go to the world's most popular email service from Google - (gmail or jmail).

    Click on the “Create account” button. A window for entering registration data will open:

    Here you need to indicate your first and last name.
    Below you will need to come up with a “Username” (email address) and a password that will be used in the future to log into Google mail.
    Next you will need to indicate your date of birth, gender, mobile phone number and a spare email address (if you have one). The last two points are needed to help restore access to the mailbox if it is hacked or you forget the password.
    All that remains is to enter the verification text from the picture and agree to the terms.

    Click on the “Go to Gmail service” button to open the service interface.

    That's all, the Google mailbox has been successfully created and you can work with it - send and receive letters.

    By the way, the created email, or rather the mailbox name, will be used as a single login on all Google services - YouTube, Google Drive, Maps, Blogger, Play Market.

    Creating a email account

    This is perhaps the oldest email service in Russia. To get a email address, go to the website of the same name and click on the “Registration” button in the left corner of the screen:

    Then this page will open:

    Enter information about yourself - First name, Last name, date of birth, place of residence and gender.
    Then, you will need to come up with a mailbox name and password for it. By the way, the service allows you to select one of the server domains - in addition to, @list.r u, and are also available.
    For the opportunity quick recovery To access mail, it is advisable to indicate your mobile phone number.

    After this, you will receive an SMS on your phone with a confirmation code, which you must enter in the window that appears:

    Enter the number from the SMS and click on the “Done” button. If the code is correct, you will be transferred to the successfully created mailbox

    From here you can send and receive emails. Here you will also have access to the [email protected] IM client.

    Yandex email

    The largest Russian search engine also has an excellent mail service. To register your Yandex mail email box, must be on the main page search engine, in the right top corner, click on the “Create mail” link.

    The registration form will open:

    Everything here is the same as in previous services - we enter the First and Last Name, come up with the name of the postal Yandex mailbox and indicate your mobile phone number.
    Click on the “Get code” button. An SMS will be sent to your phone, the code from which will need to be entered in the field below, after which a check mark will appear indicating that the phone has been successfully verified.
    Click on the “Register” button.

    After this, you will be redirected to the main page of Yandex Mail, from where you can manage your correspondence.
    As is the case with Google, the created account will be the same for other search engine services - Maps, Market, Pictures, Videos, Music, etc.

    In this article we will tell you how to create an email on your computer. We will use the most popular email service Gmail. You can also create an email on Yandex or Mail. In general, the instructions are almost the same for all email services, but some menu items and names may differ.

    We will also use Google Chrome, but if you have any other browser, e.g. Internet Explorer and Firefox, it's not a problem. Our instructions are the same for all web browsers.

    To create an email on your computer you will need:

    • Computer with Internet access.

    Follow our step by step instructions to create an email on your computer.

    Step 1. Open your internet browser and go to the Google home page.

    Step 2. Click Gmail(or Mail) in the upper right corner of the page.

    Step 4. To generate email on your computer, Google needs to know some information about you. First, you must enter your first and last name.

    « Create a username" is a unique email address that you will use in the future. Since it needs to be unique, you may have to put some thought into it. If the email address is already taken, you will receive a message letting you know.

    Then fill out the remaining information and click " Further».

    Step 5. Read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Click on the button below I accept».

    Step 6. Congratulations! You have created your personal email on your computer. Now click on the blue button in the center of the screen " Go to serviceGmail" to start a conversation.

    Step 7 In the mail Gmail service You will be asked to familiarize yourself with the basic functions and controls. Read all recommendations carefully by clicking the " Further».

    Step 8 You can start chatting with friends or colleagues by clicking the " Write" in the upper left corner. If you suddenly forgot your exact email name, click on round picture in the top right corner and here you will see your mailbox address. You can also click on " Change» below the picture to add your photo.

    That's all! Now you know how to create an email on your computer, and you can brag to your friends about it.