How to change the keyboard layout. English keyboard layout. How to change the keyboard layout

It probably doesn’t need to be said that almost all users working with Windows systems use the language changer in one way or another. The Russian keyboard layout is not always applicable for some specialized English-language programs or computer games, so you have to install additional languages ​​and change keyboard shortcuts to quickly switch between them. Let's look at the basic methods for switching layouts, and also look at some additional parameters that will help for optimal use.

How to change the keyboard layout on Windows systems using the standard method?

Any user knows that a special language icon corresponding to the language bar is displayed in the system tray. After installation, Windows has its own default switching settings.

Usually, two languages ​​are initially present (Russian and English), unless additional ones were added during the installation process. Switching the keyboard layout (and therefore the language) is done by simultaneously pressing the left Alt and Shift keys on either side. But there are some nuances here.

The fact is that the most common keyboards in our country are those with the so-called QWERTY or “QWERTY” key sequence arrangement. But sometimes you can see the use of other devices like Colemak (“YASHERTS”). The arrangement of symbols in them is slightly different. It turns out that when entering one character the user receives another. Many people use such layouts, considering them more convenient. So it turns out that changing the language does not lead to the layout changing.

Changing keyboard shortcuts

Let’s look at the question of how to change the keyboard layout using Windows 10 as an example. First, you should enter the language section of the standard “Control Panel”, which can be called through the “Run” menu using the control command.

In the list of languages ​​opposite the one you need, click the “Options” link and go to the line to add an input method. If the Russian keyboard layout is selected, the list will display all available options for changing the current settings. If necessary, you can use the layout view.

Changing keyboard shortcuts is done through the corresponding button on the switching tab. Combinations for switching between languages ​​are displayed on the left, and switching keyboard layouts is shown on the right. After selecting the desired combination, simply save the settings. After this, the installed options can be used even without rebooting the system.

Russian-English keyboard layout: adding languages

Another issue regarding language and keyboard settings is that the user sometimes needs to add a language. Again, let's look at the Windows 10 settings.

In the initial window with a list of languages, you must click on the corresponding button to add languages ​​and select the desired one from the list presented. Switching the keyboard layout for the added language with the setting of changing keyboard shortcuts is done in exactly the same way as was shown just above. Next we will talk about some additional parameters.

Required settings

We figured out how to change the keyboard layout a little. Now let's say a few words about important options that users of any version of Windows very often forget about, and then try in vain to solve the problem of the language icon and the panel itself disappearing in the system tray.

After clicking on the link to change the key combinations used to switch, you need to activate the language bar tab and check the box on the line to pin it in the “Taskbar”. It is advisable to enable the display of additional text labels, but you should not use transparency for the inactive state of the panel.

Automatic switching of layouts and languages

Finally, it remains to add that the question of how to change the keyboard layout automatically with the system parameters set can be solved quite simply by using specialized utilities for language recognition.

One of the most popular programs is Punto Switcher. Once installed, the application integrates into the system tray and constantly monitors what the user types on the keyboard. If you forget to switch the language or layout, the program will automatically correct the entered text to the one that should correspond to the specific language and layout. Moreover, you don’t need to configure anything in the application itself (it initially supports most well-known languages ​​and layouts). In addition, it will immediately check the parameters set in the system and will follow exactly these settings.


The question of whether to change the layout or not can be called purely rhetorical, since in the post-Soviet space there are not so many people who use specific layouts. It is much easier to immediately purchase the keyboard of the desired type, rather than setting up options for a standard keyboard, so to speak, for touch typing.

Many novice PC users sometimes have difficulty switching input languages. This happens both while typing and when logging in. Also quite often the question arises about setting up replacement parameters, that is, how you can personalize changing the keyboard layout.

Let's take a closer look at how the input language changes and how you can configure keyboard switching so that this process is as convenient as possible for the user.

Method 1: Punto Switcher

There are programs with which you can switch the layout. one of them. Its obvious advantages include the Russian-language interface and the ability to set buttons for switching the input language. To do this, just go to the Punto Switcher settings and indicate which key to change the parameters.

But, despite the obvious advantages of Punto Switcher, there were also disadvantages. The weak point of the utility is auto-switching. It seems like a useful function, but with standard settings, it can work in an inappropriate situation, for example, when you enter a query into a search engine. You should also be careful when installing this program, since by default it entails the installation of other elements.

Method 2: Key Switcher

Another Russian-language program for working with the layout. Key Switcher allows you to correct typos, double capital letters, identifies the language by showing the corresponding icon in the taskbar, similar to Punto Switcher. But, unlike the previous program, Key Switcher has a more intuitive interface, which is important for novice users, as well as the ability to cancel switching and call an alternative layout.

Method 3: Standard Windows Tools

By default, in Windows 10, you can change the layout either by left-clicking on the language sign in the taskbar, or by using a key combination "Windows + Space" or "Alt + Shift".

But the set of standard keys can be changed to others that will be more convenient to use.

To change the keyboard shortcut for your workbench, you need to follow these steps.

Using standard Windows 10 OS tools, you can modify the layout switching within the standard set. As with other, earlier versions of this operating system, there are only three switching options available. If you want to assign a specific button for these purposes, and also customize the operation to individual preferences, then you need to use special programs and utilities.

How to change the keyboard layout? By simultaneously pressing two keys:

  • Alt+Shift(more often and more standard)
  • Ctrl+Shift(less often, you need to configure Windows - but it’s more convenient).

The “Control + Shift” keys at the bottom right of the keyboard are more often used by those who are familiar with the computer: it’s easier to aim your fingers at the bottom extreme buttons than to look for the Alt key somewhere near the spacebar. And not all keyboards have a convenient Alt location: especially on small laptop input devices, you often hit the Windows key with your finger, but not the one that changes the language layout.

How to change buttons to switch keyboard layouts

The Eng-Ru keyboard layout icon is located in the Windows tray

The Windows 7 keyboard has its own “dashboard” - the Language Bar. The easiest way to call it is by right-clicking on the icon with the language layout, then “Options...”. This icon (Rus/Eng) is located in the lower right corner of the monitor, near the clock in the tray.

How to customize your keyboard in Windows

The “Languages ​​and Text Input Services” dialog box appears – the “Keyboard Switching” tab we need is located to the right of the others.

In the dialog for changing keyboard shortcuts, everything is clear on an intuitive level. Changing the input language is done using the Alt+Shift combination by default; It’s more convenient to switch the layout change to Ctrl+Shift. The right side of the menu, where it says about changing the keyboard layout, should not be touched. A pair of familiar “Ok” and “Apply” buttons - now the Russian-English layout will be replaced by the leftmost keyboard buttons.

How to add Ukrainian (Uzbek, Kazakh) font to your computer keyboard

In Windows 7 and newer operating systems, everything is already built-in and at hand. Right-click on the layout switching icon in the menu Options call the window Text input languages ​​and services. Usually the main language pair is already listed there - Russian and English. It is easy to add additional national layouts.

  1. Open the Language panel (right click on the language icon).
  2. Here is the “Add” button.
  3. We select the desired language and the corresponding layout from a huge list (on the right is a drop-down plus sign).
  4. As usual – “apply”. Ready!

When adding a third (and fourth, etc.) language to the operating system, neither the English keyboard layout nor its Russian variation will go anywhere.

By the way, you can find out the Windows version in a second by looking at the keyboard layout change icon. If the language is displayed as three letters (Eng or Rus), then we have Win 10. If there are only two letters (En/Ru), then we are on Windows 7 or an older version of the OS.

Photo of Russian-English keyboard layout

Oh, and is it difficult to put the buttons back together in the correct order after taking it apart? The fingers know the location of the letters, but the eyes refuse to remember. Or another case - you need to put transparent stickers with Russian keys on the English keyboard - but it’s difficult to do this from memory.

For such cases, we present a photo of the order of letters for the Russian keyboard layout and for the English keyboard layout. You won’t have to remember anymore - everything is before your eyes.

IBM/Windows 105-key keyboard layout

Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 PrtSc
Ins Home PgUp Num / *
Del End PgDn 7 8 9 +
4 5 6
1 2 3 Ent
0 ,

I think everyone knows that in Windows you can change the keyboard layout - this allows you to type letters, numbers and other symbols in the language you need. In today's episode, I will tell you in detail how to change the keyboard layout on your computer and phone in the easiest and fastest way. Also, you can use not only the English or Russian layout, we will also look at how to type from the keyboard in other languages.

How to change keyboard layout on Windows

The fastest way to change the keyboard layout on Windows xp, 7 or 10 (the function is similar on all versions) is to use the button for switching input languages. The switch is located in the lower right corner, on the left side of the Date Time tool. Left-click on “RUS” (a set of Russian letters) or “ENG” (a set of English letters) and select among them what you need.

How to change the keyboard input language using a key combination

When I said that the above method of changing the language is the fastest, I was lying a little. You can also use the key combination “Shift” + “Alt” or “Windows” + “Space”. The buttons must be pressed simultaneously.

How to add a language to type from the keyboard

At the beginning of the article, I said that you will learn not only how to change the layout, but also be able to type text in languages ​​other than English and Russian.

On Windows 7 the language is added:

  1. Right-click on the language bar and select “Options”;
  2. The “Languages ​​and text input services” window will appear, go to the “General” tab;
  3. Here you can add a new language keyboard layout. Check the box next to the language;

Now in the lower right corner there will be not two layouts, but three. In fact, it was a little unusual, especially when you forget: I usually hold down alt+shift and start typing, and then bam, I look, and the typing is happening again in Latin letters, it turned out to be German. Instead of pressing the combination once, you need to change the layout twice.

On Windows 10 the language is added:

Deleting an installed layout is not so difficult: just click on the layout once and select “Delete”.

Often you want to communicate, overcome the language barrier, you press Ctrl or Alt and realize that you can’t change the language. The Windows 10 system does not currently have what it needs. But Billy ordered the interface to be translated for all countries? We will say more - in just a few minutes you will switch the language on the keyboard in Windows 10 to any language. According to your wishes. Set the key combination for switching the language and you will communicate.

We probably won’t be too far wrong if we say that the setting allows you to switch the language in Windows 10 to any one available on the planet. There are so many of them that we didn’t bother counting them and leave this task to our readers. First, let's try German, and then we'll torment Chinese. Changing the Windows 10 language is done through the settings. At the same time, you can make your life more difficult by translating the interface. Have you always dreamed of learning Bengali? To your health.

Where to look and how many languages ​​are available

Before changing the interface language, make sure you remember the route. Here's where the required area is on Windows 10:

How many peoples of the world can change their language and keyboard layout? About one and a half hundred!

How to change?

You can start typing immediately if you know the correct layout. The keyboard layout in Windows 10 changes in two ways:

  • Keyboard shortcut Win + Space.
  • Combination Shift + Alt (left).

Changing the keyboard shortcut is done from the same menu as shown above in the screenshot. However, it will transfer us... to the good old Control Panel. To do this, click the link under Related Parameters.

Immediately go to Advanced options and click the link we need at the bottom of the window.

Actually, that's all. It’s a pity that you can’t change the language switching to completely arbitrary keys.

We see options from the same ALT, SHIFT and so on.

Pay attention to the right side of the window. What kind of layout is this? And the layout is the same only in Russian. In all other cases, the differences can be significant. How to watch? Read on!

What is a layout and where to see it

The language can be selected separately for each application. You type the text in Greek, I’m nearby, communicate on VK in Russian. A very convenient option.

Please note that the letters are in capitals. We believe that readers will be able to explore their location further for themselves. We could end here, because enough has been said, but there are so many more interesting things to chat about in the top ten.

Interface language

Attentive readers should have noticed an unusual thing in one of the first screenshots.

You can see that we don't have a package yet, but it is available. So let’s download it quickly (via Settings)!

We don’t need speech and handwritten input yet... Sometimes the download takes a long time, you can admire it from the window where further settings are made.

There is one small detail left. But while the download is in progress, let’s look at the screen: it says that all sites will be displayed primarily in the system language. This is something new. Now we will try this too! To change the interface, all you have to do is log out and return.

Surf the expanses of the foreign Internet

Everything looks cooler in the new version. In addition, the default input language has changed. Now it's English.

It remains to check whether the browser works in the way that we were promised. And which browser does this? Hmmm, probably the developers from Μοzilla didn’t read what was supposed to be...

It should be noted that Εdge behaves no better. We leave our readers guessing: either you need to clear your Cookies, or this is all nonsense. We add that system applications switched to English, but others did not support this step.

System keyboard shortcuts

Regardless of the interface, each service button remains in its place. The default is Win + Space and Shift + Alt. However, there is something else that cannot be kept silent about. No, we don't promise that you can use right Alt, but... You can configure the switching tandem for each of the selected languages. Installation is done through the window that we already visited earlier.