The router writes the wrong password. Security key mismatch. Windows does not accept the password for the Wi-Fi network. How to find out the IP access points through the Network and Sharing Center

A very common situation: a user tries to connect to Wi-Fi from his phone, but nothing works. After reading the information below, you will learn why this is happening and how to solve the problem.

Initial phone check

Manufacturers are actively working to improve the stability of mobile phones. operating systems, but periodically any program crashes. That is why it is recommended to start solving the problem by checking the functionality of the phone. For Android, iOS and Windows Phone ( Windows Mobile) recommendations in in this case identical. Follow the sequence below.

1. Restart your device and try connecting to Wi-Fi again.

2. Evaluate the number of connection signal strength indicators. If there are less than 3, try moving closer to the router or other source you are using wireless internet to improve connection quality.

3. Make sure Battery Saver mode is turned off. If necessary, connect the network adapter.

4. Turn off Bluetooth. Wireless connections can operate in the same range, which is why interference is created.

5. Turn off Airplane mode, if active.

6. Try to activate access to information about your location and connect to Wi-Fi - the legislation of some countries blocks connections via wireless networks when this option is inactive.

If the WiFi connection worked previously

If you have successfully used the currently problematic network in the past, remove this connection from your phone's memory. To do this, go to the list of networks, click on the problematic connection for a few seconds (until the context menu) and delete the connection.

If nothing works, try connecting from your phone to any other available connection. Failure in this case will most likely indicate a breakdown of the radio module - only service center employees will help correct the situation.

Check if the connection is working. To do this, try connecting to it using any other device that has Wi-Fi function. If the connection does not work, change the router settings.

Important note! The procedure for entering the router settings varies depending on the manufacturer and model of the equipment. In most cases, to gain access you need to enter address bar browser address or The standard login and password are admin. If this doesn’t work, check the manufacturer’s instructions for the information relevant to your router.

First, try simply rebooting the router - quite often they freeze, which is why access to the Internet is blocked.

The further procedure is as follows.

First, you must ensure that the security key you entered is correct. Try entering the password to connect to the selected access point again, but more carefully, with activated option“Display symbols” (show password).

If you don't remember the password, check it in the router settings.

As an example, the order of interaction with D-Link router. In your case, everything will be almost the same; minor changes may only affect the interface, menu item names and other little things.

Once on the router settings page, do the following:
click the “Advanced settings” button;
in the Wi-Fi window, open the “Security Settings” link;
in the line "Key PSK encryption»look at the password and make sure that this is the combination you enter when trying to connect to Wi-Fi from your phone.

Secondly, make sure your router settings are correct - you need to check if DHCP technology is enabled. If it is turned off, the phone will not be able to obtain an IP address, which is why the connection will not work.

On the router settings page, click “Advanced settings” again and in the “Network” window, find the “LAN” category.

Enable DHCP if the function is disabled by changing the “Mode” line to the “Allow” state.

Save the changes, restart the router and try connecting to Wi-Fi from your phone.

If this does not help, there are 3 options left:
call the provider’s support service and find out whether the Internet works at all and whether any changes have been made to the connection settings;
submit your phone for repair;
have your Internet router repaired/replaced.

If our instructions did not help solve the problem, then write in the comments and we will definitely look into your problem.

Question: Wi-Fi network gives an “incorrect” password when the password is correct

Good day

After reinstalling Windows (7ka), when connecting to my home Wi-Fi, it says that there is no correct password.
At the same time, the mobile connected using the old password and continues to work perfectly (the password was not changed in the router). There is Internet via cable on Windows 7.

I also installed Ubuntu 12.04, which also connects perfectly to Wi-Fi using this password.

What could be the problem with Windows?

Answer: Hello!
One day, my work computer with Win 7 stopped connecting, I had to connect via a smartphone,
all other devices connected normally.
After poking around a little, I realized that the problem was with the router, since for some reason it simply did not give out an IP address.
In general, I reset the router, i.e. return to factory settings and set it up again, everything took 10 minutes - slowly.
Now everything works - Zyxel Keenetic Lite II.
Just rebooting didn’t help, what temporarily helped (before rebooting the router - it turned off at night) was updating the firmware modules, it worked even if the router had the latest versions))).

Question: Wi-Fi does not work anywhere on the tablet or smartphone: authentication error. Which edge to treat from?

Hello! Please help me with some useful thoughts on the topic, because I have little understanding of which device is the problem and what needs to be adjusted.

Eat PC - Win7 And Wi-fi router from MTS F@st 2804 MTC.V3 .
Like this: (sorry, I can’t figure out how to insert a picture, if possible.)

The router is old. It has been with us for a long time, but it serves us well and I don’t want to change it to GPON.

Eat iPad without a SIM card, which until recently connected perfectly to wi-fi from the router described above. I didn’t change or reconfigure anything in the router and didn’t get into it at all. Everything worked.

Decided to leave stone Age and move for the first time to smartphone. Chose Prestigio Muze B7 c Android 6.x, it seems so, namely this: .

The smartphone does everything that is stated by the manufacturers, including 3G Internet and immediately connects to free Wi-Fi in the Moscow metro.

But here's the problem:
When you first (and subsequent) connect to home Wi-Fi displays the message "Authentication error." And no Wi-Fi.

To the best of my intellectual abilities, I read the Internet on this topic and tried the following list of actions:

1) Change the WLAN router settings - Manual configuration of the access point - Authentication
I went through all the options, but didn’t move from the dead point.

2) Call MGTS and listen for a long time that I am entering the password incorrectly. I enter the password correctly because I didn’t change it, I see it on the router and in the password field in the router settings and I can enable the “show password” option and yes, it is correct. And until recently, it also worked on the iPad.

3) OK. I changed the password to a simple digital one. The same rake.

4) Set open authentication. No password. The smartphone gets stuck on the line “Receiving IP” - “Connecting”. There is no Internet.

5) In the harsh battle for Wi-Fi, the iPad suddenly died the death of the brave. It also stopped connecting and started writing “Wrong password”. The password can be viewed. He's faithful. And open authentication gives the same result with this device.

6) After a couple of calls to MGTS, wi-fi appeared on the tablet one time, but in the end the MGTS technician was called, who looked at the router and stated that the router was old and the Wi-Fi module in it had apparently died.

7) But the router model is generally good and suits me. Therefore - I don’t know, maybe it was a mistake - I bought a new, unused, exactly the same router. Connected. So: there is Internet via wire, just like on the old one. Yeah. What about a tablet? I enter the password - it works!! iPad wifi eats from the new router. Wonderful! I turn on my smartphone and everything falls apart again.
"Authentication error."

iPad and Prestigio cannot connect:

  • simultaneously
  • separately
  • after "forgetting the network" by both
If there are those who have read to the end, please submit any sensible thoughts.
Router, tablet, smartphone and “kettle” - user. Who is guilty? And most importantly, how to solve the problem?
I would be very grateful for any help. Because I don’t understand what the problem is, but I want everything to work as before. I'll add if any information is missing.

Such a story...

Added after 15 minutes
P.S. And over the wire, the computer from both routers accesses the Internet with equal success.

Answer: Hello! I figured it out and figured it out... for today problem solved!

Thanks everyone for the different thoughts, but it helped next action. I will leave it as information for those who may be looking for advice for themselves in this topic.

I literally did the following:
1. Reset the router settings to factory settings.
2. In the field "Manual configuration of access point" - "Group change interval WPA key"I had 0.
Most likely it was my fault, but be that as it may, that was the problem.
As advised, I erased 0 and wrote down 3600.

Everything connected instantly: apple, android and everything at the same time. There was no need to enter the password, because... The android could not connect, but saved it.

Whatever this setting means, on this moment it allows my router to work perfectly.
So there you go. While it's plowing. Thanks for offering to help me! All OK. For now..

Question: Mysterious wi-fi

Hello! I have an HP Pavilion G6 laptop. Everything was fine, Wi-Fi worked and wired Internet, I had seven until I went to visit him and tried to connect to Wi-Fi there. All laptops and phones connect to it perfectly, my laptop connects perfectly to other Wi-Fi networks, but not this one. Checked IP, DNS connection, Mac address- everything is as it should be. I rebooted the router, changed the settings, and finally reinstalled Windows 8 and installed normal, native drivers, but all to no avail. Moreover, the laptop sees Wi-Fi, if you enter the wrong password, it reports this, but if you enter a normal one, it tries to connect for several minutes, and then it says “failed to connect.”

In this article we will look at an error that probably everyone who connects their computer to Wi-Fi via wireless network. This is mistake "Network security key mismatch", which appears in Windows 7 when connected to Wi-Fi. You can see this error not only in Windows 7. In Windows 8 and Windows 10 it also appears, although it looks a little different.

We simply select our Wi-Fi network from the list of networks available for connection, specify the password, and the error “Network security key mismatch” appears. It looks like this:

Nothing happens and the password request to Wi-Fi networks.

"Network security key mismatch" error on laptop. What to do?

Almost always, this error appears due to incorrect specified password. A computer is a machine, and if it says that the password is incorrect, then it is so.

  • First of all, we check the password and enter it again.
  • Uncheck "Hide characters" (if installed), to see the password you specify.
  • Also, you need to check whether it is turned on Caps Lock. After all, the letter "a" and "A" are different symbols in the password.
  • Check the keyboard layout, the password must be entered in English letters.

If you have forgotten your password, you can look it up in the router settings, or on another computer that previously connected to this network. How to remember the password, I wrote in the article:.

If you can’t fix the “Network security key mismatch” error, then change the password on your Wi-Fi router according to these instructions: . With the new password everything should connect.

Error: "Invalid key or passphrase"

After entering the password and clicking the Ok button, a message may also appear in the pop-up window: "Wrong key, or passphrase".

This error appears if you specify key of less than 8 characters (and you have WPA2 encryption method set). In such a situation, you need in the settings of your router set the correct password for the Wi-Fi network. I wrote in the instructions how to do this on different routers:

After installation correct method encryption and password, your laptop will connect to the Wi-Fi network. If the error “Windows was unable to connect to...” appears, then I described the solution on the page.

Regularly. Considering how dependent smartphones are on the Internet, it is not surprising that similar problem annoying and interferes with normal use of the device. Fortunately, there is a solution.

4 reasons for the “Wrong password” error

Before proceeding with further instructions, do a few simple steps to dismiss others possible reasons this problem.

  • Make sure you entered the correct password (check on another device - the password may have been changed)
  • Make sure you are connecting to the desired network(often there may be several networks with similar names in the same building, especially if they are set by default by the router manufacturer or system administrator)
  • Check the case of letters in the password
  • Make sure you don't have Caps Lock or a different keyboard enabled (like French instead of English)

These actions may seem stupid to you, but in fact, often the reason lies precisely in incorrect input password. You may have Caps Lock pressed, or you heard a word incorrectly, or you odd space. For example, if the password is Burrito123, then it should be entered exactly like this: with capital letters and without a space before the numbers. Otherwise, you will see the “Invalid password” error. Well, it’s completely logical that if you connect to another network and enter required password, then you will not get access to the Internet either.

Having done this simple check, we have verified that the password and network are correct. Now you can move on to the solution.

Fixing the “Wrong Password” error on iPhone and iPad

1. Reboot the device

Often simple reboot iPhone or iPad is enough to solve simple glitches in Wi-Fi work– including the inability to connect to a known network.

To reboot:

  1. Press and hold the Power button until the slider appears on the screen
  2. Drag the slider to turn off the device
  3. Wait a few seconds for the screen to go completely black and press and hold the Power button again until you see the  logo. By the way, we talked about how to type this icon on any device in this article.

When your smartphone or tablet turns on again, try connecting to Wi-Fi again. In most cases, this is enough to solve the problem.

2. Forget the access point, then connect to it again

3. Reset network settings in iOS

This method involves complete removal all Wi-Fi settings and saved points Wi-Fi access. Accordingly, you will have to re-enter your password to connect to an already well-known networks. You will also have to spend time on Wi-Fi setup your smartphone or tablet.

Resetting your network settings can solve other Wi-Fi problems as well. In particular, this way you can get rid of the error “Unable to connect to the network”.

After a factory reset, you may need to configure iOS networking components. For example, if you used alternative DNS server, manual settings DHCP protocol, as well as VPN or proxy, you will have to enter all this data again.

4. Restart your router and modem

To do this, disconnect your Wi-Fi router or modem from the network, wait 15-20 seconds, then connect again.

Note that this is not always possible: for example, in public place or at work (provided that everything is working for all other employees). So this method is worth trying at home or with friends, but not at the airport, office or public place.

  • Connect to a different hotspot to make sure Wi-Fi is working on your iPhone or iPad
  • If the device cannot connect to one Wi-Fi network, then this may be a hardware problem - such situations are rare, but still possible - especially if the device has often come into contact with water or has been dropped. In this case, you should contact an authorized apple center for diagnostics and repair
  • Finally, creating a backup can help, full reset device settings and subsequent data recovery from backup copy. This method should only be used as a last resort - if all other tips have not worked and you are sure that the problem is not a hardware failure

Please remember that to connect to hidden network Wi-Fi you will need to manually enter the SSID.

Did these tips help you solve the problem? Have you encountered other errors that you couldn't fix on your own? Write about it in the comments, and we will make an article dedicated to fixing this problem!