What are ic. Types of modern information and communication technologies and requirements for them. What kind of ICT-based projects can there be?

In this article, the author analyzes the current regulatory legal acts regulating the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). And also the procedure for choosing a code for types of expenses when reflecting transactions for the acquisition of objects related to ICT.

The concept of type of expense

The list and rules for applying the types of expenses involved in the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds are given in subparagraph. 3.3.2 of Section III of Directive No. 180n.

At the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (local budgets), the procedure for applying types of expenses is approved by regional (local) legislation. Therefore, in the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (local budgets, budgets of territorial extra-budgetary funds), both independently developed codes for types of expenses and codes for types of expenses contained in subclause can be used. 3.3.2 of Section III of Directive No. 180n.

Objects related to ICT are reflected according to expense type code 242 “Purchase of goods, works, services in the field of information and communication technologies.” Why, despite the apparent simplicity, accountants regularly make mistakes when accounting for transactions by type of expense, we will try to find out.

What does ICT refer to?

First, let's figure out what, in fact, refers to information and communication technologies (ICT). According to Instructions No. 180n, expense type code 242 includes:

  • design of application systems and ICT infrastructure;
  • acquisition of rights to software, development (revision) of software;
  • purchase of equipment (including with pre-installed software), including installation and commissioning costs, including:
  • means of communication (telephones, including cellular phones, walkie-talkies, pagers, radio stations, etc.);
  • office equipment (including automated workstations (AWS), printers, scanners, multifunctional devices (copiers, faxes);
  • technical means of information security that ensure the functioning of any information system;
  • connecting (providing access) to external information resources and communication networks, communication networks, including:
  • telephone and telegraph services (subscription and time fees for local, long-distance and international calls);
  • cellular and paging services;
  • expenses for using the Internet;
  • provision of telecommunication channels regardless of the type of transmitted signals (digital, analogue);
  • operating costs (including ensuring the operation and maintaining the functionality of application and system software, hardware maintenance, including monitoring of technical condition, purchase of components);
  • payment of rent in accordance with concluded lease agreements (sublease, property lease, rental) of ICT equipment (workstation, communication, server, peripheral equipment);
  • other similar expenses.

Here we are interested in the last point, namely what is hidden behind the concept of “other expenses”. Let's consider what other regulatory legal acts refer to ICT.

In the order of Rosstat dated May 18, 2011 No. 248 “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical observation of the use of information and communication technologies and the production of computer equipment, software and the provision of services in these areas” in section 1 of the federal statistical observation form No. 3-inform ICT includes: personal computers (including laptops); Computers of other types; local area networks; Email; Internet; Extranet; Intranet; other global information networks; dedicated communication channels; presence of a website on the Internet; dedicated technical means for mobile Internet access for your employees; free or open source operating systems provided by third parties (such as Linux).

In the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 15, 2011 No. 16-01-08/70 On the provision of information in order to ensure timely preparation of the draft federal law “On the federal budget for 2012 and for the planning period of 2013 and 2014” it is noted that the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia allocates, in particular, generic and industry-specific ICT components.

Mandatory standard components include:

  • general system software (operating systems, tools for working with documents and spreadsheets, presentations, e-mail, Internet access, etc.);
  • tools that provide automation of accounting;
  • official websites (online representation, website management systems);
  • electronic document management system (office work).

Optional standard components include software solutions such as a distance learning system, corporate portal, personnel systems, call centers, etc.

Typical infrastructure components include:

  • workstations;
  • periphery equipment;
  • servers and data storage systems that support the operation of standard system-wide and application software;
  • active and passive telecommunications equipment for organizing secure local networks and Internet access.

Industry components include: data banks; registries and registries; cadastres; accounting systems; information systems that ensure the provision of public services by a government agency and the implementation of its main functions, including planning and monitoring systems used in one or more areas of activity of government agencies.

Instruction No. 191n offers an interpretation of the concept of ICT. In order to fill out the Information on the use of information and communication technologies (f. 0503177), hereinafter – Information (f. 0503177), including highlighted:

  • capital investments in information and communication infrastructure facilities (including the construction of specialized buildings (premises) to accommodate technical equipment and personnel, other capital investments);
  • connecting (providing access) to external information resources (including access to the public telephone network; providing access to long-distance and international communication services, purchasing and updating reference and information databases (purchase of content));
  • training of employees in the field of information and communication technologies (development of training courses, training of users of created application systems (software), etc.).

Based on the reporting results for the first half of 2012, the largest number of errors in the formation of Information (form 0503177) was identified in the report for telephone communications. Many accountants, perhaps relying on the old version of the Information (f. 0503177), did not note these expenses.

What determines the choice of code?

The accountant must be guided by the rule: the choice of expense type code depends on the final purpose of the expense. What does it mean? The type of expense implies the functional nature of the expense: what was purchased for? Unlike KOSGU, the essence of which is the economic component: what was acquired? This difference is not so clear in relation to services. The name of the service, as a rule, coincides with the purpose of its purchase (for example, computer repair).

It is more difficult to deal with material reserves that can be used for different purposes. For example, from the point of view of KOSGU, the purchase of bricks should be attributed to Art. 340 “Increase in the cost of inventories.” And when choosing the type of expense, you need to consider for what purpose this brick will be used. If for major repairs of a fence, then we reflect it using code 243 “Purchase of goods, works, services for the purpose of major repairs of state property,” if for current repairs – code 244 “Other procurement of goods, works and services for state needs.”

If code 323 “Purchase of goods, works, services for the benefit of citizens” is used for distribution to the population affected by emergency situations.

The problem is that it can be difficult for accountants to justify their choice of expense type code to treasury authorities. The fact is that from the documents, the provision of which is mandatory for applications for cash expenses, it is clear what is being purchased, but it is not clear where it is planned to be spent.

For reference

Additional comments on the issue of applying expense type code 242 are given in letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 31, 2012 No. 02-05-10/328.

Based on the classification proposed in the Information (f. 0503177), we can conclude that the purchase of the same brick is appropriate to reflect under code 242 “Purchase of goods, works, services in the field of information and communication technologies” if the brick is purchased for construction (reconstruction) of a building intended to house ICT facilities. For example, when the administration of a city district makes an extension to a building that will house a multifunctional center: servers, peripheral equipment, personnel.

Devices and accessories

According to clause 41 of Instruction No. 157n, an object of fixed assets is, among other things, an object with all fixtures and accessories. Since no further explanations of these terms are provided, the institution, within the framework of its accounting policies, can independently determine what exactly will be considered “fixtures and accessories” for those types of equipment that are classified as ICT. And secure the right to acquire such types of material assets using expense type code 242.


According to the institution’s accounting policy, bags and cases for laptops, cell phones, and radio stations are classified as accessories to the corresponding equipment. In this case, the specified bags and cases:

  • should be purchased using KOSGU code 340 and expense type code 242;
  • should be included in the corresponding fixed asset item and reflected in the fixed asset inventory card.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the legislation on the targeted expenditure of budget funds.


According to the accounting policy of the institution, network extenders are classified as accessories to the automated workplace. On this basis, the institution purchased extension cords using expense type code 242. In fact, these extension cords were not included in the automated workplace, but were used to connect sound amplification equipment, electric kettles, etc. This can be considered as an inappropriate use of budget funds.

Subject to the introduction of appropriate provisions into the accounting policy, devices and accessories for computer equipment and peripherals, office equipment, and communications equipment may include: uninterruptible power supplies; external power supplies, chargers (for laptops, tablet computers, cell phones, radio stations); network filters; extension cords; connecting cables; power cables; bags, cases. These objects should be purchased at the expense of Art. 340 KOSGU and reflected by expense type code 242, regardless of whether the purchase is made under separate contracts or simultaneously with capital equipment. Targeted spending of budget funds will be ensured by the fact that fixtures and accessories are written off upon commissioning as part of the corresponding fixed asset item and are reflected in its inventory card.

If fixtures and fittings are not classified in the institution's accounting policies, the choice of expense type code may become a subject of dispute during an audit.


The cell phone charger at the facility is out of order. A new charger was purchased using expense type code 244. The accountant motivated his decision by saying that “a charger is not a phone or a computer.” An audit may not take this argument into account because the charger is included as standard with the cell phone and is therefore an accessory.

Spare parts

By definition, spare parts for computer and office equipment should be purchased using the same expense type code as the equipment itself. However, here too there are situations that are difficult for an accountant to understand.


The institution purchased anti-glare films for laptop screens. The purchase was made using expense type code 244. The accountant motivated his decision by the fact that “film is not equipment or a spare part.” But, based on the fact that when choosing an expense type code, you should be guided by what the purchased object is used for, anti-glare film for laptops (as well as for tablet computers, cell phones) should be assigned to expense type code 242.

Multi-component devices

Modern technology, which at first glance has little in common with information and communication technologies, can be equipped with various functions related to ICT. Let's try to figure out what to do in this case.


A geodetic instrument – ​​a tacheometer – includes a cellular communication module for prompt transmission of measurement data. A standard telephone SIM card is inserted into the module, and the institution pays for mobile communication services. What expense type code should I use to purchase this tacheometer model? The main function of a tacheometer is geodetic measurements. Therefore, it would be incorrect to classify it as expense type code 242.

Modules for transmitting data via GSM cellular communications or Wi-Fi are now increasingly being built into various devices. For example, some car alarm models are equipped with GSM modules. A set of sensors to protect against water supply leaks can signal by sending an SMS message. But providing communication is not the main functional purpose of such devices.


Modern TV models can be equipped with tools for working with the Internet. In this case, it is difficult to unambiguously classify this TV model as an ICT device. It all depends on the functional purpose for which the institution purchases the TV.

Similarly, modern car head units, Blue-ray players and even refrigerators have begun to be equipped with means to access the Internet. There may also be problems with classifying such devices by expense type codes 242/244, although it is obvious that the “computer” functions are not the main ones here.

Additional features

In Instructions No. 180n, office equipment is included in the list of objects that should be reflected according to expense type code 242. Consequently, a wide variety of devices can be detected under code 242. OKOF1 classifies copying equipment and typewriters as office equipment.

Both are included in the group “Means of mechanization and automation of managerial and engineering labor,” which also includes: cash registers, paper shredders, laminators, and bookbinding equipment. Thus, consumables can also be included in ICT expenses: tapes for cash register equipment; film for laminator; staples, paper clips and springs for bookbinding equipment.

Since the list of expenses for the purchase of goods, works and services in the ICT sector, reflected by expense type code 242, is open, it may also include access to external digital information resources, for example:

  • to satellite digital television (purchase and installation of “Tricolor”, “NTV-plus” equipment sets, subscription fee);
  • to data from satellite global positioning systems (purchase and installation of GPS and Glonass equipment).

Indirectly, this conclusion confirms the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r, where the goals of state policy in the field of development of information and communication technologies include:

  • transition to digital television and radio broadcasting;
  • implementation of a unified system of coordinate-time and navigation support.

Thus, using excerpts from the current regulatory legal documentation and understanding the structure of ICT, the accountant will be able to correctly reflect transactions for the acquisition of relevant objects, as well as avoid friction with regulatory authorities when checking the accounting and reporting system in the institution.

Brief description of some pedagogical technologies. What is ICT technology. Possibilities for teachers to use modern Internet computer technologies in preparing and conducting lessons and in developing students’ abilities.




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Slide captions:

Modern pedagogical technologies. Speech by mathematics teacher Galina Rafailovna Repp Scientific and theoretical seminar on the topic:

What is “educational technology”? the concept of “pedagogical technology” correlates in domestic pedagogy with the processes of teaching and upbringing, a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; organizational and methodological tools of the pedagogical process. (B.T. Likhachev) systemic set and order of functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals (M.V. Clarin)

a) conceptual framework; b) content of training: learning objectives - general and specific; content of educational material; c) procedural part - technological process: organization of the educational process; methods and forms of educational activities of schoolchildren; methods and forms of teacher work; the teacher’s activities in managing the process of mastering the material; diagnostics of the educational process. The main structural components of pedagogical technology:

Classification of educational technologies

Any pedagogical technology is information technology, since the basis of the technological learning process is the receipt and transformation of information. Computer (new information) teaching technologies are the process of preparing and transmitting information to the learner, the means of which is the computer. Information and communication technologies

teachers: source of educational information; visual material; training apparatus; diagnostic and control tool. working tool: a means of preparing texts, storing them; graphics editor; speech preparation tool; computer with great capabilities. The computer performs the following functions:

individualization of training; intensification of students’ independent work; increase in the volume of tasks completed in class; expansion of information flows when using the Internet. increasing motivation and cognitive activity due to a variety of forms of work. Benefits of using ICT

1. Many students and teachers do not have a computer at home. 2. Teachers do not have enough time to prepare for a lesson in which computers are used. 3. Insufficient computer literacy of the teacher. 4. Teachers’ work schedules do not allow time for researching the possibilities of the Internet. 5. It is difficult to integrate a computer into the lesson structure of classes. 6. There is not enough computer time for everyone. 7. With insufficient motivation to work, students are often distracted by games, music, checking PC performance, etc. 8. There is a possibility that, having become interested in the use of ICT in the classroom, the teacher will move from developmental teaching to visual and illustrative methods. Existing shortcomings and problems in the use of ICT

A combination of traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies can help the teacher in solving this difficult problem. It is necessary to teach a child to master, transform and use huge amounts of information in practical activities. It is very important to organize the learning process so that the child actively, with interest and enthusiasm works in class, sees the fruits of his labor and can appreciate them.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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The use of modern pedagogical technologies in Russian language lessons. The material is compiled based on lectures by Olga Ivanovna Gorbich, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor...

Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching a foreign language - as a path to success for a modern specialist in the service sector.

In the modern service industry, the role played by the importance of the English language becomes obvious. Every year our country is visited by millions of tourists who, first of all, encounter...

Topic of the pedagogical project: “The role of modern pedagogical technologies in the formation of positive motivation for studying mathematics”

Along with preparing students who will later become professional users of mathematics, the most important task of education is to provide some guaranteed level of mathematical proficiency...

Pedagogical project "The role of modern pedagogical technologies in the formation of positive motivation for studying biology"

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Subject : Classification of ICT tools


Introduction 3

Main part

1. ICT tools used in education. 4

2. Classification of ICT tools by area of ​​methodological purpose. 6

Conclusion 7

List of used literature 8


The processes of informatization of modern society and the closely related processes of informatization of all forms of educational activity are characterized by processes of improvement and mass distribution of modern information and communication technologies (ICT). Such technologies are actively used to transmit information and ensure interaction between teacher and student in modern open and distance education systems. A modern teacher must not only have knowledge in the field of ICT, but also be a specialist in their application in their professional activities.

Word "technology "has Greek roots and translated means science, a set of methods and techniques for processing or processing raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, products and converting them into consumer goods. The modern understanding of this word includes the application of scientific and engineering knowledge to solve practical problems. In this case Information and telecommunication technologies can be considered technologies that are aimed at processing and converting information.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a general concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, and algorithms for processing information. The most important modern ICT devices are a computer equipped with appropriate software and telecommunications tools along with the information stored on them.

Main part

1. ICT tools used in education.

The main ICT tool for the information environment of any education system is a personal computer, the capabilities of which are determined by the software installed on it. The main categories of software are system programs, application programs, and software development tools. System programs, first of all, include operating systems that ensure the interaction of all other programs with the equipment and the interaction of the user of a personal computer with the programs. This category also includes utility or service programs. Application programs include software that is an information technology toolkit - technologies for working with texts, graphics, tabular data, etc.

In modern education systems, universal office application programs and ICT tools have become widespread: word processors, spreadsheets, presentation preparation programs, database management systems, organizers, graphics packages, etc.

With the advent of computer networks and other similar ICT means, education acquired a new quality, associated primarily with the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Through the global computer network Internet, instant access to the world's information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file storages, etc.) is possible. About two billion multimedia documents have been published on the most popular Internet resource, the World Wide Web WWW.

Other common ICT tools available online include email, mailing lists, newsgroups, and chat. Special programs have been developed for communication in real time, allowing, after establishing a connection, to transfer text entered from the keyboard, as well as sound, image and any files. These programs allow you to organize collaboration between remote users and a program running on the local computer.

With the advent of new data compression algorithms, the sound quality available for transmission over a computer network has increased significantly and has begun to approach the sound quality in conventional telephone networks. As a result, a relatively new ICT tool, Internet telephony, began to develop very actively. Using special equipment and software, you can conduct audio and video conferences via the Internet.

To ensure effective search for information in telecommunication networks, there are automated search tools, the purpose of which is to collect data about the information resources of the global computer network and provide users with a quick search service. Using search engines, you can search for World Wide Web documents, multimedia files and software, and address information about organizations and people.

With the help of ICT network tools, it becomes possible to have wide access to educational, methodological and scientific information, organize operational consulting assistance, simulate research activities, and conduct virtual training sessions (seminars, lectures) in real time.

There are several main classes of information and telecommunication technologies that are significant from the point of view of open and distance education systems. Some of these technologies are video recordings and television. Videotapes and associated ICT tools allow large numbers of students to listen to lectures from top teachers. Videotapes with lectures can be used both in special video classes and at home. It is noteworthy that in American and European training courses the main material is presented in printed publications and on video cassettes.

Television, as one of the most common ICTs, plays a very important role in people's lives: almost every family has at least one TV. Educational television programs are widely used throughout the world and are a prime example of distance learning. Thanks to television, it becomes possible to broadcast lectures to a wide audience in order to increase the overall development of this audience without subsequent monitoring of knowledge acquisition, as well as the opportunity to subsequently test knowledge using special tests and exams.

A powerful technology that allows storing and transmitting the bulk of the material being studied is educational electronic publications, both distributed on computer networks and recorded on CD-ROM. Individual work with them provides a deep assimilation and understanding of the material. These technologies make it possible, with appropriate modification, to adapt existing courses for individual use and provide opportunities for self-learning and self-testing of acquired knowledge. Unlike a traditional book, educational electronic publications allow you to present material in a dynamic graphic form.

2. Classification of ICT tools by area of ​​methodological purpose.

Information and communication technologies in education are classified into the following categories:

    Educational ICT tools - with their help, students are provided with knowledge, develop skills, educational or practical skills, providing the necessary level of training);

    Exercise equipment – are intended for practicing various kinds of skills and abilities, repeating or consolidating the material covered. the simulator must be aimed at some knowledge, questions and correction (the program checks, provides analysis and again trains the necessary areas of knowledge). When creating simulators, it is important to take into account the algorithm for assessing the resulting testing, providing only that information that is poorly understood with the possible clarification of this information;

    Information retrieval and reference ICT tools provide information, develop knowledge and skills for systematizing information;

    Demonstration ICT tools visualize the objects, phenomena, processes being studied for the purpose of their research and study;

    Imitation ICT tools represent a certain aspect of reality to study its structural or functional characteristics;

    Laboratory ICT tools make it possible to conduct remote experiments on real equipment;

    Modeling ICT tools allow you to model objects, phenomena, processes for the purpose of their research and study;

    Calculated ICT tools automate various calculations and other routine operations;

    Educational and game ICT tools are designed to create learning situations in which students’ activities are implemented in a playful way.


The use of modern means of information and communication technologies in education significantly facilitates the work of a teacher in the process of teaching schoolchildren at all stages. ICT tools help withimprove the organization of teaching, increase the individualization of learning, and also increase the productivity of students’ self-training. Thanks to ICT tools, motivation for learning increases and the ability to attract students to creative, search and research activities is activated.

List of used literature

  1. Electronic resourcehttp://school2100.com/uroki/elementary/inform.php. A.V. Goryachev,Program "Informatics and ICT (information and communication technologies)"

The role of information and communication technologies in the general educational process is defined in documents of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation related to the strategy of modernization of education.

Information and communication competence one of the main priorities for the purposes of general education, and this is not only due to intra-educational reasons. The whole character of life is changing, the role of information activity is growing unusually, and within it - active, independent processing of information by a person, making fundamentally new decisions in unforeseen situations using technological means.

Systematic, effective formation of information and communication competence for the majority of students today is possible only through the use of ICT. Which means success reforms planned in the school largely depend on their application. In other words, informatization is the most important direction in the modernization of the education system.

Computer teaching technologies - a set of methods, techniques, ways, means of creating pedagogical conditions based on computer technology, telecommunications and interactive software products that model part of the teacher’s functions in presenting, transmitting and collecting information, organizing control and management of cognitive activity.

The use of computer teaching technologies makes it possible to modify the entire teaching process, implement a model of student-centered learning, intensify classes, and most importantly, improve students’ self-training. Of course, a modern computer and interactive software and methodological support require a change in the form of communication between teacher and student, turning training into business cooperation, and this strengthens the motivation of learning, leads to the need to search for new models of classes, conduct final control (reports, reports, public defense of group project projects). works), increases individuality and intensity of learning.

Computer teaching technologies provide great opportunities for the development of creativity, both for teachers and students.
Multimedia technologies - a method of preparing electronic documents, including visual and audio effects, multiprogramming of various situations. The use of multimedia technologies opens up a promising direction for the development of modern computer teaching technologies. How to use these tools when developing sets of educational materials? Where and in what proportion is it possible to include various multimedia effects compared to plain text? Where is the limit of applicability of multimedia inserts into a document? Serious research into this issue is needed, since a violation of harmony, the appropriateness of using bright inserts and effects can lead to a decrease in performance, increased fatigue of students, and a decrease in work efficiency. These are serious questions, the answers to which will allow you to avoid fireworks in teaching and make educational material not just spectacular, but effective.
Modern information and communication technologies of education - a set of modern computer equipment, telecommunications, and software tools that provide interactive software and methodological support for modern teaching technologies.
The main task of modern educational information technologies are the development of interactive environments for managing the process of cognitive activity, access to modern information and educational resources (multimedia textbooks, various databases, educational sites and other sources).
Information technologies most often used in the educational process can be divided into two groups:

1) network technologies using local networks and the global Internet (electronic version of methodological recommendations, manuals, distance learning servers that provide interactive communication with students via the Internet, including in real time),

2) technologies aimed at local computers (training programs, computer models of real processes, demonstration programs, electronic problem books, monitoring programs, didactic materials).

In mathematics lessons, a computer can be used for a variety of functions and, therefore, purposes: as a way to diagnose students’ learning capabilities, a teaching tool, a source of information, a training device, or a means of monitoring and assessing the quality of teaching. The capabilities of a modern computer are enormous, which determines its place in the educational process. It can be connected at any stage of the lesson, to solve many didactic problems, both in a collective and individual mode.

Nowadays, with the help of a multimedia projector, it is possible to use a computer even for frontal work, for example, when organizing oral calculations, or when checking independent work. The use of teaching aids and presentations created in the Power Point program made it possible to abandon almost all old-generation TSOs and raise visibility to a higher level (use of sound, show a slide “in motion”)

Computer components can be introduced into lessons of any subject. It's all about expediency, the availability of appropriate quality programs, and conditions of use.

Creation and development of the information society(IO) involves the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education, which is determined a number of factors.

Firstly, the introduction of ICT in education significantly accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated technological and social experience of humanity not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another.

Secondly, modern ICT, improving the quality of training and education, allows a person to more successfully and quickly adapt to the environment and ongoing social changes. This gives every person the opportunity to obtain the necessary knowledge both today and in the future post-industrial society.

Third, the active and effective implementation of these technologies in education is an important factor in creating an education system that meets the requirements of educational institutions and the process of reforming the traditional education system in the light of the requirements of modern industrial society.

The importance and necessity of introducing ICT into the learning process is noted by international experts in the World Report on Communication and Information 1999–2000, prepared by UNESCO and published at the end of the last millennium by the Business Press agency. In the foreword to the report, UNESCO Director-General Federico Mayor writes that new technologies should contribute to “creating a better world in which every person benefits from the achievements of education, science, culture and communication.” ICTs affect all of these areas, but perhaps they have the strongest positive impact on education, as they “open up the possibility of completely new methods of teaching and learning.” The relevance and need for the introduction of ICT in education is discussed in more detail in the second chapter of the same report, “New Directions in Education,” written by Craig Blurton, Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong, and in Chapter VII, “Information Services, Libraries, Archives,” authored by - Professor Ole Garbo at the Royal College of Librarianship in Copenhagen.

In addition, the same report summarizes and analyzes the global processes of convergence of the media, electronics industry and telecommunications and their impact on the development of the information society, as well as planetary problems of the use of ICT in education.

The use of ICT contributes to changing the goals and content of training, including control, which entails the emergence of new methods, means and organizational forms of training and control.

The introduction of information technology in education provides an opportunity to create automated control systems for students’ knowledge in various disciplines, including computer science.

The capabilities of ICT as a tool of human activity and a fundamentally new means of teaching leads to the emergence of new methods, means, organizational forms of control and their more intensive implementation in the educational process.

The advantages of computer technology are discussed in works on the intensification and activation of learning (I.V. Alyokhina, G.V. Rubina), individualization (V.F. Gorbenko, N.V. Karchevskaya) and humanization of the educational process (T.V. Gabay, M.E. Kalashnikov, L.F. Pleukhova, V.K. Tsoneva), implementation of the creative, developmental nature of education (V.A. Andreev, V.G. Afanasyev, G.M. Kleiman, T.A. Sergeeva etc.).
Stages of ICT implementation on the path to the information society

The global introduction of computer technologies in all areas of activity, the formation of new communications and a highly automated information environment have become not only the beginning of the transformation of the traditional education system, but also the first step towards the formation of an information society.

The main factor determining the importance and feasibility of reforming the existing education system, including the Russian one, is the need to respond to the main challenges that the 21st century has presented to humanity:

  • the need for society to transition to a new development strategy based on knowledge and highly efficient information and telecommunication technologies;

  • the fundamental dependence of our civilization on those abilities and personality traits that are formed by education;

  • the possibility of successful development of society only based on genuine education and effective use of ICT;

  • the closest connection between the level of well-being of the nation, the national security of the state and the state of education, the use of ICT.
As shown in a number of works, the main directions for the formation of a promising education system, which are of fundamental importance for Russia, which is at the stage of complex economic transformations, are the following:

    • improving the quality of education by fundamentalizing it, informing the student about modern scientific achievements in a larger volume and at a faster rate;

    • ensuring that training is focused on new technologies of information technology and, first of all, on ICT;

    • ensuring greater access to education for all groups of the population;

    • increasing creativity in education.
The use of computers in education has led to the emergence of a new generation of information educational technologies, which have made it possible to improve the quality of education, create new means of educational influence, and more effectively interact between teachers and students with computer technology. According to many experts, new information educational technologies based on computer tools can increase the effectiveness of classes by 20-30%. The introduction of computers into the education sector was the beginning of a revolutionary transformation of traditional teaching methods and technologies and the entire education sector. Communication technologies played an important role at this stage: telephone communications, television, space communications, which were mainly used in managing the learning process and additional training systems.

A new stage in the global technologization of advanced countries was the emergence of modern telecommunication networks and their convergence with information technologies, that is, the emergence of ICT. They became the basis for the creation of the infosphere, since the unification of computer systems and global telecommunication networks made it possible to create and develop a planetary infrastructure connecting all of humanity.

An example of the successful implementation of ICT was the emergence of the Internet - a global computer network with its almost unlimited capabilities for collecting and storing information, transmitting it individually to each user.
Difficulty of implementation modern ICT is also determined by the fact that the traditional practice of their development and implementation is based on the ideology of creating and using information and telecommunication systems in completely different areas: communications, the military-industrial complex, aviation and astronautics. Adaptation of ICT to a specific field of application is carried out here by specialists from design bureaus and research institutes who have extensive experience in developing such equipment and, therefore, have a good understanding of the purpose of the systems and the conditions of their operation. In modern education there are no such specialized research structures; they are just beginning to be created. For this reason, a “gap” arises between the capabilities of educational technologies and their actual application. An example is the still existing practice of using a computer only as a typewriter. This gap is often exacerbated by the fact that the majority of school teachers and professors at humanities universities do not have the modern knowledge necessary for the effective use of ICT. The situation is complicated by the fact that information technologies are rapidly being updated: new, more efficient and complex ones are appearing, based on artificial intelligence, virtual reality, multilingual interfaces, geographic information systems, etc. A way out of this contradiction can be the integration of technologies, that is, their combination that will allow the teacher to use in lessons and lectures technical means that he understands, certified and adapted to the learning process. The integration of ICT and educational technologies should become a new stage in their more effective implementation in the Russian education system.

In ICT implementation in education we can highlight three stages:

    • elementary associated with the individual use of computers, mainly for organizing the education system, its administration and storing information about the management process;

    • modern, associated with the creation of computer systems, the Internet and the convergence of information and telecommunications technologies;

    • future, based on the integration of new ICTs with educational technologies (ET).
The process of developing new educational technologies based on the integration of ICT and OT is already underway in a number of companies actively operating in the educational services market.

The relevance and importance for the creation of an education system in the information society of developing a set of appropriate educational tools based on the integration of ICT and OT makes it necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of this process and consider it from a systemic perspective.

3. System basicsintegration ICT and OT
A systematic approach to the integration of ICT and technology is based on identifying all the essential factors that establish the connection between elements and form the integral properties of the system that performs a coordinated set of actions, united by a common design and a single goal.

The choice of rational and optimal solutions when integrating information and educational technologies from a systemic perspective is, first of all, based on an analysis of the effectiveness of training or education based on a new integrated technology, i.e. based on assessing the effectiveness of interaction between teacher and students. A feature of this interaction is the creative activity of the teacher and students both in the learning process and in the educational process, which largely depends not only on the professionalism of the teacher and the knowledge of the students, but also on the emotional mood created in the learning process, as well as on the availability of appropriate incentives , on training conditions and many other factors. All this complicates the formal description of the learning process and makes it difficult to determine quantitative assessments of effectiveness.

In fact, integrated training technologies based on ICT are intelligent human-machine systems, and therefore one of the directions for forming indicators of their effectiveness can be the methodology used in simulator training of pilots, cosmonauts, and operators in nuclear energy. It consists of using complex indicators, the components of which are specific assessments of technical efficiency, cost, training time, as well as data from medical and biological research, subjective opinions of the teacher and students.

Therefore, the first and fundamentally important task of integrating ICT and OT (in the future, for brevity, the abbreviation ITO will be used, adopted by a number of authors) is to clearly identify the goals of their creation and develop a system of indicators of their effectiveness. Formalization of the goals of educational technologies is a rather complex problem, which still remains unresolved and is actively discussed both in monographs, articles, and at seminars and conferences. At the same time, when solving problems of learning, monitoring knowledge and managing the educational process, experience has already been accumulated in assessing goals in the form of specific indicators. As an example, consider the points system. This, of course, does not exclude the use of other indicators for assessing the effectiveness of ITO.

Based on a systems approach, it is necessary to build a model or diagram of the operation, which includes the following main elements: OT, ICT, teachers, trainees, specialists and administration.

Educational technologies or, otherwise, educational technologies (ET) are one of the main elements of the education system, since they are directly aimed at achieving its main goals: training and education. Technical training is understood as both the implementation of curricula and training programs, and the transfer to the learner of a knowledge system, as well as methods and means for creating, collecting, transmitting, storing and processing information in a specific area. Science has accumulated vast experience in transferring knowledge from teacher to student, creating education and training technologies, as well as building their models.

ICTs have an active influence on the process of training and education of the student, as they change the pattern of knowledge transfer and teaching methods. At the same time, the introduction of ICT into the education system not only affects educational technologies, but also introduces new ones into the educational process. They are associated with the use of computers and telecommunications, special equipment, software and hardware, and information processing systems. They are also associated with the creation of new means of teaching and storing knowledge, which include electronic textbooks and multimedia; electronic libraries and archives, global and local educational networks; information retrieval and information reference systems, etc. ICT models are currently being developed, and some of them are successfully used in the study of education systems.

Considering the elements of a complex ITS system, it should be noted that in education an important condition successful integration of technology is the professional training of teachers and specialists operating systems and means of new integrated learning technology. Each participant in ITS-based training, including the administration of educational institutions, must have the necessary information literacy and understanding of the technologies used. In some countries, you even need to have the appropriate certificate for this. For example, such a requirement exists in the UK. The introduction of certificates for participants in the learning process makes it possible to simplify the implementation of information technology and increase the adequacy of assessments of the effectiveness of technologies.

When implementing information technology, it is necessary to understand that this process is complex and costly.

As the experience of introducing ITO in the world and in Russia shows, the specific type of educational institution (school or university, educational center or virtual college, etc.) and the form and type of education (full-time or correspondence, distance learning) have a significant impact on the effectiveness of ICT-based education or stationary, basic or additional), etc.

A program that ensures the active implementation of ICT in the educational industry, is comprehensive and involves solving a number of important problems in the development of education:

    • development of the regulatory framework;

    • creation of new organizational, methodological and scientific-methodological support in the field of educational systems and technologies;

    • creation of ICT material base;

    • creation of a system for training and retraining of educational personnel.

A new direction for increasing the efficiency of ICT implementation is integration of information and communication technologies and learning technologies. As the first and necessary steps to facilitate the accelerated implementation of this process in the education system, we can recommend:

    • organization of seminars and training courses for administration and staff of universities, teachers of schools and training centers on the use of new ITO in teaching;

    • creating conditions to stimulate the development of Internet services related to the use of new information technology;

    • intensification of work on the creation of a thematic system “ITO” within the framework of the international information network on IT;

    • preparation of an appropriate set of measures for inclusion in the “Program for Moscow’s movement into the information society”;

    • development of methodological and methodological foundations for system analysis and synthesis of information technology, methods for assessing training and education based on them;

    • development of proposals for financing the introduction of integrated information and communication technologies in education at the expense of the international community.

In improving the quality of professional training of specialists, including future teachers, in the system of higher pedagogical education, a significant role belongs to control, which is considered extremely important by modern pedagogical theory and practice.

Currently, using the capabilities of modern information technologies to ensure the didactic process is one of the pressing problems. The role of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching practice is determined by E.S. Polat as “a necessary condition for the intellectual, creative and moral development of students” [3].

In the conditions of the information society, the volume and content of knowledge, skills and abilities that a modern specialist must possess sharply and constantly increases and changes. The integration of computer technologies and the educational process contributes to its intensification, modernization of the training system for future specialists, improvement of the quality of education, development of the ability to independently obtain new knowledge, and implementation of the idea of ​​developmental and lifelong learning. Computer technologies contribute to the disclosure, preservation and development of students’ personal qualities, the use of which in the educational process will be effective only if future specialists have a correct understanding of the place and role of these technologies in the educational process.

For future specialists it is necessary to have appropriate training in the knowledge and application of information and communication technologies in the rapidly changing conditions of the information society; possess the basics of the necessary knowledge and accumulate personal experience in the practical use of computer technologies in their professional activities. In addition, in the context of the development of distance education, it is necessary to master modern computer teaching aids, including control.

As noted in the materials of the international conference held in November in Moscow, dedicated to the problems of introducing information technologies into education, a lesson using a computer will be more effective for the teacher who

  • · Maintains human priorities in learning.

  • · Has a kind, trusting attitude towards the machine and its teaching capabilities

  • · Able to handle a personal computer carefully and at the same time safely

  • · Intellectually developed, erudite, able to evaluate the pedagogical capabilities of computer programs

  • · Methodologically flexible

  • · Disciplined, precise, possesses ordered, logical thinking.
Thus, it is impossible to do without professional growth in mastering information and communication technologies.

The first step that a teacher takes when turning to computer teaching technology is to study pedagogical software in his subject and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, there has not yet been a single multimedia textbook in mathematics that would fully correspond to the school curriculum: atypical terminology is used, others. Axiom systems different from school, or a cumbersome information input system (a very “twisted” formula editor, which does not speed up, but rather slows down the solution process). Therefore, we can only agree with N. Rozov, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University, who in one of his speeches noted: “We all perfectly understand how far e-learning products are still from the ideal. There is a long way to go in understanding, searching and accumulating pedagogical experience, before how the computer component of the educational process will become an equal partner to the textbook."

It is advisable to begin familiarization with software products by studying the tools that create the so-called. computer environment. These programs include program instructions, advice, and recommendations on a wide range of issues. With them, the teacher can conduct both classroom and extracurricular activities, freeing himself from repeated repetition of the same truisms to students, from the touch of subjectivity in assessing the educational success of students, helping them master self-learning technology.

The computer environment is also created by reference and information materials. Their purpose is to provide greater clarity and evidence in the lesson, to use these programs for making various kinds of inquiries and for self-testing, to provide a sample of completing any task on specific subject material.

Reference and information materials are designed to make it easier for many children to master the school curriculum; they are supportive and accompanying, and often motivating.

That. the computer, as it were, combines a number of traditional TSOs, which have always been used mainly to enhance clarity. This activates the cognitive process of students, develops thinking (visual-effective, visual-figurative), and increases the effectiveness of the educational process. The use of ICT makes it possible to realize such developmental learning goals as the development of thinking (spatial, algorithmic, intuitive, creative, theoretical), the formation of skills to make the optimal decision from possible options, the development of skills to carry out experimental research activities (for example, through the implementation of computer modeling capabilities) , formation of information culture, skills to process information. This leads to an acceleration of the pace of learning, frees up time, and therefore intensifies the learning process.

One of the requirements dictated by the social order of society for modern education and presented today to university students - future specialists - is the ability to use modern ICT tools in the professional activities of a teacher, exactly the rapidly developing means of distance educational technologies both in the educational process and and in its integral component – ​​the control system.
ICT in the control system
The use of computer technologies in the educational process is a completely natural phenomenon in the era of informatization of society. However, the effectiveness of their use in teaching depends on a clear understanding of the place they should occupy in the complex set of relationships that arise in the teacher-student interaction system.

The role of control in the learning process is of priority importance, therefore, all of the above about the introduction of information and communication technologies into the learning process also contributes to the penetration of ICT into the control process, as an important and integral element of the learning process.

Control tasks implemented using ICT can be aimed at identifying the following knowledge:

Knowledge of definitions, fundamental concepts of the course, section, topic (module), ideas about the scope and content of concepts;

Knowledge of the applied (practical) application of definitions;

Knowledge of rules, algorithms, laws, formulas;

Knowledge related to solving problems on the topic;

Knowledge of facts, fundamentals, principles, practical applications.

Supervisory tasks implemented using ICT can be of varying levels of complexity:

Simple recognition tasks;

Reproduction tasks;

Tasks performed according to a formula, algorithm, rule, pattern;

Tasks of a problematic nature (the algorithm for solving the problem is unknown in advance).
Let us highlight the advantages of using ICT in the process of knowledge control:

A high degree of visibility during control, which helps to increase interest in the very subject of study, control, and evaluation;

Automation of carrying out, evaluating results, summing up control procedures;

The ability to repeatedly perform monitoring tasks in order to internalize (assimilate) knowledge;

The ability to conduct self-control of students at any time convenient for the student without the participation of a teacher.

  1. World UNESCO report on communication and information, 1999-2000. – M. – 2000.

  2. Kurdyukov, G.I. . To the question of the role of information and communication technologies in the system of monitoring the knowledge of students of pedagogical universities in computer science disciplines / G.I. Kurdyukov /access address: http:// www. rusedu. info/ Article915. html

  3. New Pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Proc. aid for students ped. universities and higher education systems qualified ped. personnel / E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Buharkina and others; Ed. E.S. Polat. – 2nd ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2005. – 272 p.; S. 3

In the conditions of a developed information society, when there is a constant increase in the use of information technologies in various spheres of human activity, the use of “virtuality” (virtual environments and spaces) both in scientific branches of human activity and in education becomes relevant. Currently, the development of existing educational systems at different levels in an information-rich educational environment within the framework of the traditional form of education is becoming increasingly relevant. Informatization of education brings significant changes to this process. It influences not only the content of the subjects studied and the tools of the educational process, but also significantly influences the dissemination and deepening of the content of the concept of “information and communication technologies of the professional activity of a teacher.” The emergence of new tools for teachers to work with information changes ideas about new pedagogical practices and stimulates the development of new forms and methods of the educational process. Among them: online learning, automated control, means of individualizing educational work, and the like.

Let's consider the concept of information and communication technologies (ICT).

The term “information technology” as a technology for collecting, processing, storing and distributing information using computer and telecommunications tools was first used in 1958 in the article “Management in the 80s” by H. Leavitt and T. Whisler, which was published in Harvard magazine Business Review.

The international organizations ISO and IEC, creating the joint technical committee for standardization of information technologies JTC1 (Joint Technical Committee), in the statutory documents of the JTC1 committee gave the following definition to the concept of information technology: “methods, tools and systems associated with the collection, production, processing, transmission, distribution, storage, operation, presentation, use, protection of various types of information."

Subsequently, next to the word “information” technology the word “communication” appeared. The clarification of this term was necessary in order to emphasize the importance of the spread in society of global and local computer networks, providing new opportunities for searching, transmitting, and exchanging information, which, together with powerful information storage devices, contribute to the creation in society of a global information distributed resource accessible to any person.

With the advent of modern personal computers, the term “new ICT” appeared, which is understood as the introduction of new approaches to the educational process, focused on the development of a person’s intellectual and creative abilities in order to increase their efficiency, through the use of modern technical means. Modern information technologies are characterized by the presence of the World Wide Web and its services such as e-mail and telecommunications, which creates ample opportunities. Live communication is inseparable from information technology, therefore at the present stage the development of hardware and software is called information and communication technologies.

The concept of “information and communication technologies” (ICT) is not unambiguous. In general, ICT can be defined as a set of various technological tools and resources that are used to support the process of communication and the creation, distribution, storage and management of information. These technologies include computers, the Internet, radio and television broadcasts, as well as telephone communications.

ICT can be viewed in terms of its creation or its use.

From the point of view of creating ICT, it is an independent scientific and applied discipline, which is a fusion of scientific knowledge, technical solutions, models of production processes, socio-economic and humanitarian aspects aimed at developing new methods and technologies for processing data and knowledge.

From the user's point of view, ICT can be considered as a technology for designing and creating an information product. An information product is understood as an artificial information object for a specific purpose, created using a computer and computer communications according to certain requirements (standards) and certain rules (technologies). Information products based on their use can be divided into:

Information products that are used without the participation of a computer (texts, calculations, images);

Information products that require a computer to use (computer models, animations, videos, web albums, web magazines, websites, web encyclopedias, etc.);

Professional computer products (system and application software).

Information and communication technology tools (ICT tools) are divided into software, hardware-software and technical tools and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern means and systems for broadcasting information, information exchange, providing operations for collecting, producing, accumulating , storage, processing, transmission of information and the ability to access information resources of local and global computer networks. ICT tools include:

3. sets of terminal equipment for computers of all classes;

4. information networks;

5. information input/output devices;

6. means and devices for manipulating text, graphic, audiovisual information;

7. means of archival storage of large volumes of information;

8. devices for converting data from text, graphic or audio forms of data representation into digital and vice versa;

9. artificial intelligence systems;

10. computer graphics systems;

11. software systems (programming languages, translators, compilers, operating systems, application software packages, etc.);

12. modern means of communication that provide information interaction between users both at the local level (for example, within one organization or several organizations) and at the global level (within the World Wide Information Network);

13. electronic means of educational purposes, implemented on the basis of multimedia technologies, hypertext, hypermedia, telecommunications.

In modern education systems, universal office applications and ICT tools have become widespread:

1. word processors,

2. spreadsheets,

3. presentation preparation programs,

4. database management systems,

5. organizers,

6. graphics packages, etc. .

ICT tools are also classified according to the area of ​​methodological purpose (Fig. 1.1).


S.G. Grigoriev understands ICT as a specific way of working with information: it is also a body of knowledge about methods and means of working with information resources, a method and means of collecting, processing and transmitting information to obtain new information about the object being studied.

According to most researchers, it is necessary to harmoniously combine and complement traditional and information and communication means of education.

ICT education is the process of preparing and transmitting information to the learner, the means of which is the computer. Computer technologies are based on the formalization of knowledge, the involvement of artificial intelligence tools in the learning process, and the use of special application software packages, including those aimed at a teacher who is not a programmer.

I.G. Zakharova understands information and communication technologies as a set of methods and technical means of collecting, organizing, storing, processing, transmitting and presenting information that expand people’s knowledge and develop their capabilities to manage technical and social processes.

V.A. Trainev includes ICT as a set of methods and software and hardware, combined into a technological chain, which ensures the collection, processing, storage and display of information in order to reduce the labor intensity of its use, as well as to increase its reliability and efficiency.

According to T.N. ICT lungworts are technologies that use technical information tools (computers, audio, film, video).

A.Yu. Uvarov believes that ICT is the process of preparing and transmitting information using a computer. The scientist distinguishes ICT by:

Levels of use: general pedagogical;

Concepts of assimilation are associative-reflexive;

According to organizational forms - individual and group;

By approach - personality-oriented;

by methods of use - informational and operational, dialogical.

ICT training S.Yu. Soboleva calls them interactive because they react to the actions of both the teacher and the student. The main means of ICT, as the researcher notes, is a personal computer, the capabilities of which are determined by its technical characteristics and installed software. The computer is a source of information and a visual aid, an individual information space and a simulator; diagnostic, control and modeling tool.

I.I. Dovgopol and T. A. Ivkova identify several important types of ICT multimedia, which are the basis of ICT. In a broad sense, it is a set of various software and hardware used to effectively influence the user, who at the same time becomes a reader, listener and viewer: the Internet with its ever-growing capabilities; television - provides leisure, orientation in social processes, has great opportunities for expanding a person’s horizons; videos, which are distributed primarily on digital media and, in combination with appropriate ICT tools, can provide both leisure and distance learning for students. The author also notes that among all ICTs, multimedia is the most important technology for the education system. The educational effectiveness of multimedia is explained by the possibility of combined presentation of information in various forms: text, sound, video, two- and three-dimensional graphics, etc. Multimedia provides the opportunity to intensify learning and increase learning motivation through the use of modern methods of processing audiovisual information.

Effective use of ICT is possible subject to the following conditions:

Material resources (computers, programs, printer, scanner, etc.);

High level of information culture of the teacher (average user level);

Information culture of students (the success of the teacher’s work depends on this);

Necessary teaching experience (the teacher must master the entire arsenal of traditional and modern techniques).

I.G. Zakharova in her work names the following components of ICT:

1. Theoretical foundations.

2. Methods for solving problems.

3. Problem solving tools:



ICT methods include modeling, system analysis, system design, methods of transmission, collection, generation, accumulation, storage, processing, transmission and protection of information. ICT tools are divided into:

Hardware: personal computer and its main components, local and global networks, modern peripheral equipment;

Software: system, application, instrumental.

The use of ICT in education, medicine, military affairs and many other sectors of human activity.

Information and communication technologies of education should provide answers to the question: how to organize the educational process in a computer environment, taking into account the specifics of a particular academic discipline, educational and practical goals, ICT tools and how to use them, what content to fill them with, how to control their quality.

A.A. Dzyubenko defines information communication technologies of education as a set of software, hardware, computer and communication tools, as well as methods and innovative methods of their use to ensure high efficiency and informatization of the educational process. The degree of use of information and communication technologies in education is determined in each specific case depending on the specifics of the content of the subject being studied, the individual characteristics of students, the degree of training of teachers in this area and the level of provision of the educational process with modern teaching aids. ICT is one of the teaching tools that contributes to the implementation of pedagogical ideas. Any teaching aid has specific didactic capabilities, which, in accordance with educational objectives, determine its didactic functions.

ICT in the work of I.I. Dovgopol is characterized as a new dimension in the learning space. This is a necessary assistant for the teacher, a tool for achieving his pedagogical goals, but not a panacea for everything traditional. In no case can a computer replace live communication with a teacher or the influence of the teacher’s personality. A computer is a tool that improves a teacher’s work, but first the teacher needs to make a lot of effort to master the tool, it is necessary to creatively select material for lessons, and reconsider teaching methods from the point of view of using ICT in the classroom.

So, we believe that ICT in teaching is, first of all, a pedagogical technology aimed at increasing the effectiveness of learning when using an information product for pedagogical purposes in the teaching and educational process.

Thus, having defined the concept of information and communication technologies and their components, it can be argued that the use of ICT in the educational process makes it possible to study all disciplines at a qualitatively new level. But it should be emphasized that the integration of ICTs into the educational process should be based on their pedagogically sound combination with traditional methodological teaching systems and with the obligatory justification of the pedagogical feasibility of such use, that is, education at the present stage must satisfy new needs and at the same time preserve its traditional strengths.