Windows 7 is installed on the computer. Where can I get the installation disk? Selecting a partition for installation

Not every user has a DVD drive; moreover, Lately Rare PCs are equipped with them. But you still need to install the system and for this it is most convenient to use bootable USB flash drive. Let's figure out how to install Windows 7 from a flash drive - after all, you won't buy a DVD for this purpose.

Before proceeding with the installation, carefully study this article: various difficulties may arise during the process, which can be solved using one of the methods described below.

The installation process itself can be divided into the following stages:

  • downloading the installation image;
  • computer preparation;
  • creating a bootable flash drive;
  • setting up PC BIOS;
  • Windows 7 installation.

Let's look at each stage in more detail.

Before you burn the image to a flash drive and install the system from it, you need to download it. Today there is great amount ready-made operating system builds that are equipped with many applications and functions.

Very often in such distributions the default theme is changed or sound scheme. But not all users like such innovations. You only need to download original images created by Microsoft. A huge headquarters of the world's leading programmers does their job better than some artisanal modifier.

A little lower you will find a button where you can download a torrent file for downloading Russian Windows versions 7 with 32 or 64-bit architecture. The file was taken from the official Microsoft website and is completely original. Proceed with the download, and when the download is complete, move on to the next step.

After the file is downloaded, open it using a torrent client. If you don't know how to work with such programs, follow our step by step instructions.

  1. First, download the torrent client itself. This will be the qBittoorent application.
  2. Install the program and use it to open the previously downloaded torrent file.

  1. Select the version of Windows 7 (in our case it is professional 64 bit) and click “OK”.

  1. After this, the operating system will begin loading at the maximum available speed.

Getting ready to install Windows 7

First of all, we need to copy to a safe place all the information that is important to us, located on drive C. Each user stores data in their own way, so each user has their own choice of folders for backup. Most often these are folders: “Downloads”, “Desktop”, etc.

You can save files to another logical drive (the one on which the system will not be installed) or to external storage. You can also use cloud storage, if there is not too much data. For example, the cloud provides 100 GB of free space.

With an eye to the future, remember: while using your PC, you need to store your data on a disk other than the one on which the system is installed. Divide physical disk into partitions and save your files on any of them except the system one. For Windows installations 7, a comfortable volume of 70–100 GB will be (depending on the type and amount of software used).

Another important point that should be taken into account before the installation begins is the drivers for our network card. If, after installing Windows 7, it turns out that there is no driver for the network card, additional difficulties will arise that will have to be solved using a second computer by transferring files from it via a flash drive.

If you just bought a computer, there is not and cannot be any valuable information on it, feel free to move on to the next section, without copying the data.

Create a bootable USB flash drive

In order to create bootable media and begin the operating system installation procedure, we will need:

  • USB flash drive with a capacity of 8 GB or more. Instead of a USB flash drive, you can use simple map memory with card reader;
  • "Seven" installation distribution with .iso extension;
  • a utility with which we will write an image to a flash drive;

Attention! Before you start creating installation media, remember that all data on it will be irretrievably destroyed.

Making installation media using Ultra ISO

A well-known disk imaging program can create boot drives. Let's look at the algorithm for recording Windows 7 to a USB device.

  1. Download and install the Ultra ISO program from the link.
  2. Run the resulting file and check the “I accept the license agreement” checkbox. Proceed to the next step by clicking “Next”.

  1. Using the “Browse” button, select the installation path, then click “Next”.

  1. We don’t change anything here and just move on.

  1. The program is being installed, we are waiting for it to finish.

The Ultra ISO installation is complete, you can run it and go straight to creating a flash drive for installing Windows 7.

  1. The Ultra ISO program can be launched in trial mode, so its functionality will not suffer at all. Click on the button marked in the picture.

  1. Go to the “File” menu and click on the “Open” item.

  1. Select the one we downloaded Windows image 7 and then "Open".

  1. Go to the “Startup” section and click on the item that we marked in the screenshot.

  1. We make sure that the media we need is displayed in the devices at the top of the window and click on the “Format” button.

Attention! This will destroy all your data beyond recovery. If the USB storage device has necessary files, save them before doing this.

  1. In the next window, simply click “Start”.

  1. Ultra ISO will once again warn us that all information from the flash drive will be erased. Click "OK".

  1. After formatting is completed, click on “Burn”.

  1. The process of recording “Seven” onto a flash drive has begun. It will take about 5-10 minutes depending on the speed of the drive and the selected OS version.

The recording is complete, our media can be used.

Let's look at a few more options for creating bootable media with Windows 7.


This is another program that can create a bootable USB flash drive with “Seven”. First, let's download it.

The application, unlike Ultra ISO, does not require installation, so you can run the downloaded file and immediately proceed to the process of burning the OS to a USB device. To do this we do the following:

  1. Select the recording device. This will be our flash drive, in in this case– 16 GB. Then click on the disk icon.

  1. Select the distribution we downloaded in the PC folder.

  1. We begin the recording process with the “Start” button.

  1. Rufus will notify us that all files will be deleted from the flash drive. If you have already created a backup copy or there was no important information on the media, click “OK”.

As a result, it will begin Windows entry 7 onto a flash drive, after which you will have a full-fledged installation media at your disposal.

Attention! Before you begin the process of writing the system to a flash drive, be sure to save all the data on it - otherwise they will be irretrievably lost.

As we see, this method turned out to be much simpler than the previous one, but we will not dwell on this and will consider several more options for recording Windows 7 to a USB drive.

Making a bootable USB flash drive using WinSetupFromUSB

Another application focused solely on writing operating system files to an external drive. Let's take a look at the utility and look at the process of working with it.

  1. Select the path where the program will be unpacked (click on the button with the image of three dots) and click “Extract”.

  1. We are waiting for all the necessary files to be unzipped.

  1. We open the directory into which the unpacking was carried out and launch the program depending on the architecture on which yours is built operating system. For us it is 64 bit, so we click on the marked file.

  1. We insert our flash drive into the USB port and make sure that it appears in WinSetupFromUSB. Next, check the box indicated by the number “2” in the screenshot. When the bird is placed, click on the icon with the image of three dots, marked with the number “3”.

  1. Select the image of our operating system and click on “Open”.

  1. All that remains is to press the “GO” key and Windows 7 recording will begin.

Windows 7 is being written to an external drive. Once the process is completed, the flash drive can be used to install the system.

We will not stop at WinSetupFromUSB and will tell you how to burn the OS to media via Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool from Microsoft.

Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool

This official application from Microsoft, so it should, in theory, do the best job of writing Windows 7 to a flash drive. Let's get started with the program.

  1. First, download the utility from the link from the official website. Then we launch it and click on the “Next” button.

  1. We are waiting for the program to install.

  1. We complete the installation process by clicking on the “Finish” button.

  1. Let's move on to working with the program. Initially, we need to specify the file that we will record. To do this, click the “Browse” button.

  1. After the path to the image file is registered, you can proceed to the next step - click “Next”.

  1. Here we should select the type of media on which we will install the “Seven”. Since this is a flash drive, we click on “USB device”.

  1. We make sure that our drive is displayed in the field marked with the number “1” and click on the “Begin copying” button.

  1. After this, we will be warned that all information from the media will be erased and, after confirmation, the process of transferring Windows 7 to a USB drive will begin.

Upon completion, we will receive a bootable USB flash drive, with which it is easy to install the OS on your computer.

For the program to work you need Microsoft library.NET Framework 2.0. If you do not have it, then download the program from the official Microsoft website.

We use the UNetBootin program

The UNetBootin utility is completely free. you can download it without registering or sending SMS. The program does not need to be installed - it works immediately after downloading. An application was created not only for recording on Windows flash drive, but also other operating systems such as Linux or Mac OS.

Let's move on to the instructions for using the application.

  1. First of all, check the “Disk Image” box and click on the button with the ellipsis. In the window that opens, we need a Windows distribution.

  1. In the drop-down list indicated by the number “1”, select a USB device, indicate our flash drive and click “OK”.

  1. The application will warn us that all data that is already on the flash drive will be irretrievably lost. If we don’t need them, click “Yes to All”.

The distribution package is being written to a USB device. Once it is completed, the flash drive can be used to install the OS.

Command line

You can create bootable media with “Seven” without using any programs using the system itself. For this we will use the command line.

The entire process is described in the form of detailed step-by-step instructions, each stage of which is accompanied by a screenshot for clarity.

  1. Initially, launch the command line. This must be done exclusively as an administrator. We will create bootable media at Windows example 10, but you can get the same result on Windows 7 - 8. Press the Win + R button combination and in the window that appears, press the “Browse” key.

  1. We follow the path indicated in the screenshot with the number “1” and find the cmd application. Click on it right key our manipulator and select “Run as administrator”.

  1. Write the command diskpart on the command line and press Enter.

  1. To start recording to a disk, you must initially select it, and take this choice responsibly, because all data from it will be deleted. You can view a list of disks using the operators: “ list disk", "list volume" or "list partition". The first two show a list of disks, the third displays the number of partitions and their names. Insert the flash drive into the USB port and enter the “list disk” command in DISKPART. Next press Enter. You will see a list of all drives currently installed in the PC.

  1. Select the disk that we need. To do this, enter select disk disk_number. The disk number can be viewed in the previous step; for us it is “1” since its size is 14 GB, which corresponds to our flash drive.

  1. We remove the disk with the clean command. Once again, make sure that you have made the right choice - all data on the media will be completely deleted.

  1. Now we need to create the main partition for the flash drive, from which we will boot in the future. Enter the command create partition primary and press Enter.

  1. We set the drive letter using the assign letter=drive_letter operator. Let's do that. We know that our PC has drives C, D and E - therefore, we specify F. The final command will look like this: assign letter=F.

  1. You can also specify the partition size. If you skip this step, it will take up all the free space. You can set the size of a logical disk using the create partition primary size=disk_size command. The size must be specified in megabytes.

  1. Select our disk using the select partition 1 command (indicate your disk number) and press Enter.

  1. Now we need to make our section active. To do this, use the active operator.

  1. All that remains is to format the flash drive - write a command like this: format fs=fat32 quick.

  1. Exit DISKPART using the exit command. Now you need to prepare the files for recording. We unpack our Windows 7 image using any archiver (we will use the usual WinRAR) and extract all the files to our flash drive.

The installation media is ready and you can use it.

We use the WinToFlash program

Let's describe the process of working with another program for recording Windows 7 and other operating systems on a USB drive. To get started, download the utility from the link from the official website.

  1. Install the program and run it. In the window that opens, select the item marked with a red frame.

  1. At the very top, select “Windows”, then indicate Windows 7 and press the button indicated in the screenshot with the number “3”.

  1. We indicate the path to the Windows 7 image that we downloaded. To do this, click the “Select” button.

  1. Click on “Add”.

  1. We make sure that the flash drive we need is indicated as the target, and click “Run”.

After this, the process of creating bootable media with Windows 7 will begin, after which the device will be ready for use.

Burn a bootable USB flash drive using WinToBootic

This application is one of the most simple tools for recording operating systems on external media. To work with the utility, you do not need to install it, nor do you need administrator rights. You can work with both Windows files and its images. The interface here is simple, and the speed of the program is pleasing.

To burn Windows 7 to a USB flash drive via WinToBootic, do the following:

  1. First, download the program from the link and launch it. Check the box next to “Quick Format” and click “Do It!”

  1. We answer the request for formatting in the affirmative.

  1. We are again notified that all data on the flash drive will be deleted. Don't forget to save important information from the media, if it is there, and click “OK”.

  1. The preparation of the flash drive is completed, click “Thanks!”

  1. Next, select the files that will be written to our flash drive. To do this, click the icon indicated in the screenshot and select the image we need.

  1. Click the button to start the process again.

Windows 7 will begin recording to the USB flash drive. When it is finished, the device can be used to install the system.

How to boot from a flash drive

To successfully install Windows 7 from a flash drive, it is not enough for us to simply write the operating system onto the media; we also need to force the PC to boot not from the hard drive, but from a USB drive. This can be done in two ways: either by modifying the BIOS, or through a special boot menu.

Regarding the Boot Menu, we can say that it starts different keys, depending on the model of computer or laptop. You can see which button is responsible for this on your device in the instructions for it. We provide a list of combinations for the main brands of computers and laptops:

Launching Boot Menu on PC:

Launching Boot Menu on a laptop:

Below is a list of keys that launch the BIOS on different computers and laptops:

For clarity, we will show the process of installing a flash drive as the first boot device using the example of our PC with an Asus motherboard:

  1. We turn off or restart the computer and after it starts, press the button to go to the BIOS (for us it’s Del).

  1. This is what the BIOS itself looks like.

  1. Go to the Boot tab.

  1. We install our USB drive as the first device.

The process is similar on different computers, although the names of the tabs and items may differ. To understand how to enter the BIOS of your PC, read the instructions for it.

Installing Windows 7 from a USB flash drive

After the BIOS has been configured, you can proceed directly to installing Windows 7 from a flash drive. Let's get started.

  1. Immediately after the system starts, you will see the following window (data for installing Windows 7 is being preloaded).

  1. Set regional parameters. Select your system language, region of residence, and keyboard layout. If desired, all this data can be specified after Windows starts. When the setup is complete, click on “Next”.

  1. At the next stage, simply click “Install”.

  1. All you have to do is accept the license agreement and the installation will begin. Check the box as shown in the screenshot and click “Next”.

  1. We select the full installation mode - this is the so-called clean option, when all old data on the system partition is deleted.

  1. We are in the section settings menu. Click on the entry outlined in red.

  1. If your disk is not partitioned, you can do this here (for Windows 7, it would be best to use about 100 GB of free space, the rest will become drive D). Don't forget to format your system partition before installing Windows on it. When the operation is completed, click on the “Next” button.

  1. Finally started Windows installation. We are waiting for the process to be completed.

  1. Next, the system will reboot and we will be greeted with the Windows startup screen

  1. Initial optimization is underway. The system prepares all the necessary files.

  1. System services begin to start.

  1. After which we proceed to complete the Windows installation

  1. We are again informed that we need to restart the computer.

  1. The system will check how productive our video card is.

  1. Now we need to provide our details. We write an arbitrary name and computer name. Then click “Next”.

  1. If necessary, you can set a password that the system will request upon startup. We skip this step since the computer will be at home.

  1. If you have Windows key 7, you can enter it here, however, you can do this even after the system starts. We are skipping this step.

  1. We choose the system protection option depending on our personal preferences. We will be installing another antivirus, so the regular one will not be needed.

  1. Enter the time and time zone. Then click “Next”.

  1. We decide on the type of network. It's pretty important step, because if we specify a home network, but are connected to a public one, our security will suffer greatly.

  1. Settings are being applied and automatic setting networks.

  1. Last minute of optimization before our Windows 7 launches.

As a result, we installed Windows 7 from a flash drive, the creation of which was described above.

Instead of an afterword

We looked at a lot of different programs and Windows tools in order to answer the question: how to install Windows 7 from a flash drive. However, these are not all options. There are a lot of such programs on the Internet. They differ in their convenience and functionality. Some utilities are better suited for ordinary users, while others are better suited for professionals.

Which method to choose and how to write Windows 7 to a flash drive should be determined based on purely personal preferences. Use the option that you like, and if you have any questions, ask us in the comments. We are committed to the shortest possible time give a comprehensive answer.

We use the easiest way to download - using the “Boot Menu”. To call the “Boot Menu” on different motherboards and laptops, the “F8”, “F9”, “F10”, “F11”, “F12” or “Esc” keys can be used. Often this key is indicated in the prompts that appear when you turn on the computer.

Immediately after turning on the computer, press and hold the “Boot Menu” key until the boot device selection menu appears.

Use the down and up arrows to navigate to the DVD drive or flash drive and press Enter.
Transcend JetFlash 790 8Gb

If the call key is not indicated in the prompts at the initial stage of booting the computer, then you can find out this information from the instructions, on the website of the motherboard or laptop manufacturer, by searching on the Internet, or at random.

The first thing you should see after the BIOS messages is a line like “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...” or “Press any key to boot from USB...” (“Press any button to boot from USB...”) if you are booting from a flash drive.

When you see this message, you should press any key on your keyboard within a few seconds, I usually press Spacebar. If you miss this moment, the Windows installation will not begin and you will have to restart the computer again from the old operating system using the “Ctrl-Alt-Del” key combination or the “Reset” button on the system unit.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that during the Windows installation process, the computer reboots several times and each time such a message may appear, but pressing “any key” on the keyboard is no longer necessary, otherwise you will simply start reinstalling Windows from the beginning many times and you will never finish it!

Sometimes a message like the one in the screenshot below may also appear.

In this case, you just need to press the “Enter” key on your keyboard. And by switching with the “Tab” key to the “Windows Memory Diagnostic” item, you can check the computer’s RAM for serviceability.

Wait for the blue “Install Windows” window to appear.

Installing Windows 7 begins with choosing languages.

3.1. Language selection

At this stage you are asked to select languages.

“Installed language” is the language in which all messages will be displayed in the operating system. If the version of Windows is multilingual, then you will have a choice. Most editions of Windows have only one operating system language and it is advisable that you understand it well.

“Time and Currency Format” – defines the names of months, days of the week, main currency, digital separators accepted in your country (period or comma), etc. What does it mean? Well, for example, if you select “Ukrainian”, then in programs for typing and tables, days of the week, months and monetary units will be automatically entered in Ukrainian, regardless of the language of the entire document. Therefore, choosing a national format only makes sense if the majority of your documents will be in the national language. However, this is easy to change in Windows at any time.

"Keyboard Layout" is just the default input language that will be used when Windows startup and all programs. It makes sense to install the one on which you communicate and write. If you will use your computer primarily for programming, it may be more convenient to select the “US” (English) layout. After installing Windows, you can add and set any language as default.

For Russian-speaking residents of the CIS, I recommend leaving “Russian” everywhere, since when installing some programs that have a multilingual interface, they may not be in Russian, but in the language that you specified in one of the fields when installing the system.

To continue the installation, click the “Next” button.

3.2. Starting the installation

In the next window, click the “Install” button under the “Windows 7” logo.

3.3. License agreement

Check the box “I accept the license terms” and click “Next”.

4. Windows 7 installation type

We offer two types of installation.

“Update” – allows you to update previous version Windows (Vista) on new Windows 7 with saving files, programs and settings. Windows XP cannot be updated this way. In any case, I do not recommend using this installation method, since it inherits the problems of the previous operating system and it is likely that the computer will slow down and malfunction.

« Full installation" - installing a new copy of Windows on a new or existing hard drive partition. When installed on new computer partitions are created on the hard drive, and when installed on old computer partitions are either deleted and recreated, or a partition is selected that has enough space for installation. With this type of installation, you can also install Windows 7 as a second operating system, for example, alongside your existing Windows XP. In this case, when you turn on the computer, you will be asked which operating system you want to load.

We select “Full installation” and a window for selecting a disk for installing Windows 7 will open in front of us.

5. Disk configuration

Disk configuration is the process of creating, deleting, formatting hard sections disk to install Windows on.

5.1. Disk configuration on an old computer

If you are reinstalling Windows on an old computer, then it already has one (“C”) or several partitions (“C”, “D”…). I hope you haven't forgotten from drive "C" to external drive, because in the process Windows reinstallation drive "C" will be cleared.
Hard drive Transcend StoreJet 25M TS500GSJ25M 500 GB

If your disk has only one partition, then it is better to delete it and create two new ones - one of small size for the operating system and programs, the second for all the remaining space for your files. This disk configuration will be more convenient and reliable in terms of backing up and restoring the operating system and your files.

If your disk has several partitions, then the first one, on which Windows is installed, can be deleted and a new one created in its place, and the second one with your files can be left as is.

5.2. Disk configuration on a new computer

When installed on a new computer, your disk is completely empty and has no partitions. The best option will create two partitions - one of small size for the operating system and programs, the second for all the remaining space for your files. This disk configuration will be more convenient and reliable in terms of backup and recovery of the operating system and your files.

5.3. Dual drive configuration

If you have two hard drives, or one SSD and one regular drive, then it is advisable to create one partition on each of them and install Windows 7 on the one that is faster (SSD) or smaller in volume, and the second one is completely dedicated to storing your files .

If both disks are large, then you can create two partitions on the first one - one small for the system, one for storing your files. On the second disk, you can create a partition for the entire volume and use it to install programs and games, or you can also create two partitions - the first for programs and games, the second for files. This configuration will provide maximum speed loading programs and games, since Windows and the page file will be on one disk, and programs and games on another.

6. Disk setup for Windows 7

The screenshot below shows a computer with a 500 GB disk.

Don't be surprised that the real size is 465.7 GB. Manufacturers round up sizes hard drives to a larger round number. Table with real dimensions of hard The disks can be downloaded at the end of the article in the “” section.

SSD drive It’s better not to divide it into several partitions, but to give it entirely to the “C” drive for installing Windows, programs and games. Then you will get unrivaled computer speed!

Hard drive A-Data Ultimate SU650 120GB

Click on “Disk Setup” and additional buttons will appear.

The optimal size of the system partition is 10-20% of the total hard drive volume. For Windows 7, I recommend a partition size of at least 40 and no more than 200 GB.

I usually take 10% of the declared disk capacity, that is, 50 GB from a 500 GB disk and 100 GB from a 1000 GB disk. Since this is enough to install basic programs, it is better to install games on the second partition along with other files, since they take up a large amount of space and make it difficult to backup and system recovery, which we'll talk about later.

But if you like to experiment and plan to install a lot of serious programs and games, then it is better to make the system partition larger, about 20% of the disk capacity or 100-200 GB in physical terms. Since some of the data still ends up on the system partition and in the future there may be a lack of space on it.

Let's make everything sure, create a system partition of 100 GB in size. To do this, click the “Create” button and enter the size in megabytes.

Please note that 1 GB = 1024 MB. In addition, Windows 7 takes 100 MB of this volume to create a hidden boot partition.

I like everything to be beautiful and the system to display a 100 GB disk, not 97.6 GB, so I calculate the volume in megabytes as follows:

100 GB x 1024 + 100 MB = 102,500 MB

This number must be entered in the “Size” field and click the “Apply” button.

Here is the result of the performed operation.

As you can see, two sections have been created. “Partition 1”, only 100 MB in size, is used for the operating system bootloader and we will not see it in Windows. “Partition 2” has a size of exactly 100 GB and we will install Windows 7 on it.

There is still “Unallocated space…” with a volume of 365.6 GB, on which we will create another partition for storing user files.

By default, all remaining space is allocated for it. It can be divided into several more sections if you know what you need it for. But we will leave everything as it is by simply clicking the “Apply” button.

As a result, we get “Section 3”, which took up all the remaining space. Now you need to click the “Format” button and confirm this action.

You can create this partition after installing Windows, but you will have to perform more steps and possibly change the drive letters. We will also consider this option after installing Windows.

7. Nuances of marking and large-volume disks

A 100 MB hidden boot partition is created when a new partition is created. If you install Windows 7 on an existing partition, the bootloader files will be located on it and a separate partition will not be created.

This configuration will occur if the Windows 7 installer partitions the disk in the old MBR system. If Windows Installer partitions the disk in a new GPT system, several service partitions may be created.

MBR is old type partitioning, which supports disks up to 2 TB. GPT new type partitioning, which supports disks larger than 2 TB and requires support from the motherboard.

There are usually fewer problems with disks marked in MBR, but this is not essential. If you install Windows 7 on a disk with a capacity of 3 TB or more, then you need it to have GPT partitioning, otherwise not all of its capacity (about 2.3 TB) will be used.

The problem is that the Windows 7 installer does not always partition large drives in GPT partitioning, even with support from the motherboard. In this case, check that in the BIOS settings of your motherboard or laptop, in the “Boot” section, UEFI boot devices are given priority.

In a modern motherboard Setup GUI, it might look like this.

Write this folder onto a USB flash drive and insert it before turning on the computer to install Windows. In this case, the Windows 7 distribution can be located either on the installation DVD or on this flash drive.

When you reach the window hard choice disk in which it is not displayed, click on the “Download” button and specify the location of the driver files (folder on the flash drive).

If the driver is suitable, the installer should detect your hard drive and it will appear in the window for selecting a disk for installation. After this, you can create partitions on the disk and install Windows on them.

9. Copying and unpacking files

Now select “Partition 2” of 100 GB in size, on which we install Windows 7 and click “Next”.

Copying and unpacking of files begins, which will take some time.

Sometimes this process may stop at 0% or any other place for a while, and then quickly end. Please be patient and do not touch your computer. You may need to wait 15-30 minutes. If after 30 minutes of waiting nothing happens, then most likely the computer has frozen or installation disk hard to read. You'll have to start all over again and if it freezes again, perhaps replace the installation disk. The problem may also be caused by a malfunction of the hard drive, RAM, or motherboard.

After copying and unpacking the files, the computer will restart several times and the installation process will continue, requiring user interaction.

Let me remind you that when the message “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...” appears, there is NO NEED to press anything.

10. Configuring Windows 7 settings

Setting up Windows 7 settings begins with entering your username.

10.1. Entering your username and computer

In the next window, you need to enter the name of the main user, who will be the computer administrator, and the name of the computer on the network.

I recommend entering a name in English letters without spaces, since the user profile folder will have the same name, into which program and game settings can be saved. And some, even modern, programs and games cannot save files to folders with Russian names.

Names can have capital letters and numbers, and the input language can be switched using the Alt-Shift key combination.

As for the computer name, my recommendations are the same, but you can use a hyphen (minus sign) in the name. For example, for the main home computer, you can name it PC-1, PK-1 or Home-1, for a second computer - PC-2, PK-2 or Home-2, for a laptop - HP, ACER, Samsung, etc. If you have several laptops at home, you can add a username to the computer name, for example, Notebook-Vera or Misha-PC. This will make it easier for you to navigate later, but in principle this does not matter of great importance and the computer name can always be changed. Please also note that the username and computer name must not be the same.

10.2. Entering your password

The next window prompts you to enter the password for the user whose name was entered in the previous window, as well as a hint for this password in case you forget it.

I recommend on this step do not enter a password, since during the process of setting up the computer it will reboot more than once and you will simply get tired of entering it. Make it better after full customization computer and create a system backup. In principle, if no one except you will use the computer, you have nothing to hide and you do not plan to exchange files via local network, then you don’t have to use a password at all. In other cases, using a password is highly desirable and we will talk about this in one of the articles about Windows setup. For now, just click Next.

10.3. Entering the key and activating Windows 7

The next window asks you to enter your Windows 7 license key.

If you have officially purchased the operating system and are sure that this key has not been used on another computer, then enter the 25-digit code indicated on the disk or certificate sticker. In this case, you can leave the “Automatically activate Windows when you connect to the Internet” checkbox and click “Next”. Activation will occur 3 days after the first login.

If you do not yet have a license key or are installing Windows 7 for evaluation purposes, then do not enter anything. In this case, you need to uncheck the automatic activation checkbox and click the “Next” button. After installation, you will have activated trial period for 30 days. In the future, you can extend it 3 times, thereby increasing the time of familiarization with the operating system to 120 days.

10.4. Setting up Windows 7 updates

In the next window you need to select one of three installation modes Windows updates.

“Use recommended settings” – all important and recommended updates will be installed automatically. Important ones include security updates and bug fixes. Recommended – updating drivers, software components and much more. Most experts advise using this mode.

"Install only the most important updates» – only security updates and bug fixes will be installed automatically.

“Delay decision” – do not include automatic update, and configure it later in the operating system.

On a personal note, I would like to say that if the protection of your data is important to you and you do not know how to protect yourself from security threats on the Internet, then important updates must be installed. On the other hand, multiple updates eventually lead to a slowdown of the computer, and along with the recommended updates, a large number of unnecessary components. If you use your computer primarily for gaming, you have good security, backup copy system and all personal files, then in principle you can do without updates and the computer will work as quickly as possible. But I still recommend installing at least the most important updates.

10.5. Setting the date and time

The next step asks you to select your time zone, date and time.

There is nothing complicated about this and although it can be configured after installing the system, it is better to do it right away. First you need to set the time zone, and only after that the time. If your settlement is not in the list of time zones, then choose any other one that is in the same time zone with you, for example, for Kyiv the time zone is UTC +02:00 as in Athens.

If you live in Russia, then uncheck " Automatic translation to summer time and back,” since time change has been canceled in Russia. In other cases, follow the accepted regulations in your country. For example, in Ukraine, the time change is still in effect and the checkbox must be left. The computer clock will be automatically adjusted to the correct time and day. Click "Next".

10.6. Computer location

If your computer is connected to a network and during Windows installation you were able to install required driver for a network card, the “Select the current location of the computer” window will appear.

“Home network” - select this item if your computer or laptop is currently at your home, connected to the Internet via a router, and you want to exchange files with other home computers.

“Work network” - select this item if your computer or laptop is currently at work, where there is a computer network for exchanging files with other work computers.

“Public network” – select this item if your computer or laptop is connected to the Internet directly by cable. In this case, it will be used additional protection from attacks from the Internet.

10.7. Home group

This functionality was introduced in Windows 7 to simplify file sharing between home computers, but in principle it is not necessary. You need to check the boxes for the folders with which types of data you want to provide access to. You can also enable general access to a printer connected to this computer. You can check all the boxes, it won't harm you.

If a computer with Windows 7 or higher was detected on the network, you will be prompted to enter the homegroup password, which can be viewed on that computer. After entering your password, click Next. If you don’t have a lot of time, you can skip entering the password and click the “Skip” button, and enter the password later.

If a homegroup was not detected, it will be created on this computer and you will be given random password. You can record it, and you can watch it later in Windows at any time. But it’s better to write it down or take a photo and click the “Next” button.

11. Login

After this it should happen automatic login user into the system and the main one will be displayed Windows screen, called "Desktop". This completes the installation of Windows 7.

12. Links

Hard drive A-Data Ultimate SU650 240GB
Hard drive Transcend StoreJet 25M3 1 TB
Sandisk Cruzer

For novice users, installing Windows and programs is a rather labor-intensive process, so we will consider installing an unlicensed assembly like ZVER, because The process of installing Windows and programs in this case will be automated to the limit and will require minimal action from the user. Windows-xp assembly ZVER is intended for installation on computers with a processor from 1100 MHz, from one to four cores, (32 bits), with RAM from 500 MB. up to 3.7 GB. , with DVD drive. (when installed on more modern computers, some of the power will not be used; when installed on weaker ones, the work will be noticeably slower). Initially, you need to set the boot priority from the drive in the computer BIOS; to do this, enter the BIOS settings, to do this, immediately after turning on the computer, press the DEL, or F2, or other key on the keyboard (the method of entering the BIOS is usually indicated on the initial screen immediately after turning on). Using the arrow keys and the ENTER button on the keyboard (on older computer models, other keys may also be used to set boot priorities - for example, plus and minus, or page up and page down - see the on-screen prompts), find the item BOOT menu, install first (FIRST) boot device drive unit, the second is a hard drive. For old computers, select ADVANCED, set priorities - FIRST-CD-ROM, SECOND-HARD DISK. If there is more than one hard drive in the computer, then before installation you should leave only one - the one on which Windows will be installed, to do this, disconnect the connectors from the remaining hard drives (all switches inside the computer should be performed with the power off), otherwise it will be necessary to additionally set the priority hard drives (hard drives can be connected again after Windows installations), it is also recommended to disconnect the card reader, if available (remove the card reader connector from the motherboard) and remove flash drives, if they were inserted. To exit the BIOS, press F10 (exit with saving changes) or ESC (exit without saving changes). In case of erroneous user actions - incorrect settings in the BIOS, the computer may not turn on or work incorrectly (even failure is possible, for example, if you try to overclock the processor). To cancel changes to BIOS settings, you should reset the BIOS - i.e. return to factory settings initial settings. To do this, go to the mat. On the board, find the BIOS reset jumper (usually located near the battery), with the computer disconnected from the network, set it to the CMOS CLEAR position for a few seconds, then return the jumper to its place, and turn on the computer. If the jumper cannot be found, then with the computer turned off, remove the CMOS battery for a while (from several minutes to a day, depending on the capacity of the capacitor installed in parallel with the battery), then insert the battery into place. After setting the priority, install in the drive DVD disc ZVER. Before installing Windows, it is recommended to check and, if necessary, restore the hard drive using the Victoria program. It is also recommended to check the RAM using the memtest program (check programs are located on the ZVER disk and are launched from the boot menu). To install Windows, you should choose a hard drive that has the least wear and tear highest speed work. To install Windows and programs in the boot menu (it appears for a few seconds), select the item - automatic installation Windows, press ENTER. Installing Windows and programs takes approximately 3-4 hours. During the installation process, you will need to set the volumes of the partitions (logical drives) of the hard drive - using the prompts on the screen, delete all partitions of the hard drive, then create - disk C - recommended volume, depending on the total capacity of the hard drive - from 12000 MB to 25000 MB, disk D - all remaining capacity. It is not recommended to create only one partition, because... in this case, working on a computer will not be very convenient. One partition is created only if you use a small hard drive - less than forty GB, or if a separate one is used for Windows physical hard disk. Then the installation program will ask you to choose to format drive C - select format to NTFS (FAT formatting is used for very small disks - no more than a few GB). Also, during the installation process, some more requests will appear; no action needs to be taken, the default settings will be selected. After the automatic reboot, the boot menu will appear again - you don’t need to select anything, by default it will boot from drive C, and the installation will continue. After installing Windows, after a while a menu will appear asking you to select programs; if you are not sure, then no action needs to be taken, the set of programs required by the user for the first time will be automatically installed - various office applications, codecs, plugins, browsers, players, etc. USB will be installed as antivirus GUARD program to prevent viruses from entering flash drives and disks. It is recommended to install an antivirus - for example Avast, NOD or another ( free antivirus Avast can be found on the Internet on the website of the Avast manufacturer; when registering at a random email address, a trial registration will be given for a month). After installing Windows and programs, remove the ZVER disk, restart the computer, go to the device manager, make sure that all drivers are installed and the computer devices are recognized correctly. If drivers are not installed on any devices (they will be marked with an exclamation or question mark), then install the driver assembly disk into the drive, following the instructions on the screen, install the drivers, then restart the computer. Then install drivers for the printer, MFP or other external devices connected to the computer. To do this, use disks with drivers from the device kit; if there are no drivers, find drivers on the Internet, on the websites of the manufacturers of these devices. After installing Windows, go to the BIOS, install the hard drive as the first boot device, save the changes and exit. If additional hard drives were disconnected, then connect them. Format drive D and other drives, if any. Create folders on drive D - for example, IMAGES, DOCUMENTS, MISCELLANEOUS, MUSIC, VIDEO, PHOTO or others. After installing all the necessary programs, games and drivers, defragment drive C. The defragmentation program should be run for each hard drive once every few months - this will reduce wear on the hard drives and increase operating speed. The disk error checking program can be run as needed, for example, after a sudden power outage. Go to the screen settings through the control panel, set the required resolution and frame rate. Set the desired desktop background, set the desired screen saver and the time the screen saver appears, as well as the time when the monitor turns off and the computer goes into sleep mode. Then, according to your provider's instructions, connect your computer to the Internet. Through the start menu - programs - install shortcuts on the desktop for the programs you most often use - for example - WORD, browser shortcut, NERO EXSPRESS and others. Games should be installed not on drive C, which will be offered by default, but on drive D (if available) or another, in a separate folder, for example, in the game folder. It is also recommended to enable the system recovery option (start menu - control panel - recovery) because If the system malfunctions, it will be possible to easily return the system to its previous state. To restore the previous state, use the menu start panel control - recovery run the recovery program. Or immediately after turning on the computer, press F8, in the menu that appears, select the item - safe mode (SAFE MODE), it will boot into safe mode and repair system damage. Reinstalling Windows should be done if the system disk is replaced, or if the system is significantly damaged, for example by a virus.

In today's article we will look at the issue of reinstalling the operating system (hereinafter referred to as OS) Windows 7.

Most users greatly exaggerate the complexity of reinstalling Windows 7; in reality, this process is quite simple, the main thing is not to rush and carefully follow the recommendations outlined in the article.

So let's get started.

Step 1: Back up your data

Before you reinstall Windows 7, you need to copy all important data from the system disk.

As a rule, this is the content of standard folders Videos, Documents, Downloads, Images, Music, Desktop, etc.

In the BIOS menu we need to select boot from DVD drive, save the changes, after which the computer will reboot.

After all the manipulations in the BIOS, it will boot not from the computer’s hard drive, but from the installation drive.

If everything is done correctly, then after the reboot you should see the following image on the monitor screen:

Step 3: Reinstall Windows 7

At this stage, the contents of the installation media are loaded into the computer's RAM.

The next 2 screenshots show the initialization Windows installer 7:

Starting from this window we have the opportunity to customize our OS.

At this stage, we can select the language (the “Installed language” field), the display of the time format (the “Time and currency format” field), the keyboard layout or the input method on the tab of the same name.

As a rule, there is no need to change anything here and you can safely click “Next”.

And if this step was not completed initially, you should restart the computer, go into the BIOS, select boot from the hard drive, perform a backup, and then do everything again previous steps.

If all data is saved, select system disk and click “Format”.

Important: Do not confuse the system drive on which the OS is installed and the logical drive(s) on which you store data. In our case, “Partition 2” is the system disk, “Partition 3” is the logical disk on which the data is stored.

The system once again warns that all data on the disk being formatted will be deleted. Click "OK".

After this, the direct installation of the OS on the hard drive begins, which is divided into several stages.

At all stages, installation occurs automatically, without user intervention.

Installation time, on average, takes 10-15 minutes and depends on the characteristics of your computer.

After rebooting, you need to go to the BIOS menu and select boot from the hard drive, saving the settings.

If you did not have time to complete the BIOS setup procedure at this stage, you can do it later.

The installation media can be removed and the operating system is installed on the hard drive, but not configured.

Next step, the username and PC name will be entered. Usernames and PC names can be absolutely anything, can contain capital or lowercase Latin and cyrillic letters, numbers.

To switch the language, use the layout switching panel (located at the top). Click “Next”.

It is no secret that one of the main sources of income for computer services and “geeks” is the notorious reinstallation of Windows. Now you can save a lot on this by simply doing everything the same way as in this article. You can install Windows 7-10 on your computer, laptop or netbook yourself. I tried to explain each step as clearly as possible and provide several options for the development of events.

A few words about reinstalling Windows

In fact, everything is quite simple, but for clarity, I divided the process into several steps, and not all steps are required for everyone. At the same time, the points can be completed in several ways, depending on what suits you best. The methods are in order of preference, from my point of view. That is, if the first method worked, then we don’t waste our time on the others.

In short, the whole process looks like this: first, a Windows image is downloaded from the Internet (the image is a copy of the real disk) and written to your DVD or flash drive. You can take a ready-made disc, for example from a friend. Hereinafter in the text, a flash drive also means a memory card or external HDD.

Then the computer is set to boot from a DVD or from a flash drive and the installation process begins, which is similar to installing one large program. Finally, you will need to install device drivers, if required. The installation process for Windows 7 or 10 is almost the same, and everything described is suitable for any version of Windows.

If you already have an installation disk with Windows 7/10, then go straight to.

If you bought new HDD or SSD disk, then you can simply .

Search for Windows on the Internet and download

I must immediately warn you that using unlicensed Windows is not legal, but, nevertheless, few people use the licensed version at home. Watch the video on how to find it suitable image with Windows 7 on the Internet for free:

If you have 4GB of RAM or more, then, otherwise, take the x86 version. From the editions I advise you to choose “Ultimate” or “Professional”, but not lower than “Home”. I also advise you to download images with a minimum of changes from the original, and not various assemblies, although there are normal options among them.
Here are a couple of sites where you can find something good:

Burning an image to a DVD (if installing from a disk)

You cannot simply copy the downloaded file with the “.iso” extension onto a disk or flash drive; for this we will need a special program. To burn the image to disc, you will need a blank DVD-R or a rewritable DVD-RW disc. CD-R/RW discs will not work because... there is not enough space for them. Look video tutorial on how to burn an image to disk by using free program Ashampoo Burning Studio Free.

When using an external hard drive instead of a flash drive, no special formatting is required!

The second way to prepare a flash drive using RMPrepUSB program

Booting your computer from bootable media

To boot from the newly made bootable DVD or flash drives need to be “explained” to the computer that it needs to boot from it, and not from the hard drive. Your computer may already boot from the recorded device, check this. Those. insert the disk or flash drive and restart the computer. If it starts loading from there, then go to .

For a better understanding, let me explain how a computer or laptop boots. In general, when the computer turns on, it looks at its settings in the so-called BIOS - a program that controls the inclusion and initial setup. The BIOS records which device it should boot from: hard drive, CD/DVD-ROM, flash drive, etc. So we need to set it so that the computer boots from installation DVD or from a flash drive.

There are many types of computers, but they all set it approximately the same. I made several videos for you with different computers. If you have watched the entire video, but your experience is a little different, then still, using the information received, you can easily set the desired boot device in your case.

There are three main types of BIOS interfaces: Award BIOS (Award-Phoenix BIOS), AMI BIOS and UEFI. Award BIOSes mainly come with blue windows, AMIs with gray-blue ones, and UEFI with a beautiful graphical interface (and it’s not a BIOS at all, but out of inertia they call it that, but that’s not the point). In order to enter the BIOS, you need to press one button when the computer starts. BUT WHAT BUTTON?

Please note that as soon as the computer turns on, some information is displayed on a black background and at the bottom you are prompted to press one or more keys. One of them is entering the BIOS. For Award BIOSes this is usually Delete key

(Del), and for AMI - the F2 or F10 key. At the bottom of the screen it will say something like this “Press Del to enter Setup”. Setup is the same as BIOS. You must press quickly and several times (just in case), otherwise the computer will continue to boot. If you didn’t have time, then simply reboot it again using the “Reset” button on the system unit or using the “Ctrl+Alt+Del” key combination. If when you turn on the computer the full screen is screen saver , and nothing is visible behind it, then try pressing the “ESC” key to hide the splash screen and read the information from the screen on how to enter the BIOS. Also, which button to press can be found in the manual for motherboard

computer. In all modern computers You can boot from the desired boot device without changing BIOS settings. To do this, you need to carefully look at which buttons are asked to press when the system starts. There you may be prompted to call up the boot menu. Then it will say “Press F9 for Boot Menu ", For example. The boot menu button may vary. For Award BIOSes it is usually “F9”, and for AMIs it can be “F12”. Example for Bios Award

I showed above in the corresponding videos. See how to select a boot device on Lenovo laptop and others

If you have a computer with UEFI, then when you get into the BIOS you will see the following picture: At the bottom of the screen there is a “Boot Priority” section, where you can use the mouse to set desired order downloads. You can also click on the right top corner

If your computer or laptop does not want to boot from your image, then on the “Startup” tab, set the “UEFI/Legacy Boot” value to the “Legacy Only” position

Owners of Hewlett-Packard computers will probably find the following picture in the BIOS:

Select required device, press "Enter", then move it to the very top and press "Enter" again. Save the settings in the “File -> Save and Exit” menu.

Installing Windows on a computer

After booting from the installation disk, the installation itself begins. Watch the video tutorial on how to install Windows 7 on your computer:

Installation is almost no different from reinstallation. Only if Windows is installed on a new computer, then during the process you need to create partitions on the hard drive in the “unallocated area”, and when reinstalling, simply format the existing system partition, having first copied important data from it to another location (if any).

After installation, Windows must be activated, otherwise the system will only work for 30 days. Owners of the licensed version perform activation using the built-in wizard (via the Internet or by phone). Unlicensed versions of Windows 7-10 are activated using special programs. I warn you that this is not legal, so for informational purposes only. I recommend purchasing it and not having problems with activation.

I show the most universal activation method using the RemoveWAT program. If possible, activate by following the instructions included on the torrent download page. Also keep in mind that illegal activation does not guarantee stable operation of the system.

Watch the video on how to activate using the RemoveWAT program

The RemoveWAT program is searched for and downloaded from the Internet on its own, but usually you will already have all the instructions.

Installing drivers

After Windows installation is complete, you need to install drivers. Without them, the computer will not work full force. To check if you need drivers, open Device Manager. To do this, press the “Win ​​+ Pause” buttons and select “Device Manager” in the window that opens on the left.

There should be no exclamation marks in the device manager, i.e. there should be a picture like this

If there are exclamation marks or question marks, then you will have to install the missing drivers

It's good if you have the driver disks that came with your computer. Then insert them one by one and install the drivers from the autorun menu of each disk. If there are no disks, then simply use one of the special programs.

Watch the video tutorial on how to automatically install drivers using the Drivers Installer Assistant program from the SamDrivers package

This method does not require an Internet connection, but the downloaded file is an image. Therefore, in order to use it, you need to write it to a flash drive using any of the methods described above. Or just extract the files from ISO image as from regular archive and run the program.

This is the full version of the program, which includes a database of all current drivers, so it takes up several gigabytes. It can be downloaded via torrent from the official website of the program. Installing drivers using DriverPack Solution Full does not require an Internet connection.

There is a lightweight version of DriverPack Solution Lite, video

This method requires an Internet connection, so to use it you must already have the Internet configured.


After reinstalling Windows, you can begin. If something is not clear, then ask in the comments - I will answer. Also write in the comments feedback, your opinion is very important to me!