How to take a screenshot on a computer - step-by-step instructions using different methods. Which key to take a screenshot

  1. How to take a screenshot on a computer without using any third-party software, that is, using the operating system itself? There are always a lot of screenshots on your website (snapshots of what is happening on the computer screen) and they are made, one might say, masterfully. You yourself sometimes ask users to send you screenshots in order to better understand the situation and give comprehensive advice. For example, today you asked me to send you a screenshot of the Disk Management screen. What program is best to do this?
  2. Letter No. 2 Hello admin, I ask for your advice, I recently created a website for working with Audio/Video editors and a simple question immediately arose - how to take a screenshot on your computer. I tried the Clip2net program, but could not figure it out. I saw the FastStone Capture program in your screenshots, what good or bad can you say about it?

How to take a screenshot on a computer

Friends, one of the simplest actions that can be done on a computer is to take a screenshot of the screen and there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. Let's look at several programs created for these purposes.
The first case is the simplest. Let's say you have a question that you asked on some forum on the Internet, and in response you were asked to send a screenshot of your screen, or rather the Disk Management window, in order to better understand your situation. The first thing that comes to the mind of a person inexperienced in computer matters is to take a digital camera and click a photo of this ill-fated Disk Management, only the photos are not as high-quality as those of others, which means these same others know some secret and do not want to tell it. There is no secret, friends, and for these purposes, the built-in Windows Paint program is quite suitable for you.

Now a more serious question - you have created your website on the Internet and you need to make a great variety of screenshots, you want to take over the Internet, then you need a more professional tool. So, first things first.

How to take a screenshot on a computer using the built-in Windows Paint program.
It would not be out of place to say that Windows 7 has improved Paint compared to previous versions. It has become more convenient, the interface has expanded, and many tools have been added.
First of all, open our program Start - All Programs - Accessories - Paint,

This nice little program opened.

So the task is how to make a screenshot of the Disk Management window with this program?
Well, let's go to this very Disk Management: Computer->Management->Disk Management.

Now, press the Print Screen (PrtScn) key on the keyboard once, it can be found in the upper right corner of the keyboard.

After you click Print Screen, a screenshot of your desktop is placed on the clipboard. And now it’s the turn of our built-in Windows Paint program. We return to our program and click the Insert button.

As you can see, we have a screenshot of the entire desktop, from which we can cut out what we need, for example the Disk Management window.

Click the Crop button

That's all,

By the way, if you press the Alt + Print Screen combination on your keyboard, the computer will take a screenshot of the current or currently active window. Press Alt + Print Screen, then click the Insert button in our program and, as we see, you don’t even need to crop anything. The screenshot of the Disk Management window is ready. In our program we can also change the size of the screennote, rotate it, write on it, draw, erase, and so on. How to take a screenshot on a computer using FastStone Capture

Well, comrades, I chose the legendary FastStone Capture tool to take screenshots, although it’s paid, but if you install it, you can try all its features for free for 30 days, and then you’ll ask for a little money.

Developer's website

I will say on my own behalf that this tool is very good and simple, if you really work with it for some time, you simply won’t be able to do without it. Telling everything he can is a very long task; it seems to me that it will be much more interesting for you to learn this instrument on your own.

FastStone Capture is a multifunctional program, the main purpose of which is to take screenshots and edit any part of the screen, it works with all known graphic formats. With FastStone Capture, you can do almost anything with an image: cut, reduce, rotate, shade, saturate, blur, caption, point with arrows, put watermarks and even make a movie, whatever you've been doing.

One way or another, every person who uses a computer or any other modern gadget, be it a mobile phone, tablet or laptop, eventually faces certain problems: the inability to configure the necessary program; the desire to put an end to the annoying error message that pops up on the screen every now and then; incorrect display of your favorite site, and so on. The list of “computer” troubles that cause difficulties for inexperienced users can be continued indefinitely.

In solving the difficulties that arise, people are forced to resort to the help of friends, specialists or regulars of thematic forums, for whom just talking about the problem is sometimes not enough.

Just for a more effective and efficient solution to the problem, its description, sent to a familiar computer scientist or IT specialists on the forum, should be supported by a screenshot.

What is a screenshot?

In fact, the meaning of the word screenshot is hidden in its constituent parts: screen (from the English screen - screen) and shot (shot - snapshot). That is, a screenshot is nothing more than a screenshot of the user’s device. This means that the image obtained using a screenshot will contain everything that the author of the screenshot saw at the time of its creation.

Put down your camera

In most cases, a screenshot is a digital image obtained using the built-in capabilities of the operating system or additional software products. In this case, the screenshot is saved to a specified location on a computer or other device, or simply copied to the clipboard for further use.

It is worth noting that quite often people resort to an “alternative” method of taking a screenshot using external recording devices - for example, a camera or video camera. Screenshots obtained using this method are of relatively low quality. Agree, it’s stupid to take a screenshot of one phone with another?

It is worth noting that, despite the development of computer technology and general technical progress, many people, due to their ignorance and inexperience, continue to take screenshots of their devices in this way.

How to take a screenshot

The number of ways to create screenshots is comparable to the number of operating systems and software platforms that enable one or another user digital device (computer, laptop, netbook, tablet or mobile phone).

All existing operating systems have similar, but with a number of minor differences, mechanisms for creating screenshots. Next we will look at this issue in more detail.

How to take a screenshot in Windows

For the most popular operating system among users - Windows, a huge number of options for creating screenshots are available. Each of them is good in its own way, and the decision which one to give preference falls entirely on the shoulders of the user.

Screenshot in Windows using standard tools

The easiest and perhaps most famous way to take screenshots in the Windows operating system is to press the Print Screen key (sometimes Prt Scr, PrtSc, etc.) on the keyboard. This key is located on the right side of the keyboard, directly above the so-called “arrows”.

After pressing this key, the system will copy a full-screen image of the computer screen state to the clipboard.

Important! Owners of laptops and netbooks in most cases should press the Print Screen key together with the Fn key, which is due to the fewer number of buttons on the keyboard of laptop computers.

The resulting image can be saved using the popular Paint editor. To do this, after pressing the Print Screen key, you must open the Paint program (Start - All Programs - Accessories - Paint) and click the Paste button at the top of the screen.

A screenshot obtained in this way can also be used without using the Paint program. For example, you can paste the resulting image into Microsoft Office Word or into a VKontakte message.

When you press the Print Screen key in combination with the Alt key, the system will take a screenshot of only the active window. This is convenient when there is no need to take a huge and cumbersome screenshot of the entire screen.

Snipping Tool

Snipping Tool is a tool included in the standard Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 apps that allows you to take and save a screenshot of a specific area or the entire screen.

The screenshot obtained using Scissors can be saved in PNG, JPEG, GIF, HTML formats, or simply sent by mail. It is also convenient to create notes on the resulting screenshot using the built-in Pen and Marker tools.

To start the program, go to the address (Start - All applications - Accessories - Scissors). For ease of further use, you can pin the running program to the taskbar or place its shortcut on the Desktop.

Screenshot in Windows using third-party programs

There are a large variety of programs for taking and saving screenshots in the Windows operating system. Let's look at the most popular of them.

The program for accessing cloud file storage services from the giant of the domestic IT industry, in addition to its main functionality, allows you to create screenshots of part or the entire screen.

Using built-in functions, the program allows you to add a note immediately after taking a photo.

A distinctive feature of Yandex.Disk from similar programs is the ability to instantly add a file to the cloud and provide other people with access to it via a link.

LightShot is a free and intuitive program for taking screenshots of your computer or laptop screen. The program allows the user to select an area of ​​the screen to take a screenshot of.

The resulting screenshot can be edited and captions and marks can be added to it. It is also possible to upload a screenshot to the cloud to provide access to other people.


Joxi is another free screenshotter with the ability to edit and save the resulting screenshots to the cloud. In terms of functionality, this application is very similar to LightShot, however, Joxi has one important function - the ability to share received screenshots on social networks.

How to Take a Screenshot on Mac OS X

A Mac OS X user can create several types of screenshots using the capabilities of the operating system alone:

    Full screen screenshot on your desktop.

    The key combination for creating such a screenshot is as follows: Cmd+Shift+3. The screenshot will be saved on the computer desktop with a name like “Screenshot 2016-04-06 at 17.23.04.png”.

    Full screen screenshot to clipboard.

    To create this kind of screenshot, you need to press the key combination Cmd+Ctrl+Shift+3. The resulting screenshot will be saved to the clipboard, after which it can be pasted, for example, in any graphic editor.

    Screenshot of part of the screen.

    A screenshot of a separate part of the screen is perhaps the most popular type of screenshot. After pressing the key combination Cmd+Shift+4, the user should select the desired area of ​​the screen. The finished screenshot will be available on your desktop.

    Screenshot of the active program window.

    In this case, the finished screenshot will also be saved to your desktop. To create such a screenshot, press the key combination Cmd+Shift+4+Space. Not very convenient, don't you agree?

    It is for this reason that in the Mac OS X operating system, as in Windows, the use of third-party programs is recommended.

Important! The already familiar Yandex.Disk, LightShot and Joxi programs are cross-platform, which means they are available on the Mac OS X operating system.

How to take a screenshot in Linux

In fact, Linux is not an independent operating system. This is a kind of foundation on which dozens of other similar and completely different operating systems and Linux distributions are built. However, very often all distributions use the same shells.

There are no standard tools for creating screenshots in operating systems of the Linux family, but work environments provide their own utilities for these purposes. Let's look at the most common Linux working environments:

    When you press the Print Screen key in the KDE desktop environment, the KSnapshot program will open, which will allow you to take and save a screenshot to disk or the clipboard, and also transfer it to a graphics editor for further processing.

    GNOME Shell allows you to take a screenshot of the entire screen (by pressing the Print Screen key) or part of it (by pressing the Alt + Print Screen combination) using the gnome-screenshot utility. The resulting image can be saved or “dragged” onto the desktop or into a graphics editor.

    In Xfce, screenshots are created in a similar way to GNOME and KDE, but with one difference - the xfce4-screenshooter utility is used for these purposes.

    X Window System.

    Important! The user does not necessarily have to depend on a utility specific to a particular Linux desktop environment. You can always take a screenshot using third-party programs - LightShot or Joxi, for example.

How to take a screenshot on a mobile device

Among the most common mobile platforms are:

    Happy owners of iPhone and iPad have the ability to take screenshots of their device screens by simultaneously pressing the Home button (center key) and the screen lock button. The screen will blink, a characteristic sound will be made, and the screenshot on iOS is ready.

    On all modern smartphones and tablets running Android version 4 and higher, a screenshot of the screen is created by simultaneously pressing the power and volume down keys.

    However, there are exceptions. For example, on some HTC and Samsung models you need to hold down the power key and press the Home button.

    On Windows Phone 8, you can take a screenshot by pressing the Power key and the Windows key at the same time. Starting with Windows Phone 8.1, the keyboard shortcut changed to pressing the power button and volume up button simultaneously.

    In both cases, the resulting image will be saved in the Photo Gallery.

You can also use one of the many applications available in the Play Market, App Store and Windows Store to take screenshots on mobile devices.

Other types of screenshots

How to take a screenshot in the game

Usually, to create this kind of screenshots, you can use the built-in tools of a computer game or third-party software.

You can find out which key is used to take a screenshot in the game control settings. Usually this is the F12 key or the same Print Screen.

Fraps is the most famous program for taking screenshots and recording videos from games. The program is distinguished by the possibility of fairly fine-tuning, which makes using this utility very simple and convenient.

Fraps' work space is not limited to just games. Using this program you can also take a regular full-screen screenshot of your desktop.

How to take a screenshot in a browser

In order to take a screenshot of a page opened in Chrome, Opera, Firefox or Yandex Browser, it is best to use the special LightShot extension for browsers. This extension is free and available for installation on the browser add-ons page.

How to take a screenshot in video player

Want to take a still photo of your favorite movie, but don't know how? Very simple. All you need to do is use one of the many video players.

So, for example, to get a freeze frame in Windows Media Player Classic, you need to pause the video at the right moment and click “File - Save Image” or use the Alt + I key combination.

Creating a screenshot in VLC Player is achieved by clicking “Video – Take Picture” or by pressing Shift+S.

In KMPlayer, right-click on the video and select the “Capture” menu item. You can also use the key combination Ctrl+E (screenshot with the ability to select a name and save location), Ctrl+A (screenshot will be saved in the default folder) or Ctrl+C (screenshot will be saved to the clipboard).

How to take a screenshot from a YouTube video

For these purposes, it is most convenient to use the AnyFrame service. To receive frames, you must specify the address of the source video on YouTube, after which the service will download it and split it into frames with the possibility of their subsequent saving.

How to take a long screenshot

Sometimes people have the opportunity to take a screenshot of an entire page of a particular website. There could be many reasons for this: analysis of a competitor’s website, drawing up technical specifications for a programmer, reviewing the design of your own website, and so on. It is recommended to use one of the online services for creating long screenshots:


It is worth noting that in addition to online versions, the above-mentioned services exist as extensions for Chrome, Opera and Firefox browsers.

From time to time, a computer user needs to save the screen image that he sees on the monitor. An interesting moment may arise while running a program, browsing a website, or other actions. To denote the result of the photographing process, there is a special term - screenshot (derived from the English word screenshot).

Thus, Screenshot of the screen on a Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10 computer is an image saved as a file that the user sees on his monitor. It can be used as an independent image, inserted as an illustration into a document of one format or another, or published on the Internet.

Here are some examples where taking a screenshot of your screen can be useful.

During your work, you encounter a problem that your knowledge is not enough to solve. You can involve a familiar specialist in solving it, but you can only contact him by email. You can describe the problem, but it will take a lot of time. And if you send a “photographed” problem, it will be presented as accurately as possible.

Another case. Let's say you are describing to a friend how to use a new computer product. If each action is illustrated with an image from the computer screen, the instructions will turn out simply wonderful.

If you are a student or a student, then your completed essays (coursework, diploma) should be well illustrated. This will help you get a good grade and a high score.

If you are fond of computer games, then you can confirm the achievement of unattainable levels by photographing the climax moment from the screen.

How to quickly take a screenshot on Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10? Print Screen button on the keyboard

The easiest way to take screenshots is to use the “Print Screen” button on your computer. On some keyboards it may be labeled "Prt Scr". When you click on “Print Screen” there are no external effects. There are no clicks or flashes. But after pressing, unbeknownst to us, the screen image will be recorded in the computer’s memory.

It is important to remember that this is still a “raw” image. It is not yet recorded as a file and may be lost because it is only stored on the clipboard. In order to write an image to disk as a graphic file or insert it into a document as an illustration, additional steps are required.

You can open one of the graphic editors (MS Paint, Photoshop or similar) and press Ctrl+V or Shift+Ins to paste into the work area.

You can insert an image by selecting the “Insert” command after clicking the right mouse button. Another way: select “Edit” – “Paste” from the command menu. The listed commands almost always work, so in the future we will not repeat the instructions for the “Insert” operation. Similarly, you can insert a screen image into an open MS Word document.

To reinforce the skill, let’s perform a step-by-step practical example in MS Paint (installed on almost every computer):
– click on the Start button in the lower left corner of the screen

– in the list that opens, select “All programs”
– in the list of installed programs, select “Standard”
– open MS Paint ( can be installed instead of MS Paint)
– insert a photo using one of the methods described above.

After all the steps in the program's work area, you should see what was on the screen at the moment you pressed the Print Screen button on the keyboard. To save the image on your computer, follow the commands File – Save As. In the dialog box that opens, select the folder to save, specify the file name and its format.

When inserting a photo into a Word document, you need to indicate the insertion location. To do this, click the mouse in the desired place or move the text blinking cursor using the cursor keys. Check whether the blinking cursor is in the place where you want to insert the photo. Perform the insert.

As a result, the scheme for obtaining a screenshot is as follows:
– press the Print Screen button on the computer
– open the desired program
– insert a screenshot
– save the photo or document.

If you need to take a snapshot of not the entire screen, but only the active window, then instead of the Print Screen key on your laptop or computer keyboard, use the Alt+Print Screen key combination. Otherwise, operations are performed in the same way as with the whole screen.

The described methods for taking pictures are universal and work in all versions of Windows.

Working with Scissors

Relatively new versions of Windows (Vista, Windows 7 and higher) have a more convenient “photo” tool. This is the program “Scissors” or “Snipping Tool”. If you have one of the listed versions installed, follow these steps:
– click on the “Start” button on the taskbar
– select “All programs”
– in the list that opens, select “Standard”
– inside the standard ones, open the “Scissors” program.

If you don’t find such a program in the list of standard ones, it means it is not included in your operating system. Then use the method described above. Getting started with Scissors: a small window appears, outside of which the image on the screen is slightly blurry. The mouse cursor will change from an arrow to a plus sign. With this cursor you can select any part of the screen (even the whole one).
– to select, press the left mouse button in one of the corners of the intended rectangular area and, without releasing the button, move the cursor to the opposite corner. As soon as you release the mouse button, the image you selected will be transferred to the disposal of a small program. With its help, you can perform simple editing and save a screenshot.

Review of programs for creating screenshots

If you often have to take screenshots, then to facilitate the work of “photographing” and editing, you can use one of the specially created programs. Their list is quite impressive and includes both paid and free versions. Among the free programs you can find some very worthy ones.

Some free “photographers” will be discussed further.

– convenient, fast, multifunctional tool. Allows you to “photograph” both the entire screen and part of it, edit the image, and save it in many popular formats and with different levels of quality.

For those who often publish screenshots on the Internet, . If, after clicking on the “Send” button, you select “on”, the photo will be automatically published online. You receive a link that you can use to post it on a social network, on a forum, etc.

For fans of computer games Hot Key Screenshot will do. It instantly creates a screenshot of a page or website and, after pressing a certain key, saves it in a special folder called pic (in the same place where the program is located). No installation required.

Learn how to take screenshots for free. You will be able to capture wonderful moments.

Hi all! Marat Nauruzbaev is with you. In this article, I will tell you and show you in a video how to take a screenshot on a computer using standard Windows tools, and also consider seven popular programs for taking screenshots.

Many people ask me how to take a screenshot on a computer, what programs are best to use for this, and how to make a screenshot without using third-party programs?

Screenshot(from English screenshot) or simply " screen” is a screenshot of your computer, simply put, a photograph of what is displayed on the monitor screen or a certain area on the screen.

A screenshot is taken for various purposes, mainly to communicate with support, send a screenshot to social networks, publish on a forum, capture a still frame in a game, in a movie, etc.

Guys, I looked at the main features of the seven most popular free programs for taking screenshots, and in this article I will show their main features and describe the pros and cons of using them.

Taking a screenshot using standard toolsWindows

First, let's look at the option of how to take a screenshot using standard Windows tools.

To do this, press the key “ PrtScr» on the keyboard (may appear as PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc)

If on a laptop, then press two keys “ Fn» + « PrtScr»

To take a snapshot of only the active window, click " Alt» + « PrtScr", on the laptop press " Fn» + « Alt» + « PrtScr»

After pressing the " PrtScr" or " Alt» + « PrtScr"A snapshot of the monitor screen is saved to the clipboard, this is the so-called temporary memory of the computer. Now we need to save this image to a file on the computer for future use.

To do this, you can use any graphic editor. Windows 7, 8, 10 already have a built-in simple graphic editor “ Paint" To launch it, click menu " Start" and in the search bar " Find» enter: paint and click on “ Paint»

The graphic editor will launch. Paint»

Paste a screenshot from the clipboard. To do this, press the button “ Insert»

Note: To paste from a buffer, you can use cl. "Ctrl » + « V »

We see how our desktop snapshot was inserted in the editor “ Paint»

IN " Paint» you can apply simple operations on a screenshot: draw with a pencil or brush, fill with color, enter text, apply various shapes

Next, save this screenshot file on your computer. To do this, in the menu “ File» select « Save as" and indicate in what format we want to save the file. In this case, I chose the JPEG format

As a result, our screenshot will be saved to a file on your computer. Now you can send it by mail, post it on social media. networks, forums, etc.

Scissors program

A more convenient way to take screenshots in Windows is to use the standard program " Scissors" It is more convenient because it allows you to photograph an arbitrary shape on a computer screen, but there are practically no image editing tools in it :)

To start the program, in the menu " Start", in the search bar enter: Scissors and click on “ Scissors»

The program will start " Scissors»

When you click the down arrow button " Create", you can select the area for creating the screen: rectangular shape, rectangle, window or the entire screen

Let’s say you have selected “ Rectangle", now when you press the button " Create", press the left mouse button and without releasing it, move the mouse around the area on the screen that you want to record, then release the mouse button

The selected area will be automatically photographed and appear in the program

Now we can do simple operations on the screen. I will only say that the capabilities in this program are quite simple, including “ Paint» more opportunities...

Next, click on the button with a floppy disk to save this screenshot to a file

Give the file a name and click " Save»

The screenshot file will be saved in the location you specify on your computer or laptop.

Programs for taking screenshots

For those who often take screenshots, it will be much more convenient to use special programs for creating and editing screenshots.

I took away 7 free programs, which in my opinion are most intended for creating screenshots and their subsequent editing.

I will not describe how to install them and how to use them, I will describe only one program that I use myself, and for the remaining programs I will describe the main functions, pros and cons of each program.


Tool " all in one" for each. Full featured screen capture, intuitive image editor, pixel ruler, protractor, crosshair, slate and more.

A powerful program for creating and editing screenshots. There is a Portable version (portable version that works without installation). Free for home use.

I use it myself, since I have not yet found any free analogues in terms of capabilities. If you find it, write it in the comments.

I’ll briefly describe the process of creating and editing in the program “ PicPick"That's exactly how I do it.

IN " PicPick"You can take a snapshot of different areas of the screen: the entire screen, the active window, a window element, a scrolling window (a very necessary function, not all programs have it), a selected area, a fixed area and a custom area. Each of these functions has assigned hotkeys that can be changed at your discretion.

Using this program I take screenshots for...

Try to guess why?

To create screenshots for these articles that you are currently reading at the moment :)

So, when I take a screenshot (picture) of a window or a certain page on the Internet, I immediately put all sorts of explanatory frames, lines, arrows and text on the picture.

Now I’ll show you how I do this in this program.

First, I take a screenshot of the window or area I need in the browser. In this case, I took a screenshot of one of my blog articles in a browser. To do this, I pressed the key combination " Shift» + « PrtScr” and pointed the mouse at a specific area on the screen. The screenshot of the area I selected was automatically inserted into the program PicPick.

Then I selected under the button “ Figures", a certain shape, in this case a rectangle

And I move the mouse with the left button pressed over the area of ​​the screen that needs to be highlighted with a rectangle, and at the end I release the button. In this case, I highlighted the logo of my site

In this case, you can change the style, color and thickness of the frame, apply a shadow to it, etc.

I draw arrows in the same way

The arrow format can also be customized: change the style, outline, thickness, transparency and color. Look at the picture below, arrow 1 is made in the form of dots, arrow 2 is thicker and more transparent

You can also add text, a watermark, blur, rotate, change brightness, contrast, tone, resize, and much more on a screenshot.

Or upload directly to a web page, to the cloud, send to Facebook, Twitter, by mail or upload to an FTP server

You can also upload a screenshot to the cloud on Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, etc.

Besides, PicPick has a number of additional tools, such as " color selection" (will help you find the exact color code of a pixel on the screen with a built-in magnifier), " ruler" (to measure the size of objects and place them in an exact location on the screen), " color palette», « magnifying glass», « crosshair», « protractor" And " slate».

Let's look at how these tools work using the example " Color under cursor" And " Ruler».

Sometimes you need to know the exact color of a certain object on the screen. To do this, right-click on the icon PicPick in the tray and select " Color under cursor»

Then we move the mouse pointer over the object on the screen whose color value you want to remove. In this case, I hovered the mouse over the program shortcut " PicPick" We see the color values ​​for a given pixel under a magnifying glass.

When you click the left mouse button, a window appears with the value of this color. We can select the value in HTML, RGB(), C++, Delphi format and click " Copy" to copy this value to the clipboard for later use

Tool " Ruler» You can measure the size of objects on the screen and the distance between them. To do this, right-click on the icon PicPick in the tray and select " Ruler»

A ruler will appear on the screen that you can use your mouse to move across the screen. Having placed the ruler where you need it, measure the distance in pixels

You can also rotate the ruler 90 degrees and change its length.

Program PicPick I liked it because of its capabilities. Of course, it has two minor drawbacks (where would we be without them 🙂), which I personally miss.

This is a normal straight line for arrows, I would like to be able to change the straight arrow style to cone-shaped And also, if you need to put a shadow on an object (for example, on an arrow), you have to point it all the time, that is, I would like to PicPick I remembered that the superimposed object should have a shadow, IMHO.

But these are all minor things compared to its advantages.

Pros and cons of the programPicPick:

+ capture scrolling window

+ multi-window interface

+ a lot of extras functions like ruler, color under cursor, etc.

- regular arrows

- the shadow on the arrow must be pointed at all times


Greenshot is a program for creating screenshots with rich functionality for overlaying various objects and effects on the taken screenshot.

The program has good capabilities for editing screenshots, sending the screenshot to “ cloud” (Imgur (direct links), Dropbox) or into one of the Microsoft Office applications, the ability to print directly from the program, it is possible to apply effects, in addition to the effect of overlaying a frame and shadow, I especially liked the effect “ Torn edges»

The result of the effect " Torn edges»

Greenshot also knows how to capture a scrolling window (Internet Explorer only)

Pros and cons of the Greenshot program:

+ capture scrolling window (Internet Explorer only)

+ effect “Ragged edges”

- regular arrows


Monosnap- free program for Windows and Mac OS X. Monosnap allows you to take screenshots, add notes and send screenshots to “ cloud”.

The program has fewer features than PicPick, but some may find it more convenient due to the ease of creating screenshots. The program has a function to record your desktop in video format. It is possible to send a screenshot to your own cloud Monosnap(registration required), as well as on SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3.

Among the shortcomings of the program that I discovered when creating a picture screen area, where the context menu given by the menu is not included in the screenshot.

Example of a context menu...

Also, I did not find the possibility of creating a screenshot of a scrolling window, for example, of sites in the browser that need to be scrolled.

Pros and cons of the programMonoshap:

+ it is possible to record desktop video

+ cone-shaped arrows

+ there is a small shadow near the arrows

- there is no capture of the object’s context menu when capturing a screen area


Joxi– a cross-platform program for creating screenshots. Knows how to post screenshots on social networks (facebook, twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki). There are also plugins for browsers (Chrome, Yandex, Opera).

In the free version, you can only upload to your own “ cloud” (not direct links, disk space: 1024 MB, storage period: 90 days). In the paid version, restrictions are removed and it is possible to upload screenshots to FTP/SFTP and Dropbox.

Pros and cons of the programJoxi:

+ capture and edit on the fly (in the same window)

+ cone-shaped arrows + contour thickness adjustment

- there is no way to open a separate file

- no scrolling window capture

- no arrow shadow


Clip2net– a standard program for creating screenshots. Knows how to post screenshots on social networks (facebook, twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, google+). There is a version for iPad and Android.

For additional features of the program (direct links ( and no advertising, recording videos and uploading files to your servers) you will have to pay an annual fee (information about tariffs on the website).

Pros and cons of the programClip2net:

- no scrolling window capture

— arrows are normal, without shadows


Lightshot– a simple program for creating screenshots. Knows how to post screenshots on social networks (facebook, twitter, VKontakte, pinterest).

There are plugins for browsers Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera. There is a function to search for similar images on Google.

Pros and cons of the programLightshot:

- no scrolling window capture

— arrows are normal, without shadows


Shotnes is a cross-platform free program for creating screenshots. Able to send screenshots to your own “ cloud” (direct links).

Shotnes can record video from your desktop in format. mp4 And. gif(you need to register on their website). Among the disadvantages of the program, it is worth noting that at the time of writing, it could only save screenshots in the . png.

Pros and cons of the Shotnes program:

+ record video from desktop

- no scrolling window capture

— saving the file only in .png format

— arrows are normal, without shadows


Well, I told you how to take a screenshot on a computer, we looked at all the ways to create screenshots on your computer or laptop. Standard methods for creating screenshots were described, as well as the main features of free programs for capturing and editing screenshots.

Personally, I liked the multifunctional program PicPick, which I use for these purposes. This program has many features for the free version. The program is also quite good in its capabilities. Greenshot

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  • If you are looking for how to take a screenshot on your computer, then you have come to the right place.

    A screenshot is an image that captures exactly what the monitor is displaying at a specific moment in time.

    Such snapshots are often used to create instructions for using various programs or to remotely evaluate problems.

    Taking a screenshot using OS tools

    To capture the screen image, use the special “PrintScreen” (PrtScr) key. At the moment when you need to save, you need to press this key.

    The image will be saved to the clipboard.

    Note! It is important not to copy anything else after this, otherwise information about the copied element will displace the previously taken screenshot. Then, to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer running Windows 7, you will need to open a graphics editor. Any will do; in the example we use standard Paint.

    In the open editor window, you will need to press the “Ctrl+V” combination, or the “paste” button in the top menu.

    You can also select the “selection” tool, right-click anywhere on the canvas, and select “paste” from the drop-down menu.

    Once inserted, the screenshot can be edited like any other image, highlighting elements you need to pay attention to or showing a procedure.

    After saving, the screenshot will be located in the save directory and available for use.

    There is also the option to take a screenshot of only the active window. To do this, you will need to press Alt together with PrtScr.

    In this case, a snapshot of only the active window will be inserted into the editor. So, in the image you can see that a snapshot of the active window has been inserted into the Paint editor.

    Programs for taking screenshots

    In some circumstances, it is impossible to take a screenshot using OS tools. In addition, not everyone is comfortable saving every screenshot in the editor.

    Let's look at how to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer, photos are attached.


    During the first launch, you will need to go through the registration process. Then the option of saving screenshots to the program server will become available.

    And, in fact, the ability to work with the program.

    To bring up a frame to capture an area of ​​the screen, you must click the “Fragment” button. Then select the area of ​​the screen that needs to be fixed.

    A small panel will appear on the side with tools for marking up and adding explanations.

    Below are options for saving.

    The selected area can be saved to your computer’s hard drive, to the program server, copied to the clipboard, or sent to the required FTP.

    Note! You won't be able to save a full screenshot to disk. Full screen shots are saved only to the program server. There you can place it in your profile gallery or copy the link to share it.

    Hot Key Screenshot

    Extremely easy to use small program.

    After downloading and installing, all that remains is to assign a hotkey for creating a screenshot and select a quality indicator (on which the size of one image will depend).

    After this, the screenshots will be automatically saved to the program directory.

    Important! Unfortunately, it is impossible to change the location in which they will be saved.

    The program is extremely simple and does not require installation. You can exit it using the tray icon menu or the “Exit” button in the main window.

    Pictures are created exclusively in jpeg format.

    Screenshot Maker

    Another small program, the functionality of which is somewhat less than that of the first one under consideration. The program has two versions: Professional and Free.

    The first version is paid, only it can save images in PNG format.

    In the main program window, you can select a hotkey to create a screenshot and determine the format of the saved image.

    You can also choose to capture the cursor, configure the automatic file naming format, or set copying to the clipboard instead of saving to a file.

    The save directory for the pictures is also set here.

    In the “Comment” tab, you can configure adding a comment to the saved screenshot. Changing the text format is only available in the paid version.

    In the free one, you can set the background of the comment, its position on the screenshot and, in fact, turn the option off or on.

    Screenshot Maker has the ability to automatically create screenshots. Its launch along with the start of work is available only in the Pro version.

    It is possible to set the capture parameter and the interval until the next or between screenshots.

    Extensions for taking screenshots

    Along with the OS and special programs, screenshots allow you to create add-ons for browsers. They help you both take a screenshot of a page on the Internet and save it.

    Lightshot (screenshot tool)

    Convenient and useful browser add-on. Allows you to take pictures of an open page in . After installation, a purple pen icon will appear to the right of the address bar.

    Clicking on it activates (before taking a screenshot of the page) the capture area on the page.

    The size of the screenshot in pixels will be shown above the frame (top right corner).

    After defining the capture area, a small panel with editing tools and saving options will appear to the right and below the frame.

    On the bottom panel you can choose one of the saving methods:

    • uploading the program to the cloud server;
    • sending to social networks;
    • sending by Google mail;
    • printing to a connected printer;
    • saving to clipboard;
    • save to .

    Editing tools let you add labels to the area you're saving, highlight parts of it, and indicate areas you want to pay attention to in other ways.