After reinstalling Windows, the Internet does not work. The Internet does not work after reinstalling Windows. Setting up the Internet on Windows. Connection via telephone network

Question from a user


After I reinstalled Windows, games stopped launching and the Internet did not work. I installed everything that was on the disk that came with my PC, and the games seemed to work. But the Internet is still not there!

How to find out what the reason is and where to start recovery?

Good time!

I will add that in addition to what you said, after rereading Windows installations also often . Of course, with the release new Windows 10 such moments are becoming less and less common, and yet...

In this article I will give the most common reasons, by eliminating which you can restore the Internet. I think the material will be useful to all novice users.

No driver for network card

One of the most common reasons for network inoperability after installing a new OS is the lack of drivers for the network card. With Windows 10, of course, this happens less often (it automatically selects drivers for most equipment during installation), but still...

By the way, in this case a vicious circle may “turn out”: there is no Internet because... drivers needed; To download drivers you need internet...

To see if you have a driver for your network card:

To update the driver for a network card, you can use several methods:

  1. The best option: install the “native” driver that came with your card (for example, from a CD, if available);
  2. automatic option: download and install special. a utility for automatically searching for drivers for your equipment. They work quickly and quite reliably. I reviewed the best of them in this post:
  3. manual option: find out the model network card, and then download the driver for it from the manufacturer’s official website. Sometimes this is not so easy to do, so you have to resort unique identifiers VID, PID (each network card has its own). For more information on how to search for a driver, see here:

The network adapter may be turned off

It happens that the network adapter may simply be turned off. For example, many laptops have special. buttons on the body or special Keyboard keys to turn off Wi-Fi adapter A.

If you have LEDs on the device body that indicate the operation of network adapters, pay attention to them. For an example, see the photo below.

In addition, you can check whether the adapter is turned on in the panel Windows management(In chapter network connections ). To open this tab, you need to:

  1. press combination Win+R ;
  2. enter the command ncpa.cpl, press Enter.

If your adapter is disabled, just right-click on it and context menu select "Enable".

If the adapter is turned on and working, you will see that its icon will be colored and the status will change to "no connection" (perhaps the “Connected” light will immediately light up - this is even better, perhaps the Internet will already appear) . This status means at least that the drivers for your adapter are installed and it is working.

Checking router operation / diagnostics

Most Internet providers today connect to the Internet not directly, by laying a network cable to the PC, but using a router/router (this device allows you to connect several devices to the network at once: phone, PC, laptop, TV, etc.) .

If you don’t have a router, proceed to the next paragraph of the article.

So, if you have problems with the Internet, first of all I recommend looking at the status of the LED on the router case. If the device is working, they should at least “burn/flicker” (see photo below).

Also pay attention to whether the LED on the network card lights up when you connect a cable from the router to it (note: this LED is found on most network cards) .

Often, by the way, when cables and wires become bent, break, or become unusable (sometimes this happens with the help of pets or when rearranging furniture that they like to put on the cable...) . Therefore, if the LEDs on the network card/router case do not light up, look first for a hardware problem: a broken cable, lack of power, etc. malfunction.

Broken cable

About the router settings

In general, when reinstalling the OS Windows settings routers are not reset. Usually, more often the problem is that the wrong IP and gateway are specified in the network connection in Windows (but more on that later in the article).

There is no PPPOE connection (when connected directly, without a router)

If you do not have a router installed and the network cable from the provider goes directly to the PC (usually, this is how they connected to the network some time ago) , then most likely you do not have an Internet connection due to the fact that you did not create a connection to it (most often, providers use the PPPOE option, in fact, this is what I will consider below) .

To create PPPOE connection, go to Network and Sharing Center in Windows. To do this, go to the following address: Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Center and shared access

Then select the “Internet Connection” option.

In the list, select "High-speed (with PPPOE)" and enter the settings: password, login, and connection name. An example in the screenshot below.

Actually, after creating a connection, it will appear in your list network connections (to open a list of network connections: press Win+R and enter the command ncpa.cpl) . To “activate” a connection: simply right-click on it and select “Connect” (see example below).

IP, gateway, DNS settings are not specified (or, conversely, they are incorrect)

For some providers, to access the Internet you must manually specify a specific IP address, gateway, DNS (otherwise the network will not work). Naturally, when you reinstall Windows, these data will be “reset” and will have to be set again. What data to enter should be specified in your agreement with your Internet provider.

How to specify IP, gateway and DNS:

Thank you in advance for any additions on the topic.

Sometimes, due to certain life circumstances, it is necessary to install an operating system. Quite often, users discover that the sound has disappeared after reinstalling the system.

The possibility of a situation where the sound disappeared after installing Windows 7, unfortunately, is far from uncommon. Fortunately, it can be solved quite simply if you know exactly the reason.

Possible reasons

There may be several reasons for the sound to disappear. The main ones are hardware errors, that is, a malfunction of the sound card. In this case, you cannot do without specialized help. Or there are problems in the software, and specifically, in the lack of drivers for the sound card.

If the problem is with hardware, then you are unlikely to be able to solve the problem without special equipment and skills. Solving software problems is much simpler and does not require special knowledge and skills. To do this, you just need to confidently use the computer and not be afraid of it.

Solutions options

So, if after installing Windows 7 there is no sound, then the first thing you need to do is check the connection of the audio system to the computer, and also that the audio system you are using is selected in the settings. The check is as follows:

If the audio system is turned on and in use, but there is still no sound, then the most probable cause, due to which the sound may disappear, is that after reinstalling Windows 7, drivers for the sound card or audio device were not installed. This problem is not so terrible and quite easily solved.

Finding and installing drivers

There are several ways to return sound after reinstalling Windows; the easiest way is to install control program distributions from the media that comes with the device; it contains all the necessary drivers. But if it happens that there is no disk, you can install drivers using standard means Windows.

So, to convince the OS to reinstall the drivers, follow the path indicated in address bar conductor: " Control Panel» → « system and safety" → "". And select " device Manager».

After completing these steps, the following window will appear:

In the window that appears, select “ Sound, video and gaming devices"and from the list that opens, select the right system by double-clicking on the name. A properties window will appear in which you need to select the “ Driver».

In this window, you need to select the Update... button, and in the window that appears, click on the item “ Automatic search updated drivers " After this, Windows will begin to search for the program on the Internet and update or install it if such a need exists.

Manual installation

If built-in Windows service told you something like “The installed software for this device does not need to be updated,” this does not mean that you actually have it installed and does not need to be updated.

If you just installed the system, then there are no audio drivers there. But the system simply failed. Also quite often the service automatic update cannot find the required software, in this case the direct path to manual search and installing the necessary programs.

To do this, the first thing you need to do is decide what sound card you have installed. If your card is integrated into the motherboard, then most likely it is from Realtek, which means that you need to go to the manufacturer’s website and download the necessary software there. Device Manager identifies built-in cards as High Definition Audio Device.

But since you may have another audio card, it’s better to find out which one in advance. To do this we follow Start, we find " Execute" and write in the search bar " dxdiag" and click OK.

In the window that appears, go to the “ Sound" (sound).

Line " Name"(name) will tell you what card you have installed. After that, feel free to go to the manufacturer’s website and download latest version Software for your card.

After installing the software, restart the computer and check for sound.

Using driver packs

If you have already tried everything, but after reinstalling Windows 7 the sound still does not work, then you have two options. The first is to take the computer to a service center or use a specialized software to install drivers, for example, . It is better to download it from the official website.

After launch, the program will diagnose the system and indicate those drivers that need to be updated. It will also select the software recommended for installation. Among other things, it will contain Avast And Yandex browser, if you don’t need this happiness for nothing, find the button at the bottom of the window Switch to expert mode and manually configure what should be installed.

Feel free to install all the recommended drivers, but here are the software and programs that DRP suggests deleting, better viewing and changing the settings to those that suit you. The program may remove something you need.

Windows 7 Sound Service Problems

Sometimes the drivers are really fine, but problems arise because the audio service does not start. First, try changing the system sound a couple of times:

Hardware problems

If all previous methods did not bring the desired result, then most likely there are problems with the hardware. An audio card may fail due to the failure of some individual elements, and not the entire board as a whole. But this will not reassure owners of integrated cards at all. The built-in cards are not repairable, so if it fails, you will have to buy a discrete sound card.

Discrete cards, as a rule, can be repaired, but try to fix them yourself this device without the appropriate skills and equipment, it’s not worth it; most likely, you will only aggravate the situation and spend a lot more money than if you gave the card to professionals.

Reasons for refusal:

  • overheat;
  • burnout;
  • raw contacts;
  • broken conductors;
  • broken plugs;
  • loose soldering;
  • developer error or manufacturing defect.

To extend the life of your computer, clean it several times a year. This will allow the cooling system to perform its function most efficiently and problems such as overheating and damp contacts will most likely not affect you.

However, the lack of sound is not always a consequence of the fact that the audio card has failed. The first step is to check the functionality of the audio system; to do this, simply connect other speakers to the computer.

Also, cords can fail, replacing which is not difficult, this is especially true for headphones.

It is not always possible to determine at home without equipment whether the audio card has really failed or whether there is a problem with another device. Therefore, you should not panic right away; it is best to make a diagnosis in service center, as well as update your computer software.

Video on the topic

Almost everyone who did the reinstallation operating system Without the help of specialists, I was faced with the problem of subsequent setup. Often errors and questions arise that are not so easy to find answers to. The most common problem that occurs is that after reinstalling windows The Internet stops working.

Main causes of failure

Modern computers and versions of Windows allow installation to be completed fairly quickly, while the rest of the time is spent editing parameters and downloading software. If after reinstallation windows internet does not work, there may be several problems, and they will depend on your provider, equipment and connection type.

Adapter driver missing

As a rule, after reinstalling Windows, you need to install drivers. IN modern versions Windows, almost all devices connect automatically after reinstallation. However, a native driver from the device manufacturer will work better and provide more stable work for network adapter.

Incorrectly installed, incompatible and problematic driver– most common reason non-working Internet. To check if the installation is normal network device

, necessary:

If there is a connection, as in the picture, you can proceed to check in the following ways.

A driver may be accepted by the system, create a connection, and even make it active, but may not work if the wrong software is installed. To verify the opposite, you need to go to the “Device Manager” and check if there are exclamation marks next to the network equipment. If wifi connections not in the setting " Network connections ", the adapter may be disabled, as shown in the picture of the device marked with red crosses. When is missing in the “Dispatcher...”, perhaps the equipment has failed or is not detected by the system at all. In this case, it could end up in the “Other devices” tab.

No settings or connection

Very often, a local network is used to provide Internet access. Most providers that provide network access via cable require additional settings network card.

You can find out from your provider whether you need to enter settings manually after reinstalling Windows. You can also check them yourself if there is no connection. To do this, go to “Network Connections” and right-click to select the connection by local network, in the action menu that opens, select “Information”.

Very often the Internet does not work due to lack of settings. The operation of a network adapter, both wifi and local, is impossible without parameters. Therefore, it should receive them automatically, or they must be entered manually after reinstalling windows. The main Internet settings that must be present are the IP address, mask, and gateway.

If there are no values ​​in any field, then the problem is in the network settings and they must be entered manually. To do this you need to do the following:

Very often, many users who for some reason had to reinstall the “seven” complain that afterward the computer slows down so much that it is simply impossible to work. Let's see what this might be connected with and discuss how to get out of this situation.

Why does my computer slow down after reinstalling Windows 7?

We will not dwell now on the reasons that prompted the user to install the “seven” again. Let's look at the problems that arise after this. Sometimes there is a very strong slowdown, the Internet does not work after reinstalling Windows 7, there is an increased load on system resources or too frequent access to hard drive etc. What could cause this?

The very first thing landline users need to do is computer terminals, - check the RAM strips and the connection density of the cables for motherboard. You never know, maybe in system unit A lot of dust has collected, which leads to braking and freezing of the system.

On the other hand, it may very well be that the user mistakenly installed the 64-bit version of the “seven” instead of the 32-bit one (alas, this also happens), and the computer or laptop itself uses outdated hardware, which hardly meets the minimum system requirements. So it turns out that after reinstalling Windows 7, the computer slows down only for the reason that 64-bit Windows is much more power-hungry than the 32-bit version. But this is, so to speak, general case. Now let's move on to finding out the specific reasons.

What drivers are needed after reinstalling Windows 7?

The presence of outdated drivers in the system can be called a fairly common phenomenon, because pure “seven” is also not the latest product. Additionally, if the user does not have original disc with drivers, which is mandatory should be supplied when purchasing a computer or laptop, the system installs the most suitable ones from its own database, which, to put it mildly, is completely irrelevant.

IN in this case Once the OS installation process is complete, there is no need to rush (sometimes some drivers may not work). It is better to use special releases or update programs. For example, very good option may become a driver database that it is advisable to always have on hand.

On the other hand, it “weighs” quite a lot. Perfect for this situation free utility for search and under title Driver Booster. It works just fine, and it updates the drivers of absolutely all devices only when you contact official resources manufacturers, where, as a rule, the most current versions such software.

But there is one catch: if 7, install this utility It’s simply pointless, since no update will occur if there is no connection (more on that later).

The load on system resources is too high

Now we need to pay attention to one more point. Quite often there is an increased load on the processor and RAM, which is the cause of braking or freezing. What to do? See what process causes the maximum consumption of resources (as is known, in any Windows versions running by default great amount unnecessary services, which can and should be stopped).

First, call the standard “Task Manager”. This is done with the help of a friend combinations Ctrl+ Alt + Del or by entering the taskmgr command in the special “Run” menu bar (Win + R). Here you need to sort the contents in the processes and services sections by maximum load, and then see which component is loading the system.

Next you need to configure autoload. For this we use msconfig command all in the same “Run” menu and on the corresponding tab we turn off everything unnecessary. You can only leave the antivirus, if one is already installed, and the keyboard indicator (ctfmon process). We uncheck all other services without a twinge of conscience (most users don’t need them at all anyway).

Internet problems

Now let's see why problems with Internet access are sometimes observed. First of all, if you are using, say, Wi-Fi, you should make sure that the corresponding module is enabled on your computer or laptop (the latter have special combination keys (most often this is Fn + some kind function button, say, F5 - it all depends on the model).

If everything is fine here, you need to look into the settings of the TCP/IP protocol, which can be accessed through the Internet properties menu. In most cases, it helps to set the IP address to be obtained in auto mode and disabling the use of proxies for local addresses, unless otherwise provided by the provider. If all parameters are entered manually, you just need to check that they are correct.

Finally, it may very well be that the network card has outdated driver. Therefore, it needs to be updated. To begin with, you can use the system’s own tools located in the “Device Manager”, or, which is much better, install the driver from the package described above. As a last resort, you can copy the DEV and VEN values ​​in the list of equipment IDs on the description tab, and then use special sites to search for a driver using these values, and then download it from another terminal that has access to the Internet.

What's the result?

Here, in fact, we have looked at the main reasons why the computer slows down after reinstalling Windows 7. Of course, not all situations that may arise are given here. However, these are the most common. As for what programs are needed after reinstalling Windows 7, this issue has already been partially addressed. However, you can also add an antivirus, an archiver, office suite, video and audio codecs and decoders, etc. But here the choice is up to the user himself. By the way, as an option, you can install some kind of automatic optimizer that will monitor the state of the system in real time and promptly unload unused or unnecessary processes from memory.

The problem when the Internet does not work after reinstalling Windows can arise not only in Windows 7, but also in Windows 8 and Windows 10. I will later try to prepare a separate article about solving this problem on the “top ten”. Besides, I already wrote. Just follow a few tips from the article, and the Internet on your computer will work again.

And in this article, we will look at solutions to the problem when you (or someone else) installed on your computer, or Windows laptop 7, everything worked out and everything works, but there is no Internet connection. There can be a lot of different nuances. Because there are many ways to connect to the internet. Therefore, the solutions will also be different. Looking ahead, I will say that most likely you will just need to install the necessary drivers, or set up an Internet connection (or both). Because, immediately after installation, Windows 7 almost never installs a driver for the Wi-Fi adapter. This means that Wi-Fi will not work after installing Windows 7. Well, if you had an Internet connection configured, then of course you need to configure it again.

It all depends on the connection method, and in some cases on the Internet provider. We will consider the following options:

  • Wi-Fi does not work after installing Windows. In almost all cases, simply installing the wireless adapter driver is enough. Windows 10 already installs the driver for Wi-Fi (In most cases), but Windows 7 lags behind in this regard.
  • If the Internet does not work via cable from the router. Again, it all depends on the symptom. It may also be that the system was unable to install the network card driver. You need to check and, if necessary, install it.
  • If you previously configured a connection to your provider (high speed), but after reinstalling Windows 7 it is not there. It's quite normal. It is advisable to first check if there are any problems with the network card driver, then simply create a connection to the provider.
  • And if you have Internet via a 3G USB modem, then you must install the modem driver, and again, set up a connection to the provider.

Now we will look into everything in more detail and solve problems with connecting to the Internet after installing or reinstalling the operating system.

Why doesn't Wi-Fi work after installing Windows 7?

And so, we installed Windows, we look at the Internet connection icon, but it is not the same as it was before. No connection available Wi-Fi networks, and we cannot connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Most likely, the connection status will be like this (if the network cable is not connected):

The fact is that there is no Wi-Fi at all. No available networks, and most likely you won't even see the wireless adapter. And all because Windows 7 simply could not install the driver on the wireless adapter that is installed in your laptop, and which is responsible for Wi-Fi work. How many times have I reinstalled Windows 7 on different laptops, and the Wireless adapter driver always had to be installed manually.

It's very easy to check. Just go to the device manager and take a look. You can open it different ways. The simplest one: open Start, paste it into the search bar mmc devmgmt.msc, press Enter. Or via "Run". You can also go through “Computer” - “Properties” - “Device Manager”.

In the manager we look for the tab Network adapters . And there should be an adapter with “Wireless” or “Wi-Fi” in its name. Like this:

If you do not have such an adapter, or you do have one, but with a yellow one exclamation point and the status "The device is not working correctly", then this means that you just need to install required driver, and everything will work. In this case, in the device manager there must be at least one " unknown device". This is our Wireless adapter.

The main thing is to install the driver for your laptop model (adapter), and for Windows 7 (in our case). I won't write about this in detail here. Has already detailed instructions About, . After installation, you will be able to networks.

Internet via cable does not work after reinstalling Windows 7

If you have an Internet connection via network cable from the router, or directly from the Internet provider, but without any settings, when there is no need to create a connection, then first of all we check the network card driver. It also happens that Windows 7 cannot install it either. This is the case when the computer does not respond to cable connection (the icon does not change). And if he sees the connection, but it is “Without Internet access,” then look. But this is unlikely.

And so, go to the device manager (how to log in, I wrote above), and on the same “Network adapters” tab we should have a network card. I have this "Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller". Your name may be different. It all depends on the manufacturer.

If you do not see a network card adapter there, then as is the case with wireless adapter, you need to install the driver. If you have a laptop, then look for the model on the manufacturer’s website and install the driver for the LAN adapter. You can search by the name of the adapter itself. Also, the driver is on the disk that may have come with your computer.

Well, check all the cables, maybe you are connecting something incorrectly.

Lost high-speed connection to ISP on laptop after reinstalling Windows 7

In this case, you just need to create this connection again. Connect the cable from your provider to your computer's network card (it's most likely already connected). If your computer does not respond to the cable, or you are unable to create high speed connection, then check if everything is ok with the network card driver. I wrote about this above.

To create a connection to your provider, click on the Internet connection icon and select “Network and Sharing Center”. Next, click on “Set up a new connection or network.”

Select "Connect to the Internet" and click "Next".

Select "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)".

Enter the username, password, if desired, check the “Remember this password” checkbox, you can change the name of the connection, and click on the “Connect” button.

Connection information: username and password, issued by the provider. If you also need to register IP and DNS addresses, you can do this using , in the properties of the adapter “Local Area Network Connection”.

Internet does not work via 3G USB modem after installing Windows

As with other connections, you need to install the necessary driver for the modem and configure telephone connection to the operator. It’s difficult to give specific advice here, since everyone has different modems, and different operators. You can see the instructions for setting up a connection via a 3G modem.

Installing the 3G/4G modem driver

Everything is simple here. The driver may be on a disk that you may have been given when you connected to the Internet. There are many modems on which the driver is built into the modem itself. To check, connect the modem to your computer and go to “My Computer” (just "Computer" in Windows 7). There may be a drive or disk drive that appears after connecting the modem. We tear it off and start installing the driver. Sometimes, a prompt to install software appears immediately after connecting the modem.

If these methods do not work, then look at the modem model and look for a driver on the Internet. Your operator's website should also have the necessary drivers.

Setting up a telephone connection

Once you understand the drivers, you need to create a connection. I don’t know how it is with all the operators (Beeline, Yota, MegaFon, etc.), but with Intertelcom, you need to create a regular telephone connection with a number, username and password.

To create it, go to the "Network and Sharing Center" and select "Set up a new connection or network" (see screenshots above). Next, select “Set up a telephone connection.”

Specify required parameters, which are issued by the provider (number, username, password). The computer will be connected to the Internet and a connection will be created. If an error appears that “Windows cannot detect the modem,” then check the modem driver. Or, to start, just restart your computer.