How to disable translation into languages. How to set up automatic translation in mobile browsers. Why Yandex browser does not translate pages or words

The first thing a person remembers when becoming a PC user is the key combination Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift. It is responsible for changing the keyboard layout, or rather, changing the input language. Sometimes, having forgotten about the current setting, the user writes and writes something, and then, looking at the monitor, falls into despair. The entire text resembles a set of letters that must be deleted and retyped. To prevent this kind of misunderstanding from preventing the user of Windows 10 (and earlier builds of Windows) from working with text editors, the developers of some software have provided the ability to automatically switch the language to the one that was already in use. Sometimes such concern for convenience causes confusion and the user does not know how to disable automatic language switching in Windows 10 and simultaneously type in both Russian and English.

Disable auto-switching in Windows 10 programs and settings

Windows 10 developers have given the user the opportunity to choose how the system behaves with the text input language in a particular application. Unfortunately, not all text editors support automatic language switching. However, in the input method settings of the operating system itself, you can specify the need to remember the desired language for each application. To do this, you should perform the following manipulations:

  • Right-click on the Start icon and select Control Panel.
  • A new window will appear. Select the “Language” section.

  • A window with language settings will appear. Click on the “Advanced options” link. Here we check the box “Allow you to choose an input method for each application” if you want to enable automatic language switching or uncheck the box to deactivate the function.

After making changes in this section of the Control Panel, automatic language switching can be turned off or on in a specific program. Let's look at an example using the Word program, as it is the program most used by owners of PCs with Windows 10.

  • Open Microsoft Word. Click “File”, “Options”.

  • A small window will appear. In the menu on the left, select “Advanced” and check or uncheck (depending on the purpose) the item “Automatically switch keyboard layout according to the language of the surrounding text.”

  • Save the changes. Now, auto-switching will not work and you will be able to change the input language yourself (or vice versa).

It is important to note that only in editors that allow you to create text documents, you can enable or disable language autosave. This cannot be done in other programs.

A programmatic way to disable auto-switching of the input language

You can enable or disable automatic language switching when entering text using the Punto Switcher program. This program will monitor your typing and, if necessary, change the input language. At the same time, it is important to note that the program switches the language not only in text editors, but also in games, programs and Windows itself. You can configure it as follows.

Install the program. We launch it on our PC. Call up the settings. Select “General” and indicate when and how to change the keyboard layout.

By going to the “Hot Keys” section, you can configure language switching control. It is enough to double-click to select a parameter and set a key combination for it.

If you do not want automatic language switching to work in some program, you should select the “Exception Programs” section and add software in which automatic layout switching will be disabled.

Thus, using such a lightweight program, automatic language switching in Windows 10 and installed programs can be turned on or off. The main thing is to set the necessary parameters correctly.

If Google Translator is installed on your device, then you can translate selected text in any application, including browsers.

Google Chrome

By default, the Chrome browser has a function to automatically translate sites into the interface language using the Google service. If it is disabled, go to “Settings” → “Advanced” → “Site Settings” → “Google Translate” and activate translation. A query will be shown at the bottom of pages in foreign languages. To ensure that Chrome always translates websites in a specific language, you need to enable the “Always translate...” option. Google Translate supports 103 languages.

Yandex browser

On Android devices, this mobile browser translates sites into the interface language at the user’s command. To do this, go to the menu and click “Translate page”. You can also select another language in the left panel during translation. 94 languages ​​are available in Yandex.Translator.


If you use this mobile browser, you will need to install an extension such as Tap Translate to translate pages. It will translate the selected text into any of the available languages ​​(Russian is supported).



This browser does not have a built-in page translation feature, but you can install special extensions.

Yandex translate

Translate for Safari

Microsoft Translator

The same can be done with the Microsoft application. In the settings you will need to choose which language to translate into in Safari. In total, the application supports more than 60 languages. By selecting the text on the translated page, you will see its original version.

Google Chrome

The ability to automatically translate websites is offered by the Chrome browser for iOS. It uses Google Translate with 103 languages. By default, the browser offers to translate pages into the interface language. If this does not happen, you need to enable the function in the “Settings” → “Advanced” → “Content Settings” → “Google Translator” menu. To translate from a specific language without prompting, click “Always translate...”.

From time to time, every user is faced with the need to read material in a foreign language that they do not speak or know insufficiently. The easiest way to read a page is to turn on the translator in the Yandex browser; there is a built-in application for translating web pages and its individual elements. Using the language converter built into the browser, we can translate text from any language (French, English, Spanish, Ukrainian, etc.) into Russian.

The way it works is brilliantly simple - data for translation is downloaded online from Yandex.Translator. Translation of a page in the Yandex browser occurs according to the following algorithm:

The advantage of the service is that it works in asynchronous mode, that is, the page does not need to be updated, all the source text will simply be replaced with translated words.

Important! The built-in translator in the Yandex browser works online; without access to the network, the service will not produce results. Offline, only the spell check function is available in your native or foreign language.

How to translate a page into Russian in Yandex browser?

The easiest way to enable page translation in Yandex.Browser is to use the offer from the pop-up window. Automatically, if a difference is detected between the languages ​​of the page and the web browser interface, a translation request is displayed. The only exception is when the user independently selected “Never translate this site.”

How to use the page translator in the Yandex browser:

  1. We go to a foreign site, the nature and type of it are not important. Important! The translator does not work for PDF pages.
  2. The message “Translate the page to...” will appear in the upper right corner; in it, select “Translate” (screenshot above).

If the translation is incorrect or the word needs to be clarified, we can return the page to its original form. The function is useful if, after converting the language, the page begins to display incorrectly.

How to return a page:

An even easier way to convert a page is to right-click on a free section of the page and select “Translate to Russian” in the window that opens.

How to enable automatic translation in Yandex browser?

If you are not satisfied with the default language, we can choose another one and set up automatic translation.

Setting up automatic translation of pages in the Yandex browser:

An additional way to enable auto-translation in the Yandex browser:

No more steps are required to enable translation in the Yandex browser; all sites in the selected language will begin to be automatically converted into a human-readable form. Now Yandex browser translates pages in the selected language without a request.

Important! Due to the installation of self-translation, loading of foreign sites will be slightly slower. With low ping and high Internet speed, this is almost imperceptible. If the Internet is poor, it is better to turn on the “Turbo” function.

Do we translate a page in the Yandex browser on Android?

Since 2016, a unique function of the Yandex browser - translator, has appeared on Android. In a mobile browser we can also translate the entire web page or part of it.

How to enable the translator in the mobile Yandex browser:

To the left of the translation panel, we can select a different language if the standard settings are not satisfactory. If you need to return the text to its original state, press the “Back” keys or select “Show original” in the browser menu.

The process of performing a translation of a single word or phrase on Android is different from a general page translation:

How to translate text or a word in Yandex browser?

If a page translator for Yandex browser is inappropriate, since only specific words need to be translated, such a function is also present. This is useful if you come across an unknown word or if there is an English phrase (quote, catchphrase, etc.) on a Russian-language resource.

How to translate part of a page into Russian in the Yandex browser:

If the source language of the original is incorrectly determined, we can click on the abbreviation (for example, English) in the “Yandex Translator” window. Here we can establish the correct detection of the outgoing language.

By clicking on the translation of a text fragment, we will be automatically redirected to the translator’s website, where alternative translation options will appear.

There is another way to translate part of a page in the Yandex browser - using a hotkey.

We launch the word translator in the Yandex web browser:

Important! If you have poor internet, it will take a little time to broadcast words; you will have to be patient.

How to set up translation in Yandex browser?

By default, the browser translates the text into the language that is installed as the main one, and the entire program interface is displayed in it. The web browser supports the installation of different languages ​​to display the interface and website pages. By installing the correct application language, all sites will begin to be translated into it, this will speed up the text conversion procedure.

We indicate which language to translate sites into in the Yandex browser:

  1. To further specify the translation language, click on “Yandex Browser Settings”. It looks like three transverse lines and is located at the top right.
  2. Select the “Settings” option.
  3. Scroll down the parameters and click on “Show advanced settings”.
  4. We look for the “Languages” column and follow the “Language settings” link.
  5. In the column on the left, select the appropriate language. If it is not there, click “Add” and select from the drop-down list in the window that appears.
  6. By clicking on the appropriate language, two buttons “Translate interface...” and “Set as primary...” will appear on the right. The first button is responsible for changing all menu items in the browser, and the second is for displaying pages on the network. We recommend pressing both buttons, they are usually the same.
  7. At the bottom of the window, click on “Done”.

We can simplify the first four steps by simply inserting a link into the “Smart Line” browser://settings/languages.

Now the web page translator for the Yandex browser will automatically translate site content into the desired language, without having to manually specify this parameter.

There are several more options to configure the translator in the Yandex browser:

Why doesn't Yandex browser translate pages or words?

Mostly the problem lies in the plane of incorrect settings of the web browser. The service itself works stably, failures are extremely rare.

The main reasons why the translator does not work in the Yandex browser:

  • The translator is disabled on this site. Algorithm of actions:

  • Language translation is blocked in the settings. Removing the setting:

  • The function is disabled in the settings. If the Yandex browser does not automatically translate pages after performing the appropriate actions (we discussed them earlier), this option is most likely disabled. Include translation:

  • The default search engine is set to something other than Yandex. If the main search engine is Google, Bing or something else, the function will not work. How to change:

If you were unable to translate the page in the Yandex browser to users from Ukraine, you need to install a VPN. The service stopped working about a year ago, since the Yandex company and all products were blocked in the country, which is why translation from Ukrainian IPs was blocked.

How to properly configure the network configuration:

How to turn off automatic translation in Yandex browser?

Automatic translation in Yandex browser sometimes interferes, creating inconvenience when surfing. The best way to eliminate unnecessary difficulties in such situations is to remove automatic translation in the Yandex browser.

Two ways to disable automatic translation in Yandex browser:

It is not advisable to completely disable the translator in the Yandex browser, since it often turns out to be useful. Sometimes you really just need to deactivate automatic translation in the Yandex browser; because of it, the standard formatting of some pages disappears and they are displayed incorrectly.

Another convenient way to turn off auto translation in the Yandex browser:

Translator extensions for Yandex browser

Yandex Translator is a browser application that occupies a leading position in translation quality and convenience. If for some reason the built-in application does not work or the quality of the translation is unsatisfactory (this happens when translating highly specialized texts), we can use third-party translators. Their functionality is similar to the Yandex translator, but some have additional capabilities.

What translator add-ons exist for the Yandex browser:

There are other website translator extensions for the Yandex browser, but they are less functional and have a small database of words.

The Yandex translator is able to work automatically, eliminating any language barriers; its main advantages are flexible settings and a unique word translation function, which helps to simplify surfing foreign web resources as much as possible.

Chrome has a convenient, but rather intrusive Google Translate tool. With its help you can read entire pages of foreign websites, all text will be translated into Russian.

Google Translator itself offers to translate the text, displaying a corresponding message in the upper right corner. You can either agree or refuse.

If there was no message asking you to translate the page, but you want to use this service, click on the Google Translator icon in the search bar, next to the asterisk:

You will see an automatic translator menu. The default translation from English into Russian is:

You can choose another language if you wish. Click on the drop-down list, enter the name of the language:

The checkbox next to “Always translate” means that all pages with the original language specified in the settings will be translated automatically, without a request.

Alas, there is no need to talk about the quality of the translation, and this is a significant disadvantage of Google Translator.

Unfortunately, this tool prompts you to translate text too often. If you don’t need Google Chrome translator or are tired of it, follow the instructions to disable it:

  1. Go to the Chrome menu, it's in the top right corner
  2. Select "Settings" - "Show advanced settings"
  3. Select the “Languages” section. Uncheck the box next to “Offer to translate pages if their language is different from the one used in the browser.”

For certain sites, the translator can be disabled. The translator can be disabled. This function is available when opening the site. Just click on the triangle next to the “no” button and a menu will appear:

By choosing the first one, you will get rid of the translation of any sites into the specified language.

By choosing the second option, you will block translation of the open site, while translation will continue on other sites.

To enable Google Translate, right-click on any page. Select “Translate into Russian” from the suggested actions (even if the original page is already in Russian).

Do you have any questions, suggestions or comments? and ask a question.

Google Translator is a function that is designed to automatically translate pages located on foreign sites. Now there is no need to use a dictionary, since thanks to the new feature, you can get a full text in any language in the world with one click of a button.

You will need

  • - Internet connection
  • - Google Chrome browser


  • There is no doubt that Google Translator is a very useful feature, but sometimes there are situations when you need to disable it. For example, if you want to open a foreign site, a rectangular shape may appear that covers the top of the text. Therefore, it is very important to be able to block the possibility of automatic page translation. This can only be done if you have an Internet connection.
  • Launch the Google Chrome browser on your computer. Only the latest version of the application has a Russian-language name. After the window opens, you need to find the toolbar. Next, you need to click on the “Setting up and managing the Google Chrome browser” button. The function icon is a silhouette of a gray wrench.
  • After completing these steps, a window with additional options will open. From the options provided, select the “Options” function.
  • After a few seconds, the main settings page should open. If this does not happen, update it using the “F5” key, or use the “Refresh this page” function on your computer monitor. There are two ways to disable Google Translate:
  • Use the search option on the left side of the main settings screen. To do this, you need to enter the necessary information in the “Search Options” form.
  • Select the “Advanced” category in the main settings. After completing this action, a window will open with various parameters that you can edit. We find the translation function in the list. Next, you need to uncheck Google’s special feature “Offer translation of pages if I don’t speak the language in which they are written.” If necessary, you can also turn it on again. To do this, you must complete all of the above steps, but you do not need to uncheck the box, but check it.