Installing and uninstalling programs in Windows 10. Uninstalling programs using standard Windows tools. Using special programs

What is NFC in a smartphone and how to use it

Near Field Communication technology (or NFC for short) was initially popular only as an aid for contactless payments.

However, everything is much more extensive than it seems at first glance.

This technology provides high-quality wireless communications that have a very short range (up to 10 cm).

This connection makes it possible to carry out contactless data exchange between devices that are in close proximity.

So, using a SIM card with a built-in chip of this technology, you can use it as a payment card or, for example, a key card.

NFC is based on Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID). This is a radio frequency identification that works automatically.

The data is stored in so-called transponders, they are defined as NFC tags. And the radio signal reads and writes data.

The technology's radio channel supports both active and passive devices.

For example, even key fobs can be NFC technology adapters.

However, smartphones are increasingly becoming carriers of technology. Many manufacturers supplement gadgets with high-level NFC adapters.

And although many still do not know what NFC is in a smartphone and how to use it, the function sometimes comes in very handy.

What is NFC?

If you translate the full name of this technology, you will literally get “near-field communication.”

It is essentially a wireless connection that operates over very close ranges.

That is why devices with NFC adapters are able to communicate with each other, but this only works if they are nearby (no more than 10 cm from each other).

This technology can be used for various purposes.

So, for example, a phone that has an NFC module can become a bank card or a pass to some establishment.

In addition, the function involves instantly exchanging files or links.

However, to do this, both devices must have a special application that reads NFC tags.

Or the phone must have a SIM card with an NFC chip.

Android phones allow you to use the NFC function from version 4.0.

Nowadays, devices with NFC tags are used more and more often in various fields. For example, using an NFC adapter, it is possible to book tickets, as well as sell them.

Also in some cities, you can use a device with NFC to pay for parking or public transport.

However, NFC chips are most actively used in the service sector and in the field of control and security of access to personal data.

Features of NFC in a smartphone

For smartphones, there are three most popular options for using NFC technology:

  • Reading mode. This function allows you to read passive tags.
  • Card emulation. Using this option, it is possible to use the phone as a card (bank card or pass card).
  • P2P. This is a mode that allows two phones to exchange data by pairing with each other.

The fact is that only a phone with an NFC module can become a carrier of the technology. That is, the chip is built into the device.

It is assumed that it will be inseparable from the user, since the device may have extremely convenient functions.

After all, the phone is always at hand, but the payment card may not be nearby, and then the smartphone with the module will replace it.

NFC also allows you to pay for purchases directly from a virtual wallet, which is even more convenient (after all, then there is no need to cash out the wallet).

This function can also be used to identify the owner of various bonus cards or travel tickets.

NFC tags

Tags are certain information zones that are programmed. They are usually built into posters or billboards.

They can also sometimes be found on product shelves in large hypermarkets.

When you read them, you can get additional information, some links, and even watch videos (for example, movie trailers).

However, in addition to exchanging files and information between devices, the NFC function can be used to write and read data from various installed NFC tags, as well as SIM cards that have the same chip.

The fact is that such chips are quite small in size.

This allows them to be integrated into various devices and devices. They can be business cards, product price tags, stickers or labels, bracelets, keychains, etc.

However, the process of working with NFC tags requires a certain algorithm of actions, which is performed using a special application on a smartphone.

However, there are many such applications and each of them is responsible for certain data.

There are also apps that allow you to program information into a tag on your smartphone.

Scanning tags

First of all, you need to enable the NFC function on your smartphone. Then activate the screen.

Afterwards, you should touch the tag with your phone, but do this in such a way that the NFC adapter in the smartphone touches the tag.

After which the gadget automatically reads the information that is entered into the tag chip and automatically displays it on the screen. However, to view it in full you will have to click on the screen.

Transferring a music file

It is necessary to enable the NFC function on both devices and activate the smartphone screens. Go to a file that stores media content.

Having opened the media library, you should select the desired audio file. When you play a track, the file will automatically start streaming to another device.

However, it is worth considering that to transfer a file, you need to turn the phones back to each other and lean them so that the NFC tags touch.

After pairing, the phones will vibrate, after which you need to move them away from each other a little, which will prevent reconnection, which could interfere with file transfer.

After transfer to the receiving phone, the media file will be played automatically, and you can find it in a special application.

However, it is worth considering that if you stop the audio on the transmitting device, the transmission will also stop.

NFC or Bluetooth?

The fact is that Bluetooth and NFC technologies are similar in principle of operation. However, the difference in them is significant and quite noticeable.

So, if we talk about NFC, the connection time of this function is one tenth of a second, which is a definite advantage over Bluetooth.

In addition, the short range makes NFC much more secure.

However, NFC has a much slower transfer speed than Bluetooth, and you will have to keep the devices close to each other (it can be compared to the infrared ports on older phones).

This is why technology is used for different purposes.

For example, Bluetooth is not used to pay for goods or as a pass, since such a connection is not reliable enough and there is a possibility that payment data will be intercepted.

In addition, practically instantaneous connection of devices with NFC does not waste much time.

However, in the case of transferring large files, Bluetooth will be more suitable, since its data transfer speed is much higher and it does not require devices to be kept at the closest possible distance for a long time.

In addition, the development of bank payments at the present time is quite progressive, which leads to the increasing use of NFC modules.

For example, global payment systems and banking corporations create cards with built-in NFC chips.

Not long ago, a number of companies created a special Google Wallet service, which involves installation on Android smartphones.

This application will allow the user to turn the gadget into a credit card, which can be used to pay for purchases or make payments at terminals.

However, to do this, the terminals must be equipped with PayPass technology, which will read NFC chips.

How can you tell if your smartphone has an NFC function?

The fact is that not every modern smartphone has a built-in NFC adapter. However, some do not even imagine the presence of such a function on their gadget.

Some devices place the words Near Field Communication or simply the NFC logo on the battery or phone body.

However, there is a way to check for an NFC adapter on your smartphone. To do this you need to perform a number of actions:

  • Go to the smartphone settings menu;
  • Open “Wireless Networks” and click “More...”;
  • If the function is present on the phone, you can see the NFC settings item.

Activating the NFC function

Once you have decided whether your gadget supports the NFC function, you must allow the use of the adapter, which will allow you to exchange data with other devices that support NFC.

To activate you need:

  • Go to the settings menu;
  • Then in “Wireless Networks” click “More...”;
  • And check the box (on some devices, switch the toggle switch) on the item “allow data exchange when combining the device with other devices”;
  • After this, the Android Beam function should turn on automatically, but if this does not happen, you must click “Yes” in the window that appears, which will activate this function.

Disabling Android Beam limits NFC's ability to pair and transfer data between devices.

NFC and data sharing

Once the NFC function is activated, it can be used to transfer data (data transfer also occurs when making payments).

However, for successful connection and data exchange, several points must be taken into account:

  • Both devices must have Android Beam enabled, as well as NFC;
  • Both devices must have their screen activated and cannot be in sleep or safe mode;
  • Both devices notify with a signal or vibration about a successful connection, but for this they need to be brought close to each other at the place where the NFC chip is inserted;
  • It is necessary to keep the devices nearby until the transfer is complete and the phone notifies you that the data exchange has ended.

Data transfer

The point is that regardless of the data that needs to be transferred, the way you use Android Beam is the same.

It also does not change depending on the received and transmitted device. Its algorithm is as follows:

  • open the file (content) that needs to be transferred;
  • lean the devices against each other with their back panels;
  • wait for connection confirmation via signal or vibration;
  • click on the screen “click to transfer data”;
  • click on the screen to start data exchange;
  • wait for notification about the start of the transfer;
  • move the devices away a little, but do not move them away by more than 10 cm;
  • wait for the sound signal indicating the end of data transfer.

Transferring Applications

A big plus of NFC is that it provides the ability to transfer APK files. However, it's not that simple.

Instead of the file itself, the device sends a link to the application to the Play Store. Afterwards, on the recipient’s device, you can easily follow the link and download the application, rather than searching for it throughout the Play Market.

Transferring applications using NFC

Having started their work in Russia just a month ago, they have already managed to change our lives for the better. Thanks to them, we stopped digging through our wallets, holding up the queue, and flashing banknotes in front of everyone. So, in any case, say those who have already experienced all the benefits of contactless payment for themselves. But what about those who do not have this privilege?

Despite the relatively widespread use of mobile services for conducting transactions, many Russians (and not only them) do not have the opportunity to use them. The reason for this is quite simple and literally lies on the surface - the smartphone market is not limited only to Apple and Samsung devices. Some people prefer to use something, albeit less flashy, but certainly more accessible.

There are many ways to turn your smartphone, regardless of the manufacturer, into a real wallet. Let's start in order.

The first and, in my opinion, the most preferable is Yandex.Money.

Few people know that the Yandex.Money application for Android supports contactless payments, requiring only the NFC module integrated into the smartphone from the client. The user himself must take care of replenishing the wallet with title units (read – money).

The second method is NFC SIM card.

These are produced by the mobile operator MTS in collaboration with the bank of the same name. Install a functional card in your smartphone and pay for purchases with a light touch on the terminal. No one will even guess that you cheated!

Of course, this still cannot be called a full-fledged replacement for Apple Pay, since transactions are not encrypted and do not require fingerprint identification. In addition, you will still have to open a separate account with MTS PJSC or Russian Standard Bank.

However, if you are already a card holder of one of the two banks, the problem disappears by itself. All you have to do is visit the nearest mobile phone store or bank branch, where you can get the SIM card described above completely free of charge.

The third method is an NFC antenna.

The antenna looks less intimidating in real life

For all those whose smartphone does not have a “near-field” module in its arsenal, the path to “contactless” will be somewhat more difficult. They will have to either replace the device with a new one, which is irrational, or equip it with an NFC antenna themselves. Contrary to popular belief, doing this is much easier than imagining it.

To do this, you need to purchase an external NFC antenna, which is sold in cellular stores, and, gluing it to the surface of the SIM card, place it under the cover of your smartphone. A small note: owners of devices with a non-removable back panel and a side slot for SIM cards will not be able to perform this operation.

NFC bracelets.

Some banks, including Alfa Bank, are producing bracelets that are simple-looking at first glance, containing an NFC chip associated with your personal account. It works on exactly the same principle as plastic cards with PayPass or PayWave technology.

Check with bank representatives about the availability of appropriate accessories in their range and, having received a copy, remove the chip from the purchased bracelet and simply put it in the case of your smartphone or tablet. This way, you not only don’t have to remember to have a wallet with you, but also worry about the autonomy of your main gadget.

The cost of an NFC bracelet, depending on the bank, ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles. A case with a small pocket on the back will cost you the same amount.

The transition to the newer Windows 10 operating system has raised a lot of questions for many users. After all, the developers have significantly changed the control interface of this version of the OS compared to Windows 7. For example, it was hidden in an unknown place and can no longer be accessed in the usual way through the Start menu in Windows 10.

In this article we will tell you where “Programs and Features” are located in Windows 10 and how you can see the list of programs installed on your computer.

Manage installed programs in Windows 10

There are two ways to view the removal of all installed programs in Windows 10 - through the familiar “Programs and Features” control panel item, as well as through the global Windows settings.

How to find Programs and Features in Windows 10?

It is useless to look for them in the Start menu. But you can find it through a search. True, you first need to go to the “Control Panel” and then find “Programs and Features” in it.

To do this, click on the magnifying glass icon in the lower left corner of the screen, just to the right of the Start menu. In the input field that opens, write “Control Panel”.

Opening the control panel

After that, in the search results we go to the first line.

Let's move on to programs and components

In the already familiar Control Panel, we find programs and components and open them. This will display a list of all installed programs on your computer that .

Updated Programs and Features - Apps and Features

In Windows 10, the developers decided to slightly update the window with installed programs. It is now called "Applications and Features" in Windows global settings.

To go to it, you need to click on the message icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select “All settings” in the window that opens.

Opening Windows 10 settings

In the “Windows Settings” window, select “Applications”, after which the “Applications and Features” window will open, which, like in “Programs and Features”, displays a list of all installed programs with the ability to remove them.

When you actively use the operating system, a large amount of unnecessary software constantly accumulates on the disk. However, most of them are practically not used. To free up space on the system drive, you have to resort to deleting them in Windows 10. There are many options for how to do this.

Uninstalling Windows 10 programs through the Start Menu

The easiest way is to remove the software through the Start menu. To do this, you need to go to the Start menu, open “All applications”. Then right-click (RMB) on the unnecessary software and select “Delete”

After following the instructions of the uninstaller, the application can be completely removed from the disk.

How to remove a program in Windows 10 through Control Panel

One of the simplest and most convenient methods in any version of Windows is to remove it through the Control Panel. The control panel item “Add or Remove Programs” or “Programs and Features” is located in Windows 10 in the same place as before.

You will need to open the panel by right-clicking on the “Start” button and then selecting the desired menu item. If “Category” is set in the “View” field at the top right, then in the “Programs” section you need to open “Uninstall a program”.

If the View field is set to “Icons,” then open the “Programs and Features” item to access the list of applications installed on your computer.

In order to remove one of them, simply select it in the list, click the “Delete” button in the top line, as a result of this the uninstaller provided by the software developer will be launched and, most likely, the application and all its components will be removed from the computer correctly and fully.

Uninstalling programs in Windows 10 through Settings

In the new OS, in addition to the control panel, you can use the new Settings application to change settings. To open it, you will need to click the “Start” button and select “Settings”. This utility allows you to remove software installed on your computer.

To remove unnecessary software, you will need to go to the “System” section, then the “Applications and Features” item. Then select the one you want to delete from the list, click the corresponding
If the software you are deleting is a Windows 10 store application, you will simply need to confirm the deletion. If a classic application is uninstalled, its official uninstaller will be launched.

How to quickly and easily open Programs and Features

In the second case, the application will not be deleted, but a list of installed software on the computer will open, from which you can remove any element.

Uninstalling Software Using PowerShell

To remove built-in Windows 10 applications, use the PowerShell utility.

In the search bar you will need to run “PowerShell” as Administrator.

In the window that opens, enter the command “Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName", where "PackageFullName" is the full name of the application.
After this, a complete list of installed standard applications will appear.

To start the process, you will need to enter the command “Get-AppxPackage PackageFullName | Remove-AppxPackage".

To remove uninstallable programs, you can use special programs, for example, Revo Uninstaller, CCleaner.

Uninstall using Revo Uninstaller

This application displays a list of installed programs. Revo Uninstaller can remove the program completely, including additional files and registry entries that often remain on the computer after uninstallation in the standard way. Revo Uninstaller will also be useful if the program cannot be uninstalled.

In order to remove a program in Windows 10 using Revo Uninstaller, you need to select the program in the Revo Uninstaller window and click on the “Delete” button.

In the deletion warning window, simply click on the “Yes” button.

Next, a window will appear to select the removal method.

There are four ways:

  1. Built-in – standard method of removing software;
  2. Safe – with a search for additional files and registry entries;
  3. Moderate – with an advanced search for additional files and registry entries;
  4. Advanced – with the most thorough search for additional files and registry entries;

After selecting one of the uninstallation methods, Revo Uninstaller begins uninstallation.

After analyzing the system, the standard installer will launch, with which you can remove the program. After the installer completes, you need to click on the “Next” button in order to delete additional files and registry entries. The program will require your confirmation before deleting this data.

After removing additional files and registry entries, the program uninstallation is complete.

Removing unnecessary software using CCleaner

CCleaner app removes all built-in apps in Windows 10.
First you need to download, install and run CCleaner.
In the window that opens, go to the “Services” section, select “Uninstall programs”
A list of software will open, where you will need to select the ones you don’t need, then click “Uninstall”.

Using these methods, you can permanently get rid of unnecessary software on your computer.