Interesting names for a group in Odnoklassniki. Original names of VKontakte groups. How to stand out from the list of competitors

Because now more and more users are beginning to understand the true meaning of every little thing when using promotion in Odnoklassniki. Of course, the name is not asked to show off. beautiful figure speech, and in order to make money, thanks to the successful name, a little more money or more successfully perform other assigned tasks. Let's first look at the whole complex standard errors which are constantly committed by hundreds inexperienced users. We will discuss the problems of choosing group names in Odnoklassniki, and then we will try to find a universal algorithm for naming your community.

Errors when choosing a group name in Odnoklassniki

1) Overly twisted, incomprehensible and simply crazy names, as a result of reading which nothing is revealed that is actually proposed or otherwise replicated by this community. That is, an attempt to name a newly created group in Odnoklassniki “Berok and subcontracts”, or “Marttatok”, will become for your brainchild the very gun from which it will commit conditional suicide. A person, no matter who he is, must immediately understand what he is talking about we're talking about, even if the name is familiar to a very small group of people. Just put yourself in the place of a typical Tatyana Ivanovna from Podolsk, who sees a similar name. Will she click and at least go to this resource- the answer, one might think, is obvious. Also, you should not write the name of your own conventional store or cafe framed by some slogan, since this almost completely knocks the name out of the search and, in general, works extremely negatively. That is, “Milena store best products in the city" is clearly not our choice, since just imagine what we will have to overcome search engines, as the whole pointlessness of such an undertaking immediately becomes clear. All words in the title must be directly related to the topic, and it is advisable to adhere to the strictest rationality so as not to spoil the position of your community. If you write it correctly and briefly, then a person will begin to reach you through the search mode much faster, and therefore, your chances of serious traffic indicators increase. That is, the principle - the essence of the enterprise, its name and location - in most cases is the optimal scheme. You can recruit members to your group on Odnoklassniki

3) If your activity is illegal , Do not under any circumstances use its name directly, as this can lead to a whole bunch of very diverse, but equally unpleasant problems. Yes, maybe you decided to earn some extra money by going all-in, but once again it’s worth recalling that groups with frankly daring and prohibited names are closed by the administration of the social network very, very often, since searching for such illegals by the name of the group in Odnoklassniki is the simplest thing you can do. Use your imagination and try to play up your forbidden name in some other way, in a more clever way, more elegantly, but at the same time in such a way that potential subscribers can still find your group.

How to choose the right name:

  • The most important thing is to do the most optimal selection in the title, which will be as complete as possible and at the same time concise. The name of the group should be four to five words, reflecting as much as possible the entire hierarchy of a possible request. With this approach, hundreds of users will join your group every day. If you are involved in tourism or shopping, you can also add something famous and enticing, something like “last minute tours” or “sales”;
  • If, using a social network, you are trying to promote a specific site or something else similar, you should under no circumstances write the working domain of the site, since it is unlikely that anyone will be able to find you with such a request, even if you make a serious level of effort. Choosing a name wisely is the key to allowing search engines to find your social group. If you have a group not only on Odnoklassniki, but also on VKontakte, it would be nice to think about promoting it - here link for all services for boosting VKontakte.

What is needed to bring a group on Odnoklassniki to the top?

1. Lots of keys. Write as soon as possible larger number keywords separated by commas, and in general, you must try to write the name as grammatically and technically correct as possible. If you have not yet mastered any of these rules, contact your friends or our consultants, since it is better to seek help from specialists than to make basic mistakes and lose your group. Additional information about how to create and promote a group on Odnoklassniki You can find out in this thread.

2. Less competitive niche. If you are not confident in your abilities or do not have enough experience, try to break into a niche that is less occupied by competitors, because according to the most popular and widespread words, everything is occupied as tightly as possible, and it will be extremely difficult to fight for a place in the sun. Although, if you have the resources and capabilities to order serious masses of subscribers, then it is quite possible to try to rank one of the keywords in search engines.

3. Measure seven times - call once! Before you finally write the name of the group in the OD, think about it several times and imagine what exactly you will write a common person when searching, and what basic list of popular similar words you can try to catch. Your imagination is not working, there is no way to find out your interests on your own - again, ask your friends who will not have any difficulty helping you. Thus, analysis is very important, and there is definitely no need to rush into this issue. Drawing a conclusion, we can say that any work on social networks is countless attempts to find the highest quality result. Try it search queries, do analysis, try different ways, and this applies to the same extent to names. The most logical and competent names will have an excellent chance of success, all that remains is to come up with them.

Hello again!

Tell me did you have problems with how to name a group in contact. Well, what's the matter? Trifle. So I’ll take it and write “super duper, cool group on the topic of … ". Okay, it seems cool. And everyone who sees the name of my group will definitely join it. Isn't this the main goal?

In today's article, I would like to consider this issue in detail, and finally find out how the name of the group can affect further promotion and, accordingly, future profitability!

I met a lot on VKontakte, and on any other social network. networks of groups and public pages, the names of which are so ridiculous that it is unclear why people run the group, what they want to convey in the name to other community members. Some choose a name from some cool phrase or slogan, others put a set of keywords in the name so that the group searches for the right keywords. And others don’t bother at all, and write the name with special characters. Everyone is original in their own way :))

No matter what you name the group, it won’t make any sense... to find out how to connect a BLOG to a VK group and earn BIG MONEY without leaving home, really!

How can you name a VKontakte group?

First of all, you need to decide on a topic.

The important point is not so much to choose a topic, but to target your target audience. Yes, it is based on the interests of your audience that you need to choose a future name.

Whoever you are aiming at, move on from there!

Recently I came across this cool name:

“I'm not a lady. What a shame. Not an ounce of lady.”

(women's quotes with pictures)

And at first I was surprised, what a stupid name, but it turned out to be quite original. The administrator of the group is more than 95% girls, and the total number of subscribers is 350,000. Moreover, there are no keywords by which it would be possible to receive an additional flow of subscribers from the search. Just originality and that's it!

It depends less on the name itself, and more on what content is published in your public page - its quality, and who it is intended for. And then, due to the prominent name in the feed, you can add new readers. And no search is needed.

On the contrary, if you initially aim to rise through search, then accordingly you need to indicate in the name keyword. You can stick to high-frequency drivers, but it will be easier to choose a low-frequency key. word and typing the required number of subscribers, and be in the top.

I have never chased traffic and subscribers from search. For me, the main goal in choosing a name is to be cool, short, and clear. Why invent a set of words. For me it's better beautiful name than a set of keywords. But promotion and attracting subscribers is a completely different question!

As the saying goes: “whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail!”

Also, it will be difficult to work in a group with a name you don’t like. And it’s not uncommon for such groups to remain abandoned...

It’s better to spend a little time on the name and choose an original one that would set you apart from millions of other communities.

Among the many successful communities, there are such popular and cool names:

  • Statuses for which they give class (mine 🙂)
  • Tell me this to my face, not through statuses
  • Choose your status
  • Notes of a Millionaire
  • Women's secret
  • Success Diary
  • Always say yes!
  • Einstein's riddle
  • Secrets of success (your continuation)
  • Thoughts from (Your continuation)
  • Secrets (...)
  • 5 smart thoughts
  • 5 useful tips
  • Erudite Club

There is no need to try to make the name humorous; it is better to make it clear and short from the first lines.

Do live band, with a live title!

By creating an interesting and informative group, a person will be pleased to be in it. And having picked up correct name, and filling it useful content, interested people will start to catch up!

And finally: the name for the VKontakte group can be need to create recognizable and beautiful! And if you want to be in the top, then add keywords to your title.

I just want to wish that everything works out for you. And already in the first month you have recruited many like-minded people.

For many, the name of the group leaves the first impression of the musical group that remains forever. A sonorous and easy-to-remember name will allow you to immediately stand out among numerous groups and facilitate the promotion of the team to the top of Olympus. There are some proven methods to come up with a “selling” name for the ensemble.

Name – symbol

A word that will cause the public to associate with the group and its individuality will increase the memorability of the group by 40%. The symbol of the ensemble is a clear, brief description of it, expressing the ideology and worldview of the participants. For example, groups that promote national Russian culture are often called “Slavs”, “Rusichs”. How to come up with a name for a group - a symbol? Try to describe the team, its members and the main idea in one word.

Matching style

The name of the group, which is associated with its real activities, adds 20% to its popularity. Agree, the poster of a male band performing songs in the heavy metal style with the children's name “Domisolki” will look quite unexpected. Focusing on style, you need to choose a word that characterizes the musical direction of the group. For example, a name such as “Phonograph Jazz Band” will tell a lot about the playing style of the participants.

Memorable phrase

An easy-to-remember name raises the ensemble's popularity rating by 20% compared to its competitors. Short and catchy – “Aria”, unusual and reflecting the worldview of the musicians – “Crematorium”, most suitable in meaning, shocking, biting and radical – “ civil defense", these are the names that immediately attract attention. To make a memorable phrase, you can use explanatory dictionary.

Famous names, geographical places

According to producers, 10% of a musical group’s success comes from already “promoted” names of historical figures, characters in novels, movie characters, or names of popular geographical places. This is how Rammstein, Gorky Park, and Agatha Christie chose their names.


A short and easy-to-pronounce abbreviation will increase the team’s memorability by 10%. Many well-known ensembles today used the first letters or syllables of the initials of their members for their names. Thus, ABBA and REM were born. The abbreviation "DDT" is derived from the abbreviation of the word dichlo(pest control agent).

Finding the name of a group, of course, is a responsible and difficult task, but this should not stop musicians in their activities. Many newcomers to the stage begin their performances with a temporary name. If you can't come up with a name music group, you can conduct a survey among the target audience or even organize a competition for the best name.

When creating a VKontakte group, you should carefully choose a name, because it has great importance. This is what can help attract people to the community or scare them away.

When thinking about what to name a group, you should definitely take into account its topic, but don’t forget about keywords that will help attract people through search engines.

The theme of the group is the basis of the name

The first thing you need to start from is the topic of the community. It should be immediately clear to the user what exactly can be found in this community. The name should be short and clear, and it is not advisable to call the group a set of keywords.

This option, of course, will inform the topic of the public, but will not attract people’s attention. It is advisable to come up with an interesting and beautiful way to use a keyword by which people can find the community through search engines.

Originality is the key to success

In order to attract the attention of social network users, it is necessary to name the public in an original and beautiful way.

You can take a beautiful quote as a basis, but rewrite it in other words, and if the topic of the community allows, you can use humor.

Brevity is the soul of wit

What public names help bring them to the TOP? Of course, they are short, you can see this by looking popular communities in contact with.

Therefore, if the goal is to make the community popular, as well as bring it to the TOP of searches in VKontakte, you should try to name it briefly. The best option- is to come up with one to three words that should reflect the essence of the community.

Simplicity and clarity

You can often find public pages on VKontakte that, although original, have stupid and incomprehensible names.

It is important to remember that the name must be written in Russian, because not every user knows foreign languages, and accordingly he will not be able to immediately understand what the community is about.

The only exceptions may be public pages directly related to the topic of foreign languages.

It is also worth considering the target audience, because people’s interests depend mostly on age and gender. If a funny name with obscene language attracts the attention of teenagers, an adult is unlikely to be interested in it.

Where to get the idea?

Not everyone can immediately take something original, beautiful, and appropriate name, and therefore you can use some methods. To begin with, it is worth remembering literature and films, this is where you can find a beautiful literary expression, or an original, funny quote that will suit the theme of the group.

You can also use an application such as a name generator. Using it, you can choose a name from several suitable words, and this will take very little time.

The generator will select various phrases from which you can choose the most suitable one. To do this, you need to set up a filter and enter keywords.

Naming a VKontakte group is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To make a successful choice, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Based on the topic and target audience.
  1. Use keywords.
  2. Use creativity and originality.
  3. Don't use more than four words.

These rules will help you come up with a suitable and memorable name for the VKontakte public page that will attract users.

There are communities of interests. Being the owner or administrator of such a virtual club is not only interesting, but also profitable. This makes it possible to make new acquaintances, large quantity people, promote your products and services or make money by advertising other people's products. But not everyone knows that in order for a community to be a great success among site users, you need to come up with an original name for the group.

Simple magic of words

If the community has a narrowly focused topic, it is advisable to somehow indicate this in the name. You can use metaphors, for example, call charitable foundation"Big Heart", and the organization of environmentalists - "Green Leaf". If the group is dedicated to a specific brand, there is no point in coming up with something complicated. For a cafe, just its name and notes like “delicious food” will be enough. If you are going to promote an establishment in a specific city, the name for the group may also include the location of the real object.

How to stand out from the list of competitors?

Many users social networks find new interesting communities on friends’ pages. But the problem is that one person can be in hundreds of groups, and see among them interesting name not so simple. Solving this problem and becoming more visible is not at all difficult. It is enough to write the chosen name for the group in Odnoklassniki in capital letters and surround it with any symbols. These can be standard “dogs”, or question marks, or site emoticons.

The names for VKontakte groups also look unusual: they are short, consisting of several letters. The easiest way is to write an abbreviation, but you can distort it a little, leaving two or three first letters of each word. In this way you can ordinary word write it down by hiding it in it hidden meaning. If you wish, you can keep the letters of different heights (leave the capitals of each word large), but keep in mind that the fashion of writing with a “fence” has passed, and many users find this annoying.

Why do you need a creative and memorable name for a group?

There is a fashion to name communities, describing the common habits of the population of our country. What do you think, for example, of the following name for the group: “The Gum Chewing Club”? Stupid - you say? Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people are members of such communities. And all so that an interesting inscription notifying about the habit appears in the list on the page. Collections of thematic pictures and music are also collected in such virtual clubs a large number of likes. Of course, such a community is not suitable for posting serious information, but you can earn good money from advertising posted in it.

Accordingly, when coming up with a name for a group, you shouldn’t be afraid to use your imagination. Keep in mind that you can always rename a community, as well as change its direction. It is likely that after such a modernization many participants will leave it, but you can always invite those who are interested new topic and title. In addition, a boring group can be sold or given away full control to one of the previously appointed administrators.