A program that disables unnecessary processes. Windows processes. How to find and remove a virus process

As I pointed out earlier, there are processes that should never be touched. These include:

In addition, there are additional products that can be launched manually. Therefore, you should not touch them, since they are not always active.

Personal experience( )

Previously, when I had a computer with weak characteristics, I tried in every possible way to speed up its operation. And one of the methods was to disable services. It so happened that when I did this, there were no such descriptions, and therefore every action took place at my own peril and risk.

I actually managed to unload some processes without problems. But unfortunately, one of them turned out to be important. I lost my user with all the settings. Luckily, I had created a new one the day before. From which I worked in the future. I'm lucky. Otherwise, I could lose information that is important to me, since I would simply have to reinstall the OS.

Well, there are many services in Windows 7, each of which has its own functions. If you have weak computer or a laptop – it’s better to try the above method. Otherwise, leave everything as is. This will help avoid possible problems in future. If, after unloading the tool, some applications do not launch for you, try to return everything to the way it was. If this cannot be done, restore the system or completely reinstall the OS.

All computer processes waste resources. But not all of them are vital. There are quite a few unnecessary applications, which are absolutely useless and therefore need to be completed. If the level decreases Windows performance 7, first of all, the user wonders how to disable unnecessary programs on the system.

Where do you get unnecessary programs on your computer?

Where do unnecessary programs and applications appear on the computer?

  1. Firstly, the source before installed programs is the computer manufacturer itself. Therefore, even in new car there are several dozen of them.
  2. Secondly, unnecessary programs are often installed with drivers peripheral devices- printers, modems and others.
  3. Thirdly, there are “bonus” applications. They are installed if the user forgot to uncheck the boxes during installation of the required utility.

Often, program authors deliberately hide windows for canceling installation, depriving computer owners of the opportunity to abandon unnecessary software. In addition, many additional applications not only take up disk space, but are also added to startup.

Antiviruses and various cleaning programs do not identify “bonus packages” as unwanted. Therefore, you have to remove such software manually.

How to determine which programs and processes can be removed

By by and large When working with Windows 7, only those applications that ensure the operation of the system should be enabled, account user and peripheral devices used in this moment- the rest should be stopped. By the name of the process you can find out its description and role in the system. It is recommended to study information about it before deleting it.

Example: There is a process "spoolsv.exe". It manages print queues on the system and interacts with printer drivers. Accordingly, if you are not currently using the printer, stopping the process is possible.

The following programs must be removed from the installed programs:

  • [email protected];
  • [email protected];
  • AlterGeo Magic Scanner;
  • Yandex.Bar;
  • WinZix;
  • Google Toolbar;
  • Bing Bar;
  • StartSearch;
  • Update the Software;
  • Speedbit;
  • Ask toolbar;
  • Ask.com;
  • Gator;
  • QIP Internet Guardian.
  • A4Tech;
  • Acer;
  • Acorp;
  • Asus;
  • AVerMedia;
  • BenQ;
  • C-Media;
  • Canon;
  • Creative;
  • D-Link;
  • Defender;
  • Dell;
  • GeForce;
  • Genius;
  • Hewlett-Packard (HP);
  • Java;
  • Lexmark;
  • Microsoft;
  • Mobile;
  • Motherboard;
  • Mustek;
  • nVidia;
  • Realtek;
  • Samsung;
  • Toshiba;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • Wireless.

How to close unnecessary processes using Windows 7 tools

Uninstalling programs from the Start menu

Video - Uninstalling a program using Windows

Cleaning running processes through Task Manager

Task Manager closes the process that is currently running, but does not delete it. That is, the tool gives a temporary effect that will disappear the next time you turn on the computer. But this property also plays a positive role. If the user is unsure whether to remove a program, you can disable the process associated with it. And if problems arise during operation, it will be enough to restart the computer - the previously stopped process will start again.

Additionally, Task Manager allows you to see a brief description of the process or the name of the program to which it belongs. For example, the task name “mspaint.exe” does not provide a comprehensive answer about its purpose, but the description indicates the name of a well-known Paint editor. This means that the process belongs to the graphical application of the same name.

Sometimes the information in the Manager is not enough to understand the role of the application. Then you need to find information about it on the Internet using the name or description of the process.

Applications that will help you find and remove unnecessary programs from Windows

PC Decrapifier

Available for free download on the official website - https://www.pcdecrapifier.com/download/free. No installation required, the program is portable. But prerequisite is that the computer must be installed Internet Explorer version 8 or higher. If it is not there, PC Decrapifier warns you about the need to install a browser.

During installation, a warning appeared stating that you need to update Internet Explorer to at least version 8

It can be downloaded for free on the official Microsoft website - https://www.microsoft.com.

When the condition is met, you can start using the program. To do this, click on Analyze. The system analysis process may take several minutes.

To run the program, you need to click on Analyze

As a result, the user will receive information about which programs can be “killed” forever and which are prohibited from uninstallation. This feature makes PC Decrapifier stand out from other similar utilities.

Only the first group of detected applications should be considered. To remove an unnecessary program, select it and click Remove Selected.

It is recommended to work only with those programs that are in the Recommended tab


The program is available for download on the Internet. For home use enough free version, requiring installation on a PC or laptop.

At the very beginning of the installation, you can select a language. The user will also be asked to decide where to add the shortcut: to the desktop, to the Trash, or to the Start menu.

It is enough to choose only one place, for example, a desktop. As for other options - it should be noted automatic search updates and uncheck the startup box to launch the program only manually and not load the system.

It is advisable that the program does not autorun, is automatically updated and has one shortcut, for example, on the desktop

To remove an interfering program, you need to:

  • open the “Service” item, then the “Uninstall programs” tab;
  • after that select the application;
  • Click on the “Uninstall” button.

To remove a program, you need to open the corresponding tab, select the application you need and delete it

Video - Instructions for working with CCLeaner

IObit Uninstaller

The good thing about this product is that it doesn’t just remove the right application, but also cleans up even its “indestructible tails” on the hard drive and in the registry.

IObit Uninstaller available for free download on the official website - http://ru.iobit.com/advanceduninstaller/. After launching the installer, you need to click on the “Run” button. No further action is required from the user - you can get to work.

  1. To remove a program, you need to select it and click on the “Delete” button. It would be useful to look at the “Rarely Used” item.

    Convenient control- click and delete

  2. IN next step IObit Uninstaller prompts you to create a restore point. This step can be skipped if the user is sure that uninstalling the program will not have negative consequences for the system.
  3. Next, you should delete all found files.

    The program has been deleted, which means you also need to get rid of its residual files.

  4. When finished, it is recommended to close the IObit window and restart the computer.

Video - Cleaning the system of unnecessary applications with IObit Uninstaller

Periodically you need to check your computer and remove unnecessary programs and stop processes. The described tools will help maintain the car and reduce the likelihood that the owner will be unpleasantly surprised.

The Windows XP operating system has great amount useful functions. One of them, of course, is.

When installed, some programs add special information about themselves to the system registry, thereby forcing the operating system to launch them every time it boots. This saves your time, for example, you will not need to run the antivirus when you turn on your PC - it will load automatically using the information stored in special departments system registry. Program Microsoft Office, for example, also stores some of its elements in Startup, allowing you to increase the speed of launching Word or Excel.

As all kinds of programs accumulate on the computer, the Startup list grows and grows...

At first glance, everything is fine, convenient and fast, but if you look in more detail, you can find quite a lot pitfalls and disadvantages of Autoload. Viruses can use it spyware and just unwanted applications, so we will look at ways to remove a program from Startup using Windows.

So, we have already said that all information about downloaded programs is stored in the system registry. Many programs use the Startup function to speed up or simplify the user's work, but there are also those that PC users would like to permanently exclude from the list of automatically downloaded programs. In order to remove a program from Startup, there are a huge number of utilities and programs, but it happens that they are not at hand. This is especially true for novice PC users who are not burdened with such problems until some virus infects their operating system. Fortunately, the Windows operating system contains built-in tools to combat unwanted software that tries to run along with the operating system and go unnoticed.

1. How to remove a program from Startup in the Start menu

The easiest way: You need to open

Here you see a list of programs that are loaded with your operating system.

You can simply drag and drop the shortcut the game you want or programs here to let Windows know that you want it to run every time you start the OS.

By deleting this shortcut, you remove the program from the list Startup, but not from a computer, so you don’t have to worry about mixing up too much! Nothing complicated, right?

However, the Start menu is not the only way viruses use to escape the eyes of a novice user. There is much more complex method- entry in the system registry.

2. How to remove a program from Startup in Msconfig

The method described above often does not work, since viruses and spyware on our PC are able to hide much more reliably. The menu is used only by harmless programs that do not hide their presence.

More powerful utility To find and remove a program from Startup, you will run by opening Start - Run

- msconfig. I usually use this method, so I'll describe it in more detail.

So, let's click Start - Run.

A small sign will come out - in the line type msconfig- press "OK" (or Enter)

After which, another sign will appear. In the top tabs select

Be here PLEASE CAREFULLY- don’t click on other tabs and don’t change anything :-)

We go strictly point by point.

Carefully review the list for names similar to recently installed programs.

Here too - don’t touch what you don’t know :-) And you can always find out what kind of process this is using Google :-)

To remove from Startup, simply uncheck the boxes next to suspicious and unnecessary programs. Look at my example:

Because I know exactly what these processes are, and I know for sure that I don’t need them - I uncheck the processes on the left.

Beginner PC users need to be extremely careful here, since disabling system program or component may cause failure operating system

Then press Apply (or OK)

Then we simply close this sign with a cross. After that, something like this will come out:

To apply the settings, restart your PC.

If something goes wrong and your OS does not boot or reboots during boot, log in and return the unchecked boxes.

I'll just add -
Now, when you turn on the computer, two signs will pop up -
1.- the same one in which we changed “autoload”
2.- with text something like “you changed the settings. If this did not worsen the performance of the computer...” and even more :-) This is not so important, we didn’t change anything special except autorun. But, just in case, we simply close these signs and work with the computer as usual.
If everything is fine (which it should be, if nothing unnecessary has been disabled) - the next time you turn on the PC, in this sign, check the box next to “don’t show this window again” and that’s it :-) It won’t bother you anymore :-)

3. How to remove a program from Startup in Regedit

Now we have reached the very System registry. Here we can find the most full list Automatic download and its parameters. To enter the built-in registry editor, go to Start - Run - regedit .

In the window that opens, you see all the registry keys (tweaks), sorted into folders. We need to get to information about Startup, so open:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SOFTWARE - Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - Run

On the right side of the window you will see a list of programs Startup. This removal method is much more convenient, since by double-clicking on the desired element, you will see a link to the executive file. That is, speaking for beginners, you will be able to see which program is downloaded without your knowledge and from which folder.

After reading the list, remove unnecessary programs by pressing the Del.

To do this, select a section Run and press File - Export.

In case of problems, you can restore the registry information by double-clicking on the resulting file.

4. More complicated ways, but more effective and suitable for almost all operating systems:

Use XP Tweker, built into Total Commander or as a separate program, there is a separate menu - Startup - where you can select startup programs. Well and Total program Commander can be easily downloaded on the Internet by typing its name in a search engine!

When installing an operating system or even after purchasing a new computer, unnecessary programs and applications may be found on the device. The OS can independently write into memory some services that the user may not need at all. Any such software consumes to a certain extent system resources, and there are always few of them. All this can be removed, thereby improving the performance of the PC. The main thing is to know what you can turn off without serious consequences in the future.

Where do preinstalled programs come from?

Additional software may appear on your computer in several cases. For example, you just bought a computer or laptop, launched it and saw several strange shortcuts on the desktop. Sometimes manufacturers give unique “gifts” to customers. New laptops and personal computers are often installed with software from manufacturers of processors and video cards. A little less often, programs distributed under agreement with the developers are installed.

It often happens that a kind of “side program” is installed. This means that during installation of what you need software

you didn’t notice the checkbox (usually hidden in “advanced installation settings”) and installed an annoying, unnecessary application along with it. Various additions to the installation package can also be classified as unnecessary programs. Often these include drivers that, according to developers, are necessary for quality work devices. Subsequently, except necessary drivers , others are installed, “just in case.” This also includes extra.

system services

Cluttered computer with pre-installed software Please remember that even if your laptop or desktop computer enough free space on the PC hard drive and random access memory

, then still remove unnecessary programs for security reasons. Often similar applications save and send user information to own servers , and the transmission channel for such data is poorly protected. In this case, your confidential information

It can very easily fall into the hands of ill-wishers.

Before you delete everything you can get your hands on, remember: “Know what you are doing.” If a process or program is unfamiliar to you, then first figure it out, find out where it came from on the computer. The situation is similar with disabling system services of the operating system.

Please note that uninstalling programs and applications should occur using the traditional system, that is, not by deleting the folder with the program. In this case, you risk clogging HDD information that you will no longer use.

Without serious consequences when working in the future, you can disable the following system services:

Despite this a large number of unnecessary services, there are several extremely important ones that are responsible for the performance of components and many processes on the PC. Do not under any circumstances disable or delete the following:

How to disable unnecessary processes in Windows 7

Most software can be uninstalled standard means and the capabilities of the operating room itself Windows systems 7. A situation when the computer owner cannot quickly delete some third party program is extremely rare (for example, Disable_Windowsupdate.exe). To begin with, it is recommended to generate an operating system restore point.

It may be needed if the user incorrectly removes certain program or system components.

System restore point - unique feature Windows operating systems, which allows the user, if necessary, to make a so-called rollback before making changes.

  • To do this you will need:

    Open the “Start” menu and right-click on “Computer”;

  • Select “Computer” and click “Properties” In the list that opens, find “Properties” and go to the “System Protection” tab, which is located in special menu


  • Select “System protection”

    In the window, click on the “Create” button (located next to the “Create a restore point...” field);

  • Create a system restore point
  • IN Specify the name of your recovery point and confirm using the “Create” button. such a case The system will indicate the rollback date independently. If something happens during the removal procedure unnecessary components

    or entire programs go wrong, you can return the computer to its previous state.

    When installing any program or application, a built-in uninstallation program is installed along with the software shell and its functionality. All the shortcuts that we need in this case will be in the Start menu. For removing unnecessary application

  • perform the following manipulations:

    Open the Start menu, go to All Programs;

  • Select “All programs” and look for the program we need
  • Specify the directory with the program that you do not need, find the uninstaller and run it;

    If it is not there, then right-click on the program shortcut and click “Delete”;

  • In the window, click on the link, but do not delete the shortcut

    A warning will appear, telling us that only the shortcut will be deleted, but the program itself will remain unharmed. Here you need to click on the “Programs and Features” link;

  • We look for the program and remove it through “Programs and Features”
  • We look for an unnecessary program in the list, select it and press the “Delete” button.

    Please note that if you delete the shortcut itself, it will have no effect. All data about the program will remain the same, untouched, but you will not be able to launch it.

    Via "Control Panel" The “Control Panel” contains a standard tool for removing programs and components.

  • As a result, we should get into the same window that was mentioned in the previous paragraph. To do this you will need:

    Open the “Start” menu and select “Control Panel” on the right side;

  • In "Start" open "Control Panel"

    In the window that opens, we only need the “Programs and Features” item;

  • Launch the Programs and Features utility

    After clicking, a list of all installed programs will appear. Here we find what we don’t need, select it and press the “Delete” button.

  • We look for, select the unnecessary program and press the “Delete” button After removal, it is advisable to restart your personal computer. You can do this later when you delete everything unnecessary components

    and applications.

    Video: deleting through the “Control Panel”

    Via "Task Manager"“Task Manager” allows you to work not only with applications, but also with processes and services.

    The application on Windows 7 can be launched using the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc. Each tab is responsible for systems. Thus, if you go to “Services”, you will be able to view all those services that are available on your personal computer, including stopped ones. The current status is displayed in the Status field. Using the "Task Manager" you can disable a service, just select the one you need, right-click and select "Stop Service". You can restart it using the same method.

    Go to full, detailed list All services can be accessed by clicking on the “Services” button. It will be here detailed description each service, the functions it performs, and its status. The window allows you to change the way the service starts, which is done by right-clicking the mouse.

    A complete list of all computer services

    In the "Task Manager" you can deactivate any process or application that you do not need. Be careful as there are also system processes, disabling which can lead to problems during operation personal computer. Therefore, disable only those processes that you know about. To work with processes you will need:

  • Launch "Task Manager";
  • Go to the “Processes” tab;

    Disabling processes via Task Manager

  • Select the unnecessary one and click the “End process” button.
  • Please note what is forced shutdown valid only during a specific device operation session. The next time you start, the process will load automatically.

    Video: cleaning through Task Manager

    Using "System Configuration"

    The System Configuration utility allows you to disable autostart of unnecessary services and applications after loading the OS. To change the configuration you should:

  • Press the Win + R key combination on your keyboard;
  • Enter in the window msconfig command;

    Delete unnecessary services and programs through “System Configuration”

  • A window will appear in which we are interested in two tabs: “Services” and “Startup”.

    Disable unnecessary services through “System Configuration”

  • To disable unnecessary services and programs from startup, you just need to uncheck the box on the left next to the name of the application (service). Click the “Apply” and “Ok” button to save the changes and exit the utility.

    Programs for removing unnecessary files

    You can save time and use special software that will automatically find and remove unnecessary files on a personal computer.

    A small, easy-to-use program that will improve the performance of your PC by removing old and unnecessary files, including getting rid of unnecessary software on your computer or laptop. The utility has a simple and intuitive interface.

    Select unnecessary programs and begin the removal procedure

    During the first activation, the program will require you to confirm license agreement and will ask whether PC-Decrapifier is being used on this computer for the first time or not? If this is your first time using this utility, it will automatically create a system restore point. After answering this question, the program will analyze the computer and provide you with information about all installed programs, residual files. The only thing you will need to do is select the applications that you do not need and click on the delete button.

    Video: removal via PC-Decrapifier


    The program is designed to clean your computer from various “garbage”. The utility analyzes information on the device and shows detailed data about all files found, including those inside the system registry. With its help you can easily get rid of excess temporary files pre-installed programs (even those that are not removed in a standard way) and find residual data.

    To remove unnecessary files and programs you should:

  • Launch the utility;
  • Go to the “Cleaning” tab;
  • Select the Windows tab;

    PC analysis via CCleaner

  • Click the “Analysis” and “Cleaning” buttons;

    The result of checking your computer with CCleaner

  • Wait for the procedure to complete and repeat the same with the “Applications” tab.
  • This will find all the old, unused data that you can get rid of.

    If you need any of the found fragments, uncheck the box next to it and only then click the “Cleanup” button.

    Video: working with CCleaner

    Easy to use, free utility. Available paid version With additional set functions: automatic removal software when uninstalled by another application, regular check updates. By and large, users will be satisfied with the free version. With its help, you can analyze the system for the presence of old, temporary files, delete them and unnecessary programs.

    To work with the utility it is enough:

  • Run IObit Uninstaller and wait for the scanning procedure to complete;
  • Select unnecessary programs and components;

    Cleaning your computer using IObit Uninstaller

  • Click the “Delete” button.
  • Video: removal via IObit Uninstaller

    Thus, using standard tools of the Windows 7 operating system or additional software, you can improve the performance of your computer, free up space on your hard drive and provide good protection your device from external threats.

    Even on a new computer, just delivered from the store, there will be several programs that the user does not need. Of course, Windows 7 itself tries to load deeper into RAM, including some never-used services. The user has not yet hit the keys, and his computer is already wasting its power on something unnecessary. We will tell you in detail in our article how to find and disable unnecessary processes and how to remove unnecessary programs without harming your computer.

    Where do you get unnecessary programs on your computer?

    Unnecessary programs get onto your computer in several ways:

    Even if you have enough hard drive space and RAM, you should remove unnecessary applications for security reasons. Many of them, trying to customize their work to the interests and preferences of the user, collect personal information

    and transmit it to their servers. Sometimes this channel also becomes transparent to malicious software that can disrupt the operation of the computer.

    Which programs and processes in Windows 7 can be removed, and which ones should be left alone? The main rule when deleting unnecessary programs or services: “Know what you are doing!” Before you delete unfamiliar program , it’s worth figuring out what it does and where it came from on the computer. The same applies to 7.

    Windows Services

    Removal should take place according to the established procedure, and not by erasing the folder with the program, since otherwise the computer will be clogged with the remnants of unnecessary directories, settings, and browser bookmarks. It is very useful to create a system restore point on the eve of the “big clean”, this will allow you to undo the results of unsuccessful work.

    Without fear of negative consequences, you can disable some system services.

    What can be deleted without regret (table) Service
    Why can you delete
    KtmRm for distributed transaction coordinator
    Offline files
    IPSe Policy AgentAdaptive brightness control
    Useful for saving battery only if you have a light sensor.
    Windows FirewallComputer browser
    A network service that is not needed when there is no network.IP Ancillary Service On home computer
    useless.Must be disabled for security reasons.
    Print ManagerThe service is only needed if you have a printer.
    Access to HID devicesOnly needed if there are devices connected via USB ports.
    Windows DefenderCan be removed if antivirus is installed.
    Changed Link Tracking Client
    IPsec key modules for Internet key exchange and IP authentication
    NetBIOS Support ModuleComputer browser
    SSDP DiscoveryNeeded only if there are devices connected via the SSDP protocol. It's better to turn it off for security reasons.
    Basic TPM servicesThe service is only needed if you have control devices based on TMP or BitLocker chips.
    Windows SearchNeeded only when very active search on the computer.
    Parental ControlUseless service.
    ServerComputer browser
    Tablet PC input serviceThe service is only needed if you have handwriting input devices.
    Download service Windows images(WIA)Only needed when using digital cameras and scanners.
    Bluetooth supportOnly needed when connecting devices via Bluetooth.
    Windows Error Logging ServiceNo service needed to the average user.
    Smart cardThe service is only needed if you have smart card-based control devices.
    Remote registryNot needed by the average user. It is better to remove it for security reasons.
    FaxOnly needed when using a computer as a fax. Otherwise, you can delete it permanently.

    Services that cannot be disabled (table)

    What can be deleted without regret (table) Why can't you turn it off?
    Plug and PlayNecessary for correct connection of devices to the computer.
    SuperfetchSpeeds up applications by loading the most frequently used ones into RAM in advance.
    Windows AudioRequired for correct operation sound devices.
    Windows Driver FoundationResponsible for the operation of drivers.
    Desktop Window Manager Session Manager
    Task SchedulerService having great importance in Windows 7, including switching keyboard layouts.
    Media Class SchedulerNecessary for multimedia tasks, including audio components.
    ThemesRequired for the proprietary Aero interface to work.
    Remote Procedure Call (RPC)Provides stable work other services. Disabling is prohibited by the system.
    Windows InstallerThe service is required to install new applications.

    How to remove unnecessary programs and services

    Most programs can be easily removed using standard Windows 7 tools; for others you should use special applications. Sometimes the manufacturer intentionally installs utilities that the user cannot remove, for example, Disable_Windowsupdate.exe Samsung. Extra services and processes can also be disabled in several ways. However, the first step before seriously cleaning your computer should be to create a point Windows recovery 7 in case incorrect deletion system components.

    Creating a restore point

    1. Click the “Start” button and in the right column of the menu that opens, select the “Computer” line.
    2. Right-click on “Computer” and in the opened context menu Find the “Properties” line and select it.
    3. In the large “All Control Panel Elements - System” window that appears, select the “System Protection” tab on the left.
    4. The “System Protection” tab opens along with the “System Properties” window. At the bottom there is the on-screen button we need “Create”.
    5. The process of creating a restore point is almost completely automated. You need to come up with a name so that you can later identify the point, and then click screen button"Create".
    6. After successful completion of the process, the system will notify us about the creation new point. Now, if something goes wrong, you can “roll back” Windows 7 to this location.

    "Control Panel"

    1. To go to standard service to remove installed programs, click the “Start” button and select “Control Panel” on the right side of the menu.
    2. In the large “All Control Panel Items” window that appears, find the “Programs and Features” tab and go to it.
    3. By default, a large window opens with the subtitle “Remove or change a program”, in the central part of which there is a complete list of programs installed on our computer. We select with the mouse the application that we decided to delete.
    4. Immediately after clicking the mouse, active on-screen buttons appear just above the list of programs. We need a "Delete" button. Let's press it.
    5. Windows 7 gives us one last chance to change our minds by asking us to confirm the deletion. If the desire remains, click the “Yes” button.
    6. After removing some programs, it is better to reboot, which the system will offer at the end of the procedure. You can do this later, when all unnecessary applications and services are removed.


    You can get to the same “Uninstall or change a program” window with a list of applications through the “Start” button, by clicking on it and typing “Uninstall a program” in the search bar. By selecting the menu line of the same name, we get to desired window, after which we act according to the already known algorithm.

    You can also use the uninstaller of the program itself. To do this, click “Start”, then “All Programs”. In the list that opens, select the desired application (some are grouped into folders) and right-click on it.

    In the context menu that opens, we need the “Delete” line. We press it and see the “Delete Shortcut” window pop up, warning us that by continuing in the same way, we will delete the shortcut, but will not touch the application.

    Let’s listen to the advice and go to the active line “Programs and Features”. This will again take us to the familiar “Uninstall or change a program” window.

    "Task Manager"

    1. The "Task Manager" in Windows 7 is called in several ways, including the hotkey combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc.
    2. In the “Services” tab you can see all installed system services, including stopped ones. Their status is visible in the “Status” column. Here you can also stop a running utility if you wish, by selecting it in the list and clicking the right mouse button. In the small context menu you now need to select “Stop Service”.
    3. From the same tab, you can click on the “Services” button to the large window of the same name, which contains a description of each service and provides buttons to stop them.
    4. Task Manager also allows you to view and disable running programs on your computer. The “Processes” tab displays data on running applications, their brief description and consumption of processor and RAM resources. Clicking on the title unnecessary process right mouse button, open the context menu.
    5. To forcefully stop the program, you must select the “End process” item or the on-screen button of the same name at the bottom of the tab.

    Terminating a process means stopping a specific session of a service or application, but does not affect its running in the future. To prevent the service from being started by the system during the next session, you must disable it.

    How to disable services using System Configuration

    The list of services can be edited using “System Configuration”, which is called from the command line.

    1. Click Win keys(with the Windows proprietary flag) and R. In the “Open” input line of the “Run” window that appears, type the msconfig command.
    2. After clicking the OK screen button, the “System Configuration” window opens. We need the Services tab.
    3. The list of services is now before us. To disable, simply remove the checkbox to the left of the name of all services to be disabled, and then click the “Apply” on-screen button.

    Video: how to remove programs on Windows 7

    Specialized programs for cleaning the system

    There is enough small programs, specializing in removing unnecessary applications. Some focus on cleaning the computer from extra folders, which sometimes do not notice standard Windows 7 tools, others maintain a “black list” of adware and pre-installed applications, looking for them on the computer. Still others allow fine tuning system services.

    PC Decrapifier - cleaning according to the “black list”

    PC Decrapifier captivates with its honesty: freeing the computer from unnecessary software, it does not ask to install itself on the hard drive, but is content to launch with external media. The application is free, new versions are released regularly and the database of unsolicited programs is updated. The interface is simple and intuitive. Before the main stage of work begins, a restore point is created.

    1. Having downloaded PC Decrapifier from the manufacturer’s website, we immediately launch executable file, no separate installation required. The welcome window prompts you to check for updates. When you first start, this is not necessary, since we already have fresh databases installed, but later this button may be needed. Click the Next on-screen button.
    2. We go through the following standard two windows: license and warning, each time clicking Next.
    3. PC Decrapifier asks if our computer is new. The point of this question is that relatively useful applications, but unnecessary for the user, are often installed on a new computer, the list of which is constantly updated. The same programs found on a working machine were most likely deliberately installed. We set the answer switch to the question in accordance with the newness of the computer and click Next.
    4. Another preliminary action- creating a restore point. If this was not done a little earlier using standard Windows 7 tools, we agree to the offer. Having dealt with this issue, click Next, moving on to the main stage.
    5. After checking the computer, PC Decrapifier checks the list of installed programs with its “black list”. Discovered " uninvited guests” are collected on the next window with a proposal to delete them automatically. Here you can read a brief description of the utilities and, if you wish, cancel their removal by unchecking the box to the left of the name.
    6. Just in case, PC Decrapifier shows a list of others installed packages, indicating their publishers. Unlike the previous window, by default all the “birds” are cleared, that is, the program will be deleted only at the user’s request. Moreover, instead of brief description Interactive Help lines with information about applications are available. To add an unnecessary application to the list for deletion, just check the box to the left of its name.
    7. All that remains is to click on Next again, and on the next window Finish, having first unchecked the Submit feedback box. The removal process has started.
    8. Reboot and check if everything is working correctly. If necessary, use the created restore point.

    PC Decrapifier by some antivirus programs misclassified as dangerous application. This is not true, the warning can be ignored. Considering that PC Decrapifier does not require installation, takes up little space and is distributed free of charge, to be completely sure, you can remove it and download it again from the manufacturer’s website.

    CCleaner program

    1. A powerful utility for cleaning your computer from unnecessary information CCleaner is distributed free of charge, takes up little space on your hard drive, but requires installation.
    2. The program remembers where temporary files are stored in Windows 7 itself, as well as in major browsers and many applications. Intuitively clear interface in Russian allows you to run a system analysis to compile a list of what CCleaner considers unnecessary.
    3. Uninstalling programs is located in the “Service” tab. The program compiles a list of installed programs, activating the “Uninstall” and “Delete” buttons when selecting a specific application.
    4. Here you can edit the startup list, removing unnecessary applications from it.

    Powerful scanning and removal of indestructible programs with IObit Uninstaller

    Another free application, specializing in quality removal unnecessary programs. It carefully searches for all traces of the work of the package being removed and cleans them up. IObit Uninstaller allows you to create restore points before each uninstall, as well as forcefully remove “resistant” programs.

    1. When you first launch the program, you should remove the checkbox at the bottom of the screen so as not to add unnecessary applications to your computer.
    2. The application generates a list of installed programs, offering to select candidates for removal. To do this, click the “Delete” on-screen button. If you need to uninstall several applications in one package, check the box next to “Batch uninstall” in the upper right part of the window. Even higher is the tab “ Forced deletion", used for particularly stubborn applications that refuse voluntary erasure.
    3. Before clicking the button with the same name on the next window, you can create a restore point by checking the appropriate box.
    4. Standard removal is quick. Now the program offers to use its proprietary feature"Power Scan" to find all traces remote application.
    5. The search results are presented in the next window. By default, all found elements are marked for deletion; if you want to keep something, just uncheck it. All that remains is to click “Delete”.
    6. The last traces of the deleted application are erased from the computer. If for some reason it is necessary to delete information with a guaranteed impossibility of its recovery, you can select “File Shredder” in the menu (the button to the right of the “Forced deletion” option). The process will take a little longer, but sometimes it makes sense to go to such expense.

    Other programs

    • Should I Remove It? An alternative to PC Decrapifier, which also keeps a list of unnecessary programs. It has a different interface (ratings are highlighted in color), as well as a constant connection with the main site. Simpler, does not provide for editing startup.
    • Slim Computer. Creates a broader list for removal, including browser extensions and plugins. "Kills" unnecessary processes and programs.
    • AdwCleaner. Specializes in removing unwanted elements from browsers. Generates a report as a text file.

    Manufacturers and sellers software products spend a lot of effort and money to ensure that their applications are installed on your computer. And they pay much less attention to the complete removal of their packages, and sometimes they deliberately resist this. Therefore, in order to remain the master of your hardware, you need to regularly clean it of uninvited guests.