The account on the phone is not checked. Alternative verification via the Internet. MTS Connect application

Always staying connected and making sure that all the services you use will be available as soon as possible is very important. MTS provides several ways in which you can check your balance and find out all the necessary information about your account.

Is it so important to know the balance in your account?

Most MTS services cease to be available as soon as the user’s balance reaches zero or goes into minus. The number is blocked automatically, so you need to monitor your account status. Disabling when the balance decreases is relevant for both the Internet and television.

If you use services that are paid strictly once a month, you must be sure that there are enough funds in your account for the upcoming debit. Otherwise, the provision of the service will be suspended until the required amount is on the balance.

How to check balance on MTS

The list of ways to check the balance on a SIM card is huge. Currently, you can find out your balance both from a computer and from regular phones or smartphones running on the Android or iOS operating system.

Free USSD command

This method is optimal and fastest, it is available for all mobile devices. Just start dialing the number, enter the command *100# and press the call button. After which the dialing will begin, which will be automatically reset, and you will receive a response in the form of a message with all the necessary information about the balance.

Execute the command *100#

The function is free and available throughout Russia and abroad. There is also a command *107#, which provides information about the remaining package of minutes, messages and Internet traffic.

SMS message

Those who find it more convenient to send messages can send code 11 to number 111. The answer will come within a few minutes from the same number, it will contain all the necessary information.

Send message 11 to number 111

If you call 111, you will hear an answering machine. He will dictate a list of available options, and you will have to select and press the appropriate keyboard key. In response, you will receive information about your account status.

Call 111


Unlike all previous methods, for this you will need a computer or smartphone with support for any browser. Go to the official MTS website. When prompted, go through the authorization process by entering your username and password. If this is your first time on the site, follow the prompts to get a temporary password and then set a permanent one. After successfully logging into your account, you will see your balance status in the top right corner of the screen.

The balance is indicated in your personal account

Mobile application for phones

This method is only suitable for owners of smartphones with the Android or iOS operating system. MTS has developed a free My MTS application for its users, which can be downloaded for free from Google Play (Android) or App Store (iOS).

Install the “My MTS” application in the Play Market

After installing the program, log in to it. If the login is carried out from a device that uses an MTS SIM card, authorization will take place automatically, otherwise you will need the device that contains the SIM card, since it will receive a one-time code for registration. Once logged in, you will see information about your balance.

The balance is indicated in the application

Video: how to find out your MTS account balance

Find out the remaining traffic on your phone and modem

Users using metered Internet packages should monitor their traffic balance for two reasons: to know how many MB are left at their disposal, and to understand how many MB are still worth spending before the end of the month so that they do not burn up aimlessly. There are several ways to find out all the information about home and wireless Internet from MTS.

USSD command

As with checking your balance, the USSD command is the best choice. It is enough to call *111*17#, *217# or *100*1# to receive a response in message format with detailed information about the remaining traffic. Moreover, the command can be executed not only from a mobile device, but also from a special section of the “Connect Manager” application, which is automatically installed on all computers to which the MTS modem has ever been connected.

Execute the command *111*17#


By sending a message to number 5340 with the text “?” (question mark without quotes), you will receive a response message with information about the remaining megabytes.

Personal Area

By logging into your personal account on the official website, you can see information about how many more MB are available to you at the moment. You can use the site both from a computer and from a mobile device that supports any modern browser.

Your personal account shows the remaining traffic


More details about the special application “My MTS” were discussed in the previous paragraph “Checking SIM card balance” in the subparagraph of the same name “Application”. All you need to do is install this free application from the Play Market (Android) or App Store (iOS) and log in to it. On the main page, you will see a chart showing the number of MB spent and remaining.

The application shows the number of megabytes remaining

Be careful: traffic is not deducted for actions performed in the application itself, but megabytes spent on downloading the application will be counted and spent. Therefore, it is recommended to download “My MTS” via a Wi-Fi network.


If you use an MTS modem on a computer or laptop, then you should be familiar with the Connect Manager application, through which you have to connect to the network every time. Open it, go to the “USSD commands” tab and click on the “Traffic balance” button. The application will automatically send a suitable request and send you a response with information in message format.

Click on the “Remaining traffic” button

If this does not happen, you can go to the USSD service and send the command manually. For example, you can request the remaining traffic by calling *2017#.

Features for roaming and tablets

All of the above methods work fully in roaming and in all regions of Russia. If you use a tablet, you may find that you cannot make calls from it. In this case, use the “My MTS” application or move the SIM card with the Internet to another device, find out the remaining traffic, and then return it to its place.

Checking MTS TV subscriber accounts

In addition to communications and the Internet, MTS distributes television services. There are different tariffs, but to prevent your signal from being blocked, you need to top up your balance on time, and you can find out its status in different ways.

USSD request

There are two numbers: short 6100 - for cell phones with an MTS SIM card, main +7 985 721 6100 - for all phones and operators. To find out your balance, you need to send the message “smart card number 03” (without quotes) to one of the above numbers. For example, “10987654321 03” (without quotes). The cost of the service is 1.77 rubles. The answer will come within 20 minutes.

Send a USSD command to number 6100

Web site

The unified website of the MTS company allows you to find out the status of the personal account balance for all authorized users. You were most likely given your login and password when concluding the contract. If not, then contact MTS technical support at 0890 to find out how to get it.


Knowing the contract or smart card number, you can contact any nearest MTS store. Consultants will help you resolve the issue. The main thing is to take your passport and the contract with you, since you may need an ID card to provide such information.

Call for support

If none of the above methods work for you, that is, for some reason you cannot find out the balance or remaining traffic, you can contact free technical support. But keep in mind that you will most likely have to wait 5–10 minutes, since usually there are not enough operators to answer everyone. You should call the single number 0890 - the number is relevant for cell phones with an MTS SIM card.

If you are calling from a landline number or SIM card of any other operator, please call 8 800 250 0890. For subscribers located in roaming, that is, abroad, the relevant number is +7 495 766 0166.

How to find out another person's balance

The SIM card balance of another person, relative or friend, can only be found out if the “Friend’s Balance” function is activated on it. It allows you to create a list of numbers from which someone has the right to find out the account status of this SIM card. To connect it, you need to call *111*422#.

The list of numbers with the right to check a friend’s balance can be expanded to 10 subscribers. To add a new “friend” to it, you need to call *111*422# again and follow the instructions offered by the answering machine.

A user who is on the friends list can dial the command *140*phone_number# and make a call to get information about the balance of the registered number. The service is free and does not require connection from the user who recognizes the balance - it is enough for the person whose balance is recognized to connect it.

How to find out the balance of a corporate number

To find out the total balance of the company, you can use the standard USSD command *100#. If you want to find out your personal balance, use the specified command *100*1# or its equivalent - *129#.

The remaining balance and traffic can be found out in various ways. The main thing is not to forget to do this from time to time, so that when the time comes for debiting, you will not be blocked due to lack of funds. If any difficulties arise, contact free MTS support, operators will help solve all your problems.

You can find out your balance on MTS by making a special request *100# from your mobile phone. In a few seconds, an SMS message will be sent to your number with information about the status of your account, or this data will immediately be displayed on the screen after entering the command. For certain tariff plans and services, SMS and MMS, dial *100*1#. If you want to find out the balance for packages of additional minutes, MMS, SMS and GPRS with a limited period of use, use the request *100*2#.

Try calling the 24-hour support service to find out your MTS balance. To do this, dial the short number 0890 from your mobile phone. This call is free. To call from a landline or another operator, dial 8-800-333-08-90 (call). Give the operator your phone number and ask for the status of your account balance.

You can find out your balance on MTS using the online assistant. Dial *111*25# from your mobile phone to receive a password to access your personal account. You can enter it from the official website of the MTS operator or mobile phone using the link that will be sent via SMS. Once the page loads, you will see your personal details, including your current balance.

on MTS you can by contacting one of the operator’s subscriber service offices in your city and providing the employees with a passport. This is convenient because if there is insufficient funds in the account, you can immediately top it up by transferring the required amount to the office specialists. If necessary, also ask to disable unnecessary services that increase your mobile communications costs.

How to check the balance of another MTS subscriber

You can transfer funds to your friend or relative’s MTS using the “Other Subscriber’s Balance” service. You can connect it through the “Mobile Portal” by dialing *111*2137# from your phone. It is also available from the Internet Assistant or Mobile Assistant self-service systems when calling 111. You will be asked to enter the desired number to check its balance.

You can also send an SMS message with the combination of numbers 237 to number 111. Following the instructions received, find out the balance of another MTS subscriber. The use of the listed services is free within the network of this operator.

It is important for all subscribers to learn how to check the balance on MTS in a quick and easy way. For a modern person, it is important to know the amount of funds remaining in the account.

Today we will talk to you about the most accessible ways to check your MTS balance.

Call to operator

MTS employees are allowed access to account statements for each subscriber. Therefore, it is their responsibility to help you find out your MTS balance. However, this method has a huge drawback - it is quite difficult to contact the operator. This is especially difficult to do on weekends, on the first and last days of the month. Many people simply don’t have time for this. But if you still have free minutes, then call the direct number 8 800 250 08 90. By contacting the operator, you can ask any questions regarding the services provided.

Contacting the voice informant

Information service number 111. Listen to the categories suggested by the answering machine, select the one you need.

Sending USSD commands

Despite the emergence of new opportunities, the most common method of checking the balance of an MTS phone is sending a USSD request. You will receive a response message in less than 10 seconds.

  1. Send your MTS balance request to *100#. An SMS will immediately be sent to your mobile device, containing a detailed report on your account status.
  2. If you send a request to the short number *100*1#, you will receive a message with information about the remaining number of SMS, MMS, Internet, bonus minutes. But this is only possible if such packages are connected to your tariff. The response message indicates the name of the tariff plan.
  3. Received bonus minutes, SMS, MMS, Internet traffic under the terms of temporary offers are checked by calling *100*2#.

Using your Personal Account

In your “Personal Account” you can find all the information on your phone number. And you will not need to waste time sending an SMS or USSD request, or wait for a connection with a company employee.

To create a “Personal Account” you need to obtain a password, which can be ordered on the main page of the service. It will arrive on your mobile device as a text message. In the “Account Status” tab you will find all the detailed information about the status of your account.

By the way, you are allowed to enter this password for authorization in various MTS services.

Using the mobile application

For fans of new technologies and innovations, checking your MTS account will not be difficult. Just download the unique program, and you will always know new interesting offers from MTS.

  • owners of Android phones must download a special program “AnyBalance”;
  • for iOS users, “Balance Info” is suitable;
  • But for devices with Windows Phone, iOS, Android programs, you can use the special “My MTS” application.

A fairly convenient application menu allows you to check your account balance in a few minutes. Of course, it has one big disadvantage - it runs on the Internet. This means that if there is no Internet connection, you will not be able to use the program.

The applications are also easy to use and have an important advantage: they can be used to monitor the account status of other SIM cards. This applies to SIM cards from different operators! You can also enter information not only about your own number, but also activate the phones of friends and relatives. This method will make it possible to always know the amount of funds remaining in the account on all connected devices.

“My MTS” also makes it possible to:

  • activate new services or deactivate unnecessary ones;
  • change tariff plan;
  • top up your account from a card.

Using the application, enable the “Live Balance” option. After making each call or sending a message, information about the balance at the moment will be visible on the display of the mobile device.

Using a different phone number

Many tariff plans have a special service – “Friend’s Balance”. Thanks to it, connected subscribers will have the opportunity to find out their MTS balance by phone number.

To activate the option, send a request *111*422#. Once confirmed, enter a list of “monitoring numbers” and these people will be able to check your account balance from their phone.

To authorize these numbers, follow the prompt messages. You can connect a maximum of 5 numbers. The exception is corporate numbers. Checking the MTS balance from another number is done by dialing the combination *140*subscriber number#. There is no connection fee and use is also free.

Today we have revealed all the secrets of how to find out the balance on MTS. Now you know that there are several methods. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Choose the one that is most convenient for you and don’t be afraid to be left without communication.

In the whirlwind of events, an active user of a mobile device needs to always be in touch. Operators create tariff plans that include prepaid minutes, SMS alerts and Internet traffic. Each offer includes a certain amount of time for telephone calls or megabytes of Internet, so it becomes necessary to track the costs of the selected service package.

The company has developed several methods for determining the amount of money a subscriber has. You can check your balance on Megafon using your “Personal Account” through the official website, via phone or message.

How to view your phone balance on Megafon

One of six ways will help you find out the balance on your Megafon account.

  1. Thanks to USSD commands.
  2. Thanks to the entrance to the “Personal Account”.
  3. Thanks to SMS request to the operator's short number.
  4. Thanks to contacting a company employee by phone.
  5. Thanks for contacting the office.
  6. Thanks to the SIM menu.

How to check your phone balance using USSD commands

The symbol combination *100*0# will help you find out the balance status on the Megafon SIM card.

The method is suitable for subscribers who do not have access to the Internet. The check is carried out according to the command *558# and the “call” function further. Via SMS service you will receive a notification about the consumption of Internet traffic of this mobile device.

Not all tariff plans support this combination, so there is another character code *105*693#.

To determine the status of a personal account you need to dial *100#.

(If on your phone, after requesting a balance, you do not receive an SMS with the balance in response and is not shown on the screen, then the mobile operator’s server may be overloaded; to check your account, you will have to wait a couple of minutes and make the request again.)

The combination *100*1# will help you clarify the discount program. The command *100*2# will tell you about the availability of bonuses. The immediate balance of rewards will help you find out *115*11#.

How to check your phone balance using “Personal Account”

You can find out comprehensive information about the condition of your mobile phone using the “Personal Account” service, through the website of the operator “Megafon”. Surprisingly, the action is performed even without access to the Internet. Of course, there will be minor functional limitations. But this is enough to find out the subscriber’s account status.

Login to your personal electronic page is carried out using a password and cell phone number. The combination *105*00# and the “call” button will help you get the coveted numbers. After a few seconds, the secret code will be sent via SMS; you need to enter it in the “password” column.

Stages of checking your balance through your personal page.

  1. Dial the combination *105# on your mobile phone, then press the “call” button. After completing the action, a “Menu” will appear, in which you need to press the “1 - Personal Account” key.
  2. In the “Remainings” column, select the number “1”.
  3. You can find out tariff plans and options using the “1” key. Using the number “2” - bonus accruals and programs.

How to find out your phone balance using SMS request

One of the easiest ways to check your phone balance is to request it via SMS. To find out how much money is left on your mobile device, just send empty request to number 000100 or 000888. In response, you will receive a message indicating your finances. To determine Internet traffic, you must send the word “remainder” or “ostatok” to the combination of numbers 000663.

How to find out your phone balance by operator's phone number

A call center specialist will help you check the balance of your Megafon SIM card. To call, a toll-free number is 0500. 24-hour advice is also available by calling 8 800 333 0500. An employee will tell you about the status of your current account and suggest a convenient way to control your balance.

How to find out your phone balance through the company office

In order to clarify the amount of funds, you need to go to the nearest Megafon office. The center's staff will promptly provide data on current expenses and account receipts. You must have a document with you: a passport or driver's license.

How to find out your balance using SIM menu

Find the application in the phone list. Select “Megaphone” in the menu and use the “Balance” button to request the remaining balance of your mobile device. The result will come via SMS.

How to find out the balance on a USB modem

The program has a “Find out traffic” function. Pressing this command allows you to receive a response to your request via SMS.

Determining the account status on a mobile device is not difficult for anyone. A company specialist will quickly inform you about cash expenses and the balance of the tariff plan. Each subscriber has the right to choose a method convenient for him.

A representative of cellular communications has developed the “Balance of Loved Ones” service to control the money of third parties. The function can only be activated with the permission of the client whose financial results will be checked. Details can be found on the official website.

Mobile operator subscribers must monitor their account balance and top it up on time to stay in touch. This article tells you how to find out the MTS balance on your phone in different ways.

How to check MTS balance via USSD request

The MTS balance request is performed with the following command *100# - dial this number to check your account and make a call. For those of you whose phone does not support Cyrillic, you need to use a slightly modified USSD request #100#

To find out the remaining packages of minutes, SMS, MMS and GPRS traffic within the framework of services and tariff plans, use the command *100*1#. The same information, but for promotions with a limited period of validity - *100*2#.

You can find out the remaining MTS traffic with this command *111*217#

How to find out MTS balance via SMS

You can find out how much money is in your MTS account via SMS. In a text message, write 11 and send it to the short number 111. After some time, a response message will be sent to your phone with information about the status of your account.

Calls and SMS to 111 are free.

Balance on the phone screen

Want to control your expenses? Receive information about the cost of the last call and the remaining balance directly on your mobile phone screen by activating the “Balance under Control” service.

Attention! The service is paid. Daily cost 0.10 rub.

To connect and disconnect, dial *152*3# and press the call button. Also, you can activate this option.

“Balance under control” is available in most tariff plans: Super Zero, RED Energy, in the Many calls, Long conversations, Cool, Guest line.

Find out balance by phone number

On the “Mayak” tariff plan, you can activate the free “Friend’s Balance” service and allow other MTS subscribers to check their balance.

The “Friend’s Balance” service is available only in the “Mayak” tariff plan. It connects and disconnects with the USSD command *111*422#

After activation, you need to set up numbers “under the control” of your relatives or friends, who will be able to check your account.

To set up “under control” numbers, use the command *111*422# and follow the system prompts. Up to 5 MTS subscribers can act as controlled numbers, with the exception of corporate tariff plans.

To request a balance from numbers under control on their phone, they need to dial the combination *140*number of the subscriber being checked# and make a call. Checking your MTS account is free, you don’t need to connect any additional options.

Checking balance via voice auto-informer

You can check your MTS account by calling the Service Center at the short number 111. Listen carefully to the voice auto-informer. Select the desired menu item and your account status will be announced by voice.

This method is not as fast as the USSD request *100#, but it can be useful for those subscribers who cannot read the information on the phone screen for one reason or another.

Find out the balance on your MTS account from your operator

You can find out the status of your MTS account from your operator by calling 0890. Calling this number only to check your balance is not the best solution. Firstly, all operator lines may be busy and you will have to wait for some time. Secondly, there are other, faster ways.

Checking your account through MTS service

“MTS service” is a free service with which you can manage and check your balance on MTS from your phone.

Just dial *111# and press the call button. Next you will be taken to a menu where you can select items of interest in USSD mode. The answers are displayed directly on the screen. Unlike SMS messages, they do not need to be deleted and are not saved in the phone's memory.

For quick access to account information: Balance, Opportunities at 0, Expense control and your payments, use the request *111*2#

Application "My MTS"

The My MTS mobile application allows you to:

  • Check your balance online
  • Select tariff
  • Manage services
  • Monitor the remaining packages
  • Order details
  • Replenish an account

As you can see, you can find out the balance on MTS in different ways, choose a convenient one and control communication costs.