How many hours should a computer rest? Add your price to the Comment database. Changing the habitual style of using the Internet. The main symptoms of a computer not turning on

Many PC users have a question: how long can they leave the computer on? This problem causes so many doubts and prejudices partly due to the fact that most of us never deign to read the instructions for the purchased equipment.

Myths about why you should turn off your computer

The most common theory for turning off a computer is to equate it with any other household appliance, which has the unpleasant property of overheating when running for too long. This is why 80% of users still give their PC a “rest” at every opportunity.

In fact, the problem of overheating was solved a long time ago: all modern computers have quality system cooling corresponding to their power and loads. Air cooling allows you to keep the machine running for several months. For those who doubt there is software, which helps monitor the temperature of key machine elements.

The second factor that seems to speak in favor of regularly turning off the PC’s power is possible power surges in the network. Typically, this myth flourishes among old-school people who are accustomed to turning off electrical appliances during a thunderstorm, etc.

Buying a block uninterruptible power supply- the optimal solution to this problem. In fact, failures do not happen very often, and UPS allows you to protect your PC and avoid constantly turning it on and off for the sake of prevention.

It has long been proven that from permanent job computer parts wear out significantly less than with frequent launches, That's why optimal solution will not turn off the car, if possible, for a long time.

When to turn off your computer

Operating systems, including the most common - Windows, are constantly updated. Some updates only take effect after you restart your computer, so to avoid software glitches, it is advisable to restart your machine once a week.

High-quality cooling systems on well-assembled PCs operate stably and uninterruptedly, but precisely due to active work, many times more dust settles on them than on stationary surfaces. Depending on the level of dust in the room, coolers need to be cleaned from once every six months to 1-2 times a month. Cleaning can be done ONLY when the computer is turned off, to avoid the accumulation of static electricity (which occurs, for example, when cleaning with a vacuum cleaner).

To summarize, we can say that it is better to turn off the computer as rarely as possible, allowing it to reboot occasionally and cleaning the cooling system in a timely manner.


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When trying to recover your account important point is its status: deletion, blocking or temporary suspension. In some cases, “resuscitation procedures” give a positive result, sometimes not.

You will need

  • - login and password;
  • - checking for spam;
  • - antivirus programs;
  • - appeal to technical service support.


It is easier to restore an account when it is not permanently deleted, but blocked. This can happen for various reasons, for example, if you have not visited your page for a long time, or you have closed your profile. If the message “Your” appears when entering your login and password, look for the “Recover” item among the program functions. As a rule, if the account is "", because you have not used it for a long time or at your request, it will be enough to enter your login and password, and your account should be activated automatically. In some cases, in order to unblock your account, you may be asked Secret Question, ask to indicate email address and so on.

The reason for account blocking may be spam sent from it, network attacks etc. This means that there is a virus on your system. Check your computer for spam using an on-line scan by following the link: If you see a red message LISTEN, follow the link provided and write to have your IP address removed from the spam database. With the help of reliable antivirus programs swipe full check your operating system for the presence of viruses. After checking the computer, disable the “System Restore” option through the commands: “Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - System Restore”. Restart your computer. Then “System Restore” can be turned on again.

After you check your computer and make sure that your account are not carried out malicious actions, write to the department technical support website and briefly but meaningfully explain the situation to them. As soon as you have your account, change your password immediately (if the site administration does not do this).

Global computerization is an undeniable technical progress. Elderly people and even two-year-olds can work on a computer, which makes their parents incredibly proud. Both children and teenagers are ready to spend 24 hours a day in front of an alluring monitor.

At the same time, few people think about where children’s tantrums suddenly come from, why teenagers suffer from headaches, and where healthy children who are not burdened with problems get headaches.

It is completely impossible to abandon the computer, since in the modern technogenic world the PC has become an indispensable element of life. But, like any technical gadget, a computer must be used wisely, strictly observing the time, conditions and breaks in work.

The harm to health caused by computers is sometimes exaggerated. The negative impact is created due to irregular time spent working on a PC, i.e. the person himself aggravates existing risks.

Electromagnetic radiation

Any household appliance emits EMR, but a person does not sleep next to a refrigerator or a running microwave oven, does not watch TV at a distance of 25-40 cm from the eyes, but when working on a PC, all emitters are concentrated near the body: monitor, operational unit, mouse, keyboard.

An independent study of computers distributed on the market for these products, which was carried out by employees of the Electromagnetic Safety Center (Moscow), allowed us to draw a disappointing conclusion that the biologically dangerous level of electromagnetic radiation in the user’s area was exceeded.

PCs increase the overall EM background created by household appliances and “irradiate” not only the person sitting behind the screen, but also those around him. An area within a radius of 1.5 m from the computer is considered dangerous.

Increased EMR background causes:

  • headache
  • fatigue, nervousness
  • decreased resistance to infections, from the skin to the internal organs
  • The increased EM background also makes an undeniable contribution to the increase in the number of malignant neoplasms.

PC monitors made with cathode ray tubes

They are proven sources of ultraviolet, soft x-ray, visible, infrared, radio frequency, microwave and low frequency EMR. Most of all, EMR is emitted by the rear and side walls of the monitor. Every year, more stringent standards are adopted regarding the radiation power of the monitor, but manufacturers are taking a cunning step, not reducing this very power, but improving quality protective coating, applied to the front of the screen. The back and side walls still emit EMR.

System unit

The system unit is also a powerful emitter. Human body most sensitive to EMR in the range of 40-70 GHz. At these frequencies, the wavelength is comparable to the size of the cells, which means that the radiation easily penetrates the tissue. Features of modern PCs:

  • this is an increase in operating frequencies of both the processor and peripheral devices
  • increasing power to 400 - 500 W.

As a result, the unit's radiation level in the frequency range 40-70 GHz has increased thousands of times over the past 2-3 years.

Laptop and LCD monitors

LCD monitors and laptops made on the basis of liquid crystals are positioned as safe because they do not generate that “bouquet” of EMR characteristic of cathode ray tubes. But not only the tube is an emitter - the power supply voltage converter when the device is operating from the network, the control circuit, and other elements of the equipment are also capable of generating harmful fields.

At the same time, the laptop is always located closer to the user, and some users have the habit of placing the PC on their laps.

Research: The CYCLON-TEST and ELITE testing centers examined 5 types of laptops from the most famous manufacturers. EMR measurements were carried out in 8 directions from the equipment, including the keyboard, since it is monolithically connected to the laptop. In this case, the measurement distances from the PC were taken to be smaller than those normalized by the MPR II standard.

Research has shown that when the device was powered either from the mains or from a battery, the MPR II standards were not met for the majority of samples in all 8 directions. Particularly significant excesses were observed in front and to the right of the PC.

Effect of EMR on children and pregnant women

The brain matter in children is more conductive, and the skull bones are thinner, which ultimately leads to a greater specific absorbed power. EMR penetrates deeper into parts of the brain.

EMF is a biologically active factor in relation to embryos. As is known, the sensitivity of an embryo to any damaging factors is many times higher than that of an adult, and EMR is no exception. Intrauterine injury from computer work most often occurs in the early stages of development, leading to miscarriages or developmental defects.


Modern monitors are already devoid of a previously characteristic problem - flickering, but this does not mean that the computer does not put stress on the eyes, which, subject to the standard operating time on a PC, is comparable to that when watching TV.

  • Stress - uncontrolled use of a computer by children, whose health in rare cases is absolute, leads to tension in the visual apparatus, which is equivalent to severe stress. Everyone knows about the consequences of stress; this is a separate topic.
  • Decreased vision - weakness of the muscular system of the eyes when overstrained leads to decreased vision. Captivated by the picture on the monitor, children forget to blink, which leads to dry corneas and deterioration of vision.

The final eye strain is influenced by 4 factors:

  • monitor quality;
  • work intensity;
  • duration of work;
  • organization of the workplace.

The screen image is a priori different from the natural one. Unlike natural reflected light, it is self-luminous and has little contrast, which is made even less by external light. The image from the monitor consists of individual dots and constantly flickers. A computer image does not have clear boundaries, like a picture on paper.

The increase in visual load is accompanied by the need to constantly move the gaze from the screen to paper text or the keyboard. The situation is aggravated by low-quality software, incompatible color selection, illegible font, poor monitor placement, poorly organized workplace(glare reflections from the screen, non-compliance with the distance to the screen, etc.).

All this leads to the development of the so-called computer vision syndrome:

  • eyes start to water
  • the image becomes unclear, double
  • fatigue occurs
  • change in concentration.

A survey of people who work at a computer for a long time led to the identification of the following symptoms:

  • redness of the eyes in 48%;
  • itching of the periocular area in 41%;
  • eye pain in 9%;
  • “floaters” in the eyes of 36%;
  • discomfort in 5-10%;
  • headache in 9%;
  • weakness in 3%;
  • darkening and double vision in 2 – 0.16%;

In addition to subjective sensations, this group of people also observed physiological changes in the visual system:

  • violation of convergence in 52% of cases, accommodation - in 45% of users;
  • changes in binocular vision in 49%, stereo vision in 47%;
  • decreased visual acuity in 34%.

Seated position

  • Sitting at a computer for a long time in a virtually forced position results in stagnation of blood in the pelvic area, which contributes to the development.
  • The load on the musculoskeletal system leads to poor posture and scoliosis in childhood, as well as salt deposition and osteochondrosis in adults.
  • Physical inactivity leads to muscle weakness and obesity. A person's sedentary lifestyle leads to the risk of heart attacks and strokes by the age of 35-40.

As for children, the problem is more than serious. Parents who are faced with problematic posture in their children know that it is very difficult to stop the progression and cure the curvature of the spine that has begun. The computer completely captures the child's attention; the child does not feel like he is sitting slouched. The pathological process starts very quickly in a growing child’s body:

  • At first, a barely noticeable stoop appears
  • It is more difficult for the child to keep his back straight
  • When sitting, the back becomes round
  • then muscle weakness and incorrect posture lead to curvature of the spinal column, which can progress literally before our eyes.

Load on the joints of the hands

Many people notice that after prolonged work on the computer (with a keyboard or mouse), the hand begins to go numb, especially in the area of ​​the fingertips, and also ache. I always want to rub my hands, as if they are numb. All this is a consequence of disruption of the small joints of the hand, blood supply and innervation.

Exposure to dust, dirt and chemicals

During operation, the PC attracts dust and various dirt, which accumulates in the system unit and settles on the keyboard and mouse. The PC cooling system causes dust to circulate indoors.

  • It has been proven that the keyboard contains many times more germs than the toilet lid.
  • Dust, being an active allergen, leads to the development of hypersensitivity reactions, and. In turn, pathogenic microorganisms enter the body with dirty hands and cause various obvious or hidden infections.

Swedish environmentalists discovered that within two years after manufacture, the monitor releases the chemical compound triphenyl phosphate into the air, which is a strong allergen. This substance is part of the plastic, and when the latter is heated during operation of the PC, it begins to be released into the air. Triphenyl phosphate levels are ten times higher than background while running on a PC.

Effect on the nervous system and psyche

This factor is the most dangerous and in some cases leads to irreversible consequences and the formation of complete mental dependence on the computer.

Impact on children

The unstable psyche of children and teenagers suffers from being addicted to the computer. Problems begin with a simple reluctance to leave the computer to do usual things (walk, eat). Then the child refuses to go to bed at the proper time.

In the future, deprivation of a computer leads to irritability and hysterics. There is a violation of attention and memory, depressive and even aggressive mood.

The taste for life and mood return only when playing on a PC. At the same time, the child is not interested in those around him or what is happening; addressing him during computer games causes aggression or goes unnoticed. Literally, addicted children end up in the computer world, becoming zombies and not interested in real life.

Effect on adults

Adult users often run away from their problems by immersing themselves in virtual world and being already there the winner of life. At the same time, the events of the game are perceived as in reality, with experiences and emotions. The adrenaline produced during the game is not destroyed by the body, as happens when playing sports, cycling, etc. When adrenaline heats up in the body, it leads to destruction nervous system, development of neurasthenia and psychosis.

And for those who already have mental problems, the computer is absolutely contraindicated. Having tasted the taste of murder during the game, such people easily decide to commit this act in real life, including suicide. The well-known case of suicide of 6 Russian schoolchildren – fans of “Final Fantasy”, which occurred in 2001, is far from the only one; sad statistics are constantly updated with the ridiculous deaths of people addicted to computers.

Computer addiction is equal in strength to alcohol or drug addiction! But if in the case of the last two various methods struggle, starting from the state level, then gamers remain on the sidelines, destroying their lives and the destinies of their relatives.

Is radiation from a Wi-Fi router harmful?

Wireless access point in global network Surely there is one in every apartment. It is convenient and economical, and those who switched to Wi-Fi are unlikely to return to wired Internet.

  • The router's radiation frequency is 2.4 GHz (slightly higher for a microwave oven).
  • The radiation power is 18 mW (for a mobile phone it is approximately 1 W.
  • If the device is turned on constantly, the impact on humans will also be constant. Some people do not turn off the access point even at night and sleep in the room where the router is located, which is completely unacceptable.
  • An excess of radio waves threatens the development of irritability, fatigue and other symptoms.

Working for quite high frequency, the router has low power. Those. reasonable use of the device, placed at a safe distance, outside of bedrooms, is considered acceptable and comparable to the effect of a TV, refrigerator and other EMR-emitting devices. The closer the healing generator (in our case, the router) is located to a person, the longer it operates continuously, the greater the negative impact it has.

In public places Wi-Fi access The free source is located far from users, without affecting health. IN in this case The device used to access the Internet (phone, tablet) emits more radiation.

Rules for working on a personal computer

All of the problems listed above can be avoided by strictly following the rules of working on a PC yourself and not giving any concessions to children, allowing them to play “just 5 more minutes.”

Working time on a PC - how long can you sit at a computer?

For adult users, the total time spent working on a PC is 6 hours a day (you can sit at a computer for a maximum of 8 hours, due to professional needs). This does not mean that you can sit on the computer at 9 am and sit non-stop until 3 pm. Breaks must be observed, which we will discuss below.

  • Teenagers 12-16 years old can spend no more than 2 hours on a PC per day;
  • Children aged 7-10-12 years are allowed 1 hour of work on a PC;
  • A child 5-7 years old can sit at the computer for no more than half an hour.
  • For children under 5 years old, PC should be prohibited.

Scheduled breaks

To prevent overload of organs and systems, as well as mental discomfort, it is necessary to pause for leisure. Those. Simply turning away from the monitor and looking out the window is not an option.

  • During each working hour, after 15-20 minutes, you should take your eyes away from the screen for 2-3 minutes, or at least close them, doing a mini-unload on the visual analyzer.
  • After every 45 minutes of working on a PC, you need to take a 10-15 minute break: warm up, walk around. If possible, you can lie down with your eyes closed.
  • After 3 hours of work, you need to take a break for a half-hour rest - go for a walk, breathe fresh air, have a snack.
  • It is useful to do eye exercises - rotating the eyeballs, blinking frequently, looking from near to distant objects.

Organization of the workplace - how to sit at the computer correctly

To work on a PC you must have appropriate furniture - computer desk and a chair. Both adult and children's furniture are available, which can be adjusted according to height. In this case, the height of the chair should correspond to the height of the table.

  • The lighting should be even, there should be no contrasting light sources near the monitor.
  • The best option for placing the monitor is in the corner of the room, which will allow the walls to absorb the EMR generated by it. The distance to the monitor should be from 40-50 cm, while it should occupy a position several cm below the eyes, so that the view of the monitor is from top to bottom, and not vice versa. The refresh rate of the monitor screen must be at least 85 Hz.
  • The system unit should be located as far as possible from a person.

For working on a PC, special safety glasses are sold, which in no way affect the quality of the picture, but protect the eyes from overexertion.

Computer care

At least once a month you need to remove the back cover system unit and carefully vacuum the parts. The keyboard and monitor should be wiped down by special means every day.

To unused computer does not generate harmful radiation, it should be disconnected from the network. This rule also applies to wireless routers or wired internet– they need to be turned off.

Indoor microclimate

During breaks in work, the room should be ventilated through the room, and during work, the window should be micro-ventilated. PC operation leads to an increase in the level of positively charged and a decrease in negatively charged ions.

Fifteen minutes of airing leads to this indicator back to normal. During ventilation, the room also leaves other chemicals that enter the air due to the operation of the PC.

How to save a child from computer addiction or prevent it from forming

  • It is difficult to completely eliminate the computer for a schoolchild, but health should always remain a priority! The PC should be used strictly for homework and under adult supervision. If you give yourself some slack and let you play the game after completing homework on a PC, you can forget about further productive completion of lessons. Tasks that involve working on a PC should be completed last.
  • A computer should never be positioned as a bonus for something. You cannot turn a computer into a super-forbidden thing (it is always more attractive), just as you cannot turn a PC into a cult and an incentive prize for obedience. The child must understand that a computer is a gadget for adults.
  • Try to take it all free time the child with benefit: let it be sports sections, clubs, swimming pool, dancing, gymnastics, hockey and others. While devoting energy to useful pastime, you simply won’t have enough time for the computer.
  • Don't serve bad example, enthusiastically fighting space monsters in front of the children. Let the computer be associated with a work necessity, not with entertainment.
  • Spend time with your children, excluding moments when the child sits at the computer and is left to his own devices, without distracting adults from their daily activities. Games should be in a child’s life, because they develop, but let them be active street games or exciting board games that are so fun to play with the whole family.
  • Start introducing your children to computer world not immediately from an adult PC or laptop; if a child wants a computer, buy him a toy educational device similar in appearance with a laptop.

A computer and human health are contradictory concepts, but with reasonable organization of work on a PC, you can minimize the harmful effects of the device on health.

A personal computer is a big investment, and everyone wants to keep it for as long as possible. However, sometimes computers break down quite quickly, which can be very frustrating. How to avoid this? What can you do to keep your computer working for a long time and without breakdowns until you want to change it yourself? To deal with this, you need to know the causes of breakdowns, but do not use this knowledge after problems appear, but use them to prevent possible breakdowns. To do this, you will need to keep your computer clean, take care of it, and make sure that everything is in order with it. However, it is better for you to familiarize yourself with several ways that will help you extend the life of your computer.

Purity and protection

Dust and various small particles of dirt are your computer's worst enemy. All this settles inside the system unit, gets on important parts and clogs them. Coolers are especially affected, as they become clogged and stop working, causing serious damage to your computer. Therefore, you always need to ensure that it is kept clean - blow out all dust, hair, pet hair, Special attention paying attention to coolers. It is also recommended to cover your computer with something that will protect it from dust while you are not working on it.


High temperatures can also seriously harm your computer - it itself will heat up during operation, but if the room is also hot and you also put something on it, then this can lead to serious problems as a result. It is best to place your computer in a cool, well-ventilated room, without placing anything on top of it or blocking the air vents. Always keep a close eye on your PC's temperature so you can take immediate action if it suddenly starts to rise.

Updates and cleaning

Of course, operating system updates that constantly pop up on your dashboard quick access, you may get very bored. But in fact, you should do exactly what they advise you to do - update your computer. Outdated programs and shells can harm your computer just as much as external factors. Also note that you need to take care of your hard drive - periodically clean it, as well as defragment it so that it does not become clogged.

Less movement

Never forget that your computer is not just a solid box, inside the case there is a large number of wires and fragile parts. And if you constantly move your computer, touch the system unit, kick it or otherwise influence it, this can lead to unpleasant breakdowns, the consequences of which will not be so cheap to eliminate. So if you want your computer to last longer, you'll want to touch it as little as possible - other than pressing the on and off button, of course.

Network filter

It is very important that you do not connect the computer directly to the network - your best bet is to ensure that there is e.g. network filter. It is extremely important that your computer has a fuse that will prevent all its chips from being destroyed in the event of a network short or some other electrical problem. It is also recommended to remove the plug from the socket when you finish working with the computer (of course, after turning it off completely).

RAM and physical memory

It is also very important that your computer always has enough memory - and here we're talking about both RAM and physical memory. Make sure the RAM cards have enough space to run all the programs you need, as if you try to run any modern computer games on weak RAM, then you can provoke not the best reactions. As for the hard drive, then physical memory is also important because if it reaches the end, your computer will start to malfunction.

Replacing HDD with SSD

Enough already for a long time people use hard disks type HDD - they have proven themselves to be reliable and efficient. However, in Lately SSD drives that do not consist of parts are gaining popularity. That is, they are less susceptible to damage, they are smaller in size, lighter, do not heat up as much and work much more quickly and efficiently. Naturally, they are still much more expensive than HDDs, but every month they become more and more affordable - with such a disk you can worry a little less about the safety of your computer. Well, there is no longer any doubt that these drives will dominate the market in the near future, just as the marvelous HDDs once took over the leadership. Therefore, you can safely look for one of the new drives to stock up on the necessary components in advance. There will come a time when HDDs will become obsolete, and there is no point in buying now something that will not be used soon.


Some people treat their computers like light switches. If you constantly use a computer, then you should turn it off once, maximum twice a day. But you shouldn’t do this ten times a day, since every time you turn it on there is an increased load on everything. important boards computer, which will render it unusable much faster. Of course, everyone wants to save on electricity, but it is still recommended to turn it off and on as rarely as possible, because repairing a computer or buying a new one will cost you much more.

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A comment

Considering the relatively high cost of a personal computer, many novice users are interested in how to extend its service life. In this regard, it is quite appropriate to ask: How long can you leave your computer on?

The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. For example, the user manual for some factory-assembled computers states that continuous operation is allowed for no more than 72 hours. However, there is no consensus among computer users on this matter.

Is it possible not to turn off the computer?

Many people think that when used for a long time, a computer, like everything else, Appliances, overheats, which contributes to its wear and premature failure. Therefore, most users believe that the computer needs to be turned off regularly “for rest.”

In fact, this approach can only be justified from the point of view of energy savings. Modern desktop computers with sufficient effective system cooling, are capable of operating without shutdown for a long time (according to available information - up to several months). At the same time, accelerated wear of their components is not observed.

By the way, the power consumed by modern desktop computer, on average equals 100 - 150 W, which is comparable to two light bulbs power 60 W. Price electrical energy you know in your region, so you judge for yourself whether this is a lot or a little.

Much more harmful to the computer are frequent switching on and shutdown. This mode of operation is especially undesirable for a hard drive, which is a precision device. The starting power when spinning up a high-speed spindle is released in the form of heat, leading to additional heating hard disk. And this negatively affects its condition, as, indeed, any elements of precision mechanics.

How long can you leave your computer on?

It is quite difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Most the right decision will be: turn on the computer once a day and turn it off once (at the end of work). That is, daily work home computer for 6 – 8 hours without turning off is quite acceptable. Of course, if you leave home, leaving your computer on unattended is not recommended. But if you decide to take a smoke break or a lunch break, it is better not to turn off the computer.

Thus, it turns out that with normal cooling, the computer can work without interruption for a very long time. This primarily applies to computers in production and institutions. But sometimes, every PC still needs to be stopped.

Why do you need to turn off your computer?

Although the computer can be operated continuously for long periods of time, the following considerations must be taken into account:

  1. All operating systems, including including Windows, are constantly updated, and changes require a restart of the computer. A delay in this operation may lead to errors and system failures. Therefore, it is advisable to reboot at least once a week.
  2. Running your computer around the clock contributes to increased clogging. In this regard, there is a need to clean the system unit from dust more often. Depending on the dustiness of the room, PC cleaning may be required almost every month.

Does hibernation harm your computer?

There is an opinion that sleep mode harms the computer, but is it really so? And what could be the harm of sleep mode or hibernation mode?

When you put your computer into hibernation mode, everything in currently running on a computer or laptop to the hard drive. This means that a kind of cast is made with random access memory and is then written as a file to the computer's hard drive, then the computer is completely turned off. After turning on the computer, the fast recovery contents of RAM from the file and you can continue working from the same place as before putting the computer into hibernation mode.

From the above, we can conclude that hibernation mode does no more harm to the computer than simply turning it off.

Sleep mode does not turn off the computer, but rather involves it going into a low-power mode. This means that part unused devices turns off, but the computer does not turn off completely.

Does turning it on/off harm your computer?

Ideally, a computer can operate without shutting down, and for electronics this mode would be more preferable. Have you noticed that incandescent light bulbs usually burned out precisely at the moment the light was turned on, and these simple laws physicists are equally valid for such complex devices as a computer. But besides electronics, the computer also has mechanical devices. Still, it’s too early to write off a hard drive, although many are already using solid-state drives. When you turn on/off the computer, the hard drive spins up/stops, which affects its resource.

At the same time, when the computer is constantly running, all mechanics and electronics are also subject to wear and tear, so you need to look for a middle ground between frequently turning the computer off and on and putting it into sleep mode during idle time...

The reliability and service life of modern computer devices are so high that they become obsolete faster than the devices fail after exhausting their resource. Although there are also manufacturing defects that lead to breakdown or malfunction, as well as unsuccessful design decisions that lead to various problems. But there's nothing you can do about it. Successful and very unsuccessful models All well-known and widely respected manufacturers (IBM, Intel, ASUS, etc.) had computer components. Therefore, before purchasing any computer device I recommend that you read customer reviews, which are often left either in online stores through which they place an order, or on thematic forums where they discuss computer parts and problems associated with them.

User responses (how long should a computer rest?)

My server is running around the clock, everything is fine.

I work around the clock. Everything depends on cooling.

Not at all with normal cooling. It hasn’t turned off for me for about a month now, and in 3 years it’s also been very short. On the contrary, turning it on and off often is even more dangerous, because thermal and electrical energy flows through the circuits. hit.

iron is iron!

You don't have to turn it off at all. This is even more useful for the computer. Why should he “rest”? He won’t overwork anyway.

Alexandra Skvortsova

Like any electrical appliance, it burns out the moment you turn it on!

As you wish. The main thing is that everything works as it should. For example, my computer works around the clock. Because we share it with my brother. He is during the day, and I am at night. It's been like this for two years now. And it turns off only when I go somewhere in the morning. And he is sleeping.

The computer is designed to work around the clock.

I never turn it off) At night the computer is still not very loaded))

We don't turn off our computers at all. When we go to bed, our computers go to sleep on their own, well, they go into sleep mode and rest)))) My husband’s computer is 24/7, I turn off my laptop only when I take it with me.

It's better not to turn it off)

If the machine is assembled from high-quality components, it will work for years without turning off. IN small companies servers are like that.

Nothing will happen to the computer if the components are not defective and good cooling, only the electricity bill may surprise you by the end of the month.

Only the electricity bill can surprise you by the end of the month. also a topic...

Modern computers, provided they have high-quality components and proper assembly, do not care how they work. The fact that constant operation accelerates failure due to wear or frequent on/off extra load on the details - all these are conjectures, not confirmed by practice. So the choice is up to the user :)

The only thing: during continuous operation, it would be nice to have an uninterruptible power supply, since at night all sorts of crap happens on the power supply network - either the current is cut, or the voltage jumps...

I turn it off at night and if I'm not going to use it for more than 6 hours. For shorter periods of non-working time (from 1 to 6 hours) - I log out of the system (start - end of the user session). This way the iron heats up less and hopefully increases its durability. 🙂 I turn off the monitor even more often. 🙂

Not turning off the computer is useful from a practical point of view, but from an economic point of view it is not profitable - it eats the light))
The only thing that wears out from on/off is the hard drive. And then its resource, declared by the manufacturer, is 50,000 on/off cycles, if you turn it on once a day, it will last for 136 years))))) if 2 times a day, then for 70), etc. I personally think that if the computer is not noisy and does not heat up and consumes “little” electricity, then do not turn it off at all, download anything from the Internet, distribute/take files over the network, rip DVDs, distill videos, brute force passwords, in general, what I wouldn't stand in vain.

If I don’t use it for a long time, I switch it to hibernation mode, but when I need it urgently, two seconds and I’m ready to go!

The instructions for almost all laptops say: “Never leave it on for more than 24 hours.” The main thing in a laptop is that it does not heat up, and for this, in particular, the cooling system must be working properly. If everything is ok with this, let it be turned on as long as you need. In general, frequent switching on/off causes even more wear and tear than constant operation.
Previous laptops burned out for some other reason.

I use the laptop approximately 16 - 17 hours a day. I have more than one laptop. The oldest of them is already more than five years old. If you take care of your laptop, then nothing will happen to it due to the length of time it is used. The main thing is that the ventilation system works well. For those who actively use a laptop, it is advisable to clean the fan grille once every three months to improve air draft.

Theoretically, a normal laptop can work around the clock on tasks adequate for it. But this is theory, but in practice everything turns out to be somewhat more complicated. I've come across situations where people's laptops with too powerful processors and video cards burned due to overheating, simply because the weak PC couldn't cope under load. Also death from overheating ( long work) may be due to violations of operating rules, or rather blocking of ventilation holes.

I've had two laptops for many years. Well, I changed them periodically: I filled one with coffee, the other with wine. But - both run 24 hours a day - I never turn them off. But. There is a nuance: their power supplies are always connected to the network, i.e. I never let my batteries drain completely. Many people believe that batteries need to be completely discharged sometimes. This is a widespread misconception. This was the case when there were cadmium batteries. They need to be completely discharged. Lithium-ion is the opposite. The less often you discharge them completely, the longer they will last. And secondly, there is a hard drive inside – it spins. It is better not to work on your knees or move at all. And third, many people open and close the lid several times a day. The cable can also deteriorate. And fourth - install a program for monitoring the temperature of the disk and processor. If during operation they exceed the norm, you need to turn them off to cool down.

Dmitry Nogay 94

Whether to put your computer into sleep mode is a matter of taste. This mode is convenient because you can simply turn on the computer and start working right away. In this state, it usually consumes a little more than if it was simply turned off.

The concept of “harm” is probably not very applicable here - computer components are designed for this, some have a stated time between failures. A much more important role is played by the conditions under which the computer is kept - the temperature of the components, the state of the thermal paste, dustiness, and so on.

By putting your computer into sleep mode, you actually SAVE energy, which is confirmed by a number of calculations that you can do yourself for your own PC.

This is explained simply: modern operating systems put the computer into sleep mode and back much faster than if you were to turn it off and on, plus this process consumes much less resources, and energy consumption in sleep mode is so negligible that it can be neglected. For example, the difference between the charge of a laptop battery BEFORE switching to sleep mode and after is most likely due to the self-discharge of the battery itself.

So owners of modern laptops can simply close the lid at night, instead of watching the on/off screen every evening/morning.


Interestingly, some manufacturers of finished computers even indicate in the instructions the recommended number of hours of continuous operation per week. But in reality everything is a little different.

When the computer is used for a long time, the components do heat up, but this does not particularly affect the service life of the components (unless, of course, the temperature is high). Therefore, whenever possible, you should not give your computer a rest, that is, turn it off.

But in fact, this can only be done to save a little electricity, and even then, this saving will be negligible. Modern computers are already designed in such a way that they can work for a long time and without stopping - the cooling system can easily cope with this, and the components are not so subject to wear. On the contrary, turning on the computer frequently is what is really harmful to the hardware.

All devices use some kind of “stress” when you turn on the computer; it is short-term, but it is there.

You don’t have to turn off the computer completely, you just need to have a good and well-thought-out cooling system. The whole working day, which is about 8 hours, the computer can not be turned off completely, nothing bad will happen to it.

Many people turn off the computer if they go for lunch or a break, but in such cases there is no point in turning off the computer - it will do more harm than good. Remember that one turn on of the computer is equal to eight hours of its operation.

But 24-hour work still has its serious disadvantages, the main one of which is pollution. A computer that is constantly running will very quickly become very dirty and this can be dangerous because it prevents proper cooling. Therefore, if your computer works around the clock, make sure that a lot of dust does not accumulate inside the case. And most importantly, if you are already turning off the computer, then do it correctly, and not by pulling the plug from the socket, and then your computer will work for a long time and stably.

In addition, the components of the computer do not begin to wear out faster due to constant operation; rather, quite the opposite, because frequent switching on and off has a more negative effect rather than uninterrupted operation.

Many people have noticed that a computer with installed operating system Windows, after some time, starts to work worse and worse. Moreover, even if you do not install applications that try to register in startup, the computer still slows down. If you also noticed this with your computer, then this article will help you figure out what’s what. After all, in fact, the reasons for slow work can be quite a lot. I will show you 11 ways that will help you noticeably speed up your computer both when loading and when working.

Finding resource-intensive applications

The computer is running slowly because one of the applications is using too many available resources. One of the processes can use up to 99% of the processor resources. Or an application may experience a memory leak and use a lot of RAM, forcing the computer to access the page file. The application may also take HDD big amount read and write operations, resulting in all disk subsystem is experiencing problems and the computer is called “slowing down”.

To find out which of your computer's resources are the bottleneck when it's running slowly, open the task manager. To do this, right-click on the taskbar and select the option Task Manager or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Escape. In Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 operating systems, the updated Task Manager, which has a modernized interface that highlights different colors Applications that use a lot of resources. Click on the columns one by one CPU, Memory And Disk, sorting the applications in descending order each time. In each of the 3 times you will see at the top of the list the applications that use the most resources. This is the reason for the slow operation of the computer, which has devoted almost all its resources to this application or several applications.

Task Manager

If any application is using too many resources, you can close it. To do this, select the corresponding line and right-click. In the context menu, select Cancel task.

Closing programs in the system tray

Sometimes quite a lot of applications hang idle in the system tray on the taskbar. These applications often remain running when the system boots. background. If you want to see all applications in the tray, click on the up arrow icon to the left of the taskbar.

System tray

If you don’t need an application, right-click on its icon and quit it. This operation will free up some more resources.

Disable startup programs

Significant resource savings can be achieved by turning off unused applications in startup. Perhaps this is one of the most the best ways speed up the computer boot process.

In Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 operating systems, the startup manager is built into the Task Manager. Open Task Manager in the manner described above. Click on the tab and disable running applications that you do not need. You can disable applications either by pressing Disable, or by calling the context menu and selecting Disable.

In the Windows 7 operating system, the startup manager is part of the snap-in system configuration, which can be opened by calling a window Execute and having written in it msconfig.

Turn off visual effects

Windows uses quite a lot visual effects, which can significantly slow down a “weak” computer.

For visual effects, press the keyboard shortcut Windows Key + X or right click on the button START and select System. Next, click the link Extra options systems, and then in the window that opens, click on the button Options In chapter Performance. Select an item Provide best performance For better performance, which will disable all visual effects. Or experiment with effects, turning off only some of them. For example, leave the checkboxes enabled only for Casting shadows on desktop icons And Smoothing jagged screen fonts.

Visual effects

Making the browser faster

If you use a web browser more often than other applications while sitting at your computer, then you probably have a bunch of add-ons and extensions installed that can slow down the web browser.

Analyze installed extensions and add-ons for your web browser and decide to remove those you don't need.

Extensions and additions

Scan for malware

It is worth checking your computer for viruses, Trojans, worms and others malware. Working in the background, a virus can consume a significant amount of resources, thereby slowing down your computer. Even the opening advertising windows of the web browser slow down the work. If you have an antivirus installed, try downloading a free one antivirus scanner and scan the computer as a whole. Kaspersky Security Scan or Dr.Web CureIt are quite suitable for these purposes.

For greater security, I advise you to read the article What is the best antivirus for Windows 10?

Freeing up more disk space

If your hard drive is almost completely full, this is usually a reason for your computer to run slowly. I advise you not to fill out logical drives completely to zero, and always leave 2-4 GB of unallocated space on each partition. To free extra bed on your hard drive, follow the instructions: 7 ways to free up hard drive space in Windows. If the disk still fills up to the end even without your intervention, then you need to look for the reasons why this happens and what application is taking away free space. As mentioned above, Task Manager will help you track down the problematic application.

Disk Cleanup

Defragment the hard drive

Defragmentation hard drive is not really a pressing need in modern Windows versions. The operating system, starting from Windows 7 and higher, will itself automatically defragment hard drives in the background. Solid State Drives do not need traditional defragmentation at all. Although modern versions of Windows will optimize them, this process can no longer be called defragmentation.

But if you still want to defragment your hard drive, then I advise you to first analyze the disk, after which you can decide whether it is worth defragmenting the disk or not. The defragmentation process usually takes from several hours to two or more days, depending on its capacity.

Disk defragmentation

Remove unused programs

Open Control Panel, find the list installed programs and delete those that you do not use. This can help speed up your computer, as programs may include background processes, have entries in startup, contain system services, have elements context menu And so on. Moreover, the security of the system as a whole will only benefit from this. For example, why do we need to have a Java package installed if we don't need it. And this is an additional loophole in the security system. Therefore, I advise you to clear the list of installed programs and henceforth be careful about what you install on your computer.

Uninstalling programs

Increasing the swap file

operating room Windows system It determines the size of the paging file and the hard drive on which it is stored. Usually this is a disk with an operating system. The paging file in this case is usually equal to the size of the installed RAM in the computer. For better performance, I recommend increasing the size of the paging file at least twice. In addition, I advise you to move the paging file from the system logical partition to another partition, if there is one.

For example, if I have 4 GB of installed RAM on my system, the operating system is located on the C: drive, then I distributed the paging file to the E: drive and set its size to 8192 MB. For drive C: selected the option No swap file.

Swap file

Factory reset PC / Reinstall Windows

If all of the above tips do not fix the problem of a slow computer, then you need to try resetting Windows to the state as if it had just been installed.

IN modern versions Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 this operation is called Return the computer to the initial state . Now you don’t have to look for an installation disk with the operating system and reinstall the system from it. You can do this with the click of one button - Begin. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to save your personal files on the disk with the operating system if they are there.

Reset Windows

By following all these tips, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much faster your computer will work. If the performance of your computer is still not satisfactory, perhaps it’s time to think about upgrading its components, or maybe replacing it entirely.