How to create your own petition. Petition - what is it? Petition Law in Simple Words


Due to the large extent of our country, the government does not always have the opportunity to fully monitor the situation in all spheres of life of the population. In this regard, special Internet resources have been created with the help of which proactive citizens can put forward their proposals (petitions) to improve the quality of life.

How petition sites work

You should know that every citizen of Russia can post a petition on a special portal. To do this, you only need to register.

As a rule, on a quality petition site, each petition is moderated before publication. After public placement, voting for the project begins. Once a proposal receives a certain number of votes, it is submitted to the authorities for consideration. This is in theory.

As for practice, most online resources with petitions have a simplified registration system (usually through social networks). As a result, votes can be cheated, since no one monitors the authenticity of accounts on the networks. This situation leads to the lack of legal force in the petition. Accordingly, the government cannot take such requests seriously in resolving important issues. However, this does not mean that all efforts will go in vain. If a topic causes public resonance, the media pays attention to it and puts it on public display. After this, quite often the issue is resolved without the participation of authorities.

What portals can you use to submit a petition?

It is immediately worth noting that the only official website for petitions is the portal of the Russian Public Initiative. It is from the ROI portal that citizens’ appeals are submitted to the government chamber for consideration, after which the authorities make their decision on the issue. Registration for the ROI implies confirmation of the identity of each voter. Only owners of a verified account can log in to the site. More details about the capabilities of ROI can be found in.

The most popular unofficial voting sites are, petition-president.rf and You can register on these portals using your email or an account on one of the social networks. At the same time, they all invite citizens to formulate an appeal to the government, but do not guarantee its consideration in practice.

Despite the fact that the country's authorities, governors and mayors are the main creators of laws, orders, citizens and townspeople, residents of regional, regional centers and other entities can express their opinions, ask to change orders and legislation, and also submit an idea for a project that will bring benefit.

A petition is a written form of application from citizens to the authorities and administration. Below you will find detailed information about the term. As a rule, a petition must be filed by more than one person, at least several hundred. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that a personal idea or protest should not be from only one person. Otherwise, the document will not be accepted for consideration.

What is a petition

The word "petition" is borrowed from the Latins. This term means “petition”, “petition”. That is, many people turn to the authorities or administration to propose improving conditions, simplifying or repealing a law that contradicts the normal existence of citizens. A petition is an opportunity to change public life for the better.

As a rule, it is drawn up in writing so that everyone can read it and, if they agree with the author, sign it. Currently, the law requires that you indicate the real full name, as well as the telephone number or residential address of the signatory, so that there are no forged signatures. Checking whether a real person actually voted is quite simple: just call the number provided.

Who can write

An adult capable citizen can write a petition. The main thing is that the idea of ​​the statement is reasonable. But before implementing the idea, it is advisable to learn more about rights. A petition is sometimes drawn up by people in such a way that it contradicts the law or the constitution, or has ideas that are unrealistic or dangerous to implement.

How to write correctly

Often people are interested in innovations from the authorities, look around on the street, and observe the situation in certain places. Many people want to improve their living conditions, to see the world kinder and cleaner. Therefore, every supporter of a collective opinion wants to create a petition in the hope that the voice of the people will not just be heard.

To create a serious document, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • observe grammar and punctuation;
  • be able to express thoughts correctly;
  • make an introduction indicating the current state of affairs on the topic;
  • further in the body of the statement it is written what needs to be corrected and what the situation will lead to if nothing is done;
  • the conclusion usually looks like “We ask you...”;
  • You cannot speak negatively, angrily, and especially uncivilly in the text.

Let loved ones, friends and neighbors, colleagues read the petition so that they notice if there are any mistakes. At the same time, they will be the first to sign.

Who are they writing to?

If a petition is drawn up by citizens regarding what is happening throughout the country, then it is sent to the state authorities (to the president or his deputies). The fact is that legal laws are made by the authorities, which means that only they have the power to change something if they consider it necessary.

If the problem is, for example, at the regional or regional level, then the appeal should be sent to the administration of the region or region/republic. Petitions can also be drawn up in a locality addressed to the mayor or chairman. In exceptional cases, the request is addressed to the authorities of the country.

It is very important to be able to determine to whom such a serious document should be sent. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with lawyers.

What can you ask for?

A petition is an appeal on absolutely any topic relating to society. There is no point in listing everything; it is enough to look at some examples.

Several years ago, a bill was being prepared that came into force in Western countries. But to many of our compatriots this law seems incorrect and unnatural. Therefore, it was decided to create an appeal to cancel this idea in Russia.

Also, as an example, you can consider a petition in defense of homeless animals, cultural monuments, children, and so on. In addition, requests for the cancellation of many projects on the part of healthcare and education are currently very relevant.

Residents of localities can ask the mayor or governor in writing for various activities:

  • construction of roads, parks, temples, hospitals;
  • holding various events;
  • infrastructure development;
  • demolition of unnecessary objects and so on.

The topics can be completely different. But it is important that the people's idea is reasonable. Next, we will look at what methods of creating petitions exist.

Real collection of signatures

Almost always, petitions and petitions were drawn up not by one person, but by several. But in order for the project to get started, you need to have consumables: a sheet of white paper of the established size (usually A4) and a pen with black or blue ink. Nowadays, more and more people use a printer and print out neatly formatted text so that everyone can read it.

The Law on Petitions requires that the register for collecting signatures have clear columns for entering the personal information of those casting a vote.

Next, the finished document should reach those people who are interested in the topic. For example, the Orthodox Church has always been against the abolition of juvenile justice. Accordingly, it makes more sense to place the document in parish churches, Sunday schools and seminaries.

Online collection of signatures

It is possible to create a petition without leaving your home. You just need to go to a special website that was created for submitting appeals to the authorities. But in order to distribute the finished text among users, you need to leave a link, for example, on social networks.

This method is simple, just register on the site and create a text. You just need to check that all the author’s personal data is correct and that the request is drawn up correctly.

Which is better: online or in person?

Perhaps some of the future authors who are ready to write a petition will be concerned about the best way to draw up the document: via the Internet or in reality. The latter still has more advantages. Firstly, the number of votes can be collected much less than in the online mode; secondly, it is more difficult to find like-minded people on the Internet, since many forums and communities prohibit adding any external links.

But you can send a petition in both forms if the law allows it at the moment (the fact is that laws can change). You must also meet certain deadlines (several days before the law comes into force). You should also act immediately, for example, when the construction of an undesirable facility is planned, for example, a factory on the site of a forest park.

Do petitions reach those they are addressed to?

Often, petitions reach the addressee and are accepted for consideration, but provided that everything is drawn up correctly, the number of signatures exceeds the minimum.

It must be remembered that filing a petition is a very serious step that can change the fate of not only one author, but also everyone involved. In addition, when creating a petition through a special website, users undertake or promise to notify about the result. Often the authors write something like this: “Thanks to your signatures, we were able to stop the large-scale destruction of forests for the construction of nuclear power plants!”

The 360 ​​TV channel found out why the signatures of Internet users do not affect anything.

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This year, signing petitions on the Internet has become almost fashionable. Users of the most popular portal for collecting signatures,, create petitions for almost every informational and not so important issue. There are hundreds of initiatives, mostly addressed to the government or large private companies.

But of the long list of public petitions over the past two years, only about 20 have been able to influence the outcome of events, and all of them concern small, “local” cases. This is logical, because the state cannot take signatures from into account, or rather does not even have the right - they have no legal force. But such petitions are not useless for resolving private situations.

The 360 ​​TV channel has compiled detailed instructions on which portals and for what reasons it is worth collecting signatures. After all, there are also government Internet resources where signed petitions can actually change legislation.

Legality of signatures

On, anyone can create a petition to protect their rights; topics are not moderated. This electronic platform operates in 196 countries in 14 languages. However, no matter how many signatures are collected, government agencies cannot take them into account when considering serious issues. And here’s the catch: to leave your vote on this resource, you do not need to enter your passport information, and this is a mandatory procedure for the legitimate collection of signatures. That is, from a legal point of view, these signatures are just air.

In addition, the mechanism of allows votes to be cheated, since the link goes to a page on the social network. There are currently 350 million people registered on VKontakte, and the portal is mostly Russian-language.

Now we count. The population of Russia is 143 million, only half have access to the Internet, there are about 200 million Russian-speaking people around the world, another 100 speak Russian as a second language. This means that when counting real users towards the maximum possible number (even if we add here a million registered Turkish citizens and 200 thousand English-speaking users), the number of “fake” pages is 50 million, although the real number is much higher.

In what cases does public resonance benefit?

However, there is certainly a benefit from the resource, for example, when a certain initiative gains several hundred thousand votes, the problem often ends up in the media, in which case the answer most often comes. As a rule, touching life stories attract attention. Among the latest victories of users is the petition of Svetlana Lapina from Shchelkova. A woman with a child in her arms took out a mortgage from Sberbank, and at the same time fulfilled one of the key requirements - took out life insurance. Soon Lapina was diagnosed with cancer of the most severe, stage four.

Sberbank-Insurance denied her the due payments for a long time, and then the credit institution itself sued her, demanding to collect 800 thousand rubles from the disabled person of the 1st group and evict her from the apartment. It is worth noting that life insurance at Sberbank is not the cheapest - 1% per year of the mortgage, in the case of Svetlana - about 40 thousand rubles annually.

The petition in defense of Lapina received 407.5 thousand votes, was delivered to the management of Sberbank, and the lawsuit against the woman was withdrawn. The company decided that its reputation was worth more than Svetlana’s apartment.

Thus, petitions that may move a large number of people can cause significant reputational damage to the party being complained about. Here are the topics of the winning petitions:

Why collecting signatures on is useless

Without a legal basis, petitions concerning the life of the country as a whole cannot have a positive outcome. No matter how many millions of signatures there are, the matter is doomed to failure. So it is completely useless to create topics of the following nature:

  • dissatisfaction with the actions of authorities at the federal or municipal level;
  • resignation of a major official;
  • changes in legislation;
  • disagreement with the court decision;
  • prohibition of any common practice.

To raise serious issues and legitimately collect signatures, a special state resource has been created that has legal force - “”.

Signatures that must be responded to are collected on the state website The principle is the same - collecting votes for a particular initiative. But at the same time, each signature on this site has legal weight, since registration requires passport data, namely a registration account on the government services portal About four million Russians currently have a personal account there. For activation, passport data and SNILS are required.

Since this portal does not communicate with social networks, signatures are collected much more slowly. Moreover, the topic of the petition must be approved by a moderator, but within no more than two months from the date of submission of the application. The petition is then posted on the portal for a period of no more than a year.

How many signatures are needed for the authorities to react?

Both federal and municipal authorities must respond to an initiative that has collected the required number of signatures on the state portal. The quorum is:

  • federal level: at least 100,000 votes “for” the initiative;
  • regional level: for regions with a population of over two million people - 100 thousand votes, for the rest - 5% of the region's population;
  • municipal level - 5% of the population of the municipality.

After the petition receives the required number of votes, it is sent to the working group corresponding to the subject. The deadline for making a decision on the initiative is no more than two months from the date of referral. The expert working group makes a reasoned decision to implement or reject the initiative. The decision and its rationale are posted on the ROI website.

Which petitions “won” on the ROI website?

Signatures are collected slowly due to the lack of clear access to them through social networks and, accordingly, a lengthy registration process. Currently, the website contains 8,437 initiatives, the most “successful” federal ones have an average of 20-30 thousand signatures. In recent months, the petition “State payment for abortions only for medical reasons” has gained the required number of votes and is now being considered by the authorities.

In general, among the successful initiatives posted on the state resource is the victory of Internet users in such high-profile cases as the return of the minimum ppm rate, the preservation of a phone number when switching to another telecom operator, the ban on increasing the volume during commercials on TV, as well as the possibility making duplicate vehicle license plates in case of theft or loss.

World experience. US citizens asked for a Death Star

The most popular resource for creating petitions is on the website of the White House in the United States, and a citizen of any country can leave their vote on the initiative. According to the We the People constitutional rule, any initiatives with more than 25 thousand signatures are considered.

Thus, in 2013, the presidential administration was forced to consider the project for the construction of the Death Star space station from Star Wars - this is exactly the project that Internet users came up with. The head of the Department of Science and Space of the White House Office of Management and Budget, Paul Shawcross, had to answer. And it immediately became clear that the authorities took the comic case seriously; the initiative was rejected because:

  • “The Death Star will cost $850 quadrillion to build, and we are trying to reduce the budget deficit, not increase it”;
  • “the presidential administration does not support the idea of ​​destroying planets”;
  • “Why waste huge amounts of taxpayer money on a Death Star with a fundamental flaw that could be exploited by the pilot of a single-seat spaceship?”

How did you collect signatures before?

The legislation provides for such options as collective appeal. “The old fashioned way,” signatures on paper were distributed until 2013, when the official portal “Russian Public Initiative” became operational. Of course, handwritten petitions are still being considered; by law, a response must be given in writing within one month.

The requirements for a collective appeal are the same, in addition, it must contain the following:

  • the name and address of the city government authority or official to whom they are addressed;
  • a statement of the substance of the proposal, application, complaint or petition;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of those applying, their addresses, contact numbers;
  • date and personal signature.

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Are you concerned about any processes taking place in the country? Do you want to express and defend your position on any issue? Finally, do you want the authorities to listen to you? The site will help you, where you can create a petition online or cast your vote for any of the current ones. We will look at how to do this in this article.

What is change org is an online platform where anyone can start their own civic campaign to collect signatures for a petition on a particular topic. It's absolutely free.

Currently, the number of service participants is more than 150 million (!) people around the world. If your civic position resonates with other people, then you will undoubtedly be able to achieve the desired result. There are thousands of examples of successful petitions, here are some of them:

  • Olga Rybkovskaya persuaded the Ministry of Health to provide relatives with access to intensive care.
  • Bank of America was forced to waive a new $5 monthly fee for using its debit cards for purchases.
  • McDonald's was forced to stop using pasta made from beef trimmings.
  • Fashion magazine Seventeen Magazine no longer edits female models in Photoshop.
  • Megafon was forced to introduce mandatory SMS confirmations of paid subscriptions, etc.

And this is another one of the real successful petitions that will help you better understand the essence of this project... Eight-year-old boy Sean Forsyth suffers from autism. His best friend is a Labrador named Sofia. Sofia helps Sean adapt to the world around him and not feel lonely.

The school administration forbids the boy to bring his friend to classes, which is why he cannot go to school and receive an education with the others... More than 60 thousand people signed a petition asking for Sophia to be allowed to attend lessons with Sean, and together they achieved their goal !

The project was launched at the beginning of 2007, and since then it has been developing at a rapid pace. Every month more than 10 thousand petitions appear here from users from all over the world.

How to create a petition on change org

The policy of the service is such that absolutely anyone, regardless of age, nationality and place of residence, can write an online petition demanding justice on a particular issue or demanding social change. Petitions are not anonymous - the name of the author (the one who created it) is always indicated under the heading:

Right on the main page of there is a big red button “Create a petition” - click on it:

The further process is divided into 4 stages (each accompanied by system prompts):

  1. Write the name of the petition
  2. Indicate who the message is addressed to (a person or organization that can influence the solution to the problem)
  3. Describe the problem in as much detail as possible. This information determines how much other service participants will want to support you and give you their vote.
  4. Upload photos or videos about your problem.

At the next stage, the system will offer to view the petition you created as other users will see it. If you need to add something, click the “Edit” button; if everything is in order, click “Publish”.

Promoting a petition and collecting signatures

How to collect the maximum number of signatures for your petition, how to attract people’s attention to it, etc., said Dmitry Savelov, coordinator of the campaigns in Eastern Europe and Central Asia:

If the demands you set out are truly fair, then you will undoubtedly receive the support of thousands of people and force them to listen to your opinion, because the resonance from such petitions is really great!

Let's give an example... Change org is currently actively collecting signatures for a petition against Bozena Rynski. Company members are demanding that Bozhena be deprived of Russian citizenship because of her statements regarding the tragedy with the Tu-154 aircraft. In just a few days, more than 60 thousand people signed the petition!

How to sign a petition on change org

Any registered user can sign the petition. If you do not want your last name and first name to be displayed under the signed petition, uncheck the corresponding option and click the “Sign” button:

Your vote will be taken into account along with thousands and tens of thousands of like-minded people, and the system will offer to invite your friends from social networks to subscribe. You can also simply copy the link to the petition and send it to your friends via email, Skype, etc.

Looking at this service, you involuntarily begin to perceive the words in a new way: alone we are nothing, but together we are strength. Only together, through our own efforts, can we change something in the world. Even if nothing comes of it, we can always say to ourselves as consolation: “At least I tried and did my best. I couldn’t do more...”

How effective are petitions?

Do petitions created on change org work and are they effective? Without a doubt. Thousands of successful campaigns, including in the CIS countries, are the best evidence of this. Your mentioned Dmitry Savelov states: “In Russia, at least one petition a day achieves the desired result.”

Of course, change orgs collected on signatures do not have legal force, but the opinion expressed in this way by tens of thousands of citizens undoubtedly has a certain influence on the authorities. The problems raised in petitions often receive a great public response in the media, which the authorities simply cannot ignore, because behind every signature, even an electronic one, there is a real person who demands to listen to his position and is ready to support the author of the petition!

A petition is an appeal to state authorities, local government or other authorized persons, signed by several people.

Typically, petitions are created to solve important problems or discuss public initiatives.

By creating petitions using Democrat, you can attract the attention of a large number of people and receive support from experts and public organizations.

4 Key Elements of Successful Petitions

As a result of the analysis of the petitions that received the most votes and ended in victory, we identified 4 elements common to them:

The petition's goals are compelling and achievable.

State the main demand of your petition: what exactly do you want to change and how? If you can't do this in one clear and concise sentence, then most likely the problem you are describing is too broad.

The petition has been sent to the addressee

Modern Democratic online tools allow you to collect a large number of signatures for your petition, but if you do not send it to the recipient, your work may be in vain.

Active use of social networks

VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and other online communities are an easy way to quickly get the support of a large number of people.

Online petition supported by offline events

Hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of signatures are a great way to get the petition's attention, but what next? To bring the petition to victory, you need to be active outside the Internet: negotiate directly with the addressee, involve public and other organizations in your petition, participate in round tables and press conferences, organize meetings and events in support of the petition, etc.

Step 1: Post a Petition

1. Define your goal: what exactly do you want to change?

Your answer should be:


The recipient of your petition is unlikely to be able to solve the world hunger problem, but he may be quite capable of increasing funding for social programs or launching charitable projects to help the poor.


Be clear about what metric will signal the success of your petition. It’s good if you were able to answer this question briefly.

2. Determine the type of petition


If you want to report a violation of your rights and seek justice


If you want to propose an idea for a public project or law

3. Select the recipient of the petition

Who has the necessary authority to solve your problem or implement your initiative?

You should not write to the President or the Government right away; most issues are resolved at the local level: if your question relates to parking, write to the head of the Department of Transport of your city.

It is also useful to include those who can influence the success of the petition, such as supervisory authorities with jurisdiction over the issues raised.

3 Tips for Choosing a Petition Recipient

1. The addressee of the petition must have the authority to resolve your issue. This could be a government representative, a company or an individual.

2. Select those who can help your petition win. The city mayor or store owner can often help more than the President or Prime Minister.

3. Use several ways to influence the recipient of the petition.

4. State the title of the petition.

Pay special attention to the title - this is what they look at first. It should be short, informative, and just the right amount of provocative so that people want to read the entire petition.

How to write a good headline

For problems:

Write about a specific solution to a problem

Instead of “Stop cruelty to animals” - “Adopt a law to protect animals from cruelty.”

Instead of “The World Hockey Championship in Ulyanovsk is not accessible to the disabled” – “Make the World Hockey Championship in Ulyanovsk accessible to the disabled.”

For example, “Stop the reorganization of the correctional school for children with visual impairments, 2 months left!”

For initiatives:

Write what exactly you offer

For example, "Return the name Stalingrad to the city of Volgograd."

Use incentive structures

Instead of “The World Hockey Championship in Ulyanovsk is not accessible to the disabled” – “Make the World Hockey Championship in Ulyanovsk accessible to the disabled”

Communicate importance and urgency

For example, “Perpetuate the memory of Maya Plisetskaya - erect a monument next to the Bolshoi Theater!”

5. Describe the problem and the solution you propose

Why might your problem or initiative be of interest to other people?

Be sure to write an answer to this question, because it is through the text of the petition that you can convince other people to sign it:

Describe in detail the problem and the solution you propose.
Share why this is important to other people and why they need to take action now.

If you have any research, opinion polls, media publications, or other materials to support your position, be sure to include them in your petition.

Provide stories of real people who are directly affected by the issue you are talking about in your petition.

6. Support your petition with visual materials

A well-chosen image attracts attention, so petitions with photo and video materials receive on average 6 times more votes.

As video materials, you can use an eyewitness interview, a personal review, or materials from open sources, including the media (follow the publication rules!).

It is advisable to post a video 1-2 minutes long, with high-quality sound, and the better it reveals your petition, the more votes it will receive.

Step 2. Promote your petition by finding like-minded people

It is important to remember that even an individual appeal has legal force, but an appeal signed by many people receives much higher social significance in the eyes of the authorities and increases your chances of solving the problem.

Help petition

The petition is reviewed by a moderator, and if it complies with the rules and ethics of the Democrat, it is published in the general feed.

The petition gets the opportunity to participate in the weekly newsletter from the Democrat platform.

The petition receives free legal advice from Democrats platform lawyers.

The petition receives the status of a popular petition.

On behalf of the Democrat, an official appeal may be sent to the addressee of the petition.

The vast majority of successful petitioners used social media to spread their petition. For maximum effect, post about the petition once every 2-3 days on your accounts and ask your friends about it.

Readers will be more likely to sign your petition if they see that you are a person like them and care about its success. The video should be short and to the point (1-2 minutes). Post it on Youtube and post it on social networks, add the video to the petition page.

Communities and organizations

Local political groups and associations, trade unions, organizations, associations, student groups, etc. – if your topic is close to them, they can provide significant assistance in promoting your petition: attracting the media, consulting, etc.

Discussion of your issue or initiative in the media can have a serious, and sometimes decisive, impact on the success of your petition.
Contact local and federal media, they will be happy to cover an important public initiative or help with a really serious problem.

Keep readers regularly informed of all developments regarding the petition.

Keep your messages short and informative
Link to the page of the addressee of the petition
Use hashtags - people use them to search for topics that interest them.
Share the news on social networks!

Step 3. Achieve your goal

When a petition has received the support of a large number of supporters, it is time to contact the recipient of the petition directly - this step is very important and shows the seriousness of your intentions.

Write a letter to the addressee

The initiation of negotiations to achieve the purpose of the petition must be well thought out.

Clearly formulate your request to the addressee of the petition. The purpose of your letter is to convince the addressee to take the necessary measures.

Write politely, briefly and informatively. The addressees of the petition are usually busy people, so long letters with vague content are ignored.

Avoid threats. Any problem can be solved in a civilized manner, within the legal framework.

Check your spelling: even small mistakes can reduce the credibility of you and your petition. Avoid using CAPITAL LETTERS in your text.

Prepare for the meeting

1. Specify your request to the addressee.
To be convincing during a conversation, you need to very accurately, briefly and succinctly formulate the essence of the problem and the solution you propose.

2. Define your desired outcome.
Think about what will be successful for you in negotiations, what do you want to achieve as a result? This may not only be to satisfy the petition's demands, but also to determine the next step in resolving the problem.

3. Practice different scenarios.
People generally expect to receive a warm welcome and careful consideration of their concerns. But how will you act if you are met with indifference, negative or even hostility?

4. Consider bypassing formal responses from the addressee or his representative.

How to deal with objections

“The recipient of the petition is very busy right now and cannot speak and/or meet with you.”

Be persistent! Find out when and at what exact time the recipient will be able to talk, record this information.

“I’m very sorry, but we are not aware of your request.”

Specify your contact email address, discuss the date and time when the recipient will be able to check it and read your message. After this date, call and confirm receipt of the application.

If the result is negative, send the appeal by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

“I am not the person responsible for these issues”

If this is indeed the case, change the addressee of the petition.

Ask who is responsible and record the answer received - you can later refer to it when communicating with a new recipient of the petition.

If this is an excuse, warn that you are aware of the responsibility of this particular addressee (preferably with reference to specific regulations, laws, etc.), and describe your further steps to develop the campaign.

"We will answer later"

Try to find out exactly in what specific time frame you will receive a response to your appeal.

"We're not going to do anything"

Ask for an official written response and warn about your further actions.

Write in the petition updates about the negative response of the addressee. This will be a reason to activate your supporters and continue the campaign.

"We're going to do something"

This is a good answer, but not a reason to celebrate victory.

Ask the recipient to send you a written response describing the specific steps they plan to take and the time frame. Also find out how you can control these actions.

Actions after the meeting

Share the results with your supporters Continue to develop your petition until you reach your goal.

After some time, write or call the addressee: thank them for the last meeting, remind them about your petition and ask how things are going with resolving your issues.