What does the pos system decide? What to choose to automate cashiers' workplaces: a PC or a POS system? What is a POS system and why is it needed?

POS system (POS - Point of Sale) is a software and hardware complex operating on the basis of a fiscal registrar; The POS system is assigned a typical set of cash functions: accounting and issue of goods, receiving and issuing money, canceling a purchase, etc. Usually components POS systems are called POS computer, POS monitor, receipt printer, fiscal registrar, POS keyboard, buyer display, money box, reader magnetic cards.

A POS computer is understood as a special cash register computer, which, first of all, fully complies with all established standards and requirements for the functionality of a cash register unit in the structure of an enterprise with a trade specific activity. Moreover, such a computer is usually equipped with several peripheral devices that significantly expand its functionality; they are often integrated into the system.

Thanks to the compact design of the POS computer case, there is quite a significant saving of working space, in addition motherboard is securely fixed and in most cases is equipped with a number of auxiliary connectors and keys that effectively lock to disks and other information storage devices present.

The features of the power supply of such a computer are, first of all, low power, which ranges around 100 W; depending on the modification, it is located inside or outside. The production of POS computers is not large in volume and such devices are not produced in large quantities, which directly affects their inflated cost compared to conventional ones. However, the number of undeniable functional advantages that you will receive by purchasing such a POS computer will quickly cover the costs incurred for its purchase.

The POS computer is an integral part and the most important basis in organizing the system cash settlement center has a number of undoubted advantages.

High level of reliability. This device many times more reliable in its performance properties than regular computer due to its original purpose for solving highly specialized problems different levels difficulties. The components that make up such a computer are subject to strict quality control and selection, which are based on the results obtained during numerous tests.

Ergonomics. As a rule, more than 10 POS devices can be easily installed at a checkout, given that compact computer is an essential condition and guarantee of ensuring effective and precise work cashier. There are a number of such computer models that are made with a number of features of modular cases, into which, if desired, you can install a monitor or a cash drawer using the slots of the system unit.

High functionality. Characteristic feature A POS system is the ability to connect to it and stable support of peripheral devices in large quantities; as a rule, both wired interfaces (COM, USB, RS) and non-wired ones are used for this. Additional conveniences are created thanks to the POS computer’s support for such media as DiscOnChip, Compact Flash or the like. And when active use portable devices Those responsible for storing information in a number of cases, you can abandon the use of hard drives, which significantly reduces the likelihood of system failures.

Performance. Modern POS computers fully comply with the list important requirements, which are important for high speed transmission data, such performance is achieved by purchasing a device with powerful processor on board and significantly increased memory capacity. Performance characteristics are most important in a number of cases when the computer is equipped with the functions of a cash register server.

POS system

POS system- this is a software and hardware complex operating on the basis of a fiscal registrar; A POS system is assigned a typical set of cash functions: accounting and issue of goods, acceptance and issuance of money, cancellation of a purchase, etc. Typically, the components of a POS system are called a POS computer, a POS monitor, a receipt printer, a fiscal registrar, a POS keyboard , display buyer, cash drawer, magnetic card reader.

POS computer (or system unit)

A POS computer is a specialized system unit, acting as the basis of the POS system. Use in enterprises is due to its compact size and sufficient number of connectors, making it possible to connect one or another peripheral device. The productivity of the entire system depends on how fast the POS computer runs.

POS monitor (or cashier monitor)

POS monitor - output device information. Distinguish the following types cashier monitors: cathode ray tube monitors, liquid crystal and touchscreen. Usage touch monitor simplifies the control process, because there is no need to connect a keyboard or mouse, although you can use it if you wish additional devices input. Regardless of the type, the POS monitor has the properties of increased resistance and resistance to accidental damage

Receipt printer

Check Printer- a device for printing checks, receipts, coupons, forms, logos, barcodes, etc. There are built-in printers, stationary ones and printers with underlay printing on multi-layer documents. Unlike the fiscal registrar, it is not the main device.

Fiscal registrar

A fiscal registrar is a receipt printer with a built-in fiscal memory; after receiving information via link capable of processing it and printing it. Data on cash transactions performed can be stored in fiscal memory for as long as desired, until the need to reset it to zero arises.

POS keyboard (or programmable keyboard)

POS keyboard required for data entry and command control. It is also called programmable due to the fact that code sequences (commands for each button) are written by a technician during installation of the equipment. The number of possible programming levels depends on functionality POS keyboards.

Buyer display

Customer display - a device on which information is displayed interesting to the buyer: price product, name, final amount purchases, etc. Due to its use in the checkout area, it significantly speeds up the cashier’s work: there is no need to answer the buyer’s questions once again.

Money box

A cash drawer means a device for safe storage revenue in sections intended for paper and metal money. Locks provide protection against unauthorized access or burglary.

Card reader (or magnetic reader)

The card reader reads the code from the magnetic stripe of the plastic card. Connecting a card reader helps expand payment acceptance services. In addition, it allows you to run special programs loyalty for loyalty card holders. In some cases, the card reader also performs the function of employee identification (relevant in public catering places where the cashier is forced to leave workplace unattended).

The difference between a POS system and a POS terminal

POS system and POS terminal They differ fundamentally from each other in the location of the fiscal memory: for a POS system it is built into the printing device, for a POS terminal it is located in the computer unit.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what a “POS system” is in other dictionaries:

    - (POS peripherals) is a set of devices for automating trade processes, which may include a POS monitor, POS computer(system unit), fiscal recorder, buyer display, POS keyboard, cash drawer, barcode scanner... ... Wikipedia

    POS- (English point of sale “point of sale”) most often this means an automated cashier’s workstation equipped with hardware software package(POS terminal) or purely hardware (POS system), which includes various components... Banking Encyclopedia

Market experts talk about this
Arguments in favor of POS systems

First, let’s define how POS terminals fundamentally differ from POS systems.

A POS system can be defined as a hardware complex for automating the work of cashiers based on . The minimum configuration of a POS system includes a magnetic card reader, . The main advantage of POS systems is the freedom to choose all components, including software. Thanks to this, the user receives ready-made solution, fully meeting his needs.

The basic package of the POS terminal includes the same modules, but fundamental difference lies in the fact that the fiscal memory module is located inside the case computer unit. This means that terminals can only be sold with certain cash register programs, which upon registration specific model cash terminal are entered into State Register KKM. POS systems do not require software certification, since the software necessary for fiscal accounting is written into internal memory printing device - fiscal registrar.

Thus, an important argument in favor of POS systems is the fact that it allows you to install a wider range of software. In the case of terminals, the possibility of variations is limited.

An illustrative example is when the management of a store operating on POS terminals decides to change the software, including cash program. In this case, you need to buy another one cash machine. This means the need to re-register already operating terminals. For example, in a small store with three cash registers, the cost of this procedure is more than $1,000. Interestingly, as a rule, owners have already decided to install POS systems in their next store.

The second factor in favor of POS systems is their lower cost. If minimum price for a POS system today is about $1,800, then a similar functionality the terminal will cost $3,000. The cost of servicing is also significantly different. The fact is that today the supply of POS terminals is carried out by a limited number of companies whose service centers have the necessary license to service devices of this class. This factor, as well as the connection during repair or replacement to original spare parts and result in higher costs for services.

When operating a POS system, its components are easily interchangeable, and repairs and maintenance can be undertaken by any supplier of similar equipment. Hence the lower cost services And high speed performing repair work.

The main players on Russian market POS systems are companies that can offer the buyer their own fiscal solution (fiscal registrar), around which a ready-made POS system is assembled. Most large manufacturers POS systems in Russia - companies "KKS", "Atol", "Shtrikh-M".

The minimum configuration of a POS system includes a fiscal registrar, a POS computer, a cashier monitor, a keyboard, a magnetic card reader, a cash drawer, and a customer display.

Double reliability

On the other hand, there is a fundamentally important argument in favor of alternative solution- POS terminals: all components of the hardware and software complex are supplied from one supplier, which allows you to completely avoid problems with their incompatibility. The products of all the world's largest manufacturers are represented in Russia: SIEMENS (or NIXDORF), IBM, IPC, NCR, FUJITSU. At the same time, it is engaged in the production of POS systems in Russia big number companies, and the quality of the final product in each specific case depends on the integrity of the manufacturer, namely on how well the components are tested different brands and are there any problems with their compatibility?


When faced with the task of selecting store equipment, store owners (and CIOs) of stores and retail chains ask: what computer systems use for cashiers' workplaces?
The first device that comes to mind for any manager is a traditional personal computer or laptop. The solution is obvious, relatively inexpensive, and quite acceptable for a store with several dozen visitors a day.

But when we're talking about about a store (pharmacy, cafe, etc.) with a large flow of customers or about a retail chain, then the situation changes dramatically. Looking ahead, we will say that we, as a rule, recommend our clients to use professional POS systems, and not because they are more expensive to purchase :), but because it is right: in the end, their cost of ownership is lower, and they are much more correspond to the pattern of use that takes place in trade.

What kind of usage model is this and how does it differ from using a computer at home or in the office?

The store has its own special needs and operating hours - and therefore special requirements for equipment.

1. Resistant to heavy use

In a store of any size - from a minimarket to a hypermarket - the cash register must work non-stop for the entire period the store is open. Remember your home or office computer: how often does it “freeze” over time, which is why you have to reboot it, wait a few minutes until all programs open again... What do you think the buyer will do if he has to wait for the cash register to reboot? And those five who are standing in line behind him...? There is no need to talk about any level of customer satisfaction.

A professional POS system is designed for 24/7 use and stable work even in difficult conditions. Many POS systems can even be used as a control PC for Digital Signage and placed in hard-to-reach places where no one will touch them for months... and still work stably. Some POS system models have additional protection from dust and moisture, which additionally protects them from breakdowns and failures. So, the POS system works more stable. It was designed with this in mind.

2. No noise and dust

Have you ever heard how the internal fan turns on in a laptop or computer, especially one that is no longer new? Dispersing the thickened oil, it tries to spin, dragging dust behind it. Dust appears and accumulates on the fan due to static electricity. In a POS system this is impossible in principle: they use fanless cooling systems and therefore operate silently and do not attract dust and dirt.

3. Low power consumption

At home or in the office, few people consider how much electricity a personal computer consumes (although, who knows, perhaps new tariffs will change this). But on the scale of a store or chain, equipment operating around the clock for 5-10-20 cashier workplaces “increases” a lot of kW. Can you imagine how much these costs amount to on a monthly basis? What about the year? ... Compared to PCs, the low power consumption of POS systems can help you save a lot on your electricity bills.

4. Connecting specific peripherals

The POS system has a set of ports that are maximally adapted for connection commercial equipment: scanner, receipt printer, scales, industrial-grade keyboards. A standard PC case does not offer such capabilities: to connect equipment you will have to use adapters and additional cables, which will not add stability to the design.

5. Form factor and placement methods

Frame personal computer It is quite large (including due to the need to provide ventilation), and it is quite difficult to conveniently place it in a cashier’s workplace, especially a compact one. A professional POS system is adapted for placement in the cash register area. There are all-in-one models, where a compact system unit is attached directly to the monitor. There are compact system units, which can be placed under the work surface and even on the wall. In short, when using specialized POS systems, there are much fewer restrictions on placement.

6. Speed ​​of customer service

Touch monitors. If the store’s business processes require cashiers to work without a seated workplace (in HoReCa) or speed of service is simply necessary, then you can install a POS system with a contact monitor, which can be controlled by the touch of a finger or stylus ( capacitive screen) or any convenient object - a finger, a waiter's card, etc. (resistive screen). The contact monitor significantly simplifies and speeds up the work of cashiers, and, therefore, the speed of customer service.

7. Maintaining a stock of components

Consumer IT equipment is one of the fastest-changing markets. Just six months ago you bought a brand new computer or phone, and new types of processors, memory, hard drives etc. And after 1-2 years, finding the same memory stick as installed in your PC may be difficult or even impossible. You can buy a new generation model for a new store, but different models in different stores - this already complicates the work of the IT department, an inflated warehouse of spare parts, etc. The line of business equipment such as POS systems changes much more slowly: a business client does not need to chase innovations, he needs the equipment to consistently perform its task. In addition, manufacturers of professional POS equipment understand that equipment is used for 5 or 10 years, and therefore maintain a spare parts warehouse throughout this period. As a result, the store has the opportunity to unify its equipment fleet.

8. Cost of ownership and investment protection

The average lifespan of cashier workplace equipment is 7-10 years. During this period, the cost of the equipment itself is added service, the cost of downtime of workplaces (and the purchase of replacement equipment), salaries of personnel or contractors servicing equipment and eliminating failures and technical problems etc. If you calculate all these costs and divide them over the entire period of operation, it turns out that using professional POS systems costs the company less.

Real case from practice. Until recently, a fairly large network used PCs at cash desks. “Yes, PCs break down more often - but we will buy more of them and keep replacements in stores and quickly replace them if necessary” - this is what the IT managers thought.

But after a couple of years, it turned out that constantly changing PCs is not so fun, and this requires maintaining a sufficient IT service staff; that when new stores open, it becomes difficult to buy the same PCs, since the components have changed during this time, and every IT manager knows that maintaining a “zoo” of computers different configurations much more expensive than standardized equipment. It turned out that the system units under the table significantly complicate the placement of cash register workstations and introduce limitations into the store layout. And, most importantly, after calculating all the fuss and costs, it turned out that using POS systems would be more profitable in the long term. As a result, the company decided to switch to professional POS systems NCR Realpos.

9. Security (also about the organization of cashiers’ workplaces)

By the way, in addition to PCs and specialized POS systems, there is another interesting solution: using thin clients, or terminals. The use of terminal solutions is one of the popular topics in workplace automation in business. With this kind of automation organization, all data and software are located on the server, and only terminals are installed at the workplaces that provide access to the software on the server. This creates additional savings on the purchase of equipment, limits the risks of user intervention in the operation of the computer, and also increases security: after all, if necessary, the server with all data and software is disconnected from the terminals.

For all their attractiveness, previously terminal solutions at cashiers’ workplaces in supermarkets could not always be used due to the need to print fiscal checks(and accordingly control the printer from the workplace). But now some PPO models, for example, Datecs FP-T88, have already implemented the ability to use terminal mode. To do this, just download from the manufacturer’s website and install a set of drivers for terminal mode.

10. Ease of IT infrastructure support

And finally, an important business point. Today, when price competition and crisis events put pressure on retail stores, optimizing fixed infrastructure costs is becoming a resource for increasing business efficiency and simply a necessity. The fewer problems the equipment creates, the less personnel and costs are needed to maintain it.

Each IT specialist, even with a minimum salary of 5 thousand UAH, costs the enterprise approx. 100-150 thousand UAH per year (payroll, workplace, office rent, etc.). And for service large network A lot of specialists are needed, and to this figure are added business trips, transportation costs, etc. How much failures and downtime cost is more difficult to estimate, but this is always lost profit or direct losses.

In this regard, a POS system that works reliably helps in this optimization.

By the way, many, even large retail chains, today are trying to minimize their need for IT personnel by purchasing high-quality professional equipment and software or outsourcing the maintenance of the infrastructure of stores and offices.

It is important to understand that a Service Partner is not just a contractor’s staff who comes out when there are problems with equipment or software. On the contrary, the service partner is interested in minimizing emergency trips and places emphasis on the correct organization of equipment operation, timely preventive and maintenance. As a result, the likelihood of failures is reduced, the store as a whole operates more reliably, and the equipment lasts longer.