Windows 10 disable everything unnecessary. We increase computer performance by disabling unused services

Windows 10 is less demanding on computer performance than previous versions Windows. Setting "tens" to weak laptops can really make working with the device more comfortable. But even optimized Windows 10 has unnecessary services running in the background, the execution of which requires computer resources.

Today we will look at which unnecessary services are best disabled in Windows 10 to make your computer run a little faster.

What are services needed in Windows?

Windows operating system services are processes that are launched when the system starts or when an event occurs, and run independently of the user. All these processes work in background, sometimes even unnoticed by the user. Some services start automatically when you turn on your computer, but they are not used on your home computer. In addition, certain services are used for their work network connection, which means they can cause security breaches and hacking of your device.

How to disable services in Windows?

Shutdown Windows services allows you to reduce the load on the processor and RAM of the computer, which is important for weak and outdated devices. And also improve computer security. It is not surprising that many people wonder how to disable services in Windows without harming the system. Disable background processes can be done in two ways, through the “Service Manager” and using command line.

Disabling services through settings

There are several ways to open service settings:

  1. Launch the control panel, in the search at the top right enter Services and run.
  2. Open the Run window by pressing hotkeys Win And R, and enter services.msc.

After launch, you will see a list of all services installed on your device. Please note that it is strictly not recommended to disable everything, as this may affect stable work computer and lead to its complete inoperability.

We find a service that is wasting and consuming system resources. In our case, this is a fax service.

Click the right mouse button, then properties. In the window that appears, from the drop-down list, select the startup type “ Disabled» and button OK.

Stopping unnecessary services via the command line

Also, any of the unnecessary services can be turned off and on using the command line launched as an administrator. To do this you need to do the following:

List of unnecessary Windows 10 services

Below is a list of the most common unnecessary services, disabling which can speed up the system. However, disable these services with caution and remember to make a system restore point just in case.

  • Dmwappushservice: Your device's geographic location service.
  • Machine Debug Manager: A service for programmers to debug certain programs.
  • NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service : Feel free to turn it off if you don’t have a 3D TV or monitor.
  • NVIDIA Streamer Service And NVIDIA Streamer Network Service: if you don't play computer games with image streaming on the Internet, the service can be safely disabled.
    Superfetch: This service is not compatible with SSDs. What if it slows you down? HDD drive, disabling this service will speed up your computer.
  • Windows Search: If you rarely use search, you can disable it.
    Wireless setup: If your computer does not have WiFi or Bluetooth, you can turn it off.
  • Windows Biometric Service: Stores and processes biometric data such as fingerprints.
  • Firewall: If you use a third-party antivirus, you can disable the built-in one.
    Computer Browser: It displays a list of computers on the local network.
  • All Hyper-V services: necessary for work virtual machines.
  • Print Manager: If you don't use printing on your device, turning off this service will save background processes.
  • Internet Connection Sharing (ICS): If you do not need to distribute WiFi from your laptop or share access to your Internet with other devices, you can disable this service.
  • Work station: Provides access to network files and folders via SMB, in the absence home network can be turned off.
  • Work folders: Can also be disabled if the computer is not on the local network.
  • Error logging: in most cases not needed.
  • Server: if you don't have any common network folders and printer, you can turn it off.
  • Xbox Live Online Service: Required to provide access to Xbox Live services.
  • Sensor service: Manages sensors installed on the PC.
  • Image download service: Can be turned off if you are not using the scanner.
  • CD burning service: Most PCs don’t even have a drive for them, so if you don’t use CDs, you can turn them off.
  • Sensor Monitoring Service: A service to control monitor brightness depending on the light in the room.
  • Service Bluetooth support : If you do not use the adapter, you can turn off this service.
  • Encryption service BitLocker drives : this function encrypts information on the hard drive.
  • Remote registry: Allows the registry to be edited by a remote user.
  • Fax: Enables fax operation.
  • Connected user functionality and telemetry: Collect user data.
  • Update centre: this service can be stopped to prevent the computer from updating at will. It is worth periodically turning on and updating the system manually.


Disabling some services is sometimes a necessary measure, which is necessary to make the computer work faster and overheat less. However, turning off most unnecessary services may cause the computer to simply stop working correctly. Be careful when setting up your computer, and we hope that this manual will be useful to you.

operating system Windows Vista had serious problems with the consumption of computer resources, which is why it was not widely used and is considered unsuccessful in the line of software from Microsoft. This problem the developers have overcome Windows release 7 and later versions operating system work well even on not the most strong computers. Wherein advanced users always want to optimize the consumption of PC resources, and in this material we will look at which services to disable in Windows 10 to improve computer performance.

Rules for disabling Windows operating system services

Microsoft releases several versions of the operating system. Windows systems– “Home”, “Basic”, “Professional” and others. Their differences lie in some details, including the list of active services. In the “Home” version of the operating system, some services are disabled that may be useful for solving corporate problems, and in the “Basic” version the services are configured so that the computer has maximum performance even on not the most powerful PCs. System administrators When installing computers in an office, they optimize the operating system by disabling or enabling certain services.

Before you start disabling services in Windows 10, you should understand that this will disable specific program, utilities or operating system drivers. That is why changes to the number of services activated on the computer should be made carefully. The best option will save a notepad on your computer with information about which services have been disabled, so that you can enable them in the future if necessary.

By disabling unnecessary Windows 10 services, you can improve the performance of the operating system on your computer, but we are not talking about colossal numbers. The PC will start running a little faster with each service disabled, which is important for budget computers.

To disable services in Windows 10, just do a few things: simple actions. First of all, you need to go to “Computer Management”, to do this, click right click Click on the Start icon in the lower left corner and select the appropriate item.

Next, a window will open in which you need to open the “Services and Applications” column in the left menu and click on the “Services” item. The entire list of services that can be running on the computer will appear on the right.

Each of the services has a designation of their current state - it is active in this moment or not, as well as information about the startup type. Services can be started manually by users when enabled various programs or connection certain devices. Some services run constantly on the computer, being activated immediately after the computer boots. And other services are completely disabled.

To disable a service in Windows 10, just right-click on it and select “Properties”. In the menu that opens, on the “General” tab, there is a “Startup type” column, in which you can set “Disabled”. After this, the service will not be loaded either automatically or manually.

Warning: Disabling some services may affect the performance of the operating system or the interaction of Windows with various hardware/software. We do not recommend disabling services whose purpose you do not know.

Which services to disable in Windows 10 to improve performance

We will not be able to select services that can clearly be disabled without any impact on everyday tasks user. Each computer owner has his own specific requirements for the operating system, and that is why users must configure the set of active services for themselves.

If you don't know which services to disable in Windows 10, we recommend checking out our list below. We will briefly describe the main services whose operation affects the performance of the computer, as well as the main tasks they perform:

Experienced users can independently determine which services in Windows 10 are best disabled to improve performance. For each of them, you can get brief help if you select the corresponding item in the drop-down menu when you right-click on a specific service.

Wanting to improve the performance of the system, many users often wonder what services can be disabled in Windows 10. So, after another question from our readers, we decided to compile an approximate list of services, deactivating which will help speed up the system.

System services are a set of specific commands responsible for performing a particular function in Windows. They are connecting links V coordinated work systems.

Windows OS developers do not have the ability to accurately predict in advance what set of tasks will be needed. Therefore, when the device is turned on, the entire existing array is fully activated. To disable unnecessary Windows task, the user must independently understand this issue.

If you notice that your PC is experiencing problems or the device noticeably freezes while performing basic tasks, you can disable some of them.

In this case, you independently accept all risks associated with interference with the operation of the Windows OS.

If you are not sure about the correctness of the actions you are performing, please We recommend that you do not disable unknown services yourself, and entrust the work to professionals who can determine the reason for the decrease in the processing of requests to perform actions and the performance of the Windows system as a whole.

Which services to disable in Windows 10

To enter the menu for working with services to disable them later, there are several ways:

Each of these options will help you get to the dialog box with all established tasks on your device so you can turn it off later unnecessary functions. In addition, by clicking on the “Advanced” tab, you can view a complete list of both active and inactive tasks, as well as Full description their functionality.

If you are a beginner and are not sure that the actions you are performing are completely correct, we recommend that you create a system restore point in advance.

Let's take a closer look at which services can be disabled in Windows 10. It is worth noting that each of us individually decides what exactly he will deactivate.

There is the following list of services that can be disabled without consequences. Below are some of them:

Name Description
Dmwappushservice Used to route WAP push messages.
Machine Debug Manager It is used exclusively in the work of programmers. You can turn it off safely.
NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service Service NVIDIA video cards. It's worth stopping if you're not using 3D images.
NVIDIA Streamer Service Uses power GeForce video cards® GTX™ to stream PC games to your SHIELD device.
Superfetch Deactivate if you use it SSD drive.
Windows Search Finds files that are on the PC. If you do not use this function, you can disable it.
Firewall It is advisable to deactivate if you are using an antivirus from another company.
Computer browser Used on a network when several computers are connected to it at the same time.
Wireless setup If you connect to the Internet using network cable, not with using Wi-Fi, this function can be stopped.
Secondary login Applicable when two or more users are using one device.
Print Manager The main function is to ensure uninterrupted printing of images through the printer.
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) You can pause this task if you are not using your computer as a network sharing device for other users.
Work folders Used for correct interaction of all files with the server.
CD burning service If in your system unit If there is no disk drive available, or you deliberately refused to use one, we recommend disabling this function.
Client License Service (ClipSVC) Stop functioning if you are not using programs from the Windows Store.
Image download service Used to correctly load material from a scanner, camera, etc.
Enumerator service portable devices Ensures correct interaction of existing materials on various portable devices and automatically reproduces them. If this feature is not interesting for you, you should disable it.
Windows Error Logging Service Everything is clear =)
Services that start when installing various programs It is necessary to pay attention to this task periodically. When downloading various programs, a lot of them are launched third party applications into startup, which slow down the entire system.
Remote registry If you do not want remote users to be able to make adjustments to the registry of your device, disable it.
Fax To be deactivated when you do not use fax.

In order to disable a particular task, you need to double-click the left mouse button on it. A dialog box will appear, in it select the line “Startup type” and move the checkbox to the “Disabled” state. After that, click on the “Apply” and “OK” button.

There is also free utility Easy Service Optimizer which helps a newbie quickly stop unnecessary tasks in Windows and disable them.

Can be used in three options:

  1. Safe.
  2. Optimal.
  3. Extreme.

Regarding the question of which services cannot be disabled in Windows 10, you can answer this way - preferably all. Incorrectly stopping one process will result in unstable work the entire device. It is not advisable, for example, to disable the Plug and Play function. It helps to correctly install a new device connected to a computer and ensure it correct operation.

Before disabling a system task in Windows, you need to clearly understand what it is used for and whether you will need it in the future.

We will be happy to replenish and update this list! Leave comments on this article, with services that can be disabled!

Have a great day!

Today we will talk about Windows 10 optimization. And this will not be a “button accordion” from most sites, and it will not be one of the superficial manipulations with the operating system. No, today everything will be much more serious, because here we will look in detail at how to speed up Windows operation 10 and get maximum performance out of your computer, but without compromising performance, of course.

For most users, the word “optimization” is equivalent to the word “castration” of the system or “unnecessary manipulations” and so on. But initially, optimization is, first of all, cutting off unnecessary and fine tuning, tuning. IN in capable hands good optimization significantly increases PC performance without the need to overclock the processor.

More from Windows times XP attempts were made to improve the speed and responsiveness of the system. Enthusiasts disabled services and processes to improve performance. Nothing has changed since then. Microsoft can be understood - it is trying with all its might to raise the level of functionality to the maximum, but all this has its own back side medals - all this comes at the price of volume random access memory, constant appeal to hard drive, more more workload central processor. But not everyone needs full functionality...

Let's finish with the foreplay and get down to business. The task is simple - to approach in as much detail as possible Windows optimization 10.

To structure everything and not confuse anything, further actions will be divided into steps:

Step 1: Disable disk indexing

Let's go from simple to complex and, perhaps, start with disk indexing.

She is needed for more quick search on your hard drive. But is searching really needed that often? The indexing service always hangs in the system, regardless of whether a file search is needed or not, and if you disable it, nothing will happen. It’s just that from now on, searching for a photo, document, or any other file will take a little longer. Just a little bit. And the owners solid state drives it needs to be disabled in any case, since every extra call reduces .

And so, to disable Indexing, you need to open “This PC” and right-click on local disk, on which Windows 10 is installed. In principle, you can then do this operation with other disks. In the context menu, you need to select “Properties”, and in the window that opens at the bottom, uncheck “Allow file contents to be indexed...” and click “Ok”. After this, pop-up windows will begin to appear, asking you to either agree and continue, or, if this is not possible, click “Skip all.”

Step 2: Disable User Account Control (UAC)

User Account Control, or UAC (User Account Control ), is designed to solve the user's security problem, a kind of smart access restriction. In reality, it looks like an endless stream of notifications about how confident the user is in opening the file and whether it is him at all. For most users, it is enough to have only an antivirus software for their safety. software. To disable UAC, you need to right-click on the Start menu, open the menu and find Control Panel. Next is the “System and Security” section. In it, at the top, in the “Security and Maintenance Center” section there is a subsection “Changing Account Control Settings”.

Step 11. Disable unnecessary Windows services

This step is for more advanced users, since incorrect actions can lead to many problems. A list of all services can be found by pressing the key combination “Win+R” and typing in the field services.msc. If you don't need Xbox services, you can disable everything related to them, as well as everything related to Hyper-V (i.e. virtualization). " Windows Defender" and "Windows Firewall" can also be safely disabled - there is an antivirus for all this. The rest is strictly at your discretion and only at your own peril and risk.

Windows users often face the problem of high RAM consumption to maintain the operating system. This problem is inherited from version to version and in new Windows 10 she hasn't gone anywhere. To reduce resource consumption, some unused services Windows can be turned off.

What services should I disable in Windows 10 and how to do it?

Why are so many services active?

Windows developers cannot know which services are needed by a particular user, so by default, when the system starts, the entire array of services starts. Our task for optimization is to identify unnecessary ones and disable them.

What services can be disabled in Windows 10? For example, for users who do not use the disk drive and the disk writing function, you can disable the service responsible for this. Users who do not use the printer can disable the printing service, thus disabling services we do not need, we can improve the performance of the computer.

Finding a list of services

There are several options for detecting running services:

After any path you have passed, a window will open with services, both running and non-working. By going to the “Advanced” tab, you can get information about a specific service, and in particular, what it is responsible for.

How to disable the service?

Please understand that Windows 10 a complex system, where processes are tied to each other, so thoughtless and indiscriminate shutdown of services can lead to system instability.

Which services to disable in Windows 10 should be decided by each user independently based on their needs for them.

To disable the selected service, double-click on the service name and in the window that opens, select the startup type “Disabled”. And don’t forget to click on the “Apply” button.

What services can be disabled?

Below we provide a list of services that can be disabled without affecting the main processes of the operating system; you just have to select unused ones:

  1. Dmwappushservice. Needed to route WAP push messages. Telemetry function can be disabled if desired.
  2. Machine Debug Manager. Used by professional programmers. If you are not a programmer, disable it.
  3. NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service. The NVIDIA video card service can be disabled if you do not use 3D stereo images.
  4. NVIDIA Streamer Service. Harnesses the power of GeForce® GTX™ graphics cards to bring games from your PC to your SHIELD device. It is advisable to disable it if you do not use SHIELD technology and do not play PC games on the TV screen.
  5. NVIDIA Streamer Network Service.
  6. Superfetch. Disable it if you are using an SSD drive.
  7. Windows Search. Responsible for the search built into the system. Those. helps to find files in the system by name. If you don't use search, turn it off.
  8. Windows Biometric Service. Collection, processing and storage of biometric data.
  9. Firewall. If you are using a third party antivirus rather than Windows firewall, then turn it off.
  10. Computer browser. Maintains a list of computers on the network and provides it to programs upon request. Irrelevant if you work with only one PC on the network.
  11. Wireless setup. If you access the Internet by connecting a cable rather than Wi-Fi, then this service is no longer necessary.
  12. Secondary login u. Responsible for logging into Windows from multiple accounts. If you have one Account, then you can turn it off.
  13. Print Manager. Responsible for printing files using a printer. If it is absent, it is advisable to disable it.
  14. CNG key insulation.
  15. Internet Connection Sharing (ICS). If you do not share Internet access through this PC, for example, do not distribute Wi-Fi to other devices through it.
  16. Work folders. This service syncs files with a Work Folders server so they can be used on any device that has Work Folders configured. Disable it if you work with one PC or synchronization is not needed.
  17. Server. If you are not using the access features shared files and printers, you can disable it.
  18. Xbox Live online service.
  19. Geographic location service. Tracks system location and manages geofences for application interaction.
  20. Sensor data service.
  21. Sensor service.
  22. CD burning service. The time of CDs is fading into oblivion, so if there is no drive or there is a need to write information to a CD, we disable the service.
  23. Client License Service (ClipSVC). Disable it if you do not use applications from the Windows Store.
  24. Image download service. Responsible for loading images from the scanner and camera. If you don't have a scanner, you can also disable it.
  25. AllJoyn router service. Redirects AllJoyn messages to local AllJoyn clients. This is a popular protocol for the interaction of applications, devices and users over WiFi and Bluetooth (and other types of networks), regardless of the type of device. Don't use it? Turn it off.
  26. Data Exchange Service (Hyper-V). The mechanism for exchanging data between the virtual machine and the PC OS. Not relevant if you are not using a Hyper-V virtual machine .
  27. Guest shutdown service (Hyper-V).
  28. Heart Rate Service (Hyper-V).
  29. Hyper-V Virtual Machine Session Service.
  30. Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service.
  31. Data Exchange Service (Hyper-V).
  32. Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service.
  33. Sensor monitoring service. Monitoring various sensors.
  34. Service public access to Net.Tcp ports. Provides dispatching of incoming messages addressed to the application service. By default the service is disabled. If you optimize home computer, make sure that the services are disabled.
  35. Portable Device Enumerator Service. Provides the ability to synchronize and auto play files from portable devices. This service is also of little use and can be disabled.
  36. Bluetooth support service. Disable it if you don't use Bluetooth.
  37. Program Compatibility Assistant Service.
  38. Windows Error Logging Service.
  39. BitLocker Drive Encryption Service. If you don't use disk encryption, disable it.
  40. Services that start when installing various programs. You should pay attention to the services that appear when installing various programs. You won't need many of these services either.
  41. Remote registry. Allows remote users change registry settings on this computer.
  42. Application identity.
  43. Fax machine. Allows you to receive and send faxes using the resources of this computer and network resources.
  44. Connected user functionality and telemetry. Applies to telemetry - disable if desired.

Disable program

Easy Service Optimizer- special free program to optimize Windows 10 service startup settings. With its help, the user can stop unused services. Russian-language program with clear interface, so even a novice user can figure it out.

In addition, you can return all settings to the initial state by clicking the "Default" button.

By double click you can open any service, view information about it, and change the “Startup Type” and “Recovery Type”.


We hope you have figured out which services can be disabled in Windows 10 for better performance. Let's just say that this list is open. At your discretion, you can disable many more services that you do not use. This procedure will free up several hundred megabytes of RAM on your computer.

What services have you disabled? Which ones might have been left? And how much has OS performance improved? If you have a minute, share this information in the comments with other users.