Roadar 1.7 2 full version. Computer program Android application RoadAr Smart DVR

Roadly - mobile app- DVR to help drivers on the road + radar detector. The application includes the functions of a video recorder, recognition of road signs and warnings about their coverage area, as well as a radar detector that warns about cameras.

✔ Radar detector - warning about stationary speed cameras (including those with control average speed);
✔ Upload videos to YouTube with one click!

✔ Automatic start/stop of the application when moving/stopping.
✔ We record the current speed, coordinates, time and current signs directly into the video file;
✔ Exposure compensation is built into the application; the algorithm adjusts the exposure level so that the brightness of the lower part of the image is kept within a specified range.

Characters recognized on the device are sent to common base, from where they then go to other drivers. The more drivers there are, the larger and more up-to-date the database and the better the quality of the warnings.
Don't forget to invite your friends =) There are already more than 500,000 of us!

Roadly can work in the background as a car recorder and at the same time issue warnings on top of any navigation applications, for example: Waze, Navitel Navitel, Yandex.Navigator, Sygic, iGO, etc.
To sign up for external card the settings should indicate the directory [external SD card]/android/data/
If you specify a different path, the application will not be able to access external memory.


DVR requires permanent connection to charging, because actively uses all phone resources.

Audio recording does not work on some devices (mostly devices with android version 4.1 and below).

It is advisable to direct cold air to the device to avoid overheating ( long-term use camera heats up the phone).

IN current version We can recognize the following signs:

✔ Give way
✔ Speed ​​limits (at the moment of exceeding, the application shows the amount of the fine for greater motivation to reduce speed. Relevant only for the Russian Federation).
✔ Overtaking is prohibited
✔ Stopping is prohibited
✔ Parking is prohibited
✔ Pedestrian crossing
✔ Signs directing the passage of intersections
✔ Warning signs

Recognition of other characters will be added in future versions.

ATTENTION: when testing in front of the monitor, the image may be blurry, this is completely normal, because The camera focus is set to infinity so that the road is always clear.

Team PathSense for their Android Activity SDK which we use to provide automatic start/stop functionality for the application.

Radar detector and video recorder with sign recognition in one application! Download!

When road safety comes first.

An experienced driver knows very well that even unquestioning compliance with the rules traffic cannot insure against accidents. The reason for this is human factor and the desire of road users to pass first, to “squeeze in and run through” a red light, or to change lanes from one lane to another at the most unfavorable moment. The result of such thoughtless maneuvers is road accidents. They will help prove who is right and who is wrong DVR apps, capable of turning your smartphone into a sensitive on-board computer.

Today we will look at four of the most popular video recorder applications among car enthusiasts. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Interface and functionality

First of all, the information content and accessibility of all depends on the DVR interface. necessary functions. The developers of each application, despite the general purpose, still managed to make their product strictly individual.


The DVR contains only necessary information: Motion speed and recording timer. If necessary, you can remove sign recognition from your field of view and, if you are confident in the accuracy of the further route, the built-in navigator window with a map image.

Popup sidebar immediately opens access to a shopping list, a gallery of entries and an extended settings menu. It is convenient to operate the DVR. My only wish would be to make the record key larger: on a bumpy road it’s not easy to hit the REC button.

Verdict: The customizable interface allows you to get rid of annoying icons and unused functions from the settings menu. Maximum " useful screen» provided.

Grade: 8 out of 10.


Large icons provide instant access to a number of functions of the recorder: gallery of recordings, statistics, muting the microphone, recording to the cloud, maps and a menu for displaying objects on the road. The application works in full screen mode and alternatively built-in iPhone watch CamOnRoad offered its own, equipped with seconds.

Verdict: The interface is not satisfactory. It is convenient to operate the main menu of the recorder under any road conditions.

Grade: 9 out of 10.

The designers' love for skeuomorphism and voluminous textures is noticeable to the naked eye. At a time when “flat iOS” has already received three key iterations, this solution looks somewhat unsightly. On the screen, the driver can see only the necessary information, which does not distract from the movement. Large REC recording start key and easy access to the settings even under specific shaking conditions.

Verdict: The terrible “matrix effect” of the interface and the viewfinder screen that jerks and slows down bring everything to naught.

Grade: 6 out of 10.

OsmAnd DVR

The application developers have provided fast access to almost all functions of the recorder using large translucent icons. The application provides three operating modes: recorder, statistical on-board computer and navigator. For a more comfortable perception, there is also night mode, changing color scheme registrar to a darker one.

Verdict: OsmAnd DVR has a well-thought-out interface, but an excessive number of icons is a strong distraction that could easily be avoided.

Grade: 8 out of 10.

Shooting quality


The recorder has four resolution options: from a minimum of 640×480 and up to 1280×720 with three quality options (low, medium high). There is no Full HD recording mode. As additional tool Video correction includes a “smart exposure” function that automatically adjusts the light balance depending on the shooting conditions.

One minute of video shot in a resolution of 1280x720 at high quality takes up 24 MB, which is one of the best indicators in this application segment.

The length of each video fragment can vary from 10 seconds to 30 minutes. The user can independently determine the maximum allowable archive size, if exceeded, old records will be automatically deleted.

Grade: 9 out of 10


Resolution settings are limited to three modes: 288, 480 and 720p. CamOnRoad also provides three focusing modes. Alas, during testing the algorithm of their work leaves much to be desired.

One minute of video shot in 1280x720 resolution takes up 29 megabytes of memory.

The duration of video fragments is divided into intervals of 5, 10 and 15 minutes. The algorithm for automatically starting and stopping recording is well implemented: the speed of movement is taken as the basis and, starting at 10 km/h, the recorder starts recording. Recording stops after disconnecting from charger, or turning off the ignition.

Grade: 8 out of 10.


The main advantage of this recorder is support for video recording in Full HD format. In addition, the Car Recorder provides two more resolutions: 640x480 and 1280x720 pixels with the possibility of three compression options - low, medium and high.

The car recorder allows you to adjust such parameters as: frame rate (values: 7, 15, 30), video segment size (values: 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 minutes). Focusing speed leaves much to be desired.

Unfortunately, the developers chose to reduce the functionality of the free version of the application - export filmed videos Only possible after making in-app purchases.

Grade: 8 out of 10.

OsmAnd DVR

The number of recording modes in the OsmAnd DVR recorder is beyond praise: 8 resolutions, including Full HD and over 10 frame rate options, including SloMo 120/240 frames per second. The average size One minute of recording at a resolution of 1280x720 is an impressive 76 MB - OsmAnd DVR is wasteful with free space.

Thanks to the use of several digital algorithms stabilization and exposure metering along the road or the center of the frame, the shooting quality is excellent. The fly in the ointment in the video capabilities of OsmAnd DVR were the limitations of the free version: it is impossible to change the resolution and any parameters without making in-app purchases.

Grade: 8 out of 10.

Working with maps


This recorder implements a truly successful combination of video recording and display of the current location and further route. One touch on the round window is enough to change the mode to the opposite one.

The user can independently select the preferred mapping service from the application settings: Google Maps, Yandex. Cards. As an option to expand the capabilities of the navigator, in-app purchases are provided for purchasing voice assistants.

Grade: 10 of 10.


The main feature of the CamOnRoad recorder is the presence of routes presented in the form of additional reality. Thus, the developers killed two birds with one stone: the recorder films video, and the driver sees the constructed route in full screen mode.

Additional information displayed on the navigator screen may include: gas stations, cafes, shopping malls and speed cameras.

Grade: 9 out of 10.


The developers of this recorder considered the need for a navigator for the driver to be a luxury. You can track your current movement on the map only when using third party applications, while in minimized mode the Car Recorder stops video recording.

Grade: 0 out of 10.

OsmAnd DVR

As map service the developers used proprietary maps from Apple. For Russian-speaking users, this solution significantly reduces the usability of the application as a navigator: finding an address in Russian is not an easy task.

The principle of operation of the navigator paired with the recorder is implemented conveniently: while the video is being recorded, you can switch to the route map. Hints and alerts about traffic conditions will be active.

Grade: 9 out of 10.

Interaction with the driver and additional functions

To this point we decided to include key features, which are specific to each application and distinguish it from its competitors. At the same time, the factor of interaction between the application and the driver is taken into account (notification of signs, warning of upcoming road conditions).

Insurance reminder, overlay additional information on video, card selection, synchronous work navigator and recorder, sign recognition.

The main advantage of the RoadAR application is the recognition of signs and warning the driver about speeding, upcoming dangerous turns and changes in the road situation. The registrar has no equal in this regard.

Recognition of signs occurs in advance, as a rule, several hundred meters before the posted sign, and the remaining time is quite enough to take the necessary actions to perform a particular maneuver. The recorder constantly reads your speed, analyzing the driver's behavior on the road. So, if you decide to stop in the wrong place, RoadAR will not only warn you about the parking ban, but also present the current amount of the fine for the violation.

Grade: 10 of 10.


Cloud storage, augmented reality for navigation, traffic warnings, auto-start recording.

Among the features of CamOnRoad is the ability to represent the road in the form navigation map With additional reality. Using the smartphone's built-in gyroscope, the app moves the displayed route depending on the vehicle's position.

Grade: 10 of 10.

    Car DVR.

Focus locking, support for Full HD resolution, overlaying additional statistical data on video.

In terms of “reading the road,” the Car Recorder cannot boast of anything outstanding. The developers did not provide for sign recognition or road orientation. The main emphasis in the application is on naked photography.

Grade: 0 out of 10.

    OsmAnd DVR.

Built-in FTP client, G-sensor, video stabilization, wide range of resolution and frame rate settings for video shooting.

DVRs made in the form of applications for smartphones have their own number of significant benefits. As a rule, their range of functions is not limited to video recording. Some applications may recognize road signs and markings, warn about dangerous distances to other cars, navigate in augmented reality mode and report on speed cameras. And although some of these additional functions may be paid, this does not at all reduce interest in them.

However, there is software solutions and a row shortcomings. Firstly, this is the quality of the built-in camera of smartphones (and, especially, tablets), which is simply not designed to work in low light or backlit conditions. In other words, at night the picture quality will be very mediocre, and on a sunny day expect continuous glare or a dark image automatically adjusted to bright light. After all, being located under the windshield, the camera will not be illuminated only if the sun is in its rear plane. True, you can use a hood to combat the sun, but their choice is small. All I could find on Aliexpress was this thing in the shape of a visor with a clothespin.

There are other problems with using a smartphone as a DVR. For example, each time you have to secure it in the holder and connect the power, and then launch the application and turn on the recording. If you repeat this procedure several times a day, you won’t have enough patience for long. However, some applications recognize this sequence of actions and start the recording process automatically.

So, for this article we took a number of the most popular and interesting solutions to help you do independent choice taking into account individual requirements, which may be different for everyone. Let's start with general list participants, as well as a set of their functions, which we will summarize in one table. And then we’ll tell you a little more about the features of each application.

Functions and characteristicsRoadARCamOnRoadDailyRoadsiOnRoadAutoBoyRoad Recorder
Google.Play rating 4,3 4,2 4,2 3,8 4,3 4,1
version 1.5.1 0.0.56 4.0 1.5.1 2.5.7 3.5.4
number of installations, thousand* 250 250 2500 750 750 25
Working with video
automatic recording YesYesYesYesYesNo
additional information in the video file YesYesYesYesYesYes
recording from front camera NoYesNoNoYesNo
sound recording No**YesYesNoYesYes
work in background YesYesYesYesYesYes
vertical orientation NoYesNoNoYesNo
photographs NoNoYesYesYesNo
response to events NoYesYesYesYesNo
augmented reality NoYesNoYesNoNo
detailed settings YesYesYesNoYesYes
Additional functions
map YesYesNoNoYesYes
navigation NoYesNoNoNoNo
playback recorded video YesYesYesNoYesYes
transfer calls to speaker NoYesNoYesNoNo
social functions NoYesNoNoNoNo
radar detector NoYesNoNoNoNo
remembering parking location NoNoNoYesNoNo
character recognition YesNoNoNoNoNo
marking tracking NoNoNoYesNoNo
trip computer NoYesNoYesNoNo
checking fines YesNoNoNoNoNo
availability of advertising NoNoNoYesYesYes
working with the cloud NoYesNoNoYesNo
additional paid features YesYesYesNoYesNo
one-time price, rub. - - - 160 - 148

* - the average value is indicated for ease of perception, while Google.Play displays a range.

** - sound recording is available when working with Android OS 4.3 and newer.

Many video recorder applications have an automatic start and stop mode for recording. Ideally, as soon as the application detects movement that looks like the start of a car ride, it will start recording video. But this is not the case for everyone. Sometimes recording starts after connecting or disconnecting the power cable. In any case, all the applications under consideration have a corresponding set of settings with which this process can be fully or partially automated.

Only RoadAR can overlay information on a video, while everyone else only adds a GPS track, date and time to the video.

There are problems with screen rotation. All apps work in landscape mode and only a few can switch to vertical mode, which would be convenient for some types of smartphone holders.

Also, not all applications are capable of taking individual photographs and monitoring data from the acceleration sensor, which can be used to recognize an emergency situation in order to separately save the current video.

Among the additional functions, the most useful are navigation, map display and radar detector. But their absence will not be big problem. After all, all video recorder applications are able to work in the background and do not interfere with others. Therefore, you can simultaneously use electronic card, navigator or radar detector. Although, it would be more convenient to have a high-quality all-in-one solution.

Now is the time to move on to practice. We tested applications on a smartphone Samsung Galaxy Nexus GT-I9250. His specifications are as follows: 2 cores 1.2 GHz Cortex-A9, 700 MB available random access memory, acceleration and direction sensors, gyroscope, 5 MP main camera with Full HD video recording 30 fps, 1.3 MP front camera, OS - Android 4.2.1. In the case when the application behaved unstable, or we had additional questions about it, we also checked its operation on a budget single-core gigahertz smartphone with Android 4.0.3 OS, after which we made a final verdict.


  • Load as a percentage of dual-core CPU (active/while recording/in the background) - 95/100/100
  • The volume of a minute of video recording with default settings is 1.5-15 MB
  • Description on Google.Play -

The main highlight of the application is the recognition of road signs, including speed limits, “give way”, “pedestrian crossing”, prohibitions on parking and stopping, and a number of others. It not only recognizes them, but also displays warnings if you stop in a prohibited place or speed up too much in front of a pedestrian crossing. Signs are recognized well, provided that they are not covered by branches or the sun is not shining into the camera lens. But most of the characters appear on the screen not thanks to the recognition system, but from a cloud database where information from other users is collected.

The video is written well. There are many settings, including those that limit the amount of data stored. Information about date, time, coordinates and speed is added to the video stream. Current road signs are also added to the picture.

In addition, this application has the most competent autostart. Even if you exit it, it continues to monitor information from the sensors and if it notices uniform movement, it will display a message on the screen asking you to launch the application and start recording. It will also be automatically activated if the smartphone takes horizontal position and external power will be connected to it.

But what is upsetting is the exorbitant hardware requirements. Moreover, in previous version 1.4.8 the application was more responsive. Nose latest versions our dual-core smartphone simply choked. To the point that for minutes (this is not a typo) it did not respond to button presses. And if suddenly an incoming call came, then after the conversation the functionality of the application was no longer restored. At least we never waited for this. The application continued to consume 100% of computing resources and no longer responded to button presses. Actually, this is a completely logical payback for analyzing the video and embedding additional graphic information. And all this taking into account the fact that we lowered the resolution and the number of frames per second in the settings. In the end, more or less normal operation was achieved when recording 10 frames per second with a resolution of 720x480. But even with these settings, the application was quite slow. For example, road signs that were downloaded from the cloud appeared on the screen with a delay of 300-400 meters.

By the way, there are also some problems with playing videos. It is only possible with an external player, although it is launched from the interface of the program itself. Any kind of player will not work. Of all the available ones, only VLC, which was recommended by the program itself, dealt with this. But he played videos from increased speed. In general, the developers still have some work to do here.

Available video settings: resolution, quality level, duration of fragments, number of frames per second, GPS track, road signs, brightness and contrast. The space occupied by video files is limited by size.

pros: good quality recordings, many settings, better autorun.

Minuses: very high demands on hardware resources.

Verdict: not a bad toy, provided that the SoC of your smartphone has at least four computing cores.


  • Load as a percentage of dual-core CPU (active/while recording/in the background) - 35/60/50
  • The volume of a minute of video recording with default settings is 5-10 MB
  • Description on Google.Play -

This is one of the most feature-rich applications. In addition to recording and playing video, it can serve as a navigator using google maps, and also has an augmented reality mode, which displays the direction of movement on the navigator, gas stations, speed cameras, shopping centers and catering outlets. It's also the only app that you can switch to recording from the front camera on the go and sync recordings with cloud storage or send them there in real time. The application switches incoming calls to speakerphone, and in case of emergency situations it can call the rescue service or the number that you specify in the settings.

All basic functionality is free. The developers only offer to expand space in the cloud for a nominal fee if the free two gigabytes suddenly aren’t enough.

In practice everything works great. The only caveat is that the video, which is automatically uploaded to the cloud, has many missing frames, and in some places entire fragments. But here, of course, everything depends on the quality and speed of communication at each individual moment in time.

But there is an excellent web interface for watching videos and Personal Area on the website, which is very convenient! However, there is one more limitation - if you set the resolution to more than 480p in the video settings, then recording to the cloud will not be available.

Available video settings: resolution, duration of fragments, codec. The space occupied by video files is limited by size.

pros: recording from the front camera, navigation, augmented reality, radar detector, good recording quality, cloud storage, social functions, vertical mode.

Minuses: not detected.

Verdict: one of best apps V this review. Plus - it's free!


  • Load in percentage of dual-core CPU (active/while recording/in background) - 25/35/35
  • The volume of a minute of video recording with default settings is 70 MB
  • Description on Google.Play -

The simplest application that has many various settings and no unnecessary functions. In addition to video, you can take photographs with high quality at specified intervals. If you need to save the current video fragment separately, just tap the screen. There is also a reaction to external events(from the acceleration sensor). Among the shortcomings are frequent video lags. Moreover, the load on the computing cores is low.

Available video settings: resolution, codec, bitrate, frame rate, autofocus, fragment duration, GPS track. The space occupied by video files is limited by size.

pros: The application functions solely as a DVR.

Minuses: No automatic start of recording.

Verdict: If you need a simple DVR with rich settings that doesn't have anything extra, then this is it.

iOnRoad Augmented Driving

  • Load in percentage of dual-core CPU (active/while recording/in background) - 20/25/14
  • Description on Google.Play -

Main purpose this application- monitor the distance to vehicles ahead and warn about dangerous approach. It does this quite successfully and does not bother you over trifles. It is also capable of monitoring markings and sending alarm signals to in case of emergency. But the function of the DVR is secondary here. Besides, you have to pay for it. Video recording has no settings and records video of good quality in a resolution of 640x480. Photos are taken in the same resolution, which is very confusing.

In the main working screen of the application there are two buttons to which you can bind the launch navigation application And music player, which is very convenient.

Among other “goodies” we can note the built-in text to speech function (reading incoming SMS), but it does not work for the Russian language. And also, at the end of the trip, the application will offer to remember the parking location of your car, so that you can later find it on the map.

It’s difficult for us to say whether the main set of functions of this program related to recognizing the distance to objects will be useful to anyone. In addition, it only works for four. In bright conditions sunlight The camera begins to go blind and the distances to cars are no longer determined. The program will also ignore a car that has slightly entered your lane, which, for example, less popular competitors such as , and , do not allow themselves to do. It's a pity that they don't have such a beautiful interface and don't have a DVR function.

Available video settings: No. In the free version, shooting is limited to five seconds.

pros: user-friendly interface.

Minuses: paid feature video recordings, low video resolution.

Verdict: If we discard arguments about the demand for the basic set of functions and the fee for video recording, then it can be fully recommended.

AutoBoy DashCam

  • Load in percentage of dual-core CPU (active/while recording/in background) - 24/30/30
  • The volume of a minute of video recording with default settings is 20 MB
  • Description on Google.Play -

Another great product with a tiled home screen interface. He knows how to work in vertical position, switch to the front camera, take photos, and display your location on the map. The application is simple great amount settings. There is a reaction to the acceleration (shock) sensor and advanced automation of starting and stopping video recording. And when background recording You can leave a small window on the screen with a picture from the camera, moving it to a convenient place on the screen. In addition, the application has very low hardware requirements.

If desired, the video can be exported to your Youtube account.

Another notable feature is that instead of video, you can take a series of photographs over a specified period of time. Moreover, they will also be processed and stored in groups.

Available video settings: resolution, codec, video stream, autofocus, orientation, length of one fragment, total storage space.

pros: user-friendly interface, many settings, built-in map, recording from the front camera, vertical mode, serial photography.

Minuses: not detected.

Verdict: If you only need the DVR functionality, but with all the accompanying bells and whistles, then this is one of the best options.

Road Recorder

  • Load in percentage of dual-core CPU (active/while recording/in background) - 7/30/30
  • The volume of a minute of video recording with default settings is 8 MB
  • Description on Google.Play -

But this application left a double impression. On the one hand, he has a simple and clear interface and a minimum of “extra” functions. With another - unstable work. On our platform when incoming call The recording stopped and never resumed, just like if you switched to any other application. Moreover, if you return to the DVR and stop and start recording again, the last video is not saved. Also, sometimes the sound on the phone turned off while the application was running and appeared only after the system was rebooted.

In addition, background video recording must be started separately manually, having first stopped the current recording with visual display. And in the free version, the application stores only two video files no longer than 30 minutes.

Like most other applications, RoadRecorder writes a track to a video file.

Available video settings: resolution, codec, bitrate, frame rate per second, autofocus, orientation, length of one fragment, total number of fragments.

pros: user-friendly interface, many settings.

Minuses: unstable work, necessity separate launch background recording, as well as its resumption if you switch to another application while working.

Verdict: two fatal punctures, work-related background recording spoil the entire impression of this application.

What's left behind the scenes

Above we described only those applications that we considered more or less suitable for a number of parameters. However, we tried almost everything free apps, which were found by searching or in recommendations and which had Russian-language interface. Therefore, let's say a few words about those programs that we did not like. It is possible that our arguments will seem unconvincing to some and some will still be interested in these applications, while others will simply save time on installation and self-study all this “good”.

This is the development of a well-known Slovak company, which owns the Sygic brand. Initially, the application is positioned as a radar detector, and in this regard there are no special complaints about it. The DVR here comes as part of the premium functions, and for it they ask for a quite European sum of more than 1000 rubles for a year of use (yes, Europe is not Russia). In addition, he does not know how to record videos in the background.

Alas, despite a sane interface and a relatively good set of settings, this application refused to work normally: video recording does not stop, and exiting the application looks as if we had launched two or three copies of this program.

Positioned as a dash cam, this app is actually just a video recorder that adds a GPS track to your footage. There are no settings typical for a DVR (loop video recording, reaction to events). You can only choose the recording quality from two options: 320x240 with strong compression and the maximum available for your smartphone camera.

Overall, this is a simple action camera.

This application is interesting because it can add data about the car’s operation received via OBD to the video recording (if you have a wireless OBD module installed in your car). It turns out to be a real black box.

However, on our test equipment the program had problems with automatic settings recording brightness. At the same time, access to manual settings periodically disappeared, and the settings themselves were set to minimum values, resulting in extremely dark videos being recorded. Probably, in this strange way, the developers are hinting at purchasing the full version for 139 rubles.

This is perhaps one of the most advanced applications, and we regret that it was not included in the main part of our review. However, a couple of months after publication this comparison, we decided to add here brief information about him.

Despite the nondescript interface, the application has a huge number of settings, including settings for recording modes and automatic start. But the main advantage of the application is seamless video. While almost all other programs have a certain delay that occurs when recording one video ends and the recording of the next begins, “Video Recorder” records video even slightly overlapping. And the slower the smartphone, the larger the video gap will be, and the delay itself ranges from one and a half to five seconds!

However free version The application only works for 20 minutes after launch. A full-fledged one will cost a reasonable amount - 107 rubles.


Despite the apparent wealth of choice, in our opinion there are only two alternatives: CamOnRoad and AutoBoy DashCam. The first application is the most functional. There’s navigation, augmented reality, radar detector, and cloud recording. Everything works stably and does not require many resources. Plus, all this cheese is free! Well, if you want simplicity or need even lower hardware requirements, then we recommend AutoBoy DashCam. High quality and functional.

The rest of the applications are not for everyone.

Any car enthusiast should have a DVR, because this gadget is a guarantee of safety. A navigator will also come in handy. There are also other specialized devices, such as radar detectors. Yes, you will have to spend a lot of money... But it will be able to replace all these specialized devices regular smartphone and the CamOnRoad program.

The utility is quite unique. Its main purpose is video recording of the surroundings, but it is supplemented with other functions. Let's start in order. Video recording will begin immediately after we click on the corresponding icon on the screen, or in automatic mode, as soon as the car starts moving and picks up speed. At this time, we will see video from the camera on the screen, current date and time, as well as the speed of the vehicle. The latter is not superimposed on the finished video recording.

By the way, about records. They can not only be stored in the device’s memory, but also “broadcast” to the cloud. The recording quality, however, will be lower - 480p, but cloud memory 2 GB. But, in case something happens, original copy will always be at hand - protected cloud storage. Naturally, an Internet connection is required. If suddenly CamOnRoad “senses” an accident, that is, sudden actions with a smartphone, then the program will protect the current video from being deleted. There are a lot of recording and saving options, you just need to look at the settings.

Now about navigation, and it is carried out in a very unusual way. We open the map, indicate the target and press the “go” button. After this, we find ourselves on the screen of the same DVR, but the route will be located on top of the image from the camera. Thus, even when we look at the map, we are not distracted from the road. Isn't that cool?

And the final possibility is a radar detector. It is carried out by analogy with navigation. On top of the camera image, in the form of augmented reality, we will see warning signs, notifications about stationary traffic police cameras and other objects. Interesting point, if there is some kind of shopping mall or a gas station, then we just need to click on its icon, and the navigator will plot the route to it. This is a real miracle!

So, the CamOnRoad program is, well, simply an indispensable assistant for any motorist. After all, only it can turn an ordinary smartphone or tablet into a video recorder, navigator, and radar detector at the same time. Plus, it's completely free and has many additional features!