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In a stack; diagram comparing the number of rolling stock - different lengths shown trains etc. Due to their clarity and ease of use, diagrams are often used not only in everyday work accountants , logisticians and other employees, but also when preparing presentation materials for clients And managers various organizations.

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    ✪ Mathematics 5th grade Pie charts

    ✪MS Office Excel. Lesson 21. Creating charts in Excel.

    ✪ Lessons.Math. 6th grade. Pie and bar charts. Charts

    ✪ How to make a diagram in Word

    ✪ How to create a chart in Excel?


Basic chart types

The diagrams mainly consist of geometric objects ( points , lines , figures various shapes and colors) and auxiliary elements (axes coordinates , symbols, headings, etc.). Diagrams are also divided into planar (two-dimensional) and spatial (three-dimensional or volumetric). Comparison and comparison of geometric objects on diagrams can occur according to different dimensions: by the area of ​​the figure or its height, by the location of the points, by their density, by color intensity, etc. In addition, the data can be presented in rectangular or polar coordinate system.

Line charts (graphs)

Line charts or graphs are a type of chart in which the data obtained is depicted as points connected by lines. Points can be either visible or invisible ( broken lines lines). Points without lines (scatter plots) can also be shown. To construct line diagrams, a rectangular coordinate system is used. Usually along the axis abscissa postponed time (years , months etc.), and along the ordinate axis - the sizes of the depicted phenomena or processes. Marked on the axes scale.

It is advisable to use line diagrams when the number of sizes (levels) in a series is large. In addition, such diagrams are convenient to use if you need to depict the nature or general trend of development of a phenomenon or phenomena. Lines are also convenient when depicting several time series for their comparison, when a comparison of growth rates is required. It is not recommended to place more than three or four curves on one diagram of this type. Their a large number of may complicate the drawing, and the line diagram may become unclear.

The main disadvantage of line diagrams is the uniform scale, allowing you to measure and compare only absolute increases or decreases in indicators during the study period. Relative changes in indicators are distorted when depicted with a uniform vertical scale. Also, in such a diagram it may be impossible to depict series of dynamics with sharp jumps in levels, which require reducing the scale of the diagram, and the indicators of the dynamics of a “calmer” object in it lose their accuracy. The likelihood of sharp changes in indicators in these types of charts increases with the length of the time period on the chart.

Area charts

Area charts are a type of chart that is similar to line charts in that they draw curved lines. It differs from them in that the area under each graph is filled with an individual color or shade. Advantage this method is that it allows you to evaluate the contribution of each element into the process under consideration. The disadvantage of this type of diagram is also similar to the disadvantage of conventional line diagrams - distortion of relative changes in dynamics indicators with a uniform scale ordinate.

Column and line charts ( histograms)

The classic charts are column and line (bar) charts. They are also called histograms. Column charts are mainly used for visual comparison obtained statistical data or to analyze their changes over a certain period of time. The construction of a bar chart involves depicting statistical data in the form of vertical rectangles or three-dimensional rectangular columns. Each column depicts the level value of a given statistical series. All compared indicators are expressed in one unit of measurement, so it is possible to compare statistical indicators this process.

A variation of column charts are line (strip) charts. They differ horizontal arrangement columns. Column and line charts are interchangeable; the statistical indicators considered in them can be represented by both vertical and horizontal bars. In both cases, one dimension of each rectangle is used to depict the magnitude of the phenomenon - the height or length of the column. Therefore, the scope of application of these two diagrams is basically the same.

Column charts can also be displayed in groups (simultaneously located on the same horizontal axis with different dimensions of varying characteristics). The generating surfaces of bar and line charts can be not only rectangles, but also squares , triangles , trapezoids etc.

Pie (pie) charts

In a fairly common way graphic image the structure of statistical aggregates is a pie chart, since the idea of ​​the whole is very clearly expressed all around, which represents the entire population. The relative magnitude of each value is depicted as sectors a circle whose area corresponds to the contribution of this value to the sum of values. This type of graph is convenient to use when you need to show the share of each value in the total volume. Sectors can be depicted either in a common circle or separately, located at a short distance from each other.

A pie chart remains visual only if the number of parts of the entire diagram is small. If there are too many parts of the diagram, its use is ineffective due to the insignificant differences in the structures being compared. Flaw pie charts- small capacity, inability to reflect a wider volume useful information.

Radial (grid) charts

Unlike line charts, radial or grid charts have more than two axes. For each of them, a countdown is made from origin of coordinates, located in the center. For each type of obtained value, its own axis is created, which originates from the center of the chart. Radial charts resemble a grid or web, which is why they are sometimes called grid charts. Advantage radial diagrams is that they allow you to simultaneously display several independent quantities that characterize the general state of the structure of statistical aggregates. If the counting is made not from the center of the circle, but from the circle, then such a diagram will be called spiral diagram.

Map diagrams

Spatial (3D) diagrams

  • 3D charts
  • Botanical diagrams

    Animated charts

    In some cases, the standard properties of conventional static charts and graphs are not enough. In order to increase the information content, an idea arose: to the usual properties of static diagrams (shapes, colors, display methods and themes) add the property of mobility and change over time. That is, present the diagrams in the form of certain animations.

    A group of researchers from has found a way to display information using animated charts. The diagrams they developed are animated interactive charts, operating in mode real time. As an example of development, data on the behavior and actions of users of one of the network resources was taken.

    Led by Francis Lam, the researchers created two animated chart interfaces, Seascape and Volcano. The nature of image changes on the diagrams indicates social activity resource users. For example, size squares indicates the volume of the topic - the larger the area of ​​the square, the greater the volume of the topic being discussed. These squares are in constant motion, which are similar to harmonic oscillations in the plane of the diagram, shifting linearly in any direction. By the speed of movement you can judge the activity of the topic, and amplitude fluctuations shows the difference in the time of appearance of new messages. At any time, by hovering the cursor over the plane of the diagram, you can stop it, select the square you are interested in and open the topic to which it corresponds. Opening in the same window theme is also an animation of circles moving in different sides within window by type

Among planar charts, the most common are bar, strip or ribbon, triangular, square, circular, sector, and curly.

Bar charts are depicted in the form of rectangles (columns), elongated vertically, the height of which corresponds to the value of the indicator (Fig. 6.9).

Strip chart

Construction principle strip charts the same as the column ones. The difference is that strip (or tape) graphs represent the value of the indicator not along the vertical, but along the horizontal axis.

Both types of diagrams are used to compare not only the quantities themselves, but also their parts. To depict the structure of the population, columns (stripes) are built same size, taking the whole as 100%, and the size of the parts of the whole as corresponding to the specific gravity (Fig. 6.10).

To display indicators with opposite contents (imports and exports, positive and negative balances, age pyramid), multidirectional bar or strip charts are constructed.

The basis square, triangular And circular The diagram represents the value of the indicator by the area of ​​the geometric figure.

Square diagram

For building square diagram set the size of the side of the square by taking the square root of the indicator value.

So, for example, to construct the diagram in Fig. 6.11 of the volume of communication services for 1997 in Russia for sending telegrams
(73 million), pension payments (392 million), parcels (24 million) square roots amounted to 8.5, respectively; 19.8; 4.9.

Pie chart

Pie charts are constructed in the form of the area of ​​circles, the radii of which are equal to the square root of the indicator values.

Pie chart

To depict the structure (composition) of a population, we use pie charts. A pie chart is constructed by dividing a circle into sectors proportional to the relative weight of the parts as a whole. The size of each sector is determined by the value of the calculation angle (1% corresponds to 3.6 0).

Example. The share of food products in the volume of retail trade turnover in Russia was 55% in 1992, and 49% in 1997, the share of non-food products was 45% and 51%, respectively.

Let's construct two circles of the same radius, and to depict the sectors we will determine the central angles: for food products 3.6 0 * 55 = 198 0, 3.6 * 49 = 176.4 0; for non-food products 3.6 0 *45 = 162 0; 3.6 0 *51 = 183.6 0 . Let's divide the circles into corresponding sectors (Fig. 6.12).

Triangular diagram

A type of chart that represents structure (except for bar and bar charts) is a triangular chart. It is used to simultaneously depict three quantities representing elements or components of a whole. A triangle diagram is an equilateral triangle, each side of which is a uniform scale from 0 to 100. A coordinate grid is constructed inside, corresponding to lines drawn parallel to the sides of the triangle. Perpendiculars from any point on the coordinate grid represent the shares of the three components, corresponding to a total of 100% (Fig. 6.13). The point on the graph corresponds to 20% (by A), 30% (by B) and 50% (by C).

Rice. 6.13. Triangular diagram

Figure diagram

Curly diagrams represent an image in the form of drawings, silhouettes, figures.

With the help of a line diagram, the user visualizes variation, dynamics and relationships. Graphically, the image is a sequence of points connected by straight segments into broken lines. How to build a line chart in Excel.

What purpose is a line chart used for?

It is advisable to use line charts in the following situations:

  1. A time series has a fairly large number of values. The continuous line connecting them emphasizes the continuity of the process.
  2. It is necessary to show the general trend of development of the phenomenon.
  3. It is necessary to compare several time series within the same geometric plane.
  4. There is no need for comparison absolute values, and the growth rate of the phenomenon.

The abscissa axis, as a rule, shows the time characteristic of the phenomenon. On the ordinate axis is the value of the indicator.

How to Create a Line Chart in Excel

By using line graph in Excel you can quickly compare sales in a company over certain periods of time, analyze the balance sheet, income and expenses, the values ​​of any experiment, etc. Let's look at an example of how to do it line chart in Excel.

Let’s create a table in Excel “Population of Russia for 2000-2016”:

  1. All cells in the columns must be filled in.
  2. The data has the same format.
  3. One column contains values ​​of the same type (dates, numbers).

Select the entire table, including the headers. Go to the “Insert” tab - in the “Diagrams” menu. Select "Graph".

You can choose “accumulated”, “normalized”, “with markers”, etc. Click on the icon of the selected type of chart with the left mouse button. We get:

We are not happy with this schedule; it is not built entirely correctly. Therefore, click on the plotting area to activate the “Working with Diagrams” tab. Click the “Select data” button.

In the Select Data Source window, we will first change the horizontal axis labels.

After clicking the "Edit" button, a field will open for assigning a range of signatures. Select the date column.

Click OK. The program takes us back to dialog box"Selecting a data source."

The “Legend Elements” includes data from the “Year” and “Population” columns. “Year” will be deleted.

By default, the horizontal and vertical axis labels take the horizontal direction. Each year value has 4 digits. They merge and are hard to see. To change their direction, click right click mouse over signatures. Click the "Format Axis" button.

In the dialog box that opens, go to the “Alignment” tab. Here we can change the direction of the text.

We get a graph like:

Constructing a line chart from a table is quite simple. Ready schedule you can change (color, line thickness, font size, signatures, etc.) using available tools on the “Design”, “Layout”, “Format” tabs.

Bar chart

Excel 2007 has this type. It is essentially a bar graph where the bars are rotated horizontally. A bar chart and a bar chart are used interchangeably. They are used to analyze changes in an indicator over a certain period of time.

Each column (rectangle) shows the level value in the analyzed statistical series. The compared data has the same units of measurement. Therefore, it is possible to analyze the process under consideration.

Based on the existing population data, we will construct a bar chart.

Please note: since the bars are horizontal, the diagram appears to be lying on its side.

Now years are the signatures of the vertical axis, and numbers are the signatures of the horizontal axis. But when choosing a data source for a chart, you need to adhere to the same order: