Path measurement program. The Best Step Counting Apps for iPhone

If you decide to take your figure seriously, get in shape and lose weight, then counting calories is the perfect way achieve this goal. Eating at a slight calorie deficit will help you lose weight effective, high quality and, most importantly, safe.

We are offering to you top free calorie counting apps for Android and iOS. By using convenient program on mobile phone You will always have a food diary at hand and can easily bring in food even outside the home. Some programs do not even require an Internet connection to access full list products.

All listed below mobile applications for calorie counter have following functions:

  • individual calculation of daily calorie intake
  • food calorie counter
  • protein, carbohydrate and fat counter
  • ready list of products with all macros
  • possibility of adding physical activity
  • a ready-made list of basic physical activities with calorie consumption
  • tracking changes in volume and weight
  • accounting for drinking water
  • convenient and visual charts that will help you debug your nutrition

However, even the same functions are implemented in completely different ways in these programs. Calorie counting apps are not only different design and ease of use, but also the product base, activity options, and additional functions.

The following calorie counting apps are developed by for both operating systems: Android and iOS (iPhone). Programs can be downloaded from Play Market and AppStore, links are provided below. The applications are offered free of charge, but some of them offer paid premium accounts with additional features. However, even basic version most often it is enough to successfully carry out KBZHU calculations. Average ratings and number of app downloads are presented based on Play data Market.

My FitnessPal confidently occupies the leading position in the list of the most popular calorie counting applications. According to the developers, the program has largest database(more than 6 million products), which is updated daily. The application has a full set of functions: creating an unlimited number of your own dishes, convenient statistics and weight trend reports, barcode scanner, statistics on key nutrients including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, sugars, fiber and cholesterol.

The My FitnessPal calorie app also provides convenient workout functionality. Firstly, it is an opportunity to create unlimited amount own exercises. Secondly, you can deposit personal statistics on both cardio and strength exercises, including the number of sets, repetitions and weight per repetition. To access the list of products and exercises, you need the Internet.

Another convenient feature of My FitnessPal is full synchronization with the site: You can fill out the diary both from your computer and from your phone. The application is free, but some additional functions available only by paid subscription. Among the disadvantages, users also note the inability to synchronize with individual fitness trackers.

  • Average rating: 4.6
  • Number of downloads: ~50 million

Fat Secret Counter

Fat Secret is absolutely free application to count calories without premium accounts, subscriptions and advertising. One of the main advantages of the program is pleasant, concise and informative interface. Fat Secret has a large product database (including barcode entry of products), which is divided into categories: Products, Restaurant chains, Popular brands, Supermarkets. In addition to standard macros, information is provided on the amount of sugar, sodium, cholesterol, and fiber. There's also a simple exercise diary to keep track of your calories burned.

From interesting features Image recognition can be noted: take photographs of food and dishes and keep a journal in photographs. Among the inconveniences, users note an insufficient number of meals (only breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks), as well as inconvenient addition of recipes without the ability to specify portions. There is a weight control section, but unfortunately there is no volume control.

  • Average rating: 4.4
  • Number of downloads: ~10 million

Lifesum is another very popular app for calorie counting that will please you attractive design. In a programme large base products, the ability to add recipes with portions and a barcode reader. Lifesum also remembers what foods you've eaten, making it even easier to monitor your nutrition. The application implements convenient system Reminders for daily weighing, eating and drinking water.

The program is free, but you can purchase a premium account, which will give you access to additional information by product (fiber, sugar, cholesterol, sodium, potassium), accounting for body volume and percentage of fatty tissue, product rating. IN free version this functionality is not available. But there is good base physical activity, which includes all popular group training, including Les Mills programs.

  • Average rating: 4.3
  • Number of downloads: ~5 million

YAZIO is also among the top most popular calorie counting apps. The food diary is accompanied by photographs, so it is easy and pleasant to keep. The program has All basic functions : ready-made table products with all macros, adding your products and creating a favorites list, barcode scanner, tracking sports and activity, recording weight. However, adding own recipes is not provided, you will have to limit yourself to the introduction of individual ingredients.

Like the previous calorie counting app, YAZIO has a number of limitations in the free version. For example, in a premium account you will get more than 100 healthy and delicious recipes, you can track nutrients(sugar, fiber and salt), keep track of body fat percentage, blood pressure, blood sugar level, take measurements of your chest, waist and hips. But the main functionality is also available in the free version.

  • Average rating: 4.5
  • Number of downloads: ~3 million

The cute calorie counting app Dine4Fit is also starting to gain its audience. This program implements all the basic functions for keeping a food diary. Also added this helpful information like the glycemic index, the content of cholesterol, salt, trans fats, fatty acids in most foods. In addition, there is data on the content of vitamins and microelements, and even practical advice on the selection of products and their proper storage.

Dine4Fit has a very large product database, which is regularly updated. At the same time, this is also a disadvantage: such a list causes confusion and makes the application difficult to use. Another disadvantage users call is the inability to add a ready-made recipe, as well as long loading time applications. However, one cannot help but notice that in the list of sports activities you will see the familiar fitness programs 30 Day Shred, Insanity, Body Revolution with ready-made data on calories burned per session.

  • Average rating: 4.6
  • Number of downloads: ~500 thousand

Calorie counting apps for Android

Featured applications are suggested only for Android platform. If the programs listed above do not suit you, try one of these three options

Very simple and minimalistic calorie counting app, which includes all the most necessary functions for keeping a food diary. If you need a simple and clear program, in which there is nothing superfluous, then “Calorie Counter” is the ideal option for your goals. In addition, this is one of the few calorie counting apps that works perfectly without the Internet.

At the same time, all the main functions are implemented perfectly: a ready-made set of products with calculated macros, the ability to add recipes, a list of basic sports loads, and individual calculation of KBJU. And the reviews for the application, despite its minimalism, are very positive.

  • Average rating: 4.4
  • Number of downloads: ~500 thousand.

Easy Fit counter

In contrast previous application Easy Fit is designed for those who appreciate bright interface and animated design in programs. This calorie counter has no competitors in design. The developers created not just a trivial table with a list of products and macros, but approached the matter from a creative point of view. The program has a lot of animation, products are depicted with clear icons, and in addition, there are 24 color solutions in the settings so that you can choose the design that suits you best.

Despite the rich design, the program works stably and without interruptions. All the main functions are present in the application, and the attractive design only adds to the pleasure of the calorie counting process. But there are also disadvantages. Since the program was not developed by Russian developers, the database some usual products are missing. However, this can easily be solved by adding the products you need yourself. By the way, the application also works successfully without the Internet.

  • Average rating: 4.6
  • Number of downloads: ~100 thousand.

Counter SIT 30

The SIT 30 calorie counting app is easily recognizable by the ladybug logo. The program has an ergonomic design, convenient access to all functions in a few clicks and various statistics for weight loss. SIT 30 offers universal system reminders about meals and workouts. The program is also interesting unique mechanism for adding recipes, taking into account heat treatment when calculating calorie content: boiling, frying, stewing.

This calorie counter app works without internet. Among the shortcomings, one can note a not very high-quality selection of product base. Very common repetition of products, with slight differences in the name, which makes it difficult to find the dishes you need. Also among the disadvantages, users note the lack of widgets.

  • Average rating: 4.5
  • Number of downloads: ~50 thousand

Applications for iOS (iPhone)

In addition to the iOS applications listed above, you can try the DiaLife program, which is designed specifically for iPhone and iPad.

The DiaLife calorie calculation application is very convenient to use, so it is not surprising that it is highly popular among owners Apple products. Everything in the program is subordinated main goalscrupulous calorie counting and analysis of food consumed. Each product is accompanied by an information card about calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, glycemic index, fiber, vitamins and minerals. You will not only lose weight, but also take care of your health. Although some users complain about the small range of ready-made dishes.

Interestingly, in the activity section there is as many as 12 sections: “Housework”, “Sports”, “Child care”, “Leisure”, “Travelling” and others. The DiaLife calorie counting application is free, but you can connect to a premium account, which gives you access to a wide range of diets, a medication diary, the ability to generate a PDF report and other functionality. However basic package enough for calculating KBZHU.

  • Average rating: 4.5

In general, each of these programs can be called a great assistant for those who decided to take sides proper nutrition. Calorie counting apps are convenient tool to carry out analysis current mode nutrition and identify factors that hinder weight loss.

Activity trackers are certainly quite useful, but if you just want to count your steps all day long, there's really no reason to spend $100+ on Fitbit's fantasy if you're carrying an iPhone with you 24/7. A lot of iOS applications can give you the same data (steps, stairs, kilometers, calories, etc.) as an activity tracker, thanks to the iPhone's sophisticated internal sensors.

In fact, if you want to start counting your steps right this second, you don't even need to download anything - your iPhone comes with a pre-installed pedometer app. If you have an iPhone 5S or more later version, the Health app tracks your steps in background all this time (whether you like it or not). The Health app takes data from both the phone's built-in motion monitor and data imported from external tracking devices (such as Apple Watch or Fitbit) and keeps a log of the number of steps.

The Health app counts steps, but its functionality is limited—it won't, for example, tell you how many calories your steps burned or encourage you to move more if you're sitting at a computer all day. For additional functionality of activity trackers, you will need an application third party developer. Here are some of our favorites.

Just the basics: Stepz.

Stepz is a free pedometer app that tracks all the basic metrics: number of steps, number of calories burned, distances, number of floors and steps, and "active" time. The app also connects to the Health app to keep a running log of your step counting history, so you can see some fun stats like total number steps and total distance.

As with most pedometers and pedometer apps, the default goal is set to 10,000 steps per day, but you can change this based on your lifestyle or you can let the app automatically set goals for you based on your progress (app will give you achievable, but not much complex tasks based on your weekly averages).

Stepz's main indicator is its step counting icon: if you allow the app to show icon notifications, this app icon will display your current daily step count. While this is a small thing, it's super handy if you want to see at a glance how far you've come.

Nice interface: Walker.

Walker - Pedometer M7/M8/M9 (originally called Walker - Pedometer M7/M8/M9) is another free pedometer app that tracks steps, calories burned, and distance (but not stairs or floors climbed) . It also tracks your runs and lets you manually track metrics like weight, body fat percentage, and blood pressure—making it a more comprehensive health-tracking app than just a pedometer.

Walker has a beautiful interface and displays statistics in a variety of ways in interesting ways. For example, you can view averages for custom date ranges (not just day, week, month, year), and you can see a breakdown of average steps by day of the week. This app also has a GPS component that allows you to map your route, although the developer warns that using this feature will significantly reduce your time battery life phone battery.

Social: Pacer.

Most pedometer apps have a social component: you can add friends via social media and compete with each other. But what if you don't have any friends (using the same app)? The Pacer weight loss pedometer is a free app with a larger social component called groups. Groups are teams of walkers who can support each other with group chat and compete with each other on the leaderboard.

Pacer tracks steps, calories burned, distance climbed, and active time, and it also has a GPS-based workout feature that lets you highlight walking, running, or cycling. For an additional $3.99 per month, you can upgrade to the premium version of the app, which comes with a personalized "coach" to help you plan your exercise strategy (whatever that is). The premium version of the app also offers additional data "showing" and the ability to join weight loss groups (rather than just going in groups).

Counting steps as fun: Wokamon.

The sad truth is that step counting apps are boring. If stats, achievements, and leaderboards don't motivate you to walk 10,000 steps every day, maybe a cute virtual pet that feeds off your energy will. Wokamon - Monster Walk Quest, The Pedometer Fitness Game is a pedometer game that makes you walk more to play. In this application, the energy of your steps is needed to feed, grow and dress your Walkamon (stepmonster or monster step 😕), and collect more Walkamon.

As a pedometer app, Wokamon is limited - main screen, where your Wokamon lives, only shows the number of steps, there are no calories burned, stairs climbed, or distance traveled. However, if you go to the activity section of the app, you will see the calories burned and distance traveled there. The application syncs with Apple Health And external devices(like Fitbits and Jawbones), but you can also just use the motion sensors on the iPhone itself.


This app tracks every step you take, calculates distance, calories, keeps a diary with statistics and much more.


Works everywhere: in your trouser or jacket pocket, in your hand, on your shoulder or in your bag.

Counts calories burned, speed, distance and calculates step frequency.

Keeps a diary of all your activities and makes a detailed analysis.

Generates graphical analysis and statistics of your workouts and uploads this data to


Accupedo is an accurate pedometer that tracks your walking. Accupedo counts your steps no matter where your phone is: in your pocket, on your belt or in your bag.


Stores daily history: number of steps, distance, calories and time.

Has charts: daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

Opportunity personalization: sensitivity, stride length, body weight, daily goal, etc.

Availability of music player.

Post the day's story on Facebook.


Send daily history via email.

The greatest accuracy is achieved when wearing the phone on your belt.

Noom Walk

Noom Walk is a new automatic pedometer for... Android. The application has two main features. First, unlike its competitors, the pedometer does not use GPS, and therefore hardly consumes battery. Second, you don’t just evaluate your own physical activity, but also watch your friends and jointly motivate each other.


Automatically counts steps around the clock.

Uses less than 2% of battery (over a full 24 hours of use it uses the same amount of battery as 20 minutes of display or three minutes of GPS).

Motivates you and your friends (you can give them a high five or write a message).

100% free, no hassle additional devices.


A pedometer application that does not require any additional devices. Moves tracks your movements: when you walk, run, ride a bike or travel on any other transport (subway, car, bus), and shows your activity in the form of a feed: walked 2 km - drove 10 km - spent so much time on work - again at least - looked into a cafe, etc.

You can view statistics by day, and see how you moved on the map. You can find out how many steps you took, what distance you covered, how long you spent on the road.

The app uses up your phone's battery quite neatly. It does not require registration, you do not need to turn it on and off every time.

Steps Mania

Quite a fun application, which, in fact, is what makes it different from all the others. When it opens, it shows this kind of energetic little guy who needs to be on time everywhere. On the main screen, in addition to the usual indicators, other, in particular, motivating elements are displayed. Namely, the user is given various rewards. Their list numbers about a dozen and a half, both positive and negative. For example, for the first marathon, or, conversely, for taking less than 100 steps within an hour.

And of course there is a community here Google+ to chat with friends.

Pedometer is an easy-to-use tool for counting steps taken, measuring distance and time spent covering it. The app can even measure the number of calories burned. You just need to click "Start".

Tool this kind of can be useful to anyone; you don’t have to be an athlete. However, is there a need to buy this device? Absolutely not, if you have regular smartphone. You can put it in your pocket or bag and it will accurately calculate all the indicators entrusted to it. But first, of course, you should download Pedometer and install, only then will your device be truly useful to you. Now you will not only get the necessary calculations, but will also be able to monitor the indicators in visual charts and graphs.

  • To view information about the number of steps, distance (measured in meters) and speed (measured in km/h), go to the corresponding section of the menu
  • Each graph displays a specific period of time - day, week, month
  • You can view measurements by simply swiping from right to left.
  • Fill out a short questionnaire by entering your gender, age, weight and your stride length. This will help Pedometer be more accurate in its calculations
  • To change the interface mobile program, choose themes from a wonderful collection of themes

    As you know, a daily walk, even a very short one (you have to start somewhere), will bring you great benefits. While walking, the human body receives its portion of oxygen, blood flow improves, the spine works, and internal organs are involved. Ideally, this should be 10 thousand steps per day. Exactly Pedometer for Android will help to correctly determine given quantity. Start small, set a goal (for example, losing weight) and you will definitely achieve results. And the application will help you control the process and other important parameters.

  • Nowadays, thanks to accelerometers built into phones, mobile applications can work as a pedometer.

    As you can guess from the name, such an application will count the number of steps you take while walking, running or step aerobics.

    In this blog I will tell you how it all works, and also make short review several applications for phones on Android platform and for iPhone.

    Advantages of a pedometer or applications with a pedometer function

    Using a pedometer helps you keep track of the number of steps you take during aerobics, running, walking, or exercise where step count is important. When starting any fitness activity, you usually set some kind of goal, and you would probably like to monitor your progress towards it.

    Let's say you're training for a marathon that's 2 months away. You make a schedule for your morning runs, and do it every day, following the same route or changing it. Sometimes you feel too tired and reduce the distance, sometimes, on the contrary, you exceed the norm.

    But, you have no idea whether your endurance has increased or whether other indicators have improved. However, if you use a pedometer while exercising, you will get new data, such as the duration of the activity, the number of steps taken and the distance traveled.

    A great pedometer might come in handy, check out:

    This way you can evaluate your results days or weeks later, thus being able to evaluate whether you are making progress.

    How accurate is the calculation?

    The number will fairly accurately reflect the true number of steps - provided you turn the count on and off in time. So, if you start the application immediately before a run and turn it off immediately after, the error will be small.

    But if, after launching the application, you talk on the phone or decide to play games on it, the indicator will most likely be overestimated. Clearly, this begs the question: can such an application record all the steps a person takes in a day?

    You might be interested in:

    Where should you keep your phone?

    It doesn’t matter where exactly the device will be located, and the only advice on how to hold it is so that it is comfortable for you to move.

    The phone can be in your pocket, in your jacket, in your hand or in your bag. The main thing is that it is connected to the body while moving. The position of the phone also does not matter: vertically, upside down, etc.

    Does the pedometer use GPS

    Since these apps work properly even with navigation turned off, GPS is not needed to count steps. However, if the application has other functions (for example, showing the route of your run), you cannot do without a navigation system.

    Battery consumption

    Apps with a pedometer function consume quite a lot of energy, as they constantly use the phone's sensors. Newer versions of applications use less battery.

    Look at these " smart watch»

    Samsung Gear S

    average price
    16,700 rub.
    15,490 – 19,990 rub.
    smart watch
    plastic case
    AMOLED touch screen, 2″, 480×360
    built-in telephone
    Android compatible
    physical monitoring activity

    According to Google, devices with Android versions 4.4 use the accelerometer in a much more battery-friendly mode.

    How it works

    These apps work on phones with a built-in accelerometer. During its operation, the application monitors changes in the readings of this sensor and, based on this, determines whether a step has been taken. The sensor can provide information about the direction and speed of movement, the force of gravity and the angle at which you are holding the device.

    The accelerometer reports the values ​​of these parameters each time they change, as well as the time of change. The application stores these values ​​in a database and looks for patterns.

    The accelerometer provides three values: along the axes x, y And z. While you take the first step, the axis value x will increase depending on the force with which you started the movement. Axis value y first increases too - as the device rises with you - and then decreases as you lower closer to the ground at the end of the step.

    Video review of the Fitbug Orb pedometer (video)

    Guided by similar patterns in changes in quantities, you can register the perfect step. Similar principle used in some telephones that allow you to answer a call by literally “picking up the handset.”

    Recognition and counting of steps on the systemAndroid Kit Kat 4.4(information for developers)

    Android developers have included this feature in the platform itself, while making it less energy-consuming. Application developers can use it, which avoids writing their own codes and algorithms to recognize steps.

    In addition, it is possible to count steps after the sensor is commanded to monitor such events.

    Review of applications with pedometer function

    • Runtastic Pedometer

    This is perhaps the best application available today. It records the number of steps quite accurately, has excellent interface, and will also give you a brief report on your adventures.

    • Noom Walk Pedometer

    The only advantage of this application was its much more modest battery consumption compared to other programs.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't boast much functionality like measuring distance traveled, speed or duration, or a report to track your progress. According to the application developer, it can work all day using only 2% of the charge. I haven't used the app for a whole day, but some might find this feature really useful. And finally, this application is not as accurate as the previous one.

    • Pedometer 2.0

    As in the first case, this application great interface. In addition to the main function, it measures distance and time. However, the sensitivity is so high that the step count increases with the slightest movement of the phone, even when the activity is over. It also requires you to manually specify the type of activity (for example, walking or running), which was not necessary when working with Runtastic Pedometer.

    How to Test the Sensitivity and Accuracy of Pedometer Apps

    An easy way to evaluate the app is to launch it, turn on recording, and start tapping your phone lightly with your finger. You will see your distance and number of steps begin to increase quickly. The app that shows fewer tapping steps is less sensitive.

    Xiaomi Mi Band pedometer review (video)

    I did the same test on everyone three applications from the list above, and the winner was Runtastic Pedometer. It was followed by Noom Walk Pedometer and Pedometer 2.0.

    If you don't want to carry your phone with you as a pedometer

    If you don't feel comfortable carrying your phone around because of its weight, size, or because it doesn't fit comfortably in your pocket, you should consider a pedometer like separate device, which is not difficult to find on sale. Such devices are small and lightweight, very accurate and easy to use. Some of them are made in the form of stylish bracelets.

    Fitness bracelet Xiaomi Mi Band

    Smart watches with physical activity counting are very convenient:

    Cute and inexpensive Xiaomi fitness bracelet Mi Band with various functions.

    • RUB 1,690
    • 1,090 – 2,990 rub.
    • fitness bracelet without screen
    • waterproof
    • Compatible with Android, iOS
    • There is monitoring of sleep, calories, exercise. activity

    Alcatel OneTouch Watch

    • average price
    • RUB 9,990
    • 7,450 – 10,880 rub.
    • great smart watch
    • well protected from moisture
    • durable steel body
    • wonderful IPS touch screen, 1.22″, 240×204
    • incoming call notification
    • compatible with Android, iOS
    • special calorie monitoring, physical. activity
    • weight: 60 g
    Widget from SocialMart Thank you for liking the site! Be happy, sporty and active person Always! Write what you think about this, what gadgets do you use and why?

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