What is web design, its main elements, stages and principles. Learning web design from scratch - a step-by-step guide for beginners (ten stages). Main tasks and goals

In the section of articles on design you will find publications of a predominantly theoretical nature, which in one way or another relate to the topic of design. For example, this could be some kind of excursion into the history of web design or a review note that discusses certain trends and styles web design. In principle, these design articles can be used for both general development, and improving your skills - some notes contain practical advice and recommendations. By the way, such articles for designers will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced professionals.

Web design is a direction where time does not stand still, there is a constant development, new trends appear, styles and trends change, you need to not only follow this, but also be able to competently apply it in practice. The section of the article on web design will allow you to keep abreast of what is happening and expand your horizons.

We recently posted a series useful tips on creating effective registration forms on the site, and today we want to talk about the authorization/login block. IN Lately There are quite a lot of annoying and too “abstruse” implementations of it appearing on the Internet. It's good when designers try to make unusual and beautiful shapes login (see our selection), entering them into general concept web project, but it’s a completely different matter when they go overboard with functionality. Sometimes it comes to the point...

Developers often lose sight of the fact that the footer for a website is one of its basic elements. He can give more full information about the company, and also performs various useful features: facilitates navigation, helps visitors of the web project navigate and is useful for some commercial purposes. Earlier in the blog we looked at the development of the site header, and today we’ll talk about the footer. Here you need to competently approach the choice of control components that...

Design Mania has already had several publications with similar topics: in the article about color selection services for websites, in addition to inspiration resources, we looked at a couple of useful web tools; there was also a post reviewing palette generators and the like. However, without understanding the logic how to do color palette all of them may turn out to be ineffective. Today we will try to fill this gap and clarify some theoretical points that are well described in this note. Those of you who have already used newfangled online generators are aware...

Typography is the style, arrangement and appearance of printed letters/texts on a page. Currently, it has already become an integral element of web design. A bunch of interesting articles on the topic you will find in the corresponding section of our blog, which has been updated with another publication today. Let’s look at the design trends that are relevant to this area, which emerged and took hold in 2018. The material will be great addition posts about web typography. The post is a translation of this note. The goal of any website is to attract...

On the Internet, we encounter the registration procedure as often as the authorization form on websites. You have to register: in all sorts of web services that help you search necessary information, free giveaways materials, online stores, social networks, etc. At such moments, a feeling of joy from interesting find instantly disappears due to the need to fill out endless input fields (and sometimes completely unnecessary ones). As a rule, all this is inconvenient, takes a lot of time and looks too intrusive. Plus…

If you want to create a website, the main rule to follow is not to overdo it. So-called minimalistic design has been helping web designers with this for several years now. By the way, he is now at the peak of his popularity. Today we will try to figure out what this style is and what its main advantages are. What is minimalist design? Generally this concept can be defined as the most concise style, characterized by simplicity and precision. Basic...

Immediately after the publication of the post with best examples furniture websites, we came across an interesting English-language article on a similar topic. It contains a selection of tips and nuances for creating furniture websites with visual illustrations standard solutions, as well as a description of mistakes that you definitely don’t want to repeat. Projects in this category have always been interesting to work with, since they are closely related to interior or architecture, and the products themselves, as a rule, have exquisite taste. Relying on the…

Last year's post about logo trends 2017 was well received by readers, so we decided to continue this “tradition” and consider the main trends in logo design 2018. Despite the fact that changes occur at lightning speed in the field of web design, some points from that article remained the same and “migrated” to the current year. Perhaps website design trends are more fleeting compared to the logo development niche, or it’s been…

As we know, there is no second chance to make a first impression. In the digital design industry, this truth is reinforced by the intense competition and wide variety of solutions available. Moreover, it is quite obvious that when creating a first impression, some parts of a web page are more important than others, for example, the header for a site (site header). Today we will consider all the nuances that relate to this term: What is it and what elements does it include. Why is the header important to you? Design and options...

Expert advice on what to bookmark and who to follow in order to independently learn and develop as a web designer.

“You can’t teach, you can only learn.” And, perhaps, now is the time when it is easy to learn - there are many sources of knowledge. There are even too many of them. Information about web design is a lot to read. There are also ready-made collections of the most important resources.

What to read, watch and listen about web design

To make a website on Tilda, you don’t have to be a designer: you assemble a website from ready-made universal blocks and even templates. However, for inspiration and general development, it is worth watching and reading what other specialists do and how: what solutions they use, how they design website interfaces, in what sequence they place blocks, how they combine fonts.

For your convenience, we have compiled all the resources into tables, divided into categories.

Websites and blogs

Publication about design and development.

Selection best works agencies and web studios from all over the world.

Designer portfolio catalogue.

Ready-made palettes and examples of color combinations.

Creative Live
A learning platform with courses for designers.

CSS Winner
A selection of the best sites.

Translation of articles about design and digital from English.

Design Shack
Web design publication: articles, inspiration, galleries.

Apple guidelines for designers.

Digest MBLTdev
Digest of articles for developers.

Community and Portfolio good designers.

Getpocket from CreativePeople team
The CreativePeople team saves interesting materials and shares them.


Great Apps Timeline
Retrospective of the design of the most popular applications.

Growth Supply
Selection free resources for the designer.

Digest about Yura Vetrov's interfaces.

Case selections, useful tools and films for designers.

About how to achieve efficiency in projects that require collaboration of different specialists.

A selection of the best landing pages.

Articles about design.

Google resource for designers: theory, sources and tools for creating digital products.

Mikhail Kalashnikov's blog about media and technology.

Blog about design.

Nathan Curtis
Blog by Nathan Curtis, founder of UX company EightShapes.

The best samples graphic design.

Product Hunt
Showcase of new IT products.

Designer portfolio. A lot of good work from designers from the CIS countries.

Catalog of the best examples of web design.

Articles on how to use Sketch effectively.

Tilda Education
Library of knowledge about web design and internet marketing.

A publication about startups, growing businesses, new earning models, extraordinary heroes from around the world and growth technologies.

Blog about design.

Popular illustrated longreads about almost everything in the world.

Web design news.

Blog about design and interfaces
Blog of Maxim Shaykhalov, interface designer.

Design pub
Collective blog of designers.

Type.today magazine
Journal of the project of Ilya Ruderman and Yuri Ostromentsky.

Font magazine
Online publication about type and typography.

Chief editor
Newsletter on how to write useful text in information style. Recommends: Maxim Smirnov and Daria Prokuda.

Design Thinking
Weekly digest newsletter from interface designer Lesha Reva. Recommends: Olga Pavlova.

Designer digest
Paid newsletter about graphic design from the creator of Awdee. Recommends: Olga Pavlova.

Interfaces without husks
Weekly newsletter-digest of Anton Zhiyanov. Recommends: Olga Pavlova.

Design communities

Slack community about design.

Many young people want to connect future profession with website development. Naturally, not everyone wants to be a programmer; some of them are quite happy with web design.

Learning this profession from scratch is not an easy task, because in addition to work skills, you must be creative person, at least understand a little code (know CSS and), be able to communicate with the customer in the same language, etc.

Before starting to familiarize yourself with the basics of the profession, A number of questions arise, and you have to look for answers to them yourself. This is not easy to do due to the lack of experience; materials from the Internet do not always become useful, and sometimes, on the contrary, they only add new questions, and not everyone has an experienced friend.

Let's figure out where to start learning web design, what knowledge you will need for creativity, where and in what order to get it, how much time to devote practical exercises, how to get your first experience and order...and with a lot of related questions.


Step one - find out why you want to do this

On the one hand, this is a simple question, because most people want to do web design because of the good pay.

Website building is a very profitable business, but an experienced, and most importantly, intelligent developer is not always easy to find during the day.

Although there are many cases when a person wants to do it, and without knowledge of creating a website’s graphic engine, programming it is not easy.

And the third common reason why people become interested in web design is the craving for fine arts.

AND this area can serve as an excellent way to put your talents into practice and derive financial benefits from it.

Important! For whatever purpose you get acquainted with web design, remember that both learning and work should be interesting, carried out with desire and bring pleasure, but not turn into a routine.

Due to the fact that a graphic artist is young profession, its exact definition does not yet exist, and many experts interpret the concept in their own way.

If earlier this person had to make the pages beautiful and pleasing to the eye, now it is necessary to have coding skills, understand marketing, and have an understanding of SEO promotion.

No unique solutions original ideas and individual creative approach the problem is not solved.

Website designer is a technical artist who works on appearance and optimization of website and web application loading.

The tasks of these people include:

  • work on logical structure pages– so that everything is clear to any novice user, he can find what he is looking for the first time, everything important links must be visible;
  • developing the most rational way to present content– the ability to interest the visitor, make him stay longer on the resource, leaf through the pages of the site;
  • graphic design– where what elements will be placed, what the buttons and inscriptions will be like after a click, how interaction with the client is carried out, how and what will change during the visitor’s work, zoom changes, etc.

So we briefly found out why people want to do the graphic part of websites.

For future programmers, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the basics visual design web resources, at least superficially master graphic editors and template layout.

Those who are eager to devote many years of their life to creating an interface for Internet pages and obtaining a corresponding profession will first have to work hard, this article is dedicated to them.

Stage two - choose the direction of web design in which you want to try yourself

Internet technologies are developing rapidly, and along with them, the requirements for developers are increasing. At first, a beautiful aesthetic and bright page was the task of the artist.

Nowadays they distinguish as many as seven directions in their design, and these are just the main ones.


A type of page design as old as website building itself, which does not require any effort, is perfect for beginners.

The bottom line is that all resource elements are placed in virtual table cells with fixed sizes, which are set by the designer.

Such a page will look absolutely the same on all devices, regardless of platform and screen size.

And this does not mean that such a resource is backward, because an experienced developer using strict design can create a beautifully designed website, and adjusting something in this case takes a matter of minutes.


Also tabular design, but the width of the virtual table cells is not strictly specified, but depends on the screen size (aspect ratio, resolution). Objects will try to fill the entire space of the cell, changing its size. main feature such a decision– increasing the convenience of visual perception of data due to dynamically changing display parameters. On such pages there are no empty spaces free of content.

The challenges of this design are:

  • there is no guarantee that on old “square” and huge widescreen displays the resource will display correctly, without stretching or shrinking the contents;
  • Not all browsers work well with the processing of so-called flexible cells, and Internet browsers created on various engines, everyone does it in their own way;
  • it takes a lot of time to adjust and bring the project to perfection.


Combining the two previous methods: if the dimensions of the monitor (its aspect ratio) are very different from the parameters of the display that was used to create the site, a flexible design is used, otherwise both cells are used, depending on the availability of free space in them.


Used when designing one-page resources and websites, which represent small businesses and companies in the global digital network. A feature of this design is the virtual absence of graphic elements, which has a positive effect on page loading speed. Playing with fonts, text colors, and good text placement will help make your project attractive.


Most in demand in the development of corporate and marketing resources, where emotional content comes first. The designer must be as creative as possible and creatively choose pixel images to design the page.

Disadvantage print design is a decrease in site loading speed due to the presence, as a rule, of abundant amounts raster images, and even in high resolution.


Mostly experienced craftsmen turn to him. Their task is to satisfy all user requests, usually by minimizing program code, optimizing graphic elements and creating a convenient navigation system with the menu located at the top of the page. Such resources load quickly and are easy to work with both from a computer and from mobile devices



The most labor intensive complex options design of web pages. This type design lies in placement on the page dynamic content(animation, scripts, moving and changing elements, widescreen videos).

To implement your plans, you will have to work hard, and in order for the visitor to be satisfied and everything to work as intended, you need not only mastery of graphic editors, but also optimization skills; who wants to wait a long time for the appearance of some colorful three-dimensional button. But a well-designed resource always attracts with its beauty, originality and artistic solutions, regardless of the content.

Step three - find out which web design programs are trending right now

Before downloading books on this or that graphic editor, you need to clearly understand the elements that are used when graphic design sites: shapes, colors, shapes, play of light and shadow, lines - this basic elements, from which the entire composition is created.

Anyway, knowledge of cascading tables and hypertext markup needed almost in the first place.

The designer will need knowledge in the field computer animation, popular, SEO, and maybe 3D modeling.

Attention! In addition to being difficult to learn, the application will also have to be purchased for full use, although for training purposes you can cheat by bypassing the program’s protection.

The latter is acquiring functionality that is in demand in dozens of areas, and the guys pay little attention to increasing the capabilities of web design.

Another thing is Sketch - designed for drawing graphical interfaces from scratch, has not a single extra element, is easier to learn and easily outperforms Photoshop in key indicators.

Be sure to choose the most convenient one that supports syntax and highlighting: , Sublime, Axure RP.

Stage four - study useful books for beginner web designers

The good thing about the Internet is that it allows you to acquire books for free that ten years ago you would have had to purchase or look for like-minded people.

With the popularization of the web designer profession, the number of books on the topic has increased. A book without a mentor or teacher - The best way Gain knowledge.

Learning web design from scratch should start with the literature where basic concepts, theory and small practical tasks:

1 Ethan Marcotte “Responsive Web Design” – practical guide for web designers, after mastering which a beginner will avoid hundreds of typical beginner mistakes and learn about the feasibility of creating mobile version site. It also describes how to layout pages that will be displayed equally on all devices.

2 Jakob Nielsen “Web Design” - the book contains a lot of guides on creating effective interfaces, correct location navigation elements and filling the resource with content.

3 Yu. Syrykh “Modern Web Design” is a reference book that describes the intricacies of working on the interface, starting from the stage of selecting content depending on the subject of the resource, and ending with testing and debugging finished layout. It contains a lot of information not only on drawing the interface, but also on its optimization and content.

Alistapart.com; alistapart.com link=http://alistapart.com; Publication about design and development. Recommends: Ivan Vasiliev. Awwwards;www.awwards.com link=http://www.awwards.com; A selection of the best work from agencies and web studios from around the world. Recommended by: Maxim Kyshtymov and Georgy Rostomov. Behance; www.behance.net link=https://www.behance.net; Designer portfolio catalogue. Recommended by: Maxim Kyshtymov and Georgy Rostomov. COLOURlovers; www.colourlovers.com link=http://www.colourlovers.com; Ready-made palettes and examples of color combinations. Recommends: Georgy Rostomov. CreativeLive; www.creativelive.com/design link=https://www.creativelive.com/design/ux-web-design?via=topic-list_6; A learning platform with courses for designers. Recommends: Roman Kvartalnov. CSS Winner; www.csswinner.com link=http://www.csswinner.com; A selection of the best sites. Recommends: Maxim Kyshtymov. Deadsign; deadsign.ru link=http://deadsign.ru; Translation of articles about design and digital from English. Recommends: Maxim Kyshtymov. Design Shack; designshack.net link=https://designshack.net; Web design publication: articles, inspiration, galleries. Recommends: Viktor Antonov. developer.apple.com/design; developer.apple.com/design link=https://developer.apple.com/design; Apple guidelines for designers. Recommends: Ivan Vasiliev. Digest MBLTdev; digest.mbltdev.ru link=http://digest.mbltdev.ru; Digest of articles for developers. Recommends: Viktor Antonov. Dribbble; dribbble.com link=https://dribbble.com; Community and portfolio of good designers. Recommended by: Maxim Kyshtymov and Roman Kvartalnov. Getpocket of the CreativePeople team; getpocket.com/@korumart link=https://getpocket.com/@korumart; The CreativePeople team saves and shares interesting content. Recommends: Alexander Kovalsky. graphiclovedesign.tumblr.com; graphiclovedesign.tumblr.com link=http://graphiclovedesign.tumblr.com; The best examples of graphic design. Recommends: Nick Zaporozhsky. Great Apps Timeline; greatappstimeline.xyz link=http://greatappstimeline.xyz; Retrospective of the design of the most popular applications. Recommends: Roman Kvartalnov. Growth Supply; growth.supply/free/design-code link=http://growth.supply/free/design-code; A selection of free resources for the designer. Recommends: Georgy Rostomov. Jvetrau.com; http://www.jvetrau.com link=http://www.jvetrau.com; Digest about Yura Vetrov's interfaces. Recommends: Ivan Vasiliev. Infogra.ru; infogra.ru link=http://infogra.ru; Collections of cases, useful tools and films for designers. Recommends: Maxim Kyshtymov. Invision; blog.invisionapp.com link=http://blog.invisionapp.com; About how to achieve efficiency in projects that require collaboration of different specialists. Recommends: Alexander Kovalsky. Land-book; land-book.com link=https://land-book.com; A selection of the best landing pages. Recommends: Maxim Kyshtymov. Marvel; blog.marvelapp.com link=http://blog.marvelapp.com; Articles about design. Recommends: Viktor Antonov. material.io; material.io link=https://material.io; Google resource for designers: theory, sources and tools for creating digital products. Recommends: Ivan Vasiliev. Mediascunk; mediaskunk.ru link=http://mediaskunk.ru/; Mikhail Kalashnikov's blog about media and technology. Recommends: Merdan Agayev. Muzli; muz.li link=https://muz.li; Blog about design. Recommended by Alexander Kovalsky. Nathan Curtis; medium.com/@nathanacurtis link=https://medium.com/@nathanacurtis; Blog by Nathan Curtis, founder of UX company EightShapes. Recommends: Alexander Kovalsky. Osasto.tumblr.com; osasto.tumblr.com link=http://osasto.tumblr.com; The best examples of graphic design. Recommends: Nick Zaporozhsky. Product Hunt; www.producthunt.com link=https://www.producthunt.com; Showcase of new IT products. Recommends: Viktor Antonov. Re:Vision; revision.ru link=http://revision.ru; Designer portfolio. A lot of good work from designers from the CIS countries. Recommends: Maxim Kyshtymov. SiteInspire; www.siteinspire.com link=https://www.siteinspire.com; Catalog of the best examples of web design. Recommended by: Maxim Kyshtymov and Merdan Agayev. Sketchapp.me; sketchapp.me link=http://sketchapp.me; Articles on how to use Sketch effectively. Recommends: Stanislav Osipenko..education link=http://site; Library of knowledge about web design and internet marketing. Recommends: Nikita Obukhov. Vc.ru; vc.ru/interface link=https://vc.ru/interface; A publication about startups, growing businesses, new earning models, extraordinary heroes from around the world and growth technologies. Recommended by: Olga Pavlova and Alexander Kovalsky. Under consideration; underconsideration.com link=http://underconsideration.com; Blog about design. Recommends: Nick Zaporozhsky. Waitbutwhy.com; waitbutwhy.com link=http://waitbutwhy.com; Popular illustrated longreads about almost everything in the world. Recommends: Ivan Vasiliev. Zeldman.com; www.zeldman.com link=http://www.zeldman.com; Web design news. Recommends: Ivan Vasiliev. Blog about design and interfaces; blog.shaihalov.ru link=http://blog.shaihalov.ru; Blog of Maxim Shaykhalov, interface designer. Recommends: Olga Pavlova. Design pub; designpub.ru link=https://designpub.ru; Collective blog of designers. Recommended by: Olga Pavlova, Maxim Smirnov, Daria Prokuda and Alexander Kovalsky. Type.today magazine; Type.today/journal link=https://type.today/ru/journal; Journal of the project of Ilya Ruderman and Yuri Ostromentsky. Recommended by: Merdan Agayev and Nick Zaporozhsky. Font Magazine; typejournal.ru link=http://typejournal.ru; Online publication about type and typography. Recommended by: Stanislav Osipenko and Georgy Rostomov. Management by Artemy Lebedev; artlebedev.ru/kovodstvo link=http://artlebedev.ru/kovodstvo; Notes on design, the history of important inventions, interfaces, semiotics, etc. Recommended by: Stanislav Osipenko. Runet rating; www.ratingruneta.ru link=http://www.ratingruneta.ru; Website competition Russian Internet. Recommends: Maxim Kyshtymov. Website of Ludwig Bystronovsky; ludwigbistronovsky.ru link=http://ludwigbistronovsky.ru; Website of the designer and art director: links to publications and announcements of performances. Recommends: Stanislav Osipenko. Adviсe. Design Bureau of Artem Gorbunov; artgorbunov.ru/bb/soviet link=http://artgorbunov.ru/bb/soviet; Tips on design, layout, text editing and negotiations with clients. Recommends: Stanislav Osipenko. Habrhabr; habrahabr.ru/flows/design link=https://habrahabr.ru/flows/design; The largest Russian IT community. Recommends: Olga Pavlova.

Web designer is a person with artistic taste and knowledge of Internet technologies who creates Web pages and combines them into Web sites. the main task web designer - to design an Internet project so that as many users as possible are interested in it. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

The profession of a web designer appeared only with the emergence of the world computer network World Wide Web(WWW), in which it was possible to create websites for advertising purposes (late 1980s - early 1990s). A Web designer is a person with artistic taste and knowledge of Internet technologies who creates Web pages and combines them into Web sites. The main task of a web designer is to design an Internet project so that as many users as possible are interested in it. The profession of a Web designer includes two aspects: the ability to use special computer programs and design activities.

The specific task of a web designer is to be able to develop styling project taking into account the specifics of the Internet. That is, in addition to the design of the project being simply stylish, it must meet the standard requirements set by the network: graphic elements(logos, banners, drawings, etc.) must be optimized; when choosing colors and fonts, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the user will see the graphic embodiment of the project on the monitor and not on paper. A web designer is responsible for how a website looks and feels. He comes up with logos, banners and other graphic elements, thinks through site navigation, and determines where the text should be placed. A designer needs to not only create an interesting website, but also take into account its loading time. Creating interactive websites is the pinnacle of web design.

To create such a site, a web designer must not only speak HTML and have an artistic flair, but also simply must know “classical” programming and understand databases.

In addition to websites, web designers develop banners, Internet postcards, and electronic presentations.

Features of the profession

Web page design is information design, not graphic.

In the process of work, a web designer solves the following tasks, on which the success of the created project directly depends in the future:

  • determining the goals and objectives of site visitors;
  • design and planning of the site structure;
  • interface development;
  • navigation development;
  • care about user interaction with the system;
  • content preparation and quality control.

Main functions of a web designer:

  • website design;
  • creating an idea and developing a server layout;
  • creating a server layout execution style;
  • ensuring the best perception of web documents on the monitor screen, taking into account the loading time of documents, bandwidth data channel, size graphic files document, color palette quality;
  • determining the rules for the layout of web pages, choosing the format, background, quantity and quality of design elements;
  • creating style samples of web documents;
  • work with Internet node, Internet;
  • writing software and page code;
  • management of hypertext documents;
  • carrying out the company's information policy on the World Wide Web (WWW);
  • installation and work with tools for preparing and checking web pages;
  • creation of interactive web applications;
  • updating, modernizing a web document;
  • creation and work with applications for static processing.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • constant demand in the labor market,
  • work is not limited to one country,
  • possibility of remote work,
  • ample opportunities for professional growth,
  • you can implement almost any idea without spending money,
  • decent wages.


  • discrepancy (sometimes) between the artistic vision of the customer and the performer, because of which it is necessary to either convince of the need for a specific design solution, or agree to the amendments.

Place of work

  • design studios;
  • companies involved in website development;
  • any organizations that use a personal website in their work and want to develop and modernize it;
  • Freelancing or custom work to develop an individual style for a company website.

Important qualities

  • developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • high level of development of distribution, volume, concentration and switching of attention;
  • high level of development of imaginative thinking;
  • high level of memory development;
  • logical thinking;
  • analytical thinking;
  • creativity;
  • thoroughness, systematicity in work;
  • attentiveness;
  • patience;
  • accuracy;
  • perseverance;

A qualified web designer must have relevant knowledge both in the field of design computer programs, and in the field of graphics.

Need to know: Adobe Photoshop, HTML/CSS

It is advisable to know: Corel Draw, Illustrator, Macromedia Flash.

Web designer training

Annual practical course "Web design from 0 to PRO" for those who want to master web design from the very beginning with an individual mentor, make an excellent portfolio and get their first orders (or internship in the studio). At the end of the course, students create their own project based on a brief from a real customer. After a successful presentation of the work, course graduates have the opportunity to receive an invitation to an internship. Web design training from scratch to professional.


Salary as of March 14, 2019

Russia 20000—120000 ₽

Moscow 35000—120000 ₽

Salaries depend on the prestige of the studio and the experience of the designer. It also all depends on the number of design orders. The range of prices for website design is very wide - everything is determined by the quality of work and services. Creating a design for a website is a creative process. It may take varying amounts of time. There are certain fixed-price “service packages,” but they do not accurately define price and design quality. The same work can be done for both $50 and $1,500.

Career steps and prospects

A successful aspiring designer in the future can apply for the following positions: web programmer, banner maker, project manager.

Outstanding web designers:

Artemy Lebedev. Born February 13, 1975. The son of the writer Tatyana Tolstoy and philologist Andrei Lebedev. After school, he entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, who never graduated, having dropped out of the 2nd year. In the summer of 1992, he and his partner founded the A-square studio, where he worked until the end of the year. In January 1993, he founded an independent studio “Artographics”, in which he was engaged in graphic, printing, calligraphic and other types of paper design. He took part in the creation of books and magazines. From 1993 to 1995, he worked part-time as art director of the MakTsentr company. In 1995 he founded the WebDesign studio (in 1998 renamed Artemy Lebedev Studio), which is one of the first and largest web design studios in the RuNet. Since 2001, Artemy Lebedev Studio also began to engage in industrial design.

Activity. Artemy Lebedev founded the studio, which has produced more than 1000 works, including corporate styles, books, magazines, signs, logos, graphic and physical interfaces, websites, industrial design and industrial graphics objects, shop windows. Lebedev is not only a designer; he spends most of his time on setting and inventing problems, developing information architecture, research in the field of ergonomics and ease of use of websites. The design discoveries of his studio are widely used on the RuNet.

Books on web design

If you want to become a web designer, read a book on html (HTML is hypertext markup language. All documents on the Internet are created using it).

However, html is not web design yet. It's just a language for creating a web page. But for the page to look beautiful and correct, you need taste and a sense of style. Dmitry Kirsanov’s book “Web Design” will help you with this - one of best books in web design.

History of the profession

The word “design” appeared relatively recently in the Russian language. It came from the Italian language and in translation has many meanings. “Disegno” is a design, a plan, an intention, a goal, a drawing, a sketch, an outline, a drawing, a pattern, a model, a template, an underlying diagram, a composition. Due to the rapid development modern technologies, the concept of design has acquired a new, more broad meaning and now denotes not only a particular subject, but is a whole direction applicable to all areas modern activities person. The designer must have knowledge in many subject areas and skillfully apply them in practice, projecting them into creative process creating an image. We can confidently say that design is the modern art of artistic design, the development of models for the rational construction of an object environment.

Web design is based on the same basic principles as other types of design:

  • the principle of functionalism: “what is functional is beautiful”;
  • the principle of constructivism, which lies not in the purpose of composing a composition, but in the purpose of creating its design.

In addition, a site that is thought out in a technical sense must be imbued with a spiritual idea, and only then can it claim to compete with other works of a similar direction.

Web design has various goals:

  • formation in the user of a positive perception of the image of the object of the advertising product;
  • simplicity and clarity of the site structure;
  • intuitive user interface;
  • convenience of the navigation system.