How to set a password to access the Internet. Set a password for children. What to expect from uninvited guests on your computer

If you want to protect your data from strangers, then you can set a password on your computer when logging into your account. In this article we will talk about how this is done in the operating systems Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows XP.

How to set a password on your computer when you log in to Windows 10 or 8

In order to or Windows 8 you need to go to the “Options” menu. In Windows, all you have to do is open the Start menu and select Settings. In Windows 8, options can be accessed through the right side menu.

Once you have opened the Settings menu, go to the Accounts section, and then to the Sign-in Options subsection. Here you can set a password on your computer; to do this, click on the “Add password” button.

And enter the new password twice, as well as a password hint.

After this, a password will be set and you will not be able to log into your account without it.

How to set a password on your computer when you log in to Windows 7

To set a password on a computer with the Windows 7 operating system, you need to go to the “Control Panel”. To do this, click on the “Start” button and select “Control Panel” on the right side of the menu.

After opening the Control Panel, go to the User Accounts and Family Safety section, and then to the User Accounts subsection. As a result, a window with your account settings should open in front of you. If you want to set a password to log in to your account, then click on the “Create a password for your account” link. If you want to set a password for another user, then click on “Manage another account” and select the user you need. But keep in mind that you will need administrator rights to do this.

After that . Now, when you try to log in to this account, you will be prompted to enter a password.

How to set a password on your computer when you log in to Windows XP

If you are using the Windows XP operating system, then in order to set a password on your computer you need to go to the “Control Panel”. To do this, simply click on the “Start” button and select “Control Panel” from the menu that opens.

After logging into the “Control Panel”, you need to open the “User Accounts” section.

Next, select the account for which you would like to set a password on your computer when logging in. Please note that you can always set a password for your account. But, in order to set a password for other accounts, you need to have administrator rights.

Once you have selected an account, click on the “Create a password” link.

The last step is filling out the form. Here you need to specify twice the password you want to set on your computer when you log in, as well as a password hint. After filling out all the fields, click on the “Create password” button.

That's all, now when you log into your computer using your account, you will see a password prompt.

To protect your computer from unwanted users, it is better to take care of creating a strong and complex password that you must enter every time you log in. This is especially effective when you need to restrict access to children, curious friends or colleagues on your work computer. In Windows, there are two options for setting a password on your computer: one of them is simpler and faster, and the other involves installing a code in the BIOS, which in itself is difficult if you are an inexperienced user. Try to understand both methods and choose the one that suits you best, or install two codes at once for greater system reliability.

How to password protect a computer: the standard method

This option is perfect if you are protecting your personal computer from ordinary users who will not bother with password reset methods. In addition, you will always have a small hint available to you in case you forget the code. Other accounts on the computer will lose access to your personal folder and will not be able to view your documents, photos and other files.

  • Go to the Start menu and then to “Control Panel”.
  • Sort by category in the upper right corner of the screen. This will make it easier for you to find the item you need. Click on the line “User Accounts and Family Safety”.

  • In the window that opens, click on “User Accounts”.

  • You will now see your account settings. If you need to set a password for it, then click “Create a password for your account,” and if for another user’s account, then “Manage another account.”

  • Enter a password twice that you will not forget and no one will guess about it. At the bottom you can find a field to enter a hint. Enter a word there that will make you think of a password.

  • You can change your password at any time by clicking on the “Change your password” item.

How to password protect a computer through BIOS

You will need this method if you need to protect your network from a skillful teenager who has already reset your Windows password more than once. Try setting the code in BIOS.

  • To do this, you need to carefully read the instructions on the screen while the operating system boots.
  • As a rule, you enter the BIOS by pressing F7 or F11, but these buttons differ on all computers.
  • After entering the BIOS, find the “Set User Password” item and enter the code.
  • Restart your computer.

This password cannot be reset without switches on the motherboard. Your computer is now securely protected. Don't forget it under any circumstances.

How to temporarily password protect your computer

There is another method that allows accounts to use the computer temporarily and then blocks access. This is very convenient for restraining children.

  • Go to Control Panel, and then to the “User Accounts and Family Safety” section.
  • Enter the “Parental Control” subsection.

  • Here you can manage a particular account, for example, a guest account.

  • Switch the checkbox to the “Enable using current settings” line.

  • Select the setting you want to block. For now, consider the “Time Limit” item.

  • You are offered a convenient schedule. Mark with blue marks those times when you can use the computer without a password.

  • Once the schedule is set, click “Ok”.

  • You can also select the programs that you can use.
  • This type of parental control gives you confidence in your child if he or she uses the computer too often.

Many PC users are concerned about their data and want to install protection on their account. Then they have a question about how to set a password on the computer. Today we will look at this issue in detail.

What does the password do?

Probably, the question will immediately arise whether there is any point in protecting your account. Of course have. For example, if you have many users at home, but only one computer, it’s definitely worth creating each one’s own account in the system and putting a code so as not to interfere with each other and keep all important files safe.

However, keep in mind that this is not the best protection and is easy to bypass. In search engines you can find many solutions on how to log into a password-protected Windows account.

Setting a password

Now, in fact, let’s move on to how to set a password on a computer step by step. We will look at the example of two operating systems - Windows 7 and 10. They are very popular lately.

Windows 7

Let's start with a younger version of the Windows operating system. It’s easy to install a security code on it:

Here's how to set a password on a Windows 7 computer. The instructions are quite simple, and even a “teapot” can handle it.

Windows 10

Now let’s write down instructions on how to set a password on a Windows 10 computer:

Finding out the Windows password

Some people are interested in how to find out the password set on the computer. This cannot be done, but you can reset the security code.

Resetting the password on Windows 10

To do this, we need a flash drive with a recorded distribution of this operating system. If it is, then:

  1. Boot from a USB drive.
  2. In the installer window you need to click "System Restore".
  3. A window will appear with various actions. Click on "Diagnostics".
  4. There you need to choose "Extra options".
  5. Next you should click on "Command line".
  6. Then you need to make a copy of it. To do this, you need to enter the command copy D:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe D:\Windows\system32\sethc.exe /Y .
  7. A message will then appear notifying you that the file has been copied. You need to reboot the system.
  8. Now you need to press the key about 5-6 times SHIFT when the OS asks you to enter the code.
  9. In the command line that opens, enter net user admin2 /add .
  10. Then we register net localgroup Administrators admin2 /add to make the new account an administrator.
  11. After this, you need to restart the computer system and log into Windows through a second account and delete the code on the old one.

Some users need to protect their information from prying eyes. To do this, you need to use special security programs, archive data or the system with a password, limit access functions, etc. How to set a password on a computer and make the most basic protection against inexperienced users? Anyone can learn this skill if they know certain basics of computer literacy.

How to put passwords on your computer

When using Windows (7, 8, XP, etc.), it is permissible to set a password for the main account, which has an access level to system folders with administrator rights (software, drivers). In order for other users (colleagues or relatives) to log in to the system, you need to create a secondary Guest account, which will protect access to certain information and system management.

step by step guide with photos

  • On the taskbar, click the “Start” command, click the “Control Panel” item.
  • Select the “user accounts” tab, “change account”.

  • During a standard software installation, your default account is called Admin. Click on the icon and click “create (change) password.”
  • We come up with a treasured word (or a combination of letters and numbers), enter it in the required lines (when changing the password, you must enter the old code word).
  • Then, if necessary, enter a reminder phrase. But do not forget that it will be visible to all users, which will help break your protection.
  • At the end, click “create (change) password.”

Tip: write down your code word on several media (phone, player, flash drive, personal notepad or notebook) so as not to lose it.

With this guide, you can not only set a password, but also change the password on your computer.

To do this, go through all the steps again, paying attention to the recommendations in brackets.

To connect an additional account, you need to follow all the same steps from the very beginning, only in the 2nd step you will need to select “create an account” and enter a name (or leave Guest). Select “limited account” and “create account”. Reboot to see all changes.

What should I do if I lose my administrator account password?

To reset or bypass passwords on Windows 7, we need any Windows 7 installation disk. With the XP system, everything is configured only with your own hands. The main thing is to carefully follow all the recommendations in the video tutorial:

Unfortunately, if you encrypted any data, it will disappear after resetting the password, but it is better to lose a few folders than to completely reinstall the system.

Other ways to protect information

The first way is to password-protect the BIOS. There may be 2 options here: set a password to enter or to boot the computer (not possible in all versions). The difficulty in installing such protection is that it is different for each BIOS. In addition, you need to work carefully in the BIOS; the slightest mistake will lead to serious consequences. Losing a code word is punishable by changing the OS.

The second is to password-protect documents using the WinRAR archiver.

  • Select the file that needs to be hidden, call the context menu (right mouse button), and select “add to archive...”.
  • In a new window, open the “advanced” tab, “set a password...” (see photo below).
  • After entering the treasured combination, check the box “encrypt file names” and “ok”.

The third is special programs. The Internet offers various solutions for protecting information, but most of them are paid. They act in different ways and their degrees of protection vary. For example, the TrueCrypt program creates special containers for storing data. When used skillfully, the degree of protection is very high.

Master class on using TrueCrypt and Keepass

If you have lost your wireless Internet password, use the following instructions and diagram.

  • Find the wireless network icon in the tray (next to the clock)
  • In the context menu, select “Network and Sharing Center...”.
  • Next - “wireless network management”.
  • On the shortcut that appears, open the context menu and select “properties”.
  • Then - “Security” and check the “display visible signs” checkbox.

The security of password-protected files depends on the complexity of the code words. A long combination of uppercase and lowercase letters + numbers is the key to long-term security. It is desirable that such a combination does not make sense (dates, names, etc.) and differs in different objects. To quickly create a password, you can use online password generators.

Setting a password on a computer is not a very difficult task. The main thing is to know where and what to press, what settings to make. In this article, we will describe in detail the process of setting a password when turning on the computer in two ways. A simple method using standard Windows properties and a more advanced method using settings in the BIOS. We will also give useful tips from the “Your PC World” portal on restricting access to important settings and information on your computer.

This method is the simplest and most popular. When setting a password to log into Windows, the user will be shown a special window in which he will need to enter a password to log in:

Instructions for setting up a password:

In our example, we will perform the setup on the Windows 7 operating system. If you have Windows 8 or an older version of Windows XP installed, then the settings are exactly the same, so you can safely use these instructions.

Click “Start” and select “Control Panel”:

Go to the menu item - “User Accounts”:

And enter the password to log into windows:

It is best to come up with a strong password and write it down on a piece of paper. And the hint should be written in such a way that other people cannot guess. Remember that the tooltip will be visible to all users!

Once the password has been configured, you can restart the computer. When the operating system boots, a password entry window should appear:

How to set a password to boot a computer in the BIOS?

A password to turn on the computer can be set not only using the standard properties of the operating system, but also using the BIOS. This method will be especially effective if you want to deny access to people who are familiar with the computer. The advantage of this method is that the password entry window will appear not after Windows boots, but before it. Therefore, it is very difficult to select or bypass such a password (in the case of the first method, this is much easier).

Setup instructions

However, not all BIOS versions support setting a password to boot the computer (do not confuse the password to enter the BIOS)! For this reason first you need to check the possibility of setting up such a password.

To do this you need to go into the BIOS. To get there, press the F2, F4 and Delete buttons simultaneously while restarting the computer. If you did everything correctly, a window like this will open in front of you: Then go to the “Security” tab and see if there is a line called “Password on boot”

" If there is such a line, change its setting from “Disable” to “Enable” and set the desired password:

After this, save the settings by pressing the F10 key and confirming the action by clicking on the “Yes” button.