Why doesn't Firefox open? Mozilla Firefox doesn't work: Solving the problem. Possible solutions to the problem

Software that slows down or freezes completely is a very common occurrence. Almost every day, every person faces a similar problem.

It is extremely difficult to write program code that will behave flawlessly in any situation, since the number of different situations in the behavior of program users is very large and it is not possible to predict it.

Such a popular class of programs as browsers is no exception. Let's take a closer look at the example of Mozilla Firefox, what are the reasons for such incorrect operation of the program and how to deal with them. Let's look at the main reasons why Firefox freezes.

Firefox freezes at random periods of time

If Firefox freezes at random periods of time and the crash is not related to a specific action, you should try one of the following workarounds.

Creating a new library database

If slowdowns occur periodically, this is most likely caused by damage to the library database, which contains information about the pages visited.

In order to replace an existing database with a new one, you must:

  • open the user profile folder;
  • in the “Application Details” area of ​​the screen, activate the “Show folder” button, after which a window with user profile data will appear;
  • click sequentially on the button with three horizontal lines and the “Exit” button;
  • in the user profile directory you need to rename existing files to avoid their loss;
  • start the browser.

When the program starts, it will create a new database, while all previous data will be lost, and bookmarks will be taken from the latest backup.

Disabling hardware acceleration

Often, hardware acceleration does a disservice to the user when working with this browser due to incomplete compatibility with some types of graphics adapters. Therefore, it is advisable to disable this function.

To do this you need:

You can also experiment with choosing a different graphics driver.

Troubleshooting plugins

Many sites use plugins, and this slows down the browser to a large extent. And if your Mozilla FireFox browser starts to slow down, then this is due to the flash plugin. It is recommended to try disabling all unnecessary add-ons.

To disable plugins, you must do the following:

The plugins in the browser in question cannot be removed, so the only option is to disable the plugins. If necessary, they can be turned on again. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with disabling the necessary plugins, so everything can be returned. Some plugins are uninstalled when you remove the Internet browser extensions associated with them.

Removing redundant session recovery data

Creating a huge number of duplicate files from recovered sessions can significantly slow down the Firefox browser.

To remove them you should:


If, after these steps, Mozilla FireFox still freezes during operation, there is another effective option - completely resetting all parameters and returning the browser to its default state.

The sequence of actions to reset settings is as follows:

After completing this sequence of actions, the browser will close and all modifications made to it will be cleared and user information will be deleted. Then the browser will start in the same state as it was in after the initial installation. The user should check the functionality of the browser. If it keeps freezing again, then the problem may not be with the program, but with the workstation's operating system.

Firefox freezes when downloading files or saving images

It often happens that the browser freezes when trying to load an image. To solve this problem, you can try one of the following methods.

Clearing download history

A significant size of your download history can cause your browser to experience significant slowdowns.

To clear the log you need to do:

Selecting an alternative boot directory

The browser may start to slow down in a situation where the last boot folder becomes inaccessible (this happens in the situation with flash media).

To fix a problem of this nature, you should:

Video: Mozilla Settings

Firefox freezes when loading start window

To solve the problem with loading the start window, you need to increase the session recovery speed. If at the start of the session it is necessary to restore a sufficient number of tabs, then Firefox may begin to slow down when loading information from these sites.

You need to make sure that the “Do not load tabs unless prompted” checkbox is selected in the “Tabs” panel of the “Settings” window so that only the last tab is loaded when the session starts.

Quite often, computer users encounter the problem of a significant slowdown in the Mozilla Firefox browser. In this case, usually everything is fine with the browser itself, but the problem lies in the settings of your computer. The article describes the most effective ways to solve the problem of slow operation of the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Mazila is one of the most popular viewers, designed for comfortable surfing the Internet.

Browser Features

This browser has a number of advantages over other popular web browsers:

  • Disable pop-up functionality;
  • Analysis and blocking of malicious systems;
  • Nice and convenient interface;
  • Possibility to check spelling.

Unfortunately, a common problem with this web browser is that Firefox is unresponsive. How to fix this kind of shortcomings when Firefox takes a long time to load and stops functioning? Below are common situations and solutions.

Troubleshooting solutions

There are situations when when you click the mouse, Mazila Firefox does not respond. A web browser can freeze for many reasons, so before fixing it, it is important to find out the cause of the freeze.

The most common reason why the muff does not respond is a lack of RAM.

This program also freezes due to outdated drivers. In this case, in order to fix the problem, it will be enough to update the drivers. It is also recommended to disable a large number of plugins and update the extension. If the above steps fail to resolve the problems, it is recommended to resort to shutdown and uninstallation.

“Script not responding” situation

Next, you need to figure out what to do if the browser does not respond and after loading a window with a similar message appears. This tab appears due to the end of time to complete the operation. What to do with this problem:

Mozilla Crash Reporter

If such a window appears, you should turn on the viewer in safe mode. When working adequately in safe mode, you should perform the following actions:

  • Update or disable all plugins;
  • Reinstalling or installing another antivirus;
  • Close unnecessary tabs if their number exceeds ten.

What to do if Mazila freezes and does not respond? What needs to be done if the mongrel does not respond and leads to the entire computer freezing and the mouse cursor not responding to the request. What fixes can be made:

What to do if Mazila does not respond after long-term use Mazila does not respond? The easiest solution to this problem is to restart the browser. In order to save the data found during this session, you can use the “Restore Firefox Session” function

To do this, you need to re-enter the Firefox home page. There will be a “Restore previous session” button on it.

Why can the program slow down when restoring a session? The answer to this question is quite simple. When the web page is resumed, several previous pages are loaded simultaneously, so the bug does not respond and takes a long time to load. In this case, you need to select the “Don’t load tabs without asking” option in Settings.

Based on the listed methods for solving the problem, the most effective solution is to install a newer version of the program. Improved, newer web browsers have eliminated most of the problems that their predecessors had. If this does not give the desired results, you should perform the manipulations that are outlined in the article or contact a specialist.

Hello! Why won't it start? Because of my profession, I often hear this question regarding different browsers. In fact, the reason may lie directly in their functioning or operating system.

Today we’ll look at why Mazila won’t start and what can be done about it. I will share some experience, which in many cases allows me to find and correct the situation for the better.

The result was a decent amount of material. Therefore, for your convenience, I have prepared a brief summary.

Sometimes the browser starts to work slowly or does not load at all for obvious reasons - the problem is not only in it, but also in the installed operating system (OS). Let's see what can be done.

Checking browser and OS compatibility

The latest version of the Internet browser may not work on all versions of the Windows operating system. In particular, I came across information that the software product is not supported in XP with a service pack lower than SP2.

But in Windows 7 with the latest updates and XP SP3, Firefox works fine. I checked it myself recently.

What should be done in this case? It's simple - check the compatibility of your browser and OS. I am not presenting the minimum system requirements now, since by the time you read this material the situation may change. It is advisable to check current information on official resources.

Checking your computer for viruses

A common case is that a virus damages or modifies files. At the same time, the probable consequences are that both the browser and all other components of the system load slowly.

To exclude or confirm this assumption, you need to do a full scan of the computer. When a virus is detected, it is not enough to just remove it; you also need to correct the consequences of its activity. To conduct thorough checks of my computer for infection, I like to use Kaspersky antivirus. Naturally, the choice of antivirus software is the decision of each user.

We look for and fix errors in the OS

There are thousands of options here. Nevertheless, I will show you one general check and correction of some errors automatically. It helps in some cases when problems are related to system processes on the hard drive. It helps me in my work quite often, but I repeat - there are different cases.

Pay attention to the screenshot below. The example was made in XP, but it also works in Windows 7.

The command shown in the screenshot must be entered into the command line - a program that is standard for Windows. It will search for bad sectors and restore their contents for the specified disk. It is advisable to check all disks.

We update the browser and OS

Updates are released for a reason. They may contain changed or added functionality and important fixes. It is logical that they need to be installed in a timely manner.

It’s worth doing this at least for security reasons, if the modified functionality is of little interest. In addition, some updates may directly affect the stability of the system.

Working with browser files to troubleshoot problems

General recommendations were considered. Let's say the system is fine, but Mazila Firefox does not want to start normally. Why is this happening? Now I’ll show you 3 more different approaches on how to correct the situation.

We work with the task manager if a single launch was observed

It happens that the browser can be opened once after loading the computer. If you close it completely, then it will not start a second time. The reasons for this may be different.

In some cases, the process simply does not complete, although the browser is no longer visually visible. The solution here is simple. Open the task manager using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl, Alt, Del.

If you see processes with the demonstrated name, they need to be terminated. Their presence means that the browser was not closed completely.

After performing these steps, it is highly likely to open normally. If a similar situation repeats, then it is worth considering other ways to solve the problem.

Clear the browser cache if it starts and works poorly

A cache is a collection of data that is stored while browsing the Internet. These include, for example, browsing history. If crashes occur while Firefox is running, everything takes a long time to load, and in some other cases it would be wise to clear the cache. Complete cleaning can be done in a couple of steps:

  1. Removing web content and user data;
  2. Clearing the log.

As part of the first stage, go to “settings”, select the “additional” section and click on the appropriate buttons.

It happens that the above options do not help. Let's see what else can be done.

We reinstall the Internet browser and clean the profile

We completely remove the current browser through the system tools in “Add or Remove Programs”. Reboot the computer.

Open any folder and enter special words in the address bar and press “enter”.

I don’t remember how it works in other OSes, but this approach works in XP and 7. So, after performing the above action, a list of folders will open. Among them we are looking for the name "Mozilla". The folder can be deleted.

Why does Mazila load slowly and how to speed it up?

I’m telling you about this last, because the reasons may lie in incorrect work:

  • programs that affect the functioning of the browser;
  • the browser itself.

Some ways to solve the problem were given above. If the problem is not these two points, then what else is it and what should we do then? In this case, the browser takes a long time to load and opens pages slowly for a logical reason - lack of hardware power. Simply put, this occurs when the computer is weak.

Additional Information

The article turned out to be quite lengthy. I tried to remember as many situations as possible from my experience and observations. Let me draw your attention to the fact that problems may be of a different nature and require individual approaches, which may go beyond the scope of the options considered.

All kinds of programs and their interaction - all this forms a rather complex system. There are a huge number of causes of malfunctions and their solutions.

I am finishing the article. I hope it was helpful. I look forward to your comments.

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One of the most common problems with any browser is when web pages refuse to load. Today we will take a closer look at the reasons and ways to solve the problem when the Mozilla Firefox browser does not load pages.

The inability to load web pages in the Mozilla Firefox browser is a common problem that can be affected by various factors. Below we will look at the most common ones.

Reason 1: no internet connection

The most common, but also common reason that Mozilla Firefox does not load pages.

First of all, you will need to make sure that your computer has an active internet connection. You can check this by trying to launch any other browser installed on your computer, and then going to any page in it.

In addition, you should check whether another program installed on the computer is taking up all the speed, for example, any torrent client that is currently downloading files to the computer.

Reason 2: Firefox is blocked by antivirus

A slightly different reason, which may be related to the antivirus installed on your computer, which may be blocking access to the Mozilla Firefox network.

To rule out or confirm this possibility of a problem, you will need to temporarily pause your antivirus and then check if pages load in Mozilla Firefox. If, as a result of performing these steps, the browser’s operation has improved, then you will need to disable network scanning in your antivirus, which, as a rule, provokes such a problem.

Reason 3: changed connection settings

Firefox may not be able to load web pages if the browser has connected to a proxy server that is not currently responding. To check this, click on the browser menu button in the upper right corner. In the menu that appears, go to the section "Settings" .

"Additional" and in the subtab "Net" in the block "Compound" click the button "Tune" .

Make sure you have the checkbox next to "No proxy" . If necessary, make the necessary changes and then save the settings.

Reason 4: add-ons do not work correctly

Some add-ons, especially those that change your real IP address, may cause Mozilla Firefox to not load pages. In this case, the only solution is to disable or remove the add-ons that caused the problem.

To do this, click on the browser menu button, and then go to the section "Extras" .

In the left area of ​​the window, go to the tab "Extensions" . A list of extensions installed in the browser will be displayed on the screen. Disable or remove as many add-ons as possible by clicking the corresponding button to the right of each one.

Reason 5: "DNS Prefetch" function is activated

Mozilla Firefox has this feature enabled by default. "DNS Prefetch" , which is aimed at speeding up the loading of web pages, but in some cases it can lead to crashes in the web browser.

To disable this feature, follow the link in the address bar about:config , and then in the window that appears, click on the button “I take the risk!” .

A window with hidden settings will appear on the screen, in which you will need to right-click in any free area from the parameters and go to the item in the context menu that appears “Create” – “Boolean” .

In the window that opens, you will need to enter a name for the setting. Write the following:


Find the parameter you created and make sure it has a value set to "true" . If you see the value "false" , double-click on the parameter to change the value. Close the hidden settings window.

Reason 6: overabundance of accumulated information

As the browser operates, Mozilla Firefox accumulates information such as cache, cookies, and browsing history. Over time, if you don't pay enough attention to cleaning your browser, you may experience problems loading web pages.

Reason 7: the browser is not working correctly

If none of the methods described above helped you, you may suspect that your browser is not working properly, which means the solution in this case is to reinstall Firefox.

First of all, you will need to completely remove the browser from your computer without leaving a single Firefox-related file on your computer.

And after the browser removal is complete, you will need to restart your computer and then proceed to download a fresh distribution, which you will subsequently need to run in order to install Firefox on your computer.

The browser is the most popular program used on computers, so when any problems arise with the operation of the web browser, it can disrupt the usual rhythm of life of any user. What to do if Mozilla Firefox is frozen or unresponsive? In this article we will try to answer this question so that you can fix the problem.

When Firefox becomes unresponsive, the browser does not respond to mouse clicks or keyboard input. In addition, often the browser cannot be closed in the usual way. As a rule, this is a sign that the computer has a resource limit, and therefore you need to perform the following manipulations:

1. Open task manager with keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc and go to the tab "Processes" . Here you will need to terminate, if possible, as many running programs as possible that you do not need while working with the browser.

2. Wait for Firefox to respond. If this does not happen, click on the icon with a cross (you may have to click several times) so that the screen prompts you to wait for the program to respond or close the browser. If you do not intend to wait any longer for the browser to hang, close the program.

3. If you do not receive such a proposal or the system does not respond to it, you will have to force close the program. To do this, again, go to the task manager and end the Mozilla Firefox process.

How to prevent further browser freezes?

1. Clear all cache, history and cookies in your browser. To do this, open the browser menu and click on the item "Magazine" .

In the pop-up menu, click on the item "Delete history" .

At the top of the new window, set the option "All" , and then click the button "Delete now" .

2. Disable unnecessary add-ons. To do this, click on the browser menu button and select "Extras" .

On the left side of the window, go to the tab "Extensions" and disable those add-ons that you do not need to work.

3. Remove programs from Windows startup. Those programs that are placed in startup are launched every time the computer is turned on, which as a result can take up the lion's share of resources. Clean the startup menu and leave only the most necessary programs.

To get to the startup menu on a Windows 7 computer, use the keyboard shortcut Win+R and in the window that appears, enter "msconfig" (without quotes).

To open startup in Windows 8 and higher, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc and then go to the tab.

4. Remove unnecessary programs. This can be done in the standard way via "Control Panel" , and using third-party programs, for example, CCleaner.

5. Check your computer for viruses. Unstable operation of the computer and programs may indicate the presence of viruses in the system. Run a deep system scan on your computer or use the utility for these purposes, which is distributed absolutely free.

6. Overheat. Most often this concerns laptop users. As a rule, the cooling system is the most vulnerable part of laptops and needs regular cleaning. If you have never performed this procedure on your device, and have also noticed strong heating and a noticeable decrease in the speed of your PC, we strongly recommend that you perform the cleaning procedure.