iPhone 1 appeared. Apple founder Steve Jobs died in the USA. Modern iPhone models

Edition The New The York Times published an interesting article by Fred Vogelstein under the intriguing title “And Then Said Steve: let it appear iPhone" In it - hitherto little known facts about the difficulties the company's engineers encountered Apple who were given the task of realizing an incredible idea Jobs.

In contact with

For example, this is a fact - Andy Grignon, who was responsible for developing the antenna for the future smartphone, actively argued with the guru, proving that radio waves do not pass through metal. And, therefore, it is simply impossible to create a working phone in the form in which the designer imagines it. “He won’t call” - today it sounds like a joke, but it was from such pieces that the technological miracle, later called.

Beautiful brick - that’s what the iPhone was, invented jointly by the chief designer Apple and its founder. As Phil Kearney, an engineer who quit his job, told Apple in 2008, all these creative individuals from related departments last encountered a science called physics in the 8th grade. And truly savvy technology specialists could not explain to them that metal case shields the signal and this is an axiom in radio electronics. You can't make radio waves travel through metal, so Steve And Johnny with naive eyes they answered - and you make such a small gap through which they will get out. Artists, dreamers, innovators - with their ideas they drove designers and engineers to the brink of insanity.

Besides, Steve Jobs He was a very difficult person; in his working methods there was no room for sentimentality towards his employees. Incredibly tense atmosphere, moral pressure, the undeniable word of the authorities - the future iPhone and especially iOS were created in an extremely dramatic environment. The concept of a deadline for certain stages of the project hung like a sword of Damocles, and often employees broke down, spontaneously quitting work and going to hell for several days. One day, the director of the iOS design department, Kim Vorrath, slammed a door in her anger with such force that they tried to deal with the structure, warped from the impact, for more than an hour. As Andy Grignon says, we stood, looked at her and realized that it seemed kind of funny, but at the same time we thought “how is everything boring.”

The very same interesting story, from those given in this article, is probably a story about that terrible night back in 2007, on the eve of the presentation iPhone. Engineers along with other employees Apple We checked into a nearby hotel and at 10 am we had to go to the event in a friendly crowd. There was no anticipation of triumph - the night passed in horror from thoughts of how everything would go awry technical reasons. An incredibly complex gadget is being demonstrated for the first time in the world, in the live-action format so beloved Steve Jobs– and everything should work on the first try and without any delays.

This is the bane of any engineer who finds it very difficult to understand why unnecessary risks are needed when most of the similar events in Silicon Valley are carried out in a much more conservative style and with no less success. But the boss gives the order and doesn’t care how you will solve the problem of unexpectedly missing access to the Internet or interference with wireless communication in the hall. To the credit of the staff Apple, no truly unfortunate incidents occurred at any presentation. But almost no one knows what it cost those who remained behind the scenes.

For everyone who is on first name terms English language, we recommend reading (Fred Vogelstein) in full, this will help you understand what really stands behind the release of each new product from the Cupertino company and its competitors. And it will be good material for reflection on the second anniversary of his death Steve Jobs(October 5, 2011).

Do you know when the very first iPhone came out? This happened on January 9, 2007. In general, the iPhone owes its appearance to Steve Jobs, who came up with an amazing idea - to combine several devices into one. This is how it appeared new device, combining the functions of a phone, player and pocket computer. They called this miracle of technology – a smartphone.

I would like to point out right away that not everything went smoothly right away. Apple's first smartphone was, frankly speaking, far from perfect. The second attempt was also not successful; moreover, this attempt earned the title “Failure of the Year.” This was facilitated by a very unpresentable appearance, as well as its low functionality. But, as they say, trying is not torture. Steve Jobs did not despair and resumed work. Moreover, all developments were kept in the strictest confidence! It is said that the engineers who worked on the project were not allowed to discuss their work among themselves.

And yet, the first generation iPhone was released! As today, the smartphone had an aluminum back surface. Jobs brought his idea to life - he combined a telephone, a player and a PDA. But this iPhone had significant shortcomings, for example, it did not support 3G connection and MMS at all. Moreover, there were some inconsistencies with the name. It turns out that another company was going to call its product iPhone. Through the court it was possible to reach an agreement, as a result of which iphone name began to belong Apple. Every year the popularity of the iPhone is growing, there are fewer and fewer flaws, and someday the company will release the perfect smartphone.

In the meantime, in June 2008, the next new product was released - the iPhone 3G. This device is already more advanced and devoid of many of the shortcomings of its progenitor. It has a new version software- iPhone OS 2.0.

The next model, the third, was announced in June 2009. The iPhone 3GS has 2 times more memory than its predecessor, improved data transfer speed, and also has a new version of the OS - iPhone OS 3.0, which made it possible to get rid of most of the flaws of previous generations.

New features have appeared, such as:
“cut”, “copy”, “paste”;
send MMS;
system Spotlight search;
Speak Notes;
possibility to download video and audio files, including TV shows, audiobooks, movies, directly to the iPhone;
the ability to search for the location of the device using the Find My iPhone service;
forwarding SMS messages.
The iPhone 4 was introduced in June 2010. What did the buyer get in this case? An updated operating system with its own name - “ Apple iOS", improved, powerful processor, called Apple A4, a screen with a resolution of 640 × 960 pixels, a 5 megapixel camera and special camera, for video communication at 0.3 megapixels. But along with these improvements there were also significant “punctures”. For example, individual users iPhone 4 complains about some defects in the display, fragility of the case, Low quality signal reception. In fairness, we hasten to note that all these problems can be solved. For example, interruptions and interruptions in communication can be easily eliminated using a regular case. Videos have also appeared online that show the objective situation with the signal level: in order to achieve a drop in the signal level, you need to not just pick up the device, but squeeze it too hard.

At one of the conventions, the head of Apple, Steve Jobs, announced the release of a new version of Apple iOS 4.0.1, thanks to which they are going to solve the problem. To finally solve the problem, the developers propose to resort to the use of so-called “insulating bumpers”. Until September 30, they will be issued completely free of charge, and customers who have already purchased them will receive a refund. By the way, it wouldn’t be superfluous to say that the number of complaints about bad signal does not exceed 1%.

Fifth generation iPhones

And soon the next model came out - iPhone 5 and literally after it another new product - iPhone 5s. And then comparisons and all sorts of analyzes and testing of these two smartphones began. How does the “s” model differ from the previously released model, is it better or worse? Should I change it? old device on new? Let's solve this together and analyze the available information point by point.
The appearance of the devices is surprisingly similar, it is difficult to distinguish them - the design, weight, and size are identical. Display – Retina with the same resolution. The connectors, a pair of glass inserts, and the Home key are the same. However, this is where the similarities end and the differences begin. They, as you may have guessed, are located inside.

The content of the novelty is completely new to the world mobile devices. One of the most important innovations can be called the world's only A7 processor. It comes with an M7 coprocessor to improve performance. In light of the fact that the iPhone 5 runs on the A6 processor, it becomes clear that the performance of the new “s” has almost doubled.
The camera has also changed. U latest model it is more perfect, almost unique. This includes 8 Megapixels, updated lenses, and a dual flash, not to mention improved stabilization and f/2.2 aperture. It’s impossible to list everything. Let's just say that professional photographers were surprised by the quality of the resulting images.
We especially note the completely new fingerprint sensor (Touch ID), which could not even be imagined in the 5th model. Why is it needed, you ask. It turns out that it can be used to recognize fingerprints, which protects the iPhone and makes it easier to unlock. Touch sensor is in Home key, which also underwent changes - it remained without a central rectangle and is made of durable sapphire glass.

And finally, let's talk about the new headphones, which were designed specifically for the iPhone 5s. Their secret is that they literally merge with the shape of the ear and have no analogues in the quality of sound transmission.
Here is just a partial overview of the differences between the two fives. The differences, as you can see, are very significant, but only internal. Therefore, to the question - which iPhone is preferable - everyone will answer for themselves, based on their needs and financial capabilities.

iPhone sixth generation

Now let's move on to this year's new products - iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus, the presentation of which took place on September 9. Let's take a closer look at them.
The overall size of the device has increased significantly - we now have a 4.7-inch diagonal screen. Thanks to this solution, communicating on the Internet, watching videos or reading books has become much more convenient. At the same time, the thickness of the device has decreased – Apple’s new product is called the most thin phone. The thickness of the iPhone 6 is 6.9 mm. By the way, iPhone 6 plus also has bigger screen– 5.5 inches, but many users still find it inconvenient.

The company again offers a simple color scheme - silver, gold and gray colors. I wonder what color the buyer will choose? But some changes in the design did appear. For example, this applies to the volume buttons - they have been enlarged, and their use has become much more convenient. The screen lock button has been moved to the right side. The screen has become rounded near the side edges, it has also become more contrasting and has amazing color rendition. This model uses A8 and M8 processors. And although the amount of RAM remained unchanged - 1 GB, it is still much faster than its predecessors. One cannot help but pay attention to the improved camera. Of course, the number of pixels remained unchanged, but the quality of shooting has increased significantly.

In general, we can talk endlessly about the new iPhone. But it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.
So, we have already answered the question – when did the first iPhone 6 come out? And who's first? iphone buyer 6? . Let's find out how this significant event went.
Due to the location of time zones, Australia became the country where the first iPhone 6 was sold. And right here a small embarrassment happened, which was immediately dubbed the “iPhone 6 crash test”; in other words, the happy owner of an iPhone 6 dropped it.

The first buyer of the iPhone 6, young Australian Jack Cooksey, took the device out of the package and at the same time tried to answer questions from journalists. The boy's hands were so sweaty from excitement that the phone jumped out of his hands straight onto the sidewalk. Fortunately, after the fall, the iPhone remained intact, and Jack became famous throughout the world as the person who first dropped the iPhone.

Apple would never have released the iPhone if it were not for the developments of Soviet and Russian scientists. Rusvesna resource columnist Alexey Gumilev talks about this, according to whom the Apple smartphone “was simply stuffed with existing goodies, the origins of which lie in Russia.”

You may not have heard yet that it was the Americans who defeated the Nazis, were the first to fly into space, and that it was they who came up with all the best things. Mobile phones and the Internet are what the modern younger generation is trying to increase the authority of America.

Did no one think that the birthplace of these inventions was in Russia? Maybe not in the form in which we know them today, but it is so. Even the first American mobile phone was the size of a home mixer, and the remote control weighed 12 kg. But this is not an American find, but a Soviet one. Back in 1957, the mobile phone was invented by Kupriyanovich.

“A huge number of all inventions originate in Soviet or post-Soviet Russia.”

Caterpillar tracks, trams, airplanes, helicopters, parachute, ballistic missiles, spaceships, the first Earth satellite, space station, lunar rover, electron microscope, organ transplants, artificial organs, the world's first nuclear power plant, hydrogen power and much more - all this was invented by the Russians . Everything, starting with the light bulb, was invented by the Russians. Not to mention basic metal welding, without which American tanks and other military junk would seem completely miserable and completely stuffed with rivets.

Radio, TV, animation, VCR, photo and video recording, system wireless control and even a computer - this is all at the heart of current American gadgets. All inventions have been modernized by the whole world and have lost the original appearance and functionality that we see today.

Kupriyanovich's pocket phone weighed 70 grams

These are not all the innovations that the Americans appropriated and summed up: “The Russians degraded, and we invented the iPhone.” Yes, this iPhone was not invented in the USA, it was simply stuffed with existing goodies, the origins of which lie in Russia. All these goodies did not have a worldwide patent, since they were secret military developments of the Union.

Then these buns scattered around the world and they were modernized and reduced in size in Asia, America and Europe, and the lack of a patent made it possible to appropriate their invention for themselves. What the hell would Steve Jobs be if he were dead? Also tell me what he personally did electronic boards sitting with a smoking soldering iron in his hand. The vast majority of electronic components of all gadgets without exception (iPhone too) are produced and assembled under one housing in China.

As we see, America has appropriated everything that Russia has created.

This happened 8 years ago. The world saw a smartphone that made a real revolution among gadgets, and to this day there is an army of fans Apple products Looking forward to the next iPhone models and new versions of iOS. Steve Jobs long ago hatched the idea of ​​how to collect everything you need in one device to modern man. This is an MP3 player, digital, Notebook, PDA, and phone, of course. So first came out iPod touch, which was a great success, combining everything multimedia functions, except for communication, and then the first one. Over the past 8 years, 10 iPhone models have been released. How did they spread in Russia? Not to say that it was a triumphal procession, however...

First iPhone

When I came out selling iPhone 1st generation in the summer of 2007, in America there were queues of people wanting to own a smartphone as soon as possible. IN Russia iPhone the first one did not receive an official release and was distributed only as “”. By the way, today it can be purchased at auctions, since now it is a “rarity” and a living legend of Apple. Unopened boxes with smartphones are especially expensive.

iPhone 3G

The first smartphone in Russia from Apple was the iPhone 3G, which corrected some technical shortcomings, and it began to support 3G connectivity for a high-speed Internet connection, unlike its predecessor. Sales started on the night of October 3, 2008 in retail networks MTS, VimpelCom, Megafon and Svyaznoy. The fixed cost of the devices was stated: 22,999 rubles. (8 GB) and 26,999 rub. (16 GB). There were no queues or much excitement then. So, in the first 3 months, only 120-180 thousand smartphones were sold in the country, and these were unexpectedly low figures. Surely, the reason for this was the crisis that broke out in the summer of 2008, and those who wanted had already acquired an iPhone, exported from the USA, earlier. iPhone 3G was equipped with a new version of iOS 2.0, GPS sensors and A-GPS when synchronized with Google maps, the metal body is replaced with plastic (but in black and white variations).

iPhone 3GS

The next version was the iPhone 3GS, presented on June 8, 2009, but only reaching Russia on March 5, 2010 (although they were waiting for it back in August 2009). Negotiations with Apple took a very long time regarding pricing policy, since official sales were disastrously low, distributors were in no hurry to invest in next model. The re:Store and Z-Store networks were the first to start sales in Russia at prices of 30,000 rubles. for 8 GB and 35,000 rub. For 16 GB. iPhone 3GS has updated the processor and iOS version to 3.0, speed and performance increased 2 times (compared to the first two), a grease-repellent coating appeared on the display (now it is easy to clean from fingerprints and faces after a conversation), a music control remote on the headset, an updated more capacious . Also for the first time, a voice control function was used, including support for the Russian language and a built-in compass with the ability to switch to maps for outdoor enthusiasts and tourists. But the appearance remained the same.

iPhone 4

Dmitry Medvedev, as President of the Russian Federation, on June 23, 2010 (3 weeks after the presentation and the day before official sales) became the first Russian to own an iPhone 4. He received it during a planned trip to the USA, visiting the head office Apple office, straight from the hands of Steve Jobs. The smartphone went on general sale in Russia on September 22, 2010. It came in three variations of built-in memory: 8 GB for 26,990 rubles, 16 GB for 31,990 rubles. and 32 GB for RUR 36,990. The implementation was undertaken by 3 leading mobile operators.

With this modification, the smartphone began to work with any mobile operator, starting to support CDMA networks. The fans were pleased new design, a noticeable improvement in display parameters, a 5-megapixel camera with the ability to record HD video, an even more energy-intensive battery and new system protection of personal data (previously the iPhone was not attractive to corporate clients due to low security, so the iPhone 4 fixed it).

iPhone 4S

iPhone 4S was presented on October 4, 2011. The official release date in Russia was December 16 of the same year, with the right to sell from MTS and VimpelCom. Prices were again significantly higher than in Europe and the USA: 16 GB - 35,000 rubles, 32 GB - 40,000 and 64 GB - 45,000 rubles. Again, there was no excitement in Russia, because the smartphone could have been obtained faster and cheaper abroad, where it was released a couple of months earlier, which is what Apple fans did, once again ruining Russian sales.

Innovations in the model: 2-core processor at 1 GHz and new operating system iOS 5, RAM 512 MB, new 8-megapixel camera with support for Full HD video, voice was introduced for the first time Siri assistant, Bluetooth 4.0 and support satellite system GLONASS.

iPhone 5

The next presentation of the 6th generation of smartphones from Apple took place on September 12, 2012. iPhone 5 was released on September 21, Russia saw it on December 14, 2015. This was a more successful sales campaign, because shortly before the New Year, Russians are usually ready to spend large amounts money for gifts. Prices were practically no different from 4S: RUR 34,990. for 16 GB, 39,990 rub. for 32 GB and 44,990 rub. for the 64 GB version.

The changes were: next update design and new version iOS firmware 6.0. The display has been increased to 4 inches, dual core processor now at 1.3 GHz, and RAM 1 GB. Support for 4G communications and support for nano-SIM and a new Lightning dock connector have been introduced, which is still used in all new devices from Apple. The smartphone also had problem areas: the display “deformed” from touch, distorting the picture, the sapphire glass on the camera glared, producing purple spots in the pictures, the new aluminum case was scratched, but overall, it was a fairly successful release, users considered the shortcomings to be insignificant.

iPhone 5c and iPhone 5S

Then Apple released a cheaper one iPhone variant 5c, which came out with the new operating system iOS 7, in a plastic, but colored (in five variations) case, but in terms of characteristics it was practically no different from the 5th. Presented on September 10, 2013, released in Russia on October 25: RUB 25,000. for 16 GB and 30,000 rub. for 32 GB. This budget version did not become popular with us. But on the same day, its more respectable brother iPhone 5S was released, which, despite the lack of budget, had greater success. In terms of price, however, it also did not differ from previous models: 16 GB for 35,000 rubles, 32 GB for 40,000 rubles, 64 GB for 45,000 rubles.

iPhone 5s is made in aluminum housing in 2 color options: space, gray and gold, the processor was once again updated, the rear camera with excellent technical characteristics, capable of recording video (slow-motion) 120 frames/sec. with a resolution of 1280/720 pixels and 30 fps at 1920-1080. Added innovative fingerprint scanning capability finger touch ID, which further increased the security of the smartphone (it’s not for nothing that S stands for Security in this model), as well as voice assistant Siri finally came out of beta testing, learned new commands and even began to understand Russian.

Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

Finally, latest news from Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were presented on September 9, 2014; they were officially released in Russia in December 2014 with prices that, due to the jump in the dollar exchange rate, really began to bite! Here's how much the flagships cost in December: iPhone 6 16 GB - 53,990 rubles, 64 GB - 61,990 rubles, 128 GB - 69,990 rubles; iPhone 6 Plus 16 GB — 61,990 rub., 64 GB — 69,990 rub., 128 GB — 77,990 rub. Even despite the cost, Russia has been waiting for the 6th iPhone; among their owners there are by no means only the middle class.

This is what the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus brought us: a new design that caused controversy among aesthetes, in three color variations (gray, silver, gold), iOS8 came out with new software capabilities, unprecedented large displays(4.7 inches for iPhone 6 and 5.5 inches for iPhone 6 Plus) high definition Retina Display HD, updated processor and coprocessor, improved parameters rear camera(including optical image stabilization), the ability to use the iPhone as a credit card through the system Apple Pay, a barometer sensor was added, the speed was increased and LTE networks And so on. In short, the equipment itself last word technology!

What can I say? Despite all the economic difficulties, crises, collapses in the ruble exchange rate, Apple in Russia and especially in Russia has loyal fans who will not exchange the iPhone for any other smartphone, and all because Apple is always ahead of the rest.

Every year of Apple presents new model iPhone, which is sure to have a couple interesting tricks. Next year marks the 10th anniversary of the start of sales of the first iPhone. So we decided to remember how it was until today.

And at the same time we want find out from you: Which of these iPhones was your first?

Go, Let's get nostalgic.

1. iPhone (2007)

The first iPhone was innovative in its own right. Restrained design, a minimum of elements on the body, a strict front panel.

Remember what smartphones looked like before the advent of the iPhone: protruding antennas, joysticks, a bunch of buttons under the screen (sometimes even above it), styluses, a sliding qwerty keyboard and indecent thickness. Now look at the windows of any electronics store. Most of the devices are very similar to what Steve Jobs showed off on January 9, 2007.

The company showed what smartphones will look like Apple is next several years, and subsequently followed the laid down principle.

What was upsetting: Unfortunately, there are no minuses, the first generation iPhone did not receive a number of functions that competitors had (3G support, video recording, multitasking, etc.), the operating system was closed to the user, there were many Apple restrictions(you cannot transfer pictures and music to other users, limited support for data formats, download files only through iTunes).

The big problem was that the headphone jack was too deep, which did not allow the use of many 3.5 mm headsets.

2. iPhone 3G (2008)

The smartphone began to acquire functions, primarily due to the update of the mobile operating system. In iOS 2.0 we saw App Store. From that time third party developers got the opportunity to earn money from us by releasing applications for the iPhone. Tim Cook reported on more than 2 million applications in the store.

And also with iPhone release 3G we saw support for UMTS, HSDPA, A-GPS and different body colors (black and white).

What was upsetting: plastic case and its low wear resistance. In just a few months back panel became covered with scratches, cracks appeared near the cable connector, and when active exploitation Even pieces broke off.

3. iPhone 3GS (2009)

In 2009, we first learned that Apple wasn't going to update the design every year. After that, in odd-numbered years, “eski” began to be released with last year’s design, but new hardware.

The model was remembered for the appearance of a camera with autofocus and the ability to shoot video. For the first time iPhone received digital compass. Among the software innovations, multitasking and voice control(Voice Control).

What was upsetting: old design.

4. iPhone 4 (2010)

With this model we learned about the screen with high density pixels – Retina Display. After holding such a device in my hands for 5 minutes, I didn’t want to use previous generation screens. Until now, a pixel density of over 300 per inch is considered the standard. The technology began to be used not only in the iPhone, it appeared on Apple tablets and computers.

The device is also memorable for its front camera, LED flash and gyroscope.

What was upsetting: antennagate was a big failure for Apple. With a certain grip, the iPhone 4 lost the network and this was widespread. Jobs and company had to apologize and hastily “invent” bumpers.

5. iPhone 4s (2011)

The main innovation latest smartphone, released under Jobs (the event was hosted by Tim Cook, and Steve died the day after the presentation), became voice assistant Siri.

Then the feature seemed unsuitable for use. Later, Siri learned a number of commands, learned several poems and jokes, and even mastered the Russian language.

The iPhone itself was able to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, shoot Full-HD video, and broadcast images via AirPlay. The developers also combined GSM and CDMA models in one device.

What was upsetting: Lack of Russian language support in Siri.

6. iPhone 5 (2012)

In 2012, we learned that Apple could produce a device with a screen diagonal larger than 3.5 inches. The 30-pin connector is retired, replaced by Lightning, which is with us to this day.

With this model, many first learned about the nano-Sim format (remember how you cut your cards with scissors?) and the EarPods headset.

What was upsetting: strange paint on the back panel that quickly peeled off.

7. iPhone 5s (2013)

This device has a Touch ID fingerprint scanner. It's hard to imagine how much time these sensors save us every day. Instead of entering a long password, simply use your finger.

iPhone 5s became the first Apple smartphone, available in gold color.

We will not consider the iPhone 5c model. Apple went for an experiment that was never repeated; the device had no innovations, but was only a cheaper product a copy of the iPhone 5 in a colored plastic case.

What was upsetting: 64-bit processor and 32-bit applications, the App Store was not ready for the release of a model with a new processor. Until developers adapted programs and games, many 32-bit applications performed worse on the iPhone 5s than on the iPhone 5.

8. iPhone 6/6 Plus (2014)

In 2014, we saw the first “shovels” from Apple. Two years later we got used to this size of the smartphone, but then it was too much.

Thin body, powerful hardware, camera with Full HD shooting at 60 frames per second and optical stabilization(on Plus model).

What was upsetting: We haven't forgotten Apple's advertising with the ideal screen size for a smartphone. And for the first time we saw iPhones being bent en masse.

9. iPhone 6s/6s Plus (2015)

Last year's new products include a pressure-sensitive screen with 3D Touch and software innovations associated with the use of this technology. And there was also new color"pink gold".

What was upsetting: too little innovation and software chips of dubious benefit (“live” photos, pop-up menus).

There was also a “tuned” iPhone 5S with a clever name "SE"(who forgot), but the model can hardly be called innovative. The device did not bring anything new to the line, although it became the most powerful 4-inch smartphone on the market.

10. iPhone 7/7 Plus (2016)

In that year iPhone I stopped being afraid of water, began to use battery power more wisely, and started producing stereo sound. A rather controversial decision was the rejection of the 3.5 mm jack. Now headphones are only Bluetooth or Lightning.

And there are as many as 5 body colors in the line, something that hasn’t happened since the iPhone 5c.

What was upsetting: practically unchanged design and scratchy “black onyx”, which is impossible to buy.

Now try to remember how you reacted to the innovations of each model when it appeared. No one ran headlong for the iPhone just because it had 3G or LTE support, front camera or flashes, Siri or big screen. At the time these features appeared, many people thought they were unnecessary, but now we use them several times a day.