Rules for creating an avatar on Instagram. What you need to know about your profile avatar: instructions for changing for greater success

If you want to change the image in your profile or, in general, do not understand how to put an avatar on Instagram, then our publication will help you solve this problem. The formulation of how to put an avatar on Instagram is a simple action that you can perform inside the Instagram application.

In this publication, we will look in detail at how this can be done, and also tell you about the essence of an avatar on Instagram, in such areas as the company logo, branding and online stores. If you are interested in simply updating your photo on your profile, then most likely the first method described below will be enough for you, but you can read about other directions in the continuation of our material.

An easy way to put an avatar on Instagram on iOS

Launch the Instagram application and log in to your account, and then go to your profile. Directly below the number of posts, followers and subscriptions, there is an active field [Edit Profile], in which you can edit your username, write a few sentences about yourself, leave a link to your website and change your avatar. Using a touch, click and go to the [Edit profile] page. In order to change your current avatar or, in the absence of one, add a new one, you will need to make a touch click on the active inscription [Change].

After which, in the lower pop-up menu, you need to select the method by which you would like to upload and then put your avatar. In the [Change Profile Photo] menu that opens, you will be offered the following tabs; delete the current one, import from Facebook, import from Twitter, take a photo and the last one, select from the collection (of your mobile device).

Import avatar from other social networks

To do this, you will need to log in using a browser to Facebook, after which a page will appear with the inscription [You have already authorized instagram], two buttons [Cancel] and [Ok], click [Ok] and you will be redirected back to Instagram, and the place of the avatar Your photo from Facebook will be taken. Similarly, you can put an avatar on Instagram from Twitter. It’s probably not worth explaining what it means to take a photograph, but we’ll tell you about [Select from collection].

Place an avatar on Instagram from the collection

After you click [Select from collection], the albums that are created on your mobile device will open to you, all you have to do is find the desired photo, and having selected it, click the active inscription located in the upper right corner [Crop], after which the photo will appear in the profile of your account.

The method described above is a complete instruction that contains the functions of the Instagram application parameters for changing the image of your profile. But there is an alternative method, it significantly shortens the path that you need to go through inside the application to change your avatar, let's look at it.

We went through [Edit Profile], then active link [Edit], and finally cropping and adding an avatar. You can shorten such a long path by simply clicking on a photo or an empty window of your profile, clicking on it will launch the command described above, or rather, the bottom menu, in which, as you already know, you select the future avatar of your profile.

A similar method is used on devices of the Android operating system; in the same way, you make a touch click on the thumbnail of your avatar, and select on your mobile device a photo from the gallery that you would like to see in place of your avatar.

Choose an avatar on Instagram

We will not teach you or tell you how to choose the right avatar on Instagram, but we will show examples that will allow you to think about it, and in the future, draw certain conclusions in choosing an avatar.

For example, illustrator Konrad Roseth, whose unreal works were posted on Instagram, worked with brands such as Zara, Adidas, and Coca-Cola. As you may have noticed, his avatar is a real photograph. Food for thought Almost all artists, illustrators, and most creative individuals almost always put their real photo on their avatar.

With companies and online stores, everything is even simpler, they need to maintain a brand, they cannot put a photo in place of their avatar. Therefore, their avatar is, most often, the company logo, and the brand image will be the same in all social networks, since brand recognition depends on this.

What remains are thematic communities that have recently been gaining momentum, these are quotation books, funny photo accounts, miracle “businessmen” and so on, they all have avatars of very different origins that do not evoke admiration or regret.

We hope that now you can easily set an avatar on Instagram, but what it will be is up to you to decide.

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An interesting and eye-catching avatar on Instagram can help increase traffic to your account by users who do not follow you. In addition, it gives Instagram users who are not familiar with you the first impression of your account. This post is about how to go wrong with choosing an Ava for your account.

Avatar for Instagram. Examples

A good Instagram account starts with a good avatar. An avatar is the element of the account that makes the very first impression. It can interest and lure an Instagram user into an account or scare it away. In this post I will tell you about what it should be avatar for instagram.

Instagram avatar sizes and how they are displayed

The recommended size of an avatar on Instagram is 110x110 pixels. But in reality, it makes no difference what size your photo or image will be. The main thing is that the picture is square and you can guess which part of the image will be displayed as an avatar. Well, if you upload a photo that is too large in size, then you will most likely not be able to do this.

When choosing an avatar for Instagram, you must remember that the main audience of the network is on smartphones, on the screens of which your avatar will be very small. But this does not mean that it does not have serious significance in the profile. Your task is to make your avatar as clear as possible and create the necessary associations. To do this, the avatar image should be contrasting and of high quality.

Also, do not forget that in web versions, when viewed on a PC, the avatar will be shown larger and you can see all the flaws in the photo.

What to display on your avatar: a logo or a photo?

Instagram is, first of all, about personality. Therefore, avatars with photographs are perceived much better here. However, if you have a large company that cannot be represented by one person, then an avatar with a logo would be better. But the second option has a big drawback. Most often, accounts with logos are perceived as spam. Agree, you yourself are more pleased when a person subscribes to you, and not a store. Therefore, you need to be careful with your logo and use it only if your potential customers are familiar with your brand. If you are still unknown, try to promote your brand through advertising or a blogger, and work with the audience that has already seen and knows you.

Photo for avatar. Content, quality and contrast

Considering that the Instagram avatar is small in size, the upper body or face should be placed on it, but not a full-length photo, and especially not a long-range photo. The best avatars are avatars where the face is visible. Ideally, you should take up three quarters of the image. In order to be seen even from a smartphone, you need to use a high-quality photo and a contrasting background.

Examples of successful and unsuccessful avatars on Instagram

Everything is much better learned through practical experience, so I decided to give 6 examples of good and bad avatars on Instagram. We will only consider avatars with photos.

Nice avatars

Beautiful and illuminated face and body part. The perfect photo for your Instagram profile picture.

Less contrast and quality is compensated by the position of the head in almost the entire area of ​​​​the avatar. A great example for men.

There is little contrast between the background and the model, but at the same time the photo is of sufficient quality and focusing on the girl makes the avatar ideal.

And again the focus. On the left is a colored background that could blur the boundaries between the face and the back area. Blonde hair, which is visible even from a smartphone, saves the day.

Great photo with a contrasting background.

There is a little blur in the general background, but the quality of the photo focusing on the girl does the job. Passable!

Bad avatars

The photo is too dark for Ava. You can't see the girl from smartphones.

Greetings, friends! If you don’t yet know how to change your avatar on Instagram, then you’ve come to the right place. I have prepared today’s detailed article especially for my readers. Don't forget to ask questions in the comments if something is not clear. Go?

How to change your avatar on Instagram

An avatar is the appearance of your account. For example, if your profile is private, most users will be able to recognize you and subscribe using your avatar. You can change your profile photo using one of two methods: through the official application or using any device thanks to the service website.

Option 1: use the application

Launch Instagram. At the bottom of the window, go to the first tab on the right side. Next, select the button called “Edit Profile”.

Immediately under your own avatar, click “Change profile photo.” You will have the following options to choose from:

When the desired photo is selected, make adjustments to the profile by clicking the “Done” button in the upper right corner.

Option 2: Web version

The functionality of the web version is gradually expanding. Today, users have access to basic settings for editing their account, which includes changing their avatar.

  1. Go to Instagram website . If necessary, authorize.

When the news feed is displayed on the monitor, go to the account page by clicking on the corresponding icon in the upper right corner.

To the left of the window that opens, click on your current avatar. An additional menu will be displayed on the monitor, through which you can either simply delete the photo or replace it with a new one.

Click on the “Upload Photo” button, and then select the required photo. Immediately after this, the account image will be replaced.

Change your avatar as often as necessary - choosing the method that works best for you. Don’t forget to rate the article and ask your questions in the comments. I wish everyone peace and good health!

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


The main image on Instagram should be of high quality, attract people's attention with its creativity and originality. This can be achieved not only with the skills of a professional photographer, but also by using various filters, frames, and colors. It should tell casual visitors what the rest of the content is about. After looking at the avatar, a person must realize whether he likes such pictures and make his choice.

For commercial pages, the photo on the profile picture on Instagram should reflect the essence of the business or the specific direction of its development. To do this, you can use logos, pictures with the brand name, etc. But, as statistics show, users prefer pages with a real photo.

How to make an avatar for Instagram

As noted above, an avatar is the first thing users see when they come across an account on the Internet. He is always visible: in the general feed, Stories and comments. This is a pretty good reason to take its preparation seriously. First, you should know what mistakes and clichés to avoid so that the page does not become banal, like tens of thousands of others.

Firstly, it is important to avoid Instagram ava pictures with fuzzy or blurry images. If a person wants his creativity or business to be taken seriously at first glance, it is strictly forbidden to photograph himself or the object that should be in the image with a bad camera or an old smartphone, or choose the wrong lighting or background.

Secondly, for commercial profiles it is strictly forbidden to use small font in photo captions. Most brands use a logo with a few words as their title image. Typically, this is the company's motto or official slogan. The larger they are printed, the better they will be visible to users. It is not recommended to use too many phrases - two or three will be enough. These should be keywords that describe the essence of the activity. Otherwise, you can go to one of the extremes: either the photo will turn out careless and unattractive, or too overloaded or too bright. This will alienate people and cause most of them not only not to read the text, but also not to view the publications.

Thirdly, making an avatar for Instagram in monochrome colors, containing mainly one shade of pastel color, is not a design decision, but a real torture for the eyes of users. They will not be able to read the text or look at the image itself, and no one will peer closely in search of something unusual.

Photos must be adapted for the social network, and not used in a natural or carelessly designed way. To make an avatar for Instagram, you need to consider the style of publications on the page. In addition, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. For pages representing a company, online store or brand on a social network, it is necessary to place a close-up logo on the avatar so that it can be seen without much difficulty. However, according to statistics, subscribers react more actively to profiles that contain a photo of a real person.
  2. For people who want to promote their creativity or activities on Instagram, it makes more sense to set a better quality portrait of themselves. However, the word “quality” is not necessarily synonymous with expensive studio shooting. All you need is a smartphone, a good background and a little skill.
  3. You should avoid using regular pictures. Ava must be a real photo of a living person, preferably the owner of the profile. On the Internet, people have long learned to distinguish between the real and the artificial, feigned. This can result in negative perceptions and loss of interest among the public.

The size of the avatar on Instagram is quite small, and sometimes it becomes necessary to enlarge it to better view individual details. This can be done through online services. One of the most popular and easy-to-use sites is Gramotool. Its interface is very simple: there is an “Avatar” button on the main page. By clicking on it, the user goes to a page where the nickname of the person whose ava needs to be considered is entered into the “Login or link” field. By clicking on the “View” button, you will see a photo on the screen, which, when you click on it, will open in its original size. However, the site is free and does not require registration to gain access to basic functions. If you need to view your avatar in an enlarged size from a smartphone, then the optimal tool for this will be the Qeek application.

How to put a photo on Instagram on Ava

The most convenient way to set a profile photo is from an application on your mobile phone. To do this, go to the main profile page by clicking on the person’s icon and do the following:

You can also set an avatar from your computer. This is done in the same way as from a smartphone. However, the interface here is different from the usual application. First, you need to log into your own page by clicking on the person icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Next, open the “Edit profile” and “Change profile photo” section. Then an explorer will open to your computer, where you need to select the folder with the desired image. Having selected it, click on the “Open” button. That's it - the photo is installed.

Unlike publications, pictures on Instagram cannot be rated or commented on by other users. But if a person decides to start promoting an account through advertising on more popular pages or on third-party sites for boosting subscribers, the ava should attract attention.

Instagram avatar size

The size of the picture on Instagram is automatically cropped to a small circle. Therefore, it is worth thinking in advance about what exactly should go into it. The recommended avatar size on Instagram is 110x110 pixels. But the user can upload any format - the system will automatically trim off the excess. It is important that the image is square and the user has the opportunity to select the preferred display area. From a mobile phone, the account photo will be difficult to see, but on the Instagram website it will be displayed larger.