Why is the webcam upside down? Using a special program. Where to get a driver for a webcam


First of all, check the connection between your webcam and your computer, and whether Skype detects it. To do this, launch the program by double-clicking on the icon on your desktop and try calling someone from your contact list. To check the voice volume from your microphone, press the call button for the Echo caller (test Skype contact).

If you do not find the camera, go to “Device Manager” and check for a line with the name of the webcam. To launch this application, right-click on the “My Computer” icon and click on the line of the same name. If there are no drivers installed, try installing them from a disk or downloading them from the official website.

Then go to the program, click the "Tools" menu and select "Settings". In the window that opens, go to “Settings". In the window that appears, click on the “Webcam Settings” button.

In the settings window for the image received from the web device that opens, find the lines Image Mirror Flip ( mirror reflection pictures) and Image Vertical Flip (mirror image). Select the required option by checking the box next to it and click OK to close the window and save the changes.

Check result changes made can be found in the “Video Settings” block. Go to it and look at the window that displays the status of your web device. If no changes are observed, close the program and launch it again.

In some cases it is recommended to update configuration files webcam, this will require a reboot. Click Power button on the keyboard and select “Restart” or use the standard shutdown applet in the Start menu. After your computer boots up, launch Skype and check for changes.


  • [Solved] Image from web

A built-in or connected webcam with a microphone is not always equipped with LEDs indicating its operation. In this case, you can check the webcam using the tools operating system and special programs.


Go to the “Start” menu and select “Control Panel” (or double-click the icon of the same name on the desktop). In the "Control Panel" double click open the System icon. In the operating system settings dialog box, go to the “Hardware” tab and click on the “Device Manager” button. The Device Manager window displays all the physical and virtual devices, with information about their functioning. In the list, select the line “Image processing devices”, and click on the “+” symbol next to it. In the list that opens, select the webcam and make sure it is enabled (there are no question marks or red crosses).

In the same list, select the line “Sound, video and gaming devices” and expand their list. Make sure all of these devices are enabled. If any required device marked with "?" - install the appropriate drivers for it to work. If the device line is marked with a red cross, right-click on it and select the "Engage" command in the context menu. After checking using the operating system, proceed to testing the device in practice.

Solving the problem with an upside-down image from a laptop webcam.

A short introduction

Users of some laptops quite often encounter a problem when the image from their laptop's Web camera is upside down. That is, the camera shows upside down. It is difficult to call this state of affairs correct and this problem needs to be solved. How to do this will be described in this article.

There are three ways to solve this problem:

  • Search and install other drivers. More details about this are written in this manual: . I will not dwell on this method in detail;
  • Editing the driver description file ( .inf-file). The fact is that when installing the camera driver, the settings are read from this file. The option is quite working and simple;
  • Changing camera settings in Windows registry. The method is quite fast, but you still need to search a little.

So. Let's move on to consider the last two methods.

Editing the settings file

Often in the archive with camera drivers there is .inf-file with settings for installation. The names of this file vary from one camera model to another. Here are examples of names: snp2uvc.inf, guci_avs.inf and others.

Open this file using Notepad:

And we find sections there , or other. The name may vary depending on your camera model:

Below we find the settings Flip:

We change the last 0 or 1 to 1 or 0. That is, if there was originally a line there HKR,DefaultSettings,Flip,0x00010001,1, then it needs to be changed to HKR,DefaultSettings,Flip,0x00010001,0. Only the last digit changes.

After that, install the driver with the corrected .inf-file. If the situation has not changed, it means that you corrected the wrong parameter.

Let's now consider another method of editing the registry.

Editing camera settings in the registry

First we launch Start -> Execute or press the buttons simultaneously Win+R. In the window we enter regedit and press Enter:

Let's use the registry search:

We are interested in the parameter flip:

During your search, you may come across such parameters from other programs. For example from ffdshow(look on the left):

Since we are not interested in the ffdshow settings, we look further. To do this, click F3. After a while you will find the camera settings. There with Flip There are other options:

One more moment. Whenever possible, change the current settings rather than the default settings. There's a branch on the left DefaultSettings or default settings. There is also an option Flip, but changing it will not give the desired result. So you need to work with current settings(Just Settings or CurrentSettings).

So. Changing the parameter Flip:

We change its meaning to the opposite. That is, if it was 1, then set it to 0, and if it was 0, then set it to 1. Save the settings and launch the camera. If nothing has changed, then you changed the wrong parameter.

That's all.

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Owners of laptops from Asus quite often they encounter the problem of turning the camera in normal position. This article provides step-by-step instructions that will help you easily solve this problem. Even a novice user can cope with this task.


How to flip the camera on an Asus laptop? Users quite often encounter a similar problem after updating the operating system or when accidentally flipping the screen by software. In the first case, the problem may be incorrect installed driver devices. Then you will need to remove this software and install the one recommended by the device manufacturer software. The sequence of actions to be performed when accidental turn images, it is better to check with the video card manufacturer. Expand the picture on the screen in initial position You can use the video card control panel or special key combinations. Within this review we will look at both the first and second cases in more detail.

What to do when rotating an image?

With the transition to the Windows7 operating system, everything large manufacturers Graphics adapters have reserved special key combinations for rotating the screen. While communicating via Skype, you may accidentally turn the picture upside down. As a result, the image from your webcam will appear upside down. Reset all settings to the initial state can be used special combination keys So, for example, to work with products Intel The Ctrl+Shift combination is used, as well as the cursor control buttons.

This issue can be solved much easier when using a special graphics adapter control panel. In this case you need to use next algorithm actions. Close everything open source programs and carefully inspect the computer desktop: it should be upside down, just like the picture received from the webcam. Place the mouse pointer on the taskbar in the area where active tasks are located. If the image is upside down, then you need to aim for the left top corner. Expand the list of active tasks. To do this, click left button mouse once.

After that, expand the graphics adapter control panel. Usually she hides behind a special pictogram. For Intel it looks like a black monitor, for Nvidia it looks like a green logo, for AMD it looks like a red label with the company name. In the list that opens, you will need to select the “Graphics Options” section, then expand the “Rotate” item and select “ Normal view" After such manipulations, the image should automatically return to its original state.

How to properly flip an image?

In a laptop manufactured by Asus, any webcam is controlled by drivers. If the wrong driver version is installed, the image may be displayed upside down. In this case, you will need to reinstall the drivers. You can download the correct driver from the official website of the manufacturer. There you will be offered several options to choose from, so you won’t be able to do without manual selection. The operation may have to be performed several times before you achieve the desired result.

To reinstall the driver, you must run the following sequence actions. Right-click on the My Computer icon context menu. In the list that appears, select “Properties”. After that, select “Device Manager” in the right column. Go to the Imaging Devices section. Next, you need to select the webcam you are using and call the context menu for it using the previously described method. Here, as in the previous case, you need to select “Properties”. Go to the "Driver" tab and click on the "Uninstall" button. The driver in use should be uninstalled.

How to choose suitable driver?

If your laptop camera produces an inverted image, then most likely the reason for this situation lies in the installation incorrect driver. As mentioned in the previous section, drivers that do not work correctly must be removed. New drivers can be selected as follows:

— launch any browser on a laptop with Internet access;
- go to any page search engine;
- find the official website of the manufacturer graphics adapter;
— go to the “Support” section and indicate in the request window the model of the device you are using;
— please also indicate in your request the version of the operating system you are using;
— as a result of executing the request, you should receive a list of available drivers;
— download any suitable driver;
— testing (the testing procedure is outlined in the next section of the article);
— if the problem has been resolved, no further action is required;
- if the problem persists, try using any other suggested driver.


After each reinstallation of the driver to fix the problem of an inverted image on a laptop camera, you need to check the operation of the device. The easiest way to complete the test is using Skype. Let us describe the testing procedure using the example of this program for communicating on the Internet. The testing process is carried out in several stages. First, you need to go to the official website of the Skype program and register on it. After this, you can download Skype and install it on your laptop.

Launch the tool for communicating on the Internet by entering the password and login that you selected during the registration process. After the program is installed, go to the “Tools” menu item. Here you need to select the “Settings” item. In the right column of the window that opens, select “Video Settings”. In this case, the current image received from the webcam should appear on the right side of the window. If it appears in normal mode, then carry out further actions not required. Otherwise, the driver selection process should be continued.


Asus products are of excellent quality and high reliability. Not a single laptop model from this manufacturer is an exception. But still, owners of Asus devices sometimes face some problems, one of which is incorrect work webcams. This problem is not related at all to the hardware stuffing laptop computer. In most cases it is caused incorrect installation drivers. Most the right decision V in this case drivers will be reinstalled manual mode. You can find the correct driver on the official website of the manufacturer. The procedure for reinstalling drivers was described in detail in this review.

Sometimes, when we launch the camera, we are surprised to see Skype image upside down. Will the text also be transmitted in the “abyrvalg” style? Jokes aside, the problem is really unpleasant. Fortunately, it is solvable. Let's figure out how to fix it


So, your image in Skype is upside down. How can I fix the problem and get the camera to show you in the correct position?

When the camera is to blame

The root of the situation, as a rule, is an incorrectly working webcam driver. Most often this happens with built-in laptop cameras, but it also occurs with USB models.

We must pay tribute to the developers of cameras and software for them: they correct such errors in updates. However, if you installed drivers from dubious sources, you will have to correct the orientation of the image manually.

Even if the manufacturer no longer produces the webcam you have installed, the drivers should still be present on the site - for example, in the “Archive” section.

When Skype is to blame

If the instructions from the previous section did not help you, then you should look for the reason in the . Some editions of Skype Classic have their own image management tools.

Enter the menu "Tools", then in "Settings" and in "Video Settings". There, open the webcam menu.
Let us note right away that the presence of the video rotation function depends on the device model. For many budget positions there is no such item. Sometimes the menu may only be available in English. In this case, you need to select the option Flip Vertical.

Connecting a webcam to a computer is not always successful. Moreover, sometimes the built-in cameras reproduce the picture upside down. Quite often this kind problems appear in Asus laptops. And if the camera is upside down in Skype, then, as a rule, the picture turns out to be upside down not only in this program, but also in other applications that deal with the camera. In this case, the Skype program can be used as a method of solving the problem of an upside-down webcam image throughout the user’s entire computer.

Possible reasons

The reasons for the upside-down webcam image in Skype can be different. Among the most obvious reasons are problems with the device's image playback drivers and incorrect settings default webcams. The problem with drivers is more global for the computer, so we won’t dwell on it.

We will focus on eliminating a problem that is simpler and more obvious. Incorrect webcam image display settings are very common. Many proposals for eliminating this problem involve making changes to the system registry, but such manipulations are not at all recommended. It is much cheaper to deal with this problem with the help of Skype itself.

Fixing an upside-down video image in Skype

This option to resolve the problem with an inverted image will correct its display not only in Skype. Changes you make to video settings in Skype change the corresponding settings in the registry. The main condition for this approach is the availability of webcam control settings in the Skype program itself.

If the control settings are not available, then we can say that they are not available from any other program that works with the webcam. They are not in the system registry then. To make corrections, we will follow a number of steps.