Technical shortcomings of all generations of iPhone. Make sure your iPhone has original parts

For everyone Apple presentations we are told that the new iPhone is perfect, that it is better previous models and competitors. This often turns out to be the case, but alas, there were, are, and I think there will be problems with the technical part. In this article we will look at the most common problems associated with each generation of Apple phones.

iPhone 2g - non-separable

In principle, it didn’t have any technical problems - after all, the phone was developed for 2.5 years under the strict control of Steve Jobs. But in the future, one annoying fact was revealed - the phone was practically inseparable: the metal cover was removed with great difficulty, and the battery was tightly glued, and it was impossible to remove it without damage. From less significant problems- scratchy back cover: alas, they didn’t yet know about anodizing aluminum, so after a year of wearing the phone without a case, it took on a life-worn look:

iPhone 3G/3GS - cracks on the cover

The problem with Apple's abrasive cover was solved simply - they replaced it with a polycarbonate one. Yes, now the lid has not lost over time appearance(however, scratches on the plastic are visible only if you look closely), but another problem appeared: due to the fact that Apple did not reinforce the 30-pin and 3.5 mm connectors with metal, the plastic next to it cracked very quickly, no matter how carefully the owner used them . This did not lead to any technical problems - it just spoiled the aesthetic pleasure of using the device. The strangest thing is that even a year after the release of 3G, in 3GS, the same problem remained.

iPhone 4 - "antennagate"

In my fourth Apple smartphone I decided to return to metal. Only now it was steel, and to prevent the device from becoming too heavy, the back cover was made of glass. As you might expect, this increased the fragility of the device: now almost any drop resulted in a cracked glass either on the front or back. But the main problem that emerged even before this is “antennagate”. Its essence is that simply by holding the phone in your hand, you could seriously reduce the signal cellular network. This arose because Apple decided to withdraw Wi-Fi antennas and cellular network on the metal inserts on the sides, and for some reason did not insulate them with varnish:

So, when you took the smartphone in your hand, the antenna shorted to the body, and the signal could disappear altogether. The company's behavior here was extremely strange: at first Apple wrote that this was just software glitch, which will be resolved by updating the software. This update actually came out, and now the network indicator showed good signal even when he was not there. Of course, it was still impossible to call, and the company still had to admit that the problem was “iron” and start distributing rubber bumpers, which, by the way, they had previously intended to sell. Another funny thing is that such bumpers were distributed only in the USA; users in other countries had to buy them with their own money.

iPhone 4s - disposable battery

One of the least problematic iPhone models: The metal inserts were insulated, eliminating the "antennagate". The glass still broke when dropped, but this was clearly not Apple's problem. But their other “jamb” came out - since by 2011 iPhone already became the most popular smartphone in the world, queues lined up in front of stores on the day sales began, and in the first week the number of devices sold amounted to millions. To ensure the supply of such a number of devices, Apple decided to slightly shorten the production cycle, namely, reduce the time the display was exposed to ultraviolet lamps. Why was this even necessary? The display module is a sandwich made of protective glass with the touchscreen and the screen, and between them, to fasten them, a special glue is poured, which under the influence of ultraviolet radiation becomes transparent and durable. But to properly hold the screen under the lamp you need a day, which is a very, very long time for Apple. And the reduction in display illumination time meant that the glue did not always have time to dry, and some people received an iPhone with yellow spots on the screen (or, as in the photo below, with a yellowish tint):

Yes, it’s unpleasant, but it’s easy to treat (because this problem is still relevant today) - just walk around with the phone in sunny weather for a while, and the glue will dry and become transparent.

But the second problem was much more serious: Apple decided to fight Chinese counterfeit batteries. When installing such a battery, at first everything was fine - the phone worked fully and could even live longer than on the old original battery, but when flashing the firmware, the user was almost guaranteed to receive error 29 in iTunes. Alas, the only solution to the problem was to replace the battery with the original one, flash the firmware and change the battery back. Software solution The problem was never found, although now it has almost disappeared, because new software for 4s has not been released for a year.

iPhone Five, Peeling

In 2012, Apple finally realized that a 3.5" screen for a smartphone was cool in 2007, but 5 years later it was already too small, and introduced the iPhone 5 with a 4" display. Besides, we decided to return aluminium case, so now the chance of breaking glass when falling is halved. But another problem came - the paint was peeling off on the edges, while Apple convinced that it uses the anodizing process to apply the paint. Alas, there was no solution to the problem; Apple considered peeling paint a cosmetic defect and did not replace peeling phones. Considering that iPhone sales 5 lasted only a year, the problem was quickly forgotten.

But after some time, massive complaints about the battery began to appear, mainly from the owners of the first batches - that it did not hold a charge well. Alas, the problem turned out to be widespread, and Apple even opened a program for free replacement batteries.

iPhone 5S - peel-off screen

The phone turned out to be extremely good, so initially all the problems were reduced to jangling buttons yes yellow spots on the display - in short, the usual quibbles. But after six months or a year, a more serious problem appeared - on some devices the display in the upper right corner began to peel off. The investigation showed that there is physically little space for applying glue, so perhaps all 5S are susceptible to this. On the other hand, those who rarely play on a smartphone, do not keep it in the heat and do not create other conditions for the glue to dry quickly may not have encountered this problem even now, 4 years after the release of the device.

iPhone 6/6 Plus - bendable case

IN 2014 Apple year decided to follow the fashionable trend of increasing display size, and released models with 4.7 and 5.5" displays. But at the same time, the company forgot that if to create hard case for a 4" smartphone, a thin aluminum “body” is quite sufficient, where rigidity is responsible side faces, rotated 90 degrees to the bottom, then for a 5.5" smartphone this will not be enough, especially since the angle of inclination of the side edges there is by no means the required 90 degrees. As a result, such a “shovel” was relatively easy to bend. Yes, many users wrote quite sensibly , that the smartphone should be used, and not bent, and I would agree with them, if not for the problem that emerged later: nevertheless, slight bends of the body occurred on these models constantly, which led to slight deformations motherboard. And as a result, after a year or two, the touch simply stopped working, and on the screen below appeared gray stripe. It would seem, how does this relate to the bending of the body? It’s very simple - the touch chip was located exactly on the bend line, which led to the fact that after some time it lost contact with the board, which led to the inoperability of the touchscreen. To Apple's credit, they still recognized the problem, and such phones are replaced under warranty.

The second problem with the long-suffering iPhone 6 Plus is the rear camera: in some devices it could produce blurry images. Apple also acknowledges this problem and replaces the camera under warranty.

iPhone 6S/6S Plus - many small problems

The devices were both successful and unsuccessful at the same time. On the one hand, the new 7000 aluminum alloy has given back cover serious rigidity, bending the iPhone is now impossible. On the other hand, many small problems have appeared: this is the garland of backlight lamps at the top of the screen (appeared due to the fact that now display module because of 3D Touch it became thicker), and dust under the screen at the top left (again because of 3D Touch - they play the role of bellows, and air and dust penetrate into the layers of the display through the volume rocker), and the apotheosis - two processor manufacturers: Samsung and TSMC, and the battles about whose processors are better, are still raging on the forums. The problem with backlighting and dust was solved in new batches, and, it would seem, somewhere from the beginning of 2016 iPhone of the year I could take it without fear. But no - the problem with batteries has appeared again (well, Apple has no luck with them): now it manifests itself in the fact that the iPhone 6S can simply turn off even at 20-30% charge. Apple tried to solve the problem in software, but gave up and opened a battery replacement program. The problem was so widespread that employees of authorized service centers complained that all they did all day was change problem batteries.

iPhone Seven, Whistling

On this moment The smartphone has no serious shortcomings (although they may appear in the future - after all, the model is only a year old). There are three most discussed problems: the first is whistling of the chokes when the processor is loaded. There really is a problem, moreover, it also exists on older models (6S, for example), but there is definitely no inconvenience from it, because in order to hear the noise, you need to run some benchmark on the device and put your ear to the back of the smartphone - Agree, not the most realistic use case. The second problem is the screen tint. Apple has used displays from different manufacturers, and they could be both warmer and colder, but this was visible only with direct comparison. With iPhone 7, Apple has switched to something new. color space- DCI-P3: it is wider than the sRGB we are used to, and “jambs” of screens from different manufacturers can already be seen without direct comparison. Well, the third problem is the scratchy cover in shiny black iPhone versions. This is not a problem of Apple, but of technology - it is impossible to create a non-scratch shiny coating on aluminum (at least for now), moreover, Apple warns about this on its website.

As a result, as can be seen, technical problems All generations of iPhone had some “severity” of one kind or another. Is it good or bad? Rather usually: modern smartphone consists of dozens of parts that interact with each other different ways. And find everything possible problems It’s simply unrealistic; moreover, problems that may arise a year after using the device cannot be detected at all during tests. So the only way out is to just accept it and before buying new iPhone study everything carefully technical nuances with it, so that upon purchase you can immediately check whether there is a defect or not. Well, most serious defects are still covered by warranty or replacement programs, so users of PCT devices have absolutely nothing to worry about for two years.

You may also have a fake. Even if you didn't repair it!

Typical Russian story

Too smart Vasya bought an iPhone 5s in the pavilion for 9,000 rubles and thinks that he deceived the system.

He still doesn’t know what he’s holding instead of an iPhone. set of hardware from Ali, of which only the motherboard remained original. And it was taken from a sunken phone.

And he will definitely find out about his mistake in a month, when this miracle begins to break down like a house of cards.

And you are not immune from it

TO today Such stories happened, if not to each of us, then to some friend. The profit from this method is too popular.

The only way to be 100% sure that your iPhone parts are original? Buy it from an official reseller or directly from Apple.

In all other cases the degree of danger is growing.

The biggest risks—and problems—are for those who take iPhones from any unofficial channels. There is simply scope for deception; it flourishes as a separate business.

Any conscious buyer of a used iPhone carefully and thoughtfully checks the device, leaving nothing to chance. Even if the phone is bought in a store, sealed and not activated, you can run into a reassembly from Chinese, low-quality spare parts.

When could Chinese parts appear in my iPhone?

Batch inspection Chinese displays at one of the Asian factories.

I counted 5 degrees of probability of getting into overt “China” on my smartphone.

1. Phone purchased directly at or in a large federal store. There are isolated stories when cunning local workers discarded devices under the guise of new ones - but they are so rare that there is no need to worry about them at all.

What to do: rejoice.

2. The phone was purchased at a regional or local store. These also include kiosks, pavilions, markets, underground passages and other small businesses.

Here the probability of running into a re-collection varies depending on the seriousness of the seller. The more he can lose, the higher the chance that the phone is really new. I’d like to separately mention those same market kiosks: here the phones in 95% of cases were under repair and were left without the originals inside.

3. The phone was purchased second-hand on an advertisement site. Well, it begins. It's always a roulette game, and in the last 2 years it's been especially tricky. How older than iPhone, which you buy, the greater the chance that something has been changed there.

With a probability of 85%, all iPhones released before the iPhone 6 were repaired.

That is 8 out of 10 people who sell their iPhone 5s on the Internet are partly selling off a Chinese device - alas. Every 6th out of 10 iPhone 6s was also repaired. Everywhere, as a rule, either the battery or the display was changed.

Newer models, 6s and iPhone 7, are repaired much less frequently. But anything can happen there, too.

What to do: strictly check each device, just probe through it and look out for every millimeter.

This is what workshops look like where they restore iPhones and install cheap parts.

4. The phone was purchased at a federal store, but visited an official or verified service center. Yes, the parts were replaced. But if it was authorized service center, working with Apple, then there are still “originals” inside, and not Chinese.

What to do: be happy that you are lucky.

5. The phone was repaired in an unofficial service any format. And again wild roulette! Although no.

If you chose some basement unverified service, you are definitely in trouble. Just got knocked up! Now you have a piece of hardcore Chinese, and this article is intended for you first and foremost.

How to understand which spare part is Chinese?

It's time to check which spare parts you have - without disassembling the phone.

Display and glass

Look at the device from the left or right side. If the display colors change(become significantly darker, and White color turns into purple) is a cheap Chinese screen.

Inspect the edges of the screen module. The insulating material at the edges should not protrude beyond the frame of the housing. Is there some kind of rubber band sticking out? The display was just replaced.

Also, shine a flashlight on the edges and corners. There are scratches microcracks? And most importantly, do light or dark spots appear under the glass? If yes, the device has either been in water, or the module was installed poorly. Another option is that the glass was broken, and instead of replacing the entire module, they decided to simply stick on a new one.

How the Chinese glue glass on the iPhone 6.

Important: A crunch when you press the display module at the edges does not mean that the iPhone has been disassembled. Some models (especially iPhone 6) have this problem from the factory.

It has little effect, but can cause dust to get under the case and under the module rear camera. So if it crunches, inspect the chamber.

Also important: iPhone 6s has a specific defect - dust gets under the left top corner screen. If you have a 6s, open White background and look carefully.

Do you see small black dots in the corner? Maybe this corner seems a little darker than others? If so, alas! But this is a problem from the factory, and your device can be replaced because of it - if, of course, there is still warranty left.

Replacing the display with the original one: from 3100 rub. with guarantee


An iPhone that has never been repaired should not have any marks on the bolts. At all.

Another thing is that it is extremely difficult to notice this without a magnifying glass. You can see something if you shine a light: if you see nicks (they will shine), then at least they dug there.

Housing and clearances

Check out what the original cases of phones officially imported into Russia look like.

iPhone 5:

iPhone 5s:

iPhone 6:

iPhone 6s:

If the text on the back panel (besides the numbers, of course) differs from the examples above, you either have an iPhone from another country or the case has been replaced. Also pay attention to the colors: the iPhone 5 does not come in gold, and the iPhone 6 does not come in pink.

Replacing the case with the original one: from 4510 rub. with guarantee


Chinese batteries for iPhone as they are delivered to Russia.

Almost every iPhone purchased more than 3 years ago has already had its battery replaced. Their service life is 2 years, after which problems begin.

There is no way to determine visually and without disassembling the case whether the battery has been replaced or not. But you have a secret weapon.

It's called CoconutBattery for macOS. You can download the application here. Next are your steps:

1. Connect your iPhone to your Mac

2. Launch CoconutBattery and open the iOS tab

3. See real story batteries in this iPhone.

If the device was purchased recently, then it will have very few charge cycles, and the actual capacity (lower green stripe) will be between 90-100 percent.

But if you bought a used iPhone, and the application shows up to 100 charge-discharge cycles, the battery was replaced 100%. The same is true in the opposite situation: a new iPhone cannot lose more than 10% of its factory capacity, and the cycles should also not be more than 5.

Replacing the battery with the original one: from 1900 rub. with guarantee


These are Chinese. It is almost indistinguishable from the original, unless with inside and with extensive repair experience.

All buttons in all iPhones, starting with iPhone 5s, by color completely match the shade of the body. They should not be lighter or darker, unless they have completely faded over time. A different shade indicates the installation of either “left” buttons or a “left” housing.

Important: in all modern iPhones, especially iPhone 5-6, there is “play” in the lock button and often the switch Mute mode. This design feature, which says nothing.

By the way, there are a lot of defects on the iPhone 5 with the lock button and its cable, beware. Just know that in your device, purchased second-hand, this cable has already been replaced.

Replacement iPhone buttons to the original ones: from 1900 rub. with guarantee

Touch ID

Chinese. Works as a button, does not work as a sensor.

He simply has to work. There are no “buts”, factory defects, stories about a mythical failure after a firmware update. If you were told them when you bought the device, I sympathize.

A non-working Touch ID indicates one of three things, and they are not mutually exclusive:

1. The phone fell and broke, and so did the sensor. Replaced.

2. The phone sank, the button stopped working. Replaced.

3. The phone was repaired and the Touch ID cable was broken (very easily). Not replaced.

The trick is that Touch ID cannot be taken and replaced so that it continues to work. Each such sensor is tied to the processor and motherboard. If it breaks, then the situation can only be corrected by completely replacing both the motherboard and the sensor - and this costs as much as half an iPhone.

Some time after purchasing a smartphone, a problem is often discovered: in pictures taken with using iPhone, in different frames there is a spot inexplicably present in the same place. Taking a closer look at the small iPhone lens, you can recognize a speck of dust under its glass. Removing it will not be difficult; just tap the body with your finger.

After some time, there will be so much dust that taking pictures will become simply unrealistic. In this case, tapping, unfortunately, is no longer sufficient. A huge amount of microscopic dust has accumulated inside, which cannot be removed so easily.

There is dust in the iPhone 5 camera - it won't be difficult to remove it

Bayon specialists want to tell smartphone owners about operating system iOS, where the dust inside their devices comes from and how to remove it from there. None of the available tools that you find at home are suitable for these purposes, and the vacuum cleaner pipe is completely out of the question.
Remember that if you decide to open the iPhone case yourself, the device will be removed from warranty. Here you will have to make a choice in favor of one of two options: solve the problem yourself or have your smartphone repaired and cleaned at a service center.

Products from Apple cannot be called completely sealed. Little changes in their design from model to model. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before your smartphone becomes clogged from the inside.

How to disassemble iPhone 5

First you need to unscrew the bolts. Yes, exactly those bolts that are located next to the Lightning port.

As you have already noticed, standard screwdrivers will not fit such bolts. Moreover, they are very small, so you need to be careful not to lose them. To remove the smartphone case, you need to purchase a special tool: a screwdriver with the Pentalobe standard, or rather, its special variety TS1

When detaching the display from the case, the main thing is not to overdo it. Improperly calculated force may cause the glass to detach from the display module. After this, it will be impossible to use the smartphone.

After the screen module is lifted, you will see an unpleasant picture: dust in a huge number accumulated in the body. Even if it has not yet penetrated under the glass above the camera, it is only a matter of time, know that it is still already in the body of your device.

If you remove the electromagnetic protection from the motherboard, you will see how much dust has accumulated in your iPhone. Basically, thanks to electromagnetic protection, dust does not penetrate so much into particularly important parts of the device.

The camera, unfortunately, is not a place where dust does not penetrate. Experts claim that the problem of dust appearing in the case could have been caused by the smartphone falling. As a result of the impact, the seal around the display is broken. This is the reason the iPhone gets dirty from the inside, but you can clean it yourself.

Be careful when disassembling the smartphone; for convenience, all bolts and parts of the smartphone must be placed in some niche. Losing any part will cost you a lot. Be careful not to damage the cables, there are a lot of them in the iPhone 5.

You can clean your iPhone 5 from dust using an air flow source. It is necessary to adjust the air flow so that it blows away dust, but is not too strong. In this way, dust is removed from all surfaces of the device. Not a single part is damaged. This action will take no more than a minute, and the smartphone will again acquire a presentable appearance.

However, this is not the end of cleaning your smartphone from dust. the main task- remove dust from the camera, but we haven’t done that yet.

This is where cotton swabs come in handy. Use them to clean the camera optics from dirt. You can also wipe the inside surface of the display with a cotton swab.

You need to assemble the iPhone in reverse order. The main thing is not to rush and not to worry, and then everything will work out.

A short video to help:

Well, in order to maximize the life of your smartphone, minimize damage, scratches, dust and dirt, use protective covers, plugs, cases and bumpers.

The Bayon online store offers a huge number of cases and accessories for mobile phones for every taste and with free shipping!

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without asterisks, clear and detailed, where technically possible - as accurate and concise as possible.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The website shows the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and responsibility

A guarantee must be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half the battle is Apple repair- this is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts current models so that you don't have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good manners for the service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and an important part repair, but you do not have to pay a penny for it, even if you do not repair the device as a result of it.

Service repairs and delivery

Good service values ​​your time, so he offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of a service center: they can be done correctly and according to technology only in a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to fit in before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Company age and experience

Reliable and experienced service have known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years and has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the service center are restored.
Other service centers trust us and refer complex cases to us.

How many masters in areas

If there are always several engineers waiting for you for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of right away.
2. you give to Macbook repair an expert in the field Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

Dust underneath iPad screen – this is a common phenomenon. The new generation of iPads are designed in such a way that the display module and the touchscreen are implemented separately, this is the reason for dust and moisture getting into the gap between the touchscreen and the display. Over time, this can lead to system failures. In particular, image quality suffers from dust accumulated under the body. These include blurry areas, stripes that appear periodically on the screen, red or yellow fills.

If this problem occurs, the iPad screen needs to be repaired. Contact the Repair My Apple service center, where experienced specialists will carefully disassemble and clean your tablet from dust. This inexpensive service can save you from more global problems, which are associated with dust under the iPad screen. For example, moisture can penetrate into the gap between the display and the touchscreen, which can cause electrochemical corrosion. This phenomenon can destroy the entire system, part by part. Therefore, you need to try to prevent the tablet from coming into contact with liquid, use a protective case that protects the iPad body, as well as a protective film. But if trouble does happen, don’t panic, but come to us, at Repair My Apple! We We will clean your iPad from dust in Nizhny Novgorod