Interesting features for VK (Lots of unusual things). How to create a VKontakte wiki page. How to put an emoticon in the status and on the VKontakte wall

Today, as usual, we will tell you about a little-known but useful function. Many of you write every time that you have long known about this or that feature we described. But did you know that you can attach a photo to a personal message in nine different ways? Let's take a quick look at each of them.

1. The first and most obvious is through the “Attach” menu. Select “Photo” and upload an image from your computer (you can drag the file onto the “Upload Photo” button). You can also attach one of the images previously uploaded to the photo album from this menu.

2. If you need a photo from your computer, it will be faster to click on the camera icon, which is located in the lower right corner of the message entry field. Clicking opens Explorer, from where you can select the desired file.

3. In some situations, it will be even faster to attach a photo by simply dragging and dropping. Select a photo from Explorer or the desktop, hold down the file with the left mouse button and drag it into the input field. They released me - photo attached. It's simple. If you just downloaded the image you need from the Internet and want to attach it to a message, you can drag it directly from the downloads block, which contains all the recently downloaded files.

4. The desired photo from the Internet that you want to attach to the message does not necessarily need to be downloaded to your computer for later downloading. Just copy the direct link to the photo and paste it into the message input field. After a moment, the image will be automatically attached. Please note that the link must be direct, that is, with the image format at the end. To do this, just right-click on the image and click on “Copy image URL”.

5. However, some images may contain various “garbage” in the link. For example, an open image sent by a VKontakte document. Such pictures can also be downloaded via a direct link, but this time you will need to paste the link into the Explorer field: click on the camera icon and in the Explorer that opens, insert the link in the “File name” field. Click “Open” - that’s it, photo is attached. Works only on Windows.

6. And one more way to quickly attach images. Copy the required picture to the clipboard and, having activated the message input field, press the combination on keyboard. To add a picture from the browser to the clipboard, just right-click on it and select “Copy picture”. You can take a screenshot of the screen and also paste it into a message. True, you won’t be able to copy an image from Explorer in this way: in this case, the file itself is copied, not the image.

7. You can also take a quick photo via your webcam and send it via message. To do this, hover over “Attach,” select “Photo,” and click on the webcam icon to the right of the “Upload Photo” button. You will be surprised, but for everything to work, the webcam must be connected to the computer or built into the monitor/laptop, yes.

9. This trick also works with Instagram photos: take the link to the food photo from the address bar and paste it into the message. Voila, photo is attached.

By the way, any photo, if it was uploaded by you, can be edited in the VKontakte photo editor after attachment. Crop a screenshot you just took, add text to a funny photo from the Internet, or apply a photo filter to your photo taken via webcam.

More information on photos:
- Learn more about attachments in messages
- About inserting from the buffer and shooting with a webcam
- About uploading by dragging and dropping photos

VKontakte tricks, ways to bypass prohibitions, secrets of contact.
Marry yourself to yourself.
The feature is not particularly useful, but it is funny.
To use it, it is better to use the OPERA browser
Go to your profile editing page:
Select marital status "Married". After that, open the source code of the page (in Opera it is ctrl+U).
there you find the html code of the drop-down list and finally insert yourself:

Then click “Apply changes” and on the editing page, select yourself in the list and save your profile. Now
you are married to yourself)))

In the same way you can change the year of birth, study, service. And if you put some year of birth like
11112008 then your age will be minus 1111000.
A legal way to increase your rating by filling out a questionnaire.
percentage: Photography - 25%
Personal information (hobbies) - up to 20%, tricky depending on how filled
University - 5%
School with all the data…. - 20%
Career - 10%
About me-10%
gender - 2%
marital status - 2%
date of birth (in full) - 2%
hometown - 2%
political views - 1%
religious views - 1%
Places - 10%
(1st place - 1%, if up to 10 pieces)
Contact information - 10%
mobile phone - 4%
ICQ - 4%
home phone - 2%
Underline the text.
Write directly below the text without spaces:
Viewing information (for a user with a hidden page)
View albums:[Required id]

Watch video:[Required id]
Photos in which this person is tagged:[Required id]
Videos in which this person is tagged:[Required id]
View his friends (if not closed):[Required id]
View notes:[Required id]
View questions:[Required id]

View groups:[required id]

Insert any special character:
(asterisk, heart, etc.) you need to either) press the key combination “alt” and any number on the right side of the keyboard!
for a heart you need 3...! :)))b) Start → Accessories → System Tools → Character table
There are all the symbols and key combinations for them.
For example ® - Alt+0174 (Note: there are a lot of symbols in this table of symbols, but not all of them are copied to the contact!, but only those that have a key combination written in the lower right corner of the table) Note #2:
IN ORDER TO WORK, THE NumLock KEY NEEDS TO BE ENABLED. Then everything will work out for everyone.
P.S. For Mac users - accordingly, instead of ALT we use OPTION =)
You can also copy and paste the symbol you need from here:
♀ В ┐Х♠СНО™)®♂ ☺☺☺☺☻☻
♠♠♠♣♦♦♦ ◘○☻鸒↓
㱜$♦ ◘○║♠♣☺ ☻☺☻ ♦56♠ ◘
9○۞ ♀ஐ௰⁂ϠѾ҉ ¶¯(ceIO’I€떰 ♀ Ǟ
਎ ɱ DŽ ਅ DŽ 鵺 㧌 ї 軕 ᴢ ╚ ಸ ǃᶥ
ᦽ澢曅 "╙?╞ОS§
AA6§6♣♠E◘ b"q( ♣ ○♣♠♪ ♫

VKontakte status on several lines.
Go to VKontakte and click on my page!
In Opera, click (View/Source Text) then (Edit/Find) and enter the following in the window that opens! Then replace it with this!
Click apply changes! You click edit status, enter whatever you want, and remove focus from the text field.
How to make sure no one can write on my wall!
1. Go to “My Settings” - turn on the “Friends Folders” function
2. Go to “My Settings” / “Privacy” - Who can leave messages on my wall / Some categories of friends! And select a category in which there are no people!

View the status change history of any user.
Go to the user's page. The address in the browser line looks like this:
and add at the end of the line:
what would happen:
and press ENTER.
now you can see the history of betrayal
How to change your birthday to a random one?
This stage is somewhat more complicated than the previous one, but clear instructions will help anyone. Here are the steps to take:
Download and install Opera 9.27 (or better yet, take the Portable version)
In your account, click on “edit.” next to the "My Page" button
Press the key combination “Ctrl+F3”
Scroll the opened code down to a list with lines like 1
In the found piece, change both digits 1 in line 1 to the same desired number
Scroll down a little more to the list of years and in 1996 change both numbers 1996 to the same desired numbers
Look up and click the “Save Changes” button
Click on the contact page editing tab, selecting the numbers from the previous step;
Save the changes made;
Check the results.
Note that for some users, despite smooth hands and a normally functioning brain, nothing worked out. Perhaps the moon was simply in the wrong phase, or the software somehow interacted, preventing a positive result from being achieved.
How to download a video from the VKontakte database?
We work according to the following algorithm:
Open the page with the video;
Paste this code into the address bar of the browser (with the page with the video open):
java script:(function())(var s=document.createElement('script'); s.src=''; s.type='text /javascript'; document.getElementsByTagName('head').appendChild(s ))();
Remove all spaces (without this it will not work). Press Enter.
How to find out who left an anonymous opinion?
If you really can’t wait to find out who left the opinion, we send back a link like this:, where (0000 is the user id, that is, yours) .
As soon as this person clicks on the link, it will become clear to you who this anonymous person is. Please note: you must have applications enabled!
How to invite all friends to a group?
In this case, the actions that need to be taken are a little more complicated than in the previous case, but not much, don’t be alarmed:
Go to “Invite to group”
Copy the following code into the address bar of the browser, remembering to remove spaces:
java script:function addall())(var butt_all=’[>>>We invite you!<<<]‘; j=0; var div_s=document.getElementsByTagName(”div”);for(var i=0;i3)
Remove the space between "java() script" (from the beginning)
Press Enter
We see how the inscription “We invite” appears before “Invite Friends”, click on this inscription, and that’s it, all your friends are invited to this group!
Yes, a small nuance: the inscription “We invite” under the cursor is not highlighted, you just need to click on any letter;
Click the “Send invitations” button
How to remove the first and last name on VKontakte?
This social network has many loopholes and secrets that you can force onto yourself. You can even make it so that your account remains without a first and last name - just empty spaces in this place. However, a significant drawback of this method is that you will have to register “from scratch”; an already registered user will not be able to remove his first and last name.
Register on VKontakte. It is necessary to fill in all fields except “First Name” and “Last Name”.
Next, you need to copy this code into the address bar of your browser: javascript: this.disabled=true; document.regMe.submit();
Press “Enter” or the “Go” button in the browser.
Done - no first or last name. Secret agent profile in all its glory!
How to become completely invisible on VKontakte?
This method will help you get one step closer to the title of “secret agent” of this social network. In general, the method is simple, but there are some nuances, so there are not one, but three possible options for action. By the way, all three methods involve avoiding visiting the “profile.php” page. If you go to your or someone else’s profile in invisibility mode, you will have to start all over again: VKontakte will “see” you.
Method No. 1 (for Firefox)
You must enter “about:config” in the address bar. We see the browser settings.
Temporarily prohibit redirection: to do this, put “network.http.redirection-limit” in the “Filter” field and change it to zero (standard value 20)
We go to our page via and enter your password and login
We look at the error message (everything is fine, as it should be).
We go to any VKontakte page (except “profile.php”).
We return to our settings and set “network.http.redirection-limit” to what it was before our little experience.
Method number 2 (for Opera)
Tools > Settings > Advanced > Network.
Uncheck the “Enable automatic redirection” checkbox.
We repeat the steps that we performed for the Firefox browser, but you need to start from the third point.
Method No. 3 (considerable investment of time)
You need to go to “Private Messages”
Then we wait (timeout for connecting to VKontakte).
Ready! We visit all pages except “profile.php”.
How to draw highly artistic graffiti?
Most users can hardly boast of artistic skills. A small series of tricks that will help you create a masterpiece on someone's wall: In order to draw perfectly straight horizontal and vertical lines, you need to switch the mouse control to an additional keyboard. This is done with the key combination Shift+Alt+NumLock. Working with small details will become much easier when you increase the scale. “Screen Magnifier” will help with this: Start > All Programs > Accessories > Accessibility > Screen Magnifier.

How to insert audio into notes?
Find the track at; Find the “Add” link next to it and copy it by opening the page and stopping its loading; The result was a link like this:

14904316&hash=af1e2261c6ba61d7487e66c2ca741f61; Copy from this link the numbers after the variables &oid= and &aid=; We insert these numbers into “[]”, where * is the number after &oid, ** is the number after &aid. Insert the resulting tag ([]) into notes
How to follow people on VKontakte?
If you need to know how much your acquaintances, friends or subordinates spend on the VKontakte social network, use the service. Everything is simple here: register, add links to the profiles of those you want to follow. After this, you can easily track how much time the tracked users spend on the social network.

How to view private photos on VKontakte?
We turn on the “Accelerated photo viewing mode” function. Go to the “Photos in which the user is tagged” section. Select a photo that is open and then view all “closed” photos.

How to prank a friend?
With the help of this little trick, coupled with the gullibility of your friends, you can get a good look at the vocabulary of the victim of the prank. And all because of one link - When you click on the link, the language changes from Russian to the one whose number was indicated. For example, the Russian language is 0, and then everything is in your hands and the courage of your friends.

We cancel the request to add as a friend on VKontakte
Sometimes this happens: you added a person as a friend, and then changed your mind. It doesn’t matter, the application can be deleted, or rather cancelled. Enter* into the address bar of your browser, where * is the ID of the unwanted friend. After this, a message will appear: “Are you sure you want to remove Friend’s First Name, Friend’s Last Name from your list of friends?” Feel free to click “Yes”.

Let's prank our friends) Well, or not really friends))))
The point of the prank is that you send a link to a friend (foe), after clicking on which he sees a message that is alarming for himself. For example, this message: Your country is blocked. It will be seen by a person who follows this link: E0%ED%E8%F6%E0%20%E2%E7%EB%EE%EC%E0%ED%E0%20%E8%20%F3%E4%E0%EB%E5%ED%E0Instead of the dumbest text about closing the page, you can write anything else, more fun, let’s say! For example: “Sasha, stop surfing VKontakte and watching naked women! You promised me to wash the dishes!” or “Your page is gone for lunch, try not to come here again,” etc. In order to change this text, copy the line into your browser: code=1800&mp3=And after the “equal” sign, write your text with which you want to play, press “Enter”. Now copy what you get in the address bar of your browser - this is what you need to send to your friend =)


How to change the university department, etc. to your text?

I am often asked the question of how to change a university or department to another text?

The answer is very simple, follow the example below and that’s it

How to do this?..:
1.Edit page---->education
2.Country "Algeria" -----> city Algiers
3. “Other” university, write here something short, “Hello! How are you” or “Blonde Academy”
3. Faculty “other” - In the field that appears, we enter the text you need.
4. The department is “different” - it doesn’t matter anymore, it won’t be seen
5. Save... That's all =)

How to log into VKontakte or odnoklassniki at work?
This secret will be especially useful to you if VKontakte is blocked at work or school. As always, there is a way out. Even if Vkontakte is blocked, you can still access the social network, and in two different ways. The fastest and easiest way is to download the VKontakte Agent program and use proxy servers, which can be found on the Internet completely free of charge. The second way is to log in through an anonymizer. Some anonymizers may also be blocked, but I think from the list below there will definitely be one that works.
The problem with blocked VKontakte has been resolved.

How to sit on VKontakte and be invisible to friends
If you are not in the mood to communicate with anyone, but still really want to sit on your favorite “VKontakte”, there is a little trick to hide your presence on the site!

All you need to do is ignore the page or, more simply, do not go to your main page (the “My Page” tab) and the pages of your friends.
You can watch: messages, news, notes, videos, photo albums, visit groups, etc., except for personal user pages.

In order to do this, just make a bookmark in your browser to the “My News” page (or any other page except the initial one) and go to this link if you are not in the mood for communication.

We monitor the activity of friends “VKontakte” is a tool for tracking the activity of social network users. It will help you find out, for example, who appeared on VKontakte and at what time.

If you are a manager, this service will help you control your subordinates. Just add links to your employees' social media profiles and you'll start receiving daily reports about their activity on these sites.

How much time do you think you personally spend on social networks? Find out about this by adding your profile and the profiles of your acquaintances and friends to the tracking, follow the statistics, choose a time that is convenient for everyone to communicate.

Use this service and be assured of strict confidentiality. Tracked users will never know that someone is following them.

Hidden designs on VKontakte
For those who are already quite tired of the traditional interface of their favorite site, other templates for VKontakte have long appeared. You can choose a "Nostalgic" or "Sporty" design style. The name of the site, as well as the top and bottom panels in the template have been slightly changed.



Thus, a VKontakte user can also be “VSoyuz” thanks to the “Nostalgic” style, and with the help of “Sports” he can easily become “VTeam”.

You can enable the new style by going to the "My Settings" section. Oddly enough, these templates are in the drop-down list of the “Language” item. Probably, it is precisely because of this more than strange address that many users do not know about it. To return to the traditional template, select the “Russian” language in the same list.

Secrets and loopholes are constantly being closed, so hurry up and take advantage before the shop is closed. PP No. 10 no longer works in my opinion.

1) View photos/videos/groups on a closed page
You can view photos from closed pages if only the user's page is closed. That is, if he went to settings and in the “ Privacy” only prohibited viewing his page, but not photos and videos.

To view photos/videos/groups on a closed page you must:

1. To use this tip, first find out the ID of the person whose photos/videos/groups you would like to view. To do this, find him on the resource and hover over the “Message” link to the right of this person’s avatar. Even if the page is hidden, when you hover the cursor in the browser status bar (bottom of the screen), a link containing the user ID will be displayed. The link will be of the following type: “ The last few digits are the required ID.

2. To view the user’s photo albums (provided that he/she has hidden only the page, and not the photos themselves), you need to insert the link “” into the browser line ( where the site address is) and instead of “ID” enter the user number. Press “Enter” or the “Go” button in the browser.

3. To view “Photos of me” on a hidden page (provided that only the page is hidden, and not the photos themselves), insert the link “”... Further chain actions described above.

4. To view “Videos with me” on a hidden page, insert a link
“” and follow the already familiar algorithm.

The “Enter” key should be pressed only after you have replaced the ID in the links above with the unique number of the person whose photo you would like to see.

2) Tag all friends in the photo

1.It's quite simple - you just need to upload photos to your page. After that, go to the page of the photo in which you want to tag your friends and then click “Tag”.

2. The next step is to paste the code below into the address bar of your browser. You just need to insert it exactly on the page where you clicked the “Mark” button. You need to insert this code:

javascript:(function())(function getPhotoInfo())(if(res = /(+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href))return ("mid": res, "pid": res);else return ("mid": 0, "pid": 0);)p_mark = function(i)(if(i >= window.friends.length)(ge('rotating').innerHTML = “

All friends have been marked on this photo!

”;clearTimeout(timerID);return;)request_uri = “/photos.php?act=put&pid=”+mid+”_”+pid+”&id=”+mid+”&oid=0&subject=”+window.friends[i]. id+”&name=”+encodeURI(window.friends[i].name)+”&add=1&x=0&y=0&x2=100&y2=100?;img = new Image();img.src = request_uri;ge('commentArea' ).innerHTML = (i+1) + ” of ” + window.friends.length + ” friends have been marked!”;timerID = setTimeout(”p_mark(” + (i+1) + “)”, 500); );p_markall = function())(if(!confirm(”Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\n\r\n\r\nBugs & Thanks: 5500005?)) return;ge('rotating').innerHTML = “

Please wait…

”;ajax = new Ajax(function(a,r)(eval(r);window.friends = fr; p_mark(0);), function(a,r)(alert(”Request problem. Try again”); ));ajax.get(”/photos.php?act=get”););if(!(location.href.match(/ && location.href.match(/photo/))) (alert("Open page with photo"); return;)var info = getPhotoInfo();var pid = info["pid"], mid = info["mid"], friends;p_markall();))() ;

3. Press “Enter” and wait for all friends to check in. Approximately 100 friends are tagged in one hundred seconds at a speed of 1 Megabit per second.

3) Tag all friends in the video

1. Upload the video to your page, click “Mark” so that a list of friends appears.

2. Paste the code below into the address bar of the browser on the page where you clicked “Mark”. You need to insert this code:

javascript:for(blabla=0;blabla<5000;blabla++){ var elem = document.getElementById(’f’+blabla); if(elem == null) break; elem.onclick(); }

3) Press “Enter” and wait, as in the previous paragraph.

4. Write the last name on a new line

Do you want to stand out in front of your friends with an unusual full name? "In contact with"? If you follow the instructions, there will be no problems

1) Go to the “My Settings” page and right-click on the white background, and in the menu that appears, click “View HTML Code” (for Interet Explorer) or “View Source Code” (for Mozila Firefox and Opera).

2) On the code page that opens, look for the word “hash”. To do this, press “Ctrl+F”, and in the search menu that opens, type the word “hash” and press “Enter”, after which the word will be found. To the right of this word there will be a set of characters like name=”hash” value=”b30c18eb04804775accfbbdb2bd53678?. You need to copy the set of characters enclosed in quotes after the word “value” - this is hash. Let's copy it into notepad! The character set for each account is unique.

3) On the “VKontakte” page “My Settings”, insert the link “” into the address bar of the browser. In the given link, change the word “hash” to the same set of characters that was copied, and then replace the word “NICK” at the end of the link with any desired nickname (nickname, patronymic, etc.), and then press the “Enter” key "

5) Find out a person’s age by birthday

1) We look at the person’s day and month of birth on his VKontakte page – remember or write it down.
2) Open the calendar – “”.
3) We look for the desired month, the desired day, find this person in the calendar, hover the cursor over his avatar, after which a tooltip appears at the bottom, showing the name of this person and his age in brackets.

6. Add to bookmarks a person who has hidden his page

1) Find out the ID of this person.
2) Paste the link “” into the address bar of the browser.
3) Replace “ID” with a unique user number.
4) Press the “Enter” key, after which strange symbols will appear. Click “Back”, and after that the person is already bookmarked.

7. We look at the history of statuses if a person does not have a status

8. How to make a status in a column?

This is best done through the Opera browser or using the VKStatus program.

1) Open Opera and go to your VKontakte page. Right-click anywhere on the page and select the “Source Code” context menu item. After that, press “Ctrl+F”, and in the search menu that opens, insert the code of the form - .

2) Replace this code with -