Articles on computer health for children. Eye strain. Signs of computer addiction in children

Information progress has not spared children, and today most children and schoolchildren cannot imagine their life without a computer. Some parents, on the contrary, are glad that the computer captivates their child so much, since they themselves no longer need to think about how to entertain the child and a new free time which can be spent on household chores. However, are computers really that useful for children, or do they do more harm than good? Let's figure it out.

The benefits of computers for children

Despite the fact that most mothers and fathers use old known methods for child development (blocks with letters, educational board games, books, cards with pictures, numbers cut out of cardboard), there are nevertheless many supporters of more modern methods teaching the baby - with the help of educational computer games.

Developmental computer games really have a number of advantages: they can be easily found on the Internet or bought on disks, you don’t need much to store them free space, and their diversity allows you to satisfy the needs of any parent. There are computer games that develop a child’s memory and attention, teach him logical and imaginative thinking, and promote the formation of creative skills.

Indeed, educational games help the child get acquainted with the world around him, learn new things, gain knowledge in an interesting way. game form and have fun. Child psychologists say that special categories of games work to improve skills such as developing a sense of style - they help special games for girls, in which they are asked to select outfits, hairstyles and cosmetics for dolls. And games in which the child is asked to compose own melodies or draw with computer mouse, help the child find his calling in some form of creativity.

A computer is now widely used during school hours, so having one at home helps a child gain new knowledge, look for information to do homework, and also keep abreast of world events thanks to the Internet. In addition, playing on a computer helps a child to be distracted, relieve stress and even overcome pain, because everyone knows that as soon as we get carried away by something interesting, we immediately forget that something hurts.

Computer harm for children

Despite a large number of On the plus side, being constantly at the computer can harm the baby. The fact is that in the first years of life, when active development a child, tactile sensations are especially important for him. He learns about the world around him by picking up objects, feeling them, and becoming familiar with their properties. That is why it is strictly not recommended to show your child a computer before the age of three; it is best to begin a gradual acquaintance with it when the child is already 4-5 years old.

Also, constantly sitting at the computer has a negative impact on the physical health of the baby. From long work While watching the monitor, a child may experience headaches, blurred vision, and even osteochondrosis. Spending a long time playing computer games makes a child irritable and capricious, especially if something doesn’t work out for him. And entertaining games in the style of horror films, containing elements of cruelty and violence, negatively affect the child’s psyche - this has long been proven by experts in the field of child psychology.

How can parents understand that their child lives in a virtual world, why is it more interesting for him, what is the danger of such a situation and how to solve the problem, says psychologist Rimma Teperik.

Schoolchildren who are overly addicted to computer games and social networks, lose interest in the reality around them, do not want to go out, communicate with their peers, do not get carried away in an active way life and sports competitions, have difficulty doing homework and practically do not read books. They get caught in the net - they are ready to sit at home all day long, gradually losing touch with reality, and sometimes the help of a psychologist is required to get them out of this state.

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Computer Security Rules

To protect the baby from harmful effects computer, parents need not only to control its presence at the monitor, but also to properly equip it workplace. You should not place your baby in a chair intended for an adult. It is necessary to buy special furniture, suitable for the child according to height, so that it is convenient for him to spend time at the computer. Special attention You should pay attention to the baby’s sitting position: if his legs are dangling, you need to place a small bench under the chair, and make sure that the child keeps his back straight.

The mouse and keyboard should not be located on the table, but slightly below it - it would be good if it was a retractable stand. It’s better not to save on a monitor and buy a modern one for your child, with excellent color rendering and good viewing angles. You can install a special program on your computer that changes color temperature screen depending on the lighting and time of day, providing the most comfortable colors for the eye.

Until the age of five, a child should not spend more than 10 minutes a day at the computer; you can gradually increase this time slightly, adding 3-4 minutes each, and bringing it up to 20-25 minutes by the time the child turns 6-7 years old. By the age of 9-10, you can increase the time you work at the computer to an hour and a half, however, you must take breaks from work every 15 minutes.

Victoria Gritsuk

Parents should be careful when introducing their child to the Internet. What dangers are hidden there for your baby and how to avoid them, says Evgeniy Bespalov, director of the Friendly Runet Foundation.

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Today PC ( Personal Computer) exists in almost every home, and in different families the culture of communication between “children and the computer” can differ radically. Some parents encourage their child to explore modern technology from early childhood, others believe that there is nothing good about it.

Computer and health

During the relatively short presence of the computer in the life of mankind, all sorts of “sins” were attributed to it. They talked about radiation, recommending planting the entire room with cacti, and about the risk of cataracts, and even about female infertility - fortunately, the fears were not confirmed. But there is also a real danger to the body.

Negative influence of computer on child's health

Computer addiction of a child

Computer addiction among children (usually teenagers) is serious. social theme. If your child is constantly in the virtual world, and responds to any reproaches on this topic with aggression, it is worth thinking about not “why” he is going there, but “from what.”

Most often, a teenager finds solace in the computer due to a dysfunctional family situation, misunderstanding with peers or school teachers.

Signs of addiction

  • the child is looking forward to the moment when he can sit down at his PC;
  • spends hours in front of the screen, not feeling time, and forgets about the feeling of hunger;
  • in the absence of access to a computer, he does not know what to do with himself;
  • shows aggression when loved ones try to “tear” him away from the monitor;
  • tries by any means to increase the time spent in the virtual world;
  • increased irritability, fits of anger, and indifference to the outside world appear;
  • decreased interest in communicating with loved ones.

If you notice similar signs in your child, under no circumstances should you forcibly isolate him from the PC - except for even greater alienation, you will not get anything. Instead of coming up with tricks to get your child away from the computer, try to understand why he is running away from reality.

Reasons and solutions

How to benefit from your computer hobby

With a competent approach, a lot of benefits for mental development can be derived from a child’s communication with a computer. Several studies conducted in different countries in the 1990s, revealed positive sides PC mastering in preschool age. Today there are many educational cartoons and programs where the world is presented in bright colors (for example, letters, numbers, geometric figures), but is not distorted. Children begin to understand techniques for generalizing and classifying objects and phenomena earlier, and learn literacy and counting more easily. Since at preschool age they are still incapable of voluntary memory, they remember only what is interesting. And the computer is a good help here.

If you choose the right educational programs, the child will enjoy new knowledge, and this, in turn, will stimulate interest in education in the future. Simply put, he will enjoy being smart.

6 tips for using computer technology wisely

Working on a computer without harm to health

When a child begins to get interested in computers, parents immediately have a lot of questions about how to benefit from the “iron assistant” and not harm their health. Perhaps one of the most common is - how long can children sit at the computer? Each period has its own restrictions.

Norms of “computer time” by age

Of course, it is not always possible to comply with these norms. Sometimes homework is so voluminous that the child simply cannot fit into these limits. But if this does not happen regularly, then there is nothing to worry about. You can also let your three-year-old play with the tablet longer if you are sitting in a long line or flying on an airplane, and your baby simply needs to be distracted from an unusual and potentially stressful situation for him.

Arrangement of computer space and security measures

The first thing you need to determine is in which room the computer should be located. Here the opinions of parents differ: some believe that the PC should be in the nursery, since it is the child’s personal thing, others - to be in sight and under full control. The main thing is to find a middle ground. For a novice user, of course, the supervision of elders is necessary so that they can always monitor the process and protect the child from harmful information. For a schoolchild, it is better to place a computer in his room, since children at this age need personal space that should be respected.

Rules for organizing the workplace:

  • install the computer so that the light from the window and chandelier does not fall on the monitor;
  • choose a table according to the child’s height and a chair with a comfortable back;
  • elbow and knee joints should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, take care of the footrest;
  • When working with a PC, your eyes should be at the level of the middle of the screen;
  • set the height of the monitor so that it is slightly tilted, and the child’s gaze falls slightly from top to bottom (this will allow the eye muscles to strain less);
  • the distance from the eyes to the screen should be 50–70 cm;
  • select a mouse “for a child’s hand” (if it is too large, the hand and wrists will hurt);
  • buy the keyboard only white, on which all symbols are clearly visible;
  • It is advisable that the keyboard and mouse be located on a pull-out shelf under the tabletop.

Safety measures and rules when working at a computer:

  • set a password for each account so that the child can work only under your supervision (if he is a preschooler);
  • block malicious sites (pornographic, nationalist, etc.), regularly monitor your browser history;
  • Explain to your child that you should not respond to offers to buy something through the site, or click on the “reply” button when someone is supposedly calling over the network;
  • every 15–20 minutes you need to get up from your chair and look out the window for about 20 seconds at an object at least 20 meters away from your eyes;
  • agree with your child on the duration of “computer time” peacefully, without ultimatums (otherwise he will deceive you and run to his friends to play without restrictions);
  • do not allow eating while watching the monitor (but if the child is tempted to chew something while watching the program, let it be only vegetables and fruits);
  • Ventilate the room at least twice a day and wipe off dust daily;
  • install an aquarium near your PC - it will serve as a natural air humidifier, and you can take a break from the screen to look at the fish;
  • regularly check the integrity of the outlets to which all are connected computer elements and teach your child the rules safe shutdown apparatus.

Of course, we understand that it is not always possible to comply with all the rules and regulations. If you don’t have the money to buy special furniture, be smart. Nail a bar to a regular table as a footrest, and sew a thick cushion on the seat to make the seat sit higher.

If you cannot monitor the time a student spends in front of a computer screen, take half an hour to talk with him about how long a child can sit at a computer and support your arguments with compelling arguments. The main thing is that your speech is not intrusive, and that it does not contain instructions, but advice. You can even conclude a written agreement, certify it with your signatures and draw a seal - your child will probably like it.

There is no escape from progress, and our children must learn computers to be productive members modern society. With a competent approach and timely precautions, gadgets will only bring benefits - for example, they will help you learn to think independently (which is so often lacking in school).


It is impossible to imagine the life of today's children without a computer. In this article we will discuss the dangers of a computer for a child. The majority of regular computer users begin to complain about their health after 4 hours, and almost all of them begin to complain after 6 hours of working at the screen.

Computer harm to a child's eyesight

Nature has not adapted the human eye to work with computer images ( bright glow screen, flickering dots, insufficient image contrast, constant fast travel glance from the keyboard to the screen and back).

Since 1998, the term has appeared in medicine computer vision syndrome- special visual impairments in a person who spends a lot of time at the computer.

U computer vision syndrome There is

  • Visual symptoms:, double vision, fatigue when reading, focusing disturbances when moving the gaze from close objects to distant ones and back, the McCullagh effect: when moving the gaze from the screen to something white or black, the object is perceived in the color that predominated on computer.
  • Eye symptoms: burning or itching in the eyes, red eyes (redness of the conjunctiva, injection of scleral vessels), pain in the eye sockets and forehead, pain when moving the eyes.

Harm from electromagnetic radiation from a child's computer

People are exposed to electromagnetic radiation from the Earth throughout their lives. This radiation is considered normal or background.

Sources of artificial electromagnetic radiation are power lines, radio transmitting devices, and in a person’s home these are electrical appliances and Appliances, first of all this: Cell phones, Microwave ovens, computers and televisions. microwaves As a rule, their effect on humans is short-lived. TV can harm a child's health only if he watches programs sitting close to the screen.

Electromagnetic radiation from a computer can be hazardous to a child's health. Because The computer has two radiation sources at once: system unit and a monitor, a child can spend a long time at a computer without being able to stay at a safe distance from the monitor. The situation is aggravated if the room with the computer is cramped, poorly ventilated, or if there are many computers in one room.

U modern computers the screens are protected from electromagnetic radiation, but the side and rear walls remain sources of fairly powerful electromagnetic radiation.

System units are currently constantly increasing their power, creating an electromagnetic field with a frequency of electromagnetic radiation of 40-70 GHz; it is to this frequency of radiation that the human body, especially a child, is most sensitive.

After long sessions at the computer for several days in a row, the child becomes irritable, complains of fatigue, and tries to lie down. This condition is called chronic fatigue syndrome and is not easy to get rid of. Besides, electromagnetic radiation reduces immunity, disrupts the functioning of the child’s nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems.

Nervous system Computer harm to a child

Several factors influence a child’s nervous system when studying at the computer.

  • Screen flickering and bright images have an irritating effect on the nervous system.
  • Constant tension in the eye muscles leads to headaches and irritability.
  • In a sitting position, especially if it is incorrect and persists for a long time, the blood supply to the brain may be disrupted.
  • Computer games are especially harmful to a child’s nervous system. During the game, the child experiences emotions, often violent ones. Stress hormones are released into the blood, including adrenaline, which causes an increase in blood pressure, spasm of blood vessels, including the brain, increased heart rate. All this can be useful when physical activity, sitting motionless at the computer leads to irritability, headaches, increased blood pressure, and disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

Gaming addiction

A condition when children become addicted to computer games. They play for hours and even days without interruption. They perceive game stories and experiences as real. They lose control over time and their own needs. They can reach complete mental and physical exhaustion. Possible death.

Posture and genitourinary system Harm from a computer to a child

Prolonged sitting position, especially incorrect one, leads to

  • To poor posture and curvature of the spine in a child.
  • To circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs, blood stagnation is created in the pelvis, which can lead over time to diseases of the bladder, prostate, etc.

General hygiene recommendations for working with a computer

  • The height of the seat should be such that your legs are fully planted on the floor, and the backrest provides a comfortable support for your back.
  • The main row of the keyboard should be positioned at approximately elbow level, and once you start typing, you should keep your forearm, wrist, and hand or arms in a natural, comfortable position, without allowing your wrist or fingers to bend back.
  • The shoulders must be relaxed, not raised or lowered; accordingly, support for the forearms must be created.
  • The window should be located on the side of the monitor, preferably on the left.
  • The head should be positioned evenly in relation to the shoulders, and the neck should be in a comfortable position. There should be no bright light sources in the field of view.
  • The distance to the monitor should be equal to the length of an outstretched arm to the knuckles.
  • You should not press the keys and mouse too hard; you need to learn to type without looking, so as not to often look at the keyboard.
  • Documents, phone, reference materials and other frequently used items should be arranged so that they are easy to reach.
  • You cannot work without breaks; frequent short breaks are more useful than rare and long ones.
  • During breaks, you need to stand up and stretch, stretch your muscles and joints well.
  • It is recommended to periodically go outside and breathe deeply. Great mental concentration when working with a computer often leads to breath holding and intermittent breathing.
  • Sitting at the monitor, a person blinks three times less often, so you should not forget to blink, and also periodically look away and look at distant objects.
  • When using a computer, children may be encouraged to exercise frequently during frequent breaks.

You can spend no more than one day on the computer

  • adult – 6 hours,
  • teenager 13-17 years old - 2 hours,
  • child 7-12 years old - 1 hour,
  • for a child under 7 years old - half an hour.

The child should not be allowed to play games associated with aggression, fights, or destruction. Then the computer will not cause harm to health.

This is all about the harm of a computer for a child. Stay healthy!

Computer technology has become an indispensable part of the lives of modern children.

More and more time preschoolers and students educational institutions are carried out behind the monitor.

Therefore, it is important for parents to know what effect the computer has on the child’s health in order to take timely measures. necessary measures protection.

Computer harm for children: myth or reality?

The computer is useful and convenient for the learning and development of children of different ages, but at the same time it is dangerous for their health. And this is by no means a myth.

The security of a computer depends on the duration and purpose of its use.

Potential risk factors are:

  • vision problems;
  • poor posture and other spinal diseases;
  • diseases of the hands, pain in muscles and joints;
  • negative impact on the child’s psyche;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • electromagnetic radiation.

Eye strain

When a child's eye muscles are under prolonged tension while working at a computer, this leads to:

  • decreased vision;
  • headaches;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • insomnia.

The child may complain about:

  • discomfort in the eyes;
  • burning, redness;
  • cutting pain;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes.

These symptoms indicate eye strain from the monitor.

The fact is that a child should blink normally every five seconds. But when he sits at a computer, blinking occurs five times less often. The eyes are not moistened with liquid and become vulnerable and irritated. Over time, this can cause vision loss.

The influence of the computer on the central nervous system

From the point of view of the effect on the central nervous system, the harm of a computer can be even more detrimental.

In childhood, the formation and consolidation of the main nervous reactions of the human body to various kinds of stimuli occurs.

The variety of information, computer games, advertising and other content that fills the Internet can cause mental development disorders in a child.

After long-term use of a computer, a child becomes:

  • apathetic towards other activities and games not related to electronics;
  • tired.

If the baby’s only favorite pastime is the computer and virtual world, then in real life he loses the ability to communicate with peers.

Psychological dependence on a computer is even more dangerous. And if the symptoms of any other diseases become noticeable almost immediately, then the negative effect of the computer on the central nervous system often appears at the moment when professional help is needed.

Negative effects on arm muscles

When working at a computer, a child becomes tense:

  • tendons;
  • arm muscles;
  • small joints of the hands.

The hands are at an acute angle to the desktop, and the keys usually have a small movable stroke, which creates additional stress on the hands.

As a result, after long-term play, correspondence or work, the following occurs:

  • tingling;
  • wrist pain;
  • numbness;
  • in severe cases even convulsions;
  • fingers begin to get cold due to poor circulation.

All the symptoms described above indicate the development of the so-called “ tunnel syndrome hand or wrist." This condition is an injury to the hand when the nerves in the carpal tunnel are pinched.

The causes of this syndrome are:

  • Not correct position hands;
  • low-quality keyboard;
  • no restrictions on time spent at the computer.

Overstrain of the cervical spine

Staying in the same position for a long time causes constant stress on some muscles, and at the same time the lack of work of other muscles.

If Full time job hand causes pain in the hands and joints, then the lack of load on other parts of the body is more dangerous for the growing body.

Due to the inactivity of the back muscles, their degradation begins, and since metabolic processes in the spine depend on their work, therefore, spinal diseases develop. Intervertebral discs are destroyed, resulting in osteochondrosis.

It is in a sitting position that the load on the intervertebral discs is much higher than in a lying or standing position.

A number of these factors lead to:

  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • pain in the head and arms, spreading to the internal organs;
  • curvature of the spine, especially if the child takes an incorrect position at the desk.

Other harms of computers for children

Slowdown in intelligence development

The danger from the point of view has two components.

First of all, not all information on the Internet is true.

And taking into account the fact that materials for many sites, even highly specialized ones, are written not by professionals in this field, but by ordinary freelancers, one can question the quality of the information provided.

The second aspect is the speed and accessibility of receiving answers to queries on the Internet. This factor prevents the child from developing his own abilities, studying the material more deeply, and looking for ways to solve problems on his own. The knowledge that a student receives from the Internet turns out to be superficial and is soon forgotten.

Spiritual Harm

The computer is dangerous for children from a spiritual point of view.

After all easy access to sites with pornographic and propaganda themes contributes to the degradation and destruction of the child’s psyche and worldview.

Of course, some resources have security codes, but this is not available everywhere.

One can only guess how serious the danger is for adequate spiritual development and the formation of personality are carried by such sites. The same applies to resources that carry shocking news about various subcultures, rituals, and cults.

Electromagnetic radiation

Long-term electromagnetic radiation, albeit weak, can cause such serious diseases as:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • tumors;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • memory impairment;

Children are most susceptible to the effects of radiation. And this is an additional reason to think about limiting the time children spend in front of a computer monitor.

Not only the system unit, but also the computer monitor can create dangerous electromagnetic waves. Manufacturers of modern technology take this into account, so they equip the front part of the monitors protective coatings. But the back and sides are not.

In addition to the listed factors, the computer deionizes the air and releases harmful substances into the room. These processes occur during heating motherboard and hulls.

In a room where he is constantly working computer technology, the air becomes dry, difficult for healthy breathing, and deionized. A child living in such an environment may develop allergies or other respiratory pathologies.

What to do

In order for a child to receive only benefits from a computer in development and learning without compromising his health and well-being, it is important to follow a few simple recommendations.

  1. Use only modern computers with monitors high resolution, which reduce the load on the organs of vision, have comfortable keyboard. You should not use outdated electro-ray screens - they are dangerous not only for the eyes, but also for the health of the child as a whole.
  2. Proper arrangement of the child's workplace. Great importance has the comfort of a chair. It is desirable that its height can be adjusted.
  3. Adjusting brightness and color palette screen to too bright colors and the glare did not tire the child’s eyes. Care should be taken to adjust the red and blue spectrum.
  4. The monitor should be positioned at right angles to the light source to avoid glare.
  5. It is important to ensure that your child is in the correct position at the desk. Experts recommend a distance of at least 50 centimeters from the child from the screen. The neck and back are in a straight position, the shoulders are as relaxed as possible, the legs are firmly resting with the feet on the floor, without straining. You should pay attention to lighting, but only to ensure that the light does not create glare on the screen.
  6. Competent organization of work (play) and rest schedules. Required condition for school-age children - take breaks every half hour for 15 minutes. During breaks - no TV, phone or PC. Best ideas for relaxation - exercises, exercises for the arms and spine, helping to relieve muscle tension, helping parents around the house.
  7. Safe time for using a PC for preschoolers is no more than 30 minutes a day with breaks. It is recommended to install “parental controls” on the computer so that the child does not accidentally go where he should not.
  8. Parents should, if possible, set aside two days a week when the child will not use anything at all. computer equipment. But this should not harm your studies. For example, during the holidays a child may not come to the PC at all.
  9. Children waste energy while working at the computer. Therefore, it is important to replenish it correctly. A balanced diet enriched with minerals and vitamins will help with this.
  10. Teaching your child to do eye exercises. It consists of simple exercises, but is highly effective in preventing and combating eye diseases. You can make lotions from tea leaves or chamomile decoction, or contrast compresses for the eyes.
  11. Purchasing computer safety glasses for children who need to work a lot with a PC for their studies. Such products are presented in a wide selection. There are special glasses for children. But it is better to discuss the issue of wearing them with a pediatric ophthalmologist.


You should not be overly afraid of the negative impact of PC on a child. With a competent approach, there is no particular harm electronic equipment won't bring it. It is important to correctly explain to the child what is allocated for playing and working at the computer. certain time and conditions, and try not to violate the established restrictions.

Today, children are familiar with computers from the very beginning. early years. This type of digital technology significantly improves the quality of life, but at the same time carries many dangers. In this article we will tell you what it is computer harm for children, as well as how to protect your child from these negative consequences.

The benefits and harms of computers for children

Many modern parents encourage their children to spend time at the computer, devoting less and less time to live communication and reading. useful books And cooperative games. Some modern children have not yet learned to speak, but with their small fingers they can already skillfully press the keyboard and play various games.

But parents should be careful and remember that abuse digital technology , especially in childhood, can contribute to the development of many health problems for the baby.

Wrong and excessive computer use inhibits the child’s speech development, impairs vision, overloads the nervous system, resulting in headaches, loss of appetite, and also disturbed sleep, irritability, aggressive behavior and an increased risk of developing problems with the spine.

PECULIARITIES! In the first years of a toddler’s life, it is especially important to exclude his contacts with digital technology.

In addition, the abuse of this type of technology is increasingly addictive. Many modern children suffer from this disease. They're so immersed in virtual reality that they do not show interest in reality, do not want to play on the street with other children, communicate with peers, etc. Parents need to prevent this disease, because it can be treated in neglected form it will be much more difficult.

Naturally, measured and competent use of a computer also brings benefits. It should be recognized that digital technology significantly improved people's quality of life. Using a computer available necessary information, watch videos, photographs. This gadget perfectly develops memory and attention, fine motor skills, expands horizons and helps learning, and makes it possible to communicate with friends from other cities and countries.

To prevent the computer from harming your child’s health, it is important to follow safety rules.

  • Postpone your toddler's introduction to digital technology until he is older. 3 years, ideally 5 years. Limit the child spends time at the computer. From 3 to 5 years old it should be no more than 10 minutes a day, from 7 years old - 20-25 minutes, from 10 years old to 1-1.5 hours.

IMPORTANT! Instill in your child from childhood a love of reading and healthy image life.

  • Choose proper computer games and programs appropriate to the baby’s age. They should be useful and contribute to the development of the child’s analytical skills and intelligence.
  • Buy now quality monitor for computer. Adjust its brightness using special programs, the screen size must be at least 15 inches. When using small monitors and tablets, eye strain increases several times, which can lead to a significant deterioration in the baby’s vision in the future.
  • Watch your posture toddler and the distance between the monitor and the baby’s eyes. It should not be less than 40 cm.
  • Set the function « Parental control» , it will help you block access to various sites when accessing the Internet.

  • Conduct breaks when working with a computer every 10 minutes. At this time, you can do eye exercises with your baby.
  • Choose something comfortable and stable armchair for working with digital equipment with the ability to adjust the height and angle of the backrest. Buy a specialized desk with a pull-out keyboard compartment.
  • Do not leave children unattended at the computer.

IMPORTANT! Encourage your child to communicate with peers. Try to occupy your child's time with useful activities - go to the theater with him or sign him up for a sports section.

  • Remove everything wires from the table so that the baby does not come into contact with them.
  • Use grounded outlets to connect your computer.
  • Talk to your child, explain why excessive use of computers is harmful and what consequences this may have in the future.
  • Exercise prevention computer addiction . After all, this approach will help avoid many problems.