What iTunes looks like on an iPhone. A whole world of entertainment. Always at hand

iTunes provides access to the company's online iTunes Store, allowing you to make purchases and rent movies. One of interesting features The player is the Genius function, which analyzes the user’s media library and suggests songs and movies in the iTunes Store based on his preferences.

iTunes is compatible with everyone existing models iPod, iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. The player can be used to stream video files (including HDTV) and create a home collection (providing access to it from various devices, included in the “home” network), including both audio and video files, and photographs.


  • Navigation by multimedia library, letter-by-letter search, data presentation in the form of a list of songs or albums, grid, Cover Flow.
  • Organization media library (multimedia library), creating playlists, smart playlists, folders.
  • Genius - iTunes service Store, which creates playlists and mixes of matching songs and makes recommendations based on songs in your iTunes library.
  • Editing song metadata, such as “author”, “composer”, “cover”, etc.
  • Record And import compositions from CDs.
  • Playback music, movies, podcasts, multi-band equalizer, visualizer, mini-player mode.
  • Purchase compositions in the company's online store.
  • Synchronization from iPod, iPhone, iPad and Apple TV.
  • General access- allows you to open access to the music library and listen to music from other music libraries in local network via DAAP protocol

Media library

Users must store their movies, music, clips, etc. in a personal iTunes library, which they can assign themselves in the player settings.


By default, iTunes uses music in AAC format, 256 kbps. This is the format in which all songs purchased through the iTunes Store are supplied. However, the built-in encoder can be configured for MP3 as well. In this case, for example, songs from CDs can be saved in MP3, AAC, Apple Lossless, AIFF, WAV formats. Optionally, playback of files in the Ogg Vorbis format is supported; the XiphQT codec can be installed independently by downloading from the official website of the Xiph.Org foundation.
Until December 2008, music purchased from the iTunes Store had a built-in protection mechanism and could not be transcoded to other formats regular means. But in December 2008 Apple of the Year announced the iTunes Plus standard, in which it removed copy protection and increased the quality of songs. On this moment All 6 million tracks in the iTunes Store have been converted to iTunes Plus format. Users who previously purchased protected songs can convert them to iTunes Plus format for free.


On May 9, 2005, a version was presented iTunes programs 4.8, which introduced video support. Users could copy their movies and clips to their iTunes library.

On October 12, 2005, when iTunes 6 was released, the first videos appeared in the iTunes Store: clips and TV shows. As of September 5, 2007, the iTunes Store features more than 550 TV shows and more than 70 films. Videos purchased through the iTunes Store are typically encoded at 540 kbps in the protected MPEG-4 (H.264) format and have soundtrack V AAC format 128 kbps.

iTunes supports videos in QuickTime, MP4, 3gp and other formats.

TV shows

You can buy TV shows and series and watch them on your PC, Mac, Apple TV, iPod, iPhone or iPad.


There are audio and video podcasts (see: podcasting). Podcasts are distributed both free and with a fee.


You can listen to any of hundreds of online radio stations. This requires a stable Internet connection at a speed of 56 kbps (at least 128 kbps is recommended).


Version introduced the function of viewing audiobooks as music - by genre and artist.

iTunes Home Sharing

iTunes Store

iTunes Store - online distribution store digital audio, video, gaming media content, mobile applications and books. The store is accessed from the interactive shell of the iTunes browser.


  • In iTunes, as a media library, it is possible to group recordings by any parameter - artist, year, genre, etc., as in other programs of a similar class, such as MediaMonkey or Winamp, but the iTunes media library is not able to track changes in file system, and if the files were deleted or moved, the library will either have to be created anew, accepting the loss of some information, or use third party utilities (this limitation relevant only for Windows). However, when you enable the corresponding iTunes features allows you to automatically copy files to the program folder when adding them to your media library.
  • With the completion of any transaction (for example, downloading free content, automatic search album covers, creating a home library between computers) is activated by DRM. Total, according to official documentation, it is possible to carry out five bindings of one account to various computers. Possible so-called deactivating the computer, then activation is restored and the “counter” of bindings increases by 1. However, in case of fatal OS failures Windows activation“burn out” without the possibility of recovery, which over time can lead to blocking of the user’s account. There is an option to reset all links (performed from one of the linked accounts), but it can only be used once a year, which may not be enough.
  • Inability to select folders monitored by the player.

Version history

Apple regularly updates iTunes, trying to keep up with the latest trends in the world of multimedia entertainment. Currently the most relevant iTunes version is version, with support for a wide variety of devices, including the company's latest developments - iPad 3 and iPhone 5, Apple TV (2012).


  • Official page (English)
  • Official page (Russian)

Apple introduces something completely new iTunes app U for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch

NEW YORK - January 19, 2012 - Apple today introduced an all-new iTunes U app that lets you access personal iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to all the materials teachers and students need to teach and learn. The all-new iTunes U app allows teachers to create and manage course content such as lectures, homework, books, tests, tables of contents, and deliver them to millions of iOS device users around the world. Via the iTunes U app iOS users gain access to the largest catalog of free educational materials from the world's best universities, including Cambridge, Duke University, Harvard, Oxford and Stanford, and with today All schools will also be able to offer full courses within the iTunes U app. With 700 million downloads, iTunes U has already gained enormous popularity among students as a learning tool.

“The all-new iTunes U app allows students to access complete lecture courses from the world's most prestigious universities, wherever they are,” said Eddie Cue, Apple's senior vice president of Internet and Software. “Never before have educators been able to teach their courses in such an innovative way, allowing anyone interested in a particular subject to study it from anywhere on the planet, not just in the classroom.”

Previously, when iTunes U did not exist, only those students who were in their classrooms at that time had access to educational materials from the best universities. With the arrival of the iTunes U app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, those barriers no longer exist. Students can come from anywhere full course training with access to all educational materials that will always be at hand. The iTunes U app allows students to access new books right within the app, with any entries made in iBooks consolidated for easy viewing. In addition to being able to read books, watch presentations, lectures and homework, students can receive push notifications about all latest information concerning any subject. Starting today, the iTunes U app is available for free download from App Store.

Teachers can quickly and easily create, edit and share their courses, assessments and handouts through the web app and use this information, as well as links from the iTunes U app, the web, iBookstore or App Store in their educational programs. They also have the ability to upload and distribute their own documents created in Keynote, Pages, Numbers, or books from iBooks Author.

*Some content is only available on iPad.

Apple produces Mac computers- the best personal computers in the world, along with the OS X operating system, iLife and iWork software packages and professional applications. Apple revolutionized the world of digital music with the introduction of the iPod and the iTunes online store, and also redefined mobile phones with a unique iPhone and store Apps Store. Apple recently introduced the iPad 2, defining the future of the market digital devices and mobile content.

    © 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, Mac, Mac OS, Macintosh, iTunes, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, iBooks, App Store, iBookstore, Keynote, Pages and Numbers names and logos are registered trademarks. Apple. All others mentioned trade marks are registered trademarks of their respective owners.

iTunes (Tuna) is a media player designed to work with music and films on Apple devices. Today the program can be installed for free not only on iPhone, iPad, iPod, but also on computers running Windows and Mac. Without her it is impossible full-time job Apple gadgets.


iTunes is not only a file sharing service. He became excellent assistant for installing applications, synchronizing with a gadget. For mobile device users, this application is indispensable. Main functions of the service:

  • Work with multimedia files– navigation in libraries, creating playlists, changing metadata in music (title, author, cover), playing audio and video;
  • Synchronization with the device on which the program is installed;
  • Transferring data to other devices - from computer to mobile device and vice versa;
  • Creation backup copies to restore data if necessary;
  • Tracking the location of the gadget from a computer;
  • Software Update;
  • Internet radio;
  • Purchasing media assets in iTunes store,AppStore. Some files are available for free download.

How to install

The media player in Russian can be downloaded from the official Apple website. Many sites and torrents also offer to install the application, but it is better to choose the official website of the developer. This guarantees the installation of a proven high-quality version for free and without SMS messages with activation codes.

The download process includes the following steps:

  1. Log in to the website of the development company;
  2. On the left side of the window, find the iTunes section. After opening it, a Download button will appear on the left side of the window. After clicking it, the installation of the service will begin. It's suitable for everyone types of Windows and mobile devices;
  3. To install the program on a Macintosh computer, you need to look down and find the Download iTunes for Macintosh link;
  4. Next, you should open the downloaded program and log in. To do this, you need to enter the data that was received when Apple registration ID;
  5. Setting up the application for individual user. Using the Ctrl+S combination, open the side menu, and by pressing Ctrl keys+B - top menu. IN top menu execute the commands “Settings” → “Sources” and select the media that will be needed. They need to be ticked.

This video explains in detail how to transfer music to iPhone via iTunes.

Important! In some cases, the program cannot be installed on a Windows computer. This is explained by the bit depth operating system. They come in 64-bit and 32-bit. The media player type must match the OS bit depth. You can find out this way: click the Start button, enter the word “system” in the search bar. In the window that appears, find the line System type.

Using the application

After successful installation of the program, you can start filling your media library, playing media, and performing other tasks. To download objects, select the desired section (Music, Movies, etc.) and drag it into the window. Another way is to find the “File” section in the menu and select the “Add file\folder” command.

You can transfer objects from the database to the gadget’s memory using synchronization. In the application, click on iPhone icon and the "Synchronize" button. Next, select the synchronization type - individual objects or the entire media library.

If information has been lost on your gadget, it can be restored from using iTunes. Copies of data are stored on the hard drive. Over time, new versions appear and installed program should be updated. To do this, you can simply delete the old one and download new option. Another way is to update the application via Update. To do this, launch it and select “Updates” from the “Help” menu. Then the search for new versions begins and, if they are available, a dialog box appears with the question “Available a new version iTunes programs. Do you want to download it right now?" Click the Download button. Or use the video instructions below.

iTunes Store

A list is available in the application paid files, which can be purchased or rented (in the case of films) in a special online store, the iTunes Store. It has movies, music, books, podcasts, iTunes U, App Store.

To download materials, you need to register in the store; to do this, launch the iTunes program.

  1. Click on "iTunes Store" in the Store section. At the top right there is a search in which we write the name of any free program, for example Viber or Skype and press Enter;
  2. After that, next to the program icon, click “Free”. In the window that appears, click on “Create a new account"→"Next";
  3. Check the box to agree to the terms and conditions and click “Next”;
  4. Fill in the registration data and click “Next”;
  5. IN next step You must indicate the details from which payment for downloaded materials will be made. If you don't want to pay for the download, then in the " Credit card" select "None".
  6. After this, we go to Mailbox, which you specified during registration, in the letter from Apple follow the “Confirm now” link.
  7. In the window that opens, enter the email and password that you specified during registration. Click "Confirm address"→"Return to store"→"Done". Congratulations! You learned how to create an Apple ID.

Except regular types files (music, books) in the list of application sections are iTunes U and App Store. The first section is for downloading free educational materials. The user is provided with more than 1 million books, lectures, videos, and other educational subjects. All of them are provided by leading educational institutions of the world.

App Store is a store of applications that can be purchased or downloaded for free. When downloading a file, you can transfer it to your device using the “Devices → Programs” command. Find in the list desired object and follow the steps “Install → Synchronize”. The cost of downloading most files is small - up to 1 dollar, so this resource is very popular among users.

Not all users modern gadgets know what iTunes is and how to use it. Most often, Android users ask this question, because iTunes is not needed at all to use their gadgets. So what does iTunes mean? Simply put, it's completely free. special program For apple devices, which is necessary for copying files between a computer and a gadget, restoring an iPhone and iPad, as well as updating the OS.

Functions and purpose of iTunes

In addition to today’s main question, there are others to which not everyone has answers. For example, what is the iTunes store and where to download this program. Let’s answer the second question right away, since things are much simpler with it. Download this program only available on the official website Apple products. There are no other pirated products for copying files from an iPhone or iPad to a computer, or, conversely, and never will be! It’s worth noting here that the iTunes Store has absolutely all the applications that are also present in the App Store. That is, this is the same store for apple gadgets, only on the computer.

Of course, most of the applications in the iTunes Store are paid, but this also has its advantage, since thanks to paid content you can protect yourself from pirated products. Don't despair paid applications, because there are many others similar, but free applications for your phone. You can download them both from the iTunes Store and from the App Store on your phone, synchronizing your iPhone with your laptop. Many people ask the question of what is iTunes for iPhone 4s. But fortunately, iTunes is the same for all Apple devices, so the interface and operation of the application does not depend on the device.

In addition, iTunes has many advantages that every user will like:

  • Backup copy. Thanks to this, when restoring an old gadget or buying a new one, you can easily duplicate all information from one phone to another. This method will save time and money that you previously spent on purchasing different applications.
  • Quality. With iTunes and the App store you only install quality applications than from other sites through a browser.
  • Listening to music and watching videos. The media player on your computer can also act as a media player, which you can set as default. Moreover, despite standard players on a computer, iTunes is dominated by good voice acting, and the modern and stylish interface looks more interesting than its competitors.

Getting to know the interface

Now you know what iTunes is, but to use this program you will need other knowledge. First, let's look at program interface. After you have installed iTunes on your computer, when you launch the program you will see a greeting asking you to accept the license terms.

Of course, when you first install the program, there will be nothing in it except empty folders, which have their own category and format. Therefore, when copying files to iTunes, remember that the program does not support all formats. Once you have decided to copy some files to iTunes, press Sift so that a window appears with which you can select the appropriate section. And also, if desired, you can select another folder to move.

Now that you know almost everything about iTunes, it’s time to talk a little about the sections of the program.


Here you can copy, delete, download and listen to audio files. Let us remind you that iTunes is recognized as one of the best players , so it will come in handy for Apple users. As for other applications for listening to music on your phone, when you add audio recordings to your library, they will certainly appear in the player you choose. But with video files it’s a little more complicated, since they need to be copied to a separate section - Movies.


As stated above, you will need to copy videos taken on your phone or even films to this section.

Transfer music to media player

There is nothing complicated about it! The process is no different from copying music from a flash card to a computer, but we will still explain how this is done. First you need select audio recordings from a computer or other media, copy them by pressing the Ctrl+C keys and in the Music section you must paste everything selected with the Cntrl+V key combination. That's all! After you finish working in iTunes, you will need to synchronize and update the information of your devices. After this, you can calmly listen to music on your phone.

Other useful sections

Not even everyone knows about podcasts and iTunes Matc Apple users, since most of them listen to music in applications on their phones or even on free sites (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Yandex. Music, etc.), and generally download podcasts via YouTube or Rutub. But thanks to iTunes, you can simplify downloading podcasts and other files. Of course, this will require an Internet connection, but the speed of downloading files will be excellent.

To enable the application iTunes Match , you only need to take a few steps:

  1. Launch the program on your laptop.
  2. Find the iTunes Store section in it.
  3. Click " Turn on iTunes Match".

In this article, you learned about what iTunes is and how to use it, as well as its benefits. It is worth noting that using this program you can also pre-order paid content, which cannot be done on an iPhone or iPad in the App Store. So install iTunes and use it!

Back in the days early development Apple, Steve Jobs was surrounded by the idea of ​​​​cooperating with the world's leading universities. But quite a lot of time had to pass for this idea to become more than one hundred percent reality. The result of this work was the educational service iTunes U, which was launched in 2007.

The essence of the educational service

Ideally, every university or college that has a decent amount of quality knowledge can share it with the world through. Each educational institution accessed iTunes U has its own section. It contains everything educational materials, with which the educational institution decided to share with the world. Anyone can expand their knowledge base by viewing training courses V digital form from leading universities and colleges around the world. It’s true that the vast majority of materials are in English.

Principle of operation

First, you will need to create an account (Apple ID) to access the iTunes Store. This can be done through software iTunes. In the side menu, you must select the iTunes Store category and in the upper left corner of the window that appears, click on the “Login” button, after which the authorization dialog box will appear. In this dialog box, you will need to click on the “Create Apple ID” button, after which the registration page will open.

If you already have an Apple ID, then to log into iTunes U, you only need to log in to the apple store and select the category of the same name, which is located at the end of the horizontal menu.

You should also activate the "iTunes U" category in side menu software. This can be done through the settings window, which is called up by the following key combination "Ctrl + ,". Next, go to the "Basic" tab and check the "iTunes U" box.

You will be able to take full advantage of the Apple educational service, where you can really get a huge amount of first-class knowledge if you improve your level of proficiency English language. It is also possible to work with iTunes U via application of the same name, which can be downloaded for free from the App Store.