Why does the computer start to freeze frequently? What to do if your computer freezes and slows down? Causes and solution to the problem. Unnecessary applications in Windows startup

There are situations when the computer freezes completely. The operating system does not respond to commands. There are difficulties when opening the task manager. Of course, data happens quite rarely. This is influenced by several factors, which will be discussed in the article.


The most common reason why a computer freezes is the presence of viruses in the system. They usually know how to camouflage themselves well. Viruses pose an open threat to system security and also significantly load computer resources. This causes the device to freeze. To solve this problem, it is enough to install some kind of anti-virus program. If such a utility already exists, you need to update its databases to more current ones and run full check computer.

If this does not help, you should go to the “Task Manager” and check the processes for suspicious objects. You can also look into startup by entering the name of the utility “msconfig” in the “Run” window. If the system freezes immediately after startup, it is recommended to install a new software. In this situation, use any antivirus distribution that can create bootable USB flash drive or CD.


Often the cause of a computer freezing is overheating. As you know, new device models are constantly being released, each of which is more sophisticated than the previous one. Of course, new models require high power, which leads to increased heat generation. Certain period time, the cooling system copes with its task quite well. Then its effectiveness decreases. Thus, the computer freezes completely.

During operation, dust gets clogged into the radiators and interferes with air circulation. It settles on the cooler, slowing down the speed of the propeller. Not so long ago, such problems could lead to the device failing. Today this disaster can be avoided. Modern computers allow you to exchange information with motherboard, which controls the temperature.

When its values ​​reach a peak, the controller first tries to unscrew the cooler screw. If this does not help, the system slows down, which is facilitated by a decrease in voltage. Then the computer may freeze completely.

The cooling system should be periodically purged system unit with help compressed air or vacuum cleaner;
necessary regular check operation of coolers, for which there are many special programs;
Thermal paste needs to be replaced periodically, as it tends to dry out;
The dust filters on the common fan need to be cleaned.

Often these problems lead to the computer freezing in games or various applications. In order to check how hot the computer components are, you should download any of the programs that are in free access on the Internet.

RAM problems

RAM is an important element of a computer. Its work is directly related to the performance of the device. The stability of RAM depends on whether it is compatible with the motherboard, BIOS, and other installed slats. Even the slightest glitch can cause your computer to freeze. When replacement becomes necessary random access memory, you should carefully study its characteristics, visit the website of its manufacturer and manufacturer motherboard.

It is also recommended to familiarize yourself with the speeds that are supported, the results of testing, and compatibility with other devices. It is also advisable to check. To do this, go to “Start”, type in search bar"memory checker". As a result, all errors will be displayed on the screen if they were noticed. In this case, the RAM requires replacement.

Unstable HDD operation

A hard drive is a device on which absolutely any information is stored. This can be either user or system data. Thus, the operating system constantly accesses hard drive. As a result, reading and writing data does not stop for a second. This means that system performance is related to the speed of the device.

Over time, “broken” clusters appear on it, as well as unreadable areas. They are the reasons for computer failure. Very often, the device freezes on the Internet, since during surfing the browser continuously records and deletes all kinds of small files.

Repairing a broken HDD

When HDD wear need to check it special programs. They will be able to search for bad sectors and mark them as non-working. Thus, the operating system stops using “bads” and stops freezing. To start checking, you should run command line. To do this, enter the name of the utility – “cmd” – into the “Run” window.

Here you will need to run the command “chkdsk [drive letter]: /f /r” for each partition. As is known, experienced users are free to define HDD status literally by the sound of his work. When clicks or whistles appear, it becomes clear that the equipment is faulty. It is worth realizing that recovering data from damaged hard drive hard enough. If the computer freezes immediately after starting, there is a high probability that the media has worn out.

Incorrect BIOS setting

The cause of the device freezing may also be incorrect setting BIOS. Of course it's better in in this case seek help from professionals. It seems that there is no point in trying to correct the situation for the average user. However, calling a specialist is not always possible. It is worth noting that even a beginner can perform such an operation if he approaches the issue with full responsibility. You need to carefully study all the information about your own computer.

It is especially worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristics motherboard. As a rule, this data can be easily found on the manufacturer's official website. You should find out which parameters are of particular importance, as well as what they are responsible for. While working with the program, you do not need to change many parameters at the same time. It is recommended to first change a few values, reboot, and then check the operation of the computer.

Next, you should continue editing. It is worth mentioning separately the item that exists in every BIOS - “Load Fail-Safe Defaults”. Thanks to it, you can bring all parameters to optimal. On the official website of the motherboard developer it is suggested to download and install a new one into your computer BIOS version. You should not refuse this procedure. As a rule, updates are corrected critical errors and increase operational stability. Possibly after installation new version the computer will stop freezing. Before performing this procedure, you must study the instructions.

Windows Services

The operating system is full a large number services that work almost without interruption. They can be enabled by default or added at runtime. The system is able to function normally without many of them. When one of the services does not respond or takes up a lot of CPU time, the computer may freeze. In order to see which of them exist in the system and which are active, you need to open the administration window. You need to go to the Start menu, click Control Panel, then click Administrative Tools. After this it is worth doing double click under the “Services” label.

To obtain comprehensive information about a specific service, you need to double-click on its name. First you should pay attention to those that feature automatic start. The download option can be seen in the “Startup Type” column. There is a single editing rule. It lies in the fact that if the description is not clear, it is not recommended to disable the component. It is better to find out the details of his work on the Internet. You should try to check the stability of the system after the next manipulation.

Using Task Manager to Solve Problems

View the list running processes easily in the task manager window. You must press the key combination “CTRL+ALT+DEL” on your keyboard. If there is confidence that specific program is useless, but takes a lot of CPU time, it can be completed. To do this, you need to press “DEL” on the keyboard or call the context menu.

In addition, from here you can make a transition to get to the utility storage location. This is very useful when the user does not understand exactly what he is interrupting. It is worth noting that process verification will not necessarily be optimal solution, however this process often provides assistance if the computer freezes.

Some programs are capable of loading the processor completely, and in the most active phases own work. But a frozen program will not stop using the maximum number of resources. That utility that works without failures, after a certain time will come V passive mode. You should also not complete the process called “System inactivity”.

Very often, users encounter a problem when for unknown reasons The entire system begins to freeze, periodically glitch, or even completely boot with errors. However, even the most advanced users, not to mention beginners, cannot always find the reason for this behavior.

In this article we will try to diagnose the main causes and find ways to eliminate them.

Unstable hard drive operation

If when connecting the built-in or external hard disk, the computer begins to freeze, this may indicate problems in the operation of the hard drive or further signs of its failure.

Depending on the type of problem (software, mechanical), this may be:

  • Loading failures.
  • The appearance of a “blue screen”.
  • A large number of bad sectors.
  • Low speed of reading/writing information.
  • Errors appear during operation.
  • Frequent freezes of the entire system.

Windows Standard Tools

The reason is that during operation HDD clicks and freezes, may be normal system errors and volatile sectors. Checking and fixing them is quite simple; for this we will use the usual “Explorer”.

When performing a check system partition(on which Windows is installed), a message will appear stating that the check will be performed at the next boot, we agree.

After this, its functionality should be restored.

Third party programs

There is another most effective way to diagnose a hard drive using free programs or . They are distinguished by great functionality and are used as the main tool for getting rid of bad sectors by professional craftsmen.

If, in addition to the fact that the hard drive often freezes and works slowly, other problems are observed: constant errors programs, drivers, failures in Windows OS. It is necessary to check it as soon as possible, since there is a possibility that at any moment it may fail and all information stored on it will be lost forever.


If your computer is freezing due to your hard drive, then it may be due to its . Modern hard drives emit a large amount of heat during active operation and can become very hot. That is why cooling elements are required for their normal use. Sometimes entire cooling systems using water or refrigerants are installed on gaming PCs.

In case of exceeding operating temperature If the drive is installed, the system begins to slow down and works extremely slowly and intermittently, which is why the laptop or computer may freeze. Modern motherboards have temperature tracking technology, information about which can be found in or using additional utility AIDA64.

To do this you need:

Normal temperature work hard the disc is 30-45 degrees. If the available indicators significantly exceed this number, then it is urgent to find the cause and take specific actions.

There may be several of them:

  1. A large amount of dust and dirt.
  2. Failure of the cooling system. This is especially important if you have a closed case and if the cooling system is not working, the heat generated by the components will only accumulate, as a result of which they can simply burn out.

First, you should thoroughly clean the device from clogging, removing all dust and dirt. If this does not help, then you need to check. If it does not work at all or periodically creaks, buzzes and makes other uncharacteristic sounds, then it should be lubricated, and, if necessary, completely lubricated, since it could fail during long-term use.

Doing all this with a laptop is much more difficult, since this device must be disassembled with special care and carefully following the special instructions.

Compatibility of controller and hard drive

A newly purchased modern hard drive freezes and slows down when connected, and also does not want to work faster than outdated drives. However, the performance test report shows that both devices produce the same results. This may be due to the fact that your motherboard does not support new interface. In this case, you will have to abandon the new drive or you will need to replace the motherboard with a more powerful one. new model.

The next reason is the cable used; it may also be outdated and simply not suitable for new HDD. In addition, old wires fail after prolonged use, especially when high temperature inside the case.

Contacts and cables

Oxidation of contacts

If, when copying this or that information to any of hard sections disk, it freezes, then the cause may be oxidized contacts. Due to the formed oxide layer at the contact site, the flow of current is disrupted and, as a result, the entire system freezes.

Getting rid of the oxide is quite simple with a regular hard eraser.


A damaged or loosely connected cable can be the cause of various problems with the hard drive. Therefore, this point should be carefully checked and, if necessary, the cable should be replaced.

Physical failure or lack of power

As a rule, with any physical malfunction of the internal mechanism of the hard drive, it may begin to creak, knock or squeak. This is especially often manifested as a result of various physical damage: fall, blow, severe overheating. All this can indicate either its imminent failure or a lack of power (if there was no physical damage).

In the first case, the only the right decision will - take it to service center. Since its functionality can only be restored under special sterile conditions and with certain skills.

If there is a lack of power, just turn off unused devices from a computer or laptop and recheck the HDD. You can also connect it to any other device. If the problem is solved, then the culprit has been found - low power supply. In this case, only replacing it with a more powerful one will help.

Disk fragmentation

Another reason why the computer takes a long time to boot and freezes may be due to fragmentation of the hard drive. Due to the constant addition and deletion of files, their contents are divided between several sectors of different areas of the hard drive. This process is called fragmentation.

At this moment, the drive head is constantly moving in search of scattered fragments of a particular file, and since parts of the file are located in different areas, it takes a lot of time.

At that time, defragmentation will organize the files, thereby reducing access time to them.

To defragment your hard drive, you can use any third party program, of which there are quite a lot on the Internet, or standard tools operating system.

To do this you need:

Now you know what to do if the hard drive on your computer freezes or slows down, thereby preventing the operating system from working properly. normal mode, and you will be able to troubleshoot existing problems yourself.

Several more effective methods are discussed in this video.

Deadly, Windows 7 stops responding to any commands, it’s even impossible to open the task manager? Such problems appear quite rarely. I must say that the computer is enough a complex system, and its performance depends on a huge number of factors. The article will discuss the main ones. After reading, you will learn to deal with most of the problems that lead to “freezes” on your own.


The first answer to the question of why the computer freezes is the simplest and most common. It is quite possible that your computer has become infected uninvited guests, which are well camouflaged. Typically, viruses not only threaten the security of the system, but also significantly load computer resources. Sometimes this load leads to

Everyone knows how to deal with such a scourge. It’s enough just to install any anti-virus program, update its databases to the latest ones and run the full one. It didn’t help - call and check the processes to see if there are any suspicious ones. It would also be a good idea to look into startup by entering the name of the utility “msconfig” in the “Run” window.

However, if the computer freezes dead after turning on, it will not be possible to install new software, much less check the PC. In this case, use any antivirus distribution that can create a bootable USB flash drive or CD.


When releasing each new device model, manufacturers try to make it more sophisticated than the previous one. And this requires more power. The latter, in turn. increases heat generation. For some time standard system cooling does its job, but after a while its effectiveness decreases - as a result, the computer freezes tightly. What to do if such a disaster happens?

Dust, which cannot be removed, clogs into radiators and interferes with air circulation. As dust settles on the cooler, it slows down the rotation speed of the propeller. Previously, such problems led to device failure. Today, fortunately, computers have become smarter; there will be no endless or video card. Modern devices have the ability to communicate with the motherboard, assigning it the responsibility of temperature control. As soon as the values ​​reach a critical point, the controller first tries to unscrew the cooler screw, but if this does not help, the system slows down the device, reducing the voltage. Soon the computer freezes completely.

To prevent such troubles from happening, remember a few simple rules:

Very often, because of this problem, the computer freezes in games or other graphics applications. To check how hot your computer components are, you can download a program. Fortunately, there are a huge number of similar ones on the Internet.

RAM problems

RAM is the most important element of a computer, which has a very big influence on its performance. Normal operation RAM depends on compatibility with the motherboard, with the BIOS, and with other installed memory sticks. A minor glitch, the smallest manufacturing defect - and the computer freezes tightly when turned on, not wanting to work even at low performance.

If you are going to increase or change the RAM, fully study its characteristics, go to the website of its manufacturer and the motherboard manufacturer in advance, study what speeds are supported, what tests have been carried out and whether it is recommended to use the devices together.

If the computer freezes before changing the configuration, you can check whether the RAM is faulty, using Windows 7. Just click on the “Start” button and type “memory checker” in the search box. During the procedure, the program will display all errors if any were found. There is only one recommendation: if there are errors, change the memory.

HDD instability

A hard drive is a device on which absolutely all data (both user and system) is stored. Accordingly, Windows accesses it all the time, reading and writing does not stop for a minute. This means that system performance directly depends on the speed of this component. Over time, “broken” clusters and unreadable areas may appear on it, which will lead to system failures. Often, because of this problem, the computer freezes on the Internet, because while surfing the browser constantly records and deletes many small files.

Repairing a broken HDD

If the HDD is worn out, you need to check it with special software tools who will find everything bad sectors and mark them as non-working. The OS will stop using “bads” and stop freezing. To check, launch the command line by entering the name of the program in the “Run” window - “cmd”. In it, run the command “chkdsk [drive letter]: /f /r” for each partition.

Experienced users can determine the status of the HDD by the sound of its operation. If it starts clicking or whistling, the equipment is most likely faulty and needs to be replaced. Be careful, often, if a hard drive begins to “crumble”, it will soon fail, and it is very difficult to recover data from such a device. Also, if the computer freezes after turning on, there is a high probability of wear on the hard drive.

Incorrect BIOS setting

If the computer freezes dead after turning on, very often the reason for this behavior of the system is incorrect setting BIOS. Some might think that to the average user You shouldn’t even try to fix something, you need to contact a professional. But still the computer freezes tightly - what to do if there is no way to call a specialist?

If you approach BIOS configuration with care, even a beginner can handle this procedure. Explore full information about your computer, and especially about the motherboard. Usually such data is easily found on the manufacturer’s official website. Find out which parameters are most important and what they are responsible for. When working with the utility BIOS settings Never change many parameters at once. First change a few, reboot, check the computer. Only then continue editing. A special mention should be made of the item that is in every BIOS - “Load Fail-Safe Defaults”. It brings all parameters to optimal - in the opinion of the developer.

Sometimes you can download and install a new BIOS version on the motherboard manufacturer's website. Never refuse such a procedure. Updates often fix critical bugs and improve stability. It is likely that after installing the new version, the freezes will disappear. The main thing is to read the instructions in advance.

Windows Services

The operating system runs a large number of services all the time, either enabled by default or added during operation. The system can work fine without most of them. If some service does not respond or takes up too much processor time, the computer freezes.

To see which of them are in the system and which are running, open the administration window ("Start" - "Control Panel" - "Administrative Tools") and double-click the "Services" shortcut. To get comprehensive information about a particular service, double-click on its name.

First of all, pay attention to those that start automatically. The loading method is indicated in the “Startup type” column. There is only one editing rule - if you do not understand the description, do not disable the component, but find out more about its operation from the Internet. Try to check the stability of the system after each individual manipulation.

Processes and programs

Each program starts its own process (sometimes even more than one), if it enters an endless loop or malfunctions, and the computer does not always freeze completely; Windows 7 still tries to independently cut off oxygen to non-responsive components. It is very easy to identify a frozen element - it usually takes up the lion's share of RAM and almost all the processor time.

Solving the problem using the task manager

You can view the list of running processes in the task manager window. Press the combination “CTRL+ALT+DEL” on your keyboard. If you are sure that some program does not carry a payload, but at the same time takes up 90-100% of the processor time, feel free to terminate it (by pressing “DEL” on the keyboard or by calling the context menu). You can also go to the location where the program is stored from here. This will be useful if you do not understand exactly what you are interrupting.

Checking processes is not always the best solution, but this procedure can often help if the computer periodically freezes. Remember that some programs can load the processor one hundred percent during the most active phases of their work. However, a frozen utility will not stop using maximum resources, and one that performs its functions without failures will again go into passive mode after some time. Also, do not try to end the process called System Idleness. It is used to poll other programs and system resources, and the variable in it does not display the processor load, but just the remaining free power.

Often, users reinstall Windows if the computer starts to slow down. This method may be effective, but it requires a lot of time and does not eliminate hardware difficulties. To restore the previous performance, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics and understand the reason why the system freezes. As a rule, the reason is one of the following.

1. High CPU and RAM load

If the system hangs, check the current usage level system resources. You don't have to use it for this. additional programs. A tool to help you understand your resource consumption is included. Windows supplies. To open it, simultaneously press three buttons on your computer keyboard - “Ctrl + Shift + ESC”. You can also use the combination “Ctrl + Alt + DEL”, and then select “Task Manager”.

In the manager window, click on the second tab - “Performance”. Here are graphs of the current load on the central processor, RAM, hard drives. Switching between sections is done by clicking on their name in the left column. If the load on one or more hardware components is constantly at its limit (the average value is 80-100%), the computer slows down precisely for this reason.

Important! More detailed information for reasons of load on hardware elements, it is available through the resource monitor. It opens from the link at the bottom of the window.

There are two main ways to resolve hangs caused by insufficient system resources. The first is to increase the amount of RAM, replace the processor or hard drive. For HDD replacement only needed new disk suitable size with appropriate interfaces. Before this step, you should make sure that the reason why your PC is slowing down is a hard drive failure. This can be done using Victoria utilities or MHDD.

Replacing the processor or RAM on a laptop is a more time-consuming and expensive process. Typically, motherboards portable devices have high requirements for iron compatibility. To find out which components are suitable for your computer, go to the manufacturer's website. It is important that the quality characteristics of new parts differ significantly from the characteristics of old ones. This will allow you to achieve a significant increase in productivity.

The second way to solve such problems is to free up existing hardware resources. You don't need to buy new parts to use it. It will be enough to find the reason why your PC is slowing down and close unnecessary applications running on the computer in background.

2. Running unnecessary background programs

Find out what applications are on this moment launched in Windows can also be in the “Task Manager”. Go to the first tab - “Processes”. It is most convenient to sort the list by the use of the component that is most loaded. For example, if RAM is often used at 80% or more, click on the corresponding column heading. Processes will be listed starting with those that consume the most memory.

If you need more detailed information about processes, add additional columns to the table. Click on any column header right click mouse and select the section you want to add. These can be the columns “Publisher” (program developer) and “Type” ( background process, application, Windows process). To end the program, select “End task” in its context menu. You can also mark a line and then press the “Del” button on your keyboard.

3. Unnecessary applications in Windows startup

If you haven't run it yourself unnecessary processes, found at the previous step, the reason for their appearance is automatic download at Windows startup. The further operation of such programs can be unnoticeable, since they are minimized to the tray or run in the background. But utilities consume their share of system resources even in such cases. This can cause the device to freeze, the PC to slow down or even reboot.

Autorun of some utilities is enabled immediately after installation. You can check the current startup list on the fourth tab of the task manager. By default, the following columns are enabled in the table:

  • Name — program name;
  • Publisher - the name of the company that developed the application;
  • Status - current status of automatic start;
  • Impact on startup - load on the system, causing it to freeze every time it starts.

Advice! To turn off automatic start application when loading the operating system, right-click on its name and select “Disable”.

4. Infecting your computer with viruses

The reason for freezing and slow work Windows may have virus activity. A number of viruses perform tasks of indexing or encrypting data on the hard drive, as a result of which the PC slows down. Other unwanted applications load the network by sending information over the Internet. A computer freezing in this case is not as critical as the main losses caused by the virus.

To avoid infection, do not open suspicious files, sent to you by strangers. Install utilities only from trusted sources - official websites and Windows Store. Use antivirus programs With active protection. They scan your computer in real time and prevent malicious software from executing. program code. Examples of such antiviruses:

  • ESET NOD32;
  • Avast;
  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus;
  • Dr.Web;
  • AVG Internet Security.

If it freezes regularly and you suspect an infection, check Windows using full scan. Scanning all files takes considerable time, however, only this will identify all real and potential security threats. If the antivirus detects files containing a potential threat, send them for online scanning through the VirusTotal service. She will help you check specific file several anti-virus utilities at once for a more accurate determination malicious code.

5. Overheating when the computer is running

Freezing or interruptions in the operation of the device may be caused by overheating. If the system gets too hot, it may slow down or turn off automatically. Shutting down occurs to avoid damage to computer parts, so the problem of overheating should not be ignored. Specify current temperature system components possible using the following programs:

  • Speccy;
  • HWMonitor;
  • AIDA;
  • SpeedFan;
  • Open Hardware Monitor;
  • OCCT.

Overheating is most often caused by poor ventilation of the internal components of the device. Fans used to cool parts become contaminated with dust and small particles. As a result, their effectiveness decreases. further work, since cold air is not able to freely pass through the layer of contamination on the blades. Dust can also settle on radiators and the boards themselves.

One of the most common troubles that a PC user encounters is its freezing. Sometimes this problem simply prevents it from working. It’s not so bad if after a reboot the situation does not recur, but it’s much worse when this phenomenon begins to recur with increasing frequency. Let's figure out why the laptop freezes or desktop computer with Windows 7, and also determine ways to solve this problem.

You need to immediately draw a line between the terms “computer freezing” and “braking”, since many users are confused about these concepts. When braking, the speed of operations on the PC decreases significantly, but in general you can continue working on it. When freezing, it becomes impossible to solve the assigned tasks, since the device practically does not respond to user actions, up to entering a complete stupor, from which you can only get out of it by rebooting.

The cause of the PC freezing may be whole line problems:

  • Hardware problems;
  • Incorrect configuration of the operating system or malfunctions in its operation;
  • Program conflict;
  • Viruses;
  • Creating a load on the system by running applications that exceed the stated capabilities of the OS or computer hardware.

These are basic groups of factors that directly initiate the creation of the causes of the problem we are studying. Moreover, sometimes different groups of factors can lead to the same immediate cause. For example, a freeze can be caused by a lack of PC RAM, which, in turn, can be a consequence of either a malfunction of one of the physical RAM strips or the launch of resource-intensive programs.

Below we examine the reasons for this phenomenon and options for solving the problems that have arisen.

Reason 1: Lack of RAM

Since we mentioned above that one of the reasons for a PC freezing is the lack of RAM, then we will begin describing the problem with a discussion of it, especially since this reason is just one of the most common factors of freezing. Therefore, we will dwell on it in more detail than on other factors.

Each computer has a certain amount of RAM, which depends on the technical data of the RAM installed in the PC system unit. You can see the amount of available RAM by performing the following manipulations.

In addition, the functions of the RAM, in case of overflow, can be performed by special file swap located on the PC hard drive.

Why did we find out all this? The answer is simple: if the amount of memory required to run all applications and processes currently running on the computer approaches or exceeds total amount available amount of RAM and paging file, the system will freeze. You can see how much processes running on your PC require using "Task Manager".

What to do in this case? If the system is frozen “tightly” and this situation persists long time, then there is only one way out - to make cold boot, that is, press the button located on the system unit, which is responsible for restarting the PC. As you know, when you restart or turn off your computer, the RAM in it is cleared automatically, and therefore after activation it should work normally.

If the computer reacts at least a little or at times returns at least part of its functionality, then it is possible to correct the situation without rebooting. To do this you need to call "Task Manager" and remove the process that is taking up too much RAM. But the challenge "Task Manager" through "Control Panel" in a freezing situation, it can take a very long time, as it requires several manipulations. Therefore, we call more in a fast way by pressing the combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

Of course, if freezing occurs relatively rarely, then restarting or manipulating "Task Manager" may serve as a way out of the situation. But what to do if similar phenomenon you meet quite often and the reason for this, as you found out, is precisely the lack of RAM? In this case, it is necessary to take some preventive measures that will either significantly reduce the amount similar cases, or get rid of them completely. It is not necessary to take all the steps listed below. It is enough to perform one or more of them, and then see the result.

Reason 2: CPU load

System freezes may be caused by CPU load. Is this so, you can also check in the tab "Processes" V "Task Manager". But this time pay attention to the values ​​in the column "CPU". If the value of one of the elements or the sum of the values ​​of all elements approaches 100%, then this is the cause of the malfunction.

This situation can be caused by various factors:

  • Weak CPU, not designed for the assigned tasks;
  • Launch large quantity resource-intensive applications;
  • Program conflict;
  • Viral activity.

We will dwell on the issue of viral activity in detail when considering a separate cause. Now we will look at what to do if other factors were the source of the freeze.

  1. First of all, try to terminate the process that is using the CPU via "Task Manager", just as shown earlier. If this action If you can’t do it, then restart your computer. If a program that loads the processor is added to startup, be sure to remove it from there, otherwise it will constantly launch when the PC starts. Try not to use it in the future.
  2. If you notice that a sharp increase in the load on your PC occurs only when you run a certain combination of programs, then most likely they conflict with each other. In this case, do not turn them on at the same time anymore.
  3. The most radical way to solve the problem is to replace the motherboard with an analogue one with a better powerful processor. But you need to take into account that even this option will not help if the cause of CPU overload is a virus or a program conflict.

Reason 3: System disk is loaded

Another common source of freezing is workload. system disk, that is, the partition of the hard drive on which Windows is installed. In order to check whether this is so, you should view the volume free space On him.

The only way out of this situation may be cleaning hard debris disk and extra files. In this case, it is necessary that the amount of free space on it exceeds at least 2 - 3 GB. It is this volume that will provide relatively comfortable work on the computer. If cleaning operations cannot be carried out according to reason for the hard hangs, then reboot the system. If this action does not help, you will have to clean the hard drive by connecting it to another PC or running c using LiveCD or LiveUSB.

To clean the disk, you can take the following steps:

Performing these manipulations will help get rid of freezes.

Moreover, how additional tool to increase the speed of your computer you can use defragmentation of hard disk. But it is worth remembering that by itself this procedure will not be able to get rid of freezes. It will only help speed up the operation of the system, and you will have to clean the hard drive in case of overcrowding in any case.

Reason 4: Viruses

Viral activity can also cause your computer to freeze. Viruses can do this by creating a load on the CPU, using a large amount of RAM, and damaging system files. Therefore, if you observe constant cases of PC freezing, you need to check it for the presence of malicious code.

As you know, scanning an infected computer with an antivirus that is installed on it rarely detects a virus even if it is present. In our situation, the matter is further complicated by the fact that the system freezes, and this is guaranteed to prevent antivirus utility perform their direct functions. There is only one way out: connect the hard drive of the PC that is suspected of being infected to another device, and scan with a specialized application, for example.

If a threat is detected, act according to the program prompts. Cleaning the system of viruses will allow the computer to operate normally only if they have not damaged important system files. Otherwise, you will need to reinstall the OS.

Reason 5: Antivirus

Paradoxically, sometimes the reason for freezing can be the antivirus installed on your PC. This can happen due to various factors:

  • The technical capabilities of the computer do not meet the requirements of the antivirus, and, simply put, the PC is simply too weak for it;
  • The antivirus program conflicts with the system;
  • Antivirus conflicts with other applications.

To check if this is the case, disable your antivirus program.

If after this the cases of freezing stop repeating, then it means that you are better off protecting your PC from malware and attackers use other software products.

Reason 6: Hardware failure

Sometimes the cause of a computer freezing may be a malfunction of the connected equipment: keyboard, mouse, etc. There is a particularly high likelihood of such failures occurring if hard damage disk on which Windows is installed.

If you have any suspicions about this kind of factors, you need to disconnect the corresponding device and see how the system works without it. If no failures are observed for a long time after this, then it is better for you to replace the suspicious device with another one. Using faulty devices connected to a PC can lead to much more serious problems than a normal freeze.

Sometimes the cause of freezing may be static voltage created inside the system unit. In this case, it is recommended to clean the computer from dust and ground the unit itself. By the way, dust can also cause overheating, which negatively affects the speed of work.

As you can see, a fairly wide range of factors can be the reasons for a computer freezing. To solve a problem, it is very important to establish what exactly leads to its occurrence. Only after this can we begin to eliminate it. But if you still haven’t been able to determine the reason and you don’t know what to do next, you can try to roll back the system to an earlier, stable version using the tool. An extreme step, if attempts to resolve the issue using other methods fail, may be to reinstall the operating system. But you need to take into account that if the source of the problem is hardware factors, then this option won't help you.