How to unblock access to a page in contact. How to unblock "Contact": the reason is incomprehensible activity on your page. How to unblock a hacked VKontakte page

I bought a SIM card with a new mobile phone number, wanted to link my VKontakte page to it, entered the number, but received the error “Unfortunately, this phone number is blocked.” The mobile application displays “Error. Sorry, you cannot use this number" or "Invalid phone number". How to unblock, how to unlink my new number from someone else’s page?

If the number is blocked by a mobile operator, and you need to restore the page, see another instruction: How to restore access to VKontakte if there is no number

Here below is the solution to the problem. Let's first understand why this happened.


This happens both when linking a number to an existing page, and when registering a new page. The fact is that mobile phone numbers that are not used for a long time (about 6 months) go on sale again and end up in the hands of other people. In this case, to you. Some VKontakte page was previously registered to this number, which was blocked forever for violating the rules - usually this happens after hacking, when spam is sent from the page. Often, along with the page, the phone number is also blocked, and it becomes impossible to link it to another page or use it for a new registration.


You need to contact support (READ MORE, DON'T STOP, BELOW WILL BE A LINK TO CREATE A REQUEST) with a request to unblock the number, since you purchased it in good faith and have no relation to the previous owner. Prepare as evidence photo or scan of a contract with a mobile operator or other document confirming this fact. It is advisable that your name, surname and telephone number in question be indicated there. If you take a photo, do it in good lighting and try to keep the text legible (in focus) in the photo. Possible on several sheets.

If there is no agreement with the operator, what can be provided instead?

If your page has been blocked on VKontakte and you cannot get there even at home (that is, the administrators have nothing to do with it), then you probably caught the virus. How to log into VKontakte if access is closed?

The first thing to do is clear your browser of cookies (they store all the information about our work with the browser).

Then enter in the address bar — This is the VKontakte IP address, which is usually not blocked by hackers.

If these steps do not help, check and edit the file on your computer. I described everything in detail in the previous article.

If the file hosts does not open or is not saved after editing, then right-click on it, select Properties, and uncheck only for reading– OK or restart the computer, press F8, select safe mode, repeat all actions with the file hosts in safe mode.

Attention! After each action performed, do not forget to restart your computer.

Be sure to download the latest version Dr.Web CureIt. This free utility will help scan your computer and restore the file. hosts, disinfect or delete infected files.

Attention! The viral page for blocking your account differs from the real one in that you are asked to pay via SMS for an activation code and are asked to send an SMS message to a specific number. Read carefully what is written on the blocking page. The activation code is sent free of charge. This rule applies to other social networks as well.

After editing the hosts file, open the Task Manager (Alt+Ctrl+Del), look for files in the window that opens : vkontakte.exe, user.exe, blocker, winact, locker.exe, if they are, then select - End the process.

Now we clean Startup. Start - Accessories - Run. In the window that opens, enter msconfig- OK.

In the tab that opens, click Startup and preferably uncheck all the boxes - OK.

You can remove the cache of the old VKontakte address: Start - Accessories - Run - write in the window ipconfig /flushdns - OK. Reboot.

Try rolling back the system to a day when everything worked:
Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore
Roll back to the number when everything worked.

The actions taken and your perseverance will definitely help you in the fight against Trojans, worms and other nasty things. And to protect yourself, do not rely entirely on antivirus programs, follow basic safety rules, namely, do not follow dubious links to dubious sites (most importantly), periodically change the password for your email and your social network accounts.

First of all, you need to understand that the words “page blocked” can mean completely different things. And each of them requires certain actions.

VKontakte, if it is desirable to find out for what reason it was blocked. There are many options and it makes no sense to list them in this article. After you have received a response from the administration, you need to send them a request for restoration. The more detailed you fill out all the fields, the greater the chance that the page will be restored.

It is believed that if your page contains a fake first and last name, and there is an ordinary picture instead of a photograph, it is officially impossible to restore the page. However, as practice shows, if you show the proper perseverance, it is also possible to achieve results. But it is still possible that the administration refuses to restore it and, moreover, blocks the person by IP address.

How to unblock a VKontakte page in this case? Everything is quite simple, especially if you are the owner. This means that every time you access the Internet, your computer is assigned a new address, which means you just need to disconnect from the network and connect again. If your IP address is permanent, then you can use special services that change it to an arbitrary one.

The most difficult thing to unblock a VKontakte page is if it was blocked due to a Trojan virus. The most common virus at the moment changes the contents of the hostes file, located in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder.

If you are infected with this virus, when you enter your page, or any other page, from your computer, you are redirected to a site whose appearance is completely copied from the VKontakte site. However, instead of a personal page, you see a message in front of you with the following text, which informs you that in order to unlock the page, you need to send something somewhere.

To unblock a page blocked by a Trojan, you need to open the hosts file with any text editor, even a regular Notepad will do. By the way, to do this you will need to log in to the system with administrator rights. The open file needs to be scrolled to the very end, selected everything up to the inscription “ localhost” and deleted. After which you must save the changes and close the file. Then you need to check your computer for viruses; if you don’t have one, you can do an online scan on the website of any company that produces antiviruses. Delete all infected files found, and then restart the computer. After this there should be no difficulties.

Difficulties may arise elsewhere. For example, the hosts file may simply not be displayed. In this case, you need to click “Show hidden files”. If the required file does not appear even after this, this means that this function is blocked by a Trojan. The virus may also prevent editing files. How to unblock a VKontakte page in this case? There are two options, you need to either remove all unnecessary programs from startup, or then follow the steps described above.

Remember that system files, which include the hostes file, must be handled with extreme caution. Do not delete anything unnecessary or edit other files from this folder. If everything is done correctly, then no problems should arise.

As you can see, answer the question “How to unblock a VKontakte page?” just in any case, which means the main thing is not to panic, but to strictly follow the instructions and not make unnecessary movements. And, of course, in no case should you send any SMS to the specified phone number, as this can be very expensive.

Several weeks have already passed since such social networks as VKontakte and Odnoklassniki were blocked in Ukraine. In addition, the blocking also affected all services included in the Mail Group and almost everything that was related to Yandex, leaving only their search engine and the main page.

As a result, as could be expected, the majority of users were dissatisfied and outraged by such a blocking. As soon as the news appeared that “contact” and “classmates” would be blocked, the majority took it quite calmly. Because they thought that the blocking would occur gradually over several years.

But before everyone had time to come to their senses, literally a week later all the providers, one after another, began to block access to these social networks, which came as a surprise to many. As a result, VKontakte’s online presence among Ukrainian users dropped significantly, since when they tried to load the page, a message appeared stating that this site was temporarily unavailable.

But it doesn’t matter, fortunately today there are quite a lot of different tools that allow you to unblock VKontakte and "Classmates". Therefore, let me show you a few examples of how you can bypass and gain full access to your favorite social networks.

How to unblock VKontakte and Odnoklassniki on a computer

In general, in order to open access to one of these social networks. networks, you just need to install any VPN extension in your browser. Today there are a lot of such applications, of course, some of them are completely free, while others are distributed on a paid basis or have a limited version in the form of a speed limit.

These VPN extensions, in principle, existed before, they were just not used very often, for example, this happened in cases where you needed to get to a site where connecting from your country was prohibited. In principle, our situation is somewhat similar.

Examples will be shown on such common web browsers as: Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

Let's start with Firefox:

Also, if necessary, in the future, you can disable or enable this extension by simply clicking on it and in the menu that appears, set the slider to the “Off/On” position.

If you start receiving notifications that the server to which you are connected is overloaded, you should simply change it. Again, by opening the ZenMate menu and clicking on the middle icon (country), select any other country and click on the “ Change” button.

Installing a VPN extension in Google Chrome

In Chrome, the installation procedure is similar:

How to bypass VKontakte blocking in Opera

You can also do without downloading extensions. You just need to install the Opera browser, where this VPN application from the company SurfEasy, which is owned directly by Opera, is already built-in, all you have to do is enable it in the browser settings.

Then close the settings window and go to VKontakte or Odnoklassniki without any problems.

In this simple way, you can easily unblock VKontakte and get back full access to these social networks.

How to unblock VKontakte on a smartphone

As for smartphones, there is nothing new here, the essence is the same, install a VPN and use the contact without any problems.

By default, TurboVPN is set to select the fastest server, but if you wish, you can change this by clicking on the planet image in the right corner and selecting the server you like there.

In general, this is how you can easily unblock access to VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or other Yandex or services, in just a few clicks. If you suddenly have questions or need help, I invite you to the comment form, I will definitely try to help you.

And yet I am also present in them and use them. Like I listen to music on VKontakete))) And, accordingly, I periodically catch all sorts of nasty things aimed at extracting money from inexperienced users. For example, blocking Odnoklassniki sites or, already mentioned, VKontakte. Yes, yes, this happens to me too...


True, the last time, the sites of these social networks began to fall apart for me and simply did not work. The content (i.e. content) of the pages was arranged in a column on the left side of the browser page with blue text. The structure of the pages was completely disrupted and it was impossible to use social media services. Moreover, in all browsers for browsing the Internet that were installed on the computer. And this had to be dealt with somehow.

At first, I thought that I had simply switched this site to the mode of displaying the user’s style. After all, such a display of pages may be for this reason. I tried to return the display to author mode. In the Opera browser, this is done through the top menu and then: “View-Style-Author Mode”. Naturally, it didn’t help.

Then, using a web search, I discovered that many users of the social networks VK and Odnoklassniki have similar problems. People on their own computer cannot log into Odnoklassniki or Contact, but on others they can. That is, the problem is not in the sites, but in your computer. The same picture applies to the blocking of these social network sites.

Blocking usually refers to a situation where, after entering data to log into your page on Odnoklassniki, a window appears with a message about blocking your account and the possibility of unblocking it with a paid SMS to a short number. By the way, you can read about the cost of SMS messages to short numbers in one of my old, but still quite relevant, articles. Naturally, you should not send this SMS. Read below what to do in this case.

Cleaning the HOSTS file

Actually, the whole point is stated in the title of the subsection. As it turned out, both problems, both with access to Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, and the incorrect display of their sites, have the same reason. Well, at least in the cases that I personally encountered.

Malicious software has modified the "Hosts" file, which is located in the "WINDOWS" system folder, and is responsible for matching the site's digital address (its IP) to its letter name. To be precise, the file is located at the address "C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" if the system is installed on the "C:\" drive. And its location on the computer is the same for both Windows 7 and Windows XP. First, go to the "etc" folder. There are two ways.

First. Just open any folder on your computer and enter “C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc” in the address bar and then press the “Enter” key. This folder should open.

The second option involves sequential actions.

  • Click on "START"
  • Then to "My Computer" ("Computer" for Windows 7).
  • Then go to the system drive "C:\".
  • There, find the "WINDOWS" folder
  • In it there is a folder "System32"
  • Next, open the "drivers" folder
  • And only then open the “etc” folder

This folder should contain the following files: "hosts", "lmhosts.sam", "networks", "protocol", "services". There shouldn't be any other files there, even with similar names. For example, “hosts.txt”, “hosts.bak” and so on. And the "hosts" file should not have any extension!

A small note. If no one has ever logged into the system drive “C” before, then a message may appear at the entrance stating that this is the system partition of the hard drive and working in it carries a risk of harming the operating system. You will need to allow the C drive to open.

If you don't see the "hosts" file in the "etc" folder, then most likely it is hidden. Therefore, you need to go through the top menu of the Windows window: “Tools” menu – click “Folder Options” – “View” tab – look at the “Advanced options” section – find and check “Show hidden files and folders”. All files should now appear in the folder. First, we delete all files that have at least something written after the word “hosts”. They shouldn't be there. But don't delete the "lmhosts.sam" file!

Now change the display of files in the folder to a table view (menu "View" - "Table"). This is necessary in order to see file sizes and modification dates. A sure sign that there are changes in the "hosts" file is when its creation date differs from other files and when its size differs from "1KB" in any direction. Next you need to be able to make changes to the "hosts" file. To do this, right-click on it and then select “Properties”. In the window that appears, in the “General” tab at the bottom next to the word attributes, uncheck the box (if any) next to the phrase “Read only” and click “OK”.

Now let's start opening, checking and editing the "hosts" file itself. When you start the "hosts" file, a window will appear asking you to select a program to open it. Select Notepad or WordPad Text Editor. Which one is more convenient for you? The text file "hosts" will open. It should contain the following entry:

# (C) Microsoft Corp., 1993-1999
# # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. #
# This file contains mappings of IP addresses to hostnames.
# Each element must be on a separate line. The IP address must
# should be in the first column and must be followed by the appropriate name.
# The IP address and hostname must be separated by at least one space.
# Additionally, some lines may contain comments
# (such as this line), they must follow the node name and be separated
# from it with the symbol "#".
# For example:
# origin server
# client node x localhost

There shouldn't be anything else there. In general, the only entry that is required there is: “ localhost”. If there is anything below, especially indicating the addresses of sites to which you have lost access, it needs to be deleted. Select the excess and click "Delete". Then save the file (File - Save). Restart your computer and try logging into your favorite social network VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. Everything should work.

Naturally, do not forget to scan your computer for viruses with an antivirus program like Avast or a free utility

About Windows 7

In Seven, it happens that a file is hidden and must first be made visible and then deleted.

To display all files in the V7 system:

  • Click sequentially: Start - Control Panel - Appearance and Personalization - Folder Options.
  • Click "Show hidden files and folders" - The "View" Tab will open
  • Scroll in the "Advanced options" window to "Hidden files and folders"
  • Check the box "Show hidden files, folders and drives" - Click OK

Next, go to the WINDOWS/system32/drivers/etc/hosts folder and look at the hidden hosts file. It will be translucent. Most likely, it will be problematic to remove it and the system will ask for administrator rights. For some reason...

If you can’t remove it directly, then download the free Unlocker program, install it and remove it with it. Now we move the cursor over the translucent hosts folder, right-click, select the “Unlocker” line in the menu, and left-click on it. The "Unlocker" program window will appear. Next, in “Unlocker”, select the “Delete” action.

After this, you don’t even have to create a new hosts file - it will be created later on itself. Reboot your computer. It should help.

And again the remarks.

I came across a case where there were two "hosts" files in the "etc" folder. But one was completely empty, and the other had changes made by the malware. In this case, you need to delete the excess, and in the remaining one, add only the entry “ localhost”. Or delete both and create a new text file using Notepad, into which enter the above text or text from the Windows website. Naturally, it should be called "hosts" and NOT have an extension like ".txt".

It may also be that at first glance there is nothing superfluous in the "hosts" file, but the extra entries are added far down the document. In this case, a scroll bar will appear on the side. Also delete unnecessary entries.

That's all. Congratulations to those who managed to master this opus. I hope everything works out for you and I answered the sacramental question: “I can’t log into VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. What should I do?”

Video review "Odnoklassniki and VKontakte blocked":

Below in the video review there is a solution to the problem when the Odnoklassniki and VKontakte website does not work correctly, namely: the page loads on the left in blue font. This can also help when access is blocked and it says in the window that the account is blocked and you need to send a paid SMS.